\ProvidesFile{SASnRdisplay.cfg}[2011/07/22 v0.1 by J\o rgen Granfeldt and Lars Madsen] %% %% This file can be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2003/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Lars Madsen (daleif@math.au.dk) %% Data supplied by J\o rgen Granfeldt (jqrgen@math.au.dk) %% % how to use: % % the style sas-more-keywords is used by the ...SAScode macros to % add extra user defined stuff, this will usually be extra SAS % keywords, the standard SAS ones for listings can be seen in lstlang3.sty % % the normal use goes like this: % % morekeywords={comma separated list of words}, % % it might not be a good idea to use spaces. If part of one word is % included in another and each word is contained in different classes % (see below) then the longer of the two words should be mentioned first % % the keywords can be devided into classes of keywords, and each class % can have their own style / appearance, this is done using the % following syntax: % % morekeywords=[<number>]{keywords}, % % if you do not specify any style for level / class [<num>] then it % will get the default keywordstyle, which is defined in % SASdisplay.sty as % % keywordstyle=\normalfont\bfseries\ttfamily, % % that is a bold typewriter, since Computer Modern does not have a % bold typewriter, might might be a good idea to use the luximono % package or any other typewrite (monospaced) font that allowes boldface % To specify a default keywordstyle for class [<num>] simply use % % keywordstyle=[<num>]{code}, % % example: keywordstyle=[7]{\normalfont\ttfamily}, which means that % this class of keywords normally appears as if they were normal % non-keywords. This behavior can the be changed locally, like this % % \inputSAScode[keywordstyle={[7]{\normalfont\bfseries\ttfamily}}]{..} % % the extra set of braces a required in this case because of the % outer {}-set. The above code the locally sets the 7-class of keywords to % appear as keywords and not as normal words / variables. % % Please note that strictly speaking keywords and functions in SAS % does not the to be in uppercase. But J\o rgen Granfeldt (for whom % SASdisplay and now SASnRdisplay was originally written) uses % uppercase keywords / functions as a educational tool, and therefore % writes userdefined variables etc. in lowercase. Therefore this % configuration file might suit you particular needs. Feel free to % rewrite it as your own. % % sasmorekeywords \lstdefinestyle{sas-more-keywords}{% morekeywords={SASAUTOS,LABEL}, morekeywords={PROC,INSIGHT,SCATTER,QUIT,FORMAT,VALUE}, morekeywords={DISCRIM,WCOV,WSSCP,METHOD,POOL}, morekeywords={DATALINES,WITH,OPTIONS,GPLOT,LS,PS}, morekeywords={SYSLIN,INSTRUMENTS,ENDOGENOUS,EXOGENOUS,IDENTITY,% WEIGHT,OLS,2SLS,LIML,SUR,ITSUR,3SLS,IT3SLS,FIML,MELO}, morekeywords={MODEL,OUT,STDR,STDP,H,R,STUDENT,RSTUDENT,PRESS,% UCL,LCL,UCLM,LCLM,CL}, morekeywords={FREQ,TABLES}, morekeywords={GLM,CLASS,LSMEANS,MANOVA,MTEST,REG,PRINTE,% FILENAME,GOPTIONS,DEV,CTEXT,GACCESS,NOPRINT,CONTRAST,ESTIMATE,RANDOM}, morekeywords={SS1,SS2,SS3,SSD,SS4,CLI,CLM,CLPARM}, morekeywords={NOUNI,OUTPUT}, morekeywords={E,E1,E2,E3,SOLUTION,TEST},% morekeywords={IML,USE,READ,ALL,INTO,PRINT,COLNAME,ROWNAME,CREATE,% FROM,APPEND}, morekeywords={MIXED,DDFM,REPEATED,PARMS,PRIOR,ALPHA,TYPE}, morekeywords={GREPLAY,NOFS,NOBYLINE,IGOUT,TC,TEMPLATE,TREPLAY,GOUT}, morekeywords={GSFMODE,TARGETDEVICE,ROTATE,CBACK,GUNIT,HTITLE,HTEXT,% FTEXT,CSYMBOL,ANNOTATE}, morekeywords={SYMBOL,SYMBOL1,SYMBOL2,SYMBOL3,SYMBOL4,SYMBOL5,SYMBOL6,% SYMBOL7,SYMBOL8}, morekeywords={LEGEND1,LEGEND2,LEGEND3,ANGLE}, morekeywords={INTERPOL,I}, morekeywords={AXIS,AXIS1,AXIS2,AXIS3,AXIS4,AXIS5,AXIS6,AXIS7,AXIS8,% HAXIS,VAXIS,ORDER}, morekeywords={MINOR,WIDTH,COLOR,GPLOT,PLOT,OVERLAY}, morekeywords={I,V,L,H,C,ANGLE,NOLEGEND,USS,OF}, morekeywords={TITLE,TITLE1,TITLE2,TITLE3,TITLE4,TITLE5,TITLE6}, morekeywords={PRINCOMP,COV}, morekeywords={GSFNAME,GSASFILE,INCLUDE}, morekeywords={GENMOD,LINK,FWDLINK,INVLINK,ASSESS,ASSESSMENT,OBSTATS,% SCALE,DSCALE,PSCALE}, morekeywords={TYPE1,TYPE3,WALD,WALDCI,XVARS}, morekeywords={DIST,TOTAL,NOINT,OFFSET}, morekeywords={ODS, LISTING,ParameterEstimates,RESDEV,STDRESDEV,% PREDICTED,RESCHI,RESLIK,STDRESCHI}, morekeywords={XBETA,STDXBETA,LOWER,UPPER,HESSWGT}, morekeywords={FWDLINK,INVLINK,VARIANCE,DEVIANCE}, morekeywords=[7]{P}, keywordstyle=[7]{\normalfont\ttfamily}, % Listings setup for SAS include / and * in the keyword list, % meaning we cannot style comments in SAS, we therefore remove % remove them from the keyword list otherkeywords={!,!=,~,$,\&,_,<,>=,=<,>}, } % end sasmorekeywords %$ for emacs