/* Convert transliterated Tamil text to codes known to the Tamilmax.tex */ /* set of macros using the wntml fonts */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> /* globally accessible variables */ int tamilflag,t_errors,true,false,errorcount,transflag; char switcher,tdelim; char tspace[2]; void changestate(); FILE *input,*output; char filename[128]; /* functions */ /* void bracket_err() { printf("\nCharacter '}' read while scanning Tamil; need to edit file.\n"); printf("Examine end of the output file to find location of problem."); fclose(input); fclose(output); abort(); } */ void haccbox() { puts("Tamilize: Tamil to TeX converter v:0.97 of 4/24/90"); puts("Humanities And Arts Computing Center, DR-10"); puts("University of Washington"); puts("Seattle, Washington, 98195 USA"); puts("phone (206)-543-4218"); puts("ridgeway@blake.u.washington.edu"); puts("Copyright 1990 Humanities and Arts Computing Center"); puts("You are welcome to use this work-in-progress, but please do not"); puts("redistribute: rather, refer other interested parties to us."); puts("Since this is a work in progress, we do not want uncontrolled"); puts("proliferation of pre-release versions."); return; } FILE *getopen(char *access) { int temp; FILE *handle; gets(filename); handle=fopen(filename,access); if (handle == (FILE *) NULL) { printf("Can't open file %s",filename); errorcount++; if (errorcount > 9) { printf("\n\n\n\n\nToo many errors!\n"); abort(); } } return handle; } FILE *get_file(char *access,char *prompt) { puts(prompt); return getopen(access); } int isvowel(char thischar) { switch (thischar) { case 'a' : case 'e' : case 'i' : case 'o' : case 'u' : return true; default : return false; } } void stringout(char *string) { fputs(string,output); } void charout(char thischar) { putc(thischar,output); } void romanout(char thischar) { stringout("{\\roman "); charout(thischar); charout('}'); } void transcribe_err(char thischar) { printf("Character %c encountered in Tamil environment.\n",thischar); romanout(thischar); } void pushback(char thischar) { ungetc(thischar,input); } void processtamil() { char ch; int newsyl; newsyl=true; for (tamilflag=true; tamilflag==true; ) { ch = getc(input); if (ch == EOF) abort(); if (ch == switcher) changestate(); else if (isspace(ch)) { stringout(tspace); charout(ch); for ( ch=getc(input); isspace(ch); ch=getc(input)) charout(ch); pushback(ch); newsyl=true; } else if (ispunct(ch) ) { if (ch == 125) printf("\nCharacter } encountered while scanning tamil -- probable error.\n"); romanout(ch); newsyl=true; } else { switch (ch) { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': if (newsyl==true) { charout(tdelim); newsyl=false; } charout(ch); break; case 'c': case 't': case 'p': case 'm': case 'y': case 'r': case 'l': case 'v': case 's': case 'j': case 'x': case 'h': charout(tdelim); charout(ch); newsyl=false; break; case 'k': charout(tdelim); ch=getc(input); if (ch=='4') charout('X'); else { charout('k'); pushback(ch); } newsyl=false; break; case '2': charout(tdelim); charout('N'); newsyl=false; break; case '3': charout(tdelim); stringout("NN"); newsyl=false; break; case '4': charout(tdelim); charout('S'); newsyl=false; break; case '5': charout(tdelim); stringout("NY"); newsyl=false; break; case '6': charout(tdelim); charout('R'); newsyl=false; break; case '7': charout(tdelim); charout('Z'); newsyl=false; break; case '8': charout(tdelim); charout('T'); newsyl=false; break; case '9': charout(tdelim); charout('L'); newsyl=false; break; case 'n': charout(tdelim); ch=getc(input); if (ch=='g') stringout("ng"); else { charout('n'); pushback(ch); } newsyl=false; break; default : transcribe_err(ch); newsyl=true; } /* endcase */ } /* endif */ } /* endfor*/ } void starttamil() { stringout("{\\btam "); /* stringout("{\\starttamil\%\n"); */ processtamil(); } void endtamil() { stringout("}\\etam{}"); /* stringout("}\\endtamil\%\n"); */ tamilflag=false; } void changestate() { if (tamilflag==true) endtamil(); else starttamil(); } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch,err,notdone,vowflag,initflag; errorcount=0; switcher='~'; true=1; false=0; tamilflag=false; tdelim=92; /* if we are in ASCII, that is a backslash */ /* if we aren't in ASCII, we just bought the farm probably */ tspace[0]=tdelim; tspace[1]=' '; haccbox(); vowflag=0; if (argc > 1) input = fopen(argv[1],"rb"); if (input == (FILE *) NULL) { /* prompt for and open input file */ for ( ; input == (FILE *) NULL ; input=get_file("rb","Enter name of input file: ")) ; } /* we are making these binary, as we have no guarantee what kind */ /* of character may be in the transcription: we don't care about */ /* ends of lines, as we are reading character by character */ if (argc > 2) output = fopen(argv[2],"wb"); if (output == (FILE *) NULL) { for ( ; output == (FILE *) NULL ; output=get_file("wb","Enter name of output file: ")) ; /* prompt for and open output file */ } while ((ch = getc(input)) != EOF) { if (ch == switcher) changestate(); else { if (ch == '|') { vowflag=1; notdone=1; initflag=2; while (notdone) { ch=getc(input); if (isalnum(ch)) { initflag--; if (vowflag==0) { if (! isvowel(ch)) stringout("\\-"); } if (isvowel(ch)) vowflag=1; else vowflag=0; } else { vowflag=1; initflag=2; } if (ch==EOF) notdone=0; else { switch(ch) { case '2': stringout("\\ndot{}"); break; case '3': stringout("\\nndot{}"); break; case '4': stringout("\\skts{}"); break; case '5': stringout("\\paln{}"); break; case '6': stringout("\\rdot{}"); break; case '7': stringout("\\rdotdot{}"); break; case 'T': stringout("\\tdot{}"); break; case 'D': stringout("\\dotd{}"); break; case '8': if ( initflag > 0 ) stringout("\\tdot{}"); else { err=getc(input); if (err == '8') stringout("\\tdot{}\\tdot{}"); else { stringout("\\dotd{}"); pushback(err); } } break; case '9': stringout("\\dotl{}"); break; case '|': notdone=0; break; default: putc(ch,output); } /* endcase */ } /* end else */ } /* endwhile */ } /* endif */ else putc(ch,output); } /* endelse */ } /* endwhile */ fclose(input); fclose(output); puts("Tamilize is done."); }