BIBCHECK 1 "01 October 1994" "Version 0.05"

Table of contents


bibcheck - check a BibTeX bibliography file


bibcheck <infile >outfile
bibcheck BibTeXfile(s) >outfile


bibcheck applies heuristic checks to BibTeX files to ferret out possible errors, portability problems, and stylistic problems, often finding ones that are quite difficult to spot by manual proofreading.

Some of the checks made are

Warning messages identify the file name and line number, in a format recognized by the GNU Emacs compile command, so that you can run it from within an Emacs session, and then position rapidly to the source file locations where the messages were raised.

lacheck(1) performs similar checks on LaTeX files; its great utility was the inspiration for this program.


BibTeX has loose syntactical requirements that the current simple implementation of bibcheck does not support. In particular, outer parentheses may not be used in place of braces following ``@keyword'' patterns. If you have such a file, you can use bibclean(1) to prettyprint it into a form that bibcheck can handle successfully.


bibclean(1), bibextract(1), biblex(1), biborder(1), bibparse(1), bibsort(1), bibtex(1), bibunlex(1), emacs(1), lacheck(1), nawk(1).


Nelson H. F. Beebe, Ph.D.
Center for Scientific Computing
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Tel: +1 801 581 5254
FAX: +1 801 581 4148
Email: <[email protected]>