% Sample MetaUML figures. % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. input metauml; beginfig(1); Class.Client("Client")()(); Class._Component("Component")()(); %("+Operation()", "+Add(Component)", "+Remove(Component)", "+GetChild(int)"); classStereotype._Component("<<interface>>"); Class.Leaf("Leaf")()("+Operation()"); Class.Composite("Composite")()(); %("+Operation()", "+Add(Component)", "+Remove(Component)", "+GetChild(int)"); leftToRight.top(30)(Client, _Component); leftToRight.top(20)(Leaf, Composite); .5[Leaf.ne, Composite.nw] = below(_Component.s, 45); drawObjects(Client, _Component, Leaf, Composite); link(associationUni)(pathHorizontal(Client.e, _Component.left)); link(inheritance)(pathStepY(Leaf.n, _Component.s, 20)); link(inheritance)(pathStepY(Composite.n, _Component.s, 20)); link(aggregationUni)(pathStepX(_Component.e, Composite.e, 55)); endfig; beginfig(2); Begin.b; Activity.eat("Eat something good", "from the kitchen"); Branch.enough; Fork.fork("h", 50); Activity.read("Read a book"); Activity.listen("Listen to music", "(and ignore it)"); Fork.join("h", 50); End.e; leftToRight.top(10)(read, listen); Group.readListen(read, listen); leftToRight(30)(b, eat); topToBottom(20)(eat, enough, fork, readListen, join, e); drawObjects(b, eat, enough, fork, readListen, join, e); clink(transition)(b, eat); clink(transition)(eat, enough); link(transition)(pathStepX(enough.e, eat.e, 80)); clink(transition)(enough, fork); clink(transition)(fork, read); clink(transition)(fork, listen); clink(transition)(read, join); clink(transition)(listen, join); clink(transition)(join, e); item(iGuard)("still hungry")(obj.sw = enough.e + (20, 0)); item(iGuard)("had enough")(obj.nw = enough.s + (0, -4)); endfig; beginfig(3); Actor.user("User"); Actor.db("Database"); Usecase.dbquery("Query database"); Usecase.auth("Authenticate user"); Usecase.authA("Authenticate by", "username, password"); Usecase.authB("Authenticate by", "smartcard"); leftToRight(30)(user.human, auth, dbquery, db.human); leftToRight.top(30)(authA, authB); .5[authA.ne, authB.nw] = below(auth.s, 20); drawObjects(user, auth, dbquery, db, authA, authB); clink(inheritance)(authA, auth); clink(inheritance)(authB, auth); clink(association)(auth, dbquery); clink(association)(user.human, auth); clink(association)(dbquery, db.human); endfig; beginfig(4); save b, e, reading, processing, composite, exit, error, result, theEnd; Begin.b; State.reading("Reading commands")(); State.processing("Processing commands")(); End.e; State.composite("Working")(b, reading, processing, e); composite.info.left := composite.info.right := 10; composite.info.drawNameLine := 1; topToBottom(20)(b, reading, processing, e); drawObject(composite); clink(transition)(b, reading); clink(transition)(reading, processing); clink(transition)(processing, e); ExitPoint.exit; exit.c=(composite.right, reading.midy); drawObject(exit); item(iAssoc)("error")(obj.nw = exit.s); clink(transition)(reading, exit); State.error("Preparing error report")(); State.result("Writing result")(); End.theEnd; topToBottom(20)(error, result, theEnd); leftToRight(30)(exit, error); drawObjects(error, result, theEnd); clink(transition)(exit, error); clink(transition)(error, result); clink(transition)(result, theEnd); link(transition)(rpathHorizontal(result.w, composite.right)); endfig; beginfig(5); save A, B; Note.A("An important", "UML note"); Note.B("Another note"); leftToRight(20)(A, B); drawObjects(A, B); clink(dashedLink)(A, B); endfig; beginfig(6); Class.A("A")()(); Class.B("B")()(); Package.pA("net.foo")(); Package.pB("net.foo.bar")(A, B); leftToRight(20)(A, B); leftToRight(50)(pA, pB); drawObjects(A, B, pA, pB); clink(nest)(pB, pA); endfig; beginfig(7); save A; Class.A("MyClass") ("attr1: int", "attr2: int") ("method1(): void", "method2(): void"); A.nw = (0, 0); % optional, implied drawObject(A); endfig; beginfig(8); save A, B; Class.A("A")()(); Class.B("B")()(); A.nw = (0,0); B.w = A.e + (20, 0); drawObjects(A, B); endfig; beginfig(9); save A, B; Class.A("A")()(); Class.B("B")()(); B.w = A.e + (20, 0); drawObjects(A, B); link(inheritance)(B.w -- A.e); endfig; end end