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%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "1.41",
%%%     date            = "05 March 2025",
%%%     time            = "07:41:28 MST",
%%%     filename        = "statproblett2020.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "05997 29726 107010 1194999",
%%%     email           = "beebe at, beebe at,
%%%                        beebe at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "bibliography; BibTeX; Statistics &
%%%                        Probability Letters",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a COMPLETE bibliography of the
%%%                        journal Statistics & Probability Letters
%%%                        (CODEN SPLTDC, ISSN 0167-7152 (print),
%%%                        1879-2103 (electronic), ISSN-L 0167-7152) for
%%%                        the decade 2020--2029.
%%%                        The journal was published by North Holland,
%%%                        and then by Elsevier.  Publication began with
%%%                        volume 1, number 1 in July 1982, and the
%%%                        number of issues varied from 6 to 24 per year
%%%                        until 2014, when volume 84 switched to the
%%%                        new Elsevier practice of publishing complete
%%%                        volumes, without separate issues.
%%%                        The journal has a Web site at
%%%                        At version 1.41, the COMPLETE year coverage
%%%                        looked like this:
%%%                             2014 (   1)    2018 (   1)    2022 ( 226)
%%%                             2015 (   0)    2019 (   2)    2023 ( 188)
%%%                             2016 (   0)    2020 ( 269)    2024 ( 248)
%%%                             2017 (   0)    2021 ( 241)    2025 ( 115)
%%%                             Article:       1291
%%%                             Total entries: 1291
%%%                        Data for this bibliography have been obtained
%%%                        primarily from the publisher site, with
%%%                        additional data merged in from numerous other
%%%                        bibliographies in the BibNet Project and TeX
%%%                        User Group bibliography archives.
%%%                        Numerous errors in the sources noted above
%%%                        have been corrected.  Spelling has been
%%%                        verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell
%%%                        programs using the exception dictionary
%%%                        stored in the companion file with extension
%%%                        .sok.
%%%                        BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen
%%%                        as name:year:abbrev, where name is the
%%%                        family name of the first author or editor,
%%%                        year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a
%%%                        3-letter condensation of important title
%%%                        words. Citation tags were automatically
%%%                        generated by software developed for the
%%%                        BibNet Project.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
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    "\ifx \undefined \reg        \def \reg {\circled{R}}\fi"

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:
@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
                    University of Utah,
                    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
                    155 S 1400 E RM 233,
                    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
                    FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148,
                    e-mail: \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]| (Internet),
                    URL: \path||"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-STAT-PROB-LETT        = "Statistics \& Probability Letters"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries, sorted in publication order, with ``bibsort
%%% -byarticleno'':
  author =       "Patrick Borges and Josemar Rodrigues and Narayanaswamy
                 Balakrishnan and Jorge Baz{\'a}n",
  title =        "A {COM--Poisson} type generalization of the binomial
                 distribution and its properties and applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "87",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "158--166",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun Jun 1 11:19:11 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See erratum \cite{Borges:2023:ECP}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ryoichi Suzuki",
  title =        "{Malliavin} differentiability of indicator functions
                 on canonical {L{\'e}vy} spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "137",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "183--190",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 8 12:33:50 MST 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See correction \cite{Suzuki:2020:CMD}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V. Skorniakov",
  title =        "On asymptotic normality of certain linear rank
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "145",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--73",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 15 15:02:31 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See erratum \cite{Skorniakov:2020:EAN}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abbas Alhakim and S. Molchanov",
  title =        "The density flatness phenomenon",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "152",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "156--161",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 14:30:58 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See comments \cite{Weissman:2023:SCD}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert E. Gaunt and Neil Walton",
  title =        "{Stein}'s method for the single server queue in heavy
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108566",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chengwu Shen and Anh Ninh",
  title =        "Finding the modes of some multivariate discrete
                 probability distributions: Application of the resource
                 allocation problem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108579",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Florence Merlev{\`e}de and Magda Peligrad",
  title =        "Functional {CLT} for nonstationary strongly mixing
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108581",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tianshi Lu and Nikolai Leonenko and Chunsheng Ma",
  title =        "Series representations of isotropic vector random
                 fields on balls",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108583",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seunghwan Park and Michael J. Daniels",
  title =        "A note on monotonicity in repeated attempt selection
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108585",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guillaume Marrelec and Alain Giron",
  title =        "Cumulants of multiinformation density in the case of a
                 multivariate normal distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108587",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ryan H. L. Ip and K. Y. K. Wu",
  title =        "A note on discrete multivariate {Markov} random field
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108588",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiyong Shin",
  title =        "{Liouville} distorted {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108590",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. M. Grau Ribas",
  title =        "An extension of the {Last-Success-Problem}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108591",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hosam M. Mahmoud and Panpan Zhang",
  title =        "Distributions in the constant-differentials
                 {P{\'o}lya} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108592",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ghurumuruhan Ganesan",
  title =        "Extremal paths in inhomogeneous random graphs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108593",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommi Sottinen and Lauri Viitasaari",
  title =        "Prediction law of mixed {Gaussian} {Volterra}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108594",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yongli Sang and Xin Dang",
  title =        "Empirical likelihood test for diagonal symmetry",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108595",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Natsumi Makigusa and Kanta Naito",
  title =        "Asymptotic normality of a consistent estimator of
                 maximum mean discrepancy in {Hilbert} space",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108596",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jintang Wu and Mengshou Wang and Xiaohu Li",
  title =        "Convex transform order of the maximum of independent
                 {Weibull} random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108597",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianjun Zhou and Qingyan Peng",
  title =        "Estimation for functional partial linear models with
                 missing responses",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108598",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiaqiang Wen and Yufeng Shi",
  title =        "Solvability of anticipated backward stochastic
                 {Volterra} integral equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108599",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Milan Merkle and Yuri F. Saporito and Rodrigo S.
  title =        "{Bayesian} approach for parameter estimation of
                 continuous-time stochastic volatility models using
                 {Fourier} transform methods",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108600",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arijit Chakrabarty and Sukrit Chakraborty and Rajat
                 Subhra Hazra",
  title =        "Regular variation and free regular infinitely
                 divisible laws",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108607",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V. Skorniakov",
  title =        "Erratum to {``On asymptotic normality of certain
                 linear rank statistics'' [Statist. Probab. Lett. {\bf
                 145} (2019) 63--73]}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108608",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Graciela Boente and Juan Carlos Pardo-Fern{\'a}ndez",
  title =        "Testing for superiority between two variance
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108612",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xue Ding",
  title =        "Some sphericity tests for high dimensional data based
                 on ratio of the traces of sample covariance matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108613",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ryoichi Suzuki",
  title =        "Correction to {``Malliavin differentiability of
                 indicator functions on canonical L{\'e}vy spaces''
                 [Statist. Probab. Lett. {\bf 137} (2018) 183--190]}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108614",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuekang Zhang and Haoran Yi and Huisheng Shu",
  title =        "Parameter estimation for non-stationary reflected
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} processes driven by $ \alpha
                 $-stable noises",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108617",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahmed Arafat and Pablo Gregori and Emilio Porcu",
  title =        "{Schoenberg} coefficients and curvature at the origin
                 of continuous isotropic positive definite kernels on
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108618",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shige Peng and Quan Zhou",
  title =        "A hypothesis-testing perspective on the {$G$}-normal
                 distribution theory",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108623",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kai Liu",
  title =        "Some regularity results on stochastic convolutions in
                 point delay differential equations perturbed by noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108624",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arthur Yosef and Amos Baranes",
  title =        "{Karhunen--Lo{\`e}ve} expansion of a set indexed
                 fractional {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108629",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108641",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{January 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "156",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:40 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdelkader Mokkadem and Mariane Pelletier",
  title =        "Recursive estimators of integrated squared density
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108609",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Adu and G. Richardson and M. C. Tseng",
  title =        "Periodogram ordinate: Spatial model with near unit
                 roots and dependent errors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108615",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tarik Faouzi and Emilio Porcu and Moreno Bevilacqua
                 and Igor Kondrashuk",
  title =        "{Zastavnyi} operators and positive definite radial
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108620",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jin-Jian Hsieh and Yung-Yu Chen",
  title =        "Survival function estimation of current status data
                 with dependent censoring",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108621",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. P. Pakshirajan",
  title =        "Power type law of the iterated logarithm for
                 {Gaussian} variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108622",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cheng Xin and Minzhi Zhao and Qiang Yao and Erjia
  title =        "On the distribution of the hitting time for the
                 {$N$}-urn {Ehrenfest} model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108625",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhanfeng Wang and Kai Li and Jian Qing Shi",
  title =        "A robust estimation for the extended $t$-process
                 regression model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108626",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Emanuele Dolera and Edoardo Mainini",
  title =        "On uniform continuity of posterior distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108627",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anna Talarczyk",
  title =        "Bifractional {Brownian} motion for {$ H > 1 $} and {$
                 2 H K \leq 1 $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108628",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giuliano Galimberti and Gabriele Soffritti",
  title =        "A note on the consistency of the maximum likelihood
                 estimator under multivariate linear cluster-weighted
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108630",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ben Sherwood and Aaron J. Molstad and Sumanta Singha",
  title =        "Asymptotic properties of concave {$ L_1 $}-norm group
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108631",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingzhou Xu and Kun Cheng and Yunzheng Ding",
  title =        "Moderate deviations for nonhomogeneous {Markov}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108632",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. J. Pauwelyn and M. A. Guerry",
  title =        "On perturbations of non-diagonalizable stochastic
                 matrices of order $3$",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108633",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Vogt",
  title =        "On the differences between {$ L_2 $} Boosting and the
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108634",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Malin Pal{\"o} Forsstr{\"o}m and Jeffrey E. Steif",
  title =        "A few surprising integrals",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108635",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Masashi Hyodo and Takahiro Nishiyama and Tatjana
  title =        "On error bounds for high-dimensional asymptotic
                 distribution of {$ L_2 $}-type test statistic for
                 equality of means",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108637",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:16 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108649",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{February 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "157",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 24 16:44:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qiang Sun",
  title =        "{Gaussian} approximations for maxima of random vectors
                 under {$ (2 + \iota) $}-th moments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108523",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tianyao Chen and Xue Cheng and Jingping Yang",
  title =        "Decomposing correlated random walks on common and
                 counter movements",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108616",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo Wei and Tian Dai and Limin Peng and Ying Guo and
                 Amita Manatunga",
  title =        "A new functional representation of broad sense
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108619",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Holger Dette and Viatcheslav B. Melas and Petr
  title =        "Optimal designs for estimating individual coefficients
                 in polynomial regression with no intercept",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108636",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "O. Chernova and F. Lavancier and P. Rochet",
  title =        "Averaging of density kernel estimators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108645",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen-Tuo Liao",
  title =        "Partially replicated block designs for two-level
                 factorial experiments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108653",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin T. Lukusa and Frederick Kin Hing Phoa",
  title =        "A note on the weighting-type estimations of the
                 zero-inflated {Poisson} regression model with missing
                 data in covariates",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108654",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongmin Yuan and Long Jiang and Dejian Tian",
  title =        "Representation theorems for {WVaR} with respect to a
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108655",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Clara Grazian and Cristiano Villa and Brunero Liseo",
  title =        "On a loss-based prior for the number of components in
                 mixture models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108656",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Chenavier and Ahmad Darwiche",
  title =        "Extremes for transient random walks in random
                 sceneries under weak independence conditions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108657",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Karamzadeh and A. R. Soltani and H. A.
  title =        "On a class of spatial renewal processes: Renewal
                 processes synchronization probabilities",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108658",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Marie",
  title =        "Nonparametric estimation of the trend in reflected
                 fractional {SDE}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108659",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "{\'E}tienne Begin and Pierre Dutilleul and Carole
                 Beaulieu and Taoufik Bouezmarni",
  title =        "{M-Vine} decomposition and {VAR(1)} models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108660",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yiqing Chen",
  title =        "A {Kesten}-type bound for sums of randomly weighted
                 subexponential random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108661",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yangyang Lyu",
  title =        "Precise high moment asymptotics for parabolic
                 {Anderson} model with log-correlated {Gaussian} field",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108662",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paul Janssen and Jan Swanepoel and No{\"e}l
  title =        "A note on the behaviour of a kernel-smoothed kernel
                 density estimator",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108663",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaobin Sun and Longjie Xie and Yingchao Xie",
  title =        "Derivative formula for the {Feynman--Kac} semigroup of
                 {SDEs} driven by rotationally invariant {$ \alpha
                 $}-stable process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108664",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leonardo A. Videla",
  title =        "On the expected maximum of a birth-and-death process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108665",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Drmota and Benedikt Stufler",
  title =        "Pattern occurrences in random planar maps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108666",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qian Xiong and Zuoxiang Peng",
  title =        "Asymptotic expansions of powered skew-normal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108667",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wooyoung Chin and Paul Jung and Greg Markowsky",
  title =        "A note on invariance of the {Cauchy} and related
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108668",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hong Jiang and Jianwei Qian and Yuqin Sun",
  title =        "Best linear unbiased predictors and estimators under a
                 pair of constrained seemingly unrelated regression
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108669",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pavel S. Ruzankin and Artem V. Logachov",
  title =        "A fast mode estimator in multidimensional space",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108670",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Le Van Dung and Ta Cong Son",
  title =        "On the rate of convergence in the central limit
                 theorem for arrays of random vectors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108671",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dan Cheng and Armin Schwartzman",
  title =        "On critical points of {Gaussian} random fields under
                 diffeomorphic transformations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108672",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rakhi Singh and Ashish Das and Daniel Horsley",
  title =        "{{\em SUE$ (s^2) $}}-optimal supersaturated designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108673",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jens Grygierek and Christoph Th{\"a}le",
  title =        "{Gaussian} fluctuations for edge counts in
                 high-dimensional random geometric graphs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108674",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yue Zhang and Mingao Yuan",
  title =        "Nonreconstruction of high-dimensional stochastic block
                 model with bounded degree",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108675",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Bedbur and J. M. Lennartz and U. Kamps",
  title =        "On minimum volume properties of some confidence
                 regions for multiple multivariate normal means",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108676",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108688",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Publisher Note",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108694",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{March 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "158",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:20 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paulo H. Ferreira and Eduardo Ramos and Pedro L. Ramos
                 and Jhon F. B. Gonzales and Vera L. D. Tomazella and
                 Ricardo S. Ehlers and Eveliny B. Silva and Francisco
  title =        "Objective {Bayesian} analysis for the {Lomax}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108677",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mark Trede",
  title =        "Maximum likelihood estimation of high-dimensional
                 {Student}-$t$ copulas",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108678",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hongwei Sun and Yuehua Cui and Qian Gao and Tong
  title =        "Trimmed {LASSO} regression estimator for binary
                 response data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108679",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guillaume Chauvet",
  title =        "Large sample properties of the {Midzuno} sampling
                 scheme with probabilities proportional to size",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108680",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xianye Yu and Mingbo Zhang",
  title =        "Backward stochastic differential equations driven by
                 fractional noise with non-{Lipschitz} coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108681",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuliya Mishura and Kostiantyn Ralchenko and Mounir
  title =        "On mild and weak solutions for stochastic heat
                 equations with piecewise-constant conductivity",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108682",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Essomanda Konzou and Efo{\'e}vi Koudou and Kossi E.
  title =        "Rate of convergence of generalized inverse {Gaussian}
                 and {Kummer} distributions to the gamma distribution
                 via {Stein}'s method",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108683",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lei He and Daojiang He",
  title =        "{$R$}-optimal designs for individual prediction in
                 random coefficient regression models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108684",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommaso Lando and Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti",
  title =        "Second-order stochastic dominance for decomposable
                 multiparametric families with applications to order
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108691",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Osama Idais",
  title =        "A note on locally optimal designs for generalized
                 linear models with restricted support",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108692",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiongzhi Chen and R. W. Doerge",
  title =        "A strong law of large numbers related to multiple
                 testing normal means",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108693",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xin Liu and Rong-Xian Yue and Kashinath Chatterjee",
  title =        "Geometric characterization of {$D$}-optimal designs
                 for random coefficient regression models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108696",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Long Bai",
  title =        "Extremes of standard multifractional {Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108697",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108710",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{April 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "159",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:25 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stephen Muirhead",
  title =        "A second moment bound for critical points of planar
                 {Gaussian} fields in shrinking height windows",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108698",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huiyan Zhao and Siyan Xu",
  title =        "A stochastic {Fubini} theorem for {$ \alpha $}-stable
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108700",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangqiang Lan and Fang Xia and Mei Zhao",
  title =        "$p$-th moment $ (p \in (0, 1))$ and almost sure
                 exponential stability of the exact solutions and
                 modified truncated {EM} method for stochastic
                 differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108701",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lucio Barabesi and Luca Pratelli",
  title =        "On the {Generalized Benford law}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108702",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Enkelejd Hashorva and Didier Rulli{\`e}re",
  title =        "Asymptotic domination of sample maxima",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108703",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fei Lu and Liugen Xue and Xiong Cai",
  title =        "{GEE} analysis in joint mean-covariance model for
                 longitudinal data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108705",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Emad-Eldin A. A. Aly",
  title =        "On order statistics from {Laplace}-type
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108706",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Grant Izmirlian",
  title =        "Strong consistency and asymptotic normality for
                 quantities related to the {Benjamini--Hochberg} false
                 discovery rate procedure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108713",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hyungkuk Yoon and Bara Kim and Jeongsim Kim",
  title =        "Lower bounds on partial sums of expected hitting
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108715",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Krzysztof Jasi{\'n}ski",
  title =        "Some concept of {Markov} property of discrete order
                 statistics arising from independent and non-identically
                 distributed variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108718",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108738",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{May 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "160",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:29 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manling Qian and Li Tao and Erqian Li and Maozai
  title =        "Hypothesis testing for the identity of
                 high-dimensional covariance matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108699",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bouchra R. Nasri",
  title =        "On non-central squared copulas",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108704",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Petar Jevti{\'c} and Nicolas Lanchier and Axel {La
  title =        "First and second moments of the size distribution of
                 bond percolation clusters on rings, paths and stars",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108714",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Baena-Mirabete and P. Puig",
  title =        "Computing probabilities of integer-valued random
                 variables by recurrence relations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108719",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John W. Lau and Edward Cripps and Wendy Hui",
  title =        "Variational inference for multiplicative intensity
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108720",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hai Dang Dau and Thomas Lalo{\"e} and R{\'e}mi
  title =        "Exact asymptotic limit for kernel estimation of
                 regression level sets",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108721",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari
  title =        "A nonparametric test for comparison of mean past
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108722",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tonglin Zhang",
  title =        "{CP} decomposition and weighted clique problem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108723",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joseph Najnudel and Ching-Tang Wu and Ju-Yi Yen",
  title =        "On moments of {Brownian} functionals and their
                 interpretation in terms of random walks",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108724",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Markus Bibinger",
  title =        "{Cusum} tests for changes in the {Hurst} exponent and
                 volatility of fractional {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108725",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fakhreddine Boukhari",
  title =        "The {Marcinkiewics--Zygmund} strong law of large
                 numbers for dependent random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108727",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianbin Chen and Rahul Mukerjee and Dennis K. J. Lin",
  title =        "Construction of optimal fractional Order-of-Addition
                 designs via block designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108728",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Levine and Donald Richards and Jianxi Su",
  title =        "Independence properties of the truncated multivariate
                 elliptical distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108729",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. I. Zeifman and Y. A. Satin and K. M. Kiseleva",
  title =        "On obtaining sharp bounds of the rate of convergence
                 for a class of continuous-time {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108730",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "E. G. Bongiorno and A. Goia and P. Vieu",
  title =        "Estimating the complexity index of functional data:
                 Some asymptotics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108731",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin Forde and Benjamin Smith",
  title =        "The conditional law of the {Bacry--Muzy} and
                 {Riemann--Liouville} log correlated {Gaussian} fields
                 and their {GMC}, via {Gaussian} {Hilbert} and
                 fractional {Sobolev} spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108732",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qun Liu and Zhishan Dong",
  title =        "Limit laws for the number of triangles in the
                 generalized random graphs with random node weights",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108733",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruinan Li and Yumeng Li",
  title =        "{Talagrand}'s quadratic transportation cost
                 inequalities for reflected {SPDEs} driven by
                 space--time white noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108734",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cassandra Milbradt and Martin Wahl",
  title =        "High-probability bounds for the reconstruction error
                 of {PCA}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108741",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Andr{\'e}s D{\'\i}az--Pach{\'o}n and Juan Pablo
                 S{\'a}enz and J. Sunil Rao",
  title =        "Hypothesis testing with active information",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108742",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ting-Li Chen and Su-Yun Huang and Weichung Wang",
  title =        "A consistency theorem for randomized singular value
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108743",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108758",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{June 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "161",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:33 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Didier A. Girard",
  title =        "Asymptotic near-efficiency of the {``Gibbs-energy (GE)
                 and empirical-variance''} estimating functions for
                 fitting {Mat{\'e}rn} models --- {II}: Accounting for
                 measurement errors via ``conditional {GE} mean''",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108726",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aneta Augustynowicz",
  title =        "Asymptotic behavior of proportions of observations
                 falling to random regions determined by central order
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108744",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John Angus and Yujia Ding",
  title =        "On the ratio of current age to total life for null
                 recurrent renewal processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108745",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sam Justice and N. D. Shyamalkumar",
  title =        "On a tail bound for analyzing random trees",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108746",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Witold Bednorz and Rafa{\l} Martynek",
  title =        "A {L{\'e}vy--Ottaviani} type inequality for the
                 {Bernoulli} process on an interval",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108747",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Ouled Said",
  title =        "Some remark on the asymptotic variance in a drift
                 accelerated diffusion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108748",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Federico Bassetti and Lucia Ladelli",
  title =        "Asymptotic number of clusters for species sampling
                 sequences with non-diffuse base measure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108749",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Florian Hildebrandt",
  title =        "On generating fully discrete samples of the stochastic
                 heat equation on an interval",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108750",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marina Valdora and V{\'\i}ctor Yohai",
  title =        "{$M$} estimators based on the probability integral
                 transformation with applications to count data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108751",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yang Yang and Tao Jiang and Kaiyong Wang and Kam C.
  title =        "Interplay of financial and insurance risks in
                 dependent discrete-time risk models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108752",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shoujiang Zhao and Qiaojing Liu",
  title =        "A large deviation result for maximum likelihood
                 estimator of non-homogeneous {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108753",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pavel S. Ruzankin and Igor S. Borisov",
  title =        "On the rate of {Poisson} approximation to {Bernoulli}
                 partial sum processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108754",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joseph P. Stover",
  title =        "A stochastic comparison result for the multitype
                 contact process with unequal death rates",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108763",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jafar Ahmadi",
  title =        "Characterization results for symmetric continuous
                 distributions based on the properties of {$k$}-records
                 and spacings",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108764",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuang Dai and Zhensheng Huang",
  title =        "Nonparametric inference for covariate-adjusted model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108766",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shulan Hu and Ran Wang",
  title =        "Asymptotics of stochastic {Burgers} equation with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108770",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Junhao Guo and Jie Zhou and Sanfeng Hu",
  title =        "Intrinsic covariance matrix estimation for
                 multivariate elliptical distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108774",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108786",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{July 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "162",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:37 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yafang Xiong and Xiaoming Xu",
  title =        "Anticipated backward stochastic differential equations
                 with left-{Lipschitz} coefficient",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108762",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peng Luo",
  title =        "Reflected {BSDEs} with time-delayed generators and
                 nonlinear resistance",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108765",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Cheng and Mingyao Ai",
  title =        "Optimal designs for panel data linear regressions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108769",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Minwoo Chae and Stephen G. Walker",
  title =        "{Wasserstein} upper bounds of the total variation for
                 smooth densities",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108771",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Liu and Sanguo Zhang and Shuangge Ma and Qingzhao
  title =        "Tests for regression coefficients in high dimensional
                 partially linear models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108772",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leng-Cheng Hwang",
  title =        "A robust two-stage procedure for the {Poisson} process
                 under the linear exponential loss function",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108773",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Cui and Nana Bi",
  title =        "Averaging principle for neutral stochastic functional
                 differential equations with impulses and
                 non-{Lipschitz} coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108775",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Mousavinasr and C. R. Gon{\c{c}}alves and C. C. Y.
  title =        "Convergence to {Fr{\'e}chet} distribution via
                 {Mallows} distance",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108776",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Raouf Fakhfakh",
  title =        "Variance function of {Boolean} additive convolution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108777",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meryem Akboudj and Yong Jiao and Adam
  title =        "Weak-{$ L^\infty $} inequality for non-symmetric
                 martingale transforms and {Haar} system",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108778",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunpeng Zhao",
  title =        "A note on new {Bernstein}-type inequalities for the
                 log-likelihood function of {Bernoulli} variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108779",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tingting Feng and Shaochen Wang and Guangyu Yang",
  title =        "Large and moderate deviation principles for the
                 {Erd{\H{o}}s--Kac} theorem in function fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108780",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saptarshi Chakraborty and Debolina Paul and Swagatam
  title =        "Hierarchical clustering with optimal transport",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108781",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Imtiyaz A. Shah and H. M. Barakat and A. H. Khan",
  title =        "Characterizations through generalized and dual
                 generalized order statistics, with an application to
                 statistical prediction problem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108782",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiuwei Yin and Guangjun Shen and Jinhong Zhang",
  title =        "{Harnack} inequalities for stochastic heat equation
                 with locally unbounded drift",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108790",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan Gutierrez-Pav{\'o}n and Carlos G. Pacheco",
  title =        "A density for the local time of the {Brox} diffusion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108791",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Erkan Nane and Eze R. Nwaeze and McSylvester
                 Ejighikeme Omaba",
  title =        "Asymptotic behaviour of solution and non-existence of
                 global solution to a class of conformable
                 time-fractional stochastic equation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108792",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qian Yu and Salwa Bajja",
  title =        "Volatility estimation of general {Gaussian}
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108796",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kazuki Okamura",
  title =        "An equivalence criterion for infinite products of
                 {Cauchy} measures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108797",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "{\'E}ric Marchand and William E. Strawderman",
  title =        "On the non-stochastic ordering of some quadratic
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108799",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Piotr Jaworski and Marcin Pitera",
  title =        "A note on conditional variance and characterization of
                 probability distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108800",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108822",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{August 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "163",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:41 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Angshuman Roy and Anil K. Ghosh",
  title =        "Some tests of independence based on maximum mean
                 discrepancy and ranks of nearest neighbors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108793",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wenya Luo and Zhidong Bai and Shurong Zheng and
                 Yongchang Hui",
  title =        "A modified {BDS} test",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108794",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Na Zou and Tingxun Gou and Hong Qin and Kashinath
  title =        "Generalized foldover method for high-level designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108795",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Feng Wang and Xian-Yuan Wu and Rui Zhu",
  title =        "Last passage percolation on the complete graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108798",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "F. Baumdicker and U. H{\"o}lker",
  title =        "Method comparison with repeated measurements ---
                 {Passing--Bablok} regression for grouped data with
                 errors in both variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108801",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David R. Bickel",
  title =        "Departing from {Bayesian} inference toward minimaxity
                 to the extent that the posterior distribution is
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108802",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Les{\l}aw Gajek and El{\.z}bieta Krajewska",
  title =        "Approximating sums of products of dependent random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108803",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lin Yu and Xiao Yu",
  title =        "Mixed atomic decomposition of martingale weak
                 {Hardy--Morrey} spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108804",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "D. Kremer and H.-P. Scheffler",
  title =        "About atomless random measures on $ \delta $-rings",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108805",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Victor M. Guerrero and Claudia Solis-Lemus",
  title =        "A generalized measure of dispersion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108806",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zikang Xiong and Liwei Liu and Jianhui Ning and Hong
  title =        "Sphere packing design for experiments with mixtures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108807",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Phillip Kerger and Kei Kobayashi",
  title =        "Parameter estimation for one-sided heavy-tailed
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108808",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lidan He and Qiang Liu and Zhi Liu",
  title =        "{Edgeworth} corrections for spot volatility
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108809",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Hong and Shihu Li and Wei Liu",
  title =        "Asymptotic log-{Harnack} inequality and applications
                 for {SPDE} with degenerate multiplicative noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108810",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samuel Estala-Arias",
  title =        "Pseudodifferential operators and {Markov} processes on
                 certain totally disconnected groups",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108811",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leopoldo Catania and Alessandra Luati",
  title =        "Robust estimation of a location parameter with the
                 integrated {Hogg} function",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108812",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaolin Chen and Yahui Zhang and Yi Liu and Xiaojing
  title =        "Model-free feature screening for ultra-high
                 dimensional competing risks data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108815",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sakshi Arya and Yuhong Yang",
  title =        "Randomized allocation with nonparametric estimation
                 for contextual multi-armed bandits with delayed
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108818",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vjekoslav Kova{\v{c}} and Mario Stip{\v{c}}i{\'c}",
  title =        "Convergence of ergodic-martingale paraproducts",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108826",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Li and Xiaohu Li",
  title =        "Preservation of weak {SAI}'s under increasing
                 transformations with applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108828",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108840",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{September 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "164",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:45 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Kraus and Marco Stefanucci",
  title =        "Ridge reconstruction of partially observed functional
                 data is asymptotically optimal",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108813",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Siran Li and Xunjie Zheng",
  title =        "A generalization of {Lemma 1} in {Kotlarski} (1967)",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108814",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fang Xie and Zhijie Xiao",
  title =        "Consistency of {$ \ell_1 $} penalized negative
                 binomial regressions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108816",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xinyu Song and Yazhen Wang",
  title =        "{GARCH} quasi-likelihood ratios for {SV} model and the
                 diffusion limit",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108817",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kainan Xiang and Lang Zou",
  title =        "Every countable infinite group admits a long range
                 percolation with a phase transition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108827",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommy Wright",
  title =        "A general exact optimal sample allocation algorithm:
                 With bounded cost and bounded sample sizes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108829",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiuzhen Zhang and Zhiping Lu and Yangye Wang and
                 Riquan Zhang",
  title =        "Adjusted jackknife empirical likelihood for stationary
                 {ARMA} and {ARFIMA} models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108830",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "W. John Braun and James Stafford and Patrick Brown",
  title =        "Data sharpening via {Firth}'s adjusted score
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108831",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fredy Castellares and Silvio C. Patr{\'\i}cio and
                 Artur J. Lemonte",
  title =        "On gamma-{Gompertz} life expectancy",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108832",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohamed Marzougue",
  title =        "A note on optional {Snell} envelopes and reflected
                 backward {SDEs}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108833",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Elena Boguslavskaya and Lioudmila Vostrikova",
  title =        "Revisiting integral functionals of geometric
                 {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108834",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jason Fulman and Adrian R{\"o}llin",
  title =        "{Stein}'s method and {Narayana} numbers",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108835",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aleksandar Mijatovi{\'c} and Veno Mramor and
                 Ger{\'o}nimo Uribe Bravo",
  title =        "A note on the exact simulation of spherical {Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108836",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zemin Zheng and Liwan Li and Jia Zhou and Yinfei
  title =        "Innovated scalable dynamic learning for time-varying
                 graphical models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108843",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Georg Hahn",
  title =        "On the expected runtime of multiple testing algorithms
                 with bounded error",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108844",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "K. Kubilius",
  title =        "{CLT} for quadratic variation of {Gaussian} processes
                 and its application to the estimation of the {Orey}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108845",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qiqing Yu",
  title =        "The maximum likelihood estimator under the exponential
                 distribution with right-censored linear regression
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108846",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrey Babkin",
  title =        "Incorporating side information into {Robust Matrix
                 Factorization} with {Bayesian Quantile Regression}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108847",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ignacio Montes and Juan Jes{\'u}s Salamanca and Susana
  title =        "A modified version of stochastic dominance involving
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108848",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Clemens Elster and Katy Klauenberg",
  title =        "A quantile inequality for location-scale
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108851",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessandra Luati and Marco Novelli",
  title =        "The {Hammersley--Chapman--Robbins} inequality for
                 repeatedly monitored quantum system",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108852",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari
  title =        "A test of exponentiality against {DMTTF} alternatives
                 via {$L$}-statistics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108853",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tetyana Kadankova and Thomas Simon and Min Wang",
  title =        "On some new moments of {Gamma} type",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108854",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ivo Adan and Sergey Foss and Seva Shneer and Gideon
  title =        "Local stability in a transient {Markov} chain",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108855",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bugra Can and Mine {\c{C}}a{\u{g}}lar",
  title =        "Conditional law and occupation times of two-sided
                 sticky {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108856",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rong Li and Xiuchun Bi and Shuguang Zhang",
  title =        "Large deviations for sums of claims in a general
                 renewal risk model with the regression dependent
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108857",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Min Li and Min-Qian Liu and Xiao-Lei Wang and Yong-Dao
  title =        "Prediction for computer experiments with both
                 quantitative and qualitative factors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108858",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cl{\'e}ment Foucart and Pei-Sen Li and Xiaowen Zhou",
  title =        "On the entrance at infinity of {Feller} processes with
                 no negative jumps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108859",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrey Sarantsev",
  title =        "Convergence rate to equilibrium in {Wasserstein}
                 distance for reflected jump--diffusions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108860",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "James E. Marengo and Quinn T. Kolt and David L.
  title =        "An upper bound for a cyclic sum of probabilities",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108861",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lutz D{\"u}mbgen and Jon A. Wellner",
  title =        "The density ratio of {Poisson} binomial versus
                 {Poisson} distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108862",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Giang T. Nguyen and Oscar Peralta",
  title =        "An explicit solution to the {Skorokhod} embedding
                 problem for double exponential increments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108867",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jan Tuitman and Steven Vanduffel and Jing Yao",
  title =        "Correlation matrices with average constraints",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108868",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108886",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{October 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "165",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 3 15:37:49 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yang Liu",
  title =        "A general treatment of alternative expectation
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108863",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianhong Shi and Xiuqin Bai and Weixing Song",
  title =        "Nonparametric regression estimate with {Berkson
                 Laplace} measurement error",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108864",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cyrus J. DiCiccio and Thomas J. DiCiccio and Joseph P.
  title =        "Exact tests via multiple data splitting",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108865",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan Alberto Rojas Cruz",
  title =        "Sensitivity of the stationary distributions of
                 denumerable {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108866",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. N. Mandal and Rajender Parsad and Sukanta Dash",
  title =        "Incomplete split-plot designs: Construction and
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108869",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "E. {Di Nardo} and M. Marena and P. Semeraro",
  title =        "On non-linear dependence of multivariate subordinated
                 {L{\'e}vy} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108870",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miriam H{\"a}gele",
  title =        "Precise asymptotics of ruin probabilities for a class
                 of multivariate heavy-tailed distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108871",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Balakrishna and Jiwoong Kim and Hira L. Koul",
  title =        "Lack-of-fit of a parametric measurement error {AR(1)}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108872",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eduardo Ramos and Pedro L. Ramos and Francisco
  title =        "Posterior properties of the {Weibull} distribution for
                 censored data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108873",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenlong Chen and Jun Wang and Dongsheng Wu",
  title =        "On intersections of independent space--time
                 anisotropic {Gaussian} fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108874",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shambhu Nath Maurya and Koushik Saha",
  title =        "Process convergence of fluctuations of linear
                 eigenvalue statistics of band {Toeplitz} matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108875",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangying Lv and Jinlong Wei",
  title =        "Blowup solutions for stochastic parabolic equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108876",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeonghwa Lee",
  title =        "Wavelet estimation in {OFBM}: Choosing scale parameter
                 in different sampling methods and different parameter
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108877",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheren Su and Yaping Wang and Yingchun Zhou",
  title =        "On maximin distance and nearly orthogonal {Latin}
                 hypercube designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108878",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yijun Zuo",
  title =        "Large sample properties of the regression depth
                 induced median",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108879",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdelkader Mokkadem and Mariane Pelletier",
  title =        "Online estimation of integrated squared density
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108880",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francesco Iafrate and Claudio Macci",
  title =        "Asymptotic results for the last zero crossing time of
                 a {Brownian} motion with non-null drift",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108881",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jungsywan H. Sepanski",
  title =        "A note on distortion effects on the strength of
                 bivariate copula tail dependence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108894",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108907",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{November 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "166",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:21 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Elham Tabrizi and Ehsan Bahrami Samani and Mojtaba
  title =        "A note on the identifiability of latent variable
                 models for mixed longitudinal data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108882",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiequan Fan and Xiaohui Ma",
  title =        "On the {Wasserstein} distance for a martingale central
                 limit theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108892",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Olivier Besson and Fran{\c{c}}ois Vincent and Xavier
  title =        "A {Stein}'s approach to covariance matrix estimation
                 using regularization of {Cholesky} factor and
                 log-{Cholesky} metric",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108893",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zbigniew S. Szewczak",
  title =        "On the {Marcinkiewicz--Zygmund} strong laws for
                 arbitrary dependent sequences",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108895",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Pacini",
  title =        "Proximal statistic: Asymptotic normality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108896",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhiming Li and Qingxun Kong and Mingyao Ai",
  title =        "Construction of some $s$-level regular designs with
                 general minimum lower-order confounding",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108897",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See correction \cite{Zhang:2022:CPC}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Krzysztof Zajkowski",
  title =        "Bounds on tail probabilities for quadratic forms in
                 dependent sub-gaussian random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108898",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pavel V. Gapeev",
  title =        "Optimal stopping problems for running minima with
                 positive discounting rates",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108899",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Achillefs Tzioufas",
  title =        "Monotonicity of escape probabilities for branching
                 random walks on {$ Z^d $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108900",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Iosif Pinelis",
  title =        "Monotonicity properties of the {Poisson} approximation
                 to the binomial distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108901",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jan Beran and Farzad Sabzikar and Donatas Surgailis
                 and Klaus Telkmann",
  title =        "On the empirical process of tempered moving averages",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108902",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bin Zhuo and Duo Jiang and Yanming Di",
  title =        "Test-statistic correlation and data-row correlation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108903",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiongzhi Chen",
  title =        "A strong law of large numbers for simultaneously
                 testing parameters of {Lancaster} bivariate
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108911",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Astrid Hilbert and Imane Jarni and Youssef Ouknine",
  title =        "On reflected stochastic differential equations driven
                 by regulated semimartingales",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108912",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dragana Valjarevi{\'c} and Ljiljana Petrovi{\'c}",
  title =        "Statistical causality and separable processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108915",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Rao Jammalamadaka and Sudeep R. Bapat",
  title =        "Middle censoring in the multinomial distribution with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108916",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrea Martino and Giuseppina Guatteri and Anna Maria
  title =        "Hidden {Markov} Models for multivariate functional
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108917",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daehong Kim and Masakuni Matsuura",
  title =        "Semi-classical asymptotics for scattering length of
                 symmetric stable processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108921",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108939",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{December 2020}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "167",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2020",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:27 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Victor Korolev and Alexander Zeifman",
  title =        "Bounds for convergence rate in laws of large numbers
                 for mixed {Poisson} random sums",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108918",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Rauf Ahmad and S. Ejaz Ahmed",
  title =        "On the distribution of the {$ T^2 $} statistic, used
                 in statistical process monitoring, for high-dimensional
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108919",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiyue Han and Alexander Schied and Zhenyuan Zhang",
  title =        "A probabilistic approach to the {$ \Phi $}-variation
                 of classical fractal functions with critical
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108920",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhang-nan Hu and Bing Li",
  title =        "Random covering sets in metric space with
                 exponentially mixing property",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108922",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Patrizia Berti and Emanuela Dreassi and Luca Pratelli
                 and Pietro Rigo",
  title =        "Asymptotics of certain conditionally identically
                 distributed sequences",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108923",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xianping Guo and Zhong-Wei Liao",
  title =        "Estimate the exponential convergence rate of
                 $f$-ergodicity via spectral gap",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108924",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jian Huang and Yuling Jiao and Lican Kang and Yanyan
  title =        "Fitting sparse linear models under the sufficient and
                 necessary condition for model identification",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108925",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stefan Tappe",
  title =        "A note on the {von Weizs{\"a}cker} theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108926",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "F. Iafrate and E. Orsingher",
  title =        "On the sojourn time of a generalized {Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108927",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kosto V. Mitov",
  title =        "A critical branching process with immigration in
                 varying environments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108928",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Felix Camirand Lemyre and Geoffrey Decrouez",
  title =        "Nonparametric recursive estimation of the copula",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108929",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Miao and Yanyan Tang",
  title =        "Large deviation inequalities of {LS} estimator in
                 nonlinear regression models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108930",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li-Pang Chen",
  title =        "Ultrahigh-dimensional sufficient dimension reduction
                 with measurement error in covariates",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108931",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eunju Hwang",
  title =        "Weighted least squares estimation in a binary random
                 coefficient panel model with infinite variance",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108932",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xianzhu Xiong and Meijuan Ou and Ailian Chen",
  title =        "Reweighted {Nadaraya--Watson} estimation of
                 conditional density function in the right-censored
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108933",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adam Jakubowski",
  title =        "A complement to the {Chebyshev} integral inequality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108934",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sharon X. Lee and Geoffrey J. McLachlan",
  title =        "On formulations of skew factor models: Skew factors
                 and\slash or skew errors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108935",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nabaneet Das and Subir Kumar Bhandari",
  title =        "Bound on {FWER} for correlated normal",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108943",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rongrong Tian and Jinlong Wei and Jiang-Lun Wu",
  title =        "On a generalized population dynamics equation with
                 environmental noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108944",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peng Ding",
  title =        "The {Frisch--Waugh--Lovell} theorem for standard
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108945",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Margaryta Myronyuk",
  title =        "Characterization theorems for {$Q$}-independent random
                 variables with values in a {Banach} space",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108946",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arzu Ahmadova and Nazim I. Mahmudov",
  title =        "{Ulam--Hyers} stability of {Caputo} type fractional
                 stochastic neutral differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108949",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Simon Demers",
  title =        "Expected duration of the no-information minimum rank
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108950",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shunichiro Orihara and Etsuo Hamada",
  title =        "Determination of the optimal number of strata for
                 propensity score subclassification",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108951",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenyu Bao and Jingwen Tang and Yan Shen and Wei Liu",
  title =        "Equivalence of $p$-th moment stability between
                 stochastic differential delay equations and their
                 numerical methods",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108952",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hao Wu and Xuefeng Li",
  title =        "Converse comparison theorems for multidimensional
                 anticipated backward stochastic differential
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108953",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gerardo Barrera",
  title =        "Cutoff phenomenon for the maximum of a sampling of
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108954",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sundarraman Subramanian",
  title =        "Median regression from twice censored data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108955",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108979",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{January 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "168",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:32 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ghurumuruhan Ganesan",
  title =        "Nominal correlation of inhomogeneous random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108956",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuliya V. Martsynyuk",
  title =        "Nonparametric detection of change in the slope and
                 intercept in linear structural errors-in-variables
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108957",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wenjie Song and Panyu Wu and Guodong Zhang",
  title =        "{Jensen}'s inequality for $g$-expectations in general
                 filtration spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108958",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dohyeong Ki and Byeong U. Park",
  title =        "Intrinsic {H{\"o}lder} classes of density functions on
                 {Riemannian} manifolds and lower bounds to convergence
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108959",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dominic Edelmann and Tam{\'a}s F. M{\'o}ri and
                 G{\'a}bor J. Sz{\'e}kely",
  title =        "On relationships between the {Pearson} and the
                 distance correlation coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108960",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Armando Sosth{\`e}ne Kali Balogoun and Guy Martial
                 Nkiet and Carlos Ogouyandjou",
  title =        "Asymptotic normality of a generalized maximum mean
                 discrepancy estimator",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108961",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Liang and Hongsheng Dai",
  title =        "Empirical likelihood based on synthetic right censored
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108962",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Biao Li and Yutao Ma and Zhengliang Zhang",
  title =        "On the spectral gap of {Boltzmann} measures on the
                 unit sphere",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108963",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sander C. Hille and Tomasz Szarek and Daniel T. H.
                 Worm and Maria A. Ziemla{\'n}ska",
  title =        "Equivalence of equicontinuity concepts for {Markov}
                 operators derived from a {Schur}-like property for
                 spaces of measures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108964",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Brent D. Burch",
  title =        "A family of unbiased confidence intervals for a ratio
                 of variance components",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108965",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sh. K. Formanov and I. M. Khamdamov",
  title =        "On joint probability distribution of the number of
                 vertices and area of the convex hulls generated by a
                 {Poisson} point process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108966",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Zhong and Yang Gao and Wei Zhou and Qingliang
  title =        "Endogenous treatment effect estimation using
                 high-dimensional instruments and double selection",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108967",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Xun and Renqiao Jiang and Jianhua Guo",
  title =        "The conditional {Haezendonck--Goovaerts} risk
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108968",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuyan Xiang and Haiqin Fu and Jieming Zhou and
                 Yingchun Deng and Xiangqun Yang",
  title =        "Taboo rate and hitting time distribution of
                 continuous-time reversible {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108969",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Taegyu Kang and Young Min Kim and Jongho Im",
  title =        "A note on stationary bootstrap variance estimator
                 under long-range dependence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108971",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sebastian Fuchs and Klaus D. Schmidt",
  title =        "On order statistics and {Kendall}'s tau",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108972",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuji Ando and Kouji Tahata and Sadao Tomizawa",
  title =        "Extended diagonal uniform association symmetry model
                 for square contingency tables with ordinal categories",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108973",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hua Zhang",
  title =        "Strong {Feller} property for one-dimensional
                 {L{\'e}vy} processes driven stochastic differential
                 equations with {H{\"o}lder} continuous coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108974",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Hooshangifar and H. Talebi",
  title =        "{Bayesian} optimal design for non-linear model under
                 non-regularity condition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108975",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weixin Wang and Taeyoung Lee",
  title =        "Higher-order central moments of matrix {Fisher}
                 distribution on {$ {\rm SO}(3) $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108983",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lara Daw",
  title =        "A uniform result for the dimension of fractional
                 {Brownian} motion level sets",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108984",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sonia Chaari",
  title =        "Large deviations principle for white noise
                 distributions with growth condition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108985",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109005",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{February 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "169",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:38 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanfeng Wei and Liguo Zhang and Xiaoying Guo and Ting
  title =        "A theoretical and simulation analysis on the power of
                 the frequency domain causality test",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108970",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hiroshi Saigo",
  title =        "The independence assumption in the mixed randomized
                 response model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108986",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li-Xin Zhang",
  title =        "{Heyde}'s theorem under the sub-linear expectations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108987",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Pro{\"\i}a and Marius Soltane",
  title =        "Comments on the presence of serial correlation in the
                 random coefficients of an autoregressive process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108988",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Ghaffari and S. G. Walker",
  title =        "{Parseval}'s identity and optimal transport maps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108989",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Holger Dette and Viatcheslav B. Melas and Petr
  title =        "A note on optimal designs for estimating the slope of
                 a polynomial regression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108992",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruhul Ali Khan and Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Murari
  title =        "On some properties of the mean inactivity time
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108993",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Omid Kharazmi and Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan",
  title =        "{Jensen}-information generating function and its
                 connections to some well-known information measures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108995",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Moming Wang and Ningning Xia",
  title =        "Estimation of high-dimensional integrated covariance
                 matrix based on noisy high-frequency data with multiple
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108996",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuri Kondratiev and Yuliya Mishura and Ren{\'e} L.
  title =        "Asymptotic behaviour and functional limit theorems for
                 a time changed {Wiener} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108997",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Remigijus Leipus and Saulius Pauk{\v{s}}tys and Jonas
  title =        "Tails of higher-order moments of sums with
                 heavy-tailed increments and application to the
                 {Haezendonck--Goovaerts} risk measure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108998",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jean-Renaud Pycke",
  title =        "A new family of omega-square-type statistics with
                 {Bahadur} local optimality for the location family of
                 generalized logistic distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108999",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paola Siri and Barbara Trivellato",
  title =        "Robust concentration inequalities in maximal
                 exponential models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109001",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Renato J. Gava and Bruna L. F. Rezende",
  title =        "Some limit theorems for dependent {Bernoulli} random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109010",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. C. Jones and N. Balakrishnan",
  title =        "Simple functions of independent beta random variables
                 that follow beta distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109011",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sela Fried",
  title =        "On the restrictiveness of the usual stochastic order
                 and the likelihood ratio order",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109012",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. I. Nazarov and Ya. Yu. Nikitin",
  title =        "{Gaussian} processes centered at their online average,
                 and applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109013",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mahdi Alimohammadi and Maryam Esna-Ashari and Erhard
  title =        "On dispersive and star orderings of random variables
                 and order statistics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109014",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Grabchak",
  title =        "An exact method for simulating rapidly decreasing
                 tempered stable distributions in the finite variation
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109015",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommaso Lando",
  title =        "A test for the increasing log-odds rate family",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109017",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nick Kloodt",
  title =        "Identification in a fully nonparametric transformation
                 model with heteroscedasticity",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109018",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109034",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{March 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "170",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:43 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuting Wei and Qihua Wang",
  title =        "Cross-validation-based model averaging in linear
                 models with response missing at random",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108990",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J{\'e}r{\^o}me Dedecker and Florence Merlev{\`e}de",
  title =        "Almost sure invariance principle for the {Kantorovich}
                 distance between the empirical and the marginal
                 distributions of strong mixing sequences",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108991",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian H. Wei{\ss}",
  title =        "On {Edgeworth} models for count time series",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "108994",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "William Kengne",
  title =        "Strongly consistent model selection for general causal
                 time series",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109000",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guillaume Marrelec and Alain Giron and Laura Messio",
  title =        "Exponential decay of pairwise correlation in
                 {Gaussian} graphical models with an equicorrelational
                 one-dimensional connection pattern",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109016",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ben Jones and Andreas Artemiou",
  title =        "Revisiting the predictive power of kernel principal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109019",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Svante Janson",
  title =        "On the probability that a binomial variable is at most
                 its expectation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109020",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Masoud M. Nasari and Mohamedou Ould-Haye",
  title =        "A consistent estimator for skewness of partial sums of
                 dependent data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109021",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L. V. Rozovsky",
  title =        "One more on the convergence rates in precise
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109023",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Zhang and Long Jiang",
  title =        "Solutions of {BSDEs} with a kind of non-{Lipschitz}
                 coefficients driven by {$G$}-{Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109024",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ghurumuruhan Ganesan",
  title =        "Deviation estimates for {Eulerian} edit numbers of
                 random graphs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109025",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dimitrios Bagkavos and Prakash N. Patil",
  title =        "Improving the {Wilcoxon} signed rank test by a kernel
                 smooth probability integral transformation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109026",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Iosif Pinelis",
  title =        "Monotonicity properties of the gamma family of
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109027",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Silvia Novo and Germ{\'a}n Aneiros and Philippe Vieu",
  title =        "A $k$ {NN} procedure in semiparametric functional data
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109028",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. L. Robertson and M. Reale and C. J. Price and J. A.
  title =        "Quasi-random ranked set sampling",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109029",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anand Dixit and Vivekananda Roy",
  title =        "Posterior impropriety of some sparse {Bayesian}
                 learning models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109039",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenwen Zhao and Yuejuan Xi",
  title =        "The first passage time on the (reflected) {Brownian}
                 motion with broken drift hitting a random boundary",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109040",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunfeng Huang and Ao Li",
  title =        "On {L{\'e}vy's} {Brownian} motion and white noise
                 space on the circle",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109041",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109052",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{April 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:48 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rhys Bowden and Andrew B. Forbes and Jessica Kasza",
  title =        "On the centrosymmetry of treatment effect estimators
                 for stepped wedge and related cluster randomized trial
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109022",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaofan Guo and Xinpeng Li",
  title =        "On the laws of large numbers for pseudo-independent
                 random variables under sublinear expectation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109042",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Henryk Gzyl",
  title =        "Harmonic oscillators, waves and {Gaussian} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109043",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qian Wang and Yanhui Wang",
  title =        "Moments of characteristic polynomials in certain
                 random neural networks",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109044",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Luca Pratelli and Pietro Rigo",
  title =        "On the almost sure convergence of sums",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109045",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Viktor Bezborodov and Luca {Di Persio} and Tyll
  title =        "The continuous-time frog model can spread arbitrarily
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109046",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Louis-Paul Rivest",
  title =        "Limiting properties of an equiprobable sampling scheme
                 for $0$--$1$ matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109047",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kaushlendra Pandey and Abhishek K. Gupta",
  title =        "$k$-th distance distributions for generalized
                 {Gauss--Poisson} process in {$ R^n $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109048",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Negar Eghbal",
  title =        "Some inequalities for absolute moments of feasible
                 acceptable random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109057",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Karim Anaya-Izquierdo and M. C. Jones and Alice
  title =        "A family of cumulative hazard functions and their
                 frailty connections",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109059",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Minhao Hong and Fangjun Xu",
  title =        "Derivatives of local times for some {Gaussian} fields
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109063",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guowang Luo and Mixia Wu and Liwen Xu",
  title =        "{IPW}-based robust estimation of the {SAR} model with
                 missing data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109065",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109077",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{May 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "172",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 10 12:35:54 MST 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mun-Chol Kim and Hun O.",
  title =        "A general comparison theorem for reflected {BSDEs}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109058",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joel Hansen and Itzamar Marquez and Mrinal K.
                 Roychowdhury and Eduardo Torres",
  title =        "Quantization coefficients for uniform distributions on
                 the boundaries of regular polygons",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109060",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Y. A. Malyshkin and M. E. Zhukovskii",
  title =        "{MSO} $0$--$1$ law for recursive random trees",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109061",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marek Na{\l}{\k{e}}cz",
  title =        "Matrix hypergeometric function and its application to
                 computation of characteristic function of spherically
                 symmetric distributions with phase-type amplitude",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109062",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Timothy DelSole and Michael K. Tippett",
  title =        "Correcting the corrected {AIC}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109064",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Enkelejd Hashorva and Alfred Kume",
  title =        "Multivariate max-stable processes and homogeneous
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109066",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P{\'e}ter Kevei and P{\'e}ter Wiandt",
  title =        "Moments of the stationary distribution of subcritical
                 multitype {Galton--Watson} processes with immigration",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109067",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "{\L}ukasz Kami{\'n}ski and Adam Os{\k{e}}kowski",
  title =        "Sharp {Lorentz}-norm estimates for {BMO} martingales",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109068",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Honghua Hao and Xiaoyuan Zhu and Xinfeng Zhang and
                 Chongqi Zhang",
  title =        "R-optimal design of the second-order {Scheff{\'e}}
                 mixture model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109069",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Gregoratti and D. Maran",
  title =        "Least singular value and condition number of a square
                 random matrix with i.i.d. rows",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109070",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dimitrios Katselis and Xiaotian Xie and Carolyn L.
                 Beck and R. Srikant",
  title =        "On concentration inequalities for vector-valued
                 {Lipschitz} functions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109071",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrei N. Frolov",
  title =        "On upper and lower bounds for probabilities of
                 combinations of events",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109073",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui-Hui Cheng and Yong-Hua Mao",
  title =        "Polynomial convergence for reversible jump processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109081",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Charles Arnal",
  title =        "Convolution of a symmetric log-concave distribution
                 and a symmetric bimodal distribution can have any
                 number of modes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109082",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ghobad Barmalzan and Sajad Kosari and Yiying Zhang",
  title =        "On stochastic comparisons of finite $ \alpha $-mixture
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109083",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gabriela {\L}uczy{\'n}ska",
  title =        "Unique ergodicity for function systems on the circle",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109084",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jia Zhou and Zemin Zheng and Huiting Zhou and Ruipeng
  title =        "Innovated scalable efficient inference for ultra-large
                 graphical models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109085",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wajdi Touhami",
  title =        "On skew sticky {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109086",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gilles Mordant and Johan Segers",
  title =        "Maxima and near-maxima of a {Gaussian} random
                 assignment field",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109087",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Naaman",
  title =        "On the tight constant in the multivariate
                 {Dvoretzky--Kiefer--Wolfowitz} inequality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109088",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109107",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{June 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:08 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pawe{\l} Przyby{\l}owicz and Michaela Sz{\"o}lgyenyi
                 and Fanhui Xu",
  title =        "Existence and uniqueness of solutions of {SDEs} with
                 discontinuous drift and finite activity jumps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109072",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yarong Feng and Hosam M. Mahmoud",
  title =        "Dynamic {P{\'o}lya--Eggenberger} urns",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109089",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anna Vidotto",
  title =        "A note on the reduction principle for the nodal length
                 of planar random waves",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109090",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Reiichiro Kawai",
  title =        "A general approach to sample path generation of
                 infinitely divisible processes via shot noise
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109091",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vikas Vikram Singh and Abdel Lisser and Monika Arora",
  title =        "An equivalent mathematical program for games with
                 random constraints",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109092",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guoyi Zhang and Ronald Christensen and John Pesko",
  title =        "Parametric bootstrap and objective {Bayesian} testing
                 for heteroscedastic one-way {ANOVA}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109095",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shintaro Hashimoto",
  title =        "Predictive probability matching priors for a certain
                 non-regular model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109096",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nitesh Sahu and Prabhu Babu",
  title =        "A new monotonic algorithm for the {$ E $}-optimal
                 experiment design problem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109097",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. van Niekerk and H. Bakka and H. Rue",
  title =        "A principled distance-based prior for the shape of the
                 {Weibull} model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109098",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaozhong Hu and Yuejuan Xi",
  title =        "Estimation of all parameters in the reflected
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} process from discrete
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109099",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoxi Shen and Chang Jiang and Lyudmila Sakhanenko
                 and Qing Lu",
  title =        "A goodness-of-fit test based on neural network sieve
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109100",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikita Ratanov",
  title =        "On telegraph processes, their first passage times and
                 running extrema",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109101",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Declan Power and Yuexiao Dong",
  title =        "{Bayesian} model averaging sliced inverse regression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109103",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hanmin Ma and Dejian Tian",
  title =        "Generalized entropic risk measures and related
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109110",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Allan Gut and Ulrich Stadtm{\"u}ller",
  title =        "The number of zeros in elephant random walks with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109112",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  articleno =    "109124",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{July 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 6 08:20:19 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saptarshi Chakraborty and Swagatam Das",
  title =        "On uniform concentration bounds for bi-clustering by
                 using the {Vapnik--Chervonenkis} theory",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109102",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yingqiu Li and Yushao Wei and Zhaohui Peng",
  title =        "Occupation times for spectrally negative {L{\'e}vy}
                 processes on the last exit time",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109111",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sudheesh K. Kattumannil and Isha Dewan and Sreelaksmi
  title =        "Non-parametric estimation of {Gini} index with right
                 censored observations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109113",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bochuan Jiang and Zuzheng Wang and Yaping Wang",
  title =        "Strong orthogonal arrays of strength two-plus based on
                 the {Addelman--Kempthorne} method",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109114",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrey Sarantsev",
  title =        "Sub-exponential rate of convergence to equilibrium for
                 processes on the half-line",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109115",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingao Yuan",
  title =        "Limiting distribution of short cycles in inhomogeneous
                 random uniform hypergraph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109116",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Matija Vidmar",
  title =        "A nonclassical solution to a classical {SDE} and a
                 converse to {Kolmogorov}'s zero--one law",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109117",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiantian Wang and Bin Cheng",
  title =        "On likelihood ratio ordering of parallel systems with
                 heterogeneous exponential components",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109118",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Mania and R. Tevzadze",
  title =        "On martingale transformations of multidimensional
                 {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109119",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. Franke and C. -R. Hwang and A. Ouled Said and H.
                 -M. Pai",
  title =        "A note on the asymptotic variance of drift accelerated
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109128",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109143",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{August 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "175",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:19:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michiko Okudo and Fumiyasu Komaki",
  title =        "Shrinkage priors for single-spiked covariance models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109127",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Masatake Hirao",
  title =        "Finite frames, frame potentials and determinantal
                 point processes on the sphere",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109129",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yi Wu and Wei Yu and Xuejun Wang and Aiting Shen",
  title =        "The rate of complete consistency for recursive
                 probability density estimator under strong mixing
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109130",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ariel Neufeld and Julian Sester",
  title =        "On the stability of the martingale optimal transport
                 problem: a set-valued map approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109131",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Steve Drekic and Michael Z. Spivey",
  title =        "On the number of trials needed to obtain $k$
                 consecutive successes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109132",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yixi Wei and Jiang-Hong Ma",
  title =        "Determinacy of a distribution with finitely many mass
                 points by finitely many moments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109135",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuri Yakubovich",
  title =        "A simple proof of the {L{\'e}vy--Khintchine} formula
                 for subordinators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109136",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Linjun Tang and Shengchao Zheng and Zhongquan Tan",
  title =        "Limit theorem on the pointwise maxima of minimum of
                 vector-valued {Gaussian} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109137",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pingyan Chen and Soo Hak Sung",
  title =        "On the {Jajte} strong law of large numbers",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109138",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Merve Kutlu",
  title =        "On a denseness result for quasi-infinitely divisible
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109139",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mhamed-Ali El-Aroui",
  title =        "Real-time prequential goodness-of-fit testing of life
                 distributions in renewal processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109146",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Iksanov and Oleh Kondratenko",
  title =        "Functional limit theorems for discounted exponential
                 functional of random walk and discounted convergent
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109148",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Zeifman",
  title =        "Bounds on the rate of convergence for {Markovian}
                 queuing models with catastrophes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109150",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohamed Marzougue",
  title =        "Monotonic limit theorem for {BSDEs} with regulated
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109151",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessio Farcomeni and Francesco Dotto",
  title =        "A correction to make {Chao} estimator conservative
                 when the number of sampling occasions is finite",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109154",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Viktor Bezborodov",
  title =        "Non-triviality in a totally asymmetric one-dimensional
                 {Boolean} percolation model on a half-line",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109155",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109171",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{September 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "176",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:05 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Li and Xiaohu Li",
  title =        "On stochastic dependence in residual lifetime and
                 inactivity time with some applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109120",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniil Dmitriev and Maksim Zhukovskii",
  title =        "On monotonicity of {Ramanujan} function for binomial
                 random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109147",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jingyu Li and Yong Zhang",
  title =        "An almost sure central limit theorem for the
                 stochastic heat equation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109149",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ahad Malekzadeh and Asghar Esmaeli-Ayan",
  title =        "An exact method for testing equality of several groups
                 in panel data models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109156",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Iosif Pinelis",
  title =        "Monotonicity preservation properties of kernel
                 regression estimators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109157",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yannis Oudghiri",
  title =        "Generalizations of {Efron}'s theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109158",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John Hughes",
  title =        "On the occasional exactness of the distributional
                 transform approximation for direct {Gaussian} copula
                 models with discrete margins",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109159",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dominique Fourdrinier and Anis M. Haddouche and Fatiha
  title =        "Covariance matrix estimation under data-based loss",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109160",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Privault",
  title =        "Recursive computation of the {Hawkes} cumulants",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109161",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zbigniew J. Jurek",
  title =        "On a limit theorem for a non-linear scaling",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109163",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lorenzo Trapani",
  title =        "A test for strict stationarity in a random coefficient
                 autoregressive model of order 1",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109164",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xin Chen and Wenjie Ye",
  title =        "A probabilistic representation for heat flow of
                 harmonic map on manifolds with time-dependent
                 {Riemannian} metric",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109165",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dragana Valjarevi{\'c} and Ana Merkle",
  title =        "Statistical causality and measurable separability of $
                 \sigma $-algebras",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109166",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yin Dai and Ruinan Li",
  title =        "Transportation cost inequality for backward stochastic
                 differential equations with mean reflection",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109167",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yang Liu and Zhenlong Chen and Ke-Ang Fu",
  title =        "Asymptotics for a time-dependent renewal risk model
                 with subexponential main claims and delayed claims",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109174",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adam Os{\k{e}}kowski",
  title =        "An extension of {Pratelli}'s inequality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109175",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huijie Qiao and Jiang-Lun Wu",
  title =        "Supports for degenerate stochastic differential
                 equations with jumps and applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109176",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qihu Zhang and Cheolwoo Park and Jongik Chung",
  title =        "Minimax estimation of covariance and precision
                 matrices for high-dimensional time series with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109177",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109201",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{October 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "177",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:24 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Janusz Gajda and Luisa Beghin",
  title =        "{Prabhakar L{\'e}vy} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109162",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruipeng Dong and Jia Zhou and Zemin Zheng",
  title =        "Controlling the false discovery rate for latent
                 factors via unit-rank deflation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109178",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bertrand Maillot and Christophe Chesneau",
  title =        "On the conditional density estimation for continuous
                 time processes with values in functional spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109179",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yifan Cui and Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen",
  title =        "On a necessary and sufficient identification condition
                 of optimal treatment regimes with an instrumental
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109180",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew Rosalsky and L{\^e} V{\v{a}}n Th{\`a}nh",
  title =        "A note on the stochastic domination condition and
                 uniform integrability with applications to the strong
                 law of large numbers",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109181",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thomas Fung and Eugene Seneta",
  title =        "Tail asymptotics for the bivariate equi-skew
                 generalized hyperbolic distribution and its
                 {Variance--Gamma} special case",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109182",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng Wei and Daeyoung Kim",
  title =        "Measure of asymmetric association for ordinal
                 contingency tables via the bilinear extension copula",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109183",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Na{\^a}mane La{\"\i}b and Tewfik Lounis",
  title =        "Asymptotically optimal tests for non-linear
                 autoregressive model with $ \beta $-{ARCH} errors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109184",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bouhadjera Feriel and Ould Sa{\"\i}d Elias",
  title =        "Nonparametric local linear estimation of the relative
                 error regression function for twice censored data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109185",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdelkader Mokkadem and Mariane Pelletier",
  title =        "A compact law of the iterated logarithm for online
                 estimator of hazard rate under random censoring",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109186",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Bang and Jorge Gonz{\'a}lez C{\'a}zares and
                 Aleksandar Mijatovi{\'c}",
  title =        "A {Gaussian} approximation theorem for {L{\'e}vy}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109187",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeonghwa Lee",
  title =        "{Hurst} estimation for operator scaling random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109188",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Majid Mojirsheibani",
  title =        "A note on the performance of bootstrap kernel density
                 estimation with small re-sample sizes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109189",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "William Leeb",
  title =        "A note on identifiability conditions in confirmatory
                 factor analysis",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109190",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ky Quan Tran",
  title =        "Exponential contraction of switching jump diffusions
                 with a hidden {Markov} chain",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109191",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xin Liu and Min Ye and Rong-Xian Yue",
  title =        "Optimal designs for comparing population curves in
                 hierarchical models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109192",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Junyu Guo and Xiaotian Guo and Longjie Xie",
  title =        "Quantitative stability estimates for multiscale
                 stochastic dynamical systems",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109193",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhi-Qiang Gao",
  title =        "Exact convergence rate in the central limit theorem
                 for a branching process in a random environment",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109194",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Quirin Vogel",
  title =        "A note on the intersections of two random walks in two
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109195",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. G. Nogales",
  title =        "A note on conditional expectation for {Markov}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109197",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109219",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{November 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "178",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:20:42 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zinsou Max Debaly and Lionel Truquet",
  title =        "A note on the stability of multivariate non-linear
                 time series with an application to time series of
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109196",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lo{\"\i}c Herv{\'e} and James Ledoux",
  title =        "Asymptotic of products of {Markov} kernels.
                 Application to deterministic and random forward\slash
                 backward products",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109204",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guoman He and Hanjun Zhang and Gang Yang",
  title =        "Exponential mixing property for absorbing {Markov}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109207",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Quanwei Ren and Hongjiong Tian and Tianhai Tian",
  title =        "Deterministic implicit two-step {Milstein} methods for
                 stochastic differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109208",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joni Virta",
  title =        "Testing for subsphericity when $n$ and $p$ are of
                 different asymptotic order",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109209",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenyu Cui and Chihoon Lee and Lingjiong Zhu and
                 Yunfan Zhu",
  title =        "Non-convex isotonic regression via the {Myersonian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109210",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Edmond Levy",
  title =        "On the density for sums of independent
                 {Mittag-Leffler} variates with common order",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109211",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunsheng Ma",
  title =        "Hyperbolic cosine ratio and hyperbolic sine ratio
                 random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109212",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anna Dembi{\'n}ska and Masoumeh Akbari and Jafar
  title =        "On numbers of observations in random regions
                 determined by records for tail-less populations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109213",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anna Bonnet and Miguel Martinez Herrera and Maxime
  title =        "Maximum likelihood estimation for {Hawkes} processes
                 with self-excitation or inhibition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109214",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. S. Battey",
  title =        "A note on the analytic approximation of exceedance
                 probabilities in heterogeneous populations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109215",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Iosif Pinelis",
  title =        "Best lower bound on the probability of a binomial
                 exceeding its expectation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109224",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrey Sarantsev",
  title =        "Optimal portfolio with power utility of absolute and
                 relative wealth",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109225",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "L. Ferrando and I. Epifanio and N. Ventura-Campos",
  title =        "Ordinal classification of {$3$D} brain structures by
                 functional data analysis",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109227",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhi-Wen Cheng and Yong-Hua Mao",
  title =        "Variational formula of capacity for asymmetric
                 {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109230",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rasool Roozegar and Hamid Reza Taherizadeh zarch",
  title =        "On the asymptotic distribution of randomly weighted
                 averages of random vectors",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109231",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Henryk Gzyl",
  title =        "Forced harmonic oscillators, waves on a forced string
                 and changes of measure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109232",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109250",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{December 2021}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "179",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2021",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vaios Dermitzakis and Konstadinos Politis",
  title =        "Monotonicity properties for solutions of renewal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109226",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gregory Rice and Chi Zhang",
  title =        "Consistency of binary segmentation for multiple
                 change-point estimation with functional data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109228",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Leuenberger and Esther Eustache and
                 Rapha{\"e}l Jauslin and Yves Till{\'e}",
  title =        "Balancing a sample almost perfectly",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109229",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikolai Kolev and Sabrina Mulinacci",
  title =        "New characterizations of bivariate discrete
                 {Schur}-constant models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109233",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuang Hu and Zuoxiang Peng and Saralees Nadarajah",
  title =        "Tail dependence functions of the bivariate
                 {H{\"u}sler--Reiss} model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109235",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Wang",
  title =        "New testing procedures with $k$-{FWER} control for
                 discrete data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109236",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "William Verreault",
  title =        "On the probability of forming polygons from a broken
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109237",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan Gutierrez-Pav{\'o}n and Carlos G. Pacheco",
  title =        "Quenched distributions for the maximum, minimum and
                 local time of the {Brox} diffusion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109238",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martial Longla and Mathias Muia Nthiani and Fidel
                 Djongreba Ndikwa",
  title =        "Dependence and mixing for perturbations of
                 copula-based {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109239",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Toshio Nakata",
  title =        "Large deviations for super-heavy tailed random walks",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109240",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan and Francesco Buono and
                 Maria Longobardi",
  title =        "On {Tsallis} extropy with an application to pattern
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109241",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nadia Belmabrouk and Mondher Damak and Nejib
  title =        "{Dirichlet} eigenvalue problems of irreversible
                 {Langevin} diffusion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109242",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bara Kim and Jeongsim Kim",
  title =        "Identification of parameters from the distribution of
                 the maximum or minimum of {Poisson} random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109243",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Marie",
  title =        "Projection estimators of the stationary density of a
                 differential equation driven by the fractional
                 {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109244",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Li and Liuqing Yang and Min-Qian Liu",
  title =        "Construction of space-filling orthogonal {Latin}
                 hypercube designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109245",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Sun and Qifan Song and Faming Liang",
  title =        "Learning sparse deep neural networks with a
                 spike-and-slab prior",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109246",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiang Lv",
  title =        "Stability analysis of semilinear stochastic
                 differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109257",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109283",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{January 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "180",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:20 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. A. Struleva and E. I. Prokopenko",
  title =        "Integro-local limit theorems for supercritical
                 branching process in a random environment",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109234",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Azzi Amel and Laksaci Ali and Ould Sa{\"\i}d Elias",
  title =        "On the robustification of the kernel estimator of the
                 functional modal regression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109256",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Georg Hahn",
  title =        "Online multivariate changepoint detection with type
                 {$I$} error control and constant time\slash memory
                 updates per series",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109258",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leyi Shen and Xiaoyu Xia and Litan Yan",
  title =        "Least squares estimation for the linear self-repelling
                 diffusion driven by $ \alpha $-stable motions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109259",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zbigniew S. Szewczak",
  title =        "{A. de Moivre} theorem revisited",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109260",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heybetkulu Mustafayev",
  title =        "A note on the {Kawada--It{\^o}} theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109261",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zouhaier Dhifaoui and Jean-Marc Bardet",
  title =        "Local correlation dimension of multidimensional
                 stochastic process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109262",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Uttam Bandyopadhyay and Suman Sarkar and Atanu
  title =        "Sequential confidence interval for comparing two
                 {Bernoulli} distributions in a non-conventional
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109263",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xi Geng and Aihua Xia",
  title =        "When is the {Conway--Maxwell--Poisson} distribution
                 infinitely divisible?",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109264",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin Forde and Masaaki Fukasawa and Stefan Gerhold
                 and Benjamin Smith",
  title =        "The {Riemann--Liouville} field and its {GMC} as {$ H
                 \rightarrow 0 $}, and skew flattening for the rough
                 {Bergomi} model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109265",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Laura Dumitrescu and Darcy Harcourt",
  title =        "Nonparametric estimation of marginal distributions for
                 unordered pairs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109266",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaping Wang and Sixu Liu and Dennis K. J. Lin",
  title =        "On definitive screening designs using {Paley}'s
                 conference matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109267",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chuanfeng Sun and Shaolin Ji and Chuiliu Kong",
  title =        "The least squares estimator of random variables under
                 convex operators on {$ L_F^\infty (\mu) $} space",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109268",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ivan Nourdin and Fei Pu",
  title =        "{Gaussian} fluctuation for {Gaussian} {Wishart}
                 matrices of overall correlation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109269",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mukund Ramtirthkar and Mohan Kale",
  title =        "A note on the local asymptotic mixed normality of a
                 controlled branching process with a random control
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109270",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huijie Ji and Fubao Xi",
  title =        "The tail behavior of jump-diffusion
                 {Cox--Ingersoll--Ross} processes with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109271",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rui-Ray Zhang",
  title =        "When {Janson} meets {McDiarmid}: Bounded difference
                 inequalities under graph-dependence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109272",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kiran Kumar A. S. and Shambhu Nath Maurya",
  title =        "Asymptotic behaviour of linear eigenvalue statistics
                 of {Hankel} matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109273",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Dong and Daoji Li and Zemin Zheng and Jia Zhou",
  title =        "Reproducible feature selection in high-dimensional
                 accelerated failure time models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109275",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nil Kamal Hazra and Maxim Finkelstein and Ji Hwan
  title =        "On a hazard (failure) rate process with delays after
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109276",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rafa{\l} Kapelko",
  title =        "On the moment absolute deviation of order statistics
                 from uniform distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109278",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyue Zhang and Wenming Hong",
  title =        "Quenched convergence rates for a supercritical
                 branching process in a random environment",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109279",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vladimir Ostrovski",
  title =        "Testing equivalence to power law distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109287",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Richu Rajesh and Rajesh G. and S. M. Sunoj",
  title =        "Kernel estimation of extropy function under
                 length-biased sampling",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109290",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109310",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{February 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "181",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:38 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Salah Khardani and Anne Fran{\c{c}}oise Yao",
  title =        "Nonparametric recursive regression estimation on
                 {Riemannian Manifolds}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109274",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianjun Xu and Wenquan Cui",
  title =        "A new {RKHS}-based global testing for functional
                 linear model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109277",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anish Chakrabarty and Swagatam Das",
  title =        "On strong consistency of kernel $k$-means: a
                 {Rademacher} complexity approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109291",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaxing Yang and Shiqing Ling and Qiying Wang",
  title =        "Consistency of global {LSE} for {MA(1)} models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109292",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Calvin Wooyoung Chin",
  title =        "Deriving the central limit theorem from the {de
                 Moivre--Laplace} theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109293",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruifang Wang and Yong Xu and Hongge Yue",
  title =        "Stochastic averaging for the non-autonomous mixed
                 stochastic differential equations with locally
                 {Lipschitz} coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109294",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guanghui Cheng and Zhi Liu and Liuhua Peng",
  title =        "{Gaussian} approximations for high-dimensional
                 non-degenerate {$U$}-statistics via exchangeable
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109295",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Markus Kreer",
  title =        "An elementary proof for dynamical scaling for certain
                 fractional non-homogeneous {Poisson} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109296",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Przemys{\l}aw Matu{\l}a and Andr{\'e} Adler",
  title =        "A note on exact laws of large numbers for the range of
                 a sample from {Pareto}-type distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109297",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Ashraf Bhat and G. Sankara Raju Kosuru",
  title =        "Generalizations of some concentration inequalities",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109298",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lei Wang and Jing Zhang and Bo Li and Xiaohui Liu",
  title =        "Quantile trace regression via nuclear norm
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109299",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kenneth J. Falconer",
  title =        "Intermediate dimension of images of sequences under
                 fractional {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109300",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qinjing Qiu and Reiichiro Kawai",
  title =        "A decoupling principle for {Markov}-modulated chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109301",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Khaled Bahlali and Brahim Boufoussi and Soufiane
  title =        "Errata to ``{Transportation cost inequality for
                 backward stochastic differential equations'' [Statist.
                 Probab. Lett. {\bf 155} (2019) 108586]}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109302",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoxu Zhang and Ping Zhao and Long Feng",
  title =        "Robust sphericity test in the panel data model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109304",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thomas D. Ahle",
  title =        "Sharp and simple bounds for the raw moments of the
                 binomial and {Poisson} distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109306",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guoli Zhou and Lidan Wang and Jiang-Lun Wu",
  title =        "Global well-posedness of {$2$D} stochastic {Burgers}
                 equations with multiplicative noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109315",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Katarzyna Budny",
  title =        "The variance of the power of a shifted random variable
                 with applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109317",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mikl{\'o}s R{\'a}sonyi and Kinga Tikosi",
  title =        "On the stability of the stochastic gradient {Langevin}
                 algorithm with dependent data stream",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109321",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ola H{\"o}ssjer and Arvid Sj{\"o}lander",
  title =        "Sharp lower and upper bounds for the covariance of
                 bounded random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109323",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Zhou and K. Yao and W. Liu and F. Bretz",
  title =        "Construction of simultaneous confidence bands using
                 conditional {Monte Carlo}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109325",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Konrad Krystecki",
  title =        "{Parisian} ruin probability for two-dimensional
                 {Brownian} risk model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109327",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109357",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{March 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "182",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:21:58 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianhong Shi and Xiuqin Bai and Weixing Song",
  title =        "{Tweedie}-type formulae for a multivariate {Laplace}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109329",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexandra Manta and Anson T. Y. Ho and Kim P. Huynh
                 and David T. Jacho-Ch{\'a}vez",
  title =        "Estimating social effects in a multilayered
                 Linear-in-Means model with network data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109331",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ping He and Yuncong Shen and Wenjie Sun",
  title =        "One-dimensional diffusion and stochastic differential
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109333",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Leonardo Egidi",
  title =        "Effective sample size for a mixture prior",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109335",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saptarshi Chakraborty and Suman K. Bhattacharya and
                 Kshitij Khare",
  title =        "Estimating accuracy of the {MCMC} variance estimator:
                 Asymptotic normality for batch means estimators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109337",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Idir Arab and Tommaso Lando and Paulo Eduardo
  title =        "Comparison of {$ L_p $}-quantiles and related skewness
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109339",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Feng Yu",
  title =        "Uniqueness of principal points with respect to
                 $p$-order distance for a class of univariate continuous
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109341",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Wang",
  title =        "Ergodic convergence rates for time-changed symmetric
                 {L{\'e}vy} processes in dimension one",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109343",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lisandro Ferm{\'\i}n and Jos{\'e} Marcano and
                 Luis-Angel Rodr{\'\i}guez",
  title =        "A proof of consistency of the {MLE} for nonlinear
                 {Markov}-switching {AR} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109347",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xueqin Cheng and Yanpeng Li",
  title =        "An improved {Hoeffding}'s inequality for sum of
                 independent random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109349",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexei Stepanov and Anna Dembi{\'n}ska",
  title =        "Limit theorems for the uppermost $m$-th spacing based
                 on weak geometric records",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109351",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lam Si Tung Ho and Vu Dinh",
  title =        "Searching for minimal optimal neural networks",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109353",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "K. K. Kataria and M. Khandakar",
  title =        "Extended eigenvalue--eigenvector method",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109361",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109399",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{April 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "183",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 3 07:22:16 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marlon Ruoso Moresco and Marcelo Brutti Righi",
  title =        "On the link between monetary and star-shaped risk
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109345",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuhang Long and Tao Huang",
  title =        "A note on a dynamic network model with homogeneous
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109363",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ke-Ang Fu and Yang Liu and Jiangfeng Wang",
  title =        "Precise large deviations in a bidimensional risk model
                 with arbitrary dependence between claim-size vectors
                 and waiting times",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109365",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Haixu Wang",
  title =        "Limit theorems for a discrete-time marked {Hawkes}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109368",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Julia Eisenberg and Paul Kr{\"u}hner",
  title =        "On {It{\^o}}'s formula for semimartingales with jumps
                 and non-{$ \mathcal {C}^2 $} functions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109369",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Deli Li and Yu Miao and George Stoica",
  title =        "A general large deviation result for partial sums of
                 i.i.d. super-heavy tailed random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109371",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pham-Gia Thu and Duong Thanh Phong",
  title =        "The distribution of the non-central {Wilks} statistic
                 in the complex case",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109373",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Scott H. Koeneman and Joseph E. Cavanaugh",
  title =        "An improved asymptotic test for the {Jaccard}
                 similarity index for binary data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109375",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kainan Xiang and Lang Zou",
  title =        "Surviving ends in {Bernoulli} percolation on graphs
                 roughly isometric to a tree",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109378",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wanfeng Liang and Yue Wu and Xiaoyan Ma",
  title =        "Robust sparse precision matrix estimation for
                 high-dimensional compositional data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109379",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vivek Kumar",
  title =        "Stochastic fractional heat equation perturbed by
                 general {Gaussian} and non-{Gaussian} noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109381",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu-Sheng Hsu and Pei-Chun Chen and Cheng-Hsun Wu",
  title =        "Double-barrier option pricing equations under extended
                 geometric {Brownian} motion with bankruptcy risk",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109383",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paula Milheiro-Oliveira",
  title =        "An alternative sequential method for the state
                 estimation of a partially observed {SETAR(1)} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109385",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Piotr Kokoszka and Deepak Singh and Haonan Wang",
  title =        "Long term behavior of incomplete and time varying
                 product ratings",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109387",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuliya Mishura and Kostiantyn Ralchenko and Olena
  title =        "Parameter estimation in {CKLS} model by continuous
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109391",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fen-Fen Yang and Chenggui Yuan",
  title =        "Comparison theorem for neutral stochastic functional
                 differential equations driven by {$G$}-{Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109393",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aldo Solari and Vera Djordjilovi{\'c}",
  title =        "Multi split conformal prediction",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109395",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arnab Bhabak and Subhamay Saha",
  title =        "Risk-sensitive semi-{Markov} decision problems with
                 discounted cost and general utilities",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109408",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mamadou Lamine Diop and William Kengne",
  title =        "Epidemic change-point detection in general causal time
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109416",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Salim Bouzebda and Yousri Slaoui",
  title =        "Nonparametric recursive method for moment generating
                 function kernel-type estimators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109422",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109444",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{May 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "184",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 4 08:14:46 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yoon Tae Kim and Hyun Suk Park",
  title =        "Normal approximation when a chaos grade is greater
                 than two",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109389",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuli Xu and Yuqiang Feng and Jun Jiang and Na Nie",
  title =        "A variation of constant formula for {Caputo}
                 fractional stochastic differential equations with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109406",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V. Le",
  title =        "On the extinction of continuous state branching
                 processes with competition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109410",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Nielsen",
  title =        "Regular conditional probabilities and strictly proper
                 loss functions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109412",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sela Fried",
  title =        "The restrictiveness of the hazard rate order and the
                 moments of the maximal coordinate of a random vector
                 uniformly distributed on the probability $n$-simplex",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109414",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C{\'e}cile Mercadier and Olivier Roustant and
                 Christian Genest",
  title =        "Linking the {Hoeffding--Sobol} and {M{\"o}bius}
                 formulas through a decomposition of {Kuo}, {Sloan},
                 Wasilkowski, and {Wo{\'z}niakowski}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109419",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin Kroll",
  title =        "On the universal consistency of histograms anonymised
                 by a randomised response technique",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109420",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Luisa Beghin and Claudio Macci",
  title =        "Non-central moderate deviations for compound
                 fractional {Poisson} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109424",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aristides V. Doumas",
  title =        "On the minimum of independent collecting processes via
                 the {Stirling} numbers of the second kind",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109426",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hansj{\"o}rg Albrecher and Brandon Garc{\'\i}a
  title =        "Asymptotic analysis of generalized {Greenwood}
                 statistics for very heavy tails",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109429",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fabrizio Cinque",
  title =        "A note on the conditional probabilities of the
                 telegraph process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109431",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yaakov Malinovsky and John W. Moon",
  title =        "On negative dependence inequalities and maximal scores
                 in round-robin tournaments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109432",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sudheesh K. Kattumannil and Sreedevi E. P.",
  title =        "Non-parametric estimation of cumulative (residual)
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109434",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. A. Khartov",
  title =        "A criterion of quasi-infinite divisibility for
                 discrete laws",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109436",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian D{\"o}bler",
  title =        "A short proof of {L{\'e}vy}'s continuity theorem
                 without using tightness",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109438",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Meng Yuan and Dawei Lu",
  title =        "Precise large deviation for sums of sub-exponential
                 claims with the {$ $ m$ $} -dependent semi-{Markov}
                 type structure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109440",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Linjie Zhao",
  title =        "Long-time behavior of {SSEP} with slow boundary",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109452",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109482",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{June 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "185",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 23 11:00:31 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Denis Kojevnikov and Kyungchul Song",
  title =        "A {Berry--Esseen} bound for vector-valued
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109448",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "T. Kleyntssens and S. Nicolay",
  title =        "From the {Brownian} motion to a multifractal process
                 using the {L{\'e}vy--Ciesielski} construction",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109450",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Royi Jacobovic and Offer Kella",
  title =        "A characterization of normality via convex likelihood
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109455",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tianfang Zhang and Guoqian Cai and Zhiming Li",
  title =        "Correction to the paper {``Construction of some
                 $s$-level regular designs with general minimum
                 lower-order confounding'' [Statist. Probab. Lett. {\bf
                 167} (2020) 108897]}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Li:2020:CSL}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109456",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zenghu Li and Yaping Zhu",
  title =        "Survival probability for super-{Brownian} motion with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109460",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingzhou Xu and Kun Cheng",
  title =        "How small are the increments of {$G$}-{Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109464",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Neha Gupta and Arun Kumar",
  title =        "Inverse tempered stable subordinators and related
                 processes with {Mellin} transform",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109465",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhengcheng Zhang and Luyi Yang and Yonghong Yang",
  title =        "The conditional spacings and their stochastic
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109466",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dawei Lu and Yinbing Zhou",
  title =        "The first exit time of fractional {Brownian} motion
                 from the minimum and maximum parabolic domains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109467",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qing Yang and Yi Zhang",
  title =        "Change-point detection for the link function in a
                 single-index model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109468",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanping Gao and Siyu Yi and Yongdao Zhou",
  title =        "Maximin {$ L_1 $}-distance Range-fixed Level-augmented
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109470",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "William Leeb",
  title =        "Optimal singular value shrinkage for operator norm
                 loss: Extending to non-square matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109472",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arvid Sj{\"o}lander and Jose M. Pe{\~n}a and Erin E.
  title =        "Bias results for nondifferential mismeasurement of a
                 binary confounder",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109474",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ana Paula Martins and Helena Ferreira and Marta
  title =        "A new random field on lattices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109478",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Youming Liu and Xinyu Qi",
  title =        "Optimal estimation for lower bound of the packing
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109487",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Xu and Joel E. Cohen and Richard A. Davis and
                 Gennady Samorodnitsky",
  title =        "{Cauchy}, normal and correlations versus heavy tails",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109489",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sundarraman Subramanian",
  title =        "Simultaneous confidence bands for survival functions
                 from twice censorship",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109494",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kon-Gun Kim and Mun-Chol Kim and Hun O.",
  title =        "Local existence and uniqueness of solutions to
                 quadratic {BSDEs} with weak monotonicity and general
                 growth generators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109495",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109517",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{July 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "186",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 1 07:35:03 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shohei Nakajima and Yasutaka Shimizu",
  title =        "Asymptotic normality of least squares type estimators
                 to stochastic differential equations driven by
                 fractional {Brownian} motions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109476",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mustafa Hilmi Pekalp",
  title =        "Some new bounds for the mean value function of the
                 residual lifetime process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109497",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdelhamid Hassairi and Amel Roula",
  title =        "Exponential and related probability distributions on
                 symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109499",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Liu and Zhidong Bai and Hua Li and Jiang Hu and
                 Zhihui Lv and Shurong Zheng",
  title =        "{RDS} free {CLT} for spiked eigenvalues of
                 high-dimensional covariance matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109501",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoqiang Zeng and Yoshihide Kakizawa",
  title =        "Bias-correction of some estimators in the {INAR(1)}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109503",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Koki Shimizu and Hiroki Hashiguchi",
  title =        "Algorithm for the product of {Jack} polynomials and
                 its application to the sphericity test",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109505",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Danijel Grahovac",
  title =        "Intermittency in the small-time behavior of {L{\'e}vy}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109507",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peihan Xiong and Taizhong Hu",
  title =        "On {Samuel}'s $p$-value model and the {Simes} test
                 under dependence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109509",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Gairat and Vadim Shcherbakov",
  title =        "Skew {Brownian} motion with dry friction: Joint
                 density approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109511",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyu Lei and Qi-Man Shao",
  title =        "A refined randomized concentration inequality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109513",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samuel Duffield and Sumeetpal S. Singh",
  title =        "Ensemble {Kalman} inversion for general likelihoods",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109523",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianhang Ai and Ond{\v{r}}ej Ku{\v{z}}elka and Yuyi
  title =        "{Hoeffding} and {Bernstein} inequalities for
                 {$U$}-statistics without replacement",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109528",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. A. Lifshits and A. A. Tadevosian",
  title =        "On the maximum of random assignment process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109530",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nanwei Wang and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Massam and Qiong Li",
  title =        "Confidence intervals for discrete log-linear models
                 when {MLE} does not exist",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109532",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John Sylvester",
  title =        "The cover time of a (multiple) {Markov} chain with
                 rational transition probabilities is rational",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109534",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109552",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{August 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "187",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 27 14:52:15 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sophie Dabo-Niang and Baba Thiam and Thomas
  title =        "Asymptotic efficiency of some nonparametric tests for
                 location on hyperspheres",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109524",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Balakrishnan and M. C. Jones",
  title =        "Closure of beta and {Dirichlet} distributions under
                 discrete mixing",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109526",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Laurent Davezies and Xavier D'Haultf{\oe}uille and
                 Yannick Guyonvarch",
  title =        "The {Marcinkiewicz--Zygmund} law of large numbers for
                 exchangeable arrays",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109536",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhumengmeng Jin and James P. Hobert",
  title =        "On the convergence rate of the ``out-of-order'' block
                 {Gibbs} sampler",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109538",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicole E. Pashley",
  title =        "Note on the delta method for finite population
                 inference with applications to causal inference",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109540",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li-Xin Zhang",
  title =        "The moments of the maximum of normalized partial sums
                 related to laws of the iterated logarithm under the
                 sub-linear expectation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109542",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cyrille Joutard",
  title =        "Saddlepoint approximations for the probability mass
                 functions of some nonparametric test statistics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109544",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109579",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{September 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "188",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 13 12:03:52 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergey Foss and Timofei Prasolov",
  title =        "Moments of the first descending epoch for a random
                 walk with negative drift",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109547",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "B. Buonaguidi",
  title =        "The disorder problem for diffusion processes with the
                 {$ \epsilon $}-linear and expected total miss
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109548",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen-Wei Hua and Ting-Li Chen",
  title =        "On multiple acceleration of reversible {Markov}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109559",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Y. Novak",
  title =        "On the {$T$}-test",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109562",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ismahen Bernou and Fakhreddine Boukhari",
  title =        "Limit theorems for dependent random variables with
                 infinite means",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109563",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guozheng Dai and Zhonggen Su",
  title =        "On the second order fluctuations for minimal
                 difference partitions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109565",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ronglin Ji and Xuejun Shi and Shijie Wang and Jinming
  title =        "Convexity and sublinearity of $g$-expectations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109569",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Weiwei Meng and Chengxun Xi",
  title =        "Some properties of $2$-type {Markov} branching
                 processes with immigration and instantaneous
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109571",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiangyu Gao and Jianqiao Wang and Yanxia Wang and
                 Hongfu Yang",
  title =        "The truncated {Euler--Maruyama} method for {CIR} model
                 driven by fractional {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109573",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alessia Caponera and Victor M. Panaretos",
  title =        "On the rate of convergence for the autocorrelation
                 operator in functional autoregression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109575",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanpeng Li and Boping Tian",
  title =        "Non-asymptotic sub-{Gaussian} error bounds for
                 hypothesis testing",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109586",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaocui Ma and Haitao Yue and Fubao Xi",
  title =        "The averaging method for doubly perturbed distribution
                 dependent {SDEs}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109588",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lu Mao",
  title =        "Identification of the outcome distribution and
                 sensitivity analysis under weak confounder--instrument
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109590",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huiyan Liu and Zhongquan Tan",
  title =        "Point processes of exceedances by {Gaussian} random
                 fields with applications to asymptotic locations of
                 extreme order statistics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109593",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tianshi Lu and Juan Du and Chunsheng Ma",
  title =        "Stochastic comparison for elliptically contoured
                 random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109594",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yujie Liu and Minwen Niu and Dacheng Yao and Hanqin
  title =        "Stationary distributions and ergodicity of
                 reflection-type {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109597",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Allan Gut and Ulrich Stadtm{\"u}ller",
  title =        "The elephant random walk with gradually increasing
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109598",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kalyan Barman and Neelesh S. Upadhye",
  title =        "On {Brascamp--Lieb} and {Poincar{\'e}} type
                 inequalities for generalized tempered stable
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109600",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ky Q. Tran and Bich T. N. Le",
  title =        "On exponential stability of non-autonomous stochastic
                 differential equations with {Markovian} switching",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109602",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adrian Riekert",
  title =        "Convergence rates for empirical measures of {Markov}
                 chains in dual and {Wasserstein} distances",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109605",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "St{\'e}phane Lhaut and Anne Sabourin and Johan
  title =        "Uniform concentration bounds for frequencies of rare
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109610",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Salim Lardjane",
  title =        "Strong uniform consistency of the Frequency Polygon
                 density estimator for stable non-anticipative
                 stochastic processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109612",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109628",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{October 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "189",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 22 06:57:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ping Tang and Rongrong Lu and Junshan Xie",
  title =        "Asymptotic distribution of the maximum interpoint
                 distance for high-dimensional data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109567",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. R. Soltani",
  title =        "Recursive integral equations for random weights
                 averages: Exponential functions and {Cauchy}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109606",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Myong-Guk Sin and Kyong-Il Ri and Kyong-Hui Kim",
  title =        "Existence and uniqueness of solution for coupled
                 fractional mean-field forward--backward stochastic
                 differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109608",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Litty Mathew and Anisha P. and Sudheesh K.
  title =        "A jackknife empirical likelihood ratio test for strong
                 mean inactivity time order",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109614",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hamdy M. Ahmed",
  title =        "Construction controllability for conformable
                 fractional stochastic evolution system with
                 noninstantaneous impulse and nonlocal condition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109618",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xulan Huang and Yingqiu Li and Kainan Xiang",
  title =        "{Berry--Esseen} bound for a supercritical branching
                 processes with immigration in a random environment",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109619",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yingdong Lu",
  title =        "Approximating the magnetization in the {Curie--Weiss}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109620",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikolai Kriukov",
  title =        "Uniform bounds for ruin probability in
                 multidimensional risk model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109622",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aleksandr Beknazaryan and Hailin Sang",
  title =        "Nonparametric regression with modified {ReLU}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109624",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bastien Mallein and Pavel Tesemnikov",
  title =        "On the length of the shortest path in a sparse
                 {Barak--Erd{\H{o}}s} graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109634",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Luisa F. Estrada and Michael A. H{\"o}gele",
  title =        "Moment estimates in the first {Borel--Cantelli} Lemma
                 with applications to mean deviation frequencies",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109636",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ryan P. Browne",
  title =        "Revitalizing the multivariate elliptical
                 leptokurtic-normal distribution and its application in
                 model-based clustering",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109640",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "W. Li and F. J. Rubio",
  title =        "On a prior based on the {Wasserstein} information
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109645",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bing Tian and Zili Liu and Hong Wang",
  title =        "Non-marginal feature screening for varying coefficient
                 competing risks model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109648",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109672",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{November 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "190",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 25 13:48:24 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Djamila Boukehil and Dominique Fourdrinier and Fatiha
                 Mezoued and William E. Strawderman",
  title =        "On homogeneous {James--Stein} type estimators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109638",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ujan Gangopadhyay and Krishanu Maulik",
  title =        "Almost sure convergence of randomized urn models with
                 application to elephant random walk",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109642",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fan Wu and Guan-jun Wang and Xin-bing Kong",
  title =        "Inference on common intraday periodicity at high
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109646",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hassan Maatouk and Xavier Bay and Didier
  title =        "A note on simulating hyperplane-truncated multivariate
                 normal distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109650",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Hao and Jiaqiang Wen and Jie Xiong",
  title =        "Solvability of a class of mean-field {BSDEs} with
                 quadratic growth",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109652",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oliver Russell and Wei Sun",
  title =        "An opposite {Gaussian} product inequality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109656",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vladimir Ostrovski",
  title =        "Testing equivalence to binary generalized linear
                 models with application to logistic regression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109658",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Raouf Fakhfakh",
  title =        "A characterization of the {Marchenko--Pastur}
                 probability measure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109660",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Butong Li and Yongna Meng and Xiaobin Sun and Ting
  title =        "Optimal strong convergence rate for a class of
                 {McKean--Vlasov} {SDEs} with fast oscillating
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109662",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Katarzyna Budny",
  title =        "Improved probability inequalities for {Mardia}'s
                 coefficient of kurtosis",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109664",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Iosif Pinelis",
  title =        "Improved concentration bounds for sums of independent
                 sub-exponential random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109666",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. C. Jones",
  title =        "Duals of multiplicative relationships involving beta
                 and gamma random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109668",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kangqiang Li and Songqiao Tang and Lixin Zhang",
  title =        "Robust parameter estimation of regression models under
                 weakened moment assumptions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109678",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109687",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{December 2022}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "191",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2022",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 23 06:14:48 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marko Voutilainen and Pauliina Ilmonen and Lauri
                 Viitasaari and Niko Lietz{\'e}n",
  title =        "Note on asymptotic behavior of spatial sign
                 autocovariance matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109679",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xingdong Feng and Qiaochu Liu and Caixing Wang",
  title =        "A lack-of-fit test for quantile regression process
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109680",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Majid Jafari Khaledi and Hamid Zareifard and Hossein
  title =        "A spatial skew-{Gaussian} process with a specified
                 covariance function",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109681",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ouahiba Litimein and Ali Laksaci and Boubaker Mechab
                 and Salim Bouzebda",
  title =        "Local linear estimate of the functional expectile
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109682",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiazhen Cui and Qiaojing Liu",
  title =        "{Cram{\'e}r}-type moderate deviations for the
                 log-likelihood ratio of inhomogeneous
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109690",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hanjun Zhang and Yongxiang Mo",
  title =        "Domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distribution
                 for absorbing {Markov} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109692",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paul Doukhan and Xiequan Fan and Zhi-Qiang Gao",
  title =        "{Cram{\'e}r} moderate deviations for a supercritical
                 {Galton--Watson} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109711",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109725",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{January 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 29 06:45:30 MDT 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Taeho Lee",
  title =        "Exact simulation for the first hitting time of
                 {Brownian} motion and {Brownian} bridge",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109654",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Eleni Aristodemou",
  title =        "Strictly log-concave probability distributions in
                 discrete response models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109683",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aishwarya Bhaskaran and Matt P. Wand",
  title =        "Dispersion parameter extension of precise generalized
                 linear mixed model asymptotics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109691",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Philippe Gagnon and Yoshiko Hayashi",
  title =        "Theoretical properties of {Bayesian} {Student}-$t$
                 linear regression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109693",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hiroshi Takahashi and Yozo Tamura",
  title =        "Diffusion processes in {Brownian} environments on
                 disconnected selfsimilar fractal sets in {$ \mathbb {R}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109694",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael Wilsher and Carl P. Dettmann and Ayalvadi J.
  title =        "The distribution of the number of isolated nodes in
                 the $1$-Dimensional soft random geometric graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109695",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hiroyuki Matsumoto and Jun Otani",
  title =        "{Laplacian} and {Brownian} motion on positive definite
                 matrices, revisited",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109696",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antar Bandyopadhyay and Partha Pratim Ghosh",
  title =        "Right-most position of a last progeny modified time
                 inhomogeneous branching random walk",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109697",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian Hirsch and Matthias Neumann and Volker
  title =        "Asymptotic properties of one-layer artificial neural
                 networks with sparse connectivity",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109698",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yong Han and Yuefei Wang and Zipeng Wang",
  title =        "On the {GFF} with one free boundary condition",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109699",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Monitirtha Dey and Subir Kumar Bhandari",
  title =        "{FWER} goes to zero for correlated normal",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109700",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cathy W. S. Chen and Feng-Chi Liu and Aljo Clair
  title =        "Integer-valued transfer function models for counts
                 that show zero inflation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109701",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sugata Ghosh and Asok K. Nanda",
  title =        "Conditional precedence orders for stochastic
                 comparison of random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109702",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jichen Zhang and Zengjing Chen",
  title =        "A transitivity property of {Ocone} martingales",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109703",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lu-Jing Huang and Tao Wang",
  title =        "{Dirichlet} eigenvalues and exit time moments for
                 symmetric {Markov} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109704",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jui-Lin Chi and Jyy-I Hong",
  title =        "The range of asymmetric branching random walk",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109705",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicholas R. Beaton and Mark Holmes",
  title =        "The mean square displacement of random walk on the
                 {Manhattan} lattice",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109706",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdoulaye Soumana Hima and Ibrahim Dakaou",
  title =        "Large deviation principle for {Reflected Stochastic
                 Differential Equations} driven by {$G$-Brownian} motion
                 in non-convex domains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109707",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Decheng Feng and Xiaomei Zhang",
  title =        "Maximal inequalities and the strong law of large
                 numbers for strong demimartingales",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109708",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Philippe Bernardoff",
  title =        "Domain of existence of the {Laplace} transform of
                 negative multinomial distributions and simulations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109709",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Matija Vidmar",
  title =        "Complete monotonicity of time-changed {L{\'e}vy}
                 processes at first passage",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109710",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuwen Lou",
  title =        "On transition density functions of skew {Brownian}
                 motions with two-valued drift",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109712",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Balakrishnan and V. B. Nevzorov and A. Stepanov",
  title =        "On normal spacings",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109713",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander D{\"u}rre and Davy Paindaveine",
  title =        "On the consistency of incomplete {$U$}-statistics
                 under infinite second-order moments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109714",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoran Yang and Junjie Du and Fangfang Bai",
  title =        "Semiparametric inference of treatment effects on
                 restricted mean survival time in two sample problems
                 from length-biased samples",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109715",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Akifumi Okuno and Keisuke Yano",
  title =        "Dependence of variance on covariate design in
                 nonparametric link regression",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109716",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoyan Xu and Xianye Yu",
  title =        "The fractional smoothness of integral functionals
                 driven by {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109717",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fengfeng Cui and Weidong Zhao",
  title =        "Well-posedness of mean reflected {BSDEs} with
                 non-{Lipschitz} coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109718",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaofan Guo and Shan Li and Xinpeng Li",
  title =        "Notes on {Peng}'s independence in sublinear
                 expectation theory",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109719",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Reza Modarres",
  title =        "Analysis of distance matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109720",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohamed Marzougue",
  title =        "Non-linear {Dynkin} games over split stopping times",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109721",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yeor Hafouta",
  title =        "An almost sure invariance principle for some classes
                 of non-stationary mixing sequences",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109728",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Dhanya Nair and E. I. Abdul Sathar",
  title =        "Some useful results related to various measures of
                 extropy and their interrelationship",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109729",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Beidi Qiang and Edsel A. Pe{\~n}a",
  title =        "Robust simultaneous estimation of location
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109730",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Erika Banzato and Monica Chiogna and Vera
                 Djordjilovi{\'c} and Davide Risso",
  title =        "A {Bartlett}-type correction for likelihood ratio
                 tests with application to testing equality of
                 {Gaussian} graphical models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109732",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommaso Lando",
  title =        "Testing departures from the increasing hazard rate
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109736",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenxia Liu and Mainza Mbokoma",
  title =        "An improvement on the large deviations for longest
                 runs in {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109737",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Michael C. H. Choi and Zhipeng Huang",
  title =        "Generalized {Markov} chain tree theorem and {Kemeny}'s
                 constant for a class of non-{Markovian} matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109739",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qunqiang Feng and Xing Li and Zhishui Hu",
  title =        "Asymptotic degree distribution in a homogeneous
                 evolving network model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109740",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109752",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{February 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 5 09:12:01 MST 2022",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio Forcina",
  title =        "Marginal log-linear models and mediation analysis",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109731",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Osama Almalik and Zhuozhao Zhan and Edwin R. van den
  title =        "{Copas}' method is sensitive to different mechanisms
                 of publication bias",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109733",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rahul Singh",
  title =        "Some goodness of fit tests based on centre outward
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109738",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ishay Weissman",
  title =        "Some comments on {``The density flatness phenomenon''
                 by Alhakim and Molchanov} and the {Dickman}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Alhakim:2019:DFP}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109741",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chuying Huang and Xu Wang",
  title =        "Strong convergence rate of the {Euler} scheme for
                 {SDEs} driven by additive rough fractional noises",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109742",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Levental and P. Vellaisamy",
  title =        "Formulas for the divergence operator in isonormal
                 {Gaussian} space",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109743",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lucio Barabesi and Luca Pratelli and Pietro Rigo",
  title =        "On the {Chv{\'a}tal--Janson} conjecture",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109744",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anupam Kundu and Mohsen Pourahmadi",
  title =        "{Bayesian} estimation of constrained mean-covariance
                 of normal distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109745",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Liu and Xiaoyang Zhuang",
  title =        "Shrinkage estimation of semi-parametric spatial
                 autoregressive panel data model with fixed effects",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109746",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Woohyun Choi and Ilmun Kim",
  title =        "Averaging {$p$}-values under exchangeability",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109748",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Afif Masmoudi and Hajer Rejeb",
  title =        "Infinitely divisible matrix gamma distribution:
                 Asymptotic behaviour and parameters estimation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109757",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Laya Ghodrati and Victor M. Panaretos",
  title =        "Minimax rate for optimal transport regression between
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109758",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qingyang Zhang",
  title =        "On the asymptotic null distribution of the symmetrized
                 {Chatterjee}'s correlation coefficient",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109759",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nathan Lassance",
  title =        "An analytical shrinkage estimator for linear
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109760",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109773",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{March 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:32 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Mayer",
  title =        "Two-step estimation in linear regressions with
                 adaptive learning",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109761",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jingfu Peng",
  title =        "Adaptive and efficient estimation in the {Gaussian}
                 sequence model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109762",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander A. Bystrov and Nadezhda V. Volodko",
  title =        "Exponential inequalities for the number of subgraphs
                 in the {Erd{\H{o}}s--R{\'e}nyi} random graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109763",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jean-Marc Bardet",
  title =        "{Laplace}'s method and {BIC} model selection for least
                 absolute value criterion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109764",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Volker Betz and Matthias Meiners and Ivana Tomic",
  title =        "Speed function for biased random walks with traps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109765",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei Wang and Xiulian Wang",
  title =        "Stationary distributions for stochastic differential
                 equations with memory driven by $ \alpha $-stable
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109766",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arkady Tempelman",
  title =        "Generalization of the {Glivenko--Cantelli} theorem to
                 finite-dimensional distributions of ergodic homogeneous
                 random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109767",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. T. Huong and N. T. The",
  title =        "Well-posedness and regularity for solutions of
                 {Caputo} stochastic fractional delay differential
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109768",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiansheng Xie and Ruisong Zhou",
  title =        "A note on an {SLLN} of {Dvoretzky--Erd{\H{o}}s} Type",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109769",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Ma and Yujing Li and Quanxin Zhu",
  title =        "Stability analysis for a class of stochastic delay
                 nonlinear systems driven by {$G$-L{\'e}vy Process}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109777",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ankita Sen and N. Selvaraju",
  title =        "Diffusion approximation of an infinite-server queue
                 under {Markovian} environment with rapid switching",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109778",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan R. Stewart",
  title =        "On the time to identify the nodes in a random graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109779",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuheng He and Xiaofeng Xue",
  title =        "Moderate deviations of hitting times of a family of
                 density-dependent {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109780",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hamdy M. Ahmed and Quanxin Zhu",
  title =        "Exploration nonlocal controllability for {Hilfer}
                 fractional differential inclusions with {Clarke}
                 subdifferential and nonlinear noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109781",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Juan Wang and Xueke Wang and Junping Li",
  title =        "Asymptotic behavior for supercritical branching
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109782",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Henzi and Lutz D{\"u}mbgen",
  title =        "Some new inequalities for beta distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109783",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ivana Valenti{\'c}",
  title =        "Skew-product decomposition of {Brownian} motion on an
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109784",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Udo Kamps and Diana Rauwolf",
  title =        "A record-values property of a renewal process with
                 random inspection time",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109785",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David B. Colwell",
  title =        "Hitting times, number of jumps, and occupation times
                 for continuous-time finite state {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109786",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A{\^\i}cha Bareche and Abdelouahab Bibi",
  title =        "On inverse-Gamma distribution delayed by {Poisson}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109787",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Ghaffari and S. G. Walker",
  title =        "{$ W_2 $} barycenters for radially related
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109788",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingxia Yuan and Bingjun Wang and Zhiyan Yang",
  title =        "On the averaging principle for stochastic differential
                 equations driven by {$G$-L{\'e}vy} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109789",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nan Zou",
  title =        "Reweighted madogram-type estimator of {Pickands}
                 dependence function",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109790",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109795",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{April 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "195",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 10 09:45:33 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jin-young Choi and Goeun Lee and Myoung-jae Lee",
  title =        "Endogenous treatment effect for any response
                 conditional on control propensity score",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109747",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Joshua C. Miller and Natalia A. Stepanova",
  title =        "Adaptive signal recovery with {Subbotin} noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109791",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aditya Maheshwari",
  title =        "Tempered space fractional negative binomial process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109799",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonella Iuliano and Claudio Macci",
  title =        "Asymptotic results for the absorption time of
                 telegraph processes with a non-standard barrier at the
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109800",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Bedbur and U. Kamps",
  title =        "Uniformly most powerful unbiased tests for the
                 dispersion parameter of the {Conway--Maxwell--Poisson}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109801",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bin Zhang and Zhigang Yao and Junfeng Liu",
  title =        "On a class of mixed stochastic heat equations driven
                 by spatially homogeneous {Gaussian} noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109807",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109826",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{May 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "196",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Mar 6 06:38:03 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Makoto Maejima and Noriyoshi Sakuma",
  title =        "Rates of convergence in the free central limit
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109802",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanpeng Li and Boping Tian",
  title =        "Optimal non-asymptotic concentration of centered
                 empirical relative entropy in the high-dimensional
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109803",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Charles-Philippe Diez and Ciprian A. Tudor",
  title =        "{Berry--Ess{\'e}n} theorem for random determinants",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109804",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francesco Bravo",
  title =        "Local polynomial estimation of nonparametric general
                 estimating equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109805",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chunsheng Ma",
  title =        "Multivariate exponential power {L{\'e}vy} processes
                 and random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109806",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Takashi Maeda and Yuya Unten",
  title =        "On expected waiting time until given words appear in
                 random sequence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109808",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qingwu Gao and Jia{\'n}an Lin and Xijun Liu",
  title =        "Large deviations of aggregate amount of claims in
                 compound risk model with arbitrary dependence between
                 claim sizes and waiting times",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109809",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jian Wang and Jianliang Zhai and Jiahui Zhu",
  title =        "The stochastic nonlinear {Schr{\"o}dinger} equations
                 driven by pure jump noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109810",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuling Li and Huanchao Zhou and Jiang Hu",
  title =        "The eigenvector {LSD} of information plus noise
                 matrices and its application to linear regression
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109811",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abhik Ghosh",
  title =        "Optimal guessing under nonextensive framework and
                 associated moment bounds",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109812",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adri{\'a}n Hinojosa-Calleja",
  title =        "Exact uniform modulus of continuity for
                 {$q$}-isotropic {Gaussian} random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109813",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zbigniew J. Jurek",
  title =        "Which {Urbanik} class {$ L_k $}, do the hyperbolic and
                 the generalized logistic characteristic functions
                 belong to?",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109814",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuri Kondratiev and Jos{\'e} L. da Silva",
  title =        "Compound {Poisson} processes: Potentials, Green
                 measures and random times",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109815",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ana Merkle",
  title =        "Causal predictability and weak solutions of the
                 stochastic differential equations with driving
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109816",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dharmaraja Selvamuthu and Shamiksha Pandey and Paola
  title =        "{Limit Theorems} for an extended inverse {Hawkes}
                 process with general exciting functions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109817",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fengxiang Feng",
  title =        "{Baum--Katz}-type complete and complete moment
                 convergence theorems for the maximum of partial sums
                 under sub-linear expectations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109818",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Andrew Rajchert and Uri Keich",
  title =        "Controlling the false discovery rate via competition:
                 Is the $ + 1 $ needed?",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109819",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dominic Edelmann and Donald Richards and Thomas
  title =        "Product inequalities for multivariate {Gaussian},
                 gamma, and positively upper orthant dependent
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109820",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunus Emre Demirci and {\"U}mi{\.t} I{\c{s}}lak and
                 Mehmet Akif Y{\i}ld{\i}z",
  title =        "On a cover time problem on a dynamic graph with steps
                 at random times",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109821",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kai Jia and Renjun Qiu and Zhengming Wang and Xiaojun
  title =        "On the compression phenomenon of typical
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109822",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mengmeng Chang and Yu Miao",
  title =        "Generalized weak laws of large numbers in {Hilbert}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109830",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pengcheng Zhang and Xueyuan Wu",
  title =        "Multivariate {Poisson} model adjusting for
                 unidirectional covariate misrepresentation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109837",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109843",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{June 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 30 15:12:46 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rosanne J. Turner and Peter D. Gr{\"u}nwald",
  title =        "Exact anytime-valid confidence intervals for
                 contingency tables and beyond",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109835",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeffrey Zhang and Wei Li and Wang Miao and Eric
                 Tchetgen Tchetgen",
  title =        "Proximal causal inference without uniqueness
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See correction \cite{Zhang:2024:CPC}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109836",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nina D{\"o}rnemann and Holger Dette",
  title =        "Fluctuations of the diagonal entries of a large sample
                 precision matrix",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109838",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Blair Bilodeau and Yanbo Tang and Alex Stringer",
  title =        "On the tightness of the {Laplace} approximation for
                 statistical inference",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109839",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jie Xu",
  title =        "A deviation inequality for increment of a
                 {$G$}-{Brownian} motion under {$G$}-expectation and
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109848",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109863",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{July 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "198",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 1 06:38:54 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Royi Jacobovic and Or Zuk",
  title =        "A phase transition for the probability of being a
                 maximum among random vectors with general iid
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109847",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiangrui Tan and Junping Li",
  title =        "Recurrence property for {Galton--Watson} processes in
                 which individuals have variable lifetimes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109849",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abdelkarem Berkaoui",
  title =        "On the optional and orthogonal decompositions of
                 supermartingales and applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109850",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huisheng Shu and Ziwei Jiang and Xuekang Zhang",
  title =        "Parameter estimation for integrated
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} processes with small {L{\'e}vy}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109851",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Manfred Marvin Marchione and Enzo Orsingher",
  title =        "Pseudoprocesses related to higher-order equations of
                 vibrations of rods",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109852",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Carole Bernard and Jinghui Chen and Ludger
                 R{\"u}schendorf and Steven Vanduffel",
  title =        "Coskewness under dependence uncertainty",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109853",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhongyuan Chen and Jun Xie",
  title =        "Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects versus
                 building individualized treatment rules: Connection and
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109854",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhongmin Qian and Xingcheng Xu",
  title =        "Probability bounds for reflecting diffusion
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109855",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guantie Deng and Xiequan Fan and Zhi-Qiang Gao",
  title =        "Asymptotic expansions in the local limit theorem for a
                 branching {Wiener} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109856",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhiguang Liu and Quanxin Zhu",
  title =        "Ultimate boundedness of impulsive stochastic delay
                 differential equations with delayed impulses",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109857",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Elisa Perrone and Edwin R. van den Heuvel and Zhuozhao
  title =        "{Kendall}'s tau estimator for bivariate zero-inflated
                 count data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109858",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuecai Han and Zhe Yin",
  title =        "A note on asymptotics of classical likelihood ratio
                 tests for high-dimensional normal distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109859",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109875",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{August 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "199",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 1 10:52:28 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Haruhiko Ogasawara",
  title =        "The {Wishart} distribution with two different degrees
                 of freedom",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109866",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tao Wang and Zhong Guan",
  title =        "Choice of degree of {Bernstein} polynomial model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109868",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Peligrad and C. Peligrad",
  title =        "Convergence of series of conditional expectations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109869",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikola Sandri{\'c} and Stjepan {\v{S}}ebek",
  title =        "{Hoeffding}'s inequality for non-irreducible {Markov}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109870",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fu-Bo Li and Kun Xu and Ze-Chun Hu",
  title =        "A study on the {Poisson}, geometric and {Pascal}
                 distributions motivated by {Chv{\'a}tal's} conjecture",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109871",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stephen G. Walker",
  title =        "Comparing weak and strong convergence of density
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109878",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109893",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{September 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "200",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 19 17:27:40 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lajos Horv{\'a}th and Lorenzo Trapani",
  title =        "{$ L_p $}-functionals for change point detection in
                 random coefficient autoregressive models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109829",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hattacha Kongjiw and Petcharat Rattanawong and
                 Kritsana Neammanee",
  title =        "Local limit theorems for collective risk models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109867",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Maxim Finkelstein and Ji Hwan Cha",
  title =        "Improving the age composition of dynamic populations
                 of manufactured items",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109879",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huazhen Yu and Lixin Zhang",
  title =        "On the maximum penalized full likelihood approach for
                 {Cox} model with extreme value for heavily censored
                 survival data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109880",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dawei Lu and Huangding Lv",
  title =        "A {Galton--Watson} process with a threshold at 1 and
                 an immigration at 0",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109881",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bar Light",
  title =        "Improving {Hoeffding}'s inequality using higher
                 moments information",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109882",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Borges and J. Rodrigues and N. Balakrishnan and J.
  title =        "Erratum to {``A COM-Poisson type generalization of the
                 binomial distribution and its properties and
                 applications'' [Statist. Probab. Lett. {\bf 87} (2014)
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Borges:2014:CPT}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109883",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert E. Gaunt",
  title =        "On the moments of the variance-gamma distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109884",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chien-Hao Huang",
  title =        "Nonsymmetric examples for {Gaussian} correlation
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109885",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Haitian Xie",
  title =        "Uniform convergence results for the local linear
                 regression estimation of the conditional distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109886",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiang Li",
  title =        "Stochastic heat equation with {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109887",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vadym Radchenko",
  title =        "Averaging principle for the wave equation driven by a
                 stochastic measure",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109888",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Takashi Nakamura and Masatoshi Suzuki",
  title =        "On infinitely divisible distributions related to the
                 {Riemann} hypothesis",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109889",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Janet Aisbett",
  title =        "Interpreting tests of a hypothesis at multiple alpha
                 levels within a {Neyman--Pearson} framework",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109899",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lloren{\c{c}} Badiella and Joan del Castillo and Pedro
  title =        "Ultra log-concavity of discrete order statistics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109900",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109909",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{October 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 15:18:49 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommaso Rigon and Emanuele Aliverti",
  title =        "Conjugate priors and bias reduction for logistic
                 regression models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109901",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhaohui Yan and Shengli Zhao",
  title =        "Optimal fractions of three-level factorials under a
                 baseline parameterization",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109902",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio {Di Noia} and Marzia Marcheselli and Caterina
                 Pisani and Luca Pratelli",
  title =        "Censoring heavy-tail count distributions for parameter
                 estimation with an application to stable
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109903",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yan Li and Zhigen Gao and Wei Huang and Jianhua Guo",
  title =        "Matrix-variate data analysis by two-way factor model
                 with replicated observations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109904",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huruy Asfha and Xiaomi Hu",
  title =        "An algorithm for a pseudo {RMLE} under simple tree
                 multivariate order restriction",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109905",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Baixi Chen and Zhiming Li and Zhi Li and Can Peng",
  title =        "The calculation of alias pattern in three-level
                 regular designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109913",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109925",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{November 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "202",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 23 06:19:10 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S{\"o}ren Christensen and Simon Fischer and Oskar
  title =        "Uniqueness of first passage time distributions via
                 {Fredholm} integral equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109912",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Francesca R. Crucinio and Adam M. Johansen",
  title =        "Properties of marginal sequential {Monte Carlo}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109914",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Indranil Ghosh",
  title =        "On the issue of convergence of certain divergence
                 measures related to finding most nearly compatible
                 probability distribution under the discrete set-up",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109915",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Santiago Arenas-Velilla and Octavio Arizmendi",
  title =        "Convergence rate for the number of crossings in a
                 random labelled tree",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109916",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuan Xiao and Xingbai Xu and Wei Zhong",
  title =        "{Huber} estimation for the network autoregressive
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109917",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chen Li and Xiaohu Li",
  title =        "On $k$-out-of-$n$ systems with homogeneous components
                 and one independent cold standby redundancy",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109918",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jia Yao and Bendong Lou and Xiaoqing Pan",
  title =        "Characterizations of stochastic ordering for
                 non-negative random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109919",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ra{\'u}l P{\'e}rez-Fern{\'a}ndez",
  title =        "On the use of robust estimators of multivariate
                 location for heterogeneous data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109920",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hajime Kawakami",
  title =        "{Doob}'s consistency of a non-{Bayesian} updating
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109921",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109937",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{December 2023}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "203",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2023",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 22 09:02:26 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio {Di Noia} and Gianluca Mastrantonio and
                 Giovanna Jona Lasinio",
  title =        "{Bayesian} size-and-shape regression modelling",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109928",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wanfeng Liang and Xiaoyan Ma",
  title =        "A new approach for ultrahigh-dimensional covariance
                 matrix estimation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109929",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aurore Lavigne and Silvia Liverani",
  title =        "Quantifying the uncertainty of partitions for infinite
                 mixture models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109930",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Seyed Mohammad Azimi-Abarghouyi and Harpreet S.
  title =        "{Mat{\'e}rn} cluster process with holes at the cluster
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109931",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Abid Hussain and Steve Drekic and Salman A. Cheema",
  title =        "A relative-rank measure for the rank transformation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109932",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Li and Pengfei Shi and Qingliang Fan and Wei
  title =        "Causal effect estimation with censored outcome and
                 covariate selection",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109933",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amites Dasgupta",
  title =        "{Azuma--Hoeffding} bounds for a class of urn models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109940",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nader Karimi and Erfan Salavati and Hirbod Assa and
                 Hojatollah Adibi",
  title =        "A stochastic optimal stopping model for storable
                 commodity prices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109941",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yasuhito Nishimori",
  title =        "A bidirectional hitting probability for the symmetric
                 {Hunt} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109942",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Offer Kella",
  title =        "On independence of time and cause",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109944",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruinan Li and Xinyu Wang",
  title =        "{Talagrand}'s transportation inequality for {SPDEs}
                 with locally monotone drifts",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109945",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuexiao Dong and Zeda Li",
  title =        "A note on marginal coordinate test in sufficient
                 dimension reduction",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109947",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Svante Janson",
  title =        "On a central limit theorem in renewal theory",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109948",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109966",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{January 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "204",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 7 14:25:14 MST 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kyong-Hui Kim and Jong-Kuk Kim and Myong Guk Sin",
  title =        "Pricing formula for a Barrier call option based on
                 stochastic delay differential equation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109943",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paul N. Patrone and Anthony J. Kearsley",
  title =        "Minimizing uncertainty in prevalence estimates",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109946",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan Ansari and Tomer Shushi and Steven
  title =        "Up- and down-correlations in normal variance mixture
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109949",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Itkin",
  title =        "{Generalized Rank Dirichlet} distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109950",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiequan Fan",
  title =        "Sharp moderate and large deviations for sample
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109951",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dongzhou Huang",
  title =        "The ``logarithmic scale'' {Minkowski} dimension of the
                 most visited sites of two-dimensional {Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109952",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yunshi Gao",
  title =        "Large deviations for mean field model in
                 {Erd{\H{o}}s--R{\'e}nyi} graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109953",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. Gatto",
  title =        "Stationary jump processes for planar directions
                 obtained by wrapping",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109955",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mario Lefebvre",
  title =        "Exact solution to a first-passage problem for an
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} process with jumps and its
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109956",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Benito Pires",
  title =        "{Lyapunov} function for interacting reinforced
                 stochastic processes via {Hopfield}'s energy function",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109957",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Terry J. Lyons and Vlad Margarint and Sina Nejad",
  title =        "Convergence to closed-form distribution for the
                 backward {$ {SLE_{\kappa }} $} at some random times and
                 the phase transition at {$ \kappa = 8 $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109958",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yongli Sang",
  title =        "Test for diagonal symmetry in high dimension",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109960",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guangshuo Zhou and Fengjiao Du and Shengjun Fan",
  title =        "Invariant representation for generators of general
                 time interval quadratic {BSDEs} under stochastic growth
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109961",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wen Su and Yaodi Yong",
  title =        "Estimating a {VaR}-type ruin measure by {Laguerre}
                 series expansion in classical compound {Poisson} risk
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109962",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lijuan Jie and Liangqing Luo and Hua Zhang",
  title =        "One-dimensional {McKean--Vlasov} stochastic {Volterra}
                 equations with {H{\"o}lder} diffusion coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109970",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John Hughes",
  title =        "A {Bayesian} tour of binomial inference",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109974",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
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  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109985",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{February 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "205",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:09 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ri Kyong-Il and Sin Myong-Guk",
  title =        "Existence and uniqueness of solution for fully coupled
                 fractional forward--backward stochastic differential
                 equations with delay and anticipated term",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109954",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ruinan Li and Beibei Zhang",
  title =        "A transportation inequality for reflected {SPDEs} on
                 infinite spatial domain",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109959",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wujing Fan and Shihu Li and Yu Li and Changxuan Wang",
  title =        "The exponential stability for locally monotone
                 stochastic partial differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109975",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fei Liang and Yidi Zhang and Shuangshuang Zhao",
  title =        "Blow-up solution to an abstract non-local stochastic
                 heat equation with {L{\'e}vy} noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109976",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wei He",
  title =        "Multi-dimensional mean-reflected {BSDEs} driven by
                 {$G$}-{Brownian} motion with time-varying
                 non-{Lipschitz} coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109977",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois Renaud",
  title =        "A note on the optimal dividends problem with
                 transaction costs in a spectrally negative {L{\'e}vy}
                 model with {Parisian} ruin",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109978",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuta Tanoue",
  title =        "Concentration inequality and the weak law of large
                 numbers for the sum of partly negatively dependent {$
                 \phi $} -subgaussian random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109979",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuning Liu and Guangying Lv",
  title =        "Almost sure polynomial stability and stabilization of
                 stochastic differential systems with impulsive
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109980",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marco Capaldo and Antonio {Di Crescenzo} and Franco
  title =        "Generalized {Gini}'s mean difference through
                 distortions and copulas, and related minimizing
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109981",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Swaroop Georgy Zachariah and Mohd. Arshad and Ashok
                 Kumar Pathak",
  title =        "A new class of copulas having dependence range larger
                 than {FGM}-type copulas",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109988",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yi-Shen Lin",
  title =        "A note on one-sided solutions for optimal stopping
                 problems driven by {L{\'e}vy} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109989",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexander Nazarov and Yulia Petrova",
  title =        "{$ L_2 $}-small ball asymptotics for some demeaned
                 {Gaussian} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109990",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanpeng Li and Boping Tian",
  title =        "On the sub-{Gaussianity} of the missing mass",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109991",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ge Li and Jicheng Liu",
  title =        "Fluctuation analysis of synchronized system",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109992",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fraser Daly",
  title =        "On {Stein}'s method for stochastically monotone
                 single-birth chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109993",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "He Song and Kainan Xiang",
  title =        "Note on locality of volume growth rate of graphs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109994",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lin Yu and Xue Mi",
  title =        "Weighted {Hardy--Orlicz}-amalgam spaces of
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109995",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kalyan Barman and Neelesh S. Upadhye",
  title =        "On {Stein} factors for {Laplace} approximation and
                 their application to random sums",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109996",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Adam Os{\k{e}}kowski",
  title =        "A sharp {$ L^p $} estimate for the total variation
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109997",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Niels Lundtorp Olsen",
  title =        "A new likelihood inequality for models with latent
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109998",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Bastian and H. Dette and L. Koletzko",
  title =        "Testing equivalence of multinomial distributions --- A
                 constrained bootstrap approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109999",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yong Chen and Shuolin Zhang and Hongjun Gao",
  title =        "Probabilistic global well-posedness to the nonlocal
                 {Degasperis--Procesi} equation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110000",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zachary Selk",
  title =        "Large deviations for high minima of {Gaussian}
                 processes with nonnegatively correlated increments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110001",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zengcai Chen",
  title =        "Lower deviation for the maximum of two-speed branching
                 {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110002",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoqiang Zeng and Yoshihide Kakizawa",
  title =        "Two-step conditional least squares estimation in
                 {ADCINAR(1)} process, revisited",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110003",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fanqun Li and Mingtao Zhao and Kongsheng Zhang",
  title =        "{Bayesian} adaptive Lasso estimation of large
                 graphical model based on modified {Cholesky}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110004",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stella Self and Melissa Nolan",
  title =        "A {Bayesian} spatial scan statistic for multinomial
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110005",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hsin-Lun Li",
  title =        "An imitation model based on the majority",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110007",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuliya Mishura and Kostiantyn Ralchenko",
  title =        "Fractional diffusion {Bessel} processes with {Hurst}
                 index {$ H \in (0, 1 / 2) $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110008",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shanqi Liu and Hongjun Gao",
  title =        "The {Onsager--Machlup} action functional for
                 degenerate stochastic differential equations in a class
                 of norms",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110009",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuping Song and Chunchun Cai and Huijue Mao and Min
  title =        "Self-weighted quantile regression estimation for
                 diffusion parameter in jump-diffusion models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
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  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110011",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110027",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{March 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "206",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 4 06:01:10 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jackson P. Lautier and Vladimir Pozdnyakov and Jun
  title =        "On the maximum likelihood estimation of a discrete,
                 finite support distribution under left-truncation and
                 competing risks",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "109973",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tetsuya Takabatake",
  title =        "Quasi-likelihood analysis of fractional {Brownian}
                 motion with constant drift under high-frequency
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110006",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lenka Glava{\v{s}} and Pavle Mladenovi{\'c}",
  title =        "Extremes in incomplete samples from moving averages of
                 random variables from the domain of attraction of the
                 {Gumbel} distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110012",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingjun Li and Zhangting Chen and Dongya Cheng and
                 Junyi Zhou",
  title =        "Uniform asymptotics for finite-time ruin probabilities
                 of a bidimensional compound risk model with stochastic
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110013",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thierry Klein and Paul Rochet",
  title =        "Efficiency of the averaged rank-based estimator for
                 first order {Sobol} index inference",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110015",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Terence Kevin Manfoumbi Djonguet and Alban Mbina Mbina
                 and Guy Martial Nkiet",
  title =        "Testing independence of functional variables by an
                 {Hilbert--Schmidt} independence criterion estimator",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110016",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Zhang and Shaojun Guo",
  title =        "Regularized covariance matrix estimation in high
                 dimensional approximate factor models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110017",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinxuan Zhao and Mei Zhang",
  title =        "Large deviations for sums associated with
                 supercritical branching process in a random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110019",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jixia Wang and Lu Sun and Yu Miao",
  title =        "Asymptotic behavior of weighted quadratic variation of
                 tempered fractional {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110020",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ritik Soni and Ashok Kumar Pathak",
  title =        "Generalized fractional negative binomial process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110021",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chengfeng Sun and Zhaoyang Qiu and Yanbin Tang",
  title =        "Ergodicity for two class stochastic partial
                 differential equations with anisotropic viscosity",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110022",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiuwei Yin and Guangjun Shen",
  title =        "On the small time large deviation principles of {$1$D}
                 stochastic {Landau--Lifshitz--Bloch} equation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110023",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rahul Roy and Subir Kumar Bhandari",
  title =        "Asymptotic {Bayes}' optimality under sparsity for
                 exchangeable dependent multivariate normal test
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110030",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Roberto Vila and Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan and Helton
  title =        "An upper bound and a characterization for {Gini}'s
                 mean difference based on correlated random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110032",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sujit Kumar Samanta and Aysha Parveen",
  title =        "A note on {Geo$^X$ /G/1} queueing system",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110033",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lorenzo Torricelli",
  title =        "On the convolution equivalence of tempered stable
                 distributions on the real line",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110034",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zheng-Yan Guo and Ze-Yu Tao and Ze-Chun Hu",
  title =        "A study on the negative binomial distribution
                 motivated by {Chv{\'a}tal's} theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110037",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bruce Levin and Erik Learned-Miller",
  title =        "Log-concavity of multinomial likelihood functions
                 under interval censoring constraints on frequencies or
                 their partial sums",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110039",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shaochen Wang and Yangchun Zhang",
  title =        "Moderate deviation principle for guesswork",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110042",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110065",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{April 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "207",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 2 15:43:11 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alfred Kume and Cristiano Villa and Stephen G.
  title =        "Optimal square-root pooling from expert opinions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110014",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "I. Rahimov and S. O. Sharipov",
  title =        "On deterministic approximation for nearly critical
                 branching processes with dependent immigration",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110031",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert M. Mnatsakanov and Denys Pommeret",
  title =        "On recovering the relative distribution, {Part 1}: the
                 moment-recovered approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110035",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hoang Nam Nguyen and Abdel Lisser and Vikas Vikram
  title =        "Random games under normal mean--variance mixture
                 distributed independent linear joint chance
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110036",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paavo Sattler and Georg Zimmermann",
  title =        "Choice of the hypothesis matrix for using the
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110038",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Amit N. Kumar and Poleen Kumar",
  title =        "A negative binomial approximation to the distribution
                 of the sum of maxima of indicator random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110040",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Decheng Feng and Gaihua Yang",
  title =        "Maximal inequalities and applications for reverse
                 demimartingales based on concave {Young} functions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110041",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Miao and Deli Li",
  title =        "A general logarithmic asymptotic behavior for partial
                 sums of i.i.d. random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110043",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samuel S. Santos and Marlon R. Moresco and Marcelo B.
                 Righi and Eduardo Horta",
  title =        "A note on the induction of comonotonic additive risk
                 measures from acceptance sets",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110044",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sebastian Arnold and Hammou {El Barmi} and Hari
                 Mukerjee and Johanna Ziegel",
  title =        "Estimating several survival functions under uniform
                 stochastic ordering",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110045",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stathis Chadjiconstantinidis and Serkan Eryilmaz",
  title =        "On $ \delta $-shock model with a change point in
                 intershock time distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110046",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huiyan Zhao and Yupei Huang",
  title =        "Random {Dirichlet} series with $ \alpha $-stable
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110047",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuanci Wang and Bin Zhang",
  title =        "Target selection in shrinkage estimation of covariance
                 matrix: a structural similarity approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110048",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Patrik Nummi and Lauri Viitasaari",
  title =        "Necessary and sufficient conditions for continuity of
                 hypercontractive processes and fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110049",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. A. Lifshts and I. M. Lialinov",
  title =        "Intersections of {Zipf} random sets: Maximal weighted
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110050",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jason Fulman",
  title =        "Beta approximation for the two alleles {Moran} model
                 by {Stein}'s method",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110051",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ismihan Bayramoglu and Alexei Stepanov",
  title =        "Asymptotic properties of $m$-th spacings based on
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110052",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ulises P{\'e}rez-Cendejas and Gerardo
  title =        "Stochastic ordering for hitting times of fractional
                 {Brownian} motions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110053",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hamidreza Maleki Almani and Foad Shokrollahi and Tommi
  title =        "Prediction of {Gaussian} {Volterra} processes with
                 compound {Poisson} jumps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110054",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeffrey Zhang and Wei Li and Wang Miao and Eric
                 Tchetgen Tchetgen",
  title =        "Corrigendum to {``Proximal causal inference without
                 uniqueness assumptions'' [Statistics and Probability
                 Letters {\bf 198} (2023) 1--8/109836]}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Zhang:2023:PCI}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110055",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lu{\'\i}sa Borsato and Eduardo Horta and Rafael
                 Rig{\~a}o Souza",
  title =        "Product disintegrations: a law of large numbers via
                 conditional independence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110056",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Criens and Lars Niemann",
  title =        "A class of multidimensional nonlinear diffusions with
                 the {Feller} property",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110057",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Aqi Dong and Volodymyr Melnykov",
  title =        "Contaminated {Kent} mixture model for clustering
                 non-spherical directional data with heavy tails or
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110058",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Istv{\'a}n Fazekas and Borb{\'a}la Fazekas and Michael
                 Ochieng Suja",
  title =        "Convergence rate for the longest {$T$}-contaminated
                 runs of heads",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110059",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Quan Huu Do and Binh T. Nguyen and Lam Si Tung Ho",
  title =        "A generalization bound of deep neural networks for
                 dependent data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110060",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Valery B. Nevzorov and Alexei Stepanov",
  title =        "On uppermost discrete spacing",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110061",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hugo Bodory and Lorenzo Camponovo and Martin Huber and
                 Michael Lechner",
  title =        "Nonparametric bootstrap for propensity score matching
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110069",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jialin Zhang and Jingyi Shi",
  title =        "Nonparametric clustering of discrete probability
                 distributions with generalized {Shannon}'s entropy and
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110070",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xin Wen and Yang Li and Zemin Zheng",
  title =        "Scalable efficient reproducible multi-task learning
                 via data splitting",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110071",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Takumi Imamura and Hiroki Masuda and Hayato Tajima",
  title =        "On local likelihood asymptotics for {Gaussian}
                 mixed-effects model with system noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110074",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiao Li",
  title =        "Nearly minimax empirical {Bayesian} prediction of
                 independent {Poisson} observables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110075",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Takahiko Fujita and Shotaro Yagishita and Naohiro
  title =        "Some martingale properties of the simple random walk
                 and its maximum process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110076",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. {Vilela Mendes}",
  title =        "On a family of {L{\'e}vy} processes without support in
                 {$ {\cal S}^\prime $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110077",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tristan Senga Kiess{\'e} and Gilles Durrieu",
  title =        "On a discrete symmetric optimal associated kernel for
                 estimating count data distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110078",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bo Hu and Dennis K. J. Lin and Fasheng Sun",
  title =        "Mixed-level screening designs based on skew-symmetric
                 conference matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110079",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiawei Liu",
  title =        "A scaling limit of controlled branching processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110081",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110099",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{May 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 5 06:27:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Libo Li and Zhuoshu Wu",
  title =        "Defaultable perpetual {American} put option in a last
                 passage time model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110018",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thomas Fung and Eugene Seneta",
  title =        "A theorem on the asymptotics of skew-normal type
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110080",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John Fernley and Emmanuel Jacob",
  title =        "A universal right tail upper bound for supercritical
                 {Galton--Watson} processes with bounded offspring",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110082",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qikun Chen and Michael Stewart",
  title =        "Optimal detection of sparse gamma scale admixture with
                 twice the null mean",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110083",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sam Efromovich",
  title =        "Nonparametric density estimation over its unknown
                 support for right censored data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110084",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dongying Wang and Qi Zhou",
  title =        "A maximum projective stratification criterion for
                 selecting space-filling designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110085",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Soumen Manna and Ashish Das",
  title =        "Optimal choice designs for the main effects plus
                 specified two-factor interaction effects model for
                 binary attributes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110086",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Felipe Osorio and {\'A}ngelo G{\'a}rate and Cibele M.
  title =        "The gradient test statistic for outlier detection in
                 generalized estimating equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110087",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Huimin Li and Jinru Wang",
  title =        "Sparse basis covariance matrix estimation for high
                 dimensional compositional data via hard thresholding",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110088",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Twan Koperberg",
  title =        "Couplings and Matchings: Combinatorial notes on
                 {Strassen}'s theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110089",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robin Kaiser and Ecaterina Sava-Huss",
  title =        "Random rotor walks and i.i.d. sandpiles on
                 {Sierpi{\'n}ski} graphs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110090",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alina Kargol",
  title =        "On the local compactness of spaces of positive
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110091",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shambhu Nath Maurya",
  title =        "Limiting spectral distribution of {Toeplitz} and
                 {Hankel} matrices with dependent entries",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110092",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Miao and Qing Yin",
  title =        "{Cram{\'e}r's} moderate deviations for the {LS}
                 estimator of the autoregressive processes in the
                 neighborhood of the unit root",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110093",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Filip Bo{\v{c}}inec and Stanislav Nagy",
  title =        "Conditions for equality in {Anderson}'s theorem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110094",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Raouf Fakhfakh and Omar Alzeley",
  title =        "{Cauchy--Stieltjes Kernel} families: Some properties",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110095",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qianyong Wu and Jiang Hu",
  title =        "A spectral based goodness-of-fit test for stochastic
                 block models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110104",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jorge M. Arevalillo",
  title =        "On the empirical approximation to quantiles from
                 {Lugannani--Rice} saddlepoint formula",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110105",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Martin L. Hazelton and Masoud Karimi",
  title =        "When lattice bases are {Markov} bases",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110106",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Gomtsyan and C. L{\'e}vy-Leduc and S. Ouadah and L.
  title =        "Sign consistent estimation in a sparse {Poisson}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110107",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110125",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{June 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "209",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 6 09:40:02 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Magda Peligrad and Hailin Sang and Na Zhang",
  title =        "On the local limit theorems for linear sequences of
                 lower psi-mixing {Markov} chains",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110108",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuang Li and Jie Xiong",
  title =        "{SIR} epidemic model with non-{Lipschitz} stochastic
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110109",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tiffany Y. Y. Lo and Aihua Xia",
  title =        "On the rate of normal approximation for {Poisson}
                 continuum percolation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110110",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Panayiotis Bobotas and Markos V. Koutras",
  title =        "On the preservation of ageing properties under random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110111",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Julian Sester",
  title =        "A multi-marginal $c$-convex duality theorem for
                 martingale optimal transport",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110112",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jialin Zhang and Zhiyi Zhang",
  title =        "A normal test for independence via generalized mutual
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110113",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Rao Jammalamadaka and Kaushik Ghosh and Sridhar
  title =        "Testing uniformity on the circle using spacings when
                 data are rounded",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110114",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ehyter M. Mart{\'\i}n-Gonz{\'a}lez and Antonio
                 Murillo-Salas and Henry Pant{\'\i}",
  title =        "A note on series representation for the {$q$}-scale
                 function of a class of spectrally negative {L{\'e}vy}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110115",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dan Cheng",
  title =        "Smooth {Mat{\'e}rn} {Gaussian} random fields: {Euler}
                 characteristic, expected number and height distribution
                 of critical points",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110116",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Davide Giraudo",
  title =        "Some notes on ergodic theorem for {$U$}-statistics of
                 order $m$ for stationary and not necessarily ergodic
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110117",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kimihiro Noguchi and Mayla C. Ward",
  title =        "Asymptotic optimality of the square-root
                 transformation on the gamma distribution using the
                 {Kullback--Leibler} information number criterion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110118",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuecai Han and Guanyu Wu",
  title =        "{H{\"o}lder} continuity of stochastic heat equation
                 with rough {Gaussian} noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110119",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuhui Zhang and Yi Zhao",
  title =        "Explicit representation of invariant measures for
                 $2$-death processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110120",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rong-Li Liu and Yan-Xia Ren and Yingrui Wang",
  title =        "Coalescence times for critical {Galton--Watson}
                 processes with immigration",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110121",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yasuyuki Hamura and Kaoru Irie and Shonosuke
  title =        "Posterior robustness with milder conditions:
                 Contamination models revisited",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110130",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Minwoo Chae",
  title =        "{Wasserstein} upper bounds of {$ L^p $} -norms for
                 multivariate densities in {Besov} spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110131",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110141",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{July 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "210",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Apr 25 17:17:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qiang Zhang",
  title =        "A novel dual-criterion framework for change point
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110132",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sarah Pirenne and Gerda Claeskens",
  title =        "Exact post-selection inference for adjusted {$R$}
                 squared selection",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110133",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhangting Chen and Dongya Cheng",
  title =        "Precise large deviations for non-centralized sums of
                 partial sums and random sums of heavy-tailed {END}
                 random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110134",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuli Geng and Lixin Zhang",
  title =        "Decorrelated empirical likelihood for generalized
                 linear models with high-dimensional longitudinal data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110135",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peter J. Forrester",
  title =        "On the gamma difference distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110136",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qian Li and Li Wang",
  title =        "Option pricing under jump diffusion model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110137",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Neil A. Spencer and Jeffrey W. Miller",
  title =        "Strong uniform laws of large numbers for bootstrap
                 means and other randomly weighted sums",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110144",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ziling Cheng",
  title =        "Occupation times for age-structured branching
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110145",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bing Guo and Xueping Chen and Xiaodi Wang",
  title =        "Component projection balanced designs for order of
                 addition experiments",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110146",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lucio Barabesi and Luca Pratelli",
  title =        "An inequality for the total variation distance between
                 high-dimensional centered {Gaussian} laws",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110148",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anders Bredahl Kock and David Preinerstorfer",
  title =        "A remark on moment-dependent phase transitions in
                 high-dimensional {Gaussian} approximations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110149",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Umberto {De Ambroggio} and Hiu Ching Yip",
  title =        "Degree evolution in a general growing network",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110151",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Youri Davydov and Vladimir Rotar",
  title =        "The distribution of argmaximum or a winner problem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110152",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110161",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{August 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "211",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 28 06:36:43 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiayang Zhao and Jie Liu and Yuting Su",
  title =        "Consistent two-stage estimation in heterogeneous
                 network autoregressive model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110147",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nikolaos Kolliopoulos and David Sanchez and Amy Xiao",
  title =        "Large-population asymptotics for the maximum of
                 diffusive particles with mean-field interaction in the
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110150",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Toihir Soulaimana Djaloud and Cheikh Tidiane Seck",
  title =        "Nonparametric kernel estimation of conditional copula
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110154",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi and Aldo Tagliani and
                 Mariyan Milev",
  title =        "Indeterminate {Hamburger} moment problem: Entropy
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110155",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommaso Lando",
  title =        "Nonparametric inference for {NBUE} distributions based
                 on the {TTT} transform",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110157",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110178",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{September 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "212",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 10 06:44:13 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Pingbo Hu and Xiuyuan Peng and Xinglin Hu",
  title =        "Some new asymptotic results for series estimation
                 under clustered dependence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110156",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuttana Ratibenyakool and Kritsana Neammanee",
  title =        "Rate of convergence of trinomial formula to
                 {Black--Scholes} formula",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110167",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ping Chen and Tusheng Zhang",
  title =        "Exponential ergodicity for reflected {SDEs} with
                 interaction in a multidimensional general domain",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110168",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Oleksii Galganov and Andrii Ilienko",
  title =        "Short cycles of random permutations with cycle
                 weights: Point processes approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110169",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paul Kabaila",
  title =        "On {Yu} and {Hoff}'s confidence intervals for
                 treatment means",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110170",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Koya Endo and Yumiharu Nakano",
  title =        "Weak approximation of {Schr{\"o}dinger--F{\"o}llmer}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110171",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tianshi Lu",
  title =        "Isotropic random tangential vector fields on spheres",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110172",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lijian Yang",
  title =        "Exact quantiles of {Gaussian} process extremes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110173",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiangyu Huang",
  title =        "On negative correlation of {Arboreal Gas} for specific
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110174",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Samuel Perreault",
  title =        "Simultaneous computation of {Kendall}'s tau and its
                 jackknife variance",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110181",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alexis Derumigny and Johannes Schmidt-Hieber",
  title =        "Lower bounds for the trade-off between bias and mean
                 absolute deviation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110182",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jie Jiang and Lichun Wang",
  title =        "{Bayes} minimax estimator of the mean vector in an
                 elliptically contoured distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110186",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bora Kim and Myoung-jae Lee",
  title =        "Instrument-residual estimator for multi-valued
                 instruments under full monotonicity",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110187",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Deepankar Basu",
  title =        "{Frisch--Waugh--Lovell} theorem-type results for the
                 $k$-Class and {2SGMM} estimators",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110188",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bushra Husain and Fariha Aslam",
  title =        "{Weighted Simplex Centroid Mixture Experiments} for
                 third order {Becker}'s models: the {$R$}-optimal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110189",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lin Xie and Wenqing Ni and Shuicao Zheng and Guowei
  title =        "The existence and smoothness of self-intersection
                 local time for a class of {Gaussian} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110190",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kon-Gun Kim and Mun-Chol Kim and Ho-Jin Hwang",
  title =        "Representation of solutions to quadratic {2BSDEs} with
                 unbounded terminal values",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110191",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Raju Bhakta and Suchandan Kayal and Narayanaswamy
  title =        "Ordering results between two multiple-outlier finite $
                 \delta $-mixtures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110193",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110209",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{October 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "213",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 6 15:44:35 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hafida Guerbyenne and Fay{\c{c}}al Hamdi and Malika
  title =        "The {$ \log {\rm GARCH} $} stochastic volatility
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110185",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Utpal Jyoti Deba Sarma and Dharmaraja Selvamuthu",
  title =        "Study of discrete-time {Hawkes} process and its
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110192",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinna Ye",
  title =        "From law of the iterated logarithm to {Zolotarev}
                 distance for supercritical branching processes in
                 random environment",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110194",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dennis D. Boos and Shannon Ari and Roger L. Berger",
  title =        "Exact partially conditional binomial analysis for
                 multinomial data in $ 2 \times 2 $ tables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110195",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaochang Wang and Shui Feng and Yiping Guo and Bruno
                 N. R{\'e}millard",
  title =        "Large deviations for the {Yule--Walker} estimator of
                 near critical autoregressive processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110196",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhenlong Chen and Peng Xu",
  title =        "Higher-order derivative of local times for space--time
                 anisotropic {Gaussian} random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110197",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian H. Wei{\ss}",
  title =        "On higher-order moments of {INGARCH} processes",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110198",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P{\'e}ter Kevei",
  title =        "Branching processes with immigration in a random
                 environment --- The {Grincevi{\v{c}}ius--Grey} setup",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110199",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Steffen Lauritzen",
  title =        "Total variation convergence preserves conditional
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110200",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mohamed Kayid",
  title =        "Further results involving residual and past extropy
                 with their applications",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110201",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xuekang Zhang and Chengzhe Huang and Shounian Deng",
  title =        "Nonparametric estimation for periodic stochastic
                 differential equations driven by {$G$}-{Brownian}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110202",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingzhou Xu and Xuhang Kong",
  title =        "Complete $q$-th moment convergence of moving average
                 processes for $m$-widely acceptable random variables
                 under sub-linear expectations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110203",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Vishwakarma and K. K. Kataria",
  title =        "On integrals of birth--death processes at random
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110204",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Lanchier and Max Mercer",
  title =        "Limiting behavior of a kindness model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110205",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Claudia {Di Caterina} and Davide Ferrari",
  title =        "Model selection by pathwise marginal likelihood
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110214",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fuxia Cheng",
  title =        "The integrated absolute error of the kernel error
                 distribution estimator in the first-order
                 autoregression model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110215",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Min Li and Chengming Huang and Nan Wang",
  title =        "A variation of constant formula for {Caputo--Hadamard}
                 fractional stochastic differential equations {$^{\star
                 } $}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110216",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Laura Bondi and Marcello Pagano and Marco Bonetti",
  title =        "The sparsity index in {Poisson} size-biased sampling:
                 Algorithms for the optimal unbiased estimation from
                 small samples",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110217",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shanqi Pang and Yan Zhu and Xiao Lin",
  title =        "Some new families of asymmetric nested orthogonal
                 arrays with any strength",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110219",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yawen Zhang and Caibin Zhang",
  title =        "{Stackelberg} differential reinsurance and investment
                 game for a dependent risk model with
                 {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110223",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kateryna Akbash and Natalia Doronina and Ivan Matsak",
  title =        "On the asymptotic properties of extreme values of
                 discrete random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110224",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Zhang and Long Feng",
  title =        "Adaptive rank-based tests for high dimensional mean
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110226",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110235",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{November 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "214",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 8 12:37:34 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alberto Fern{\'a}ndez-de-Marcos and Eduardo
  title =        "A stereographic test of spherical uniformity",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110218",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yanfang Li and Guohuan Zhao",
  title =        "{Euler--Maruyama} scheme for {SDE} driven by
                 {L{\'e}vy} process with {H{\"o}lder} drift",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110220",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ramkumar Kasinathan and Ravikumar Kasinathan and
                 Dimplekumar Chalishajar and Dumitru Baleanu and
                 Varshini Sandrasekaran",
  title =        "The averaging principle of {Hilfer} fractional
                 stochastic pantograph equations with non-{Lipschitz}
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110221",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shuyang Bai and Jiemiao Chen",
  title =        "Empirical limit theorems for {Wiener} chaos",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110222",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yang Lv and Guoyou Qin and Zhongyi Zhu",
  title =        "Population-level information for improving quantile
                 regression efficiency",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110227",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. V. Shpilev",
  title =        "{$D$}-optimal designs for a multidimensional
                 second-degree polynomial model with no intercept",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110228",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Timothy W. Waite",
  title =        "Replication in random translation designs",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110229",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Antonio Forcina and Valentino Dardanoni",
  title =        "Methods for testing the random utility model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110230",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yining Wang and Michael P. McDermott",
  title =        "On the unbiasedness of the likelihood ratio test for
                 the multivariate one-sided problem",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110231",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Markus Kreer and Ayse Kizilersu and Anthony W.
  title =        "When is the discrete {Weibull} distribution infinitely
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110238",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ya Wang and Linjiajie Fang and Bingyi Jing",
  title =        "Adapted {Chatterjee} correlation coefficient",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110241",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ebrahim Amini-Seresht and Baha-Eldin Khaledi and
                 Salman Izadkhah",
  title =        "Stochastic comparison of parallel systems with
                 heterogeneous dependent exponential components",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110242",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Christian D{\"o}bler",
  title =        "The {Berry--Esseen} bound in {de Jong}'s {CLT}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110244",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingao Yuan",
  title =        "Asymptotic coarse {Ricci} curvature of inhomogeneous
                 random graph",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110245",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Majid Mojirsheibani and Arin Khudaverdyan",
  title =        "A kernel-type regression estimator for {NMAR} response
                 variables with applications to classification",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110246",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110263",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{December 2024}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "215",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 3 14:09:47 MDT 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kaixin Yan and Ruixing Ming and Haibin Wang and
                 Wenyuan Wang",
  title =        "On the moments of dividends and capital injections
                 under a variant type of {Parisian} ruin",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110225",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaojun Song and Zixin Yang",
  title =        "Unified specification tests in partially linear
                 quantile regression models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110243",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yong Lin and Mian Huang",
  title =        "Penalized composite likelihood estimation for hidden
                 {Markov} models with unknown number of states",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110247",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nguyen Van Quang and Nguyen Van Huan and Phan Tri
  title =        "Convergence rates in the limit theorems for random
                 sums of $m$-orthogonal random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110248",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. C. Jones and N. Balakrishnan",
  title =        "On absolute moment-based upper bounds for
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110249",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dennis Nieman and Michel Mandjes and Liron Ravner",
  title =        "Input estimation from discrete workload observations
                 in a {L{\'e}vy}-driven storage system",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110250",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yu Chen and Zongqing Hu and Jie Hu and Lei Shu",
  title =        "Block structure-based covariance tensor decomposition
                 for group identification in matrix variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110251",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lichun Dai and Pengfei Liu and Yiming Liu and Guangren
  title =        "The quantile-based empirical likelihood for the
                 difference of quantiles",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110252",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shengtao Dai and Xiaojun Song",
  title =        "Consistent tests for semiparametric conditional
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110253",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaohong Chen and Yanping Yi",
  title =        "Information bounds for {Gaussian} copula parameter in
                 stationary semiparametric {Markov} models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110254",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Junpeng Li and Guanghui Li and Wei Leng and Chongqi
                 Zhang and Hongyu Su",
  title =        "Construction of weighted efficiency optimal designs
                 for experiments with mixtures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110255",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Shaul K. Bar-Lev and G{\'e}rard Letac",
  title =        "Chainability of infinitely divisible measures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110256",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arnaud Marsiglietti and Puja Pandey",
  title =        "A note on statistical distances for discrete
                 log-concave measures",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110257",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mingyang Sun",
  title =        "{Cram{\'e}r} type moderate deviation for random walks
                 conditioned to stay positive",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110258",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Li Yang",
  title =        "Homogenization for singularly perturbed stochastic
                 wave equations with {H{\"o}lder} continuous
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110259",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "David Oakes",
  title =        "On the intransitivity of the win ratio",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110267",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yingqiu Li and Xin Zhang and Zhan Lu and Sheng Xiao",
  title =        "Exact convergence rate of the central limit theorem
                 and polynomial convergence rate for branching processes
                 in a random environment",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110268",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert E. Gaunt and Siqi Li and Heather L. Sutcliffe",
  title =        "A {Stein} characterisation of the distribution of the
                 product of correlated normal random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110269",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhehao Zhang and Ruina Xing",
  title =        "Multivariate {Hawkes} process allowing for common
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110270",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Qing Ji and Jicheng Liu",
  title =        "Strong convergence of multi-scale stochastic
                 differential equations with a full dependence",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110271",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. T. Huong and P. T. Anh",
  title =        "On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to bilinear
                 {Caputo} stochastic fractional differential equations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110272",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zongkui Fu and Dandan Fei",
  title =        "General mean-field reflected backward stochastic
                 differential equations with locally monotone
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110273",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lijian Yang",
  title =        "Continuity of {Gaussian} extreme distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110274",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tomasz J. Kozubowski and Dorota M{\l}ynarczyk and Anna
                 K. Panorska",
  title =        "Waiting time representation of discrete
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110275",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bara Kim and Jeongsim Kim",
  title =        "Extension of a strong form of the three-dimensional
                 {Gaussian} product inequality",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110276",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hiroshi Saigo",
  title =        "Mean square error and variance estimation of the
                 sample ratio under {Lahiri}'s design",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110277",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sambit Panda and Cencheng Shen and Ronan Perry and
                 Jelle Zorn and Antoine Lutz and Carey E. Priebe and
                 Joshua T. Vogelstein",
  title =        "Universally consistent K-sample tests via dependence
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110278",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kai Wang and Hongjie Fan and Yanling Zhu",
  title =        "Stationary distribution of a stochastic generalized
                 {SIRI} epidemic model with reinfection and relapse",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110279",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jiang Cheng and Chao Deng and Shuyan Liu and Xudong
  title =        "An equilibrium model of reinsurance pricing",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110280",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paek Il-Kwang and Kang Chol-Su and Kim Kyong-Hui",
  title =        "Pricing formula of Lookback option in stochastic delay
                 differential equation model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110283",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ryan McFadden and Fraser Daly and Seva Shneer",
  title =        "Optimal curing rate allocation in the {SIS} epidemic
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110284",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Soham Gokhale",
  title =        "Well-posedness for the stochastic
                 {Landau--Lifshitz--Gilbert} equation with helicity
                 driven by jump noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110285",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dingwen Zhang",
  title =        "Statistical inference for {Ornstein--Uhlenbeck}
                 processes based on low-frequency observations",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110286",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110299",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{January 2025}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "216",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 6 08:38:12 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kang Wang and Na Zou and Hong Qin",
  title =        "Generalized wordlength enumerator for asymmetrical
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110281",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rajeev Bhaskaran and Stefan Tappe",
  title =        "A note on invariant manifolds for stochastic partial
                 differential equations in the framework of the
                 variational approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110282",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ying Huang and Jun Peng",
  title =        "Minimizing the penalized goal-reaching probability
                 with multiple dependent risks",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110287",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tommy Wright",
  title =        "Optimal tightening of the {KWW} joint confidence
                 region for a ranking",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110288",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Issey Sukeda and Tomonari Sei",
  title =        "{Frank} copula is minimum information copula under
                 fixed {Kendall}'s $ \tau $",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110289",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chi Zhang and Danna Zhang",
  title =        "Probability and moment inequalities for quadratic
                 forms in independent random variables with fat tails",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
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  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110290",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Lijian Yang",
  title =        "Strict monotonicity of stochastic process extreme
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110292",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Minyuan Lu and Bu Zhou",
  title =        "A one-way {MANOVA} test for high-dimensional data
                 using clustering subspaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110293",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Keyi Mou and Zhiming Li and Jinlong Cheng",
  title =        "Parameter estimation and hypothesis tests in logistic
                 model for complex correlated data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110294",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. A. Christen and F. J. Rubio",
  title =        "On harmonic oscillator hazard functions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110304",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Timofei Shashkov",
  title =        "Ruin probability approximation for bidimensional
                 {Brownian} risk model with tax",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110305",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jianan Shi and Zhenhong Yu and Yu Miao",
  title =        "A supplement to the large deviations of infinite
                 weighted sums of heavy tailed random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110306",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110316",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{February 2025}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "217",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 26 07:21:01 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alfred Kume and Tomonari Sei and Andrew T. A. Wood",
  title =        "On the representation and computational aspects of the
                 distribution of a linear combination of independent
                 noncentral chi-squared random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110291",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Chaegeun Song and Bing Li",
  title =        "On exact {Bayesian} credible sets for discrete
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110295",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yiqing Chen",
  title =        "The heavy-tail behavior of the difference of two
                 dependent random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110307",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Wenxuan Chen and Zhi Qu",
  title =        "{Berry--Esseen} expansion and {Cram{\'e}r}-type large
                 deviation for run and tumble particles on one
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110308",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Clemente Ferrer and Ronny Vallejos",
  title =        "Is the effective sample size always less than $n$ ?
                 {A} spatial regression approach",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110309",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Ejaz Ahmed and Mohamed Amezziane and Keshab Dahal",
  title =        "Improving the {Bickel--Rosenblatt} global measure of
                 deviation and goodness-of-fit test",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110310",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peng Lai and Zhou Wang and Yurong Zhang",
  title =        "Semi-supervised estimation of a single-index
                 varying-coefficient model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110312",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yinbing Zhou and Dawei Lu",
  title =        "The first exit time of fractional {Brownian} motion
                 from an unbounded domain",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110319",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  articleno =    "110334",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{March 2025}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "218",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Thu Dec 12 08:55:51 MST 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiaoxue Han and Chong Sheng and Min-Qian Liu",
  title =        "Optimal split-plot designs under individual word
                 length patterns",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110311",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hui Jiang and Jing Wang",
  title =        "Moderate deviations for the number of descents in a
                 random permutation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110320",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhigang Yao and Bin Zhang and Junfeng Liu",
  title =        "Transportation cost-information inequality for
                 stochastic wave equation with spatially inhomogeneous
                 white noise",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110321",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Sergio Palomo and Jamol Pender",
  title =        "The maximum overlap time in the {M/M/1} queue",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110322",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Axel B{\"u}cher and Torben Staud",
  title =        "On the maximal correlation coefficient for the
                 bivariate {Marshall Olkin} distribution",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110323",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stefanos Theodorakopoulos",
  title =        "New proofs to measurable, predictable and optional
                 section theorems",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110324",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ha-Young Shin and Hee-Seok Oh",
  title =        "Geometric quantile-based measures of multivariate
                 distributional characteristics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110325",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ye Xia",
  title =        "Almost sure convergence of the waiting time for a
                 {G/G/1} queue in heavy traffic",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110326",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bara Kim and Jeongsim Kim",
  title =        "Limiting distribution for infinite-server batch
                 service queues",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110327",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Peng Chen and Tianyi Qi and Ting Zhang",
  title =        "Stable approximation for call function via {Stein}'s
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110328",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Suprio Bhar and Ritwik Mukherjee and Prathmesh Patil",
  title =        "{Kac}'s central limit theorem by {Stein}'s method",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110329",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Saptati Datta and Riana Guha and Rachael Shudde and
                 Valen E. Johnson",
  title =        "{Bayes} factors functions based on test statistics and
                 non-local moment prior densities",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110330",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Farrukh Javed and Nicola Loperfido and Stepan Mazur",
  title =        "The method of moments for multivariate random sums in
                 the {Poisson}-Skew-Normal case",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110338",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Robert E. Gaunt",
  title =        "On {Stein} factors in {Stein}'s method for normal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110339",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nabaneet Das and Subir Kumar Bhandari",
  title =        "{FWER} for normal distribution in nearly independent
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110340",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Logachov and A. Yambartsev",
  title =        "The law of the iterated logarithm for functionals of
                 the {Wiener} process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110341",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tobias Schmidt",
  title =        "Explicit bounds for a {Gaussian} decomposition Lemma
                 of {Sellke}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110342",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xinwei Feng and Lu Wang",
  title =        "Two-barriers-reflected {BSDE} with rank-based data",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110343",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Haiqi Li and Jing Zhang and Chaowen Zheng",
  title =        "Functional-coefficient quantile cointegrating
                 regression with stationary covariates",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110344",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dankmar B{\"o}hning and Sunisa Junnumtuam",
  title =        "Some general points for inflation models",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110346",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicola Loperfido",
  title =        "Matrix reshaping for statistics",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110347",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Taiwo Fagbohungbe and Liangliang Zhang and Xuan Cao",
  title =        "Sparse inverse covariance selection with mass-nonlocal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110348",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hugo Panzo",
  title =        "{Sylvester}'s problem for random walks and bridges",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110349",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paulo C. Marques F.",
  title =        "Universal distribution of the empirical coverage in
                 split conformal prediction",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110350",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kaicheng Ni and Heling Su and Jiahui Zhu",
  title =        "The stochastic {MHD} equations driven by pure jump
                 noise in {$ L^p $} spaces",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110351",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jinghan Wang and Yufeng Shi and Nana Zhao",
  title =        "A general type of weak comparison theorems for
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110353",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zilong Cao and Shisong Wu and Xuanang Li and Hai
  title =        "Differentially private histogram with valid
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110354",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Xiao Lin and Shanqi Pang",
  title =        "Construction of asymmetric resolvable orthogonal
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110355",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paavo Sattler and Manuel Rosenbaum",
  title =        "Choice of the hypothesis matrix for using the
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110356",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuexin Fang and Xiangyong Tan and Qian Li",
  title =        "Estimation of the optimal treatment regimes with
                 multiple treatments under proportional hazards model",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110357",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Liuping Hu and Kashinath Chatterjee and Jianhui Ning
                 and Hong Qin",
  title =        "Construction of mixed-level designs with minimum
                 discrete discrepancy",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110358",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110370",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{April 2025}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "219",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 10:27:20 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ioannis Markou",
  title =        "A simple consensus model for an increasing population of agents with i.i.d incoming opinions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110345",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "V{\'\i}ctor Pe{\~n}a and Michael Jauch",
  title =        "Properties of the generalized inverse {Gaussian} with applications to {Monte Carlo} simulation and distribution function evaluation",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110359",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Tim Kutta",
  title =        "Approximately mixing time series",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110360",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zongkui Fu and Dandan Fei",
  title =        "Mean-field fractional {BSDEs} with locally monotone coefficients",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110361",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nana Luan and Li Wang",
  title =        "The asymptotic behaviors for branching $ \alpha $-stable process",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110362",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "George Stoica and Deli Li",
  title =        "Logarithmic scale asymptotics for random walks with {Weibull}-like upper tail distributions",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110363",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicolas Chenavier and Ahmad Darwiche",
  title =        "{Poisson} approximation and {$ D(u_{n}) $} condition for extremes of transient random walks in random sceneries",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110364",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jing Chen and Ming Li and Kaige Zhao and Baisen Liu",
  title =        "A new maximum-type test for high-dimensional correlation matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110365",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Prabhu Babu and Petre Stoica",
  title =        "{CellMCD+}: an improved outlier-resistant cellwise minimum covariance determinant method",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110366",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110390",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{May 2025}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "220",
  number =       "??",
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  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 26 09:46:30 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yiwei Shi and Huisheng Shu and Chunyang Wang and
                 Xuekang Zhang",
  title =        "Parameter estimation for {Cox--Ingersoll--Ross}
                 process with two-sided reflections",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110352",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Zhaorui Dong and Jianfeng Yao",
  title =        "Necessary and sufficient conditions for the
                 {Marc{\u{e}}nko--Pastur} law for sample correlation
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110377",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Guozheng Dai and Zhonggen Su",
  title =        "Deviation inequalities for the spectral norm of
                 structured random matrices",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110378",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Ismaila Bald{\'e}",
  title =        "The oracle property of the generalized
                 outcome-adaptive lasso",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110379",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jonathan B. Hill",
  title =        "Mixingale and physical dependence equality with
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110380",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Charles El-Nouty",
  title =        "On the increments of some extensions of the fractional
                 {Brownian} motion",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110381",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yiqing Lin and Kun Xu",
  title =        "Propagation of chaos for mean-field reflected {BSDEs}
                 with jumps",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110382",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Kayid and M. Shrahili",
  title =        "Sufficient conditions for relative aging orders of $
                 (n - k + 1) $-out-of-$n$ systems",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110383",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Vitalii Makogin and Evgeny Spodarev",
  title =        "A short memory condition for infinitely divisible
                 random fields",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110385",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dagmara Dudek and Anna Kuczmaszewska",
  title =        "The {Bahadur} representation for sample quantiles of $
                 \rho $-mixing random variables",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110386",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Editorial Board}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  articleno =    "110402",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{June 2025}",
  journal =      j-STAT-PROB-LETT,
  volume =       "221",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2025",
  CODEN =        "SPLTDC",
  ISSN =         "0167-7152 (print), 1879-2103 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-7152",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 5 07:33:07 MST 2025",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Stat. Probab. Lett.",
  fjournal =     "Statistics \& Probability Letters",
  journal-URL =  "",