                           left navigation column with blog.sty]
%% Copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck, 
%% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu 
%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below -- 
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under 
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either 
%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. 
%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via 
%%   http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu 
%% == 'blog.sty' Required ==
%% ---but what about options (TODO)?    %% 2011/10/09
%% == Switches ==
%% %% introduced 2011/04/29, it seems
%% There is a ``standard" page width and a ``tight one" 
%% (the latter for contact forms)---|\iftight|:
%% In order to move an anchor to the \emph{top} of the screen 
%% when the anchor is near the page end, the page must get 
%% some extra length by adding empty space at its 
%% bottom---|\ifdeep|:
%% == Page Style Settings (to be set locally) ==
% \newcommand*{\pagebgcolor}{\#f5f5f5}  %% CSS whitesmoke
% \newcommand*{\pagespacing}{\@cellpadding{4} \@cellspacing{7}} 
% \newcommand*{\pagenavicolwidth}{125}
% \newcommand*{\pagemaincolwidth}{584}
% \newcommand*{\pagewholewidth}  {792}
%% == Possible Additions to 'blog.sty' ==
%% === Tables ===
%% |\begin{spancolscell}{<number>}{<style>}|
%% opens an environment that contains a row and a single cell 
%% that will span <number> table cells and have style <style>:
    \starttr\startTd{\@colspan{#1} #2 % 
                     \@width{100\%}}% %% TODO works? 
%% The |{hiddencells}| einvironment contains cells that do not align 
%% with other cells in the surrounding table. The purpose is using
%% cells for horizontal spacing.
%% |{pagehiddencells}| is like `{hiddencells}' except that 
%% the \HTML\ code is indented:
%% |\begin{FixedWidthCell}{<width>}{<style>}| \ opens the 
%% `{FixedWidthCell}' environment. The content will form a cell 
%% of width <width>. <style> are additional formatting parameters:
%% |\tablehspace{<width>}| is a variant of \LaTeX's `\hspace{<glue>}'. 
%% It may appear in a table row: 
\newcommand*{\tablehspace}[1]{\startTd{\@width{#1} /}}
%% === Graphics ===
%% The command names in this section are inspired by the names 
%% in the standard \LaTeX\ \ctanpkgref{graphics} package.
%% (They may need some re-organization TODO.)
%% |\simpleinclgrf{<file>}| embeds a graphic file <file> without 
%% the tricks of the remaining commands.
\newcommand*{\simpleinclgrf}[1]{\IncludeGrf{alt="" \@border{0}}%
%% |\IncludeGrf{<style>}{<file>}| embeds a graphic file <file> 
%% with style settings <style>:
\newcommand*{\IncludeGrf}[2]{<img #1 src="#2">}
%% |\includegraphic{<width>}{<height>}{<file>}{<border>}{<alt>}{<tooltip>}| 
%% ...:                             %% fine with mdoccorr 2011/10/13
        \@width{#1} \@height{#2} %% data; presentation:
        alt="#5" \@title{#6}}%
%% |\insertgraphic{<wd>}{<ht>}{<f>}{<b>}{<align>}{<hsp>}{<vsp>}{<alt>}{<t>}|
%% \\adds <hsp> for the `@hspace' and <vsp> for the `@vspace' 
%% attribute:
        \@width{#1} \@height{#2} %% data; presentation:
        align="#5" hspace="#6" vspace="#8"
        alt="#8" \@title{#9}}%
%% |\includegraphic{<wd>}{<ht>}{<file>}{<anchor>}{<border>}{<alt>}{<tooltip>}| 
%% \\uses an image with `\includegraphic' parameters as a link to 
%% <anchor>:
%% === \acro{HTTP}/Wikipedia tooltips ===
%% |\httptipref{<tip>}{<www>}{<text>}| \ works like \
%% `\httpref{<www>}{<text>}' except that <tip> appears as ``tooltip":
  \TagSurr a{\@title{#1}\@href{http://#2}\@target@blank}}
%% |\@target@blank| abbreviates the `@target' setting for 
%% opening the target in a new window or tab:
%% % |\wikitipref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}{<text>}| \ 
%% |\wikitipref{<lc>}{<lem>}{<text>}| 
%% works like
%% % \\
%% % `\wikiref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}{<text>}' 
%% `\wikiref{<lc>}{<lem>}{<text>}' 
%% except that 
%% ``Wikipedia" appears as ``tooltip". 
%% |\wikideref| and |\wikienref| are redefined to use it:
%% == Page Structure ==
%% The body of the page is a table of three rows and two columns. 
%% === Page Head Row ===
%% |\PAGEHEAD| opens the head row and a single cell that will span 
%% the two columns of the second row.
    \@border{0}%%                       %% TODO local 
    \iftight \else \@width\pagewholewidth \fi 
  %% omitting <tbody>
  \ \comment{ HEAD ROW }\CLBrk
% \newcommand*{\headgrf}  [1]{%                     %% rm. 2011/10/09
%     \indentiii\simplecell{\simpleinclgrf{#1}}}
% \newcommand*{\headgrfskiptitle}[3]{%
%   \pagehiddencells
%     \headgrf{#1}\CLBrk
%     \headskip{#2}\CLBrk
%     \headtitle1{#3}\CLBrk
%   \endpagehiddencells}
%% |\headuseskiptitle{<grf>}{<skip>}{<title>}|
%% first places <grf>, then skips horizontally by <skip>, 
%% and then prints the page title as \xmltagcode{h1}:
%% |\headskip{<skip>}| is like `\tablehspace{<skip>}'
%% except that the \HTML\ code gets an indent.
\newcommand*{\headskip}    {\indentiii\tablehspace}
%% Similarly, |\headtitle{<digit>}{<text>}| is like 
%% `\heading<digit>{<text>}' apart from an indent and 
%% being put into a cell:
%% === Navigation and Main Row ===
%% |\PAGENAVI| closes the head row and opens the ``navigation" 
%% column, actually including an `{itemize}' environment.
%% Accordingly, `writings.fdf' has a command `\fileitem'. 
%% But it seems that I have not been sure ...
    \ \comment{NAVIGATION COL}\CLBrk 
%% <- using `@class'=`paper' here is my brother's idea, 
%% not sure about it ...
    %% omitting `\@height{100\%}' 
%% |\PAGEMAINvar{<width>}| closes the navigation column 
%% and opens the ``main content" column. The latter gets 
%% width <width>:
    \indentii\enditemize\ \endFixedWidthCell\CLBrk
    \ \comment{ MAIN COL }\CLBrk
%% ... The width may be specified as |\pagemaincolwidth|, 
%% then |\PAGEMAIN| works like `\PAGEMAINvar{\pagemaincolwidth}':
%% === Footer Row ===
%% |\PAGEFOOT| closes the ``main content" column as well as 
%% the second row, and opens the footer row:
%     \indentii\tablehspace{96}\CLBrk %% vs. \pagemaincolwidth
  %% <- TODO margin right of foot
    \ \comment{ FOOT ROW / }\CLBrk
    \indenti\spancolscell{2}{\@class{paper} \@align@c}%
%% <- again class ``paper"!?
%% |\PAGEEND| closes the footer row and provides all the rest 
%% ... needed?
%% == The End and HISTORY ==


2011/04/29   started (? \if...)
2011/09/01   to CTAN as `twocolpg.sty'
2011/09/02   renamed
2011/10/09f. documentation more serious 
2011/10/13   `...:' OK