%% This is file `colorist/colorbook.cls',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% Copyright (C) 2021-2024 by Jinwen XU
%% This is part of the colorist class series.
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at
%% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
%%     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 2005/12/01 or later.
  {2024/02/23} {}
  {A colorful book style}

\tl_const:Nn \l__colorclass_base_class_tl { book }

\bool_new:N \l__colorclass_load_custom_font_file_bool
\bool_set_false:N \l__colorclass_load_custom_font_file_bool

\keys_define:nn { colorclass }
    , draft                   .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_fast_bool
    , draft                   .initial:n          = { false }
    , fast                    .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_fast_bool

    , print                   .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool
    , print                   .initial:n          = { false }
    , print mode              .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool
    , print~mode              .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool
    , print-mode              .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool
    , print version           .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool
    , print~version           .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool
    , print-version           .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool

    , load custom font file   .code:n             = {
                                                      \bool_set_true:N \l__colorclass_load_custom_font_file_bool
                                                      \str_set:Nn \l__colorclass_custom_font_file_str { #1 }
    , load custom font file   .default:n          = { colorist.font }
    , load~custom~font~file   .meta:n             = { load custom font file = { #1 } }
    , load~custom~font~file   .default:n          = { colorist.font }
    , load-custom-font-file   .meta:n             = { load custom font file = { #1 } }
    , load-custom-font-file   .default:n          = { colorist.font }

    , a4paper                 .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_a_four_paper_bool
    , a4paper                 .initial:n          = { false }
    , b5paper                 .bool_set:N         = \l__colorclass_b_five_paper_bool
    , b5paper                 .initial:n          = { false }

    , oneside                 .code:n             = { \PassOptionsToClass { \CurrentOption } { \l__colorclass_base_class_tl } }
    , twoside                 .code:n             = { \PassOptionsToClass { \CurrentOption } { \l__colorclass_base_class_tl } }

    , 11pt                    .code:n             = { \PassOptionsToClass { \CurrentOption } { \l__colorclass_base_class_tl } }
    , 12pt                    .code:n             = { \PassOptionsToClass { \CurrentOption } { \l__colorclass_base_class_tl } }

    , unknown                 .code:n             = {
                                                      \PassOptionsToPackage { \CurrentOption } { colorist }
\ProcessKeyOptions [ colorclass ]


\NewDocumentCommand \IfPrintModeTF { m m }
    \bool_if:NTF \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool { #1 } { #2 }
\NewDocumentCommand \IfPrintModeT { m }
    \bool_if:NT \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool { #1 }
\NewDocumentCommand \IfPrintModeF { m }
    \bool_if:NF \l__colorclass_print_mode_bool { #1 }

%%  Page layout
\RequirePackage { silence }
\WarningFilter { geometry } { Over-specification }

\PassOptionsToPackage { heightrounded } { geometry }
\RequirePackage { geometry }

    papersize = { 8.5in, 11in },
    total = { 6.500in, 9.130in },
    footnotesep = 2em plus 2pt minus 2pt,
    footskip = .5in,

\bool_if:NT \l__colorclass_b_five_paper_bool
        total = { 5.535in, 8.160in },
        footnotesep = 2em plus 2pt minus 2pt,
        footskip = .5in,

\bool_if:NT \l__colorclass_a_four_paper_bool
        total = { 6.500in, 9.685in },
        footnotesep = 2em plus 2pt minus 2pt,
        footskip = .5in,

\bool_if:NT \l__colorclass_fast_bool
    \PassOptionsToPackage { fast } { colorist }
    \RequirePackage { draftwatermark }
    \DraftwatermarkOptions { text = { \normalfont DRAFT }, color = paper!97!-paper }

\RequirePackage { indentfirst }

\RequirePackage { colorist }

%%  Fonts
\WarningFilter { latexfont } { Font~shape }
\WarningFilter { latexfont } { Some~font  }

\hook_gput_code:nnn { begindocument/before } { colorclass }
    \IfPackageLoadedTF { biblatex }
        \PassOptionsToPackage { biblatex } { embrac }
      } {}
    \RequirePackage { embrac }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \__colorclass_load_file_or_config:Nnn
    \bool_if:NT #1
        \exp_args:Nx \file_if_exist:nT { #2 }
            \exp_args:Nx \file_input:n { #2 }
    \use:n { #3 }

\__colorclass_load_file_or_config:Nnn \l__colorclass_load_custom_font_file_bool { \l__colorclass_custom_font_file_str }
    \RequirePackage { projlib-font }

    \bool_if:NF \g_projlib_font_already_set_bool
        \RequirePackage { mathpazo }
        \RequirePackage { newpxtext }
        \bool_if:NT \l__projlib_font_useosf_bool { \useosf }
        \RequirePackage { amssymb }
            \setsansfont { texgyreheros }
                Extension      = .otf ,
                Scale          = MatchUppercase ,
                UprightFont    = *-regular ,
                BoldFont       = *-bold ,
                ItalicFont     = *-italic ,
                BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic ,
        % Adjusting the kerning of 'embrac' for 'newpxtext'
        \hook_gput_code:nnn { begindocument/before } { colorclass }

%%  Graphics
\RequirePackage { graphicx }
\graphicspath { { images/ } }
\RequirePackage { wrapfig }
\RequirePackage { float }
\RequirePackage { caption }
\captionsetup { font = small }

%%  Icing on the cake
\bool_if:NT \l__colorclass_fast_bool { \endinput }

    \RequirePackage { lua-widow-control }
    \lwcsetup { balanced }
    \PassOptionsToPackage { all } { nowidow }
    \RequirePackage { nowidow }

    \RequirePackage { regexpatch }
    \skip_new:N \g_colorclass_parfillskip_skip
    \hook_gput_code:nnn { begindocument } { colorclass }
        \skip_gset:Nn \g_colorclass_parfillskip_skip { 0pt plus \dim_eval:n { \linewidth - 3em } }
        \skip_gset_eq:NN \parfillskip \g_colorclass_parfillskip_skip

%% End of file `colorist/colorbook.cls'.