/* Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2014 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author. FILE: angled_string.lex Dates: 2 mar. 2005 Purpose: angle bracket filename: Eg <yacco2.h> Returned: T_angled_string Err_bad_eos - meta terminal indicating an improper end-of-string this occurs on eof,eog, or an eol terminal ending the string Err_bad_esc - bad escape sequence. Note: Stripped of its bounding <> for ease of use */ /@ @i "/usr/local/yacco2/copyright.w" @** |angled_string| Thread.\fbreak It recognizes character sequences of example ${<}$ my disc ${>}$ typically used in a c++ include statement or in my case files to be read either thru my own include statements or from the command line. |esc_seq| thread evaluates the c++ literal character escape sequences buried inside the angled brackets. The escape sequences cover the backslash variety --- octal, hex, and character, and those pesky unicode types. Nothing is done with them at present --- only their syntax is recognized. The |esc_seq| terminal returned contains the character string parsed. The |angled_string| returned contains the enclosed character string without the bounding angle brackets. So ${<}$ my disc ${>}$ becomes ``my disc'' without the quotes. The {\bf empty string} is tollerated. It is left to the calling grammar to deal with it.\fbreak \fbreak Errors:\fbreak Caused by either an invalid character escape sequence or an improper closing of the |angled_string| --- an end of line or file etc before possibly omitted closing ``${>}$'' bracket. These two conditions are indicated by the 2 error terminals |Err_bad_esc| and |Err_bad_eos|.\fbreak \fbreak Returned T: |T_angled_string| \fbreak @/ fsm (fsm-id "angled_string.lex",fsm-filename angled_string,fsm-namespace NS_angled_string ,fsm-class Cangled_string { user-prefix-declaration #include "esc_seq.h" *** user-declaration public: char ddd_[1024*32]; int ddd_idx_; void copy_str_into_buffer(std::string* Str); void copy_kstr_into_buffer(const char* Str); *** user-implementation void Cangled_string::copy_str_into_buffer(std::string* Str){ const char* y = Str->c_str(); int x(0); for(;y[x]!=0;++x,++ddd_idx_)ddd_[ddd_idx_] = y[x]; ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0; } /@ @*3 |copy_kstr_into_buffer|. @/ void Cangled_string::copy_kstr_into_buffer(const char* Str){ const char* y = Str; int x(0); for(;y[x]!=0;++x,++ddd_idx_)ddd_[ddd_idx_] = y[x]; ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0; } *** constructor ddd_idx_ = 0; ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0; *** op ddd_idx_ = 0; ddd_[ddd_idx_] = 0; *** } ,fsm-version "1.0" ,fsm-date "17 Juin 2003" ,fsm-debug "false" ,fsm-comments "Angled string lexer: < ... > with c type escape sequences.") parallel-parser ( parallel-thread-function TH_angled_string *** parallel-la-boundary eolr *** ) @"/usr/local/yacco2/compiler/grammars/yacco2_T_includes.T" rules{ Rangled_string () { -> Ropen_angle |.|{ op Cangled_string* fsm = (Cangled_string*) rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new T_angled_string((const char*)&fsm->ddd_); sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->start_token__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); *** } } Ropen_angle (){ -> "<" { op Cangled_string* fsm = (Cangled_string*) rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; loop: switch (rule_info__.parser__->current_token()->enumerated_id__){ case T_Enum::T_raw_lf_: goto overrun; case T_Enum::T_raw_cr_: goto overrun; case T_Enum::T_LR1_eog_: goto overrun; case T_Enum::T_raw_gt_than_: goto closestr; case T_Enum::T_raw_back_slash_: goto escseq; default: goto other; } closestr:{ // end of string rule_info__.parser__->get_next_token(); return;// end of angled string } overrun:{ CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_bad_eos; sym->set_rc(*rule_info__.parser__->start_token__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); return; } escseq:{ // what type of escape using namespace NS_esc_seq; Parser::parse_result result = rule_info__.parser__->start_manually_parallel_parsing(ITH_esc_seq.thd_id__); if(result == Parser::erred){ // in this case, it will not happen: here for education rule_info__.parser__->set_abort_parse(true); return; } // process returned token Caccept_parse& accept_parm = *rule_info__.parser__->arbitrated_token__; CAbs_lr1_sym* rtn_tok = accept_parm.accept_token__; int id = rtn_tok->enumerated_id__; accept_parm.accept_token__ = 0; if(id != T_Enum::T_T_esc_seq_) { RSVP(rtn_tok); return; } T_esc_seq* finc = (T_esc_seq*)(rtn_tok); fsm->copy_str_into_buffer(finc->esc_data()); rule_info__.parser__->override_current_token(*accept_parm.la_token__ ,accept_parm.la_token_pos__); delete finc; goto loop; }; other:{ fsm->copy_kstr_into_buffer(rule_info__.parser__->current_token()->id__); rule_info__.parser__->get_next_token(); goto loop; } *** } } }// end of rules