% package information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

\ProvidesPackage{cora-macs}[2024-12-11] % Should match the version on CTAN.

% Authors: Tobias Ladner, Lukas Koller
% TUM - Cyber-Physical Systems Group
% Website: https://www.ce.cit.tum.de/cps

% Based on: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Writing_your_own_package

% required packages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% general packages

% color

% tikz

% pre-processing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% for better logging
  % display information
    \PackageInfo{cora-macs}{Loading '#1' option..}
    % content

% nice to have

% all sets should be written in mathcal

% CORA macro

% declare options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

\DeclareCORAOption{sets}{ %                                                                          --- continuous sets
% contSet ---

% formatting

  % short-hand notation (including nice punctuation for large sets)
  \newcommand{\shortContSet}[3][]{\ensuremath{% \defContSet[punctuation]{abbreviation}{cs parameters of set}
    \ifthenelse{\isempty{#1}}% add abbreviation
    {} % none given
    {\neghphantom{\scriptsize #3}#1\neghphantom{#1}\hphantom{\scriptsize #3}}
  \newcommand{\defContSet}[2]{\left\{ #1 \ \middle|\ #2 \right\}}
  \newcommand{\defContSetSplit}[2]{\left\{ #1 \vphantom{#2} \ \right| \\ &\qquad \left. \vphantom{#1} #2 \right\}}

  % interval ---

  % zonotope ---
  \newcommand{\defZ}{\left\{ c + \sum_{i=1}^{p} \beta_i G_{(\cdot,i)} ~\middle|~ \beta_i \in [-1,1] \right\}}

  % polynomial zonotope ---
  \newcommand{\defPZmain}{c + \sum_{i=1}^h \left(\prod_{k=1}^p \alpha_k^{E_{(k,i)}}\right) G_{(\cdot, i)} + \sum_{j=1}^{q} \beta_j G_{I(\cdot, j)}}
  \newcommand{\defPZcond}{\alpha_k, \beta_j \in \left[-1,1\right]}

\DeclareCORAOption{operations}{ %                                                                         --- operations

% define monospace operator including inline operator
    \IfSubStr{#1}{inline}% if inline
    {(#3)}% no \left/\right

  % enclosure

  % further operations

  % operations that should be stantard latex operations

\DeclareCORAOption{nn}{ %                                                                            --- neural networks

% neural network

  % layers
  \newcommand{\actfun}{\nnActFun} % remove?

  % point propagation

  % set propagation

  % set-based training

  % other

  % specification



\DeclareCORAOption{colors}{%                                                                                  --- colors

% cora colors (see CORAcolor in cora)                                                                    --- cora colors
  \definecolor{CORAcolorReachSet}{rgb}{0.2706, 0.5882, 1.0000}     % blue
  \definecolor{CORAcolorReachSet2}{rgb}{0.6902, 0.8235, 1.0000}    % light-blue
  \definecolor{CORAcolorInitialSet}{rgb}{1, 1, 1}                  % white
  \definecolor{CORAcolorFinalSet}{rgb}{0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000}     % light-gray
  \definecolor{CORAcolorSimulations}{rgb}{0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000}  % black
  \definecolor{CORAcolorUnsafe}{rgb}{0.9451, 0.5529, 0.5686}       % red
  \definecolor{CORAcolorUnsafeLight}{rgb}{0.9059, 0.7373, 0.7373}  % light red
  \definecolor{CORAcolorSafe}{rgb}{0.4706, 0.7725, 0.4980}         % light green
  \definecolor{CORAcolorUnknown}{rgb}{0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250}      % yellow
  \colorlet{CORAcolorInvariant}{CORAcolorSafe}                     % light green

  % default colors (also default matlab colors)
  \definecolor{CORAcolorBlue}{rgb}{0, 0.4470, 0.7410}
  \definecolor{CORAcolorRed}{rgb}{0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980}
  \definecolor{CORAcolorYellow}{rgb}{0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250}
  \definecolor{CORAcolorPurple}{rgb}{0.4940, 0.1840, 0.5560}
  \definecolor{CORAcolorGreen}{rgb}{0.4660, 0.6740, 0.1880}
  \definecolor{CORAcolorLightBlue}{rgb}{0.3010, 0.7450, 0.9330}
  \definecolor{CORAcolorDarkRed}{rgb}{0.6350, 0.0780, 0.1840}

  % define order of colors (see useCORAcolors in cora)

  \definecolor{CORAcolorHighlight1}{rgb}{1.0000,0.6824,0.2980} % 'CORA:highlight1 (orange)'
  \definecolor{CORAcolorHighlight2}{rgb}{0.3804,0.6275,1.0000} % 'CORA:highlight2 (lightblue)'

  %                                                                                                       --- TUM colors
  \definecolor{TUMblue}{rgb}{0.00, 0.40, 0.74}
  \definecolor{TUMgray}{rgb}{0.85, 0.85, 0.86}
  \definecolor{TUMpantone285C}{rgb}{0.00, 0.45, 0.81}
  \definecolor{TUMpantone300C}{RGB}{27, 94, 170} %uncorrected TUMpantone300C


\DeclareCORAOption{tikz}{ %                                                                                     --- tikz

% groupplots

  % main packages

  % tikz externalize
  % include tikz
    \tikzset{external/export next=\CORAtikzexternalize}
  % reuse externalized pdf
    % include pdf if exists
      % include pdf
      % show error message
          \tiny  \sloppy
          The file ''\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\includetikzinternalpath}/\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{\CORAtikzname{#1}}.pdf`` does not exist and has to be exported first.
          Please re-compile with tikz externalize and shell escape enabled.
          Check the documentation for details.
    % call tikz
  % set up commands for tikz options (default: false)
  % option 'animate': externalize with overlaynumber
    % have overlay number in name to have each overlay as separate pdf
        % additionally have one pdf for handout mode
    % option 'noexternalize'/'noexport': whether figure should be externalized
  % main command to include tikz
  \providecommand{\includetikz}[2][]{\texttt{Not yet initialized}}
  % make tikz/pdf selectable

  \tikzset {external/optimize=true}
  % ensure

  % styling
  \pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
    ylabel near ticks,
    xlabel near ticks,

  % frame animations - in-/visible on for tikz objects
    alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
    \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path
  visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
  invisible on/.style={alt={#1{invisible}{}}},

% tikz neural networks
  pics/nn/.style n args={4}{code={ % args: number of layers, list of hidden neurons, size of neuron, distance between neurons
    \foreach[count=\i] \h in {#2} { % draw network
      \foreach \ii in {1,...,\h} { % draw layer
        \node[circle,fill=CORAcolorBlue!75,draw=CORAcolorBlue,thick,inner sep={#3}] (l\i-\ii) at ({1.0cm*(\i-1-0.5*(\hn-1))},{\d*(\ii-0.5*(\h+1))}) {}; % \d*(\ii-1+0.5*Mod(\h,2))
    % connect neurons
    \foreach[count=\i] \hi in {#2} { %
      \foreach[count=\j] \hj in {#2} { %
        \foreach \ii in {1,...,\hi} { %
          \foreach \jj in {1,...,\hj} { %
            \draw (l\i-\ii.east) -- (l\j-\jj.west); %
  neuron label/.style n args={1}{label={[font=\footnotesize,text=white]center:#1}},
  pics/zono3/.style n args={2}{code={\filldraw (0,-{#1}) -- (-{#2},-{#1}) -- (-{#2},0) -- (0,{#1}) -- ({#2},{#1}) -- ({#2},0) -- cycle;}},
  pics/lossArrows3/.style n args={2}{code={\draw (0,0) -- ({0.5*#2},{0.5*#1}) -- ({0.5*#2},{#1}) -- ({#2},{#1});}},

  enclosurefunction/.style={color=black, forget plot},
  enclosureset/.style={color=CORAcolorGreen, forget plot},
  enclosuresetbounds/.style={color=CORAcolorGreen, dashed, forget plot},
  enclosureinputbounds/.style={color=TUMgray, dashed, forget plot},
  enclosurepolynomial/.style={color=CORAcolorBlue, forget plot},
  enclosureerror/.style={color=CORAcolorRed, forget plot},


% process options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


% post-processing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------