Valid HTML 4.0! Valid CSS!
%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "2.00",
%%%     date            = "10 June 2022",
%%%     time            = "16:16:58 MDT",
%%%     filename        = "jpardistcomp2010.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "24010 34550 133304 1443248",
%%%     email           = "beebe at, beebe at,
%%%                        beebe at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "BibTeX; bibliography; Journal of Parallel and
%%%                        Distributed Computing",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a bibliography of the Journal of
%%%                        Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISSN
%%%                        0743-7315, CODEN JPDCER), originally
%%%                        published by Academic Press, and now by
%%%                        Elsevier.  This file covers the decade
%%%                        2010--2019.
%%%                        The journal Web site is at
%%%                        Publication began with volume 1 in August
%%%                        1984.  There was one volume per year, with
%%%                        one to six issues, through 1989.  From
%%%                        1990--1993, there were three volumes yearly,
%%%                        and from 1994, four per year.  Each volume
%%%                        from 1990 on has two to four issues.
%%%                        Starting with volume 25 in 1995, some issues
%%%                        are assigned day numbers.  From volume 60 in
%%%                        2000, there are usually 12 issues per year.
%%%                        Hypertext Web links to in
%%%                        BibTeX entries should forward automatically
%%%                        to somewhere in the
%%%                        domain.  Regrettably, ScienceDirect at
%%%                        present does not make DOI (digital object
%%%                        identifier) data easily available, so it has
%%%                        not been possible to include compact URL or
%%%                        DOI values in BibTeX entries for journal
%%%                        articles after March 2002.
%%%                        At version 2.00, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             2010 ( 111)    2014 ( 131)    2018 ( 236)
%%%                             2011 ( 151)    2015 ( 108)    2019 ( 238)
%%%                             2012 ( 161)    2016 (  98)
%%%                             2013 ( 156)    2017 ( 184)
%%%                             Article:       1574
%%%                             Total entries: 1574
%%%                        Data for the bibliography has been collected
%%%                        from the OCLC Contents1st database, from the
%%%                        Compendex database (1990--1996), from the
%%%                        MathSciNet database, from the bibliographies
%%%                        in the TeX User Group collection, from
%%%                        bibliographies in the author's personal
%%%                        files, from the IEEE INSPEC databases
%%%                        (1985--1997), from the publisher's Web
%%%                        site, and from the computer science
%%%                        bibliography collection on
%%%                        in /pub/bibliography to which many people
%%%                        of have contributed.  The snapshot of this
%%%                        collection was taken on 5-May-1994, and it
%%%                        consists of 441 BibTeX files, 2,672,675
%%%                        lines, 205,289 entries, and 6,375
%%%                        <at>String{} abbreviations, occupying
%%%                        94.8MB of disk space.
%%%                        Numerous errors in the sources noted above
%%%                        have been corrected.   Spelling has been
%%%                        verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell
%%%                        programs using the exception dictionary
%%%                        stored in the companion file with extension
%%%                        .sok.
%%%                        BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen
%%%                        as name:year:abbrev, where name is the
%%%                        family name of the first author or editor,
%%%                        year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a
%%%                        3-letter condensation of important title
%%%                        words. Citation tags were automatically
%%%                        generated by software developed for the
%%%                        BibNet Project.
%%%                        In this bibliography, entries are sorted in
%%%                        publication order, using ``bibsort -byvolume''.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
    "\hyphenation{ }"
   # "\ifx \undefined \circled \def \circled #1{(#1)}          \fi"
   # "\ifx \undefined \reg     \def \reg       {\circled{R}}   \fi"
   # "\ifx \undefined \TM      \def \TM        {${}^{\sc TM}$} \fi"

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:
@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
                    University of Utah,
                    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
                    155 S 1400 E RM 233,
                    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
                    e-mail: \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]| (Internet),
                    URL: \path||"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP       = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries:
  author =       "Danny Hendler and Nir Shavit and Lena Yerushalmi",
  title =        "A scalable lock-free stack algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fatma A. Omara and Mona M. Arafa",
  title =        "Genetic algorithms for task scheduling problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "13--22",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaeyeon Kang and Sanjay Ranka",
  title =        "Slack allocation algorithm for parallel machines",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "23--34",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oleksandr Nesterov",
  title =        "A simple parallelization technique with {MPI} for
                 ocean circulation models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "35--44",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C. Delporte-Gallet and S. Devismes and H. Fauconnier",
  title =        "Stabilizing leader election in partial synchronous
                 systems with crash failures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "45--58",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yawen Chen and Hong Shen",
  title =        "Routing and wavelength assignment for hypercube in
                 array-based {WDM} optical networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "59--68",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmed Louri and Avinash Kodi",
  title =        "Special Issue on Network-on-Chips ({NoCs})",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "69--69",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Younghwan Yoo and Sanghyun Ahn and Dharma P. Agrawal",
  title =        "Impact of a simple load balancing approach and an
                 incentive-based scheme on {MANET} performance",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "71--83",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Riky Subrata and Albert Y. Zomaya and Bjorn
  title =        "Cooperative power-aware scheduling in grid computing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "84--91",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhi-Hua Hu and Yong-Sheng Ding",
  title =        "An immune inspired co-evolutionary affinity network
                 for prefetching of distributed object",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "92--100",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hyeonjoong Cho and Binoy Ravindran and E. Douglas
  title =        "Utility accrual real-time scheduling for
                 multiprocessor embedded systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "101--110",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhengqiang Liang and Weisong Shi",
  title =        "A reputation-driven scheduler for autonomic and
                 sustainable resource sharing in {Grid} computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "111--125",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marc S{\'a}nchez-Artigas and Pedro Garc{\'\i}a
  title =        "{Echo}: a peer-to-peer clustering framework for
                 improving communication in {DHTs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "126--143",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dan Chen and Stephen J. Turner and Wentong Cai and
                 Georgios K. Theodoropoulos and Muzhou Xiong and Michael
  title =        "Synchronization in federation community networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "144--159",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marcelo S. Sousa and Alba C. M. A. Melo and Azzedine
  title =        "An adaptive multi-policy grid service for biological
                 sequence comparison",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "160--172",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuxiong He and Hongyang Sun and Wen-Jing Hsu",
  title =        "Improved results for scheduling batched parallel jobs
                 by using a generalized analysis framework",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "173--182",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xian-He Sun and Yong Chen",
  title =        "Reevaluating {Amdahl}'s law in the multicore era",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "183--188",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. T. Benjamin Khoo and Bharadwaj Veeravalli",
  title =        "Pro-active failure handling mechanisms for scheduling
                 in grid computing environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "189--200",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gennaro Cordasco and Grzegorz Malewicz and Arnold L.
  title =        "Extending {IC}-scheduling via the {Sweep Algorithm}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "201--211",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shin-Chih Tu and Guey-Yun Chang and Jang-Ping Sheu and
                 Wei Li and Kun-Ying Hsieh",
  title =        "Scalable continuous object detection and tracking in
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "212--224",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hyeonjoong Cho and Binoy Ravindran and E. Douglas
  title =        "{T-L} plane-based real-time scheduling for homogeneous
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "225--236",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andr{\'e} Wehe and Wen-Chieh Chang and Oliver
                 Eulenstein and Srinivas Aluru",
  title =        "A scalable parallelization of the gene duplication
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "237--244",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunlin Li and Layuan Li",
  title =        "Energy constrained resource allocation optimization
                 for mobile grids",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "245--258",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Brad Penoff and Humaira Kamal and Alan Wagner and Mike
                 Tsai and Karol Mroz and Janardhan Iyengar",
  title =        "Employing transport layer multi-railing in cluster
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "259--269",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Maciej Paszy{\'n}ski and David Pardo and Carlos
                 Torres-Verd{\'\i}n and Leszek Demkowicz and Victor
  title =        "A parallel direct solver for the self-adaptive $ h p $
                 {Finite Element Method}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "270--281",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vincenza Carchiolo and Michele Malgeri and Giuseppe
                 Mangioni and Vincenzo Nicosia",
  title =        "An adaptive overlay network inspired by social
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "282--295",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuan Lin and Anwar Mamat and Ying Lu and Jitender
                 Deogun and Steve Goddard",
  title =        "Real-time scheduling of divisible loads in cluster
                 computing environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "296--308",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jalel Ben Othman and Lynda Mokdad",
  title =        "Enhancing data security in ad hoc networks based on
                 multipath routing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "309--316",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "James Aspnes and Hagit Attiya and Keren Censor",
  title =        "Combining shared-coin algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "317--322",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:27 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyong Tang and Kenli Li and Guiping Liao and Renfa
  title =        "List scheduling with duplication for heterogeneous
                 computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "323--329",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Caymes-Scutari and A. Morajko and T. Margalef and
                 E. Luque",
  title =        "Scalable dynamic Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning
                 Environment for parallel applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "330--337",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amit Gaur and Abhinav Prakash and Saugat Joshi and
                 Dharma P. Agrawal",
  title =        "Polynomial based scheme ({PBS}) for establishing
                 Authentic Associations in Wireless Mesh Networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "338--343",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jussara Almeida and Virg{\'\i}lio Almeida and Danilo
                 Ardagna and {\'I}talo Cunha and Chiara Francalanci and
                 Marco Trubian",
  title =        "Joint admission control and resource allocation in
                 virtualized servers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "344--362",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Moraveji and H. Sarbazi-Azad and A. Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "A general methodology for direction-based irregular
                 routing algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "363--370",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See corrigendum \cite{Moraveji:2010:CGM}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Dimokas and D. Katsaros and Y. Manolopoulos",
  title =        "Energy-efficient distributed clustering in wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "371--383",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Song Fu",
  title =        "Failure-aware resource management for
                 high-availability computing clusters with distributed
                 virtual machines",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "384--393",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javad Akbari Torkestani and Mohammad Reza Meybodi",
  title =        "Clustering the wireless Ad Hoc networks: a distributed
                 learning automata approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "394--405",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nabil Guellati and Hamamache Kheddouci",
  title =        "A survey on self-stabilizing algorithms for
                 independence, domination, coloring, and matching in
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "406--415",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaeyeon Kang and Sanjay Ranka",
  title =        "Dynamic slack allocation algorithms for energy
                 minimization on parallel machines",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "417--430",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Enrico Natalizio and Pasquale Pace and Francesca
                 Guerriero and Antonio Violi",
  title =        "A reactive and dependable transport protocol for
                 wireless mesh networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "431--442",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun Yang and Lan Gao and Youtao Zhang and Marek
                 Chrobak and Hsien-Hsin S. Lee",
  title =        "A low-cost memory remapping scheme for address bus
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "443--457",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jerry L. Trahan and Mingxian Jin and Wittaya Chantamas
                 and Johnnie W. Baker",
  title =        "Relating the power of the {Multiple Associative
                 Computing (MASC)} model to that of reconfigurable
                 bus-based models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "458--466",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaejin Lee and Jung-Ho Park and Honggyu Kim and
                 Changhee Jung and Daeseob Lim and SangYong Han",
  title =        "Adaptive execution techniques of parallel programs for
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "467--480",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Imani and H. Sarbazi-Azad and A. Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Resource placement in {Cartesian} product of
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "481--495",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pierre-Nicolas Clauss and Jens Gustedt",
  title =        "Iterative computations with ordered read-write locks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "496--504",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weisheng Si and Selvadurai Selvakennedy and Albert Y.
  title =        "An overview of Channel Assignment methods for
                 multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "505--524",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sookyoung Lee and Mohamed Younis",
  title =        "Recovery from multiple simultaneous failures in
                 wireless sensor networks using minimum {Steiner} tree",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "525--536",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenhua Li and Jiannong Cao and Guihai Chen and Yan
  title =        "On the source switching problem of Peer-to-Peer
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "537--546",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaomeng Huang and Yongwei Wu and Guangwen Yang and
                 Weiming Zheng and Jinlei Jiang",
  title =        "Distributed bandwidth allocation based on alternating
                 evolution algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "547--557",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinglong Xia and Viktor K. Prasanna",
  title =        "Parallel exact inference on the {Cell Broadband
                 Engine} processor",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "558--572",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francisco Jos{\'e} {da Silva e Silva} and Fabio Kon and
                 Alfredo Goldman and Marcelo Finger and Raphael Y. de
                 Camargo and Fernando Castor Filho and F{\'a}bio M.
  title =        "Application execution management on the {InteGrade}
                 opportunistic grid middleware",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "573--583",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jason Jianxun Ding and Abdul Waheed and Jingnan Yao
                 and Laxmi N. Bhuyan",
  title =        "Performance characterization of multi-thread and
                 multi-core processors based {XML} application oriented
                 networking systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "584--597",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Beomseok Nam and Minho Shin and Henrique Andrade and
                 Alan Sussman",
  title =        "Multiple query scheduling for distributed semantic
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "598--611",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dan C. Marinescu and Chen Yu and Gabriela M.
  title =        "Scale-free, self-organizing very large sensor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "612--622",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Moraveji and H. Sarbazi-Azad and A. Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Corrigendum to {``A general methodology for
                 direction-based irregular routing algorithms'' [J.
                 Parallel Distrib. Comput. 70 (2010) 363--370]}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "623--623",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Moraveji:2010:GMD}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yijie Han and Sanjeev Saxena and Xiaojun Shen",
  title =        "An efficient parallel algorithm for building the
                 separating tree",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "625--629",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhiling Lan and Jiexing Gu and Ziming Zheng and Rajeev
                 Thakur and Susan Coghlan",
  title =        "A study of dynamic meta-learning for failure
                 prediction in large-scale systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "630--643",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yong Ding and Chen Wang and Li Xiao",
  title =        "Using mobile beacons to locate sensors in obstructed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "644--656",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hejun Wu and Qiong Luo",
  title =        "Adaptive holistic scheduling for query processing in
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "657--670",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohammad R. Hajihashemi and Magda El-Shenawee",
  title =        "High performance computing for the level-set
                 reconstruction algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "671--679",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "I-Fang Su and Yu-Chi Chung and Chiang Lee and Yi-Ying
  title =        "Efficient skyline query processing in wireless sensor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "680--698",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dariusz R. Kowalski and Mariam Momenzadeh and
                 Alexander A. Shvartsman",
  title =        "Emulating shared-memory {Do-All} algorithms in
                 asynchronous message-passing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "699--705",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arnab Sarkar and P. P. Chakrabarti and Sujoy Ghose",
  title =        "Partition oriented frame based fair scheduler",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "707--718",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Habib M. Ammari and Sajal K. Das",
  title =        "Forwarding via checkpoints: Geographic routing on
                 always-on sensors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "719--731",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manhee Lee and Baik Song An and Eun Jung Kim",
  title =        "A session key caching and prefetching scheme for
                 secure communication in cluster systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "732--742",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H{\"u}seyin Akcan and Vassil Kriakov and Herv{\'e}
                 Br{\"o}nnimann and Alex Delis",
  title =        "Managing cohort movement of mobile sensors via
                 {GPS}-free and compass-free node localization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "743--757",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew J. Page and Thomas M. Keane and Thomas J.
  title =        "Multi-heuristic dynamic task allocation using genetic
                 algorithms in a heterogeneous distributed system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "758--766",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saamaja Vupputuri and Kiran K. Rachuri and C. Siva Ram
  title =        "Using mobile data collectors to improve network
                 lifetime of wireless sensor networks with reliability
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "767--778",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wenwu Chen and Bill Poirier",
  title =        "Parallel implementation of an efficient preconditioned
                 linear solver for grid-based applications in chemical
                 physics. {III}: Improved parallel scalability for
                 sparse matrix-vector products",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "779--782",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:28 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anssi Kautonen and Ville Lepp{\"a}nen and Martti
  title =        "Thinning protocols for routing $h$-relations over
                 shared media",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "783--789",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhen Kong and Yu-Kwong Kwok",
  title =        "Efficient wireless packet scheduling in a
                 non-cooperative environment: Game theoretic analysis
                 and algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "790--799",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michail D. Flouris and Renaud Lachaize and
                 Konstantinos Chasapis and Angelos Bilas",
  title =        "Extensible block-level storage virtualization in
                 cluster-based systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "800--824",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Donglei Cao and Beihong Jin and Sajal K. Das and
                 Jiannong Cao",
  title =        "On collaborative tracking of a target group using
                 binary proximity sensors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "825--838",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alex Stivala and Peter J. Stuckey and Maria Garcia de
                 la Banda and Manuel Hermenegildo and Anthony Wirth",
  title =        "Lock-free parallel dynamic programming",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "839--848",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jalel Ben-Othman and Bashir Yahya",
  title =        "Energy efficient and {QoS} based routing protocol for
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "849--857",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman and Khalil El-Khatib",
  title =        "Private key agreement and secure communication for
                 heterogeneous sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "858--870",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See corrigendum \cite{Rahman:2010:CPK}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Vengerov and Lykomidis Mastroleon and Declan
                 Murphy and Nick Bambos",
  title =        "Adaptive data-aware utility-based scheduling in
                 resource-constrained systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "871--879",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jingbo Shen and Jinlong Li and Xufa Wang",
  title =        "{SCDN}: {Stable Content Distribution Network} based on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "880--888",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sushanta Karmakar and Arobinda Gupta",
  title =        "Adaptive broadcast by fault-tolerant spanning tree
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "889--906",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li",
  title =        "Asymptotically optimal dynamic tree evolution by
                 rapidly mixing random walks on regular networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "907--916",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kiran K. Rachuri and C. Siva Ram Murthy",
  title =        "On the scalability of expanding ring search for dense
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "917--929",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cigdem Inan Aci and Mehmet Fatih Akay",
  title =        "A new congestion control algorithm for improving the
                 performance of a broadcast-based multiprocessor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "930--940",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyong Tang and Kenli Li and Renfa Li and Bharadwaj
  title =        "Reliability-aware scheduling strategy for
                 heterogeneous distributed computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "941--952",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongli Xu and Liusheng Huang and Yindong Zhang and He
                 Huang and Shenglong Jiang and Gang Liu",
  title =        "Energy-efficient cooperative data aggregation for
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "953--961",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mark Stillwell and David Schanzenbach and
                 Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Vivien and Henri Casanova",
  title =        "Resource allocation algorithms for virtualized service
                 hosting platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "962--974",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrei Gagarin and Sajid Hussain and Laurence T.
  title =        "Distributed hierarchical search for balanced energy
                 consumption routing spanning trees in wireless sensor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "975--982",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Valentin Kravtsov and Pavel Bar and David Carmeli and
                 Assaf Schuster and Martin Swain",
  title =        "A scheduling framework for large-scale, parallel, and
                 topology-aware applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "983--992",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H{\aa}kan Grahn",
  title =        "Transactional memory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "993--1008",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Takayuki Usui and Reimer Behrends and Jacob Evans and
                 Yannis Smaragdakis",
  title =        "Adaptive locks: Combining transactions and locks for
                 efficient concurrency",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1009--1023",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Quentin L. Meunier and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric P{\'e}trot",
  title =        "{Lightweight Transactional Memory} systems for {NoCs}
                 based architectures: Design, implementation and
                 comparison of two policies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1024--1041",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cesare Ferri and Samantha Wood and Tali Moreshet and
                 R. Iris Bahar and Maurice Herlihy",
  title =        "{Embedded-TM}: Energy and complexity-effective
                 hardware transactional memory for embedded multicore
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1042--1052",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Derin Harmanci and Vincent Gramoli and Pascal Felber
                 and Christof Fetzer",
  title =        "Extensible transactional memory testbed",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1053--1067",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arrvindh Shriraman and Sandhya Dwarkadas and Michael
                 L. Scott",
  title =        "Implementation tradeoffs in the design of flexible
                 transactional memory support",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1068--1084",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H{\aa}kan Grahn",
  title =        "Acknowledgment to special issue reviewers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1085--1085",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ki Hwan Yum and Yuho Jin and Eun Jung Kim and Chita R.
  title =        "Integration of admission, congestion, and peak power
                 control in {QoS}-aware clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1087--1099",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Song Fu and Cheng-Zhong Xu",
  title =        "Quantifying event correlations for proactive failure
                 management in networked computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1100--1109",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jung-Wook Park and Hoon-Mo Yang and Gi-Ho Park and
                 Shin-Dug Kim and Charles C. Weems",
  title =        "An instruction-systolic programmable shader
                 architecture for multi-threaded {$3$D} graphics
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1110--1118",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saverio Caminiti and Rossella Petreschi",
  title =        "Unified parallel encoding and decoding algorithms for
                 {Dandelion}-like codes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1119--1127",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liangxiu Han and Stephen Potter and George Beckett and
                 Gavin Pringle and Stephen Welch and Sung-Han Koo and
                 Gerhard Wickler and Asif Usmani and Jos{\'e} L. Torero
                 and Austin Tate",
  title =        "{FireGrid}: An e-infrastructure for next-generation
                 emergency response support",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1128--1141",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaozhou Li and Jayadev Misra and C. Greg Plaxton",
  title =        "Maintaining the {Ranch} topology",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1142--1158",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eddy Caron and Ajoy K. Datta and Benjamin Depardon and
                 Lawrence L. Larmore",
  title =        "A self-stabilizing $k$-clustering algorithm for
                 weighted graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1159--1173",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman and Khalil El-Khatib",
  title =        "Corrigendum to {``Private key agreement and secure
                 communication for heterogeneous sensor networks'' [J.
                 Parallel Distrib. Comput. 70 (2010) 858--870]}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1174--1174",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 1 16:27:29 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Rahman:2010:PKA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "X. Y. Yang and F. Cores and P. Hern{\'a}ndez and A.
                 Ripoll and E. Luque",
  title =        "Designing an effective {P2P} system for a {VoD} system
                 to exploit the multicast communication",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1175--1192",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Henri Casanova and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Desprez and
                 Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Suter",
  title =        "On cluster resource allocation for multiple parallel
                 task graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1193--1203",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaydeep Marathe and Vivek Thakkar and Frank Mueller",
  title =        "Feedback-directed page placement for {ccNUMA} via
                 hardware-generated memory traces",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1204--1219",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sylvie Dela{\"e}t and St{\'e}phane Devismes and
                 Mikhail Nesterenko and S{\'e}bastien Tixeuil",
  title =        "Snap-stabilization in message-passing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1220--1230",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Issam Al-Azzoni and Douglas G. Down",
  title =        "Dynamic scheduling for heterogeneous {Desktop Grids}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1231--1240",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bibudh Lahiri and Srikanta Tirthapura",
  title =        "Identifying frequent items in a network using gossip",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1241--1253",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Domenico Talia and Paolo Trunfio",
  title =        "Enabling Dynamic Querying over Distributed Hash
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1254--1265",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Author Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1266--1266",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Reviewer Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1267--1271",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:45 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michel Hanna and Socrates Demetriades and Sangyeun Cho
                 and Rami Melhem",
  title =        "Advanced hashing schemes for packet forwarding using
                 set associative memory architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bogdan Carbunar and Weidong (Larry) Shi and Radu
  title =        "Conditional e-payments with transferability",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "16--26",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bolian Yin and Hongchi Shi and Yi Shang",
  title =        "An efficient algorithm for constructing a connected
                 dominating set in mobile ad hoc",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "27--39",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robson E. {De Grande} and Azzedine Boukerche",
  title =        "Dynamic balancing of communication and computation
                 load for {HLA}-based simulations on large-scale
                 distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "40--52",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chia-Cheng Hu",
  title =        "Delay-sensitive routing in multi-rate {MANETs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "53--61",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jan-Jan Wu and Shu-Fan Shih and Pangfeng Liu and
                 Yi-Min Chung",
  title =        "Optimizing server placement in distributed systems in
                 the presence of competition",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "62--76",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oliver Sinnen and Andrea To and Manpreet Kaur",
  title =        "Contention-aware scheduling with task duplication",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "77--86",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christos Anagnostopoulos and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
                 and Evangelos Zervas",
  title =        "An analytical model for multi-epidemic information
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "87--104",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Reza Moraveji and Hamid Sarbazi-Azad and Albert Y.
  title =        "Performance modeling of {Cartesian} product networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "105--113",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan Carlos Saez and Daniel Shelepov and Alexandra
                 Fedorova and Manuel Prieto",
  title =        "Leveraging workload diversity through {OS} scheduling
                 to maximize performance on single-{ISA} heterogeneous
                 multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "114--131",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hua Chen and Albert Mo Kim Cheng and Ying-Wei Kuo",
  title =        "Assigning real-time tasks to heterogeneous processors
                 by applying ant colony optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "132--142",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:46 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Surendra Byna and Xian-He Sun",
  title =        "Special issue on Data Intensive Computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "143--144",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Andrade and B. Gedik and K.-L. Wu and P. S. Yu",
  title =        "Processing high data rate streams in {System S}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "145--156",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiangtian Li and Xiaosong Ma and Srikanth Yoginath and
                 Guruprasad Kora and Nagiza F. Samatova",
  title =        "Transparent runtime parallelization of the {R}
                 scripting language",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "157--168",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bogdan Nicolae and Gabriel Antoniu and Luc Boug{\'e}
                 and Diana Moise and Alexandra Carpen-Amarie",
  title =        "{BlobSeer}: Next-generation data management for large
                 scale infrastructures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "169--184",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Mustafa Rafique and Ali R. Butt and Dimitrios S.
  title =        "A capabilities-aware framework for using computational
                 accelerators in data-intensive computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "185--197",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Xie and Yao Sun",
  title =        "Understanding the relationship between energy
                 conservation and reliability in parallel disk arrays",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "198--210",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yongpeng Zhang and Frank Mueller and Xiaohui Cui and
                 Thomas Potok",
  title =        "Data-intensive document clustering on graphics
                 processing unit ({GPU}) clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "211--224",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Craig Ulmer and Maya Gokhale and Brian Gallagher and
                 Philip Top and Tina Eliassi-Rad",
  title =        "Massively parallel acceleration of a
                 document-similarity classifier to detect {Web}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "225--235",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui-Ya Li and Chia-Lung Hung and Wen-Jyi Hwang and
                 Yi-Tsan Hung",
  title =        "Efficient pipelined architecture for competitive
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "236--244",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Da Qi Ren",
  title =        "Algorithm level power efficiency optimization for
                 {CPU--GPU} processing element in data intensive
                 {SIMD\slash SPMD} computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "245--253",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qishi Wu and Yi Gu",
  title =        "Optimizing end-to-end performance of data-intensive
                 computing pipelines in heterogeneous network
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "254--265",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ezra Kissel and Martin Swany and Aaron Brown",
  title =        "{Phoebus}: a system for high throughput data
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "266--279",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ozcan Ozturk",
  title =        "Data locality and parallelism optimization using a
                 constraint-based approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "280--287",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mais Nijim and Ziliang Zong and Shu Yin and Kiranmai
                 Bellam and Xiao Qin",
  title =        "Quality of security adaptation in parallel disk
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "288--301",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guy Sagy and Izchak Sharfman and Daniel Keren and
                 Assaf Schuster",
  title =        "Top-$k$ vectorial aggregation queries in a distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "302--315",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dong Yuan and Yun Yang and Xiao Liu and Jinjun Chen",
  title =        "On-demand minimum cost benchmarking for intermediate
                 dataset storage in scientific cloud workflow systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "316--332",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Charles Gillan and Simon McIntosh-Smith and Nico Sanna
                 and Stan Scott and Thomas Steinke",
  title =        "Special Issue of the {Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing}: Novel architectures for
                 high-performance computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "333--333",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:47 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kyungjun Kim",
  title =        "A distributed channel assignment control for {QoS}
                 support in mobile ad hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "335--342",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lavanya Ramakrishnan and Jeffrey S. Chase and Dennis
                 Gannon and Daniel Nurmi and Rich Wolski",
  title =        "Deadline-sensitive workflow orchestration without
                 explicit resource control",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "343--353",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hyun-Gul Roh and Myeongjae Jeon and Jin-Soo Kim and
                 Joonwon Lee",
  title =        "Replicated abstract data types: Building blocks for
                 collaborative applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "354--368",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dulanjalie C. Dhanapala and Anura P. Jayasumana and Qi
  title =        "On random routing in wireless sensor grids: a
                 mathematical model for rendezvous probability and
                 performance optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "369--380",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vanessa Gardellin and Sajal K. Das and Luciano Lenzini
                 and Claudio Cicconetti and Enzo Mingozzi",
  title =        "{G-PaMeLA}: a divide-and-conquer approach for joint
                 channel assignment and routing in multi-radio
                 multi-channel wireless mesh networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "381--396",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thomas E. Carroll and Daniel Grosu",
  title =        "Distributed algorithmic mechanism design for
                 scheduling on unrelated machines",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "397--406",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruixuan Li and Wei Song and Haiying Shen and Weijun
                 Xiao and Zhengding Lu",
  title =        "A flabellate overlay network for multi-attribute
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "407--423",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Katerina Doka and Dimitrios Tsoumakos and Nectarios
  title =        "Online querying of $d$-dimensional hierarchies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "424--437",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L{\'e}lia Blin and Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru and
                 Stephane Rovedakis",
  title =        "Self-stabilizing minimum degree spanning tree within
                 one from the optimal degree",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "438--449",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. Berli{\'n}ska and M. Drozdowski",
  title =        "Scheduling divisible {MapReduce} computations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "450--459",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Doina Bein and Yicheng Wen and Shashi Phoha and Bharat
                 B. Madan and Asok Ray",
  title =        "Distributed network control for mobile multi-modal
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "460--470",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Viet-Hung Dang and Viet-Duc Le and Young-Koo Lee and
                 Sungyoung Lee",
  title =        "{Distributed Push--Pull Estimation} for node
                 localization in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "471--484",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pedro Alonso and Miguel O. Bernab{\'e}u and Victor M.
                 Garc{\'\i}a and Antonio M. Vidal",
  title =        "Implementation and tuning of a parallel symmetric
                 {Toeplitz} eigensolver",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "485--494",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Khaleel Mershad and Hassan Artail",
  title =        "{CODISC}: Collaborative and distributed semantic
                 caching for maximizing cache effectiveness in wireless
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "495--511",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kiran K. Rachuri and C. Siva Ram Murthy",
  title =        "Energy efficient and low latency biased walk
                 techniques for search in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "512--522",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} Flich and Scott Pakin and Craig Stunkel",
  title =        "Special issue of {Journal of Parallel and Distributed
                 Computing}: Communication architectures for scalable
                 systems ({CASS})",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "523--523",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:49 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zeng Zeng and Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Kenli Li",
  title =        "A novel server-side proxy caching strategy for
                 large-scale multimedia applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "525--536",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Satish Penmatsa and Anthony T. Chronopoulos",
  title =        "Game-theoretic static load balancing for distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "537--555",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shoukat Ali and Behdis Eslamnour and Zehra Shah",
  title =        "A case for on-machine load balancing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "556--564",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antal T{\'a}trai",
  title =        "Parallel implementations of {Brunotte}'s algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "565--572",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jigang Wen and Jiannong Cao and Kun Xie and Renfa Li",
  title =        "User density sensitive {P2P} streaming in wireless
                 mesh networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "573--583",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ramtin Shams and Parastoo Sadeghi",
  title =        "On optimization of finite-difference time-domain
                 ({FDTD}) computation on heterogeneous and {GPU}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "584--593",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lynda Mokdad and Jalel Ben-Othman",
  title =        "Admission control mechanism and performance analysis
                 based on stochastic automata networks formalism",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "594--602",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaopeng Fan and Jiannong Cao and Weigang Wu",
  title =        "Contention-aware data caching in wireless multi-hop ad
                 hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "603--614",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oleksandr Kalentev and Abha Rai and Stefan Kemnitz and
                 Ralf Schneider",
  title =        "Connected component labeling on a {$2$D} grid using
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "615--620",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "El-Ghazali Talbi and Geir Hasle",
  title =        "Special issue of the {Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing}: Metaheuristics on {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "621--622",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 25 19:11:50 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:29 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmed Louri and Avinash Karanth Kodi",
  title =        "Introduction to the special issue on
                 {Networks-on-Chip} ({NoC}) of the {Journal of Parallel
                 and Distributed Computing (JPDC)}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "623--624",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Asit K. Mishra and Aditya Yanamandra and Reetuparna
                 Das and Soumya Eachempati and Ravi Iyer and N.
                 Vijaykrishnan and Chita R. Das",
  title =        "{RAFT}: a router architecture with frequency tuning
                 for on-chip networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "625--640",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gilbert Hendry and Eric Robinson and Vitaliy Gleyzer
                 and Johnnie Chan and Luca P. Carloni and Nadya Bliss
                 and Keren Bergman",
  title =        "Time-division-multiplexed arbitration in silicon
                 nanophotonic networks-on-chip for high-performance chip
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "641--650",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C. Hern{\'a}ndez and A. Roca and J. Flich and F. Silla
                 and J. Duato",
  title =        "Characterizing the impact of process variation on $ 45
                 $ nm {NoC-based} {CMPs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "651--663",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Caroline Concatto and Jo{\~a}o Almeida and Guilherme
                 Fachini and Marcos Herv{\'e} and Fernanda Kastensmidt
                 and {\'E}rika Cota and Marcelo Lubaszewski",
  title =        "Improving the yield of {NoC}-based systems through
                 fault diagnosis and adaptive routing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "664--674",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandre M. Amory and Cristiano Lazzari and Marcelo
                 S. Lubaszewski and Fernando G. Moraes",
  title =        "A new test scheduling algorithm based on
                 {Networks-on-Chip} as {Test Access Mechanisms}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "675--686",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Evgeni Krimer and Isaac Keslassy and Avinoam Kolodny
                 and Isask'har Walter and Mattan Erez",
  title =        "Static timing analysis for modeling {QoS} in
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "687--699",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bin Li and Li Zhao and Ravi Iyer and Li-Shiuan Peh and
                 Michael Leddige and Michael Espig and Seung Eun Lee and
                 Donald Newell",
  title =        "{CoQoS}: Coordinating {QoS}-aware shared resources in
                 {NoC}-based {SoCs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "700--713",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C{\'e}sar Marcon and Ney Calazans and Edson Moreno and
                 Fernando Moraes and Fabiano Hessel and Altamiro Susin",
  title =        "{CAFES}: a framework for intrachip application
                 modeling and communication architecture design",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "714--728",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alfredo Cuzzocrea",
  title =        "A special issue of {Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing}: Models and algorithms for
                 high-performance distributed data mining",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "729--730",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:31 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gregory Chockler and Eliezer Dekel and Joseph JaJa and
                 Jimmy Lin",
  title =        "Special Issue on Cloud Computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "731--731",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saurabh Kumar Garg and Chee Shin Yeo and Arun
                 Anandasivam and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Environment-conscious scheduling of {HPC} applications
                 on distributed cloud-oriented data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "732--749",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruben S. Montero and Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano and
                 Ignacio M. Llorente",
  title =        "An elasticity model for {High Throughput Computing}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "750--757",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hwanju Kim and Hyeontaek Lim and Jinkyu Jeong and
                 Heeseung Jo and Joonwon Lee and Seungryoul Maeng",
  title =        "Transparently bridging semantic gap in {CPU}
                 management for virtualized environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "758--773",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shah Asaduzzaman and Muthucumaru Maheswaran",
  title =        "Decentralized management of bi-modal network resources
                 in a distributed stream processing platform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "774--787",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fabr{\'\i}cio A. B. da Silva and Hermes Senger",
  title =        "Scalability limits of {Bag-of-Tasks} applications
                 running on hierarchical platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "788--801",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michal Czapi{\'n}ski and Stuart Barnes",
  title =        "{Tabu Search} with two approaches to parallel flowshop
                 evaluation on {CUDA} platform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "802--811",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abbas Nayebi and Hamid Sarbazi-Azad",
  title =        "Performance modeling of the {LEACH} protocol for
                 mobile wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "812--821",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yichuan Jiang and Zhaofeng Li",
  title =        "Locality-sensitive task allocation and load balancing
                 in networked multiagent systems: Talent versus
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "822--836",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyong Li and Feng Zhou and Xudong Yang",
  title =        "A multi-dimensional trust evaluation model for
                 large-scale {P2P} computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "837--847",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eun-Kyu Byun and Yang-Suk Kee and Jin-Soo Kim and Ewa
                 Deelman and Seungryoul Maeng",
  title =        "{BTS}: Resource capacity estimate for time-targeted
                 science workflows",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "848--862",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Venkataramana Badarla and C. Siva Ram Murthy",
  title =        "Learning-{TCP}: a stochastic approach for efficient
                 update in {TCP} congestion window in ad hoc wireless
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "863--878",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeng-Long Chiang and Yin-Yeh Tseng and Wen-Tsuen
  title =        "{Interest-Intended Piece Selection} in
                 {BitTorrent}-like peer-to-peer file sharing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "879--888",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohammad Hammoud and Sangyeun Cho and Rami Melhem",
  title =        "{C-AMTE}: a location mechanism for flexible cache
                 management in chip multiprocessors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "889--896",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:32 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenxia Zhang and Azzedine Boukerche and Hussam
  title =        "{TEASE}: a novel {Tunnel-based sEcure Authentication
                 SchemE} to support smooth handoff in {IEEE 802.11}
                 wireless networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "897--905",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangsong Li and Jianfeng Ma and Qi Jiang and Xi
  title =        "A novel re-authentication scheme based on tickets in
                 wireless local area networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "906--914",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nan Zhang",
  title =        "Resolving a {L2}-prefetch-caused parallel nonscaling
                 on {Intel Core} microarchitecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "915--924",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xu Liu and Jianfeng Zhan and Kunlin Zhan and Weisong
                 Shi and Lin Yuan and Dan Meng and Lei Wang",
  title =        "Automatic performance debugging of {SPMD}-style
                 parallel programs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "925--937",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiang Xiao and Jaehwan John Lee",
  title =        "A parallel multi-unit resource deadlock detection
                 algorithm with {$ O(\log_2 ({\rm min}(m, n))) $}
                 overall run-time complexity",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "938--954",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmet Artu Yildirim and Cem {\"O}zdogan",
  title =        "{Parallel WaveCluster}: a linear scaling parallel
                 clustering algorithm implementation with application to
                 very large datasets",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "955--962",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C. Castillo and G. N. Rouskas and K. Harfoush",
  title =        "Online algorithms for advance resource reservations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "963--973",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christos Anagnostopoulos and Stathes
  title =        "Delay-tolerant delivery of quality information in ad
                 hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "974--987",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Esnaashari and M. R. Meybodi",
  title =        "A cellular learning automata-based deployment strategy
                 for mobile wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "988--1001",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhaohui Yuan and Yuping Zhang and Chun Jason Xue",
  title =        "Sleep-aware mode assignment in wireless embedded
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1002--1010",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmed M. Hassan and Magda El-Shenawee",
  title =        "Parallel implementation of the diffusion-drift
                 algorithm for modeling the electrophysiological
                 activity of breast tumors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1011--1023",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoguang Zhang and Zheng Da Wu",
  title =        "The balance of routing energy consumption in wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1024--1033",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinan Li and Ing-Ray Chen",
  title =        "Adaptive per-user per-object cache consistency
                 management for mobile data access in wireless mesh
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1034--1046",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Sun and Qiangfeng Jiang and Mukesh Singhal",
  title =        "A {Pre-Processed Cross Link Detection Protocol} for
                 geographic routing in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
                 under realistic environments with obstacles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1047--1054",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng Da Wu",
  title =        "Modelling and analysis of strategies in the design of
                 {WSAN} coordination systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1055--1064",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruixuan Li and Wei Song and Haiying Shen and Weijun
                 Xiao and Zhengding Lu",
  title =        "Corrigendum to {``A flabellate overlay network for
                 multi-attribute search'' [J. Parallel Distrib. Comput.
                 {\bf 71} (2011) 407--423]}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1065--1065",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:34 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ashish Choudhury and Arpita Patra and B. V.
                 Ashwinkumar and Kannan Srinathan and C. Pandu Rangan",
  title =        "Secure message transmission in asynchronous networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1067--1074",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mostafa I. Soliman and Ghada Y. Abozaid",
  title =        "{FPGA} implementation and performance evaluation of a
                 high throughput crypto coprocessor",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1075--1084",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhen Jiang and Zhigang Li and Jie Wu and Nong Xiao",
  title =        "Capability information: a cost-effective information
                 model for multi-hop routing of wireless ad hoc networks
                 in the real environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1085--1097",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qi Li and Mingwei Xu and Jianping Wu and Patrick P. C.
                 Lee and Dah Ming Chiu",
  title =        "Toward a practical approach for {BGP} stability with
                 root cause check",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1098--1110",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunfeng Gu and Azzedine Boukerche",
  title =        "{HD Tree}: a novel data structure to support
                 multi-dimensional range query for {P2P} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1111--1124",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohammad Hossein Rezvani and Morteza Analoui",
  title =        "Strategic behavior modeling of multi-service overlay
                 multicast networks based on auction mechanism design",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1125--1141",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javid Taheri and Albert Y. Zomaya and Mohsin
  title =        "Fuzzy online location management in mobile computing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1142--1153",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikzad Babaii Rizvandi and Javid Taheri and Albert Y.
  title =        "Some observations on optimal frequency selection in
                 {DVFS}-based energy consumption minimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1154--1164",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yann Busnel and Roberto Beraldi and Roberto Baldoni",
  title =        "On the uniformity of peer sampling based on view
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1165--1176",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:37 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bjorn Landfeldt and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Special issue on advancement of research in wireless
                 access and mobile systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1177--1178",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Flaminio Borgonovo and Matteo Cesana",
  title =        "Reuse efficiency of wireless access networks under
                 physical carrier sense: a {Markovian} analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1179--1188",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cristiano Rezende and Azzedine Boukerche and Richard
                 W. Pazzi and Bruno P. S. Rocha and Antonio A. F.
  title =        "The impact of mobility on {Mobile Ad Hoc Networks}
                 through the perspective of complex networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1189--1200",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ka-Lok Hung and Brahim Bensaou",
  title =        "Throughput analysis and bandwidth allocation for {IEEE
                 802.11 WLAN} with hidden terminals",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1201--1214",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yong Cui and Shengling Wang and Sajal K. Das",
  title =        "Distributed dynamic mobile multicast",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1215--1224",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miray Kas and Ibrahim Korpeoglu and Ezhan Karasan",
  title =        "{OLSR}-aware channel access scheduling in wireless
                 mesh networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1225--1235",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Romain Kuntz and Antoine Gallais and Thomas No{\"e}l",
  title =        "From versatility to auto-adaptation of the medium
                 access control in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1236--1248",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cai Fu and Xiang Gao and Ming Liu and Xiaoyang Liu and
                 Lansheng Han and Jing Chen",
  title =        "{GRAP}: Grey risk assessment based on projection in ad
                 hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1249--1260",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:38 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui-Ching Hsieh and Mao-Lun Chiang",
  title =        "A new solution for the {Byzantine} agreement problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1261--1277",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Natalia Chechina and Peter King and Phil Trinder",
  title =        "Redundant movements in autonomous mobility:
                 Experimental and theoretical analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1278--1292",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Brian Demsky and Navid Farri Tehrany",
  title =        "Integrating file operations into transactional
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1293--1304",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javier Sanchez-Monedero and Javier Povedano-Molina and
                 Jose M. Lopez-Vega and Juan M. Lopez-Soler",
  title =        "{Bloom} filter-based discovery protocol for {DDS}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1305--1317",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmed M. Khedr and Walid Osamy",
  title =        "Effective target tracking mechanism in a
                 self-organizing wireless sensor network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1318--1326",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "An-Feng Liu and Peng-Hui Zhang and Zhi-Gang Chen",
  title =        "Theoretical analysis of the lifetime and energy hole
                 in cluster based wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1327--1355",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Filipe Araujo and Jorge Farinha and Patricio Domingues
                 and Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi and Derrick Kondo",
  title =        "A maximum independent set approach for collusion
                 detection in voting pools",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1356--1366",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. D. M. Plentz and C. Montez and R. S. de Oliveira",
  title =        "{AS} prediction mechanism for distributed threads
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1367--1376",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jose A. Pascual and Jose Miguel-Alonso and Jose A.
  title =        "Optimization-based mapping framework for parallel
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1377--1387",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marco A. S. Netto and Christian Vecchiola and Michael
                 Kirley and Carlos A. Varela and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Use of run time predictions for automatic
                 co-allocation of multi-cluster resources for iterative
                 parallel applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1388--1399",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuping Zhang and Chun Jason Xue and Chengmo Yang and
                 Alex Orailoglu",
  title =        "Migration-aware adaptive {MPSoC} static schedules with
                 dynamic reconfigurability",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1400--1410",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dakai Zhu and Xuan Qi and Daniel Moss{\'e} and Rami
  title =        "An optimal boundary fair scheduling algorithm for
                 multiprocessor real-time systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1411--1425",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:39 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vamsi Kundeti and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran",
  title =        "Efficient out-of-core sorting algorithms for the
                 {Parallel Disks Model}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1427--1433",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Katerina Doka and Dimitrios Tsoumakos and Nectarios
  title =        "{Brown Dwarf}: a fully-distributed, fault-tolerant
                 data warehousing system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1434--1446",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sandeep Kolli and Maciej Zawodniok",
  title =        "A dynamic programming approach: Improving the
                 performance of wireless networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1447--1459",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo and Pedro J. Garcia and
                 Francisco J. Quiles and Jose Flich and Jose Duato",
  title =        "{OBQA}: Smart and cost-efficient queue scheme for
                 {Head-of-Line} blocking elimination in fat-trees",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1460--1472",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tiantian Liu and Yingchao Zhao and Minming Li and Chun
                 Jason Xue",
  title =        "Joint task assignment and cache partitioning with
                 cache locking for {WCET} minimization on {MPSoC}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1473--1483",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Younghwan Yoo and Dharma P. Agrawal",
  title =        "Optimal transmission power with delay constraints in
                 {$2$D} and {$3$D} {MANETs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1484--1496",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Mezmaz and N. Melab and Y. Kessaci and Y. C. Lee
                 and E.-G. Talbi and A. Y. Zomaya and D. Tuyttens",
  title =        "A parallel bi-objective hybrid metaheuristic for
                 energy-aware scheduling for cloud computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1497--1508",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanan Yu and Ashok Srinivasan",
  title =        "Hybrid dynamic iterations for the solution of initial
                 value problems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1509--1517",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohammad I. Daoud and Nawwaf Kharma",
  title =        "A hybrid heuristic-genetic algorithm for task
                 scheduling in heterogeneous processor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1518--1531",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ajoy K. Datta and Lawrence L. Larmore and Priyanka
  title =        "An {$ O(n) $}-time self-stabilizing leader election
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1532--1544",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:41 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hyunhee Kim and Jihong Kim",
  title =        "A leakage-aware {L2} cache management technique for
                 producer-consumer sharing in low-power chip
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1545--1557",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wen-Hung Sun and Chung-Ta King",
  title =        "{ORN}: a content-based approach to improving supplier
                 discovery in {P2P VOD} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1558--1569",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hagit Attiya and Faith Ellen and Panagiota Fatourou",
  title =        "The complexity of updating snapshot objects",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1570--1577",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miao Peng and Hui Chen and Yang Xiao and Suat Ozdemir
                 and Athanasios V. Vasilakos and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Impacts of sensor node distributions on coverage in
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1578--1591",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See retraction \cite{Peng:2014:RNI} for abuse of
                 citation policy.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kun Peng",
  title =        "Efficient {VSS} free of computational assumption",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1592--1597",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yun Wang and Zhengdong Lun",
  title =        "Intrusion detection in a {$K$}-{Gaussian} distributed
                 wireless sensor network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1598--1607",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Malith Jayasinghe and Zahir Tari and Panlop
                 Zeephongsekul and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Task assignment in multiple server farms using
                 preemptive migration and flow control",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1608--1621",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Author Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1622--1627",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Reviewer Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1628--1634",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 09:11:43 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Damien Imbs and Michel Raynal",
  title =        "Help when needed, but no more: Efficient read\slash
                 write partial snapshot",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rachid Guerraoui and K{\'e}vin Huguenin and Anne-Marie
                 Kermarrec and Maxime Monod and {\'Y}mir Vigf{\'u}sson",
  title =        "Decentralized polling with respectable participants",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "13--26",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qin Zheng and Bharadwaj Veeravalli",
  title =        "Utilization-based pricing for power management and
                 profit optimization in data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "27--34",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiguo Yu and Nannan Wang and Guanghui Wang",
  title =        "Constructing minimum extended weakly-connected
                 dominating sets for clustering in ad hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "35--47",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nasro Min-Allah and Hameed Hussain and Samee Ullah
                 Khan and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Power efficient rate monotonic scheduling for
                 multi-core systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "48--57",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Wang and Jianxi Fan and Guodong Zhou and Xiaohua
  title =        "Independent spanning trees on twisted cubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "58--69",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jawwad Shamsi and Monica Brockmeyer",
  title =        "Predictable service overlay networks: Predictability
                 through adaptive monitoring and efficient overlay
                 construction and management",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "70--82",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fahad Saeed and Alan Perez-Rathke and Jaroslaw
                 Gwarnicki and Tanya Berger-Wolf and Ashfaq Khokhar",
  title =        "A high performance multiple sequence alignment system
                 for pyrosequencing reads from multiple reference
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "83--93",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:40 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cheng-Zhong Xu and Jia Rao and Xiangping Bu",
  title =        "{URL}: a unified reinforcement learning approach for
                 autonomic cloud management",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "95--105",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paulo Ditarso {Maciel, Jr.} and Francisco Brasileiro
                 and Ricardo Ara{\'u}jo Santos and David Candeia and
                 Raquel Lopes and Marcus Carvalho and Renato Miceli and
                 Nazareno Andrade and Miranda Mowbray",
  title =        "Business-driven short-term management of a hybrid {IT}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "106--119",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Bendjoudi and N. Melab and E-G. Talbi",
  title =        "An adaptive hierarchical master-worker ({AHMW})
                 framework for grids --- application to {B\&B}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "120--131",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dariusz Dereniowski and Andrzej Pelc",
  title =        "Drawing maps with advice",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "132--143",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pedro Ribeiro and Fernando Silva and Lu{\'\i}s Lopes",
  title =        "Parallel discovery of network motifs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "144--154",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christos Anagnostopoulos and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
                 and Panagiotis Georgas",
  title =        "{PC3}: {Principal Component-based Context
                 Compression}: Improving energy efficiency in wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "155--170",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huajian Mao and Nong Xiao and Weisong Shi and Yutong
  title =        "{Wukong}: a cloud-oriented file service for mobile
                 {Internet} devices",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "171--184",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meilian Liang and Xiaodong Xu and Jiarong Liang and
                 Zehui Shao",
  title =        "Upper bounds on the connection probability for {$2$-D}
                 meshes and tori",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "185--194",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pranava K. Jha and Savitri Devisetty",
  title =        "Orthogonal drawings and crossing numbers of the
                 {Kronecker} product of two cycles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "195--204",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gianpaolo Cugola and Alessandro Margara",
  title =        "Low latency complex event processing on parallel
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "205--218",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ajay D. Kshemkalyani",
  title =        "Immediate detection of predicates in pervasive
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "219--230",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohsen Amini Salehi and Bahman Javadi and Rajkumar
  title =        "{QoS} and preemption aware scheduling in federated and
                 virtualized {Grid} computing environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "231--245",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Petra Berenbrink and Andr{\'e} Brinkmann and Tom
                 Friedetzky and Lars Nagel",
  title =        "Balls into bins with related random choices",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "246--253",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chao Wang and Frank Mueller and Christian Engelmann
                 and Stephen L. Scott",
  title =        "Proactive process-level live migration and back
                 migration in {HPC} environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "254--267",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Emmanuel Jeannot and Erik Saule and Denis Trystram",
  title =        "Optimizing performance and reliability on
                 heterogeneous parallel systems: Approximation
                 algorithms and heuristics",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "268--280",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel L{\'a}zaro and Derrick Kondo and Joan Manuel
  title =        "Long-term availability prediction for groups of
                 volunteer resources",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "281--296",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ashraf Yaseen and Yaohang Li",
  title =        "Accelerating knowledge-based energy evaluation in
                 protein structure modeling with {Graphics Processing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "297--307",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sheng Di and Cho-Li Wang",
  title =        "Decentralized proactive resource allocation for
                 maximizing throughput of {P2P Grid}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "308--321",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:42 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alix L. H. Chow and Leana Golubchik and Samir Khuller
                 and Yuan Yao",
  title =        "Performance tradeoffs in structured peer to peer
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "323--337",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qingda Lu and Xiaoyang Gao and Sriram Krishnamoorthy
                 and Gerald Baumgartner and J. Ramanujam and P.
  title =        "Empirical performance model-driven data layout
                 optimization and library call selection for tensor
                 contraction expressions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "338--352",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pengcheng Nie and Zhenhua Duan",
  title =        "Efficient and scalable scheduling for performance
                 heterogeneous multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "353--361",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sireesha Muppala and Xiaobo Zhou and Liqiang Zhang and
                 Guihai Chen",
  title =        "Regression-based resource provisioning for session
                 slowdown guarantee in multi-tier {Internet} servers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "362--375",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miao Zhao and Yuanyuan Yang",
  title =        "Packet scheduling with joint design of {MIMO} and
                 network coding",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "376--388",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "T. E. Carroll and D. Grosu",
  title =        "An incentive-based distributed mechanism for
                 scheduling divisible loads in tree networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "389--401",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Boaz Patt-Shamir and Dror Rawitz and Gabriel
  title =        "Distributed approximation of cellular coverage",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "402--408",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Blas Cuesta and Antonio Robles and Jos{\'e} Duato",
  title =        "Switch-based packing technique to reduce traffic and
                 latency in token coherence",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "409--423",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunsheng Wang and Jie Wu",
  title =        "A dynamic multicast tree based routing scheme without
                 replication in delay tolerant networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "424--436",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhiliang Tu and Qiang Wang and Hairong Qi and Yi
  title =        "Flocking based distributed self-deployment algorithms
                 in mobile sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "437--449",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hossein Saiedian and Gabe Wishnie",
  title =        "A complex event routing infrastructure for distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "450--461",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liang Zhang and Wen Luo and Shigang Chen and Ying
  title =        "End-to-end maxmin fairness in multihop wireless
                 networks: Theory and protocol",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "462--474",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:58:45 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessandro Mei and Natascia Piroso and Bruno Vavala",
  title =        "Fine grained load balancing in multi-hop wireless
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "475--488",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Erik Saule and Doruk Bozdag and {\"U}mit V.
  title =        "Optimizing the stretch of independent tasks on a
                 cluster: From sequential tasks to moldable tasks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "489--503",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wee Lum Tan and Wing Cheong Lau and OnChing Yue",
  title =        "Performance analysis of an adaptive, energy-efficient
                 {MAC} protocol for wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "504--514",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Lin and Xiaola Lin and Liang Tang",
  title =        "Making-a-stop: a new bufferless routing algorithm for
                 on-chip network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "515--524",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyong Tang and Kenli Li and Meikang Qiu and Edwin
                 H.-M. Sha",
  title =        "A hierarchical reliability-driven scheduling algorithm
                 in grid systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "525--535",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ungjin Jang and Sunggu Lee and Sungjoo Yoo",
  title =        "Optimal wake-up scheduling of data gathering trees for
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "536--546",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Oguz Selvitopi and Ata Turk and Cevdet Aykanat",
  title =        "Replicated partitioning for undirected hypergraphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "547--563",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinwoo Kim and Minyoung Kim and Mark-Oliver Stehr and
                 Hyunok Oh and Soonhoi Ha",
  title =        "A parallel and distributed meta-heuristic framework
                 based on partially ordered knowledge sharing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "564--578",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Etinski and J. Corbalan and J. Labarta and M.
  title =        "Understanding the future of energy-performance
                 trade-off via {DVFS} in {HPC} environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "579--590",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Young Choon Lee and Chen Wang and Albert Y. Zomaya and
                 Bing Bing Zhou",
  title =        "Profit-driven scheduling for cloud services with data
                 access awareness",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "591--602",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Volker Turau",
  title =        "Efficient transformation of distance-$2$
                 self-stabilizing algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "603--612",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Feng and Jiannong Cao and Chisheng Zhang and Jun
                 Zhang and Qin Xin",
  title =        "Coordination of multi-link spectrum handoff in
                 multi-radio multi-hop cognitive networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "613--625",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 08:56:16 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thomas Clouser and Mark Miyashita and Mikhail
  title =        "Concurrent face traversal for efficient geometric
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "627--636",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L. Droz-Bartholet and J.-C. Lapayre and F. Bouquet and
                 E. Garcia and A. Heinisch",
  title =        "{Ramos}: Concurrent writing and reconfiguration for
                 collaborative systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "637--649",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peyman Neamatollahi and Hoda Taheri and Mahmoud
  title =        "Info-based approach in distributed mutual exclusion
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "650--665",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiayin Li and Meikang Qiu and Zhong Ming and Gang Quan
                 and Xiao Qin and Zonghua Gu",
  title =        "Online optimization for scheduling preemptable tasks
                 on {IaaS} cloud systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "666--677",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio M. Lima and Marco A. S. Netto and Thais Webber
                 and Ricardo M. Czekster and Cesar A. F. {De Rose} and
                 Paulo Fernandes",
  title =        "Performance evaluation of {OpenMP}-based algorithms
                 for handling {Kronecker} descriptors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "678--692",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liya Fan and Fa Zhang and Gongming Wang and Zhiyong
  title =        "An effective approximation algorithm for the
                 {Malleable Parallel Task Scheduling} problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "693--704",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "James Aspnes and David Eisenstat and Yitong Yin",
  title =        "Low-contention data structures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "705--715",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xu Zhou and Kai Lu and Xiaoping Wang and Xu Li",
  title =        "Exploiting parallelism in deterministic shared memory
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "716--727",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng Wei and Joseph JaJa",
  title =        "A fast algorithm for constructing inverted files on
                 heterogeneous platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "728--738",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 28 08:37:48 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tomer Heber and Danny Hendler and Adi Suissa",
  title =        "On the impact of serializing contention management on
                 {STM} performance",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "739--750",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaomin Zhu and Chuan He and Kenli Li and Xiao Qin",
  title =        "Adaptive energy-efficient scheduling for real-time
                 tasks on {DVS}-enabled heterogeneous clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "751--763",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jayanthi Rao and Subir Biswas",
  title =        "Analyzing multi-hop routing feasibility for sensor
                 data harvesting using mobile sinks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "764--777",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Azzedine Boukerche and Dionysios Efstathiou and
                 Sotiris Nikoletseas",
  title =        "Direction-based adaptive data propagation for
                 heterogeneous sensor mobility",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "778--790",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. E. Pomares Hernandez and J. R. Perez Cruz and M.
  title =        "From the {Happened-Before Relation} to the {Causal
                 Ordered Set Abstraction}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "791--795",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Danilo Ardagna and Sara Casolari and Michele Colajanni
                 and Barbara Panicucci",
  title =        "Dual time-scale distributed capacity allocation and
                 load redirect algorithms for cloud systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "796--808",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pilar Manzanares-Lopez and Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja
                 and Juan Pedro Mu{\~n}oz-Gea",
  title =        "The importance of considering unauthentic transactions
                 in trust management systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "809--818",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sanguthevar Rajasekaran and Lance Fiondella and Dolly
                 Sharma and Reda Ammar and Nicholas Lownes",
  title =        "Communication and energy efficient routing protocols
                 for single-hop radio networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "819--826",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 19 16:59:49 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmed M. Khedr and Walid Osamy",
  title =        "Mobility-assisted minimum connected cover in a
                 wireless sensor network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "827--837",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "WonSik Chung and Mun-Suk Kim and JeongHoon Mo and
                 SuKyoung Lee",
  title =        "{QoS}-aware dynamic {MAP} selection schemes in
                 {HMIPv6} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "838--855",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hamidreza Salarian and Kwan-Wu Chin and Fazel Naghdy",
  title =        "Coordination in wireless sensor-actuator networks: a
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "856--867",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingfu Li and Hsun-Hao Yang",
  title =        "{CEA}: a {Cyclic Expansion Algorithm} for data
                 migration in parallel video servers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "868--879",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yehuda Afek and Nir Shavit and Moran Tzafrir",
  title =        "Interrupting snapshots and the {Java} size method",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "880--888",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Florian Huc and Aubin Jarry and Pierre Leone and
                 Jos{\'e} Rolim",
  title =        "On the efficiency of routing in sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "889--901",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li and Jie Li",
  title =        "Optimal energy allocation in heterogeneous wireless
                 sensor networks for lifetime maximization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "902--916",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Swan Dubois and Maria Potop-Butucaru and Mikhail
                 Nesterenko and S{\'e}bastien Tixeuil",
  title =        "Self-stabilizing {Byzantine} asynchronous unison",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "917--923",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 17 13:55:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunlin Li and Layuan Li",
  title =        "A flexible layered control policy for resource
                 allocation in a sensor grid",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "925--935",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. Angeline Ezhilarasi and K. S. Swarup",
  title =        "Network partitioning using harmony search and
                 equivalencing for distributed computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "936--943",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rahul Nagpal and Y. N. Srikant",
  title =        "Compiler-assisted energy optimization for clustered
                 {VLIW} processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "944--959",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinoh Kim and Doron Rotem",
  title =        "{FREP}: Energy proportionality for disk storage using
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "960--974",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ra{\'u}l Mart{\'\i}nez and Jos{\'e} M. Claver and
                 Francisco J. Alfaro and Jos{\'e} L. S{\'a}nchez",
  title =        "Hardware implementation study of several new egress
                 link scheduling algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "975--989",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. Apopei and T. J. Dodd",
  title =        "Automatic parallelisation for {LTI MIMO} state space
                 systems using {FPGAs}. {An} optimisation for cost \&
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "990--1007",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiao Chen and Neil C. Rowe and Jie Wu and Kaiqi
  title =        "Improving the localization accuracy of targets by
                 using their spatial-temporal relationships in wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1008--1018",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qin Liu and Chiu C. Tan and Jie Wu and Guojun Wang",
  title =        "Cooperative private searching in clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1019--1031",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinsong Gui and Anfeng Liu",
  title =        "A new distributed topology control algorithm based on
                 optimization of delay and energy in wireless networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1032--1044",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yi Hu and Laxmi N. Bhuyan and Min Feng",
  title =        "Peer-to-peer indirect reciprocity via personal
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1045--1054",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 11 14:52:59 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ram{\'o}n Doallo and Basilio B. Fraguela",
  title =        "Special issue editorial: Accelerators for
                 high-performance computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1055--1056",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miguel L{\'o}pez-Portugu{\'e}s and Jes{\'u}s A.
                 L{\'o}pez-Fern{\'a}ndez and Jonatan Men{\'e}ndez-Canal
                 and Alberto Rodr{\'\i}guez-Campa and Jos{\'e} Ranilla",
  title =        "Acoustic scattering solver based on single level {FMM}
                 for multi-{GPU} systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1057--1064",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marc de la Asunci{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} M. Mantas and
                 Manuel J. Castro and E. D. Fern{\'a}ndez-Nieto",
  title =        "An {MPI-CUDA} implementation of an improved {Roe}
                 method for two-layer shallow water systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1065--1072",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert Strzodka",
  title =        "Data layout optimization for multi-valued containers
                 in {OpenCL}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1073--1082",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jir{\'\i} Barnat and Petr Bauch and Lubos Brim and
                 Milan Ceska",
  title =        "Designing fast {LTL} model checking algorithms for
                 many-core {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1083--1097",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V. Galiano and H. Migall{\'o}n and V. Migall{\'o}n and
                 J. Penad{\'e}s",
  title =        "{GPU}-based parallel algorithms for sparse nonlinear
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1098--1105",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meilian Xu and Parimala Thulasiraman and Sima
  title =        "Microwave tomography for breast cancer detection on
                 {Cell} broadband engine processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1106--1116",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan G{\'o}mez-Luna and Jos{\'e} Mar{\'\i}a
                 Gonz{\'a}lez-Linares and Jos{\'e} Ignacio Benavides and
                 Nicol{\'a}s Guil",
  title =        "Performance models for asynchronous data transfers on
                 consumer {Graphics Processing Units}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1117--1126",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pablo Toharia and Oscar D. Robles and Ricardo
                 Su{\'a}rez and Jose Luis Bosque and Luis Pastor",
  title =        "Shot boundary detection using {Zernike} moments in
                 multi-{GPU} multi-{CPU} architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1127--1133",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francisco D. Igual and Ernie Chan and Enrique S.
                 Quintana-Ort{\'\i} and Gregorio Quintana-Ort{\'\i} and
                 Robert A. van de Geijn and Field G. {Van Zee}",
  title =        "The {FLAME} approach: From dense linear algebra
                 algorithms to high-performance multi-accelerator
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1134--1143",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicholas Moore and Miriam Leeser and Laurie Smith
  title =        "{VForce}: an environment for portable applications on
                 high performance systems with accelerators",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1144--1156",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 27 06:43:44 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miloud Bagaa and Yacine Challal and Abdelraouf
                 Ouadjaout and Noureddine Lasla and Nadjib Badache",
  title =        "Efficient data aggregation with in-network integrity
                 control for {WSN}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1157--1170",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Isil Oz and Haluk Rahmi Topcuo{\u{g}}lu and Mahmut
                 Kandemir and Oguz Tosun",
  title =        "Thread vulnerability in parallel applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1171--1185",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vladimir Shestak and Edwin K. P. Chong and Anthony A.
                 Maciejewski and Howard Jay Siegel",
  title =        "Probabilistic resource allocation in heterogeneous
                 distributed systems with random failures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1186--1194",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xixiang Lv and Hui Li and Baocang Wang",
  title =        "Group key agreement for secure group communication in
                 dynamic peer systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1195--1200",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Erik Saule and Erdeniz {\"O}. Bas and {\"U}mit V.
  title =        "Load-balancing spatially located computations using
                 rectangular partitions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1201--1214",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "MyungKeun Yoon and Shigang Chen",
  title =        "An incrementally deployable path address scheme",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1215--1225",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Soumitra Pal and Abhiram Ranade",
  title =        "Scheduling light-trails on {WDM} rings",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1226--1236",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seong Hoon Kim and Daeyoung Kim and Jeong-Seok Kang
                 and Hong Seong Park",
  title =        "A reflective service gateway for integrating evolvable
                 sensor-actuator networks with pervasive
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1237--1253",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bin Dong and Xiuqiao Li and Qimeng Wu and Limin Xiao
                 and Li Ruan",
  title =        "A dynamic and adaptive load balancing strategy for
                 parallel file system with large-scale {I/O} servers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1254--1268",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christos Anagnostopoulos and Stathes
  title =        "Optimal, quality-aware scheduling of data consumption
                 in mobile ad hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1269--1279",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Slavko Gajin and Zoran Jovanovic",
  title =        "An accurate performance model for network-on-chip and
                 multicomputer interconnection networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1280--1294",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoguang Li and Jie Wu and Shan Lin and Xiaojiang
  title =        "Channel switching control policy for wireless mesh
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1295--1305",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amitabha Roy and Steven Hand and Tim Harris",
  title =        "Weak atomicity for the x86 memory consistency model",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1306--1317",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bahman Javadi and Jemal Abawajy and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Failure-aware resource provisioning for hybrid cloud
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1318--1331",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ge Huang and Albert Y. Zomaya and Fl{\'a}via C.
                 Delicato and Paulo F. Pires",
  title =        "An accurate on-demand time synchronization protocol
                 for wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1332--1346",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gennaro Cordasco and Rosario {De Chiara} and Arnold L.
  title =        "On scheduling {DAGs} for volatile computing platforms:
                 Area-maximizing schedules",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1347--1360",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergio Orts and Jose Garcia-Rodriguez and Diego Viejo
                 and Miguel Cazorla and Vicente Morell",
  title =        "{GPGPU} implementation of growing neural gas:
                 Application to {$3$D} scene reconstruction",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1361--1372",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniele Angeli and Enrico Masala",
  title =        "A cost-effective cloud computing framework for
                 accelerating multimedia communication simulations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1373--1385",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hagit Attiya and Alessia Milani",
  title =        "Transactional scheduling for read-dominated
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1386--1396",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexey Lastovetsky",
  title =        "Special issue of {Journal of Parallel and Distributed
                 Computing}: Heterogeneity in parallel and distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1397--1397",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:33 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} Flich and Scott Pakin and Craig Stunkel",
  title =        "Special issue on {Communication Architectures for
                 Scalable Systems}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1399--1400",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jae W. Lee and Man Cheuk Ng and Krste Asanovi{\'c}",
  title =        "{Globally Synchronized Frames} for guaranteed
                 quality-of-service in on-chip networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1401--1411",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lizhong Chen and Ruisheng Wang and Timothy M.
  title =        "Efficient implementation of globally-aware network
                 flow control",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1412--1422",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eitan Zahavi",
  title =        "Fat-tree routing and node ordering providing
                 contention free traffic for {MPI} global collectives",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1423--1432",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wen-Chung Tsai and Kuo-Chih Chu and Yu-Hen Hu and
                 Sao-Jie Chen",
  title =        "A scalable and fault-tolerant network routing scheme
                 for many-core and multi-chip systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1433--1441",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangdeng Liao and Laxmi Bhuyan",
  title =        "Analyzing performance and power efficiency of network
                 processing over {10 GbE}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1442--1449",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yahya Jan and Lech J{\'o}{\'z}wiak",
  title =        "Scalable communication architectures for massively
                 parallel hardware multi-processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1450--1463",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Atsushi Hori and Jinpil Lee and Mitsuhisa Sato",
  title =        "Audit: a new synchronization {API} for the {GET\slash
                 PUT} protocol",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1464--1470",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaozu Dong and Xiaowei Yang and Jianhui Li and
                 Guangdeng Liao and Kun Tian and Haibing Guan",
  title =        "High performance network virtualization with
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1471--1480",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weikuan Yu and Xinyu Que and Vinod Tipparaju and
                 Jeffrey S. Vetter",
  title =        "{HiCOO}: Hierarchical cooperation for scalable
                 communication in {Global Address Space} programming
                 models on {Cray XT} systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1481--1492",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Somayyeh Koohi and Shaahin Hessabi",
  title =        "Scalable architecture for a contention-free optical
                 network on-chip",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1493--1506",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cameron Patterson and Jim Garside and Eustace Painkras
                 and Steve Temple and Luis A. Plana and Javier Navaridas
                 and Thomas Sharp and Steve Furber",
  title =        "Scalable communications for a million-core neural
                 processing architecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1507--1520",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Justin Y. Shi and Moussa Taifi and Abdallah Khreishah
                 and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Tuple switching network-When slower may be better",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1521--1534",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 12 12:11:36 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandro Baldassin and Felipe Goldstein and Rodolfo
  title =        "A transactional runtime system for the {Cell\slash BE}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1535--1546",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Angeles Navarro and Francisco Corbera and Rafael
                 Asenjo and Rosa Castillo and Emilio L. Zapata",
  title =        "A data dependence test based on the projection of
                 paths over shape graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1547--1564",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianwei Niu and Yuhang Gao and Meikang Qiu and Zhong
  title =        "Selecting proper wireless network interfaces for user
                 experience enhancement with guaranteed probability",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1565--1575",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dennis Ippoliti and Xiaobo Zhou",
  title =        "{A-GHSOM}: an adaptive growing hierarchical self
                 organizing map for network anomaly detection",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1576--1590",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenhui Shen and Srikanta Tirthapura",
  title =        "Approximate covering detection among content-based
                 subscriptions using space filling curves",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1591--1602",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anwar Mamat and Ying Lu and Jitender Deogun and Steve
  title =        "Efficient real-time divisible load scheduling",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1603--1616",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Simon Spacey and Wayne Luk and Paul H. J. Kelly and
                 Daniel Kuhn",
  title =        "Improving communication latency with the write-only
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1617--1627",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Farhana Jabeen and Alvaro A. A. Fernandes",
  title =        "An algorithmic strategy for in-network distributed
                 spatial analysis in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1628--1653",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun He and Hongchi Shi",
  title =        "Constructing sensor barriers with minimum cost in
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1654--1663",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sayed Chhattan Shah and Qurat-Ul-Ain Nizamani and
                 Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary and Myong-Soon Park",
  title =        "An effective and robust two-phase resource allocation
                 scheme for interdependent tasks in mobile ad hoc
                 computational {Grids}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1664--1679",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaechun No",
  title =        "{NAND} flash memory-based hybrid file system for high
                 {I/O} performance",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1680--1695",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ra{\'u}l Gracia-Tinedo and Pedro Garc{\'\i}a-L{\'o}pez
                 and Marc S{\'a}nchez-Artigas",
  title =        "{Sophia}: a local trust system to secure key-based
                 routing in non-deterministic {DHTs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1696--1712",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeeraporn Werapun and Sarun Intakosum and Veera
  title =        "An efficient parallel construction of optimal
                 independent spanning trees on hypercubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1713--1724",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Ma and Bin Gong and Ryo Sugihara and Rajesh
  title =        "Energy-efficient deadline scheduling for heterogeneous
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1725--1740",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhan Zhang and Shigang Chen and Zhen Mo and MyungKeun
  title =        "An efficient incentive scheme with a distributed
                 authority infrastructure in peer-to-peer networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1741--1752",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Thomasian and Yujie Tang and Yang Hu",
  title =        "Hierarchical {RAID}: Design, performance, reliability,
                 and recovery",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1753--1769",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rafael Vidal Aroca and Luiz Marcos Garcia
  title =        "Towards green data centers: a comparison of x86 and
                 {ARM} architectures power efficiency",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1770--1780",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Csaba Andras Moritz and Pritish Narayanan and Santosh
  title =        "Special Issue of {Journal of Parallel and Distributed
                 Computing: Computing with Future Nanotechnology}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1781--1781",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Author Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1782--1788",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Reviewer Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1789--1796",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "72",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 26 06:16:37 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "El-Ghazali Talbi and Geir Hasle",
  title =        "Metaheuristics on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--3",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andr{\'e} R. Brodtkorb and Trond R. Hagen and Martin
                 L. S{\ae}tra",
  title =        "Graphics processing unit ({GPU}) programming
                 strategies and trends in {GPU} computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "4--13",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian Schulz",
  title =        "Efficient local search on the {GPU}-Investigations on
                 the vehicle routing problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "14--31",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jacek Blazewicz and Wojciech Frohmberg and Michal
                 Kierzynka and Pawel Wojciechowski",
  title =        "{$G$-MSA} --- a {GPU}-based, fast and accurate
                 algorithm for multiple sequence alignment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "32--41",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} M. Cecilia and Jos{\'e} M. Garc{\'\i}a and
                 Andy Nisbet and Martyn Amos and Manuel Ujald{\'o}n",
  title =        "Enhancing Data Parallelism for Ant Colony Optimization
                 on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "42--51",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Audrey Del{\'e}vacq and Pierre Delisle and Marc Gravel
                 and Micha{\"e}l Krajecki",
  title =        "Parallel Ant Colony Optimization on Graphics
                 Processing Units",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "52--61",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Wang and Shahryar Rahnamayan and Zhijian Wu",
  title =        "Parallel differential evolution with self-adapting
                 control parameters and generalized opposition-based
                 learning for solving high-dimensional optimization
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "62--73",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dennis Weyland and Roberto Montemanni and Luca Maria
  title =        "A metaheuristic framework for stochastic combinatorial
                 optimization problems based on {GPGPU} with a case
                 study on the probabilistic traveling salesman problem
                 with deadlines",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "74--85",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Douglas A. Augusto and Helio J. C. Barbosa",
  title =        "Accelerated parallel genetic programming tree
                 evaluation with {OpenCL}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "86--100",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Pinel and Bernab{\'e} Dorronsoro and
                 Pascal Bouvry",
  title =        "Solving very large instances of the scheduling of
                 independent tasks problem on the {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "101--110",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 17 07:06:13 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio Fern{\'a}ndez Anta and Miguel A. Mosteiro and
                 Christopher Thraves",
  title =        "An early-stopping protocol for computing aggregate
                 functions in sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "111--121",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Asmaa Al-Naqi and Ahmet T. Erdogan and Tughrul
  title =        "Dynamic fault-tolerant three-dimensional cellular
                 genetic algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "122--136",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thibault Bernard and Alain Bui and Devan Sohier",
  title =        "Universal adaptive self-stabilizing traversal scheme:
                 Random walk and reloading wave",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "137--149",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Goodman and Behram Khan and Salman Khan and
                 Mikel Luj{\'a}n and Ian Watson",
  title =        "Software transactional memories for {Scala}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "150--163",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Todd Plantenga",
  title =        "Inexact subgraph isomorphism in {MapReduce}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "164--175",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Brice Goglin and St{\'e}phanie Moreaud",
  title =        "{KNEM}: a generic and scalable kernel-assisted
                 intra-node {MPI} communication framework",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "176--188",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lin Liu and Yuanyuan Yang",
  title =        "Energy-aware routing in hybrid optical network-on-chip
                 for future multi-processor system-on-chip",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "189--197",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peter Wittek and S{\'a}ndor Dar{\'a}nyi",
  title =        "Accelerating text mining workloads in a
                 {MapReduce}-based distributed {GPU} environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "198--206",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Simon Spacey and Wayne Luk and Daniel Kuhn and Paul H.
                 J. Kelly",
  title =        "Parallel partitioning for distributed systems using
                 sequential assignment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "207--219",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J{\"o}rg D{\"u}mmler and Thomas Rauber and Gudula
  title =        "Programming support and scheduling for communicating
                 parallel tasks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "220--234",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qi Shi and Ning Zhang and Madjid Merabti and Kashif
  title =        "Resource-efficient authentic key establishment in
                 heterogeneous wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "235--249",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Bernaschi and M. Bisson and D. Rossetti",
  title =        "Benchmarking of communication techniques for {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "250--255",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Man (Mike) Yuan and Johnnie W. Baker and Will C.
  title =        "Comparisons of air traffic control implementations on
                 an associative processor with a {MIMD} and consequences
                 for parallel computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "256--272",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sudip K. Seal and Kalyan S. Perumalla and Steven P.
  title =        "Revisiting parallel cyclic reduction and parallel
                 prefix-based algorithms for block tridiagonal systems
                 of equations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "273--280",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 13 20:22:17 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alfredo Cuzzocrea",
  title =        "Models and algorithms for high-performance distributed
                 data mining",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "281--283",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sujatha R. Upadhyaya",
  title =        "Parallel approaches to machine learning --- a
                 comprehensive survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "284--292",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qi Li and Raied Salman and Erik Test and Robert Strack
                 and Vojislav Kecman",
  title =        "Parallel multitask cross validation for {Support
                 Vector Machine} using {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "293--302",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "St{\'e}phane Bressan and Alfredo Cuzzocrea and
                 Panagiotis Karras and Xuesong Lu and Sadegh Heyrani
  title =        "An effective and efficient parallel approach for
                 random graph generation over {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "303--316",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giuseppe {Di Fatta} and Francesco Blasa and Simone
                 Cafiero and Giancarlo Fortino",
  title =        "Fault tolerant decentralised {$K$}-Means clustering
                 for asynchronous large-scale networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "317--329",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gang Wu and Huxing Zhang and Meikang Qiu and Zhong
                 Ming and Jiayin Li and Xiao Qin",
  title =        "A decentralized approach for mining event correlations
                 in distributed system monitoring",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "330--340",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "T. Berka and M. Vajtersic",
  title =        "Parallel rare term vector replacement: Fast and
                 effective dimensionality reduction for text",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "341--351",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weizhong Yan and Umang Brahmakshatriya and Ya Xue and
                 Mark Gilder and Bowden Wise",
  title =        "{$p$-PIC}: Parallel power iteration clustering for big
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "352--359",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giulia Bruno and Alessandro Fiori",
  title =        "{MicroClAn}: Microarray clustering analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "360--370",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 23 08:28:09 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaxiong Zhao and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Building a reliable and high-performance content-based
                 publish\slash subscribe system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "371--382",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Ye and Andrew M. Wallace and Abdallah {Al Zain}
                 and John Thompson",
  title =        "Parallel {Bayesian} inference of range and reflectance
                 from {LaDAR} profiles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "383--399",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jingshu Chen and Fuad Abujarad and Sandeep Kulkarni",
  title =        "Towards scalable model checking of self-stabilizing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "400--410",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuan Dai and Yong Fang and Dongjian He and Bormin
  title =        "Parallel design for error-resilient entropy coding
                 algorithm on {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "411--419",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Raimundo Jos{\'e} de Ara{\'u}jo Mac{\^e}do and Allan
                 Edgard Silva Freitas and Al{\'\i}rio Santos de S{\'a}",
  title =        "Enhancing group communication with self-manageable
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "420--433",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan Besa and Yadran Eterovic",
  title =        "A concurrent red-black tree",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "434--449",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saurabh Kumar Garg and Srikumar Venugopal and James
                 Broberg and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Double auction-inspired meta-scheduling of parallel
                 applications on global grids",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "450--464",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joris Borgdorff and Jean-Luc Falcone and Eric Lorenz
                 and Carles Bona-Casas and Bastien Chopard and Alfons G.
  title =        "Foundations of distributed multiscale computing:
                 Formalization, specification, and analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "465--483",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Haitao Wei and Mingkang Qin and Weiwei Zhang and
                 Junqing Yu and Dongrui Fan and Guang R. Gao",
  title =        "{StreamTMC}: Stream compilation for tiled multi-core
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "484--494",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sharrukh Zaman and Daniel Grosu",
  title =        "Combinatorial auction-based allocation of virtual
                 machine instances in clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "495--508",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kiyeon Lee and Sangyeun Cho",
  title =        "Accurately modeling superscalar processor performance
                 with reduced trace",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "509--521",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Can Basaran and Kyoung-Don Kang",
  title =        "{Grex}: an efficient {MapReduce} framework for
                 graphics processing units",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "522--533",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Najme Mansouri and Gholam Hosein Dastghaibyfard",
  title =        "Enhanced Dynamic Hierarchical Replication and Weighted
                 Scheduling Strategy in Data Grid",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "534--543",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gregory Aaron Wilkin and Patrick Eugster",
  title =        "Multicasting in the presence of aggregated
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "544--556",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 20 06:51:33 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francisco {Heron de Carvalho Junior} and Cenez
                 Ara{\'u}jo de Rezende",
  title =        "A case study on expressiveness and performance of
                 component-oriented parallel programming",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "557--569",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lanfranco Lopriore",
  title =        "Object protection in distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "570--579",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Khaldoon Al-Zoubi and Gabriel Wainer",
  title =        "{RISE}: a general simulation interoperability
                 middleware container",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "580--594",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "I-Wei Ting and Yeim-Kuan Chang",
  title =        "Improved group-based cooperative caching scheme for
                 mobile ad hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "595--607",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Faraz Ahmad and Seyong Lee and Mithuna Thottethodi and
                 T. N. Vijaykumar",
  title =        "{MapReduce} with communication overlap ({MaRCO})",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "608--620",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal",
  title =        "Efficient distributed snapshots in an anonymous
                 asynchronous message-passing system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "621--629",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gong Su and Arun Iyengar",
  title =        "Avoiding disruptive failovers in transaction
                 processing systems with multiple active nodes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "630--640",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Baolei Cheng and Jianxi Fan and Xiaohua Jia and Jin
  title =        "Dimension-adjacent trees and parallel construction of
                 independent spanning trees on crossed cubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "641--652",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaopeng Fan and Jiannong Cao and Haixia Mao and
                 Yunhuai Liu",
  title =        "Gossip-based cooperative caching for mobile
                 applications in mobile wireless networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "653--663",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dhiah Al-Shammary and Ibrahim Khalil and Zahir Tari
                 and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Fractal self-similarity measurements based clustering
                 technique for {SOAP Web} messages",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "664--676",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tan Nguyen and Daniel Hefenbrock and Jason Oberg and
                 Ryan Kastner and Scott Baden",
  title =        "A software-based dynamic-warp scheduling approach for
                 load-balancing the {Viola--Jones} face detection
                 algorithm on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "677--685",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiading Gai and Nady Obeid and Joseph L. Holtrop and
                 Xiao-Long Wu and Fan Lam and Maojing Fu and Justin P.
                 Haldar and Wen-mei W. Hwu and Zhi-Pei Liang and Bradley
                 P. Sutton",
  title =        "More {IMPATIENT}: a gridding-accelerated
                 Toeplitz-based strategy for non-Cartesian
                 high-resolution {$3$D MRI} on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "686--697",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bogdan Nicolae and Franck Cappello",
  title =        "{BlobCR}: Virtual disk based checkpoint-restart for
                 {HPC} applications on {IaaS} clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "698--711",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 13 14:03:29 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alberto Cano and Juan Luis Olmo and Sebasti{\'a}n
  title =        "Parallel multi-objective Ant Programming for
                 classification using {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "713--728",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shouling Ji and Jing (Selena) He and Yi Pan and
                 Yingshu Li",
  title =        "Continuous data aggregation and capacity in
                 probabilistic wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "729--745",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo Yu and Cheng-Zhong Xu and Bin Xiao",
  title =        "Detecting {Sybil} attacks in {VANETs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "746--756",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaonan Wang and Shan Zhong",
  title =        "Research on {IPv6} address configuration for a
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "757--766",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michele Amoretti and Francesco Zanichelli and Gianni
  title =        "Efficient autonomic cloud computing using online
                 discrete event simulation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "767--776",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Josep L. Lerida and Francesc Solsona and Porfidio
                 Hernandez and Francesc Gine and Mauricio Hanzich and
                 Josep Conde",
  title =        "State-based predictions with self-correction on
                 {Enterprise Desktop Grid} environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "777--789",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heshan Kumarage and Ibrahim Khalil and Zahir Tari and
                 Albert Zomaya",
  title =        "Distributed anomaly detection for industrial wireless
                 sensor networks based on fuzzy data modelling",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "790--806",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xingwei Wang and Hui Cheng and Keqin Li and Jie Li and
                 Jiajia Sun",
  title =        "A cross-layer optimization based integrated routing
                 and grooming algorithm for green multi-granularity
                 transport networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "807--822",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Krish K. R. and Guanying Wang and Puranjoy
                 Bhattacharjee and Ali R. Butt and Chris Gniady",
  title =        "On reducing energy management delays in disks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "823--835",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mostafa I. Soliman",
  title =        "Design, implementation, and evaluation of a
                 low-complexity vector-core for executing scalar\slash
                 vector instructions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "836--850",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anne Benoit and Fanny Dufoss{\'e} and Alain Girault
                 and Yves Robert",
  title =        "Reliability and performance optimization of pipelined
                 real-time systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "851--865",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hari K. Raghavan and Sathish S. Vadhiyar",
  title =        "Efficient asynchronous executions of {AMR}
                 computations and visualization on a {GPU} system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "866--875",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oleg Lobachev and Michael Guthe and Rita Loogen",
  title =        "Estimating parallel performance",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "876--887",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hatem M. El-Boghdadi",
  title =        "A class of almost-optimal size-independent parallel
                 prefix circuits",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "888--894",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sriram Krishnamoorthy and J. Ramanujam and P.
  title =        "A Special Issue of {Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing}: Domain-Specific Languages and
                 High-Level Frameworks for High-Performance Computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "895--895",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Srinivas Aluru and Yogesh Simmhan",
  title =        "A Special Issue of {Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing}: Scalable Systems for Big Data
                 Management and Analytics",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "896--896",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cynthia Phillips",
  title =        "Best papers, {IPDPS 2010}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "897--897",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seetharami Seelam and Liana Fong and Asser Tantawi and
                 John Lewars and John Divirgilio and Kevin Gildea",
  title =        "Extreme scale computing: Modeling the impact of system
                 noise in multi-core clustered systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "898--910",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rezaul Alam Chowdhury and Vijaya Ramachandran and
                 Francesco Silvestri and Brandon Blakeley",
  title =        "Oblivious algorithms for multicores and networks of
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "911--925",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Tang and Narayan Desai and Daniel Buettner and
                 Zhiling Lan",
  title =        "Job scheduling with adjusted runtime estimates on
                 production supercomputers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "926--938",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Frank Mueller",
  title =        "Best papers, {IPDPS 2011}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "939--939",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Delling and Andrew V. Goldberg and Andreas
                 Nowatzyk and Renato F. Werneck",
  title =        "{PHAST}: Hardware-accelerated shortest path trees",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "940--952",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew Nere and Sean Franey and Atif Hashmi and Mikko
  title =        "Simulating cortical networks on heterogeneous
                 multi-{GPU} systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "953--971",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} L. Abell{\'a}n and Juan Fern{\'a}ndez and
                 Manuel E. Acacio",
  title =        "Design of an efficient communication infrastructure
                 for highly contended locks in many-core {CMPs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "972--985",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leonid Oliker and Katherine Yelick",
  title =        "Best paper awards: {26th International Parallel and
                 Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2012)}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "986--986",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miguel Matos and Valerio Schiavoni and Pascal Felber
                 and Rui Oliveira and Etienne Rivi{\`e}re",
  title =        "Lightweight, efficient, robust epidemic
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "987--999",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Teng Ma and George Bosilca and Aurelien Bouteiller and
                 Jack J. Dongarra",
  title =        "Kernel-assisted and topology-aware {MPI} collective
                 communications on multicore\slash many-core platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1000--1010",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saurabh Gupta and Ping Xiang and Yi Yang and Huiyang
  title =        "Locality principle revisited: a probability-based
                 quantitative approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "1011--1027",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:35 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alex A. Aravind",
  title =        "Simple, space-efficient, and fairness improved {FCFS}
                 mutual exclusion algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1029--1038",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Olga Nikolova and Jaroslaw Zola and Srinivas Aluru",
  title =        "Parallel globally optimal structure learning of
                 {Bayesian} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1039--1048",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Di Wu and Lichun Bao and Amelia C. Regan and Carolyn
                 L. Talcott",
  title =        "Large-scale access scheduling in wireless mesh
                 networks using social centrality",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1049--1065",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nasro Min-Allah and Samee U. Khan and Xiuli Wang and
                 Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Lowest priority first based feasibility analysis of
                 real-time systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1066--1075",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Manjunathaiah",
  title =        "Fine-grained multi-phase array designs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1076--1082",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Menglan Hu and Bharadwaj Veeravalli",
  title =        "Requirement-aware strategies for scheduling real-time
                 divisible loads on clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1083--1091",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fernando Guirado and Concepci{\'o} Roig and Ana
  title =        "Enhancing throughput for streaming applications
                 running on cluster systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1092--1105",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qinma Kang and Hong He and Jun Wei",
  title =        "An effective iterated greedy algorithm for
                 reliability-oriented task allocation in distributed
                 computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1106--1115",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiaqing Luo and Bin Xiao and Shijie Zhou",
  title =        "A bottom-up model for heterogeneous {BitTorrent}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1116--1126",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. P. D'Amato and M. V{\'e}nere",
  title =        "A {CPU-GPU} framework for optimizing the quality of
                 large meshes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1127--1134",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Roberto Baldoni and Silvia Bonomi and Adriano Cerocchi
                 and Leonardo Querzoni",
  title =        "{Virtual Tree}: a robust architecture for interval
                 valid queries in dynamic distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1135--1145",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mostafa I. Soliman and Abdulmajid F. Al-Junaid",
  title =        "A shared matrix unit for a chip multi-core processor",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1146--1156",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vaibhav Sundriyal and Masha Sosonkina and Alexander
                 Gaenko and Zhao Zhang",
  title =        "Energy saving strategies for parallel applications
                 with point-to-point communication phases",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1157--1169",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yeim-Kuan Chang and Fang-Chen Kuo",
  title =        "Hint-based cache design for reducing miss penalty in
                 {HBS} packet classification algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1170--1182",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Salvatore {Di Gregorio} and Giuseppe Filippone and
                 William Spataro and Giuseppe A. Trunfio",
  title =        "Accelerating wildfire susceptibility mapping through
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1183--1194",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinwoong Kim and Sul-Gi Kim and Beomseok Nam",
  title =        "Parallel multi-dimensional range query processing with
                 {R}-trees on {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1195--1207",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bahman Javadi and Derrick Kondo and Alexandru Iosup
                 and Dick Epema",
  title =        "The {Failure Trace Archive}: Enabling the comparison
                 of failure measurements and models of distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "1208--1223",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:40 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wann-Yun Shieh and Chin-Ching Pong",
  title =        "Energy and transition-aware runtime task scheduling
                 for multicore processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1225--1238",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan A. Villar and Francisco J. And{\'u}jar and
                 Jos{\'e} L. S{\'a}nchez and Francisco J. Alfaro and
                 Jos{\'e} A. G{\'a}mez and Jos{\'e} Duato",
  title =        "Obtaining the optimal configuration of high-radix
                 combined switches",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1239--1250",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marin Bertier and Marko Obrovac and C{\'e}dric
  title =        "Adaptive atomic capture of multiple molecules",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1251--1266",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Yan and Xin-ping Guan and Xiao-yuan Luo and
                 Cai-lian Chen",
  title =        "A cooperative pursuit-evasion game in wireless sensor
                 and actor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1267--1276",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guilherme Maia and Andre L. L. Aquino and Daniel L.
                 Guidoni and Antonio A. F. Loureiro",
  title =        "A multicast reprogramming protocol for wireless sensor
                 networks based on small world concepts",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1277--1291",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Enrico Mastrostefano and Massimo Bernaschi",
  title =        "Efficient breadth first search on multi-{GPU}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1292--1305",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuming Xu and Kenli Li and Ligang He and Tung Khac
  title =        "A {DAG} scheduling scheme on heterogeneous computing
                 systems using double molecular structure-based chemical
                 reaction optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1306--1322",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dawei Gong and Yuanyuan Yang and Zhexi Pan",
  title =        "Energy-efficient clustering in lossy wireless sensor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "1323--1336",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 26 16:44:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessio Bonfietti and Michele Lombardi and Michela
                 Milano and Luca Benini",
  title =        "Maximum-throughput mapping of {SDFGs} on multi-core
                 {SoC} platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1337--1350",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiangyang Liang and Minh Nguyen and Hao Che",
  title =        "Wimpy or brawny cores: a throughput perspective",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1351--1361",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Deepak Ajwani and Shoukat Ali and Kostas Katrinis and
                 Cheng-Hong Li and Alfred J. Park and John P. Morrison
                 and Eugen Schenfeld",
  title =        "Generating synthetic task graphs for simulating stream
                 computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1362--1374",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hamid Karimi and Saleh Yousefi and Maghsud
  title =        "A segmentation approach for file broadcast
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1375--1388",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marjan Naderan and Mehdi Dehghan and Hossein Pedram",
  title =        "Upper and lower bounds for dynamic cluster assignment
                 for multi-target tracking in heterogeneous {WSNs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1389--1399",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lukasz G. Szafaryn and Todd Gamblin and Bronis R. de
                 Supinski and Kevin Skadron",
  title =        "{Trellis}: Portability across architectures with a
                 high-level framework",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1400--1413",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:47:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Simon McIntosh-Smith and Charles Gillan and Nico Sanna
                 and Stan Scott and Thomas Steinke",
  title =        "Special issue of the {Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing (JDPC)} on novel architectures
                 for high-performance computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1415--1416",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sunita Chandrasekaran and Shilpa Shanbagh and Ramkumar
                 Jayaraman and Douglas L. Maskell and Hui Yan Cheah",
  title =        "{C2FPGA} --- a dependency-timing graph design
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1417--1429",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Khalid H. Abed and Gerald R. Morris",
  title =        "Improving performance of codes with large\slash
                 irregular stride memory access patterns via high
                 performance reconfigurable computers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1430--1438",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. J. Pennycook and S. D. Hammond and S. A. Wright and
                 J. A. Herdman and I. Miller and S. A. Jarvis",
  title =        "An investigation of the performance portability of
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1439--1450",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. B. Giles and G. R. Mudalige and B. Spencer and C.
                 Bertolli and I. Reguly",
  title =        "Designing {OP2} for {GPU} architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1451--1460",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michal Czapi{\'n}ski",
  title =        "An effective {Parallel Multistart Tabu Search for
                 Quadratic Assignment Problem} on {CUDA} platform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1461--1468",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liu Peng and Guangming Tan and Rajiv K. Kalia and
                 Aiichiro Nakano and Priya Vashishta and Dongrui Fan and
                 Hao Zhang and Fenglong Song",
  title =        "Scalability study of molecular dynamics simulation on
                 {Godson-T} many-core architecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1469--1482",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Valdez-Balderas and Jos{\'e} M. Dom{\'\i}nguez
                 and Benedict D. Rogers and Alejandro J. C. Crespo",
  title =        "Towards accelerating smoothed particle hydrodynamics
                 simulations for free-surface flows on multi-{GPU}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1483--1493",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pavel Emeliyanenko",
  title =        "Computing resultants on {Graphics Processing Units}:
                 Towards {GPU}-accelerated computer algebra",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1494--1505",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiwon Choi and Myeongsu Kang and Yongmin Kim and
                 Cheol-Hong Kim and Jong-Myon Kim",
  title =        "Design space exploration in many-core processors for
                 sound synthesis of plucked string instruments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1506--1522",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 23 11:46:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexey Lastovetsky",
  title =        "Heterogeneity in parallel and distributed computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1523--1524",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaekyu Lee and Si Li and Hyesoon Kim and Sudhakar
  title =        "Design space exploration of on-chip ring
                 interconnection for a {CPU--GPU} heterogeneous
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1525--1538",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan C. Pichel and Francisco F. Rivera",
  title =        "Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on the
                 {Single-Chip Cloud Computer} many-core processor",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1539--1550",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Patrick A. {La Fratta} and Peter M. Kogge",
  title =        "Energy-efficient multithreading for a hierarchical
                 heterogeneous multicore through locality-cognizant
                 thread generation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1551--1562",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "I. Chakroun and N. Melab and M. Mezmaz and D.
  title =        "Combining multi-core and {GPU} computing for solving
                 combinatorial optimization problems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1563--1577",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alfred J. Park and Kalyan S. Perumalla",
  title =        "Efficient heterogeneous execution on large multicore
                 and accelerator platforms: Case study using a block
                 tridiagonal solver",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1578--1591",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qiang Wu and Canqun Yang and Tao Tang and Liquan
  title =        "Exploiting hierarchy parallelism for molecular
                 dynamics on a petascale heterogeneous system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1592--1604",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicholas T. Karonis and Kirk L. Duffin and Caesar E.
                 Ordo{\~n}ez and Bela Erdelyi and Thomas D. Uram and
                 Eric C. Olson and George Coutrakon and Michael E.
  title =        "Distributed and hardware accelerated computing for
                 clinical medical imaging using proton computed
                 tomography ({pCT})",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1605--1612",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hartwig Anzt and Stanimire Tomov and Jack Dongarra and
                 Vincent Heuveline",
  title =        "A block-asynchronous relaxation method for graphics
                 processing units",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1613--1626",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mois{\'e}s Vi{\~n}as and Zeki Bozkus and Basilio B.
  title =        "Exploiting heterogeneous parallelism with the
                 {Heterogeneous Programming Library}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1627--1638",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Philipp Kegel and Michel Steuwer and Sergei Gorlatch",
  title =        "{dOpenCL}: Towards uniform programming of distributed
                 heterogeneous multi-\slash many-core systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1639--1648",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "F. Silber-Chaussumier and A. Muller and R. Habel",
  title =        "Generating data transfers for distributed {GPU}
                 parallel programs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1649--1660",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Po-Chi Shih and Kuo-Chan Huang and Che-Rung Lee and
                 I-Hsin Chung and Yeh-Ching Chung",
  title =        "{TLA}: Temporal look-ahead processor allocation method
                 for heterogeneous multi-cluster systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1661--1672",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Zheng and Rizos Sakellariou",
  title =        "Stochastic {DAG} scheduling using a {Monte Carlo}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1673--1689",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikos Tziritas and Samee Ullah Khan and Cheng-Zhong Xu
                 and Thanasis Loukopoulos and Spyros Lalis",
  title =        "On minimizing the resource consumption of cloud
                 applications using process migrations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1690--1704",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Luis Diego Brice{\~n}o and Jay Smith and Howard Jay
                 Siegel and Anthony A. Maciejewski and Paul Maxwell and
                 Russ Wakefield and Abdulla Al-Qawasmeh and Ron C.
                 Chiang and Jiayin Li",
  title =        "Robust static resource allocation of {DAGs} in a
                 heterogeneous multicore system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "73",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1705--1717",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 29 09:55:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li",
  title =        "Optimal number of annuli for maximizing the lifetime
                 of sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1719--1729",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Matthias Birk and Robin Dapp and N. V. Ruiter and J.
  title =        "{GPU}-based iterative transmission reconstruction in
                 {$3$D} ultrasound computer tomography",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1730--1743",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sherenaz W. Al-Haj Baddar and Basel A. Mahafzah",
  title =        "Bitonic sort on a chained-cubic tree interconnection
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1744--1761",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinoh Kim and Jerry Chou and Doron Rotem",
  title =        "{iPACS}: Power-aware covering sets for energy
                 proportionality and performance in data parallel
                 computing clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1762--1774",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Li and Fl{\'a}via C. Delicato and Paulo F. Pires
                 and Young Choon Lee and Albert Y. Zomaya and Claudio
                 Miceli and Luci Pirmez",
  title =        "Efficient allocation of resources in multiple
                 heterogeneous {Wireless Sensor Networks}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1775--1788",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arshad Jhumka and Matthew Bradbury and Sain
  title =        "Efficient fault-tolerant collision-free data
                 aggregation scheduling for wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1789--1801",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo and Pedro J. Garcia and
                 Francisco J. Quiles and Sven-Arne Reinemo and Tor Skeie
                 and Olav Lysne and Jose Duato",
  title =        "A new proposal to deal with congestion in
                 {InfiniBand}-based fat-trees",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1802--1819",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sheng Di and Derrick Kondo and Walfredo Cirne",
  title =        "{Google} hostload prediction based on {Bayesian} model
                 with optimized feature combination",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1820--1832",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sutharshan Rajasegarar and Christopher Leckie and
                 Marimuthu Palaniswami",
  title =        "Hyperspherical cluster based distributed anomaly
                 detection in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1833--1847",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Phuong Luu Vo and Tuan Anh Le and Sungwon Lee and
                 Choong Seon Hong and Byeongsik Kim and Hoyoung Song",
  title =        "Multi-path utility maximization and multi-path {TCP}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1848--1857",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianhua Li and Liang Shi and Chun Jason Xue and
                 Yinlong Xu",
  title =        "Dual partitioning multicasting for high-performance
                 on-chip networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1858--1871",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arslan Munir and Ann Gordon-Ross and Sanjay Ranka and
                 Farinaz Koushanfar",
  title =        "A queueing theoretic approach for performance
                 evaluation of low-power multi-core embedded systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1872--1890",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marta Fort and J. Antoni Sellar{\`e}s and Nacho
  title =        "Finding extremal sets on the {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1891--1899",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Colette Johnen and Fouzi Mekhaldi",
  title =        "Self-stabilizing with service guarantee construction
                 of $1$-hop weight-based bounded size clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1900--1913",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R{\'e}mi Bertin and Sascha Hunold and Arnaud Legrand
                 and Corinne Touati",
  title =        "Fair scheduling of bag-of-tasks applications using
                 distributed {Lagrangian} optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1914--1929",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pablo Basanta-Val and Marisol Garc{\'\i}a-Valls",
  title =        "Resource management policies for real-time {Java}
                 remote invocations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1930--1944",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Shi and Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro and Jean-Pierre
  title =        "Searching for a black hole in interconnected networks
                 using mobile agents and tokens",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1945--1958",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V. Atlidakis and M. Roussopoulos and A. Delis",
  title =        "{EnhancedBit}: Unleashing the potential of the
                 unchoking policy in the {BitTorrent} protocol",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1959--1970",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Min Shen and Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and Ashfaq Khokhar",
  title =        "Detecting stable locality-aware predicates",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1971--1983",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Junxiu Liu and Jim Harkin and Yuhua Li and Liam
  title =        "Online traffic-aware fault detection for
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1984--1993",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manuel Jes{\'u}s Mart{\'\i}n Requena and Pablo Moscato
                 and Manuel Ujald{\'o}n",
  title =        "Efficient data partitioning for the {GPU} computation
                 of moment functions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1994--2004",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peijian Wang and Yong Qi and Xue Liu",
  title =        "Power-aware optimization for heterogeneous multi-tier
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "2005--2015",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Othon Michail and Ioannis Chatzigiannakis and Paul G.
  title =        "Causality, influence, and computation in possibly
                 disconnected synchronous dynamic networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "2016--2026",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John T. Feo and Antonino Tumeo and Timothy G. Mattson
                 and Oreste Villa and Simone Secchi",
  title =        "Special Issue of {Journal of Parallel and Distributed
                 Computing: Architectures and Algorithms for Irregular
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "2027--2028",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 11 14:13:24 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Martal{\`o} and M. Amoretti and M. Picone and G.
  title =        "Sporadic decentralized resource maintenance for {P2P}
                 distributed storage networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2029--2038",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seon-Ho Shin and Eun-Jin Im and MyungKeun Yoon",
  title =        "A grand spread estimator using a graphics processing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2039--2047",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guillaume Aupy and Yves Robert and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric
                 Vivien and Dounia Zaidouni",
  title =        "Checkpointing algorithms and fault prediction",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2048--2064",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Petra Berenbrink and Andr{\'e} Brinkmann and Tom
                 Friedetzky and Lars Nagel",
  title =        "Balls into non-uniform bins",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2065--2076",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marwane Ayaida and Mohtadi Barhoumi and Hac{\`e}ne
                 Fouchal and Yacine Ghamri-Doudane and Lissan Afilal",
  title =        "Joint routing and location-based service in {VANETs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2077--2087",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiaquan Gao and Ronghua Liang and Jun Wang",
  title =        "Research on the conjugate gradient algorithm with a
                 modified incomplete {Cholesky} preconditioner on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2088--2098",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Kingsy Grace and R. Manimegalai",
  title =        "Dynamic replica placement and selection strategies in
                 data grids --- a comprehensive survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2099--2108",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weiwei Fu and Li Liu and Tianzhou Chen",
  title =        "Direct distributed memory access for {CMPs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2109--2122",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Panagiotis A. Foteinos and Nikos P. Chrisochoides",
  title =        "High quality real-time {Image-to-Mesh} conversion for
                 finite element simulations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "2123--2140",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 23 09:37:18 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fei Chen and Tao Xiang and Yuanyuan Yang",
  title =        "Privacy-preserving and verifiable protocols for
                 scientific computation outsourcing to the cloud",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2141--2151",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hamid Mohammadi Fard and Radu Prodan and Thomas
  title =        "Multi-objective list scheduling of workflow
                 applications in distributed computing infrastructures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2152--2165",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rong Gu and Xiaoliang Yang and Jinshuang Yan and
                 Yuanhao Sun and Bing Wang and Chunfeng Yuan and Yihua
  title =        "{SHadoop}: Improving {MapReduce} performance by
                 optimizing job execution mechanism in {Hadoop}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2166--2179",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongyang Sun and Wen-Jing Hsu and Yangjie Cao",
  title =        "Competitive online adaptive scheduling for sets of
                 parallel jobs with fairness and efficiency",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2180--2192",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joel Antonio Trejo-S{\'a}nchez and Jos{\'e} Alberto
  title =        "Distributed algorithm for the maximal $2$-packing in
                 geometric outerplanar graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2193--2202",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anirban Pal and Abhishek Agarwala and Soumyendu Raha
                 and Baidurya Bhattacharya",
  title =        "Performance metrics in a hybrid {MPI--OpenMP} based
                 molecular dynamics simulation with short-range
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2203--2214",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eduardo H. M. Cruz and Matthias Diener and Marco A. Z.
                 Alves and Philippe O. A. Navaux",
  title =        "Dynamic thread mapping of shared memory applications
                 by exploiting cache coherence protocols",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "2215--2228",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 28 12:39:53 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Akram Ben Ahmed and Abderazek Ben Abdallah",
  title =        "Graceful deadlock-free fault-tolerant routing
                 algorithm for {$3$D Network-on-Chip} architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2229--2240",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sangwook Kim and Hwanju Kim and Joonwon Lee and Jinkyu
  title =        "Group-based memory oversubscription for virtualized
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2241--2256",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuanming Zhang and Gang Xiao and Takanobu Baba",
  title =        "Accelerating sequential programs on commodity
                 multi-core processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2257--2265",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandre Skyrme and Noemi Rodriguez and Roberto
  title =        "A survey of support for structured communication in
                 concurrency control models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2266--2285",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaehwan Lee and Pete Keleher and Alan Sussman",
  title =        "Exploiting multi-core nodes in peer-to-peer grids",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2286--2303",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaojun Zhu and Qun Li and Weizhen Mao and Guihai
  title =        "Online vector scheduling and generalized load
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2304--2309",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cheng-Nan Lai",
  title =        "An efficient construction of one-to-many node-disjoint
                 paths in folded hypercubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2310--2316",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 28 07:02:56 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christos Anagnostopoulos",
  title =        "Time-optimized contextual information forwarding in
                 mobile sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2317--2332",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Reza Salimi and Homayun Motameni and Hesam Omranpour",
  title =        "Task scheduling using {NSGA II} with fuzzy adaptive
                 operators for computational grids",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2333--2350",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sireesha Muppala and Guihai Chen and Xiaobo Zhou",
  title =        "Multi-tier service differentiation by coordinated
                 learning-based resource provisioning and admission
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2351--2364",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dawei Gong and Miao Zhao and Yuanyuan Yang",
  title =        "Distributed channel assignment algorithms for {802.11n
                 WLANs} with heterogeneous clients",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2365--2379",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pilar Gonz{\'a}lez-F{\'e}rez and Juan Piernas and Toni
  title =        "A general framework for dynamic and automatic {I/O}
                 scheduling in hard and solid-state drives",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2380--2391",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pedro Alonso and Manuel F. Dolz and Antonio M. Vidal",
  title =        "Block pivoting implementation of a symmetric
                 {Toeplitz} solver",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2392--2399",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giorgos Kollias and Madan Sathe and Olaf Schenk and
                 Ananth Grama",
  title =        "Fast parallel algorithms for graph similarity and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2400--2410",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohamed Slim Bouguerra and Derrick Kondo and Fernando
                 Mendonca and Denis Trystram",
  title =        "Fault-tolerant scheduling on parallel systems with
                 non-memoryless failure distributions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2411--2422",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xin Yuan and Santosh Mahapatra and Michael Lang and
                 Scott Pakin",
  title =        "Static load-balanced routing for slimmed fat-trees",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2423--2432",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Herv{\'e} Baumann and Pierluigi Crescenzi and Pierre
  title =        "Flooding in dynamic graphs with arbitrary degree
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2433--2437",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miao Peng and Hui Chen and Yang Xiao and Suat Ozdemir
                 and Athanasios V. Vasilakos and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Retraction notice to: {``Impacts of sensor node
                 distributions on coverage in sensor networks'' [J.
                 Parallel Distrib. Comput. (2011) 1578--1591]}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "2438--2438",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 14 17:35:33 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Peng:2011:ISN}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "From the Web site: ``It has been brought to the
                 attention of the \booktitle{Journal of Parallel and
                 Distributed Computing (JPDC)} that this article
                 previously published in JPDC included a large number of
                 references to another journal. It is the opinion of the
                 JPDC Editor-in-Chief and the Publisher that these
                 citations were not of direct relevance to the article
                 and were included to manipulate the citation

                 This article is being retracted at the request of the
                 Publisher, on the basis that it violates Elsevier's
                 policy regarding citation manipulation.\par

                 The Editors and editorial board of JPDC were not
                 involved in facilitating this manipulation, as the
                 references were added after acceptance, thus avoiding
                 editorial scrutiny.''",

  author =       "Csaba Andras Moritz and Santosh Khasanvis and Pritish
  title =        "Introduction to {JPDC} special issue on computing with
                 future nanotechnology",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2439--2440",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ogun Turkyilmaz and Santhosh Onkaraiah and Marina
                 Reyboz and Fabien Clermidy and Hraziia and Costin
                 Anghel and Jean-Michel Portal and Marc Bocquet",
  title =        "{RRAM-based} {FPGA} for ``Normally Off, Instantly On''
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2441--2451",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nishant S. Nukala and Niranjan Kulkarni and Sarma
  title =        "{Spintronic Threshold Logic Array (STLA)} --- a
                 compact, low leakage, non-volatile gate array
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2452--2460",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joseph S. Friedman and John A. Peters and Gokhan Memik
                 and Bruce W. Wessels and Alan V. Sahakian",
  title =        "Emitter-coupled spin-transistor logic",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2461--2469",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun Pang and Alvin R. Lebeck and Christopher Dwyer",
  title =        "Modeling and simulation of a nanoscale optical
                 computing system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2470--2483",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "W. S. Zhao and J. M. Portal and W. Kang and M. Moreau
                 and Y. Zhang and H. Aziza and J.-O. Klein and Z. H.
                 Wang and D. Querlioz and D. Deleruyelle and M. Bocquet
                 and D. Ravelosona and C. Muller and C. Chappert",
  title =        "Design and analysis of crossbar architecture based on
                 complementary resistive switching non-volatile memory
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2484--2496",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Santosh Khasanvis and Mostafizur Rahman and Csaba
                 Andras Moritz",
  title =        "Heterogeneous graphene-{CMOS} ternary content
                 addressable memory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2497--2503",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianfeng Zhang and Mostafizur Rahman and Pritish
                 Narayanan and Santosh Khasanvis and C. Andras Moritz",
  title =        "Parameter variation sensing and estimation in
                 nanoscale fabrics",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2504--2511",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Cucu Laurenciu and S. D. Cotofana",
  title =        "Critical transistors nexus based circuit-level aging
                 assessment and prediction",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2512--2520",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Y. Wang and S. D. Cotofana and L. Fang",
  title =        "Analysis of the impact of spatial and temporal
                 variations on the stability of {SRAM} arrays and the
                 mitigation technique using independent-gate devices",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2521--2529",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Frache and D. Chiabrando and M. Graziano and M.
                 Vacca and L. Boarino and M. Zamboni",
  title =        "Enabling design and simulation of massive parallel
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "2530--2541",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 9 06:39:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Viktor K. Prasanna and Yves Robert and Per
  title =        "Introduction to the {JPDC} special issue on
                 {Perspectives on Parallel and Distributed Processing}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2543--2543",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert Schreiber",
  title =        "A few bad ideas on the way to the triumph of parallel
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2544--2547",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Piotr Luszczek and Jakub Kurzak and Jack Dongarra",
  title =        "Looking back at dense linear algebra software",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2548--2560",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Karthik Kambatla and Giorgos Kollias and Vipin Kumar
                 and Ananth Grama",
  title =        "Trends in big data analytics",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2561--2573",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wen-mei Hwu",
  title =        "What is ahead for parallel computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2574--2581",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Liu and Pollawat Thanarungroj and Jean-Luc
  title =        "How many cores do we need to run a parallel workload:
                 a test drive of the {Intel SCC} platform?",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2582--2595",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dinesh Dash and Arobinda Gupta and Arijit Bishnu and
                 Subhas C. Nandy",
  title =        "Line coverage measures in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2596--2614",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Lin and Halit {\"U}ster",
  title =        "A parallel algorithm with enhancements via partial
                 objective value cuts for cluster-based wireless sensor
                 network design",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2615--2625",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mehrdad Fallahpour and Ming-Bo Lin and Chang-Hong
  title =        "Parallel photon-mapping rendering on a
                 mesh-{NoC}-based {MPSoC} platform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2626--2638",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cong Zheng and Shuo Gu and Tong-Xiang Gu and Bing Yang
                 and Xing-Ping Liu",
  title =        "{BiELL}: a bisection {ELLPACK}-based storage format
                 for optimizing {SpMV} on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2639--2647",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giuseppe Ateniese and Roberto Baldoni and Silvia
                 Bonomi and Giuseppe Antonio {Di Luna}",
  title =        "Fault-tolerant oblivious assignment with {$m$} slots
                 in synchronous systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2648--2661",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhao Tong and Zheng Xiao and Kenli Li and Keqin Li",
  title =        "Proactive scheduling in distributed computing --- A
                 reinforcement learning approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2662--2672",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pouya Ostovari and Jie Wu and Abdallah Khreishah",
  title =        "Symbol-level reliable broadcasting of sensitive data
                 in error-prone wireless networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2673--2685",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 16:27:22 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Steven J. Plimpton and Tim Shead",
  title =        "Streaming data analytics via message passing with
                 application to graph algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2687--2698",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Barun Gorain and Partha Sarathi Mandal",
  title =        "Approximation algorithms for sweep coverage in
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2699--2707",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L. Lim and D. Conan",
  title =        "Partitionable group membership for Mobile Ad hoc
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2708--2721",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Natalia Kalinnik and Matthias Korch and Thomas
  title =        "Online auto-tuning for the time-step-based parallel
                 solution of {ODEs} on shared-memory systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2722--2744",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Wu and Joseph JaJa",
  title =        "Optimized {FFT} computations on heterogeneous
                 platforms with application to the {Poisson} equation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2745--2756",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Claudia Canali and Riccardo Lancellotti",
  title =        "Detecting similarities in virtual machine behavior for
                 cloud monitoring using smoothed histograms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2757--2769",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiayu Hua and Hao Wu and Zheng Li and Shangping Ren",
  title =        "Enhancing throughput of the {Hadoop} Distributed File
                 System for interaction-intensive tasks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "2770--2779",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marta Garcia and Jesus Labarta and Julita Corbalan",
  title =        "Hints to improve automatic load balancing with {LeWI}
                 for hybrid applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2781--2794",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chuan-Ming Liu and Ta-Chih Su and Jenq-Haur Wang and
                 Yen-Lin Chen",
  title =        "Data broadcasting for dependent information using
                 multiple channels in wireless broadcast environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2795--2807",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Kannan and V. Harrand and X. G. Tan and H. Q. Yang
                 and A. J. Przekwas",
  title =        "Highly scalable computational algorithms on emerging
                 parallel machine multicore architectures {II}:
                 Development and implementation in the {CSD} and {FSI}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2808--2817",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongyin Luo and Shaojun Wei and Deming Chen and
                 Donghui Guo",
  title =        "Hybrid circuit-switched network for on-chip
                 communication in large-scale chip-multiprocessors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2818--2830",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chao-Tsun Chang and Chih-Yung Chang and Tzu-Lin Wang",
  title =        "Accident aware localization mechanism for wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2831--2844",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M{\'a}rcio Castro and Lu{\'\i}s Fabr{\'\i}cio W.
                 G{\'o}es and Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois M{\'e}haut",
  title =        "Adaptive thread mapping strategies for transactional
                 memory applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2845--2859",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chuanyou Li and Michel Hurfin and Yun Wang",
  title =        "Approximate {Byzantine} consensus in sparse, mobile
                 ad-hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2860--2871",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiwu Shu and Zhirong Shen and Wei Xue",
  title =        "{Shield}: a stackable secure storage system for file
                 sharing in public storage",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2872--2883",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jens Lang and Gudula R{\"u}nger",
  title =        "An execution time and energy model for an energy-aware
                 execution of a conjugate gradient method with
                 {CPU\slash GPU} collaboration",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2884--2897",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 18 08:45:38 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Henri Casanova and Arnaud Giersch and Arnaud Legrand
                 and Martin Quinson and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Suter",
  title =        "Versatile, scalable, and accurate simulation of
                 distributed applications and platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2899--2917",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kaniz Fatema and Vincent C. Emeakaroha and Philip D.
                 Healy and John P. Morrison and Theo Lynn",
  title =        "A survey of Cloud monitoring tools: Taxonomy,
                 capabilities and objectives",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2918--2933",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zeng Zeng and Bharadwaj Veeravalli",
  title =        "Optimal metadata replications and request balancing
                 strategy on cloud data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2934--2940",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peter Arbenz and Cyril Flaig and Daniel Kellenberger",
  title =        "Bone structure analysis on multiple {GPGPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2941--2950",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Zhang and Wei Shu and Min-You Wu",
  title =        "{CUIRRE}: an open-source library for load balancing
                 and characterizing irregular applications on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2951--2966",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dror G. Feitelson and Dan Tsafrir and David Krakov",
  title =        "Experience with using the {Parallel Workloads
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2967--2982",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tassadaq Hussain and Amna Haider and Eduard
  title =        "{PMSS}: a programmable memory system and scheduler for
                 complex memory patterns",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2983--2993",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Angelo Furno and Eugenio Zimeo",
  title =        "Self-scaling cooperative discovery of service
                 compositions in unstructured {P2P} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2994--3025",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guiyuan Jiang and Jigang Wu and Jizhou Sun and Yiyi
  title =        "Flexible rerouting schemes for reconfiguration of
                 multiprocessor arrays",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "3026--3036",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Romulo Silva de Oliveira and Andreu Carminati and
                 Renan Augusto Starke",
  title =        "Using an adversary simulator to evaluate global {EDF}
                 scheduling of sporadic task sets on multiprocessors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "3037--3044",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amitabha Chakrabarty and Martin Collier",
  title =        "{$ O(\log \bar {m}, \log N) $} routing algorithm for
                 {$ 2 \log N - 1 $}-stage switching networks and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "3045--3055",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hao Che and Minh Nguyen",
  title =        "{Amdahl's Law} for multithreaded multicore
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "3056--3069",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 21 16:26:06 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rajesh Kumar Pal and Kolin Paul and Sanjiva Prasad",
  title =        "{ReKonf}: Dynamically reconfigurable {multiCore}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3071--3086",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Han Zhao and Xinxin Liu and Xiaolin Li",
  title =        "Towards efficient and fair resource trading in
                 community-based cloud computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3087--3097",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dawei Gong and Miao Zhao and Yuanyuan Yang",
  title =        "A multi-channel cooperative {MIMO} {MAC} protocol for
                 clustered wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3098--3114",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sneha Aman Singh and Srikanta Tirthapura",
  title =        "Monitoring persistent items in the union of
                 distributed streams",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3115--3127",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thao P. Nghiem and Kiki Maulana and Kinh Nguyen and
                 David Green and Agustinus Borgy Waluyo and David
  title =        "Peer-to-peer bichromatic reverse nearest neighbours in
                 mobile ad-hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3128--3140",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Duc Tai Le and Thang Le Duc and Vyacheslav V.
                 Zalyubovskiy and Dongsoo S. Kim and Hyunseung Choo",
  title =        "{LABS}: Latency aware broadcast scheduling in
                 uncoordinated {Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3141--3152",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandre Maurer and S{\'e}bastien Tixeuil",
  title =        "{Byzantine} broadcast with fixed disjoint paths",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3153--3160",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miao Xie and Qiusong Yang and Jian Zhai and Qing
  title =        "A vertex centric parallel algorithm for linear
                 temporal logic model checking in {Pregel}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "3161--3174",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 22 07:49:37 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sriram Krishnamoorthy and J. Ramanujam and P.
  title =        "Introduction to the {JPDC Special Issue on
                 Domain-Specific Languages and High-Level Frameworks for
                 High-Performance Computing}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3175",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Edgar Solomonik and Devin Matthews and Jeff R. Hammond
                 and John F. Stanton and James Demmel",
  title =        "A massively parallel tensor contraction framework for
                 coupled-cluster computations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3176--3190",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Richard Membarth and Oliver Reiche and Christian
                 Schmitt and Frank Hannig and J{\"u}rgen Teich and
                 Markus St{\"u}rmer and Harald K{\"o}stler",
  title =        "Towards a performance-portable description of
                 geometric multigrid algorithms using a domain-specific
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3191--3201",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Carter Edwards and Christian R. Trott and Daniel
  title =        "{Kokkos}: Enabling manycore performance portability
                 through polymorphic memory access patterns",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3202--3216",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anshu Dubey and Ann Almgren and John Bell and Martin
                 Berzins and Steve Brandt and Greg Bryan and Phillip
                 Colella and Daniel Graves and Michael Lijewski and
                 Frank L{\"o}ffler and Brian O'Shea and Erik Schnetter
                 and Brian {Van Straalen} and Klaus Weide",
  title =        "A survey of high level frameworks in block-structured
                 adaptive mesh refinement packages",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3217--3227",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pierre Est{\'e}rie and Joel Falcou and Mathias Gaunard
                 and Jean-Thierry Laprest{\'e} and Lionel Lacassagne",
  title =        "The numerical template toolbox: a modern {C++} design
                 for scientific computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3240--3253",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Author Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3254--3259",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Reviewer Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "3260--3271",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 8 18:45:21 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Suyash Gupta and V. Krishna Nandivada",
  title =        "{IMSuite}: a benchmark suite for simulating
                 distributed algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--19",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mark Joselli and Jos{\'e} Ricardo da S. Junior and
                 Esteban W. Clua and Anselmo Montenegro and Marcos Lage
                 and Paulo Pagliosa",
  title =        "Neighborhood grid: a novel data structure for fluids
                 animation with {GPU} computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "20--28",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hang Yuan and Ishfaq Ahmad and C.-C. Jay Kuo",
  title =        "Performance-constrained energy reduction in data
                 centers for video-sharing services",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--39",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marek Chlopkowski and Rafal Walkowiak",
  title =        "A general purpose lossless data compression method for
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "40--52",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Julien Herrmann and Loris Marchal and Yves Robert",
  title =        "Memory-aware tree traversals with pre-assigned tasks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "53--66",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hicham Lakhlef and Julien Bourgeois and Hakim Mabed
                 and Seth Copen Goldstein",
  title =        "Energy-aware parallel self-reconfiguration for chains
                 [of] microrobot networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--80",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kishori M. Konwar and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran and
                 Alexander A. Shvartsman",
  title =        "Robust network supercomputing with unreliable
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--92",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Masnida Hussin and Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid and
                 Khairul Azhar Kasmiran",
  title =        "Improving reliability in resource management through
                 adaptive reinforcement learning for distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "93--100",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Binodini Tripathy and Smita Dash and Sasmita Kumari
  title =        "Dynamic task scheduling using a directed neural
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "101--106",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. F. Barrett and P. S. Crozier and D. W. Doerfler and
                 M. A. Heroux and P. T. Lin and H. K. Thornquist and T.
                 G. Trucano and C. T. Vaughan",
  title =        "Assessing the role of mini-applications in predicting
                 key performance characteristics of scientific and
                 engineering applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "107--122",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cheng-Nan Lai",
  title =        "Constructing all shortest node-disjoint paths in torus
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "123--132",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chetan Jhurani and Paul Mullowney",
  title =        "A {GEMM} interface and implementation on {NVIDIA}
                 {GPUs} for multiple small matrices",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "133--140",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lingfang Zeng and Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Xiaorong
  title =        "{SABA}: a security-aware and budget-aware workflow
                 scheduling strategy in clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "141--151",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seog Chung Seo and Taehong Kim and Seokhie Hong",
  title =        "Accelerating elliptic curve scalar multiplication over
                 {$ {\rm GF}(2^m) $} on graphic hardwares",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "152--167",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fathollah Bistouni and Mohsen Jahanshahi",
  title =        "{Pars} network: a multistage interconnection network
                 with fault-tolerance capability",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "168--183",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ferry Hendrikx and Kris Bubendorfer and Ryan Chard",
  title =        "Reputation systems: a survey and taxonomy",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "184--197",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. G. Aartsen and R. Abbasi and M. Ackermann and J.
                 Adams and J. A. Aguilar and M. Ahlers and D. Altmann
                 and C. Arguelles and J. Auffenberg and X. Bai and M.
                 Baker and S. W. Barwick and V. Baum and R. Bay and J.
                 J. Beatty and J. Becker Tjus and K.-H. Becker and S.
                 BenZvi and P. Berghaus and D. Berley and E. Bernardini
                 and A. Bernhard and D. Z. Besson and G. Binder and D.
                 Bindig and M. Bissok and E. Blaufuss and J. Blumenthal
                 and D. J. Boersma and C. Bohm and D. Bose and S.
                 B{\"o}ser and O. Botner and L. Brayeur and H.-P. Bretz
                 and A. M. Brown and R. Bruijn and J. Casey and M.
  title =        "The {IceProd} framework: Distributed data processing
                 for the {IceCube} neutrino observatory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "198--211",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "75",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 25 18:17:38 MST 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonino Tumeo and John Feo and Oreste Villa and
                 Simone Secchi and Timothy G. Mattson",
  title =        "Special Issue on {Architectures and Algorithms for
                 Irregular Applications (AAIA)} --- {Guest Editors}'
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arash Ashari and Naser Sedaghati and John Eisenlohr
                 and P. Sadayappan",
  title =        "A model-driven blocking strategy for load balanced
                 sparse matrix-vector multiplication on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--15",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yang You and Haohuan Fu and Shuaiwen Leon Song and
                 Amanda Randles and Darren Kerbyson and Andres Marquez
                 and Guangwen Yang and Adolfy Hoisie",
  title =        "Scaling Support Vector Machines on modern {HPC}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--31",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Emilio Francesquini and M{\'a}rcio Castro and Pedro H.
                 Penna and Fabrice Dupros and Henrique C. Freitas and
                 Philippe O. A. Navaux and Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois
  title =        "On the energy efficiency and performance of irregular
                 application executions on multicore, {NUMA} and
                 manycore platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "32--48",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ko Kusudo and Fumihiko Ino and Kenichi Hagihara",
  title =        "A bit-parallel algorithm for searching multiple
                 patterns with various lengths",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "49--57",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci and F. Silvestri and F.
  title =        "Space-efficient parallel algorithms for combinatorial
                 search problems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "58--65",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dominique LaSalle and George Karypis",
  title =        "Multi-threaded modularity based graph clustering using
                 the multilevel paradigm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "66--80",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dip Sankar Banerjee and Ashutosh Kumar and Meher
                 Chaitanya and Shashank Sharma and Kishore Kothapalli",
  title =        "Work efficient parallel algorithms for large graph
                 exploration on emerging heterogeneous architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--93",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeeva Paudel and Jos{\'e} Nelson Amaral",
  title =        "Hybrid parallel task placement in irregular
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "94--105",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmet Erdem Sariy{\"u}ce and Erik Saule and Kamer Kaya
                 and {\"U}mit V. {\c{C}}ataly{\"u}rek",
  title =        "Regularizing graph centrality computations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "106--119",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. Langguth and N. Wu and J. Chai and X. Cai",
  title =        "Parallel performance modeling of irregular
                 applications in cell-centered finite volume methods
                 over unstructured tetrahedral meshes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "120--131",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sanjukta Bhowmick and Tzu-Yi Chen and Mahantesh
  title =        "A new augmentation based algorithm for extracting
                 maximal chordal subgraphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "132--144",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Massimo Bernaschi and Giancarlo Carbone and Enrico
                 Mastrostefano and Flavio Vella",
  title =        "Solutions to the st-connectivity problem using a
                 {GPU}-based distributed {BFS}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "145--153",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 9 10:30:03 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Horacio A. B. F. de Oliveira and Azzedine Boukerche
                 and Daniel L. Guidoni and Eduardo F. Nakamura and
                 Raquel A. F. Mini and Antonio A. F. Loureiro",
  title =        "An enhanced location-free {Greedy Forward} algorithm
                 with hole bypass capability in wireless sensor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--10",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael J. Gibson and Edward C. Keedwell and Dragan A.
  title =        "An investigation of the efficient implementation of
                 cellular automata on multi-core {CPU} and {GPU}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "11--25",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Cason and Luiz E. Buzato",
  title =        "Time hybrid total order broadcast: Exploiting the
                 inherent synchrony of broadcast networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "26--40",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Reza Hajisheykhi and Ling Zhu and Mahesh Arumugam and
                 Murat Demirbas and Sandeep Kulkarni",
  title =        "{``Slow is Fast''} for wireless sensor networks in the
                 presence of message losses",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "41--57",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Libor Bukata and Premysl Sucha and Zdenek
  title =        "Solving the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling
                 Problem using the parallel Tabu Search designed for the
                 {CUDA} platform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "58--68",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mehmet Deveci and Kamer Kaya and Bora U{\c{c}}ar and
                 {\"U}mit V. {\c{C}}ataly{\"u}rek",
  title =        "Hypergraph partitioning for multiple communication
                 cost metrics: Model and methods",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--83",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Atish Das Sarma and Anisur Rahaman Molla and Gopal
  title =        "Efficient random walk sampling in distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "84--94",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hirotsugu Kakugawa",
  title =        "Mutual inclusion in asynchronous message-passing
                 distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "95--104",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 2 12:05:20 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chao Wang and Xi Li and Peng Chen and Xuehai Zhou",
  title =        "A case study of parallel {JPEG} encoding on an
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--5",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gokarna Sharma and Costas Busch",
  title =        "A load balanced directory for distributed shared
                 memory objects",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "6--24",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo-Cheng Charles Lai and Kun-Chun Li and Guan-Ru Li
                 and Chin-Hsuan Chiang",
  title =        "Self adaptable multithreaded object detection on
                 embedded multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "25--38",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Lin Guay and Sven-Arne Reinemo and Bj{\o}rn Dag
                 Johnsen and Chien-Hua Yen and Tor Skeie and Olav Lysne
                 and Ola T{\o}rudbakken",
  title =        "Early experiences with live migration of {SR--IOV}
                 enabled {InfiniBand}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "39--52",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paulo Jesus and Carlos Baquero and Paulo S{\'e}rgio
  title =        "Flow updating: Fault-tolerant aggregation for dynamic
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "53--64",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Junyao Zhang and Qingdong Wang and Jiangling Yin and
                 Jian Zhou and Jun Wang",
  title =        "{PERP}: Attacking the balance among energy,
                 performance and recovery in storage systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "65--77",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "78",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 21 09:26:08 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Srinivas Aluru and Yogesh Simmhan",
  title =        "Editorial: Scalable Systems for Big Data Management
                 and Analytics",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marcos D. Assun{\c{c}}{\~a}o and Rodrigo N. Calheiros
                 and Silvia Bianchi and Marco A. S. Netto and Rajkumar
  title =        "{Big Data} computing and clouds: Trends and future
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--15",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andre Luckow and Mark Santcroos and Ashley Zebrowski
                 and Shantenu Jha",
  title =        "{Pilot-Data}: an abstraction for distributed data",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--30",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "F. Dehne and Q. Kong and A. Rau-Chaplin and H. Zaboli
                 and R. Zhou",
  title =        "Scalable real-time {OLAP} on cloud architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "31--41",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sachini Jayasekara and Sameera Kannangara and Tishan
                 Dahanayakage and Isuru Ranawaka and Srinath Perera and
                 Vishaka Nanayakkara",
  title =        "{Wihidum}: Distributed complex event processing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--51",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S{\'e}rgio Esteves and Jo{\~a}o Nuno Silva and
                 Jo{\~a}o Paulo Carvalho and Lu{\'\i}s Veiga",
  title =        "Incremental dataflow execution, resource efficiency
                 and probabilistic guarantees with {Fuzzy Boolean}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "52--66",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mauro Andreolini and Michele Colajanni and Marcello
                 Pietri and Stefania Tosi",
  title =        "Adaptive, scalable and reliable monitoring of big data
                 on clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--79",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eugen Feller and Lavanya Ramakrishnan and Christine
  title =        "Performance and energy efficiency of big data
                 applications in cloud environments: a {Hadoop} case
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "80--89",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eun-Sung Jung and Rajkumar Kettimuthu and Venkatram
  title =        "Cluster-to-cluster data transfer with data compression
                 over wide-area networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "90--103",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Svendsen and Arko Provo Mukherjee and Srikanta
  title =        "Mining maximal cliques from a large graph using
                 {MapReduce}: Tackling highly uneven subproblem sizes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "104--114",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adam Lugowski and Shoaib Kamil and Aydin Bulu{\c{c}}
                 and Samuel Williams and Erika Duriakova and Leonid
                 Oliker and Armando Fox and John R. Gilbert",
  title =        "Parallel processing of filtered queries in attributed
                 semantic graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--131",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeff Daily and Ananth Kalyanaraman and Sriram
                 Krishnamoorthy and Abhinav Vishnu",
  title =        "A work stealing based approach for enabling scalable
                 optimal sequence homology detection",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "132--142",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "79--80",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 25 13:25:17 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Othon Michail and Paul G. Spirakis",
  title =        "Terminating population protocols via some minimal
                 global knowledge assumptions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "81--82",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--10",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 25 12:39:41 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fabienne Carrier and Ajoy K. Datta and St{\'e}phane
                 Devismes and Lawrence L. Larmore and Yvan Rivierre",
  title =        "Self-stabilizing $ (f, g)$-alliances with safe
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "81--82",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "11--23",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 25 12:39:41 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Majid Ashouri and Hamed Yousefi and Javad Basiri and
                 Ali Mohammad Afshin Hemmatyar and Ali Movaghar",
  title =        "{PDC}: Prediction-based data-aware clustering in
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "81--82",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "24--35",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 25 12:39:41 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xibo Jin and Fa Zhang and Liya Fan and Ying Song and
                 Zhiyong Liu",
  title =        "Scheduling for energy minimization on restricted
                 parallel processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "81--82",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "36--46",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 25 12:39:41 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun Long and Anfeng Liu and Mianxiong Dong and Zhi
  title =        "An energy-efficient and sink-location privacy enhanced
                 scheme for {WSNs} through ring based routing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "81--82",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "47--65",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 25 12:39:41 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "81--82",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 25 12:39:41 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guoqi Xie and Renfa Li and Keqin Li",
  title =        "Heterogeneity-driven end-to-end synchronized
                 scheduling for precedence constrained tasks and
                 messages on networked embedded systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan Lejeune and Luciana Arantes and Julien Sopena
                 and Pierre Sens",
  title =        "A fair starvation-free prioritized mutual exclusion
                 algorithm for distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--29",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dayong Ye and Minjie Zhang and Danny Sutanto",
  title =        "Decentralised dispatch of distributed energy resources
                 in smart grids via multi-agent coalition formation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "30--43",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kai Zhang and Jiayu Hu and Bei Hua",
  title =        "A holistic approach to build real-time stream
                 processing system with {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "44--57",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiangtao Yin and Yong Liao and Mario Baldi and Lixin
                 Gao and Antonio Nucci",
  title =        "{GOM-Hadoop}: a distributed framework for efficient
                 analytics on ordered datasets",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "58--69",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Junyoung Park and Sunggu Lee and Sungjoo Yoo",
  title =        "Time slot assignment for convergecast in wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "70--82",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergio Ar{\'e}valo and Antonio Fern{\'a}ndez Anta and
                 Damien Imbs and Ernesto Jim{\'e}nez and Michel Raynal",
  title =        "Failure detectors in homonymous distributed systems
                 (with an application to consensus)",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "83--95",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mostafa I. Soliman and Elsayed A. Elsayed",
  title =        "Simple super-matrix processor: Implementation and
                 performance evaluation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "96--118",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Youngmoon Eom and Deukyeon Hwang and Junyong Lee and
                 Jonghwan Moon and Minho Shin and Beomseok Nam",
  title =        "{EM-KDE}: a locality-aware job scheduling policy with
                 distributed semantic caches",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "119--132",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiqiang Tang and Hongyu Huang and Songtao Guo and
                 Yuanyuan Yang",
  title =        "{Dellat}: Delivery Latency Minimization in Wireless
                 Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "133--142",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Taehong Kim and Seog Chung Seo and Daeyoung Kim",
  title =        "Distributed formation of degree constrained minimum
                 routing cost tree in wireless ad-hoc networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "143--158",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Avery Miller and Andrzej Pelc",
  title =        "Tradeoffs between cost and information for rendezvous
                 and treasure hunt",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "159--167",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:58 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Yu and Zhou Zhou and Sean Wallace and Michael E.
                 Papka and Zhiling Lan",
  title =        "Quantitative modeling of power performance tradeoffs
                 on extreme scale systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--14",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joakim da Silva and Richard Ansorge and Rajesh Jena",
  title =        "Efficient scatter-based kernel superposition on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "15--23",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stefan Pauli and Peter Arbenz and Christoph Schwab",
  title =        "Intrinsic fault tolerance of multilevel {Monte Carlo}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "24--36",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tipraporn Thanakulwarapas and Jeeraporn Werapun",
  title =        "An optimized bitonic sorting strategy with
                 midpoint-based dynamic communication",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--50",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daqing Yun and Chase Qishi Wu and Yi Gu",
  title =        "An integrated approach to workflow mapping and task
                 scheduling for delay minimization in distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--64",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Faisal N. Abu-Khzam and Khuzaima Daudjee and Amer E.
                 Mouawad and Naomi Nishimura",
  title =        "On scalable parallel recursive backtracking",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "65--75",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kyle M. Tarplee and Ryan Friese and Anthony A.
                 Maciejewski and Howard Jay Siegel",
  title =        "Scalable linear programming based resource allocation
                 for makespan minimization in heterogeneous computing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "76--86",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aran J. Cauchi-Saunders and Ian J. Lewis",
  title =        "{GPU} enabled {XDraw} viewshed analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "87--93",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chryssis Georgiou and Dariusz R. Kowalski",
  title =        "On the competitiveness of scheduling dynamically
                 injected tasks on processes prone to crashes and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "94--107",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 19 18:12:59 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anne Benoit",
  title =        "{IPDPS 2014} Selected Papers on Numerical and
                 Combinatorial Algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. Ballard and J. Demmel and L. Grigori and M.
                 Jacquelin and N. Knight and H. D. Nguyen",
  title =        "Reconstructing {Householder} vectors from Tall-Skinny
                 {$ Q R $}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--31",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mathieu Faverge and Julien Herrmann and Julien Langou
                 and Bradley Lowery and Yves Robert and Jack Dongarra",
  title =        "Mixing {$ L U $} and {$ Q R $} factorization
                 algorithms to design high-performance dense linear
                 algebra solvers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "32--46",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weifeng Liu and Brian Vinter",
  title =        "A framework for general sparse matrix--matrix
                 multiplication on {GPUs} and heterogeneous processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "47--61",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fanny Dufoss{\'e} and Kamer Kaya and Bora U{\c{c}}ar",
  title =        "Two approximation algorithms for bipartite matching on
                 multicore architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "62--78",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dani{\"e}l M. Pelt and Rob H. Bisseling",
  title =        "An exact algorithm for sparse matrix bipartitioning",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "79--90",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hristo Djidjev and Guillaume Chapuis and Rumen Andonov
                 and Sunil Thulasidasan and Dominique Lavenier",
  title =        "{All-Pairs Shortest Path} algorithms for planar graph
                 for {GPU}-accelerated clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "91--103",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "85",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 26 07:40:06 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "End of Volume Reviewer Index",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "CXIII--CXXI",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "En Wang and Yongjian Yang and Jie Wu",
  title =        "A knapsack-based buffer management strategy for
                 delay-tolerant networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aristeidis Mastoras and George Manis",
  title =        "{Ariadne} --- Directive-based parallelism extraction
                 from recursive functions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--28",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Carlos P{\'e}rez-Miguel and Alexander Mendiburu and
                 Jose Miguel-Alonso",
  title =        "Modeling the availability of {Cassandra}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--44",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peilong Li and Yan Luo and Jun Yang",
  title =        "Transformer: Run-time reprogrammable heterogeneous
                 architecture for transparent acceleration of dynamic
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "45--61",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zaid A. Hussain and Bella Bose and Abdullah
  title =        "Edge disjoint {Hamiltonian} cycles in
                 {Eisenstein--Jacobi} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "62--70",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ching-Chi Lin and You-Cheng Syu and Chao-Jui Chang and
                 Jan-Jan Wu and Pangfeng Liu and Po-Wen Cheng and Wei-Te
  title =        "Energy-efficient task scheduling for multi-core
                 platforms with per-core {DVFS}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "71--81",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peng Liu and Weiwei Sun and Jian Zhang and Baihua
  title =        "An automaton-based index scheme supporting twig
                 queries for on-demand {XML} data broadcast",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "82--97",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marcela Castro-Le{\'o}n and Hugo Meyer and Dolores
                 Rexachs and Emilio Luque",
  title =        "Fault tolerance at system level based on {RADIC}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "98--111",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "86",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 6 10:11:02 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Viktor K. Prasanna",
  title =        "Message from the {Editor-in-Chief}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "iii",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "New {Associate Editors}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "iv--xi",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Topics of interest",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "xii",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hagit Attiya and Ami Paz",
  title =        "Counting-based impossibility proofs for set agreement
                 and renaming",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ivo Anjo and Jo{\~a}o Cachopo",
  title =        "Design of a Method-Level Speculation framework for
                 boosting irregular {JVM} applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--25",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Borzoo Bonakdarpour and St{\'e}phane Devismes and
                 Franck Petit",
  title =        "Snap-stabilizing committee coordination",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "26--42",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shinan Wang and Bing Luo and Weisong Shi and Devesh
  title =        "Application configuration selection for
                 energy-efficient execution on multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "43--54",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rajesh Sudarsan and Calvin J. Ribbens",
  title =        "Combining performance and priority for scheduling
                 resizable parallel applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "55--66",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bogdan Nicolae and Andrzej Kochut and Alexei Karve",
  title =        "Towards scalable on-demand collective data access in
                 {IaaS} clouds: an adaptive collaborative content
                 exchange proposal",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--79",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saima Gulzar Ahmad and Chee Sun Liew and Ehsan Ullah
                 Munir and Tan Fong Ang and Samee U. Khan",
  title =        "A hybrid genetic algorithm for optimization of
                 scheduling workflow applications in heterogeneous
                 computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "80--90",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ashraf Yaseen and Hao Ji and Yaohang Li",
  title =        "A load-balancing workload distribution scheme for
                 three-body interaction computation on {Graphics
                 Processing Units (GPU)}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "91--101",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew V. Terekhov",
  title =        "A highly scalable parallel algorithm for solving
                 {Toeplitz} tridiagonal systems of linear equations",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "102--108",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eleni C. Akrida and Leszek Gasieniec and George B.
                 Mertzios and Paul G. Spirakis",
  title =        "Ephemeral networks with random availability of links:
                 the case of fast networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "109--120",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fran{\c{c}}ois Siewe",
  title =        "Towards the modelling of secure pervasive computing
                 systems: a paradigm of {Context-Aware Secure Action
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "121--144",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:24:37 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mengfei Peng and Wei Shi and Jean-Pierre Corriveau and
                 Richard Pazzi and Yang Wang",
  title =        "Black hole search in computer networks:
                 State-of-the-art, challenges and future directions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "88",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:35:06 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Roselin Petagon and Jeeraporn Werapun",
  title =        "Embedding the optimal all-to-all personalized exchange
                 on multistage interconnection networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "88",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--30",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:35:06 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Hidalgo and Luciana Arantes and Pierre Sens
                 and Xavier Bonnaire",
  title =        "{ECHO}: Efficient Complex Query over {DHT} Overlays",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "88",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "31--45",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:35:06 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cheng-Liang Hsieh and Lucas Vespa and Ning Weng",
  title =        "A high-throughput {DPI} engine on {GPU} via
                 algorithm\slash implementation co-optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "88",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "46--56",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:35:06 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xirong Xu and Yazhen Huang and Peng Zhang and Sijia
  title =        "Fault-tolerant vertex-pancyclicity of locally twisted
                 cubes {$ L T Q_n $}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "88",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--62",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:35:06 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "88",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 21 18:35:06 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Youwen Zhu and Zhiqiu Huang and Tsuyoshi Takagi",
  title =        "Secure and controllable {$k$-NN} query over encrypted
                 cloud data with key confidentiality",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fernando Miguel Carvalho and Jo{\~a}o Cachopo",
  title =        "Optimizing memory transactions for large-scale
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--24",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Licheng Yu and Yulong Pei and Tianzhou Chen and
                 Minghui Wu",
  title =        "Architecture supported register stash for {GPGPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "25--36",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Habib M. Ammari",
  title =        "A unified framework for $k$-coverage and data
                 collection in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--49",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Goutham Kamath and Lei Shi and Wen-Zhan Song and
                 Jonathan Lees",
  title =        "Distributed travel-time seismic tomography in
                 large-scale sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--64",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Brian T. N. Gunney and Robert W. Anderson",
  title =        "Advances in patch-based adaptive mesh refinement
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "65--84",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "89",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 11 09:00:16 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Defour and Eric Petit",
  title =        "A software scheduling solution to avoid corrupted
                 units on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "90--91",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--8",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 16:09:39 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yun Tian and Philip J. Rhodes",
  title =        "A location service for partial spatial replicas
                 implementing an {R}-tree in a relational database",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "90--91",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "9--21",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 16:09:39 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Natalia Chechina and Huiqing Li and Amir Ghaffari and
                 Simon Thompson and Phil Trinder",
  title =        "Improving the network scalability of {Erlang}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "90--91",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "22--34",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 16:09:39 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Philip Healy and Theo Lynn and Enda Barrett and John
                 P. Morrison",
  title =        "Single system image: a survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "90--91",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "35--51",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 16:09:39 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiao Ling and Yi Yuan and Dan Wang and Jiangchuan Liu
                 and Jiahai Yang",
  title =        "Joint scheduling of {MapReduce} jobs with servers:
                 Performance bounds and experiments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "90--91",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "52--66",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 16:09:39 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "90--91",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 1 16:09:39 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunping Lu and Yi Li and Bo Song and Weihua Zhang and
                 Haibo Chen and Lu Peng",
  title =        "Parallelizing image feature extraction algorithms on
                 multi-core platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "92",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--14",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 2 07:59:45 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanyan Zeng and K. Alex Mills and Shreyas Gokhale and
                 Neeraj Mittal and S. Venkatesan and R. Chandrasekaran",
  title =        "Robust neighbor discovery in multi-hop multi-channel
                 heterogeneous wireless networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "92",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "15--34",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 2 07:59:45 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sarad Venugopalan and Oliver Sinnen",
  title =        "Memory limited algorithms for optimal task scheduling
                 on parallel systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "92",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "35--49",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 2 07:59:45 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bing Leng and Liusheng Huang and Hongli Xu and Chenkai
                 Yang and Xinglong Wang",
  title =        "A self-adaptive reconfiguration scheme for throughput
                 maximization in municipal {WMNs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "92",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--59",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 2 07:59:45 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "92",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 2 07:59:45 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Damien Imbs and Sergio Rajsbaum and Michel Raynal and
                 Julien Stainer",
  title =        "Read\slash write shared memory abstraction on top of
                 asynchronous {Byzantine} message-passing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--9",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Carmela Comito and Domenico Talia and Paolo Trunfio",
  title =        "A distributed selectivity-driven search strategy for
                 semi-structured data over {DHT}-based networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "10--29",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Akram Ben Ahmed and Abderazek Ben Abdallah",
  title =        "Adaptive fault-tolerant architecture and routing
                 algorithm for reliable many-core {$3$D-NoC} systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "30--43",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Takuya Ikuzawa and Fumihiko Ino and Kenichi Hagihara",
  title =        "Reducing memory usage by the lifting-based discrete
                 wavelet transform with a unified buffer on a {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "44--55",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pei-Hung Lin and Paul R. Woodward",
  title =        "Transforming the multifluid {PPM} algorithm to run on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "56--65",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marco Maggioni and Tanya Berger-Wolf",
  title =        "Optimization techniques for sparse matrix-vector
                 multiplication on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "66--86",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yi-Fan Zhang and Yu-Chu Tian and Colin Fidge and Wayne
  title =        "Data-aware task scheduling for all-to-all comparison
                 problems in heterogeneous distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "87--101",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dhananjai M. Rao",
  title =        "Efficient parallel simulation of spatially-explicit
                 agent-based epidemiological models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "102--119",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wenzhu Wang and Yusong Tan and Qingbo Wu and Yaoxue
  title =        "{micMR}: an efficient {MapReduce} framework for
                 {CPU--MIC} heterogeneous architecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "120--131",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tal Ben-Nun and Amnon Barak and Uri Raviv",
  title =        "Spline-based parallel nonlinear optimization of
                 function sequences",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "132--145",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrei Paun and Clayton Chandler and Chokchai Box
                 Leangsuksun and Mihaela Paun",
  title =        "A failure index for {HPC} applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "146--153",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "93--94",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 28 08:48:03 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amir M. Rahmani and Pasi Liljeberg and Jose L. Ayala
                 and Hannu Tenhunen and Alexander V. Veidenbaum",
  title =        "Special issue on energy efficient multi-core and
                 many-core systems, {Part I}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tomer Y. Morad and Noam Shalev and Idit Keidar and
                 Avinoam Kolodny and Uri C. Weiser",
  title =        "{EFS}: {Energy-Friendly Scheduler} for memory
                 bandwidth constrained systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--14",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li",
  title =        "Energy and time constrained task scheduling on
                 multiprocessor computers with discrete speed levels",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "15--28",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peter P. Nghiem and Silvia M. Figueira",
  title =        "Towards efficient resource provisioning in
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--41",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bagher Salami and Hamid Noori and Farhad Mehdipour and
                 Mohammadreza Baharani",
  title =        "Physical-aware predictive dynamic thermal management
                 of multi-core processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--56",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marta Ort{\'\i}n-Ob{\'o}n and Dar{\'\i}o
                 Su{\'a}rez-Gracia and Mar{\'\i}a Villarroya-Gaud{\'o}
                 and Cruz Izu and V{\'\i}ctor Vi{\~n}als",
  title =        "Reactive circuits: Dynamic construction of circuits
                 for reactive traffic in homogeneous {CMPs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--68",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lizhong Chen and Di Zhu and Massoud Pedram and Timothy
                 M. Pinkston",
  title =        "Simulation of {NoC} power-gating: Requirements,
                 optimizations, and the Agate simulator",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--78",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kai Lampka and Bj{\"o}rn Forsberg and Vasileios
  title =        "Keep it cool and in time: With runtime monitoring to
                 thermal-aware execution speeds for deadline constrained
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "79--91",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rub{\'e}n Titos-Gil and Oscar Palomar and Osman Unsal
                 and Adrian Cristal",
  title =        "Architectural support for efficient message passing on
                 shared memory multi-cores",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--106",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arthur Francisco Lorenzon and M{\'a}rcia Cristina Cera
                 and Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck",
  title =        "Investigating different general-purpose and embedded
                 multicores to achieve optimal trade-offs between
                 performance and energy",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "107--123",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shaosong Li and Shivakant Mishra",
  title =        "Optimizing power consumption in multicore
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "124--137",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liana Duenha and Guilherme Madalozzo and Thiago
                 Santiago and Fernando Moraes and Rodolfo Azevedo",
  title =        "{MPSoCBench}: a benchmark for high-level evaluation of
                 multiprocessor system-on-chip tools and methodologies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "138--157",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "95",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 07:18:15 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dawei Li and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Energy-efficient contention-aware application mapping
                 and scheduling on {NoC}-based {MPSoCs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--11",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Deepak Ajwani and Adam Hackett and Shoukat Ali and
                 John P. Morrison and Stephen Kirkland",
  title =        "Co-optimizing application partitioning and network
                 topology for a reconfigurable interconnect",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "12--26",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dongfang Zhao and Ke Wang and Kan Qiao and Tonglin Li
                 and Iman Sadooghi and Ioan Raicu",
  title =        "Toward high-performance key--value stores through
                 {GPU} encoding and locality-aware encoding",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "27--37",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xi Wang and Jianxi Fan and Cheng-Kuan Lin and Xiaohua
  title =        "Vertex-disjoint paths in {DCell} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "38--44",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Chen and Xiaofeng Gao and Guihai Chen",
  title =        "The features, hardware, and architectures of data
                 center networks: a survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "45--74",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hua Ma and Zhigang Hu and Keqin Li and Hongyu Zhang",
  title =        "Toward trustworthy cloud service selection: a
                 time-aware approach using interval neutrosophic set",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "75--94",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessandro Mei and Natascia Piroso and Julinda Stefa",
  title =        "Count on me: Reliable broadcast and efficient routing
                 in {DTNs} through social skeletons",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "95--105",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. Gedik and H. G. {\"O}zsema and {\"O}.
  title =        "Pipelined fission for stream programs with dynamic
                 selectivity and partitioned state",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "106--120",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jie Chen and Guru Venkataramani",
  title =        "{enDebug}: a hardware-software framework for automated
                 energy debugging",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "121--133",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Panagiota Fatourou and Eleni Kanellou and Eleftherios
                 Kosmas and Md Forhad Rabbi",
  title =        "{WFR-TM}: Wait-free readers without sacrificing
                 speculation of writers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "134--151",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jian Zhou and Jun Wang and Fei Wu and Changsheng Xie",
  title =        "{TEES}: a novel multiple criteria optimization scheme
                 for temperature-constrained energy efficient storage",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "152--162",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mustafa M. Al-Sayed and Sherif Khattab and Fatma A.
  title =        "Prediction mechanisms for monitoring state of cloud
                 resources using {Markov} chain model",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "163--171",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mustafa U. Torun and Onur Yilmaz and Ali N. Akansu",
  title =        "{FPGA}, {GPU}, and {CPU} implementations of {Jacobi}
                 algorithm for eigenanalysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "172--180",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jie Meng and Eduard Llamos{\'\i} and Fulya Kaplan and
                 Chulian Zhang and Jiayi Sheng and Martin Herbordt and
                 Gunar Schirner and Ayse K. Coskun",
  title =        "Communication and cooling aware job allocation in data
                 centers for communication-intensive workloads",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "181--193",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J{\'o}zsef B{\'e}k{\'e}si and G{\'a}bor Galambos",
  title =        "Matrix transpose on meshes with buses",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "194--201",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Georgia Koutsandria and Emmanouil Skevakis and Amir A.
                 Sayegh and Polychronis Koutsakis",
  title =        "Can everybody be happy in the cloud? {Delay}, profit
                 and energy-efficient scheduling for cloud services",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "202--217",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "96",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 12 18:29:40 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gadi Taubenfeld",
  title =        "Fair synchronization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--10",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "St{\'e}phane Devismes and Colette Johnen",
  title =        "Silent self-stabilizing {BFS} tree algorithms
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "11--23",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Attila Michael Zsaki",
  title =        "Hardware-accelerated generation of {$3$D}
                 diffusion-limited aggregation structures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "24--34",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kaushik Mondal and Arindam Karmakar and Partha Sarathi
  title =        "Path planning algorithms for mobile anchors towards
                 range-free localization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "35--46",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xing Su and Minjie Zhang and Quan Bai",
  title =        "Coordination for dynamic weighted task allocation in
                 disaster environments with time, space and
                 communication constraints",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "47--56",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Liu and Enqing Dong and Yang Song",
  title =        "Analysis of flip ambiguity for robust
                 three-dimensional node localization in wireless sensor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--68",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C{\'e}sar G{\'o}mez-Mart{\'\i}n and Miguel A.
                 Vega-Rodr{\'\i}guez and Jos{\'e}-Luis
  title =        "Fattened backfilling: an improved strategy for job
                 scheduling in parallel systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--77",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dhananjay S. Phatak and Steven D. Houston",
  title =        "New distributed algorithms for fast sign detection in
                 residue number systems {(RNS)}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "78--95",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohsen Amini Salehi and Jay Smith and Anthony A.
                 Maciejewski and Howard Jay Siegel and Edwin K. P. Chong
                 and Jonathan Apodaca and Luis D. Brice{\~n}o and
                 Timothy Renner and Vladimir Shestak and Joshua Ladd and
                 Andrew Sutton and David Janovy and Sudha Govindasamy
                 and Amin Alqudah and Rinku Dewri and Puneet Prakash",
  title =        "Stochastic-based robust dynamic resource allocation
                 for independent tasks in a heterogeneous computing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "96--111",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lanjun Wan and Kenli Li and Keqin Li",
  title =        "A novel cooperative accelerated parallel two-list
                 algorithm for solving the subset-sum problem on a
                 hybrid {CPU--GPU} cluster",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "112--123",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 18:20:29 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuan-Hsiang Teng",
  title =        "The spanning connectivity of the arrangement graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "98",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--7",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 06:41:17 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leonardo Bautista-Gomez and Anne Benoit and
                 Aur{\'e}lien Cavelan and Saurabh K. Raina and Yves
                 Robert and Hongyang Sun",
  title =        "Coping with recall and precision of soft error
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "98",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "8--24",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 06:41:17 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amir Bahmani and Frank Mueller",
  title =        "Efficient clustering for ultra-scale application
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "98",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "25--39",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 06:41:17 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gaurav Khanna and Rajesh Mishra and S. K. Chaturvedi",
  title =        "{$4$DGIN-3}: a new design layout of $4$-disjoint gamma
                 interconnection network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "98",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "40--47",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 06:41:17 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rafal Skinderowicz",
  title =        "The {GPU}-based parallel {Ant Colony System}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "98",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "48--60",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 06:41:17 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "98",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 06:41:17 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Patrick Eugster and Kirill Kogan and Sergey I.
                 Nikolenko and Alexander V. Sirotkin",
  title =        "Heterogeneous packet processing in shared memory
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--13",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Song and Bing Wang and Qian Wang and Zhiyong Peng
                 and Wenjing Lou and Yihui Cui",
  title =        "A privacy-preserved full-text retrieval algorithm over
                 encrypted data for cloud storage applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--27",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gabriele D'Angelo and Stefano Ferretti",
  title =        "Highly intensive data dissemination in complex
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "28--50",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Avin and Michael Borokhovich and Zvi Lotker and
                 David Peleg",
  title =        "Distributed computing on core-periphery networks:
                 Axiom-based design",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--67",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li",
  title =        "Location distribution of a mobile terminal and its
                 application to paging cost reduction and minimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "68--89",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. A. Papakostas and K. I. Diamantaras and T.
  title =        "Parallel pattern classification utilizing {GPU}-based
                 kernelized {Slackmin} algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "90--99",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "99",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:21 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Jiang and Xia Zhang and Jinyu Zhan and Yue Ma and
                 Ke Jiang",
  title =        "Design optimization of secure message communication
                 for energy-constrained distributed real-time systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lipeng Wan and Qing Cao and Feiyi Wang and Sarp Oral",
  title =        "Optimizing checkpoint data placement with guaranteed
                 burst buffer endurance in large-scale hierarchical
                 storage systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--29",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sudhanshu Shekhar Jha and Wim Heirman and Ayose
                 Falc{\'o}n and Jordi Tubella and Antonio Gonz{\'a}lez
                 and Lieven Eeckhout",
  title =        "Shared resource aware scheduling on power-constrained
                 tiled many-core processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "30--41",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Duc Tai Le and Thang Le Duc and Vyacheslav V.
                 Zalyubovskiy and Dongsoo S. Kim and Hyunseung Choo",
  title =        "Collision-tolerant broadcast scheduling in duty-cycled
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--56",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tadeusz Kobus and Maciej Kokoci{\'n}ski and Pawe{\l}
                 T. Wojciechowski",
  title =        "Relaxing real-time order in opacity and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--70",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongbing Wang and Peisheng Ma and Qi Yu and Danrong
                 Yang and Jiajie Li and Huanhuan Fei",
  title =        "Combining quantitative constraints with qualitative
                 preferences for effective non-functional
                 properties-aware service composition",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "71--84",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stefania Costache and Samuel Kortas and Christine
                 Morin and Nikos Parlavantzas",
  title =        "Market-based autonomous resource and application
                 management in private clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "85--102",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 17 09:55:22 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pascal Felber and Vincent Gramoli and Rachid
  title =        "Elastic transactions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "103--127",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amir M. Rahmani and Pasi Liljeberg and Jose L. Ayala
                 and Hannu Tenhunen and Alexander V. Veidenbaum",
  title =        "Special issue on energy efficient multi-core and
                 many-core systems, {Part II}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "128--129",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Matthew Kennedy and Avinash Karanth Kodi",
  title =        "{CLAP-NET}: Bandwidth adaptive optical crossbar
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "130--139",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Melika Tinati and Roshanak Karimi and Somayyeh Koohi
                 and Shaahin Hessabi",
  title =        "Topology exploration of a thermally resilient
                 wavelength-based {ONoC}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "140--156",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Muhammad Usama Sardar and Osman Hasan and Muhammad
                 Shafique and J{\"o}rg Henkel",
  title =        "Theorem proving based {Formal Verification of
                 Distributed Dynamic Thermal Management} schemes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "157--171",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Minkwan Kee and Hong-yeol Lim and Gi-Ho Park and
                 Sangyeun Cho",
  title =        "An analytical model based on performance demand of
                 workload for energy-efficient heterogeneous multicore
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "172--180",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin Wlotzka and Vincent Heuveline",
  title =        "Energy-efficient multigrid smoothers and grid transfer
                 operators on multi-core and {GPU} clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "181--192",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joan J. Valls and Alberto Ros and Mar{\'\i}a E.
                 G{\'o}mez and Julio Sahuquillo",
  title =        "The {Tag Filter Architecture}: an energy-efficient
                 cache and directory design",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "193--202",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bassem Ouni and Imen Mhedbi and Chiraz Trabelsi and
                 Rabie Ben Atitallah and C{\'e}cile Belleudy",
  title =        "Multi-level energy\slash power-aware design
                 methodology for {MPSoC}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "203--215",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "100",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 11:36:30 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Petr Kuznetsov and Srivatsan Ravi",
  title =        "Grasping the gap between blocking and non-blocking
                 transactional memories",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--16",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Iain A. Stewart",
  title =        "Sufficient conditions for {Hamiltonicity} in
                 multiswapped networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "17--26",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Demetrio Gomes Mestre and Carlos Eduardo Santos Pires
                 and Dimas Cassimiro Nascimento",
  title =        "Towards the efficient parallelization of multi-pass
                 adaptive blocking for entity matching",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "27--40",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Parmeet Kaur and Shikha Mehta",
  title =        "Resource provisioning and work flow scheduling in
                 clouds using augmented {Shuffled Frog Leaping
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "41--50",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mois{\'e}s Vi{\~n}as and Basilio B. Fraguela and Diego
                 Andrade and Ram{\'o}n Doallo",
  title =        "High productivity multi-device exploitation with the
                 {Heterogeneous Programming Library}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--68",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhao Liu and Jianxi Fan and Jingya Zhou and Baolei
                 Cheng and Xiaohua Jia",
  title =        "Fault-tolerant embedding of complete binary trees in
                 locally twisted cubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--78",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qi Tang and Twan Basten and Marc Geilen and Sander
                 Stuijk and Ji-Bo Wei",
  title =        "Mapping of synchronous dataflow graphs on {MPSoCs}
                 based on parallelism enhancement",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "79--91",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Faiz {Al Faisal} and M. M. Hafizur Rahman and Yasushi
  title =        "A new power efficient high performance interconnection
                 network for many-core processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--102",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "101",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 21 13:46:28 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Roselin Petagon and Jeeraporn Werapun",
  title =        "{VA-DE}: Valuable {ATAPE} with dynamic embedding and
                 super-pipeline scheduling on partitionable multistage
                 interconnection networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tahiry Razafindralambo and Milan Erdelj and Dimitrios
                 Zorbas and Enrico Natalizio",
  title =        "Spread and shrink: Point of interest discovery and
                 coverage with mobile wireless sensors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--27",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jose L. Jodra and Ibai Gurrutxaga and Javier Muguerza
                 and Ainhoa Yera",
  title =        "Solving {Poisson}'s equation using {FFT} in a {GPU}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "28--36",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cheng-Nan Lai",
  title =        "Optimal construction of node-disjoint shortest paths
                 in folded hypercubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--41",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Karine Altisen and St{\'e}phane Devismes and
                 Ana{\"\i}s Durand",
  title =        "Concurrency in snap-stabilizing local resource
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--56",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chao Song and Jie Wu and Ming Liu and Huanyang Zheng",
  title =        "Efficient routing through discretization of overlapped
                 road segments in {VANETs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--70",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. M. Nichols and J. V. Michalowicz",
  title =        "Distance distribution between nodes in a {$3$D}
                 wireless network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "71--79",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanhe Zhu and Dongyang Bie and Xiaolu Wang and Yu
                 Zhang and Hongzhe Jin and Jie Zhao",
  title =        "A distributed and parallel control mechanism for
                 self-reconfiguration of modular robots using
                 {$L$}-systems and cellular automata",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "80--90",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zaid Hussain and Arash Shamaei",
  title =        "Higher dimensional {Eisenstein--Jacobi} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "91--102",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dinh-Mao Bui and YongIk Yoon and Eui-Nam Huh and
                 SungIk Jun and Sungyoung Lee",
  title =        "Energy efficiency for cloud computing system based on
                 predictive optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "103--114",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan Carlos Saez and Adrian Pousa and Fernando Castro
                 and Daniel Chaver and Manuel Prieto-Matias",
  title =        "Towards completely fair scheduling on asymmetric
                 single-{ISA} multicore processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--131",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaorui Zhu and Xianping Tao and Tao Gu and Jian Lu",
  title =        "{ReLog}: a systematic approach for supporting
                 efficient reprogramming in wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "132--148",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Grigory Evropeytsev and Eduardo L{\'o}pez
                 Dom{\'\i}nguez and Saul E. Pomares Hernandez and Marco
                 Antonio L{\'o}pez Trinidad and Jos{\'e} Roberto Perez
  title =        "An efficient causal group communication protocol for
                 {P2P} hierarchical overlay networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "149--162",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lucia G. Menezo and Valentin Puente and Jose-Angel
  title =        "An adaptive cache coherence protocol: Trading storage
                 for traffic",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "163--174",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sayed T. Muhammad and Magdy A. El-Moursy and Ali A.
                 El-Moursy and Hesham F. A. Hamed",
  title =        "Architecture level analysis for process variation in
                 synchronous and asynchronous {Networks-on-Chip}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "175--185",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andi Toce and Abbe Mowshowitz and Akira Kawaguchi and
                 Paul Stone and Patrick Dantressangle and Graham Bent",
  title =        "An efficient hypercube labeling schema for dynamic
                 Peer-to-Peer networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "186--198",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amlesh Kashyap and Sathish S. Vadhiyar and Ravi S.
                 Nanjundiah and P. N. Vinayachandran",
  title =        "Asynchronous and synchronous models of executions on
                 {Intel\reg{} Xeon Phi\TM} coprocessor systems for high
                 performance of long wave radiation calculations in
                 atmosphere models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "199--212",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael A. Bender and Jonathan W. Berry and Simon D.
                 Hammond and K. Scott Hemmert and Samuel McCauley and
                 Branden Moore and Benjamin Moseley and Cynthia A.
                 Phillips and David Resnick and Arun Rodrigues",
  title =        "Two-level main memory co-design: Multi-threaded
                 algorithmic primitives, analysis, and simulation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "213--228",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "102",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 25 14:20:18 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meikang Qiu and Saurabh Garg and Rujkumar Buyya and
                 Bei Yu and Shiyan Hu",
  title =        "Special Issue on Scalable Cyber-Physical Systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaodao Chen and Xiaohui Huang and Yang Xiang and
                 Dongmei Zhang and Rajiv Ranjan and Chen Liao",
  title =        "A {CPS} framework based perturbation constrained
                 buffer planning approach in {VLSI} design",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--10",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Shamim Hossain and Md. Abdur Rahman and Ghulam
  title =        "Cyber-physical cloud-oriented multi-sensory smart home
                 framework for elderly people: an energy efficiency
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "11--21",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fei Tong and Zheng Yan",
  title =        "A hybrid approach of mobile malware detection in
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "22--31",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Beibei Li and Rongxing Lu and Wei Wang and Kim-Kwang
                 Raymond Choo",
  title =        "Distributed host-based collaborative detection for
                 false data injection attacks in smart grid
                 cyber-physical system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "32--41",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhihua Cui and Bin Sun and Gaige Wang and Yu Xue and
                 Jinjun Chen",
  title =        "A novel oriented cuckoo search algorithm to improve
                 {DV-Hop} performance for cyber-physical systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--52",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Laizhong Cui and Peng Ou and Xianghua Fu and Zhenkun
                 Wen and Nan Lu",
  title =        "A novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for
                 recommendation systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "53--63",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ying Li and Jianwei Niu and Mohammed Atiquzzaman and
                 Xiang Long",
  title =        "Energy-aware scheduling on heterogeneous multi-core
                 systems with guaranteed probability",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "64--76",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhihua Gan and Mingquan Zhang and Zhimin Gu and Hai
                 Tan and Jizan Zhang",
  title =        "Delay analysis and optimization for inter-core
                 interference in real-time embedded multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "77--86",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongjun Dai and Shulin Zhao and Kang Chen",
  title =        "A chaos-oriented prediction and suppression model to
                 enhance the security for cyber physical power systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "87--95",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunliang Chen and Fangyuan Li and Jia Chen and Bo Du
                 and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and Houcine Hassan",
  title =        "{EPLS}: a novel feature extraction method for
                 migration data clustering",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "96--103",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Ma and Peng Leng and Yong Zhong and Wenyin Yang",
  title =        "Research on semantic of updatable distributed logic
                 and its application in access control",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "104--112",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuxin Jing and Hanpin Wang and Yu Huang and Lei Zhang
                 and Jiang Xu and Yongzhi Cao",
  title =        "A modeling language to describe massive data storage
                 management in cyber-physical systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "113--120",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "103",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 25 12:31:05 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin Alk{\"a}mper and Robert Kl{\"o}fkorn",
  title =        "Distributed Newest Vertex Bisection",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--11",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alejandro Gutierrez-Alcoba and Gloria Ortega and
                 Eligius M. T. Hendrix and Inmaculada Garc{\'\i}a",
  title =        "Accelerating an algorithm for perishable inventory
                 control on heterogeneous platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "12--18",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hasanuzzaman Bhuiyan and Maleq Khan and Jiangzhuo Chen
                 and Madhav Marathe",
  title =        "Parallel algorithms for switching edges in
                 heterogeneous graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "19--35",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Georgios Stamoulis",
  title =        "The multi-budgeted and weighted bounded degree metric
                 {Steiner} network problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "36--48",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wangdong Yang and Kenli Li and Keqin Li",
  title =        "A hybrid computing method of {SpMV} on {CPU--GPU}
                 heterogeneous computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "49--60",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Collinson and O. Sinnen",
  title =        "Caching architecture for flexible {FPGA} ray tracing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "61--72",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ricardo Quislant and Eladio Gutierrez and Emilio L.
                 Zapata and Oscar Plata",
  title =        "Enhancing scalability in best-effort hardware
                 transactional memory systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "73--87",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hee Won Lee and Mihail L. Sichitiu and David Thuente",
  title =        "{NEAT}: Network link emulation with adaptive time
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "88--98",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huanyang Zheng and Ning Wang and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Minimizing deep sea data collection delay with
                 autonomous underwater vehicles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "99--113",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amreek Singh and Kusum Deep and Pallavi Grover",
  title =        "A novel approach to accelerate calibration process of
                 a $k$-nearest neighbours classifier using {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "114--129",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Davide Zoni and Andrea Canidio and William Fornaciari
                 and Panayiotis Englezakis and Chrysostomos Nicopoulos
                 and Yiannakis Sazeides",
  title =        "{BlackOut}: Enabling fine-grained power gating of
                 buffers in {Network-on-Chip} routers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "130--145",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nuria Losada and Basilio B. Fraguela and Patricia
                 Gonz{\'a}lez and Mar{\'\i}a J. Mart{\'\i}n",
  title =        "A portable and adaptable fault tolerance solution for
                 heterogeneous applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "146--158",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ramesh K. Jallu and Prajwal R. Prasad and Gautam K.
  title =        "Distributed construction of connected dominating set
                 in unit disk graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "159--166",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marta Fort and J. Antoni Sellar{\`e}s and Nacho
  title =        "Intersecting two families of sets on the {GPU}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "167--178",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Moldaschl and Karl E. Prikopa and Wilfried N.
  title =        "Fault tolerant communication-optimal {$ 2.5 $D} matrix
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "179--190",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aref M. Abdullah and Hesham A. Ali and Amira Y.
  title =        "Reliable and efficient hierarchical organization model
                 for computational grid",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "191--205",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hugo Meyer and Ronal Muresano and Marcela
                 Castro-Le{\'o}n and Dolores Rexachs and Emilio Luque",
  title =        "{Hybrid Message Pessimistic Logging}. {Improving}
                 current pessimistic message logging protocols",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "206--222",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ashwin Kumar T. K. and Johnson P. Thomas and Saikiran
  title =        "An efficient and secure information retrieval
                 framework for content centric networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "223--233",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ajay Panyala and Daniel Chavarr{\'\i}a-Miranda and
                 Joseph B. Manzano and Antonino Tumeo and Mahantesh
  title =        "Exploring performance and energy tradeoffs for
                 irregular applications: a case study on the {Tilera}
                 many-core architecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "234--251",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 27 21:18:39 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "104",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sushil K. Prasad and Ioana Banicescu and Martina
                 Barnas and Domingo Gim{\'e}nez and Andrew Lumsdaine",
  title =        "Keeping up with technology: Teaching Parallel,
                 Distributed and High-Performance Computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--3",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Steven A. Bogaerts",
  title =        "One step at a time: Parallelism in an introductory
                 programming course",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "4--17",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Max Grossman and Maha Aziz and Heng Chi and Anant
                 Tibrewal and Shams Imam and Vivek Sarkar",
  title =        "Pedagogy and tools for teaching parallel computing at
                 the sophomore undergraduate level",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--30",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joel C. Adams",
  title =        "{Patternlets} --- A teaching tool for introducing
                 students to parallel design patterns",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "31--41",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manuel I. Capel and Antonio J. Tomeu and Alberto G.
  title =        "Teaching concurrent and parallel programming by
                 patterns: an interactive {ICT} approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--52",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tia Newhall and Andrew Danner and Kevin C. Webb",
  title =        "Pervasive parallel and distributed computing in a
                 liberal arts college curriculum",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "53--62",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Salvador Petit and Julio Sahuquillo and Mar{\'\i}a E.
                 G{\'o}mez and Vicent Selfa",
  title =        "A research-oriented course on Advanced Multicore
                 Architecture: Contents and active learning
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--72",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. Neelima",
  title =        "High Performance Computing education in an {Indian}
                 engineering institute",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "73--82",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Philipp Neumann and Christoph Kowitz and Felix
                 Schranner and Dmitrii Azarnykh",
  title =        "Interdisciplinary teamwork in {HPC} education:
                 Challenges, concepts, and outcomes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "83--91",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sandeep Kumar",
  title =        "Research-oriented teaching of {PDC} topics in
                 integration with other undergraduate courses at
                 multiple levels: a multi-year report",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--104",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Julia Mullen and Chansup Byun and Vijay Gadepally and
                 Siddharth Samsi and Albert Reuther and Jeremy Kepner",
  title =        "Learning by doing, High Performance Computing
                 education in the {MOOC} era",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "105--115",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eduardo Cesar and Ana Cort{\'e}s and Antonio Espinosa
                 and Tom{\`a}s Margalef and Juan Carlos Moure and Anna
                 Sikora and Remo Suppi",
  title =        "Introducing computational thinking, parallel
                 programming and performance engineering in
                 interdisciplinary studies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "116--126",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pedro L{\'o}pez and Elvira Baydal",
  title =        "On a course on computer cluster configuration and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--137",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samantha S. Foley and Daniel Koepke and Justin Ragatz
                 and Christa Brehm and Jason Regina and Joshua Hursey",
  title =        "{OnRamp}: a web-portal for teaching parallel and
                 distributed computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "138--149",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Annette Feng and Mark Gardner and Wu-chun Feng",
  title =        "Parallel programming with pictures is a {Snap}!",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "150--162",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian Hundt and Moritz Schlarb and Bertil
  title =        "{SAUCE}: a web application for interactive teaching
                 and learning of parallel programming",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "163--173",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chun-Hsi Huang",
  title =        "{REU Site}: Bio-Grid Initiatives for interdisciplinary
                 research and education",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "174--182",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo Li and John Mooring and Sam Blanchard and Aditya
                 Johri and Melinda Leko and Kirk W. Cameron",
  title =        "{SeeMore}: a kinetic parallel computer sculpture for
                 educating broad audiences on parallel computation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "183--199",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "105",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:30 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tan Nguyen and Pietro Cicotti and Eric Bylaska and Dan
                 Quinlan and Scott Baden",
  title =        "Automatic translation of {MPI} source into a
                 latency-tolerant, data-driven form",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--13",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joaqu{\'\i}n Fernandez and Ernesto Kofman and Federico
  title =        "A parallel Quantized State System Solver for {ODEs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--30",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tassadaq Hussain",
  title =        "A novel hardware support for heterogeneous multi-core
                 memory system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "31--49",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marcello Cinque and Antonio Pecchia",
  title =        "On the injection of hardware faults in virtualized
                 multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--61",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "K. A. Dimitrakopoulou and N. M. Missirlis",
  title =        "The nine node Extrapolated Diffusion method for
                 weighted torus graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "62--78",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhuo Wang and Qun Chen and Boyi Hou and Bo Suo and
                 Zhanhuai Li and Wei Pan and Zachary G. Ives",
  title =        "Parallelizing maximal clique and $k$-plex enumeration
                 over graph data",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "79--91",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Khaled Z. Ibrahim and Evgeny Epifanovsky and Samuel
                 Williams and Anna I. Krylov",
  title =        "Cross-scale efficient tensor contractions for coupled
                 cluster computations through multiple programming model
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--105",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nuray At and Jean-Luc Beuchat and Eiji Okamoto and
                 Ismail San and Teppei Yamazaki",
  title =        "A low-area unified hardware architecture for the {AES}
                 and the cryptographic hash function {Gr{\o}stl}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "106--120",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pei Zhang and Aaron Mills and Joseph Zambreno and
                 Phillip H. Jones",
  title =        "The design and integration of a software configurable
                 and parallelized coprocessor architecture for {LQR}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "121--131",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Enrique {De Lucas} and Marcos Sanchez-Elez and
                 Inmaculada Pardines",
  title =        "{DSPONE48}: a methodology for automatically synthesize
                 {HDL} focus on the reuse of {DSP} slices",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "132--142",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaojun Zhai and Amine Ait Si Ali and Abbes Amira and
                 Faycal Bensaali",
  title =        "{ECG} encryption and identification based security
                 solution on the {Zynq SoC} for connected health
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "143--152",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kohei Nagasu and Kentaro Sano and Fumiya Kono and
                 Naohito Nakasato",
  title =        "{FPGA}-based tsunami simulation: Performance
                 comparison with {GPUs}, and roofline model for
                 scalability analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "153--169",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ali Asgar Sohanghpurwala and Mohamed W. Hassan and
                 Peter Athanas",
  title =        "Hardware accelerated {SAT} solvers --- a survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "170--184",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jean Pierre David",
  title =        "Low latency and division free {Gauss--Jordan} solver
                 in floating point arithmetic",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "185--193",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeff Hollingsworth",
  title =        "Editorial",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "194--194",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aleksandar Zlateski and Kisuk Lee and H. Sebastian
  title =        "Scalable training of {$3$D} convolutional networks on
                 multi- and many-cores",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--204",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Erik W. Draeger and Xavier Andrade and John A. Gunnels
                 and Abhinav Bhatele and Andr{\'e} Schleife and Alfredo
                 A. Correa",
  title =        "Massively parallel first-principles simulation of
                 electron dynamics in materials",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "205--214",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aswinkumar Sridharan and Andr{\'e} Seznec",
  title =        "Dynamic and discrete cache insertion policies for
                 managing shared last level caches in large multicores",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "215--226",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "James Nutaro and Bernard Zeigler",
  title =        "How to apply {Amdahl}'s law to multithreaded multicore
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "E. Baccour and S. Foufou and R. Hamila and Z. Tari and
                 A. Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "{PTNet}: an efficient and green data center network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--18",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Krzysztof Kaczmarski and Piotr Przymus",
  title =        "Fixed length lightweight compression for {GPU}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "19--36",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Elias Konstantinidis and Yiannis Cotronis",
  title =        "A quantitative roofline model for {GPU} kernel
                 performance estimation using micro-benchmarks and
                 hardware metric profiling",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--56",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bartlomiej Jacek Kubica",
  title =        "Parallelization of a bound-consistency enforcing
                 procedure and its application in solving nonlinear
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--66",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seungku Kim",
  title =        "{QoS} provisioning of a task-scheduling algorithm for
                 lightweight devices",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--75",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rakesh Tripathi and S. Vignesh and Venkatesh
                 Tamarapalli and Anthony T. Chronopoulos and Hajar
  title =        "Non-cooperative power and latency aware load balancing
                 in distributed data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "76--86",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hayk Shoukourian and Torsten Wilde and Herbert Huber
                 and Arndt Bode",
  title =        "Analysis of the efficiency characteristics of the
                 first High-Temperature Direct Liquid Cooled Petascale
                 supercomputer and its cooling infrastructure",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "87--100",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianjun Chen and Dawei Zhao and Yao Zheng and Yan Xu
                 and Chenfeng Li and Jianjing Zheng",
  title =        "Domain decomposition approach for parallel improvement
                 of tetrahedral meshes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "101--113",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manuel Pedrero and Eladio Gutierrez and Sergio Romero
                 and Oscar Plata",
  title =        "{ReduxSTM}: Optimizing {STM} designs for Irregular
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "114--133",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew J. Maier and Bruce F. Cockburn",
  title =        "Optimization of Low-Density Parity Check decoder
                 performance for {OpenCL} designs synthesized to
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "134--145",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arif Irwansyah and Omar W. Ibraheem and Jens Hagemeyer
                 and Mario Porrmann and Ulrich Rueckert",
  title =        "{FPGA}-based multi-robot tracking",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "146--161",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "107",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xian-He Sun and Marc Frincu and Charalampos Chelmis",
  title =        "Special Issue on Scalable Computing Systems for Big
                 Data Applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun Wang and Xuhong Zhang and Junyao Zhang and
                 Jiangling Yin and Dezhi Han and Ruijun Wang and Dan
  title =        "{Deister}: a light-weight autonomous block management
                 in data-intensive file systems using deterministic
                 declustering distribution",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--13",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun Wang and Huafeng Wu and Ruijun Wang",
  title =        "A new reliability model in replication-based big data
                 storage systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--27",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javier Prades and Blesson Varghese and Carlos
                 Rea{\~n}o and Federico Silla",
  title =        "Multi-tenant virtual {GPUs} for optimising performance
                 of a financial risk application",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "28--44",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jun Wang and Dan Huang and Huafeng Wu and Jiangling
                 Yin and Xuhong Zhang and Xunchao Chen and Ruijun Wang",
  title =        "{SideIO}: a {Side I/O} system framework for hybrid
                 scientific workflow",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "45--58",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Coetzee and S. A. Jarvis",
  title =        "Goal-based composition of scalable hybrid analytics
                 for heterogeneous architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "59--73",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pasan Karunaratne and Shanika Karunasekera and Aaron
  title =        "Distributed stream clustering using micro-clusters on
                 {Apache Storm}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "74--84",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cen Chen and Kenli Li and Aijia Ouyang and Keqin Li",
  title =        "A parallel approximate {SS--ELM} algorithm based on
                 {MapReduce} for large-scale datasets",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "85--94",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yang You and Haohuan Fu and David Bader and Guangwen
  title =        "Designing and implementing a heuristic
                 cross-architecture combination for graph traversal",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "95--105",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yong Guo and Sungpack Hong and Hassan Chafi and
                 Alexandru Iosup and Dick Epema",
  title =        "Modeling, analysis, and experimental comparison of
                 streaming graph-partitioning policies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "106--121",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lifeng Nai and Yinglong Xia and Ilie G. Tanase and
                 Hyesoon Kim",
  title =        "Exploring big graph computing --- An empirical study
                 from architectural perspective",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "122--137",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:31 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaime Cohen and Luiz A. Rodrigues and Elias P.
                 {Duarte, Jr.}",
  title =        "Parallel cut tree algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--14",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eren Unlu and Christophe Moy",
  title =        "Bimodal packet aware scheduling for an {OFDMA} based
                 on-chip {RF} interconnect",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "15--28",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Farshad Baharvand and S. Ghassem Miremadi",
  title =        "{ANMR}: Aging-aware adaptive N-modular redundancy for
                 homogeneous multicore embedded processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--41",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sven Hager and Daniel Bendyk and Bj{\"o}rn
  title =        "Matching circuits can be small: Partial evaluation and
                 reconfiguration for {FPGA}-based packet processing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--49",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jens Rettkowski and Andrew Boutros and Diana
  title =        "{HW/SW} Co-Design of the {HOG} algorithm on a {Xilinx
                 Zynq SoC}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--62",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jordan Adamek and Giovanni Farina and Mikhail
                 Nesterenko and S{\'e}bastien Tixeuil",
  title =        "Evaluating and optimizing stabilizing dining
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--74",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Douglas Coimbra de Andrade and Lu{\'\i}s Gonzaga
  title =        "An {OpenCL} framework for high performance extraction
                 of image features",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "75--88",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anuraj Mohan and R. Venkatesan and K. V. Pramod",
  title =        "A scalable method for link prediction in large real
                 world networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "89--101",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hagit Attiya and Arie Fouren",
  title =        "Poly-logarithmic adaptive algorithms require revealing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "102--116",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pierre Fraigniaud and Andrzej Pelc",
  title =        "Decidability classes for mobile agents computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "117--128",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "I. F. Bukhari and A. Harwood and S. Karunasekera",
  title =        "Optimum Benefit Protocol: a fast converging,
                 bandwidth-efficient decentralized similarity overlay",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "129--141",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gurkan Tuna and Dimitrios G. Kogias and V. Cagri
                 Gungor and Cengiz Gezer and Erhan Taskin and Erman
  title =        "A survey on information security threats and solutions
                 for {Machine to Machine (M2M)} communications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "142--154",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hidehiro Kanemitsu and Masaki Hanada and Hidenori
  title =        "Prior node selection for scheduling workflows in a
                 heterogeneous system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "155--177",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Llamocca",
  title =        "Self-reconfigurable architectures for {HEVC} Forward
                 and Inverse Transform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "178--192",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mario R. Casu and Paolo Giaccone",
  title =        "Power-performance assessment of different {DVFS}
                 control policies in {NoCs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "193--207",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Diego Rughetti and Pierangelo {Di Sanzo} and Bruno
                 Ciciani and Francesco Quaglia",
  title =        "Machine learning-based thread-parallelism regulation
                 in software transactional memory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "208--229",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amir Bahmani and Frank Mueller",
  title =        "Scalable communication event tracing via clustering",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "230--244",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shailendra Shukla and Rajiv Misra and Animesh Prasad",
  title =        "Efficient disjoint boundary detection algorithm for
                 surveillance capable {WSNs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "245--257",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. J. L{\'a}zaro-Mu{\~n}oz and J. M.
                 Gonz{\'a}lez-Linares and J. G{\'o}mez-Luna and N.
  title =        "A tasks reordering model to reduce transfers overhead
                 on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "258--271",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seda Davtyan and Roberto {De Prisco} and Chryssis
                 Georgiou and Theophanis Hadjistasi and Alexander A.
  title =        "Coordinated cooperative task computing using
                 crash-prone processors with unreliable multicast",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "272--285",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jaeyong Rho and Takuya Azumi and Mayo Nakagawa and
                 Kenya Sato and Nobuhiko Nishio",
  title =        "Scheduling parallel and distributed processing for
                 automotive data stream management system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "286--300",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gang Wang and Zhiyue Wang and Jie Wu",
  title =        "A local average broadcast gossip algorithm for fast
                 global consensus over graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "301--309",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Long Cheng and Spyros Kotoulas and Tomas E. Ward and
                 Georgios Theodoropoulos",
  title =        "Improving the robustness and performance of parallel
                 joins over distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "310--323",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zaid Hussain and Bader AlBdaiwi and Anton Cerny",
  title =        "Node-independent spanning trees in {Gaussian}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "324--332",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Igor L. S. Russo and Heder S. Bernardino and Helio J.
                 C. Barbosa",
  title =        "A massively parallel Grammatical Evolution technique
                 with {OpenCL}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "333--349",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arash Rezaei and Frank Mueller and Paul Hargrove and
                 Eric Roman",
  title =        "{DINO}: Divergent node cloning for sustained
                 redundancy in {HPC}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "350--362",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "109",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 19 13:10:32 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fatos Xhafa and Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis and
                 George Mastorakis and Ciprian Dobre",
  title =        "Special Issue on {``High Performance and Parallelism
                 for Large Data Sets''}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--1",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Long Cheng and Ilias Tachmazidis and Spyros Kotoulas
                 and Grigoris Antoniou",
  title =        "Design and evaluation of small-large outer joins in
                 cloud computing environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "2--15",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shehzad Khalid and Bushra Sabir and Sohail Jabbar and
                 Naveen Chilamkurti",
  title =        "Precise shape matching of large shape datasets using
                 hybrid approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--30",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Carmen {De Maio} and Giuseppe Fenza and Vincenzo Loia
                 and Francesco Orciuoli",
  title =        "Distributed online {Temporal Fuzzy Concept Analysis}
                 for stream processing in smart cities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "31--41",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kun Ma and Bo Yang and Zhe Yang and Ziqiang Yu",
  title =        "Segment access-aware dynamic semantic cache in cloud
                 computing environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--51",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Flora Amato and Francesco Moscato",
  title =        "Model transformations of {MapReduce} Design Patterns
                 for automatic development and verification",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "52--59",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "110",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 21 07:10:52 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hong Zhong and Lili Shao and Jie Cui and Yan Xu",
  title =        "An efficient and secure recoverable data aggregation
                 scheme for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Naresh Rapolu and Srimat Chakradhar and Ananth Grama",
  title =        "{VAYU}: Accelerating stream processing applications
                 through dynamic network-aware topology
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--23",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Travis Boraten and Avinash Kodi",
  title =        "Mitigation of Hardware {Trojan} based
                 Denial-of-Service attack for secure {NoCs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "24--38",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eyder Rios and Luiz Satoru Ochi and Cristina Boeres
                 and Vitor N. Coelho and Igor M. Coelho and Ricardo
  title =        "Exploring parallel multi-{GPU} local search strategies
                 in a metaheuristic framework",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "39--55",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huafeng Wu and Jun Wang and Raghavendra Rao Ananta and
                 Vamsee Reddy Kommareddy and Rui Wang and Prasant
  title =        "Prediction based opportunistic routing for maritime
                 search and rescue wireless sensor network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "56--64",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiangtao Yin and Yanfeng Zhang and Lixin Gao",
  title =        "Accelerating distributed Expectation--Maximization
                 algorithms with frequent updates",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "65--75",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Albert Reuther and Chansup Byun and William Arcand and
                 David Bestor and Bill Bergeron and Matthew Hubbell and
                 Michael Jones and Peter Michaleas and Andrew Prout and
                 Antonio Rosa and Jeremy Kepner",
  title =        "Scalable system scheduling for {HPC} and big data",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "76--92",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiao Zhang and Yinrun Lyu and Yanjun Wu and Chen
  title =        "{MixHeter}: a global scheduler for mixed workloads in
                 heterogeneous environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "93--103",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yubo Xuan and Dayu Li and Wei Han",
  title =        "Efficient optimization approach for fast {GPU}
                 computation of {Zernike} moments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "104--114",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangwei Xu and Zhifeng Sun and Cairong Yan and
                 Yanglan Gan",
  title =        "A rapid detection algorithm of corrupted data in cloud
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--125",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keke Gai and Meikang Qiu and Hui Zhao",
  title =        "Energy-aware task assignment for mobile cyber-enabled
                 applications in heterogeneous cloud computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "126--135",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunyan Yu and Qi Lian and Dong Zhang and Chunming
  title =        "{PAME}: Evolutionary membrane computing for virtual
                 network embedding",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "136--151",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Libing Wu and Biwen Chen and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
                 and Debiao He",
  title =        "Efficient and secure searchable encryption protocol
                 for cloud-based {Internet of Things}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "152--161",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paulo S{\'e}rgio Almeida and Ali Shoker and Carlos
  title =        "Delta state replicated data types",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "162--173",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Myungsun Kim and Soonhyun Noh and Jinhwa Hyeon and
                 Seongsoo Hong",
  title =        "Fair-share scheduling in single-{ISA} asymmetric
                 multicore architecture via scaled virtual runtime and
                 load redistribution",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "174--186",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thouraya Louati and Heithem Abbes and Christophe
                 C{\'e}rin and Mohamed Jemni",
  title =        "{LXCloud-CR}: Towards {LinuX} Containers Distributed
                 Hash Table based Checkpoint-Restart",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "187--205",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gonzalo P. Rodrigo and P.-O. {\"O}stberg and Erik
                 Elmroth and Katie Antypas and Richard Gerber and
                 Lavanya Ramakrishnan",
  title =        "Towards understanding {HPC} users and systems: a
                 {NERSC} case study",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "206--221",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manoel C. Silva Filho and Claudio C. Monteiro and
                 Pedro R. M. In{\'a}cio and M{\'a}rio M. Freire",
  title =        "Approaches for optimizing virtual machine placement
                 and migration in cloud environments: a survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "222--250",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lucian Petrica",
  title =        "{FPGA} optimized cellular automaton random number
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "251--259",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Raphael Polig and Kubilay Atasu and Heiner Giefers and
                 Christoph Hagleitner and Laura Chiticariu and Frederick
                 Reiss and Huaiyu Zhu and Peter Hofstee",
  title =        "A hardware compilation framework for text analytics
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "260--272",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "111",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 15:08:48 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Editorial Board (continued)",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gilberto Ochoa-Ruiz and Pamela Wattebled and Maamar
                 Touiza and Florent {De Lamotte} and El-Bay Bourennane
                 and Samy Meftali and Jean-Luc Dekeyser and
                 Jean-Philippe Diguet",
  title =        "A modeling front-end for seamless design and
                 generation of context-aware {Dynamically Reconfigurable
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--19",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "E. Cant{\'o}-Navarro and M. L{\'o}pez-Garc{\'\i}a and
                 R. Ramos-Lara",
  title =        "Floating-point accelerator for biometric recognition
                 on {FPGA} embedded systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "20--34",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo and Pedro J. Garcia and
                 Francisco J. Quiles and German Maglione-Mathey and Jose
  title =        "Feasible enhancements to congestion control in
                 {InfiniBand}-based networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "35--52",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yucen Nan and Wei Li and Wei Bao and Flavia C.
                 Delicato and Paulo F. Pires and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "A dynamic tradeoff data processing framework for
                 delay-sensitive applications in {Cloud of Things}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "53--66",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Struharik and B. Vukobratovi{\'c}",
  title =        "A system for hardware aided decision tree ensemble
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--83",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ilya Tuzov and David de Andr{\'e}s and Juan-Carlos
  title =        "Tuning synthesis flags to optimize implementation
                 goals: Performance and robustness of the {LEON3}
                 processor as a case study",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "84--96",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Xiang and Xiaoguo Li and Fei Chen and Yuanyuan
                 Yang and Shengyu Zhang",
  title =        "Achieving verifiable, dynamic and efficient auditing
                 for outsourced database in cloud",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "97--107",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 24 17:01:13 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Editorial Board (continued)",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nouredine Melab and Albert Y. Zomaya and Imen
  title =        "Parallel optimization using\slash for multi and
                 many-core high performance computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "109--110",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arash Atashpendar and Bernab{\'e} Dorronsoro and
                 Gr{\'e}goire Danoy and Pascal Bouvry",
  title =        "A scalable parallel cooperative coevolutionary {PSO}
                 algorithm for multi-objective optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "111--125",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mark A. Oxley and Eric Jonardi and Sudeep Pasricha and
                 Anthony A. Maciejewski and Howard Jay Siegel and
                 Patrick J. Burns and Gregory A. Koenig",
  title =        "Rate-based thermal, power, and co-location aware
                 resource management for heterogeneous data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "126--139",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tarek Menouer",
  title =        "Solving combinatorial problems using a parallel
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "140--153",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Sundfeld and Caina Razzolini and George Teodoro
                 and Azzedine Boukerche and Alba Cristina Magalhaes
                 Alves de Melo",
  title =        "{PA-Star}: a disk-assisted parallel {A-Star} strategy
                 with locality-sensitive hash for multiple sequence
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "154--165",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. Aparicio and J. M. G. Salmer{\'o}n and L. G. Casado
                 and R. Asenjo and E. M. T. Hendrix",
  title =        "Parallel algorithms for computing the smallest binary
                 tree size in unit simplex refinement",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "166--178",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "112 (part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ifc--ifc",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 9 07:05:31 MST 2017",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seungmin Kang and Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Khin Mi Mi
  title =        "Dynamic scheduling strategy with efficient node
                 availability prediction for handling divisible loads in
                 multi-cloud systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--16",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Prasad and Priyajit Mukherjee and Santanu
                 Chattopadhyay and Indrajit Chakrabarti",
  title =        "Design and evaluation of {ZMesh} topology for on-chip
                 interconnection networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "17--36",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fabio Cannizzo",
  title =        "A fast and vectorizable alternative to binary search
                 in {$ O(1) $} with wide applicability to arrays of
                 floating point numbers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--54",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Milad Ranjbari and Javad Akbari Torkestani",
  title =        "A learning automata-based algorithm for energy and
                 {SLA} efficient consolidation of virtual machines in
                 cloud data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "55--62",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinfeng Wu and Yachao Hu and Yiwen Su and Ning Yu and
                 Renjian Feng",
  title =        "Topology control for minimizing interference with
                 delay constraints in an ad hoc network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--76",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anando G. Chatterjee and Mahendra K. Verma and
                 Abhishek Kumar and Ravi Samtaney and Bilel Hadri and
                 Rooh Khurram",
  title =        "Scaling of a {Fast Fourier Transform} and a
                 pseudo-spectral fluid solver up to 196608 cores",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "77--91",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Blair Archibald and Patrick Maier and Ciaran McCreesh
                 and Robert Stewart and Phil Trinder",
  title =        "Replicable parallel branch and bound search",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--114",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leila Azari and Amir Masoud Rahmani and Helder A.
                 Daniel and Nooruldeen Nasih Qader",
  title =        "A data replication algorithm for groups of files in
                 data grids",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--126",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javad Zarrin and Rui L. Aguiar and Jo{\~a}o Paulo
  title =        "Resource discovery for distributed computing systems:
                 a comprehensive survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--166",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dajung Lee and Nirja Mehta and Alexandria Shearer and
                 Ryan Kastner",
  title =        "A hardware accelerated system for high throughput
                 cellular image analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "167--178",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} L. Abell{\'a}n and Eduardo Padierna and
                 Alberto Ros and Manuel E. Acacio",
  title =        "Photonic-based express coherence notifications for
                 many-core {CMPs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "179--194",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinwoong Kim and Beomseok Nam",
  title =        "Co-processing heterogeneous parallel index for
                 multi-dimensional datasets",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--203",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jan Lemeire and Bruno da Silva and An Braeken and Jan
                 G. Cornelis and Abdellah Touhafi",
  title =        "Efficiency analysis methodology of {FPGAs} based on
                 lost frequencies, area and cycles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "204--217",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Petra Berenbrink and Tom Friedetzky and Frederik
                 Mallmann-Trenn and Sepehr Meshkinfamfard and Chris
  title =        "Threshold load balancing with weighted tasks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "218--226",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fabiano Lucchese",
  title =        "From {P2P} to {NoSQL}: a continuous metric for
                 classifying large-scale storage systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "227--249",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "James Aspnes and Keren Censor-Hillel and Eitan
  title =        "Concurrent use of write-once memory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "250--260",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} M. Cecilia and Antonio Llanes and Jos{\'e} L.
                 Abell{\'a}n and Juan G{\'o}mez-Luna and Li-Wen Chang
                 and Wen-Mei W. Hwu",
  title =        "High-throughput Ant Colony Optimization on graphics
                 processing units",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "113",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "261--274",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 13 12:26:41 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial: Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ivano Cerrato and Guido Marchetto and Fulvio Risso and
                 Riccardo Sisto and Matteo Virgilio and Roberto
  title =        "An efficient data exchange mechanism for chained
                 network functions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lo{\"\i}c Th{\'e}bault and Eric Petit",
  title =        "Asynchronous and multithreaded communications on
                 irregular applications using vectorized divide and
                 conquer approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--27",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "E. Agostini and D. Rossetti and S. Potluri",
  title =        "{GPUDirect Async}: Exploring {GPU} synchronous
                 communication techniques for {InfiniBand} clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "28--45",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongbing Wang and Yong Tao and Qi Yu and Xin Lin and
                 Tianjing Hong",
  title =        "Incorporating both qualitative and quantitative
                 preferences for service recommendation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "46--69",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongbing Wang and Lei Wang and Qi Yu and Zibin Zheng
                 and Zhengping Yang",
  title =        "A proactive approach based on online reliability
                 prediction for adaptation of service-oriented systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "70--84",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuan Gao and Zhixiang Deng and Dongmin Choi and Chang
  title =        "Combined pre-detection and sleeping for
                 energy-efficient spectrum sensing in cognitive radio
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "85--94",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiachen Yang and Jiabao Wen and Bin Jiang and Zhihan
                 Lv and Arun Kumar Sangaiah",
  title =        "Marine depth mapping algorithm based on the edge
                 computing in {Internet of Things}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "114",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "95--103",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 6 13:52:05 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Konstantinos Sagonas and Kjell Winblad",
  title =        "A contention adapting approach to concurrent ordered
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--19",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunyuan Zheng and Chengyi Xia and Quantong Guo and
                 Matthias Dehmer",
  title =        "Interplay between {SIR}-based disease spreading and
                 awareness diffusion on multiplex networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "20--28",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lanfranco Lopriore",
  title =        "Password-based protection of clustered segments in
                 distributed memory systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--40",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Luiz A. Rodrigues and Elias P. Duarte and Luciana
  title =        "A distributed $k$-mutual exclusion algorithm based on
                 autonomic spanning trees",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "41--55",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Myllykoski and T. Rossi and J. Toivanen",
  title =        "On solving separable block tridiagonal linear systems
                 using a {GPU} implementation of radix-4 {PSCR} method",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "56--66",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Matthew Bradbury and Arshad Jhumka and Matthew Leeke",
  title =        "Hybrid online protocols for source location privacy in
                 wireless sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "115",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--81",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 22 14:39:49 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Editorial Board (continued)",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francesco Piccialli and Jason J. Jung",
  title =        "Towards the {Internet of Data}: Applications,
                 Opportunities and Future Challenges",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "George-Alexandru Musat and M{\u{a}}d{\u{a}}lin Colezea
                 and Florin Pop and Catalin Negru and Mariana Mocanu and
                 Christian Esposito and Aniello Castiglione",
  title =        "Advanced services for efficient management of smart
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3--17",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng Xiao and Xiong Li and Le Wang and Qiuwei Yang
                 and Jiayi Du and Arun Kumar Sangaiah",
  title =        "Using convolution control block for {Chinese}
                 sentiment analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--26",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Prabal Verma and Sandeep K. Sood",
  title =        "Cloud-centric {IoT} based disease diagnosis healthcare
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "27--38",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chun-Wei Tsai and Shi-Jui Liu and Yi-Chung Wang",
  title =        "A parallel metaheuristic data clustering framework for
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "39--49",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaohui Jiang and Peng Hu and Yanchao Li and Chi Yuan
                 and Isma Masood and Hamed Jelodar and Mahdi Rabbani and
                 Yongli Wang",
  title =        "A survey of real-time approximate nearest neighbor
                 query over streaming data for fog computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--62",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meng-Yen Hsieh and Tien-Hsiung Weng and Kuan-Ching
  title =        "A keyword-aware recommender system using implicit
                 feedback on {Hadoop}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--73",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gabriele Mencagli and Massimo Torquati and Fabio
                 Lucattini and Salvatore Cuomo and Marco Aldinucci",
  title =        "Harnessing sliding-window execution semantics for
                 parallel stream processing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "74--88",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Khac-Hoai Nam Bui and Jason J. Jung",
  title =        "{Internet of Agents} framework for connected vehicles:
                 A case study on distributed traffic control system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "116",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "89--95",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 18 06:06:12 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lida Ghaemi Dizaji and Akbar Ghaffarpour Rahbar",
  title =        "{PAHON}: Power-Aware Hybrid Optical Network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--16",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinwoong Kim and Beomseok Nam",
  title =        "Corrigendum to {``Co-processing heterogeneous parallel
                 index for multi-dimensional datasets'' [J. Parallel
                 Distrib. Comput. {\bf 113} (2018) 195--203]}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "17--17",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hao Liu and Linpeng Huang and Yanmin Zhu and Shengan
                 Zheng and Yanyan Shen",
  title =        "{HMFS}: A hybrid in-memory file system with version
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--36",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Guo and Yufeng Nie and Weiwei Zhang",
  title =        "Parallel adaptive mesh refinement method based on
                 bubble-type local mesh generation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--49",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L{\'e}lia Blin and Fadwa Boubekeur and Swan Dubois",
  title =        "A self-stabilizing memory efficient algorithm for the
                 minimum diameter spanning tree under an omnipotent
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--62",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chu-ge Wu and Ling Wang",
  title =        "A multi-model estimation of distribution algorithm for
                 energy efficient scheduling under cloud computing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--72",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adel Dabah and Ahc{\`e}ne Bendjoudi and Abdelhakim
                 AitZai and Didier El-Baz and Nadia Nouali Taboudjemat",
  title =        "Hybrid multi-core {CPU} and {GPU}-based {B\&B}
                 approaches for the blocking job shop scheduling
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "73--86",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weisheng Si and Quincy Tse and Guoqiang Mao and Albert
                 Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "On the performance of greedy forwarding on {Yao} and
                 {Theta} graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "87--97",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anshu Shukla and Yogesh Simmhan",
  title =        "Model-driven scheduling for distributed stream
                 processing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "98--114",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinyu Zhan and Xia Zhang and Wei Jiang and Yue Ma and
                 Ke Jiang",
  title =        "Energy optimization of security-sensitive
                 mixed-criticality applications for distributed
                 real-time systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--126",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kejie Huang and Rong Zhao and Yong Lian",
  title =        "{Racetrack Memory} based hybrid {Look-Up Table (LUT)}
                 for low power reconfigurable computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--137",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pedro L{\'o}pez and Elvira Baydal",
  title =        "Teaching high-performance service in a cluster
                 computing course",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "138--147",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joshua S. Monson and Brad L. Hutchings",
  title =        "Enhancing debug observability for {HLS}-based {FPGA}
                 circuits through source-to-source compilation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "148--160",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christophe Bobda and Franck Yonga and Martin Gebser
                 and Harold Ishebabi and Torsten Schaub",
  title =        "High-level synthesis of on-chip multiprocessor
                 architectures based on answer set programming",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "161--179",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alejandro Mart{\'\i}n and Ra{\'u}l Lara-Cabrera and
                 F{\'e}lix Fuentes-Hurtado and Valery Naranjo and David
  title =        "{EvoDeep}: A new evolutionary approach for automatic
                 {Deep Neural Networks} parametrisation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "180--191",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Chen and Hongyu Xiang and Tie Qiu and Cong Wang
                 and Yang Zhou and Victor Chang",
  title =        "A rear-end collision prediction scheme based on deep
                 learning in the {Internet} of Vehicles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "192--204",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhi Wang and Xizhao Wang",
  title =        "A deep stochastic weight assignment network and its
                 application to chess playing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "205--211",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leyi Wei and Yijie Ding and Ran Su and Jijun Tang and
                 Quan Zou",
  title =        "Prediction of human protein subcellular localization
                 using deep learning",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "212--217",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hao Chen and Jianglong Xu and Guangyi Xiao and Qi Wu
                 and Shiqin Zhang",
  title =        "Fast auto-clean {CNN} model for online prediction of
                 food materials",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "218--227",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gagangeet Singh Aujla and Neeraj Kumar",
  title =        "{SDN}-based energy management scheme for
                 sustainability of data centers: An analysis on
                 renewable energy sources and electric vehicles
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "228--245",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Elakkiya R. and Selvamani K.",
  title =        "Enhanced dynamic programming approach for subunit
                 modelling to handle segmentation and recognition
                 ambiguities in sign language",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "246--255",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shahid Hussain and Jacky Keung and Arif Ali Khan and
                 Awais Ahmad and Salvatore Cuomo and Francesco Piccialli
                 and Gwanggil Jeon and Adnan Akhunzada",
  title =        "Implications of deep learning for the automation of
                 design patterns organization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "256--266",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chao Tong and Jun Li and Chao Lang and Fanxin Kong and
                 Jianwei Niu and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues",
  title =        "An efficient deep model for day-ahead electricity load
                 forecasting with stacked denoising auto-encoders",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "267--273",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Li and Brij Bhooshan Gupta and Roberto Metere",
  title =        "Socially-conforming cooperative computation in cloud
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "274--280",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuesong Wang and Yuting Ma and Yuhu Cheng and Liang
                 Zou and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues",
  title =        "Heterogeneous domain adaptation network based on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "281--291",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandru Iulian Orhean and Florin Pop and Ioan
  title =        "New scheduling approach using reinforcement learning
                 for heterogeneous distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "117",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "292--302",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 8 15:18:47 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaokang Zhou and Guangquan Xu and Jianhua Ma and Ivan
  title =        "Scalable platforms and advanced algorithms for {IoT}
                 and cyber-enabled applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--4",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Guo and Ju Ren and Deyu Zhang and Yaoxue Zhang and
                 Junying Hu",
  title =        "A scalable and manageable {IoT} architecture based on
                 transparent computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "5--13",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Binbin Yong and Zijian Xu and Xin Wang and Libin Cheng
                 and Xue Li and Xiang Wu and Qingguo Zhou",
  title =        "{IoT}-based intelligent fitness system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--21",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shengli Song and Yishuai Lin and Bin Guo and Qiang Di
                 and Rong Lv",
  title =        "{Scalable Distributed Semantic Network} for knowledge
                 management in cyber physical system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "22--33",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sadia Din and Awais Ahmad and Anand Paul and Seungmin
  title =        "{MGR}: {Multi-parameter Green Reliable} communication
                 for {Internet of Things} in {5G} network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "34--45",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shaojie Wen and Chuanhe Huang and Xi Chen and Jianhua
                 Ma and Naixue Xiong and Zongpeng Li",
  title =        "Energy-efficient and delay-aware distributed routing
                 with cooperative transmission for {Internet of
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "46--56",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lingzhi Yi and Xianjun Deng and Zenghui Zou and Dexin
                 Ding and Laurence T. Yang",
  title =        "Confident information coverage hole detection in
                 sensor networks for uranium tailing monitoring",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--66",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liang Cao and Yufeng Wang and Bo Zhang and Qun Jin and
                 Athanasios V. Vasilakos",
  title =        "{GCHAR}: An efficient Group-based Context-aware human
                 activity recognition on smartphone",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--80",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weimin Li and Jun Mo and Minjun Xin and Qun Jin",
  title =        "An Optimized trust model integrated with linear
                 features for cyber-enabled recommendation services",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--88",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bin Yu and Zhenhua Duan and Cong Tian and Nan Zhang",
  title =        "Verifying temporal properties of programs: A parallel
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "89--99",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ran Wang and Guangquan Xu and Xianjiao Zeng and
                 Xiaohong Li and Zhiyong Feng",
  title =        "{TT-XSS}: A novel taint tracking based dynamic
                 detection framework for {DOM} Cross-Site Scripting",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "100--106",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ming Tao and Kaoru Ota and Mianxiong Dong and Zhuzhong
  title =        "{AccessAuth}: Capacity-aware security access
                 authentication in federated-{IoT}-enabled {V2G}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "107--117",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sushil K. Prasad and Sheikh Ghafoor and Christos
                 Kaklamanis and Ramachandran Vaidyanathan",
  title =        "{VSI}: {Edu-2016} --- Keeping up with technology:
                 Teaching parallel, distributed and high-performance
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "118--119",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Victor Eijkhout",
  title =        "Teaching distributed memory programming from mental
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "120--127",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Josu{\'e} Feliu and Julio Sahuquillo and Salvador
  title =        "Designing lab sessions focusing on real processors for
                 computer architecture courses: A practical
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "128--139",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eduard Ayguad{\'e} and Daniel
  title =        "An approach to task-based parallel programming for
                 undergraduate students",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "140--156",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Antonov and N. Popova and Vl. Voevodin",
  title =        "Computational science and {HPC} education for graduate
                 students: Paving the way to exascale",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "157--165",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joshua Eckroth",
  title =        "A course on big data analytics",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "166--176",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oleg Sukhoroslov",
  title =        "Building web-based services for practical exercises in
                 parallel and distributed computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "177--188",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Brian Broll and {\'A}kos L{\'e}deczi and Hamid Zare
                 and Dung Nguyen Do and J{\'a}nos Sallai and P{\'e}ter
                 V{\"o}lgyesi and Mikl{\'o}s Mar{\'o}ti and Lesa Brown
                 and Chris Vanags",
  title =        "A visual programming environment for introducing
                 distributed computing to secondary education",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "189--200",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Linh B. Ngo and Ashwin Trikuta Srinath and Jeffrey
                 Denton and Marcin Ziolkowski",
  title =        "Unifying computing resources and access interface to
                 support parallel and distributed computing education",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "201--212",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bhaskar Chaudhury and Akshar Varma and Yashwant
                 Keswani and Yashodhan Bhatnagar and Samarth Parikh",
  title =        "Let's {HPC}: A web-based platform to aid parallel,
                 distributed and high performance computing education",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "213--232",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joel C. Adams and Patrick A. Crain and Christopher P.
                 Dilley and Christiaan D. Hazlett and Elizabeth R.
                 Koning and Serita M. Nelesen and Javin B. Unger and
                 Mark B. Vande Stel",
  title =        "{TSGL}: A tool for visualizing multithreaded
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "233--246",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nasser Giacaman and Oliver Sinnen",
  title =        "Preparing the software engineer for a modern
                 multi-core world",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (part 1)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "247--263",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 12 16:27:31 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Title Page",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jong Hyuk Park and Houcine Hassan",
  title =        "Advanced algorithms and applications for {IoT} cloud
                 computing convergence",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "265--266",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "D. Kesavaraja and A. Shenbagavalli",
  title =        "{QoE} enhancement in cloud virtual machine allocation
                 using {Eagle} strategy of hybrid krill herd
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "267--279",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wuhui Chen and Incheon Paik and Zhenni Li and Neil Y.
  title =        "A cost minimization data allocation algorithm for
                 dynamic datacenter resizing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "280--295",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo Shen and Naveen Chilamkurti and Ru Wang and Xingshe
                 Zhou and Shiwei Wang and Wen Ji",
  title =        "Deadline-aware rate allocation for {IoT} services in
                 data center network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "296--306",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng Zhang and Dan Feng and Zhipeng Tan and Laurence
                 T. Yang and Jiayang Zheng",
  title =        "A light-weight log-based hybrid storage system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "307--315",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhihui Lu and Nini Wang and Jie Wu and Meikang Qiu",
  title =        "{IoTDeM}: An {IoT} Big Data-oriented {MapReduce}
                 performance prediction extended model in multiple edge
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "316--327",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian Esposito and Aniello Castiglione and
                 Francesco Palmieri and Massimo Ficco and Ciprian Dobre
                 and George V. Iordache and Florin Pop",
  title =        "Event-based sensor data exchange and fusion in the
                 {Internet of Things} environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "328--343",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Santosh Kumar and Deepanwita Datta and Sanjay Kumar
                 Singh and Arun Kumar Sangaiah",
  title =        "An intelligent decision computing paradigm for crowd
                 monitoring in the smart city",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "344--358",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Salvatore Cuomo and Pasquale {De Michele} and
                 Francesco Piccialli and Arun Kumar Sangaiah",
  title =        "Reproducing dynamics related to an {Internet of
                 Things} framework: A numerical and statistical
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "359--368",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sanjay K. Dhurandher and Satya J. Borah and I.
                 Woungang and Aman Bansal and Apoorv Gupta",
  title =        "A location Prediction-based routing scheme for
                 opportunistic networks in an {IoT} scenario",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "369--378",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Da-Ren Chen and Chiun-Chieh Hsu and Mu-Yen Chen and
                 Chun-Fu Guo",
  title =        "A power-aware $2$-covered path routing for wireless
                 body area networks with variable transmission ranges",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "118 (Part 2)",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "379--397",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 19 15:17:55 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Full Title Page",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Editorial Board",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Katayoun Neshatpour and Maria Malik and Avesta Sasan
                 and Setareh Rafatirad and Tinoush Mohsenin and Hassan
                 Ghasemzadeh and Houman Homayoun",
  title =        "Energy-efficient acceleration of {MapReduce}
                 applications using {FPGAs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--17",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rafal Kozik and Michal Chora{\'s} and Massimo Ficco
                 and Francesco Palmieri",
  title =        "A scalable distributed machine learning approach for
                 attack detection in edge computing environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--26",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yoshinori Tamada",
  title =        "Memory efficient parallel algorithm for optimal {DAG}
                 structure search using direct communication",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "27--35",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dayong Ye and Qiang He and Yanchun Wang and Yun Yang",
  title =        "Detection of transmissible service failure in
                 distributed service-based systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "36--49",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ning Wang and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Rethink data dissemination in opportunistic mobile
                 networks with mutually exclusive requirement",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--63",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rasool Azimi and Hedieh Sajedi",
  title =        "A decentralized gossip based approach for data
                 clustering in peer-to-peer networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "64--80",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mayank Tiwary and Deepak Puthal and Kshira Sagar Sahoo
                 and Bibhudatta Sahoo and Laurence T. Yang",
  title =        "Response time optimization for cloudlets in Mobile
                 Edge Computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--91",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Masahiro Shibata and Toshiya Mega and Fukuhito Ooshita
                 and Hirotsugu Kakugawa and Toshimitsu Masuzawa",
  title =        "Uniform deployment of mobile agents in asynchronous
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--106",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mario Barbareschi and Alessandra {De Benedictis} and
                 Nicola Mazzocca",
  title =        "A {PUF}-based hardware mutual authentication
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "107--120",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Prasan Kumar Sahoo and Suvendu Kumar Mohapatra and
                 Shih-Lin Wu",
  title =        "{SLA} based healthcare big data analysis and computing
                 in cloud network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "121--135",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chanchan Li and Guo-ping Jiang and Yurong Song and
                 Lingling Xia and Yinwei Li and Bo Song",
  title =        "Modeling and analysis of epidemic spreading on
                 community networks with heterogeneity",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "136--145",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. Wassi and S. Iloga and O. Romain and B. Granado and
                 M. Tchuent{\'e}",
  title =        "{FPGA}-based simultaneous multichannel audio processor
                 for musical genre indexing applications in broadcast
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "146--161",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ziyan Wu and Zhihui Lu and Wei Zhang and Jie Wu and
                 Shalin Huang and Patrick C. K. Hung",
  title =        "A data-driven approach of performance evaluation for
                 cache server groups in content delivery network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "162--171",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rama Murthy Garimella and Rumyantsev Alexander",
  title =        "On an exact solution of the rate matrix of
                 {G/M/1}-type {Markov} process with small number of
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "172--178",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmad {Al Badawi} and Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Khin Mi
                 Mi Aung and Brahim Hamadicharef",
  title =        "Accelerating subset sum and lattice based public-key
                 cryptosystems with multi-core {CPUs} and {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "179--190",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dami{\'a}n Fern{\'a}ndez-Cerero and Agnieszka
                 Jak{\'o}bik and Daniel Grzonka and Joanna Kolodziej and
                 Alejandro Fern{\'a}ndez-Montes",
  title =        "Security supportive energy-aware scheduling and energy
                 policies for cloud environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "191--202",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fabio Martinelli and Francesco Mercaldo and Vittoria
                 Nardone and Antonella Santone and Arun Kumar Sangaiah
                 and Aniello Cimitile",
  title =        "Evaluating model checking for cyber threats code
                 obfuscation identification",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "203--218",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Edmond Chow and Hartwig Anzt and Jennifer Scott and
                 Jack Dongarra",
  title =        "Using {Jacobi} iterations and blocking for solving
                 sparse triangular systems in incomplete factorization
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "119",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "219--230",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 31 06:49:57 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Title Page",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bibal Benifa J. V. and Dejey Dharma",
  title =        "{HAS}: Hybrid auto-scaler for resource scaling in
                 cloud environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--15",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mariusz Wi{\'s}niewski and Stanis{\l}aw Deniziak",
  title =        "{BMB} synthesis of binary functions using symbolic
                 functional decomposition for {LUT}-based {FPGAs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "16--22",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shamsul Huda and Suruz Miah and John Yearwood and
                 Sultan Alyahya and Hmood Al-Dossari and Robin Doss",
  title =        "A malicious threat detection model for cloud assisted
                 {Internet of Things} {(CoT)} based industrial control
                 system {(ICS)} networks using deep belief network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "23--31",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vicent Selfa and Julio Sahuquillo and Mar{\'\i}a E.
                 G{\'o}mez and Crisp{\'\i}n G{\'o}mez",
  title =        "Efficient selective multicore prefetching under
                 limited memory bandwidth",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "32--43",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Olivier Valery and Pangfeng Liu and Jan-Jan Wu",
  title =        "A collaborative {CPU--GPU} approach for principal
                 component analysis on mobile heterogeneous platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "44--61",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meng Liu and Xuyun Zhang and Chi Yang and Qiang He and
                 Jianbing Zhang",
  title =        "Curve fitting based efficient parameter selection for
                 robust provable data possession",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "62--76",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhou Tong and Scott Pakin and Michael Lang and Xin
  title =        "Fast classification of {MPI} applications using
                 {Lamport}'s logical clocks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "77--88",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Engin Arslan and Bahadir A. Pehlivan and Tevfik
  title =        "Big data transfer optimization through adaptive
                 parameter tuning",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "89--100",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Parul Pandey and Hariharasudhan Viswanathan and Dario
  title =        "Robust orchestration of concurrent application
                 workflows in mobile device clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "101--114",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jesus Pulido and Daniel Livescu and Kalin Kanov and
                 Randal Burns and Curtis Canada and James Ahrens and
                 Bernd Hamann",
  title =        "Remote visual analysis of large turbulence databases
                 at multiple scales",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--126",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lorela Cano and Giuliana Carello and Danilo Ardagna",
  title =        "A framework for joint resource allocation of
                 {MapReduce} and web service applications in a shared
                 cloud cluster",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--147",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yali Lv and Cheng-Kuan Lin and Jianxi Fan and Xiaohua
  title =        "{Hamiltonian} cycle and path embeddings in $3$-ary
                 $n$-cubes based on {$ K_{1, 3}$}-structure faults",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "148--158",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tam{\'a}s Lukovszki and Matthias Rost and Stefan
  title =        "Approximate and incremental network function
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "159--169",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan Ruiz de Miras and Mario Salazar",
  title =        "{GPU} inclusion test for triangular meshes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "170--181",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng Pan and Shuai Liu and Arun Kumar Sangaiah and
                 Khan Muhammad",
  title =        "Visual attention feature {(VAF)}: a novel strategy for
                 visual tracking based on cloud platform in intelligent
                 surveillance systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "182--194",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L{\'u}cia Drummond and Edson Borin",
  title =        "Special issue on Computer Architecture and High
                 Performance Computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--195",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vinicius Dias and Wagner Meira and Dorgival Guedes",
  title =        "{Janus}: Diagnostics and reconfiguration of data
                 parallel programs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "196--210",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bianca de Almeida Dantas and Edson Norberto
  title =        "An experimental evaluation of a parallel simulated
                 annealing approach for the $0$--$1$ multidimensional
                 knapsack problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "211--221",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mariam Umar and Shirley V. Moore and Jeremy S.
                 Meredith and Jeffrey S. Vetter and Kirk W. Cameron",
  title =        "{Aspen}-based performance and energy modeling
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "222--236",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Md. Wasi-ur-Rahman and Nusrat Sharmin Islam and Xiaoyi
                 Lu and Dipti Shankar and Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda",
  title =        "{MR-Advisor}: a comprehensive tuning, profiling, and
                 prediction tool for {MapReduce} execution frameworks on
                 {HPC} clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "237--250",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sebastian Rinke and Markus Butz-Ostendorf and
                 Marc-Andr{\'e} Hermanns and Mika{\"e}l Naveau and Felix
  title =        "A scalable algorithm for simulating the structural
                 plasticity of the brain",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "251--266",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sajith Kalathingal and Sylvain Collange and Bharath N.
                 Swamy and Andr{\'e} Seznec",
  title =        "{DITVA: Dynamic Inter-Thread Vectorization
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "267--281",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Luis Remis and Maria Jesus Garzaran and Rafael Asenjo
                 and Angeles Navarro",
  title =        "Exploiting social network graph characteristics for
                 efficient {BFS} on heterogeneous chips",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "282--294",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ricardo Santos and Liana Duenha and Ana Caroline Silva
                 and Matheus Sousa and Luiz Augusto Tedesco and
                 Jo{\~a}o Carlos Melgarejo and Tony Santos and Rodolfo
                 Azevedo and Edward Moreno",
  title =        "Dark-Silicon Aware Design Space Exploration",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "295--306",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bahareh Bahrami and Mohammad Ali Jabraeil Jamali and
                 Shahram Saeidi",
  title =        "A novel hierarchical architecture for Wireless
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "307--321",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xipeng Shen and Robert Lovas and Xiaofei Liao",
  title =        "Editorial for the Special Issue on In-Memory
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "322--322",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jorge Veiga and Roberto R. Exp{\'o}sito and Guillermo
                 L. Taboada and Juan Touri{\~n}o",
  title =        "Enhancing in-memory efficiency for {MapReduce}-based
                 data processing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "323--338",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kaixin Huang and Jie Zhou and Linpeng Huang and Yanyan
  title =        "{NVHT}: an efficient key--value storage library for
                 non-volatile memory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "339--354",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shengan Zheng and Hao Liu and Linpeng Huang and Yanyan
                 Shen and Yanmin Zhu",
  title =        "{HMVFS}: a Versioning File System on {DRAM\slash NVM}
                 Hybrid Memory",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "355--368",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuechen Zhang and Ujjwal Khanal and Xinghui Zhao and
                 Stephen Ficklin",
  title =        "Making sense of performance in in-memory computing
                 frameworks for scientific data analysis: a case study
                 of the spark system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "369--382",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangyan Zhang and Shuhan Cheng and Jiwu Shu and
                 Qingda Hu and Weimin Zheng",
  title =        "Accelerating breadth-first graph search on a single
                 server by dynamic edge trimming",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "383--394",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuntao Cheng and Bingsheng He and Mian Lu and Chiew
                 Tong Lau",
  title =        "Many-core needs fine-grained scheduling: a case study
                 of query processing on {Intel Xeon Phi} processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "395--404",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 10 09:10:45 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hagit Attiya and Armando Casta{\~n}eda and Danny
  title =        "Nontrivial and universal helping for wait-free queues
                 and stacks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Song Liu and Yuanzhen Cui and Qing Jiang and Qian Wang
                 and Weiguo Wu",
  title =        "An efficient tile size selection model based on
                 machine learning",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--14",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--90",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tahir Maqsood and Nikos Tziritas and Thanasis
                 Loukopoulos and Sajjad A. Madani and Samee U. Khan and
                 Cheng-Zhong Xu and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Energy and communication aware task mapping for
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "15--26",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wenjie Liu and Zhanhuai Li",
  title =        "An efficient theta-join query processing in
                 distributed environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "27--41",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Donato D'Ambrosio and Alessio {De Rango} and Marco
                 Oliverio and Davide Spataro and William Spataro and
                 Rocco Rongo and Giuseppe Mendicino and Alfonso
  title =        "The Open Computing Abstraction Layer for Parallel
                 Complex Systems Modeling on Many-Core Systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "42--52",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hang Zhou and Qing Li and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and
                 Hai Zhu",
  title =        "{DADTA}: a novel adaptive strategy for energy and
                 performance efficient virtual machine consolidation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "121",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "53--70",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 13 14:34:44 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Full Title Page",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bruno Veloso and F{\'a}tima Leal and Horacio
                 Gonz{\'a}lez-V{\'e}lez and Benedita Malheiro and Juan
                 Carlos Burguillo",
  title =        "Scalable data analytics using crowdsourced
                 repositories and streams",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--10",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dayong Ye and Qiang He and Yanchun Wang and Yun Yang",
  title =        "An agent-based service adaptation approach in
                 distributed multi-tenant service-based systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "11--25",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Wang and Weizhi Meng and Wenjuan Li and Jin Li and
                 Wai-Xi Liu and Yang Xiang",
  title =        "A fog-based privacy-preserving approach for
                 distributed signature-based intrusion detection",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "26--35",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo-Cheng Lai and Tung-Yu Wu and Tsou-Han Chiu and
                 Kun-Chun Li and Chia-Ying Lee and Wei-Chen Chien and
                 Wing Hung Wong",
  title =        "Towards high performance data analytic on
                 heterogeneous many-core systems: a study on {Bayesian
                 Sequential Partitioning}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "36--50",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thouraya Louati and Heithem Abbes and Christophe
  title =        "{LXCloudFT}: Towards high availability, fault tolerant
                 Cloud system based {Linux} Containers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--69",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuxia Cheng and Qing Wu and Wenzhi Chen and Bei Wang",
  title =        "Distributed shielded execution for transmissible cyber
                 threats analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "70--80",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nunziato Cassavia and Sergio Flesca and Michele Ianni
                 and Elio Masciari and Chiara Pulice",
  title =        "Distributed computing by leveraging and rewarding
                 idling user resources from {P2P} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--94",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Li and Bo Li and Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan and
                 Lihong Wang and Jinghui Si and Guanyu Wei and Jianxin
  title =        "{FluteDB}: an efficient and scalable in-memory time
                 series database for sensor-cloud",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "95--108",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seong Hoon Kim and Minkeun Ha and Daeyoung Kim",
  title =        "A multi-hop pointer forwarding scheme for efficient
                 location update in low-rate wireless mesh networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "109--121",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samer Samarah and Mohammed Gh. {Al Zamil} and Majdi
                 Rawashdeh and M. Shamim Hossain and Ghulam Muhammad and
                 Atif Alamri",
  title =        "Transferring activity recognition models in {FOG}
                 computing architecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "122--130",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Linfeng Liu and Ran Wang and Jiagao Wu",
  title =        "On the adaptive data forwarding in opportunistic
                 underwater sensor networks using {GPS}-free mobile
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "131--144",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seher Acer and Oguz Selvitopi and Cevdet Aykanat",
  title =        "Optimizing nonzero-based sparse matrix partitioning
                 models via reducing latency",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "145--158",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yingmo Jie and Xinyu Tang and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
                 and Shenghao Su and Mingchu Li and Cheng Guo",
  title =        "Online task scheduling for edge computing based on
                 repeated {Stackelberg} game",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "159--172",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ouarda Zedadra and Antonio Guerrieri and Nicolas
                 Jouandeau and Giandomenico Spezzano and Hamid Seridi
                 and Giancarlo Fortino",
  title =        "Swarm intelligence-based algorithms within {IoT}-based
                 systems: a review",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "173--187",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. A. Mane and S. A. Kandekar and B. N. Waphare",
  title =        "Constructing spanning trees in augmented cubes",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "188--194",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Patcharin Buayen and Jeeraporn Werapun",
  title =        "Parallel time-space reduction by unbiased filtering
                 for solving the 0/1-Knapsack problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--208",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anne Benoit and Aur{\'e}lien Cavelan and Franck
                 Cappello and Padma Raghavan and Yves Robert and
                 Hongyang Sun",
  title =        "Coping with silent and fail-stop errors at scale by
                 combining replication and checkpointing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "209--225",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "SK Alamgir Hossain and Md. Anisur Rahman and M. Anwar
  title =        "Edge computing framework for enabling situation
                 awareness in {IoT} based smart city",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "226--237",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cong Thuan Do and Jong Myon Kim and Cheol Hong Kim",
  title =        "Application Characteristics-Aware Sporadic Cache
                 Bypassing for high performance {GPGPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "122",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "238--250",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gurleen Kaur and Anju Bala and Inderveer Chana",
  title =        "An intelligent regressive ensemble approach for
                 predicting resource usage in cloud computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li",
  title =        "Optimal task execution speed setting and lower bound
                 for delay and energy minimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--25",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Karine Altisen and St{\'e}phane Devismes and
                 Ana{\"\i}s Durand and Franck Petit",
  title =        "Gradual stabilization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "26--45",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Md. Zia Uddin",
  title =        "A wearable sensor-based activity prediction system to
                 facilitate edge computing in smart healthcare system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "46--53",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Md. Golam Rabiul Alam and Md. Shirajum Munir and Md.
                 Zia Uddin and Mohammed Shamsul Alam and Tri Nguyen Dang
                 and Choong Seon Hong",
  title =        "Edge-of-things computing framework for cost-effective
                 provisioning of healthcare data",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "54--60",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zia Ush Shamszaman and Muhammad Intizar Ali",
  title =        "Enabling cognitive contributory societies using
                 {SIoT}: {QoS} aware real-time virtual object
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "61--68",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Li and Xinghui You and Yingying Jiang and Jun Yang
                 and Long Hu",
  title =        "Opportunistic computing offloading in edge clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--76",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Boschmann and Andreas Agne and Georg
                 Thombansen and Linus Witschen and Florian Kraus and
                 Marco Platzner",
  title =        "{Zynq}-based acceleration of robust high density
                 myoelectric signal processing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "77--89",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Henrique D. Lima and Luiz A. de P. Lima and Alcides
                 Calsavara and Henri F. Ebersp{\"a}cher and Ricardo
                 C. Nabhen and Elias P. Duarte",
  title =        "Beyond scalability: Swarm intelligence affected by
                 magnetic fields in distributed tuple spaces",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "90--99",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abbas Dehghani and Keyvan RahimiZadeh",
  title =        "Design and performance evaluation of
                 Mesh-of-Tree-based hierarchical wireless
                 network-on-chip for multicore systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "100--117",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dipika Deb and John Jose and Shirshendu Das and
                 Hemangee K. Kapoor",
  title =        "Cost effective routing techniques in {$2$D} mesh {NoC}
                 using on-chip transmission lines",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "118--129",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chaopeng Guo and Jean-Marc Pierson and Jie Song and
                 Christina Herzog",
  title =        "{Hot-N-Cold} model for energy aware cloud databases",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "130--144",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Debasish Pattanayak and Kaushik Mondal and Ramesh H.
                 and Partha Sarathi Mandal",
  title =        "Gathering of mobile robots with weak multiplicity
                 detection in presence of crash-faults",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "145--155",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ran Bernstein and Margarita Osadchy and Daniel Keren
                 and Assaf Schuster",
  title =        "{LDA} classifier monitoring in distributed streaming
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "156--167",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chuan-Chi Lai and Chuan-Ming Liu",
  title =        "A mobility-aware approach for distributed data update
                 on unstructured mobile {P2P} networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "168--179",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jan Outrata and Martin Trnecka",
  title =        "Parallel exploration of partial solutions in {Boolean}
                 matrix factorization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "180--191",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V. Soni and A. Hadjadj and O. Roussel and G. Moebs",
  title =        "Parallel multi-core and multi-processor methods on
                 point-value multiresolution algorithms for hyperbolic
                 conservation laws",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "192--203",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Irfan Mohiuddin and Ahmad Almogren",
  title =        "Workload aware {VM} consolidation method in edge\slash
                 cloud computing for {IoT} applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "204--214",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuan Tian and Mariya M. Kaleemullah and Mznah A.
                 Rodhaan and Biao Song and Abdullah Al-Dhelaan and
                 Tinghuai Ma",
  title =        "A privacy preserving location service for
                 cloud-of-things system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "215--222",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaolin Li and Peng Wang and Xin-Jian Xu and Gaoxi
  title =        "Universal behavior of the linear threshold model on
                 weighted networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "223--229",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wanqing Tu and Florin Pop and Weijia Jia and Jie Wu
                 and Mauro Iacono",
  title =        "High-Performance Computing in Edge Computing
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "123",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "230--230",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:39 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meng Hao and Weizhe Zhang and You Zhang and Marc Snir
                 and Laurence T. Yang",
  title =        "Automatic generation of benchmarks for {I/O}-intensive
                 parallel applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--13",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fei Zhang and Guangming Liu and Bo Zhao and Piotr
                 Kasprzak and Xiaoming Fu and Ramin Yahyapour",
  title =        "{CBase}: Fast Virtual Machine storage data migration
                 with a new data center structure",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--26",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdu Gumaei and Rachid Sammouda and Abdul Malik S.
                 Al-Salman and Ahmed Alsanad",
  title =        "Anti-spoofing cloud-based multi-spectral biometric
                 identification system for enterprise security and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "27--40",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdulhameed Alelaiwi",
  title =        "Evaluating distributed {IoT} databases for edge/cloud
                 platforms using the analytic hierarchy process",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "41--46",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tanveer Khan and Masoom Alam and Adnan Akhunzada and
                 Ali Hur and Muhammad Asif and Muhammad Khurram Khan",
  title =        "Towards augmented proactive cyberthreat intelligence",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "47--59",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Deepak Puthal and Rajiv Ranjan and Ashish Nanda and
                 Priyadarsi Nanda and Prem Prakash Jayaraman and Albert
                 Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Secure authentication and load balancing of
                 distributed edge datacenters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "60--69",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weidong Li and Xi Liu and Xiaobo Cai and Xuejie
  title =        "Approximation algorithm for the energy-aware profit
                 maximizing problem in heterogeneous computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "70--77",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhihao Li and Haipeng Jia and Yunquan Zhang and Shice
                 Liu and Shigang Li and Xiao Wang and Hao Zhang",
  title =        "Efficient parallel optimizations of a high-performance
                 {SIFT} on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "78--91",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Bi and Haitao Yuan and Wei Tan",
  title =        "Deadlock prevention for service orchestration via
                 controlled {Petri} nets",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "92--105",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sateesh Kumar Awasthi and Yatindra Nath Singh",
  title =        "{Simplified Biased Contribution Index (SBCI)}: a
                 mechanism to make {P2P} network fair and efficient for
                 resource sharing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "124",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "106--118",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shivangi Surati and Devesh C. Jinwala and Sanjay
  title =        "{BMMI-tree}: a Peer-to-Peer $m$-ary tree using $ 1 -
                 m$ node splitting for an efficient multidimensional
                 complex query search",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--17",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jo{\~a}o Paulo de Araujo and Luciana Arantes and Elias
                 P. Duarte and Luiz A. Rodrigues and Pierre Sens",
  title =        "{VCube-PS}: a causal broadcast topic-based
                 publish\slash subscribe system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--30",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandra Ferrer{\'o}n and Jes{\'u}s
                 Alastruey-Bened{\'e} and Dar{\'{\i}}o Su{\'a}rez Gracia
                 and Teresa Monreal Arnal and Pablo Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez
                 Mar{\'\i}n and V{\'\i}ctor Vi{\~n}als Y{\'u}fera",
  title =        "A fault-tolerant last level cache for {CMPs} operating
                 at ultra-low voltage",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "31--44",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. P{\'e}rez and E. Stafford and J. L. Bosque and R.
                 Beivide and S. Mateo and X. Teruel and X. Martorell and
                 E. Ayguad{\'e}",
  title =        "Auto-tuned {OpenCL} kernel co-execution in {OmpSs} for
                 heterogeneous systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "45--57",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L{\'a}zaro Bustio-Mart{\'{\i}}nez and Mart{\'{\i}}n
                 Letras-Luna and Ren{\'e} Cumplido and Raudel
                 Hern{\'a}ndez-Le{\'o}n and Claudia Feregrino-Uribe and
                 Jos{\'e} M. Bande-Serrano",
  title =        "Using hashing and lexicographic order for {Frequent
                 Itemsets Mining} on data streams",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "58--71",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amirreza SeyedHassani and Mohammad Sayad Haghighi and
                 Ahmad Khonsari",
  title =        "{Bayesian} inference of private social network links
                 using prior information and propagated data",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "72--80",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guilherme Andrade and Andr{\'e} Fernandes and Jeremias
                 M. Gomes and Renato Ferreira and George Teodoro",
  title =        "Large-scale parallel similarity search with Product
                 Quantization for online multimedia services",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--92",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunlin Li and Jingpan Bai and JianHang Tang",
  title =        "Joint optimization of data placement and scheduling
                 for improving user experience in edge computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "93--105",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javier D{\'\i}az and Teresa Monreal and Pablo
                 Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and Jos{\'e} M. Llaber{\'\i}a and
                 V{\'\i}ctor Vi{\~n}als",
  title =        "{ReD}: a reuse detector for content selection in
                 exclusive shared last-level caches",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "106--120",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. A. Merzoug and A. Boukerche and A. Mostefaoui and
                 S. Chouali",
  title =        "Spreading Aggregation: a distributed collision-free
                 approach for data aggregation in large-scale wireless
                 sensor networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "121--134",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergio V{\'a}zquez and Margarita Amor and Basilio B.
  title =        "Portable and efficient {FFT} and {DCT} algorithms with
                 the {Heterogeneous Butterfly Processing Library}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "125",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "135--146",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 7 07:58:40 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lanfranco Lopriore and Antonella Santone",
  title =        "Protected pointers to specify access privileges in
                 distributed systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arion de Campos and Aurora T. R. Pozo and Elias P.
  title =        "Parallel multi-swarm {PSO} strategies for solving many
                 objective optimization problems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--33",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Yu and Jiahai Yang and Hui Wang and Hui Zhang",
  title =        "Towards predictable performance via two-layer
                 bandwidth allocation in cloud datacenter",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "34--47",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giordana Florimbi and Emanuele Torti and Stefano
                 Masoli and Egidio D'Angelo and Giovanni Danese and
                 Francesco Leporati",
  title =        "Exploiting multi-core and many-core architectures for
                 efficient simulation of biologically realistic models
                 of {Golgi} cells",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "48--66",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergio Santander-Jim{\'e}nez and Miguel A.
                 Vega-Rodr{\'\i}guez and Jorge Vicente-Viola and Leonel
  title =        "Comparative assessment of {GPGPU} technologies to
                 accelerate objective functions: a case study on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "67--81",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mustafa M. Al-Sayed and Hesham A. Hassan and Fatma A.
  title =        "Towards evaluation of cloud ontologies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "82--106",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sara Kardani Moghaddam and Rajkumar Buyya and Kotagiri
  title =        "{ACAS}: an anomaly-based cause aware auto-scaling
                 framework for clouds",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "107--120",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaser Mansouri and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Dynamic replication and migration of data objects with
                 hot-spot and cold-spot statuses across storage data
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "121--133",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sanem Arslan and Haluk Rahmi Topcuoglu and Mahmut
                 Taylan Kandemir and Oguz Tosun",
  title =        "Scheduling opportunities for asymmetrically reliable
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "134--151",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John Charlton and Steve Maddock and Paul Richmond",
  title =        "Two-dimensional batch linear programming on the
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "152--160",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mansoor Nasir and Khan Muhammad and Jaime Lloret and
                 Arun Kumar Sangaiah and Muhammad Sajjad",
  title =        "Fog computing enabled cost-effective distributed
                 summarization of surveillance videos for smart cities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "126",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "161--170",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 11 09:19:51 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinsu Park and Woongki Baek",
  title =        "Analyzing and optimizing the performance and energy
                 efficiency of transactional scientific applications on
                 large-scale {NUMA} systems with {HTM} support",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--17",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Veeramanikandan M. and Suresh Sankaranarayanan",
  title =        "Publish\slash subscribe based multi-tier edge
                 computational model in {Internet of Things} for latency
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--27",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Carlos Rea{\~n}o and Federico Silla",
  title =        "On the support of inter-node {P2P} {GPU} memory copies
                 in {rCUDA}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "28--43",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongzhi Xu and Renfa Li and Chen Pan and Keqin Li",
  title =        "Minimizing energy consumption with reliability goal on
                 heterogeneous embedded systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "44--57",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdulhameed Alelaiwi",
  title =        "An efficient method of computation offloading in an
                 edge cloud platform",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "58--64",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mahmoud Khairy and Amr G. Wassal and Mohamed Zahran",
  title =        "A survey of architectural approaches for improving
                 {GPGPU} performance, programmability and
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "65--88",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeffrey Regier and Keno Fischer and Kiran Pamnany and
                 Andreas Noack and Jarrett Revels and Maximilian Lama
                 and Steve Howard and Ryan Giordano and David Schlegel
                 and Jon McAuliffe and Rollin and Thomas and Prabhat",
  title =        "Cataloging the visible universe through {Bayesian}
                 inference in {Julia} at petascale",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "89--104",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kallia Chronaki and Miquel Moret{\'o} and Marc Casas
                 and Alejandro Rico and Rosa M. Badia and Eduard
                 Ayguad{\'e} and Mateo Valero",
  title =        "On the maturity of parallel applications for
                 asymmetric multi-core processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "105--115",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Surya Nepal and Mohan Baruwal Chhetri and Rajiv Ranjan
                 and Ryszard Kowalczyk",
  title =        "A Note on Quality of Service Issues in Smart Cities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "116--117",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonella Longo and Marco Zappatore and Shamkant B.
  title =        "The unified chart of mobility services: Towards a
                 systemic approach to analyze service quality in smart
                 mobility ecosystem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "118--133",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shangguang Wang and Yali Zhao and Lin Huang and
                 Jinliang Xu and Ching-Hsien Hsu",
  title =        "{QoS} prediction for service recommendations in mobile
                 edge computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "134--144",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Feng Zhang and Victor E. Lee and Ruoming Jin and
                 Saurabh Garg and Kim-Kwang and Raymond Choo and Michele
                 Maasberg and Lijun Dongab and Chi Cheng",
  title =        "Privacy-aware smart city: a case study in
                 collaborative filtering recommender systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "145--159",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shangguang Wang and Yali Zhao and Jinlinag Xu and Jie
                 Yuan and Ching-Hsien Hsu",
  title =        "Edge server placement in mobile edge computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "160--168",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gagangeet Singh Aujla and Neeraj Kumar and Mukesh
                 Singh and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Energy trading with dynamic pricing for electric
                 vehicles in a smart city environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "169--183",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Sun and Guoqiang Li and Yuanyuan Zhang and
                 Liming Zhu and Raj Gaire",
  title =        "Statistically managing cloud operations for
                 latency-tail-tolerance in {IoT}-enabled smart cities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "184--195",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan Liono and Prem Prakash Jayaraman and A. K.
                 Qin and Thuong Nguyen and Flora D. Salim",
  title =        "{QDaS}: Quality driven data summarisation for
                 effective storage management in {Internet of Things}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "196--208",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdulatif Alabdulatif and Ibrahim Khalil and Heshan
                 Kumarage and Albert Y. Zomaya and Xun Yi",
  title =        "Privacy-preserving anomaly detection in the cloud for
                 quality assured decision-making in smart cities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "209--223",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huanyang Zheng and Wei Chang and Jie Wu",
  title =        "Traffic flow monitoring systems in smart cities:
                 Coverage and distinguishability among vehicles",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "224--237",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 14 15:55:59 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kostas Kolomvatsos",
  title =        "An efficient scheme for applying software updates in
                 pervasive computing applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--14",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mehmet Hakan Karaata",
  title =        "An open modal stabilizing $m$-wave algorithm for
                 arbitrary networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "15--29",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Loris Marchal and Bertrand Simon and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric
  title =        "Limiting the memory footprint when dynamically
                 scheduling {DAGs} on shared-memory platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "30--42",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhisheng Huo and Minyi Guo and Limin Xiao and Zhenxue
                 He and Xiaoling Rong and Bing Wei",
  title =        "{TACD}: a throughput allocation method based on
                 variant of {Cobb--Douglas} for hybrid storage system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "43--56",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xun Yi and Zahir Tari and Feng Hao and Liqun Chen and
                 Joseph K. Liu and Xuechao Yang and Kwok-Yan Lam and
                 Ibrahim Khalil and Albert Y. Zomaya",
  title =        "Efficient threshold password-authenticated secret
                 sharing protocols for cloud computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--70",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yi Su and Dan Feng and Yu Hua and Zhan Shi",
  title =        "Understanding the latency distribution of cloud object
                 storage systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "71--83",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jordi Wolfson-Pou and Edmond Chow",
  title =        "Modeling the asynchronous {Jacobi} method without
                 communication delays",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "84--98",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "I. Z. Reguly and G. R. Mudalige and M. B. Giles and S.
  title =        "Improving resilience of scientific software through a
                 domain-specific approach",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "99--114",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "HyungGyoon Kim and Hyungmin Cho and Changwoo Pyo",
  title =        "{GPU}-based acceleration of the {Linear Complexity
                 Test} for random number generator testing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--125",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhiqiang Wang and Ye Zhao and Huidan (Whitney) Yu and
                 Chen Lin and Alan P. Sawchuck",
  title =        "Fully parallelized {Lattice Boltzmann} scheme for fast
                 extraction of biomedical geometry",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "126--136",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lisandro Dalcin and Mikael Mortensen and David E.
  title =        "Fast parallel multidimensional {FFT} using advanced
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "137--150",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sayed T. Muhammad and Mohamed Saad and Ali A.
                 El-Moursy and Magdy A. El-Moursy and Hesham F. A.
  title =        "{CFPA}: Congestion aware, fault tolerant and process
                 variation aware adaptive routing algorithm for
                 asynchronous Networks-on-Chip",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "151--166",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Feifei Zhang and Jidong Ge and Chifong Wong and
                 Chuanyi Li and Xingguo Chen and Sheng Zhang and Bin Luo
                 and He Zhang and Victor Chang",
  title =        "Online learning offloading framework for heterogeneous
                 mobile edge computing system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "128",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "167--183",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seyong Lee and John Gounley and Amanda Randles and
                 Jeffrey S. Vetter",
  title =        "Performance portability study for massively parallel
                 computational fluid dynamics application on scalable
                 heterogeneous architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--13",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ebrahim Zarei Zefreh and Shahriar Lotfi and Leyli
                 Mohammad Khanli and Jaber Karimpour",
  title =        "Topology and computational-power aware tile mapping of
                 perfectly nested loops with dependencies on distributed
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--35",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdennacer Khelaifa and Saber Benharzallah and Laid
                 Kahloul and Reinhardt Euler and Abdelkader Laouid and
                 Ahc{\`e}ne Bounceur",
  title =        "A comparative analysis of adaptive consistency
                 approaches in cloud storage",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "36--49",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhihua Cui and Lei Du and Penghong Wang and Xingjuan
                 Cai and Wensheng Zhang",
  title =        "Malicious code detection based on {CNNs} and
                 multi-objective algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--58",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonino Tumeo and John Feo and Oreste Villa",
  title =        "Special Issue on: {Systems for Learning, Inferencing,
                 and Discovering (SLID)}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "59--60",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David C. Anastasiu and George Karypis",
  title =        "Parallel cosine nearest neighbor graph construction",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "61--82",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thomas B. Rolinger and Tyler A. Simon and Christopher
                 D. Krieger",
  title =        "Performance considerations for scalable parallel
                 tensor decomposition",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "83--98",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuchen Ma and Jiajia Li and Xiaolong Wu and Chenggang
                 Yan and Jimeng Sun and Richard Vuduc",
  title =        "Optimizing sparse tensor times matrix on {GPUs}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "99--109",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Maria Malik and Katayoun Neshatpour and Setareh
                 Rafatirad and Rajiv V. Joshi and Tinoosh Mohsenin and
                 Hassan Ghasemzadeh and Houman Homayoun",
  title =        "Big vs little core for energy-efficient {Hadoop}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "129",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "110--124",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "T. R. Law and J. Hancox and S. A. Wright and S. A.
  title =        "An algorithm for computing short-range forces in
                 molecular dynamics simulations with non-uniform
                 particle densities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--11",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xianmin Wang and Jing Li and Xiaohui Kuang and Yu-an
                 Tan and Jin Li",
  title =        "The security of machine learning in an adversarial
                 setting: a survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "12--23",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Huang and Yan Liu and Renfa Li and Keqin Li and
                 JiYao An and Yang Bai and Fan Yang and Guoqi Xie",
  title =        "Optimal power allocation and load balancing for
                 non-dedicated heterogeneous distributed embedded
                 computing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "24--36",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francisco J. And{\'u}jar and Salvador Coll and Marina
                 Alonso and Juan-Miguel Mart{\'{\i}}nez and Pedro
                 L{\'o}pez and Jos{\'e} L. S{\'a}nchez and Francisco J.
                 Alfaro and Ra{\'u}l Mart{\'{\i}}nez",
  title =        "Energy efficient torus networks with on\slash off
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--49",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paulo A. C. Lopes and Satyendra Singh Yadav and
                 Aleksandar Ilic and Sarat Kumar Patra",
  title =        "Fast block distributed {CUDA} implementation of the
                 {Hungarian} algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--62",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Castro and Paolo Romano and Jo{\~a}o Barreto",
  title =        "Hardware Transactional Memory meets memory
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--79",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wanchun Jiang and Haiming Xie and Xiangqian Zhou and
                 Liyuan Fang and Jianxin Wang",
  title =        "Haste makes waste: the On--Off algorithm for replica
                 selection in key--value stores",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "80--90",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Li and Xianmin Wang and Zhengan Huang and Licheng
                 Wang and Yang Xiang",
  title =        "Multi-level multi-secret sharing scheme for
                 decentralized e-voting in cloud computing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "91--97",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Artur Czumaj and Peter Davies",
  title =        "Communicating with beeps",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "98--109",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ayan Palchaudhuri and Anindya Sundar Dhar",
  title =        "Design and automation of {VLSI} architectures for
                 bidirectional scan based fault localization approach in
                 {FPGA} fabric aware cellular automata topologies",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "110--125",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rafael Sousa and Marcio Pereira and Fernando Magno
                 Quint{\~a}o Pereira and Guido Araujo",
  title =        "Data-flow analysis and optimization for data coherence
                 in heterogeneous architectures",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "126--139",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javier Navaridas and Jose A. Pascual and Alejandro
                 Erickson and Iain A. Stewart and Mikel Luj{\'a}n",
  title =        "{INRFlow}: an interconnection networks research
                 flow-level simulation framework",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "140--152",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xu An Wang and Fatos Xhafa and Jianfeng Ma and Zhiheng
  title =        "Controlled secure social cloud data sharing based on a
                 novel identity based proxy re-encryption plus scheme",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "153--165",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amanda Bienz and William D. Gropp and Luke N. Olson",
  title =        "Node aware sparse matrix--vector multiplication",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "166--178",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Linfeng Liu and Ran Wang and Jiagao Wu",
  title =        "A time-inhomogeneous {Markov} chain and its
                 distributed solution for message dissemination in
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "179--192",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lifeng Nai and Ramyad Hadidi and He Xiao and Hyojong
                 Kim and Jaewoong Sim and Hyesoon Kim",
  title =        "Thermal-aware processing-in-memory instruction
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "130",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "193--207",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 20 18:06:40 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David M. Chan and Roshan Rao and Forrest Huang and
                 John F. Canny",
  title =        "{GPU} accelerated $t$-distributed stochastic neighbor
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--13",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chhabi Rani Panigrahi and Joy Lal Sarkar and Mayank
                 Tiwary and Bibudhendu Pati and Prasant Mohapatra",
  title =        "{DATALET}: an approach to manage big volume of data in
                 cyber foraged environment",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "14--28",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Sun and Wei Liu and Jianzhong Huang and Weisong
  title =        "Collaborative Compaction Optimization System using
                 Near-Data Processing for {LSM}-tree-based Key-Value
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--43",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xingxin Li and Youwen Zhu and Jian Wang and Ji Zhang",
  title =        "Efficient and secure multi-dimensional geometric range
                 query over encrypted data in cloud",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "44--54",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "TianZhang He and Adel N. Toosi and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Performance evaluation of live virtual machine
                 migration in {SDN}-enabled cloud data centers",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "55--68",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Muneeb {Ul Hassan} and Mubashir Husain Rehmani and
                 Ramamohanarao Kotagiri and Jiekui Zhang and Jinjun
  title =        "Differential privacy for renewable energy resources
                 based smart metering",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--80",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Burak Erbagci and Nail Etkin Can Akkaya and Mudit
                 Bhargava and Rachel Dondero and Ken Mai",
  title =        "Secure hardware-entangled field programmable gate
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "81--96",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jingying Chen and Yongqiang Lv and Ruyi Xu and Can
  title =        "Automatic social signal analysis: Facial expression
                 recognition using difference convolution neural
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "97--102",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ricardo Quislant and Eladio Gutierrez and Emilio L.
                 Zapata and Oscar Plata",
  title =        "Improving hardware transactional memory
                 parallelization of computational geometry algorithms
                 using privatizing transactions",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "103--119",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weiping Tu and Yuhong Yang and Bo Du and Jiaxi Zheng
                 and Shuangxing Zhai",
  title =        "Towards a real-time production of immersive spatial
                 audio of high individuality with an {RBF} neural
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "120--129",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. R. Mudalige and I. Z. Reguly and S. P. Jammy and C.
                 T. Jacobs and M. B. Giles and N. D. Sandham",
  title =        "Large-scale performance of a {DSL}-based multi-block
                 structured-mesh application for Direct Numerical
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "130--146",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samuel Henrique Silva and Paul Rad and Nicole Beebe
                 and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and Mahesh Umapathy",
  title =        "Cooperative unmanned aerial vehicles with privacy
                 preserving deep vision for real-time object
                 identification and tracking",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "147--160",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinhao Li and Awatif Alqahtani and Ellis Solaiman and
                 Charith Perera and Prem Prakash Jayaraman and Rajkumar
                 Buyya and Graham Morgan and Rajiv Ranjan",
  title =        "{IoT-CANE}: a unified knowledge management system for
                 data-centric {Internet of Things} application systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "161--172",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Benito and P. Fuentes and E. Vallejo and R.
  title =        "{ACOR}: Adaptive congestion-oblivious routing in
                 dragonfly networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "173--188",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "YouKe Wu and Haiyang Huang and Qun Wu and Anfeng Liu
                 and Tian Wang",
  title =        "A risk defense method based on microscopic state
                 prediction with partial information observations in
                 social networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "189--199",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Funke and Sebastian Lamm and Ulrich Meyer and
                 Manuel Penschuck and Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz
                 and Darren Strash and Moritz von Looz",
  title =        "Communication-free massively distributed graph
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "200--217",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Piyush Sao and Xiaoye S. Li and Richard Vuduc",
  title =        "A communication-avoiding {$3$D} algorithm for sparse
                 {$ L U $} factorization on heterogeneous systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "218--234",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sung-Yoon Chae and Kyungran Kang and Young-Jong Cho",
  title =        "A randomized adaptive neighbor discovery for wireless
                 networks with multi-packet reception capability",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "131",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "235--244",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 07:36:16 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pengfei Song and Lei Qi and Xueming Qian and Xiaoqiang
  title =        "Detection of ships in inland river using
                 high-resolution optical satellite imagery based on
                 mixture of deformable part models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--7",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rintu Panja and Sathish S. Vadhiyar",
  title =        "{HyPar}: a divide-and-conquer model for hybrid
                 {CPU--GPU} graph processing",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "8--20",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Long Cheng and Spyros Kotoulas and Qingzhi Liu and
                 Ying Wang",
  title =        "Load-balancing distributed outer joins through
                 operator decomposition",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "21--35",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anisur Rahaman Molla and Supantha Pandit and Sasanka
  title =        "Optimal deterministic distributed algorithms for
                 maximal independent set in geometric graphs",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "36--47",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessandro Pellegrini and Francesco Quaglia",
  title =        "Cross-state events: a new approach to parallel
                 discrete event simulation and its speculative runtime
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "48--68",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Evelyn Otero and Jing Gong and Misun Min and Paul
                 Fischer and Philipp Schlatter and Erwin Laure",
  title =        "{OpenACC} acceleration for the {$ P_N$--$ P_{N - 2}$}
                 algorithm in {Nek5000}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "69--78",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yasir Noman Khalid and Muhammad Aleem and Usman Ahmed
                 and Muhammad Arshad Islam and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal",
  title =        "{Troodon}: a machine-learning based load-balancing
                 application scheduler for {CPU--GPU} system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "79--94",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Edward Chuah and Arshad Jhumka and Samantha Alt and
                 Daniel Balouek-Thomert and James C. Browne and Manish
  title =        "Towards comprehensive dependability-driven resource
                 use and message log-analysis for {HPC} systems
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "95--112",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guanghui Zhu and Qiu Hu and Rong Gu and Chunfeng Yuan
                 and Yihua Huang",
  title =        "{ForestLayer}: Efficient training of deep forests on
                 distributed task-parallel platforms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "113--126",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Linjia Hu and Saeid Nooshabadi",
  title =        "High-dimensional image descriptor matching using
                 highly parallel {KD}-tree construction and approximate
                 nearest neighbor search",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--140",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanqi Zhao and Yiming Liu and Aikui Tian and Yong Yu
                 and Xiaojiang Du",
  title =        "Blockchain based privacy-preserving software updates
                 with proof-of-delivery for {Internet of Things}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "141--149",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhongjiang Yao and Jingguo Ge and Yulei Wu and Linjie
  title =        "A privacy preserved and credible network protocol",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "150--159",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rajiv Ranjan and Ellis Solaiman and Massimo Villari
                 and Paul Watson",
  title =        "A note on tools and techniques for end-to-end {QoS}
                 monitoring in {Internet of Things}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "160--163",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhong Wang and Daniel Sun and Guangtao Xue and Shiyou
                 Qian and Guoqiang Li and Minglu Li",
  title =        "{Ada-Things}: an adaptive virtual machine monitoring
                 and migration strategy for {Internet of Things}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "164--176",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Buqing Cao and Jianxun Liu and Yiping Wen and Hongtao
                 Li and Qiaoxiang Xiao and Jinjun Chen",
  title =        "{QoS}-aware service recommendation based on relational
                 topic model and factorization machines for {IoT} Mashup
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "177--189",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Redowan Mahmud and Satish Narayana Srirama and
                 Kotagiri Ramamohanarao and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "Quality of Experience ({QoE})-aware placement of
                 applications in {Fog} computing environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "190--203",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nan Ding and Wei Xue and Zhenya Song and Haohuan Fu
                 and Shiming Xu and Weimin Zheng",
  title =        "An automatic performance model-based scheduling tool
                 for coupled climate system models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "204--216",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhihua Cui and Yang Cao and Xingjuan Cai and Jianghui
                 Cai and Jinjun Chen",
  title =        "Optimal {LEACH} protocol with modified bat algorithm
                 for big data sensing systems in {Internet of Things}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "217--229",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingfu Xiong and Dan Chen and Jun Chen and Jingying
                 Chen and Benyun Shi and Chao Liang and Ruimin Hu",
  title =        "Person re-identification with multiple similarity
                 probabilities using deep metric learning for efficient
                 smart security applications",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "230--241",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiong Li and Fan Wu and Saru Kumari and Lili Xu and
                 Arun Kumar Sangaiah and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo",
  title =        "A provably secure and anonymous message authentication
                 scheme for smart grids",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "242--249",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Victor Araujo and Karan Mitra and Saguna Saguna and
                 Christer {\AA}hlund",
  title =        "Performance evaluation of {FIWARE}: a cloud-based
                 {IoT} platform for smart cities",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "250--261",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio Celesti and Maria Fazio",
  title =        "A framework for real time end to end monitoring and
                 big data oriented management of smart environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "262--273",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paola G. Vinueza Naranjo and Zahra Pooranian and
                 Mohammad Shojafar and Mauro Conti and Rajkumar Buyya",
  title =        "{FOCAN}: a Fog-supported smart city network
                 architecture for management of applications in the
                 {Internet of Everything} environments",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "274--283",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gianluca {De Marco} and Mauro Leoncini and Manuela
  title =        "A distributed message-optimal assignment on rings",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "284--298",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian Glacet and Nicolas Hanusse and David
                 Ilcinkas and Colette Johnen",
  title =        "Disconnected components detection and rooted
                 shortest-path tree maintenance in networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "299--309",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiao Lv and Fazhi He and Weiwei Cai and Yuan Cheng",
  title =        "An optimized {RGA} supporting selective undo for
                 collaborative text editing systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "310--330",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Imene {Ben Hafaiedh}",
  title =        "A generic formal model for the comparison and analysis
                 of distributed job-scheduling algorithms in grid
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "331--343",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Carlos Rea{\~n}o and Javier Prades and Federico
  title =        "Analyzing the performance\slash power tradeoff of the
                 {rCUDA} middleware for future exascale systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "344--362",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saliya Ekanayake and Jose Cadena and Udayanga
                 Wickramasinghe and Anil Vullikanti",
  title =        "{MIDAS}: Multilinear detection at scale",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "363--382",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. V. Adams and R. W. Ford and M. Hambley and J. M.
                 Hobson and I. Kav{\v{c}}i{\v{c}} and C. M. Maynard and
                 T. Melvin and E. H. M{\"u}ller and S. Mullerworth and
                 A. R. Porter and M. Rezny and B. J. Shipway and R.
  title =        "{LFRic}: Meeting the challenges of scalability and
                 performance portability in Weather and Climate models",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "132",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "383--396",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:20 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew Loeb and Christopher Earls",
  title =        "Analysis of heterogeneous computing approaches to
                 simulating heat transfer in heterogeneous material",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--17",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shu-Li Zhao and Rong-Xia Hao and Jie Wu",
  title =        "The generalized $3$-connectivity of some Regular
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "18--29",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiarui Fang and Haohuan Fu and Guangwen Yang and
                 Cho-Jui Hsieh",
  title =        "{RedSync}: Reducing synchronization bandwidth for
                 distributed deep learning training system",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "30--39",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chih-Hung Chang and Fuu-Cheng Jiang and Chao-Tung Yang
                 and Sheng-Cang Chou",
  title =        "On construction of a big data warehouse accessing
                 platform for campus power usages",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "40--50",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huanxin Lin and Cho-Li Wang",
  title =        "Efficient low-latency packet processing using {On-GPU}
                 Thread-Data Remapping",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--62",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhu Wang and Jalil Boukhobza and Zili Shao",
  title =        "Preserving {SSD} lifetime in deep learning
                 applications with delta snapshots",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--76",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. V. Goncharsky and S. Yu. Romanov and S. Yu.
  title =        "Comparison of the capabilities of {GPU} clusters and
                 general-purpose supercomputers for solving {$3$D}
                 inverse problems of ultrasound tomography",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "77--92",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qin Liu and Panlin Hou and Guojun Wang and Tao Peng
                 and Shaobo Zhang",
  title =        "Intelligent route planning on large road networks with
                 efficiency and privacy",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "93--106",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Gowanlock and Ben Karsin",
  title =        "Accelerating the similarity self-join using the
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "107--123",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Javier Cano-Cano and Francisco J. And{\'u}jar and
                 Francisco J. Alfaro and Jos{\'e} L. S{\'a}nchez",
  title =        "Speeding up exascale interconnection network
                 simulations with the {VEF3} trace framework",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "124--135",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianhao Wei and Yaping Lin and Xin Yao and Voundi Koe
                 Arthur Sandor",
  title =        "Differential privacy-based trajectory community
                 recommendation in social network",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "136--148",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nassima Haroune-Belkacem and Fouzi Semchedine and
                 Ahmed Al-Shammari and Djamil Aissani",
  title =        "{SMCA}: an efficient {SOAP} messages compression and
                 aggregation technique for improving web services
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "149--158",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rabiaa Elkamel and Asma Messouadi and Adnane Cherif",
  title =        "Extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks
                 through mitigating the hot spot problem",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "159--169",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohammad Mehedi Hassan and Jemal Abawajy and Min Chen
                 and Meikang Qiu and Sheng Chen",
  title =        "Special Section on {Cloud-of-Things} and Edge
                 Computing: Recent Advances and Future Trends",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "170--173",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anne Benoit and {\"U}mit V. {\c{C}}ataly{\"u}rek",
  title =        "Special issue: Selected papers from {IPDPS'18}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "174--175",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bernab{\'e} Dorronsoro and Gr{\'e}goire Danoy and
                 Didier {El Baz}",
  title =        "Special Issue on Advances in Parallel and Distributed
                 Combinatorial Optimization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "176--178",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergio L{\'o}pez-Huguet and Igor Natanael and Andrey
                 Brito and Ignacio Blanquer",
  title =        "Vertical elasticity on {Marathon} and {Chronos Mesos}
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "179--192",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sameer Singh Chauhan and Emmanuel S. Pilli and R. C.
                 Joshi and Girdhari Singh and M. C. Govil",
  title =        "Brokering in interconnected cloud computing
                 environments: a survey",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "193--209",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keqin Li",
  title =        "Non-clairvoyant scheduling of independent parallel
                 tasks on single and multiple multicore processors",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "210--220",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Laleh Ghalami and Daniel Grosu",
  title =        "Scheduling parallel identical machines to minimize
                 makespan: a parallel approximation algorithm",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "221--231",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Esmail Asyabi and Erfan Sharafzadeh and SeyedAlireza
                 SanaeeKohroudi and Mohsen Sharifi",
  title =        "{CTS}: an operating system {CPU} scheduler to mitigate
                 tail latency for latency-sensitive multi-threaded
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "232--243",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jia Luo and Shigeru Fujimura and Didier {El Baz} and
                 Bastien Plazolles",
  title =        "{GPU} based parallel genetic algorithm for solving an
                 energy efficient dynamic flexible flow shop scheduling
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "244--257",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sebasti{\'a}n Rodr{\'\i}guez and Facundo Parodi and
                 Sergio Nesmachnow",
  title =        "Parallel evolutionary approaches for game playing and
                 verification using {Intel Xeon Phi}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "258--271",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Pe{\~n}a and Andrei Tchernykh and Sergio
                 Nesmachnow and Renzo Massobrio and Alexander Feoktistov
                 and Igor Bychkov and Gleb Radchenko and Alexander Yu.
                 Drozdov and Sergey N. Garichev",
  title =        "Operating cost and quality of service optimization for
                 multi-vehicle-type timetabling for urban bus systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "272--285",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marco Antonio Boschetti and Vittorio Maniezzo and
                 Francesco Strappaveccia",
  title =        "Membership overlay design optimization with resource
                 constraints (accelerated on {GPU})",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "286--296",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Nakib and L. Souquet and E.-G. Talbi",
  title =        "Parallel fractal decomposition based algorithm for big
                 continuous optimization problems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "297--306",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Casella and I. {De Falco} and A. {Della Cioppa} and
                 U. Scafuri and E. Tarantino",
  title =        "Exploiting multi-core and {GPU} hardware to speed up
                 the registration of range images by means of
                 Differential Evolution",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "307--318",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrei Tchernykh and Jorge M. Cort{\'e}s-Mendoza and
                 Igor Bychkov and Alexander Feoktistov and Loic Didelot
                 and Pascal Bouvry and Gleb Radchenko and Kirill
  title =        "Configurable cost-quality optimization of cloud-based
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "319--336",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cosmin G. Petra",
  title =        "A memory-distributed quasi-{Newton} solver for
                 nonlinear programming problems with a small number of
                 general constraints",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "337--348",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "El-Ghazali Talbi",
  title =        "A unified view of parallel multi-objective
                 evolutionary algorithms",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "349--358",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rene Cumplido and Maya Gokhale and Claudia Feregrino
                 and Michael Huebner",
  title =        "Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Reconfigurable
                 Computing and {FPGA} Technology",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "359--361",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alba Melo and Jesus Carretero and Per Stenstrom and
                 Sanjay Ranka and Eduard Ayguade",
  title =        "Trends on heterogeneous and innovative hardware and
                 software systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "362--364",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marco D. Santambrogio and Ramachandran Vaidyanathan",
  title =        "{RAW 2016}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "365--366",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lester Kalms and Diana G{\"o}hringer",
  title =        "Scalable clustering and mapping algorithm for
                 application distribution on heterogeneous and irregular
                 {FPGA} clusters",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "367--376",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hyunsuk Nam and Roman Lysecky",
  title =        "Security-aware multi-objective optimization of
                 distributed reconfigurable embedded systems",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "377--390",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stephan Nolting and Guillermo Pay{\'a}-Vay{\'a} and
                 Florian Giesemann and Holger Blume and Sebastian
                 Niemann and Christian M{\"u}ller-Schloer",
  title =        "Dynamic self-reconfiguration of a {MIPS}-based
                 soft-core processor architecture",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "391--406",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Syed Waqar Nabi and Wim Vanderbauwhede",
  title =        "{FPGA} design space exploration for scientific {HPC}
                 applications using a fast and accurate cost model based
                 on roofline analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "407--419",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohamed El-Hadedy and Amit Kulkarni and Dirk
                 Stroobandt and Kevin Skadron",
  title =        "{Reco-Pi}: a reconfigurable Cryptoprocessor for $ \pi
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "420--431",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 10:25:21 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "i--i",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "ii--ii",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Konstantinos Georgiou and Jay Griffiths and Yuval
  title =        "Symmetric rendezvous with advice: How to rendezvous in
                 a disk",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--24",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gladys Utrera and Montse Farreras and Jordi Fornes",
  title =        "Task Packing: Efficient task scheduling in unbalanced
                 parallel programs to maximize {CPU} utilization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "37--49",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andr{\'a}s Attila Sulyok and G{\'a}bor D{\'a}niel
                 Balogh and Istv{\'a}n Z. Reguly and Gihan R. Mudalige",
  title =        "Locality optimized unstructured mesh algorithms on
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "50--64",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ishfaq Ahmad and Hafiz Fahad Sheikh",
  title =        "A multi-staged niched evolutionary approach for
                 allocating parallel tasks with joint optimization of
                 performance, energy, and temperature",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "65--74",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leszek Siwik and Maciej Wo{\'z}niak and Marcin Lo{\'s}
                 and Maciej Paszy{\'n}ski",
  title =        "Fast and green parallel isogeometric analysis
                 computations for multi-objective optimization of liquid
                 fossil fuel reserve exploitation with minimal
                 groundwater contamination",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "89--103",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Baolei Cheng and Jianxi Fan and Cheng-Kuan Lin and
                 Xiaohua Jia and Xiaoyan Li",
  title =        "Constructing node-independent spanning trees on the
                 line graph of the hypercube by an independent forest
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "104--115",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jesus M. Sanchez-Gomez and Miguel A.
                 Vega-Rodr{\'\i}guez and Carlos J. P{\'e}rez",
  title =        "Parallelizing a multi-objective optimization approach
                 for extractive multi-document text summarization",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "166--179",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ali Dorri and Salil S. Kanhere and Raja Jurdak and
                 Praveen Gauravaram",
  title =        "{LSB}: a {Lightweight Scalable Blockchain} for {IoT}
                 security and anonymity",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "180--197",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shumei Yang and Shaohua Tang and Xiao Zhang",
  title =        "Privacy-preserving $k$ nearest neighbor query with
                 authentication on road networks",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "25--36",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eva Garc{\'\i}a-Mart{\'\i}n and Crefeda Faviola
                 Rodrigues and Graham Riley and H{\aa}kan Grahn",
  title =        "Estimation of energy consumption in machine learning",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "75--88",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ga{\"e}l Beck and Tarn Duong and Mustapha Lebbah and
                 Hanane Azzag and Christophe C{\'e}rin",
  title =        "A distributed approximate nearest neighbors algorithm
                 for efficient large scale mean shift clustering",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "128--139",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Valentin Puente and Jos{\'e} {\'A}ngel Gregorio",
  title =        "{CLASSIC}: a cortex-inspired hardware accelerator",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "140--152",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guojing Cong and Giacomo Domeniconi and Chih-Chieh
                 Yang and Joshua Shapiro and Fan Zhou and Barry Chen",
  title =        "Fast neural network training on a cluster of {GPUs}
                 for action recognition with high accuracy",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "153--165",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ivan Merelli and Federico Fornari and Fabio Tordini
                 and Daniele D'Agostino and Marco Aldinucci and Daniele
  title =        "Exploiting {Docker} containers over Grid computing for
                 a comprehensive study of chromatin conformation in
                 different cell types",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "116--127",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "William Spataro and Giuseppe A. Trunfio and Georgios
                 Ch. Sirakoulis",
  title =        "Editorial on the Special Issue on Parallel Computing
                 in Modelling and Simulation",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "233--235",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Noshina Tariq and Muhammad Asim and Zakaria Maamar and
                 M. Zubair Farooqi and Noura Faci and Thar Baker",
  title =        "A Mobile Code-driven Trust Mechanism for detecting
                 internal attacks in sensor node-powered {IoT}",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "198--206",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Victor Chang and Taiyu Li and Zhiyang Zeng",
  title =        "Towards an improved {Adaboost} algorithmic method for
                 computational financial analysis",
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "219--232",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xin Yao and Yizhu Zou and Zhigang Chen and Ming Zhao
                 and Qin Liu",
  title =        "Topic-based rank search with verifiable social data
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hong-Yen Tran and Jiankun Hu",
  title =        "Privacy-preserving big data analytics a comprehensive
  journal =      j-J-PAR-DIST-COMP,
  volume =       "134",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "207--218",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JPDCER",
  ISSN =         "0743-7315 (print), 1096-0848 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0743-7315",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 18 09:26:10 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",