@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
University of Utah,
Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
155 S 1400 E RM 233,
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
e-mail: \path|[email protected]|,
\path|[email protected]|,
\path|[email protected]| (Internet),
URL: \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|"}
@String{pub-IEEE = "IEEE Computer Society Press"}
@String{pub-IEEE:adr = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300,
Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"}
author = "E. Angerson and Z. Bai and J. Dongarra and A.
Greenbaum and A. McKenney and J. {Du Croz} and S.
Hammarling and J. Demmel and C. Bischof and D.
title = "{LAPACK}: {A} portable linear algebra library for
high-performance computers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "2--11",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C7310 (Mathematics)",
corpsource = "Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN, USA",
keywords = "block matrix operations; block operations; eigenvalue
problems; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions;
functionality; inner loops; LAPACK; linear equations;
linear least-squares problems; matrix algebra;
matrix-matrix multiplication; memory hierarchy;
portable linear algebra library; relative accuracy;
software portability; subroutines",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "D. Chen",
title = "Hierarchical blocking and data flow analysis for
numerical linear algebra",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "12--19",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C6110 (Systems analysis and
programming); C7310 (Mathematics)",
corpsource = "Center for Appl. Math., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY,
keywords = "BLAS2; BLAS3; data flow analysis; data flow direction;
hierarchical blocking; hierarchical memory systems; IBM
RISC System/6000 Model 530; leading dimensions; linear
algebra; matrix algebra; numerical linear algebra;
optimization; pipeline processing; pipelining",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "R. W. Johnson and C.-H. Huang and J. R. Johnson",
title = "Multilinear algebra and parallel programming",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "20--31",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C6110 (Systems analysis and
programming); C7310 (Mathematics)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., City Univ. of New York, NY,
keywords = "Cray computers; Cray Y-MP; Encore Multimax; linear
algebra; linear computations; matrix algebra;
multilinear algebra; parallel programming; Strassen's
matrix multiplication algorithm; tensor product",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "J.-F. Hake and W. Homberg",
title = "The impact of memory organization on the performance
of matrix multiplication",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "34--40",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C5310 (Storage system
design); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques);
C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6150J
(Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany",
keywords = "bank conflicts; Cray computers; Cray X-MP; Cray Y-MP;
IBM 3090; IBM computer systems; IBM computers; library
routines; matrix algebra; matrix multiplication; memory
access conflicts; memory organization; numerical linear
algebra; parallel programming; performance degradation;
performance evaluation; pipeline processing; storage
hierarchy; storage management",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "Y. Okawa and N. Haraguchi",
title = "A linear array of processors with partially shared
memory for parallel solution of {PDE}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "41--48",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C4170 (Differential
equations); C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440
(Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6110 (Systems
analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Fac. of Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan",
keywords = "dynamic load balancing; FORTRAN listings;
heat-conduction problem; linear array of processors;
matrix algebra; matrix operations; multiprocessor
architecture; orthogonal multiprocessor; parallel
architectures; parallel programming; partial
differential equations; partially shared memory blocks;
processor array; scientific computing problems; system
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "R. Raghavan and J. P. Hayes",
title = "On randomly interleaved memories",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "49--58",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5310 (Storage system
design); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques);
C6120 (File organisation); C6150J (Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. Eng. and Comput. Sci., Michigan
Univ., Ann Arbor, MI, USA",
keywords = "bank addresses; bijective property; concurrency
control; conflict-free steady state; conflicting vector
streams; linear transformation; MASH; memory address
interleaving; memory architecture; memory contention;
module interleaving; multiplicative hashing function;
parallel architectures; random interleaving schemes;
RANDOM-H; randomization; randomly interleaved memories;
storage allocation; storage management; vector
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "A. D. Malony and J. L. Larson and D. A. Reed",
title = "Tracing application program execution on the {Cray
X-MP} and {Cray 2}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "60--73",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6115
(Programming support); C6150G (Diagnostic, testing,
debugging and evaluating systems)",
corpsource = "Center for Supercomput. Res. and Dev., Illinois Univ.,
Urbana, IL, USA",
keywords = "automatic instrumentation facilities; Cray 2
supercomputers; Cray computers; Cray X-MP; execution
dynamics; execution statistics; low-overhead capture;
multitasked programs; parallel programming; Perfect
Benchmark; performance characterization; performance
evaluation; program diagnostics; program segments;
trace histories; tracing instrumentation",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "R. Hood and K. Kennedy and J. Mellor-Crummey",
title = "Parallel program debugging with on-the-fly anomaly
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "74--81",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6115
(Programming support); C6150G (Diagnostic, testing,
debugging and evaluating systems)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Rice Univ., Houston, TX, USA",
keywords = "FORTRAN; on-the-fly access anomaly detection; parallel
debugging; parallel Fortran; parallel programming;
ParaScope environment; PCF Fortran; program debugging;
race conditions; schedule-dependent behavior;
single-instrumented execution; static analysis;
structured synchronization primitives;
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "R. Gupta and C.-H. Chi",
title = "Improving instruction cache behavior by reducing cache
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "82--91",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6150C (Compilers,
interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "North American Philips Corp., Briarcliff Manor, NY,
keywords = "buffer storage; bus traffic; cache effectiveness; code
duplication; code propagation; control dependence;
instruction cache performance; memory bandwidth;
program compilers; reduced cache pollution; shared
memory multiprocessors; storage management",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "D. R. Ripoll and S. J. Thomas",
title = "A parallel {Monte Carlo} search algorithm for the
conformational analysis of proteins",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "94--102",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0270 (Computational techniques); A3620C
(Conformation (statistics and dynamics)); A8715B
(Structure, configuration, conformation, and active
sites at the biomolecular level); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation
and testing); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Biotechnol. Res. Inst., Nat. Res. Council of Canada,
Montreal, Que., Canada",
keywords = "acceptance rate; conformational analysis;
electrostatically driven Monte Carlo; gradient-based
energy minimization; IBM 3090; IBM 3090/600E; IBM
computers; Intel iPSC/2-VX computer; iPSC/2;
macromolecular configurations; molecular biophysics;
molecular conformations; Monte Carlo methods; parallel
EDMC algorithm; parallel Monte Carlo search algorithm;
parallel processing; performance analysis; performance
evaluation; physics computing; pipeline processing;
polyglycine molecules; polypeptide molecules; potential
energy hypersurface; proteins; search problems;
supercomputing; vector pipeline latency",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "M. Ess",
title = "Folding {RNA} on the {Cray-2}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "103--111",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0270 (Computational techniques); A3620H
(Configuration (bonds, dimensions)); A8715B (Structure,
configuration, conformation, and active sites at the
biomolecular level); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and
techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation and
testing); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry); C7330 (Biology
and medicine)",
corpsource = "Cray Comput. Corp., Colorado Springs, CO, USA",
keywords = "biology computing; C implementation; Cray computers;
Cray-2; depth first searching; macromolecular
configurations; molecular biophysics; multitasking;
parallel processing; pipeline processing; RNA folding;
stem list method; vectorization",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "A Application",
author = "S. W. White and D. C. Torney and C. C. Whittaker",
title = "A parallel computational approach using a cluster of
{IBM ES\slash 3090 600Js} for physical mapping of
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "112--121",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C7330 (Biology and medicine)",
keywords = "biology computing; chromosome mapping; DNA; fragment
overlap; human chromosome 16; IBM Clustered Fortran
program; IBM computers; IBM ES/3090 600Js; parallel
processing; performance evaluation; problem
partitioning; reduced problem sizes; shared-memory
multiprocessors; synchronization; task structure",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "G. J. Hansen and C. A. Linthicum and G. Brooks",
title = "Experience with a performance analyzer for
multithreaded applications",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "124--131",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5470 (Performance evaluation and testing); C6150E
(General utility programs); C6150G (Diagnostic,
testing, debugging and evaluating systems)",
corpsource = "CONVEX Comput. Corp., Richardson, TX, USA",
keywords = "CONVEX C200 series computers; Convex OS V8.0; CONVEX
performance analyzer, CX/sub pa/; loops;
multiprocessing systems; multithreaded applications;
operating system facilities; parallel code monitoring;
performance evaluation; profiling data; profiling
information; time-sharing systems; time-sharing
environment; Unix; UNIX based operating system",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "M. L. Simmons and H. J. Wasserman",
title = "Performance evaluation of the {IBM RISC} system\slash
6000: comparison of an optimized scalar processor with
two vector processors",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "132--141",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C7300 (Natural
corpsource = "Los Alamos Nat. Lab., NM, USA",
keywords = "25 MHz; 30-ns clock cycle; 33 MHz; 40-ns RISC;
6000-series computers; computationally intensive
benchmark codes; Convex C-240 processor; FPS-500; IBM
computers; IBM RISC system/6000; optimized scalar
processor; performance evaluation; reduced instruction
set computer; reduced instruction set computing;
scientific workload; VECOPS; VECSKIP; vector
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "E. Williams and C. T. Myers and R. Koskela",
title = "The characterization of two scientific workloads using
the {CRAY X-MP} performance monitor",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "142--152",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C7300 (Natural
corpsource = "Supercomput. Res. Center, Bowie, MD, USA",
keywords = "average vector lengths; computerised monitoring; Cray
computers; Cray X-MP; hardware metrics; hardware
performance monitor; I/O rates; memory contention;
memory reference rates; natural sciences computing;
operation mix; performance evaluation; register-based
architectures; scientific workloads; supercomputing
sites; week-end production period",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "W. L. French",
title = "Supercomputer network selection: {A} case study",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "154--159",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C0310H (Equipment
and software evaluation methods); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5620 (Computer networks and
corpsource = "Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA",
keywords = "computer networks; Cray computers; Cray Station
software; Cray-2 supercomputer; equipment selection
(computers); Fiber Distributed Data Interface; High
Performance Parallel Interface; HPPI channels;
HYPERchannel 100; interoperability; Lilly supercomputer
network; migration path; network operating systems;
software selection; standards-based networks; TCP/IP;
UltraNet; UNIX; VAX Supercomputer Gateway; VAX/VMS
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "M. Clinger",
title = "Very high performance networking for supercomputing",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "160--168",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5440
(Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C5620L (Local
area networks); C5630 (Networking equipment); C6150J
(Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Solbourne Comput., Longmont, CO, USA",
keywords = "1 Gb/s local-area network; 1 Gbit/s; broadband
networks; distributed processing; equipment evaluation
(computers); interactive graphics; LAN; local area
networks; minisupercomputers; multiprocessing systems;
NAS gigabit network; network display device; network
operating systems; network performance; operational
environment; optical links; performance evaluation;
production facility; supercomputers; supercomputing
network; UltraNet 1000 hubs; visualization;
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "D. Menasce and V. Almeida",
title = "Cost-performance analysis of heterogeneity in
supercomputer architectures",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "169--177",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C1140C (Queueing theory); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation
and testing)",
corpsource = "Dept. de Inf., Pontifica Univ. Catolica, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil",
keywords = "computer performance; cost-performance analysis;
Grosch's law; heterogeneous supercomputer models;
multiprocessing systems; performance evaluation;
queueing theory; supercomputer architectures",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "C. J. Beckmann and C. D. Polychronopoulos",
title = "Fast barrier synchronization hardware",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "180--189",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C6110 (Systems
analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Center for Supercomput. Res. and Dev., Illinois Univ.,
Urbana, IL, USA",
keywords = "barrier synchronization; concurrency control;
concurrent barriers; microcomputers; parallel
programming; parallel-loop execution time;
register-based barrier synchronisation; statically
scheduled loops; synchronisation; synchronization
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "J.-H. Chow and W. L. {Harrison, III}",
title = "Switch-stacks: {A} scheme for microtasking nested
parallel loops",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "190--199",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6110
(Systems analysis and programming); C6150C (Compilers,
interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Center for Supercomput. Res. and Dev., Illinois Univ.,
Urbana, IL, USA",
keywords = "dequeue-descendant-tasks; dequeue-tasks; dummy
waiting; execution time; flat microtasking; full
microtasking; nested parallel loops; parallel
programming; PARCEL run-time system; run-time
microtasking support; shared-memory multiprocessor;
stability; switch-stack scheme; switch-stacks",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "P. Tirumalai and M. Lee and M. Schlansker",
title = "Parallelization of loops with exits on pipelined
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "200--212",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C6110 (Systems
analysis and programming); C6150C (Compilers,
interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Hewlett--Packard Lab., Palo Alto, CA, USA",
keywords = "compiler representations; Cydra 5 directed dataflow
computer; FORTRAN; Fortran DO loops; hardware
architectural support; loop constructions; modulo
scheduling; multiple issue pipelined machines; multiple
operations per cycle; parallel architectures;
performance bounds calculations; pipeline processing;
pipelined architectures; program compilers; program
transformation techniques; prototype scheduler; repeat-
until; scheduling; scheduling heuristics; while loops",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "A. Nagurney and A. Eydeland and D.-S. Kim",
title = "Computation of large scale constrained matrix
problems: the splitting equilibration algorithm",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "214--223",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra)",
corpsource = "Massachusetts Univ., Amherst, MA, USA",
keywords = "Bachem and Korte algorithm; Cornell National
Supercomputer Facility; IBM 3090-600E; IBM computers;
large scale constrained matrix problems; matrix
algebra; operations research; parallel algorithms;
parallel environment; parallel programming;
parallelizable computational method; quadratic
constrained matrix; splitting equilibration algorithm",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "K. P. Traar and W. Mader and O. Heinreichsberger and
Selberherr and S. and M. Stiftinger",
title = "High performance preconditioning on supercomputers for
the {3D} device simulator {MINIMOS}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "224--231",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "B2560B (Modelling and equivalent circuits); B2560R
(Insulated gate field effect transistors); C4140
(Linear algebra); C4170 (Differential equations); C6110
(Systems analysis and programming); C7410D (Electronic
corpsource = "SIEMENS AG Osterreich, Vienna, Austria",
keywords = "3D device simulator MINIMOS; 3D-MINIMOS; ALLIANT/FX40
minisupercomputer; conjugate gradient methods; Cray-2;
incomplete LU-factorization methods; insulated gate
field effect transistors; Jacobi preconditioner;
MOSFET; parallel processing; performance evaluation;
pipeline processing; semiconductor device models;
SIEMENS/Fujitsu VP 200; vectorization",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "E. Rothberg and A. Gupta",
title = "Techniques for improving the performance of sparse
matrix factorization on multiprocessor workstations",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "232--241",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation
and testing); C6110 (Systems analysis and
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stanford Univ., CA, USA",
keywords = "40 MFLOPS; benchmark matrices; cache miss rate;
factorization performance; high-performance
multiprocessor workstations; large sparse systems;
matrix algebra; multiprocessor workstations; parallel
factorization code; parallel programming; parallel
supernodal code; performance evaluation; Silicon
Graphics 4D/380 multiprocessor; sparse matrix
factorization; supernodal structure",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "S. Chalasani and C. S. Raghavendra and A. Varma",
title = "Fault-tolerant routing in {MIN-based} supercomputers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "244--253",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory); C5220 (Computer
architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and
techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation and
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. Eng-Syst., Univ. of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA",
keywords = "DFA graph; dynamic full-access; fault tolerant
computing; fault tolerant routing; faulty Benes
network; faulty components; faulty Omega network; graph
theory; IBM GF11; MIN-based supercomputers;
multiprocessor interconnection networks; multistage
interconnection networks; network faults; Omega
permutation; parallel architectures; RP3",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "C.-H. Chou and D. H. C. Du",
title = "Uni-directional hypercubes",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "254--263",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis,
keywords = "efficient routing; hypercube networks; hypercube-based
MANs; multiple paths; short average distance; short
diameter; unidirectional hypercube topologies; VLSI
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "T. Szymanski and C. Fang",
title = "Design and analysis of buffered crossbars and banyans
with cut-through switching",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "264--273",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Columbia Univ., New York, NY,
keywords = "banyans; buffered crossbars; cut-through switching;
delay distribution; discrete-time; FIFO; input bypass
queuing; multiprocessing systems; multiprocessor
interconnection networks; restricted output queuing",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "T. Baba and T. Yoshinaga and T. Iijima and Y. Iwamoto
and Hamada and M. and M. Suzuki",
title = "A parallel object-oriented total architecture:
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "276--285",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C6115 (Programming
corpsource = "Dept. of Inf. Sci., Utsunomiya Univ., Japan",
keywords = "A-NET; A-NETL; hardware organization; node processor;
object-oriented; object-oriented programming; parallel;
parallel architectures; parallel computation; total
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "J. X. Zhou",
title = "A parallel computer model supporting procedure-based
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "286--294",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture)",
corpsource = "Allied-Signal Aerosp. Technol. Center, Columbia, MD,
keywords = "bus contention; data transfer; direct data access;
memory access conflicts; MIMD parallel architecture;
multiple-bus; parallel architectures; parallel computer
model; procedure-based communication; two-dimensional
memory array",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "C. Maples",
title = "A high-performance, memory-based interconnection
system for multicomputer environments",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "295--304",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory); C5220 (Computer
corpsource = "Sandia Nat. Lab., Albuquerque, NM, USA",
keywords = "closely-coupled; distributed workstations;
high-performance; memory-based; memory-mapped
interconnection system; Merlin; multicomputer
environments; multiprocessing systems; multiprocessor
interconnection networks; parallel programming;
reflective memory",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "V. D. Agrawal and S. T. Chakradhar",
title = "Performance estimation in a massively parallel
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "306--313",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing)",
corpsource = "AT and T Bell Lab., Murray Hill, NJ, USA",
keywords = "algorithm theory; logic simulation; massively parallel
system; multiprocessor; parallel processing; parallel
processing system; performance evaluation; statistical
model; synchronized iterative algorithms",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "G. J. Harkin",
title = "Parameterized algorithm decomposition and performance
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "314--323",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Montana State Univ., Bozeman,
keywords = "algorithm decomposition; algorithm performance;
algorithm theory; decomposition model; global
algorithm; local task; MIMD architectures; parallel
architectures; parametric representation; penalty
behavior; performance analysis; synchronization; task;
two-task replacement sets",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "X.-H. Sun and L. M. Ni",
title = "Another view on parallel speedup",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "324--333",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4290 (Other computer theory); C5220 (Computer
architecture); C5470 (Performance evaluation and
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Michigan State Univ., East
Lansing, MI, USA",
keywords = "Amdahl's law; fixed-size speedup; fixed-time speedup;
Gustafson's scaled speedup; memory-bounded speedup;
parallel processing; parallel speedup; performance
evaluation; performance gain",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "H. Berliner and D. Kopec and E. Northam",
title = "A taxonomy of concepts for evaluating chess strength",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "336--343",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C1230 (Artificial intelligence); C7830D (Computer
corpsource = "Sch. of Comput. Sci., Carnegie Mellon Univ.,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA",
keywords = "artificial intelligence; chess; games of skill;
positions; taxonomy",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "L. Stiller",
title = "Group graphs and computational symmetry on massively
parallel architecture",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "344--353",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics); C4290 (Other
computer theory); C5220 (Computer architecture); C7830D
(Computer games)",
keywords = "chess endgames; computational geometry; computational
symmetry; games of skill; graph theory; group graphs;
group theory; invariances; massively parallel
architecture; noncommutative crystallographic group;
parallel architectures",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "R. M. Hyatt and H. L. Nelson",
title = "Chess and supercomputers: details about optimizing
{Cray Blitz}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "354--363",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C7830D (Computer
corpsource = "Alabama Univ., Birmingham, AL, USA",
keywords = "algorithmic changes; architectural features; chess;
Cray Blitz; Cray computers; games of skill; parallel
architectures; programming",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "D. E. Stevenson and R. M. Panoff",
title = "Experiences in building the {Clemson Computational
Sciences Program}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "366--375",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C0220 (Education and training)",
corpsource = "Clemson Univ., SC, USA",
keywords = "Clemson; computational science; Computational Sciences
Program; computational sciences working group; computer
science education; courses; curriculum; educational
courses; graduate; laboratory component; syllabus;
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "G General Review",
author = "F. B. Hanson",
title = "A real introduction to supercomputing: a user training
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "376--385",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C0220 (Education and training)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Math., Stat. and Comput. Sci., Illinois
Univ., Chicago, IL, USA",
keywords = "algorithm design; computer science education; computer
scientists; educational courses; graduate course; group
research projects; national supercomputing centers;
performance; scientific supercomputer users;
supercomputer access",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "G General Review",
author = "R. Gupta",
title = "Loop displacement: an approach for transforming and
scheduling loops for parallel execution",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "388--397",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5470 (Performance
evaluation and testing)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Pittsburgh Univ., PA, USA",
keywords = "load distribution; loop displacement; loop
transformation; mapping; multiply nested loops;
parallel architectures; parallel execution; scheduling;
scheduling loops; scheduling strategies;
synchronization overhead",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "R. Cytron and J. Lipkis and E. Schonberg",
title = "A compiler-assisted approach to {SPMD} execution",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "398--406",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory); C6110
(Systems analysis and programming); C6150C (Compilers,
interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "IBM Thomas J. Watson Res. Center, Yorktown Heights,
keywords = "compile-time; compiler-assisted; fork-join style;
parallel programming; portability; program compilers;
scientific parallel programming; sequential thread;
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "K. Kennedy and K. S. McKinley",
title = "Loop distribution with arbitrary control flow",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "407--416",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory); C6110
(Systems analysis and programming); C6115 (Programming
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Rice Univ., Houston, TX, USA",
keywords = "code generation algorithm; control dependencies;
control flow; loop distribution; optimal algorithm;
parallel programming; parallelizers; programming
environments; programming theory; vectorizers",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "A. Kamel and P. Sguazzero and V. Zecca",
title = "Large scale computing on clustered vector
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "418--427",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C7340
corpsource = "IBM Sci. Center, Bergen, Norway",
keywords = "clustered vector multiprocessors; digital simulation;
geophysical simulation code; geophysics computing; IBM
3090; IBM Clustered Fortran; parallel implementation;
parallel programming; task granularity",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "F. J. L. Briens and C. H. Wu",
title = "Application of sequential staging of tasks to
petroleum reservoir modeling",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "428--435",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C7340
keywords = "compositional reservoir simulation; compositional
simulation; digital simulation; geophysics computing;
IBM 3090-600E; parallel programming; parallel
supercomputers; parallel-vector processing; petroleum
reservoir modeling; sequential staging of tasks",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "M. Christon",
title = "A vectorized {3-D} finite element model for transient
simulation of two-phase heat transport with phase
transformation and a moving interface",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "436--445",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0230 (Function theory, analysis); A4430 (Heat
transfer in inhomogeneous media and through
interfaces); C4130 (Interpolation and function
approximation); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab., CA, USA",
keywords = "140 MFLOPS; 162 MFLOPS; 3-D finite element model;
conjugate gradient linear system solver; Cray X-MP;
digital simulation; finite element analysis; heat
transfer; moving interface; numerical integration;
phase transformation; phase transformations; physics
computing; transient simulation; two-phase heat
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "W. Celmaster and E. N. May",
title = "Parallelization of a radiation transport simulation
code on the {BBN TC2000} parallel computer",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "448--454",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0250 (Probability theory, stochastic processes, and
statistics); A0560 (Transport processes: theory); A2940
(Radiation detectors); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "BBN Adv. Comput. Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA",
keywords = "BBN TC2000; dependence attributes; Monte Carlo
methods; parallel programming; particle detector;
particle detectors; physics computing; radiation
transport; sharability; simulation; transport
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "Z. Cvetanovic and E. G. Freedman and C. Nofsinger",
title = "{Perfect Benchmarks} decomposition and performance on
{VAX} multiprocessors",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "455--464",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5470 (Performance evaluation and testing); C6110
(Systems analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA, USA",
keywords = "autodecomposing; compiler improvements; parallel
programming; Perfect Benchmark suite; performance
evaluation; performance gains; VAX multiprocessors",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "Z. Cvetanovic and E. G. Freedman and C. Nofsinger",
title = "Efficient decomposition and performance of parallel
{PDE}, {FFT}, {Monte Carlo} simulations, simplex, and
sparse solvers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "465--474",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4100 (Numerical analysis); C4240 (Programming and
algorithm theory); C5470 (Performance evaluation and
testing); C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA, USA",
keywords = "fast Fourier transform; fast Fourier transforms;
linear programming; Monte Carlo methods; Monte Carlo
simulations; multiprocessor; parallel algorithms;
partial differential equations; performance;
performance evaluation; shared-memory VAX/VMS; simplex
linear programming; sparse solvers",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "S. Ranka and J. Wang and N. Yeh",
title = "Embedding meshes on the star graph",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "476--485",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics)",
corpsource = "Sch. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Syracuse Univ., NY,
keywords = "embedding meshes; graph theory; meshes; parallel
algorithms; star graph",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "L. Natvig",
title = "Logarithmic time cost optimal parallel sorting is not
yet fast in practice",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "486--494",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory)",
corpsource = "Norwegian Inst. of Technol., Trondheim Univ., Norway",
keywords = "Batcher's bitonic sorting; bitonic sorting; Cole's
parallel merge sort; computational complexity;
massively parallel systems; parallel algorithms;
parallel random access machine; parallel sorting;
sorting; sorting algorithms",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "J. M. Stone",
title = "A simple and correct shared-queue algorithm using
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "495--504",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6120 (File organisation)",
corpsource = "IBM Thomas J. Watson Res. Center, Yorktown Heights,
keywords = "compare-and-swap; concurrent access; data structures;
dequeue; enqueue; multiprocessor interleaving; parallel
algorithms; shared data structure; shared-queue
algorithm; verification method",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "P. Vishnubhotla",
title = "Fine-grain parallelism in the {ALPS} programming
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "506--514",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6140D
(High level languages)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Ohio State Univ.,
Columbus, OH, USA",
keywords = "ALPS programming language; built-in data
synchronization; cells; concurrency; distributed data
structure; fine-grain parallelism; language notation;
parallel languages; sets; shared variable model;
single-assignment variable",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "S. Lucco and O. Sharp",
title = "Delirium: an embedding coordination language",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "515--524",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6140D (High level languages)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., California Univ., Berkeley, CA,
keywords = "deterministic execution; embedded operators; embedding
coordination language; embedding language Delirium;
parallel languages; sequential machine; shared-memory
multi processors; unified Delirium program",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "R. Bagrodia and K. M. Chandy and E. Kwan",
title = "{UC}: a language for the {Connection Machine}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "525--534",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6150C (Compilers,
interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., California Univ., Los Angeles,
keywords = "compiler; connection machine; efficiency
considerations; fixed-point computation; parallel
assignment; parallel languages; program compilers;
programming task; reduction; UC constructs; virtual
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "I. S. Duff",
title = "Parallel algorithm research at {CERFACS}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "536--542",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra); C4170 (Differential
equations); C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Rutherford Appleton Lab., Chilton, UK",
keywords = "block projection method; CERFACS; direct methods;
European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in
Supercomputing; France; iterative methods; large sparse
systems; multifrontal scheme; Parallel Algorithm Team;
parallel algorithms; portability; software
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "M. S. Algudady and C. R. Das and M. J.
title = "A write update cache coherence protocol for
{MIN-based} multiprocessors with accessibility-based
split caches",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "544--553",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C6120 (File organisation);
C6150J (Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng., Pennsylvania State
Univ., University Park, PA, USA",
keywords = "accessibility-based split caches; buffer storage;
coherence control bus; communication delays; delays;
mean-value-analysis; MIN- based multiprocessors;
multiprocessing systems; multiprocessor interconnection
networks; P Cache; performance measures; private-block
caches; protocol state probabilities; queueing theory;
S Cache; shared-block cache controllers; shared-block
caches; simulation; single-node queuing model;
snooping; storage management; variable transit delay;
write update cache coherence protocol",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "J. C. Willis and A. C. Sanderson and C. R. Hill",
title = "Cache coherence in systems with parallel communication
channels and many processors",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "554--563",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6120
(File organisation); C6150J (Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Philips Lab., Briarcliff Manor, NY, USA",
keywords = "buffer storage; cache coherence; concurrency control;
consistent values; distributed directory algorithms;
distributed link-list; exclusive ownership; hardware
complexity; list integrity; memory use efficiency;
multiprocessing systems; multiprocessor systems;
parallel communication channels; reference latency;
Scalable Coherent Interface; shared memory system
without caches; storage management",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "D. Callahan and A. Porterfield",
title = "Data cache performance of supercomputer applications",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "564--572",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques);
C6150C (Compilers, interpreters and other processors);
C6150J (Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Tera Comput. Co., Seattle, WA, USA",
keywords = "aggressive compilers; array accesses; buffer storage;
cache misses; compilation; computationally intensive
programs; data cache performance; delays;
multiprocessing systems; program compilers; source
program references; storage management",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "H. Shing and L. M. Ni",
title = "Resource binding --- a universal approach to parallel
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "574--583",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6150C
(Compilers, interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Michigan State Univ., East
Lansing, MI, USA",
keywords = "architecture-independent environment; parallel
computation models; parallel programming; portability;
process binding; process synchronization; program
compilers; resource allocation; resource binding;
shared resource management; software portability",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "G. A. Alverson and W. G. Griswold and D. Notkin and L.
title = "A flexible communication abstraction for nonshared
memory parallel computing",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "584--593",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Eng., Washington Univ.,
Seattle, WA, USA",
keywords = "boundary conditions; communication descriptions;
communication structure; flexible communication
abstraction; local computation; nonshared memory
parallel computing; parallel programming; port
ensemble; software portability",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "M. Rao and Z. Segall and D. Vrsalovic",
title = "Implementation machine paradigm for parallel
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "594--603",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6110
(Systems analysis and programming); C6150C (Compilers,
interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, USA",
keywords = "implementation machine; intermediate layer; parallel
applications; parallel architecture; parallel MIMD
machine architectures; parallel programming; program
processors; software productivity; uniform
memory-access multiprocessors; user maps",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "M. J. Chung and Y. Chung",
title = "Efficient parallel logic simulation techniques for the
{Connection Machine}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "606--614",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "B1130B (Computer-aided circuit analysis and design);
B1265B (Logic circuits); C5210B (Computer-aided logic
design); C7410D (Electronic engineering)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Michigan State Univ., East
Lansing, MI, USA",
keywords = "asynchronous event processing; Chandy-Misra algorithm;
Connection Machine; digital simulation; logic CAD;
parallel logic simulation; parallel processing;
simulation time lookahead; Time Warp protocol; VHDL
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "R. B. Mueller-Thuns and D. G. Saab and J. A. Abraham",
title = "Design of a scalable parallel switch-level simulator
for {VLSI}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "615--624",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "B1130B (Computer-aided circuit analysis and design);
B1265B (Logic circuits); C5210B (Computer-aided logic
design); C7410D (Electronic engineering)",
corpsource = "Coordinated Sci. Lab., Illinois Univ., Urbana, IL,
keywords = "computation-intensive task; digital circuits; digital
simulation; irregular structure; logic CAD;
medium-grain multiprocessors; parallel processing;
portability; scalability; scalable parallel
switch-level simulator; switch-level logic simulation;
verification; VLSI; VLSI design verification; VLSI
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "D. Cann and J. Feo",
title = "{SISAL} versus {Fortran}: a comparison using the
{Livermore Loops}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "626--636",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4100 (Numerical analysis); C6140D (High level
languages); C6150C (Compilers, interpreters and other
processors); C7310 (Mathematics)",
corpsource = "Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab., CA, USA",
keywords = "mathematics computing; optimizing compiler; parallel
languages; parallel numerical computations; parallel
programming; performance evaluation; sequential
execution speeds; shared memory multiprocessors;
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "S. A. Fineberg and T. L. Casavant and H. J. Siegel",
title = "Experimental analysis of communication\slash
data-conditional aspects of a mixed-mode parallel
architecture via synthetic computations",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "637--646",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation
and testing); C6130 (Data handling techniques)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng., Iowa Univ., Iowa
City, IA, USA",
keywords = "barrier synchronisation; bitonic sorting;
implementation-independent analyses; mixed-mode
parallel architecture; mixed-mode parallel processing;
parallel architectures; parallel processing;
Partitionable SIMD/MIMD; PASM; performance evaluation;
sorting; synthetic algorithms; synthetic computations;
timing measurements",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "S. Chittor and R. Enbody",
title = "Performance evaluation of mesh-connected
wormhole-routed networks for interprocessor
communication in multicomputers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "647--656",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory); C5220 (Computer
architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and
techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation and
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Michigan State Univ., East
Lansing, MI, USA",
keywords = "contention; interprocessor communication networks;
long path lengths; mesh-connected wormhole-routed
networks; multiprocessing systems; multiprocessor
interconnection networks; network resources; path
length; performance evaluation; wormhole-routed Symult
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "Wen-Tsuen Chen and Ming-Yi Fang",
title = "Theorem proving in propositional logic on vector
computers using a generalized {Davis-Putman}
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "658--665",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems
and techniques); C6110 (Systems analysis and
corpsource = "Inst. of Comput. Sci., Nat. Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu,
keywords = "generalized Davis-Putman procedure; generalized rules;
parallel processing; pipeline processing; propositional
logic; search efficiency; search problems; search
space; theorem proving; vector computers; vectorized
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "S. Chatterjee and G. E. Blelloch and M. Zagha",
title = "Scan primitives for vector computers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "666--675",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory); C5230
(Digital arithmetic methods); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C6110 (Systems analysis and
programming); C6130 (Data handling techniques)",
corpsource = "Sch. of Comput. Sci., Carnegie Mellon Univ.,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA",
keywords = "all-prefix-sums; connectionist learning algorithm;
Cray computers; CRAY Y-MP; digital arithmetic;
irregular networks; parallel processing; pipeline
processing; plus-scan; radix sorting routine; scan
primitives; segmental scans; sparse networks; tree
operations; unsegmented scans; unsegmented versions;
vector algorithms; vector computers",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "Salvatore Filippone and Paolo Santangelo and Marcello
title = "A vectorized long-period shift-register random number
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "676--684",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
abstract = "A pseudo-random number generator, based on a
linear-feedback shift-register sequence, is presented.
The very long period of the generator, $2^{1279} - 1$,
makes it useful in modern statistical simulations where
the shorter period of other generators could either be
exhausted during a single run or determine departures
from uniform randomness when generating positions in a
multidimensional space. In particular, the proposed
generator overcomes the limitations of
multiplicative-congruential generators with modulus
$2^{31} - 1$, which are widely used on computers with a
32-bit integer word size, such as the IBM S/370 family
of computers.In this paper the properties of
linear-feedback shift-register sequences are shortly
reviewed and a sequence of order $p = 1279$ is proposed
as a source of pseudorandom numbers. The production
rule, by itself recursive, is efficiently vectorized on
existing pipelined vector processors, due to the large
distance between the feedback positions and the
positions to be generated. The algorithm may be
implemented in FORTRAN and may be easily ported on
computers with different word-lengths. Using a
vectorized FORTRAN implementation of the algorithm on
the IBM 3090 model E Vector Facility, a rate of about
6.5 million normalized random numbers per second
(Mrands) is achieved. A rate of about 3 Mrands is
obtained by an implementation of the algorithm on the
IBM RISC/6000 model 530. Simple statistical tests have
shown the superiority of the proposed generator with
respect to the widely used multiplicative-congruential
generator with modulus $M = 2^{31} - 1$ and multiplier
$A = 75$.",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5230 (Digital arithmetic methods); C5440
(Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6130 (Data
handling techniques); C7310 (Mathematics)",
corpsource = "IBM Eur. Center for Sci. and Eng. Comput., Rome,
keywords = "digital arithmetic; linear-feedback shift-register
sequence; pseudorandom number generator; random number
generation; shift register algorithm; shift registers;
statistical simulations; statistical test results;
vectorization; vectorized long-period shift-register
random number generator",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "D. J. Potter and M. P. Cline",
title = "Massively parallel computational methods in light
scattering by small particles",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "686--692",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0250 (Probability theory, stochastic processes, and
statistics); A0270 (Computational techniques); A4210H
(Diffraction and scattering from extended bodies);
A4220G (Scattering, diffraction, dispersion and
polarization); C6130B (Graphics techniques); C7320
(Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng., Clarkson Univ.,
Potsdam, NY, USA",
keywords = "64 K processors; Connection Machine; data parallel
algorithm; geometrical optics; incident ray; light
absorption; light scattering; massively parallel
architecture; Monte Carlo methods; Monte Carlo
technique; multiple reflections; multiple refractions;
parallel algorithms; scattering object",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "Y. Y. Azmy",
title = "On the adequacy of message-passing parallel
supercomputers for solving neutron transport problems",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "693--699",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0270 (Computational techniques); A2820H (Neutron
diffusion); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and
techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation and
testing); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., TN, USA",
keywords = "completely uncoupled systems of equations; CPU time;
discrete-ordinates approximation; efficiency; Intel
iPSC/2 hypercube; iterative methods; message-passing
parallel supercomputers; neutron transport equation;
neutron transport problems; neutron transport theory;
parallel algorithm; parallel algorithms; parallel code;
performance evaluation; physics computing; problem
size; speedup; static-scheduling parallelization;
three-dimensional problems",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "J. D. Maltby and B. T. Kornblum",
title = "{MONT3E}: {A Monte Carlo} electron heat transfer
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "700--707",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0250 (Probability theory, stochastic processes, and
statistics); A0270 (Computational techniques); A4430
(Heat transfer in inhomogeneous media and through
interfaces); A6180F (Electrons and positrons); A7920K
(Other electron impact phenomena); C1140G (Monte Carlo
methods); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and
techniques); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab., CA, USA",
keywords = "electron backscattering; electron impact; electron
tracing algorithm; electron trajectories;
electron-surface interaction; enclosed volume;
geometric description; heat transfer; magnetic field
definition; MONT3E; Monte Carlo electron heat transfer
code; Monte Carlo methods; parallel algorithms;
particle backscattering; physics computing",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "T. Szymanski",
title = "A fiber optic hypermesh for {SIMD\slash MIMD}
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "710--719",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C4230 (Switching theory); C5120 (Logic and switching
circuits); C5220 (Computer architecture)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Columbia Univ., New York, NY,
keywords = "computational complexity; distributed optical crossbar
link; fiber optic hypermesh; fiber-optic
multidimensional mesh-based network; GaAs; hypercube
networks; hypermesh; multiprocessor interconnection
networks; optical switch design; optical switches;
parallel architectures; prioritized traffic;
random-access; SIMD/MIMD machines",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "J.-M. Hsu and P. Banerjee",
title = "A message passing coprocessor for distributed memory
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "720--729",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation
and testing)",
corpsource = "Coordinated Sci. Lab., Illinois Univ., Urbana, IL,
keywords = "cached circuits; distributed memory multicomputers;
expected message destinations; fast buffer copying;
iPSC/2 hypercube; message buffer management; message
passing coprocessor; message passing instructions;
microprogrammable processor; parallel architectures;
parallel machines; performance evaluation; process
scheduling; routing controller; satellite computers;
software caching; trace-driven simulation; virtual
channel router; virtual channels",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "B. Heggy and M. L. Soffa",
title = "Architectural support for register allocation in the
presence of aliasing",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "730--739",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5120 (Logic and switching circuits); C5220
(Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor systems
and techniques); C6120 (File organisation); C6150J
(Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Pittsburgh Univ., PA, USA",
keywords = "aliasing; array elements; computer architecture; data
objects; dynamically allocated objects; hardware
support mechanism; register allocation; register
forwarding hardware; register-memory consistency;
storage allocation; support hardware",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "S. Huang and K. J. M. Moriarty and E. A. Myers and J.
title = "Information optimization for {Monte Carlo} data and
application to high-temperature quantum
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "742--747",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0250 (Probability theory, stochastic processes, and
statistics); A0270 (Computational techniques); A1235C
(General properties of quantum chromodynamics
(dynamics, confinement, etc.)); A1235E (Applications of
quantum chromodynamics to particle properties and
reactions); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Boston Univ., MA, USA",
keywords = "colour model; confinement; density of states; digital
simulation; equation of state; finite temperature QCD;
first order phase transition; high-temperature quantum
chromodynamics; Monte Carlo data; Monte Carlo methods;
optimization; physics computing; QCD; quark
confinement; thermodynamical functions",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "J.-P. Brunet and J. P. Mesirov and A. Edelman",
title = "An optimal hypercube direct {$N$}-body solver on the
{Connection Machine}",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "748--752",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0260 (Numerical approximation and analysis); A0270
(Computational techniques); A0320 (Classical mechanics
of discrete systems: general mathematical aspects);
A9510C (Celestial mechanics); C7320 (Physics and
corpsource = "Thinking Machines Corp., Cambridge, MA, USA",
keywords = "16K CM-2; 32-bit precision; CM-2; Connection Machine;
direct N-body solvers; Gray codes; hypercube networks;
interacting point vortices; N-body problems; parallel
algorithms; time-wise edge disjoint Hamiltonian paths",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "N. Ito and Y. Kanada",
title = "{Monte Carlo} simulation of the {Ising} model and
random number generation on the vector processor",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "753--763",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0250 (Probability theory, stochastic processes, and
statistics); A0260 (Numerical approximation and
analysis); A0270 (Computational techniques); A0550
(Lattice theory and statistics; A7510H (Ising and other
classical spin models); A7540M (Numerical simulation
studies); C7310 (Mathematics); C7320 (Physics and
Chemistry); Ising problems)",
corpsource = "Tokyo Univ., Japan",
keywords = "ferromagnetic Ising models; HITAC S820/80; Ising
model; maximum simulation speed; Monte Carlo methods;
Monte Carlo simulation; parallel processing; physics
computing; pipeline processing; random number
generation; simple cubic lattice; two-dimensional Ising
model; vector processor; vectorizable algorithm",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "J. Welling and C. Nuuja and P. Andrews",
title = "{P3D}: {A} {Lisp}-based format for representing
general {3D} models",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "766--774",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130B (Graphics
techniques); C7300 (Natural sciences)",
corpsource = "Pittsburgh Supercomput. Center, PA, USA",
keywords = "computer graphics; directed acyclic graphs; directed
graphs; electronic data interchange; Lisp-based format;
metafile format; P3D; programmability; rendering;
scientific visualization; software portability",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "V. J. Harrand and A. Choudry and J. P. Ziebarth",
title = "Scientific data visualization: a formal introduction
to the rendering and geometric modeling aspects",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "775--783",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6130B (Graphics techniques); C7300 (Natural
corpsource = "Alabama Univ., Huntsville, AL, USA",
keywords = "CAD/CAM; computer graphics; computer-aided
design/manufacturing; formal introduction; geometric
modeling; geometric modeling algorithms; geometrical
optics; natural sciences computing; rendering;
scientific data visualization; solid modelling;
visualization algorithms",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "G General Review; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
author = "S. Sharma and A. D. Malony and M. W. Berry and P.
title = "Run-time monitoring of concurrent programs on the
{Cedar} multiprocessor",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "784--793",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C6115
(Programming support); C6150G (Diagnostic, testing,
debugging and evaluating systems)",
corpsource = "Center for Supercomput. Res. and Dev., Illinois Univ.,
Urbana, IL, USA",
keywords = "Cedar multiprocessor; computerised monitoring;
concurrent programs; execution data bandwidth;
multiprocessing systems; parallel program execution
data; parallel programming; performance evaluation;
program diagnostics; program perturbation; run-time
performance monitoring environment; supervisory
programs; tracing procedures",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "J. E. Smith and W.-C. Hsu and C. Hsiung",
title = "Future general purpose supercomputer architectures",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "796--804",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques); C5470 (Performance evaluation
and testing)",
corpsource = "Cray Res. Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI, USA",
keywords = "6.6 to 737.3 MFLOPS; general purpose supercomputer
architectures; high-performance I/O; large-scale memory
systems; multiprocessing systems; networking; parallel
architectures; pipeline processing; scalability; scalar
processing; technological forecasting; vector
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "G General Review",
author = "S. L. Shapiro and S. A. Teukolsky",
title = "Building black holes, gravitational waves, and
relativistic fluid flows: supercomputer cinema",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "805--814",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0270 (Computational techniques); A0440 (Continuous
media; A9530L (Fluid dynamics); A9760L (Black holes);
A9810 (Stellar dynamics); A9820 (Stellar clusters and
associations); A9850D (Kinematics, dynamics, and
rotation); A9850E (Galactic structure); C6130B
(Graphics techniques); C7350 (Astronomy and
astrophysics); electromagnetic and other mixed
gravitational systems)",
corpsource = "Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA",
keywords = "accretion; astrophysical fluid dynamics; astrophysics
computing; black holes; catastrophic collapse; color
graphics; computer animation; galactic nuclei;
gravitational collapse; gravitational waves;
multidimensional relativistic hydrodynamics code;
relativistic fluid dynamics; relativistic fluid flows;
relativistic star cluster; stellar clusters and
associations; stellar dynamics; strong gravitational
field; supercomputer cinema; supercomputer simulation;
unstable cluster",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "A Application",
author = "D. Hohl and R. Idaszak and R. O. Jones",
title = "Quantum molecular modeling with simulated annealing
--- a distributed processing and visualization
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "816--825",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0260 (Numerical approximation and analysis); A3115
(General mathematical and computational developments);
A3120J (Local density approximation); A3520B (General
molecular conformation and symmetry; A3640 (Atomic and
molecular clusters); C6130B (Graphics techniques);
C7320 (Physics and Chemistry); stereochemistry)",
corpsource = "Nat. Center for Supercomput. Applications, Illinois
Univ., Urbana, IL, USA",
keywords = "atomic clusters; computer graphics; Cray
supercomputer; density functional method; density
functional theory; distributed graphics library;
distributed processing; energy surfaces;
finite-temperature molecular dynamics; geometrical
structure; inorganic molecule configurations; molecular
dynamics method; P; physics computing; potential energy
curves and surfaces of molecules; quantum molecular
modeling; quantum-mechanical method; real-time
visualization; S; S/sub 7/O; Se; SGI 4D/210GTX;
simulated annealing; small molecules; visualization
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "A Application",
author = "S. Langlie and W. Cheng and I. Dilber",
title = "Computer simulation of high-speed impact response of
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "826--834",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0270 (Computational techniques); A8170 (Materials
testing); C6130B (Graphics techniques); C7320 (Physics
and Chemistry); C7440 (Civil and mechanical
keywords = "8-bit raster images; color animation; composite
systems; computer animation; Cray computers; CRAY-2;
fiber-reinforced layered composites; fibre reinforced
composites; high-speed impact response; high-velocity
impact processes; impact testing; MacIntosh computer;
mechanical engineering computing; supercomputer; video
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "A Application; P Practical",
author = "P.-K. Hsiung and R. H. Thibadeau and C. B. Cox and R.
H. P. Dunn",
title = "Time dilation visualization in relativity",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "835--844",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "A0270 (Computational techniques); A0330 (Special
relativity); C6130B (Graphics techniques); C7320
(Physics and Chemistry)",
corpsource = "Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, USA",
keywords = "4D geometry; computer animation; imaging process; live
animations; physics computing; ray-tracing;
relativistic effects; spacetime; special relativity;
still-frame images; temporal effect; time dilation;
viewing condition; viewing-independent time dilation",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "X Experimental",
author = "J. M. A. Roy and M. D. Nagel and L. Bic",
title = "Partitioning declarative programs into communicating
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "846--855",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6115
(Programming support); C6150C (Compilers, interpreters
and other processors)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Inf. and Comput. Sci., California Univ.,
Irvine, CA, USA",
keywords = "array distribution; automated partitioning; classic
matrix multiply algorithm; communicating processes;
dataflow; declarative program partitioning; execution
model; loosely coupled MIMD computer; matrix algebra;
matrix multiplication; parallel programming;
partitioning; PODS; Process-Oriented Dataflow System;
program compilers; von Neumann",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "H. Kasahara and H. Honda and S. Narita",
title = "Parallel processing of near fine grain tasks using
static scheduling on {OSCAR} (optimally scheduled
advanced multiprocessor)",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "856--864",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C6150C
(Compilers, interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Waseda Univ., Tokyo, Japan",
keywords = "compilation; CP/DT/MISF; data transfer overheads; near
fine grain tasks; optimally scheduled advanced
multiprocessor; OSCAR; parallel processing; parallel
programming; performance evaluation; program compilers;
scheduling; static scheduling; synchronization",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "J. Li and M. Chen",
title = "Generating explicit communication from shared-memory
program references",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "865--876",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6115
(Programming support); C6150C (Compilers, interpreters
and other processors)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT,
keywords = "communication overhead; communication synthesis;
compilation process; Crystal; data distribution;
deadlock; explicit communication metric; iPSC/2;
massively parallel distributed-memory machines;
parallel languages; parallel programming; parallel
programs; program compilers; shared-memory program
references; syntactic reference patterns",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "T. Baba and Y. Iwamoto and T. Yoshinaga",
title = "A network-topology independent task allocation
strategy for parallel computers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "878--887",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6150C (Compilers, interpreters and other
processors); C6150J (Operating systems)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Inf. Sci., Utsunomiya Univ., Japan",
keywords = "A-NET; Actor-Network; network-topology independent;
parallel programming; processor graph; processor
topology; resource allocation; task allocation
strategy; task graph; task-processor combinations",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "J. Xu and K. Hwang",
title = "Heuristic methods for dynamic load balancing in a
message-passing supercomputer",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "888--897",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques);
C6150J (Operating systems)",
corpsource = "IBM Corp., San Jose, CA, USA",
keywords = "distributed control; distributed load balancers;
distributed processing; dynamic load balancing; iPSC/2
hypercube; load imbalances; message passing
multicomputer; message-passing supercomputer; migration
overheads; parallel event drives simulator; parallel
processing; parallel simulator; performance evaluation;
process migration; PSIM; resource allocation;
scheduling; system utilizations; threshold update;
variable threshold; virtual machines",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "I. Ahmad and A. Ghafoor",
title = "A semi distributed task allocation strategy for large
hypercube supercomputers",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "898--907",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C6150J (Operating
corpsource = "Syracuse Univ., NY, USA",
keywords = "algebraic characteristics; central points; control
points; distributed processing; hypercube networks;
hypercube partitioning; independent regions; large
hypercube supercomputers; network traffic; NP-complete
problem; performance evaluation; resource allocation;
resource utilization; response time; schedulers;
scheduling; semi distributed task allocation strategy;
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "R. P. Colwell and W. E. Hall and C. S. Joshi and D. B.
Papworth and P. K. Rodman and J. E. Tornes",
title = "Architecture and implementation of a {VLIW}
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "910--919",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques)",
corpsource = "Multiflow Comput. Inc., Branford, CT, USA",
keywords = "100k ECL; 128 bit; 15 ns clock period; 32 bit; 64 bit;
66.7 MHz; computer architecture; fine-grain
parallelism; pipeline processing; TRACE/500;
vectorizable code; VLIW architecture Multiflow, very
long instruction word computer; VLIW supercomputer",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "R. Gupta and M. Epstein and M. Whelan",
title = "The design of a {RISC} based multiprocessor chip",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "920--929",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor
systems and techniques)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Pittsburgh Univ., PA, USA",
keywords = "36 bit; Briarcliff Multiprocessor Project; C-compiler;
collective branching; fine-grained parallelism; fuzzy
barriers; loops; memory design; MIMD; multiprocessor
chip; parallel A-code; parallel architectures; parallel
instruction streams; parallelizing compiler; reduced
instruction set computer; reduced instruction set
computing; register channels; RISC processors; Sun
SPARC architecture; synchronization mechanisms",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "P. Wolcott and S. E. Goodman",
title = "Soviet high-speed computers: the new generation",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "930--939",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5420 (Mainframes and minicomputers); C5440
(Multiprocessor systems and techniques)",
corpsource = "MIS Dept., Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ, USA",
keywords = "1 to 1000 MIPS; computer evaluation; EL 'brus;
ES-1181; ES-1191; ES-2701; ES-2703; ES-2704; ES-2727;
loosely coupled array processor machines; mainframes;
parallel machines; PS- 2100; PS-2000; Soviet
high-performance computers",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "G General Review; P Practical; R Product Review",
author = "Y.-F. Lee and T. J. Marlowe and B. G. Ryder",
title = "Performing data flow analysis in parallel",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "942--951",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick,
keywords = "data flow analysis; flow graph condensation; hybrid
dataflow analysis; message-passing MIMD; parallel
algorithms; parallel dataflow analysis algorithms;
parallel programming; static mapping-dynamic scheduling
strategy; task partitioning",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
author = "P. Havlak and K. Kennedy",
title = "Experience with interprocedural analysis of array side
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "952--961",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6150C
(Compilers, interpreters and other processors)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Rice Univ., Houston, TX, USA",
keywords = "array side effects; automatic parallelization;
dependence analysis; interprocedural analysis;
interprocedural side effects; linear algebra
subroutines; LINPACK; modular programming; parallel
programming; parallelism; regular section analysis;
Rice Compiler Evaluation Program Suite; Rice Parallel
Fortran Converter",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical; X Experimental",
author = "L.-C. Lu and M. C. Chen",
title = "Subdomain dependence test for massive parallelism",
crossref = "IEEE:1990:PSN",
pages = "962--972",
year = "1990",
bibdate = "Wed Apr 15 18:34:48 MDT 1998",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)",
corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Yale Univ., New Haven CT, USA",
keywords = "conditional statements; dependence cycle breaking;
disjoint regions; functional programming; functional
programs; iteration space; large-scale parallelism;
massive parallelism; parallel programming; subdomain
dependence test",
sponsororg = "IEEE; ACM; Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.; Los Alamos
Nat. Lab.; NASA Ames Res. Center; Nat. Center Atmos.
Res.; NSF; SIAM; Supercomput. Res. Center",
treatment = "P Practical",
editor = "{IEEE}",
booktitle = "Proceedings, Supercomputing '90: November 12--16,
1990, New York Hilton at Rockefeller Center, New York,
New York",
title = "Proceedings, Supercomputing '90: November 12--16,
1990, New York Hilton at Rockefeller Center, New York,
New York",
publisher = pub-IEEE,
address = pub-IEEE:adr,
pages = "xxv + 982",
year = "1990",
ISBN = "0-8186-2056-0 (paperback: IEEE Computer Society),
0-89791-412-0 (paperback: ACM)",
ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-2056-0 (paperback: IEEE Computer Society),
978-0-89791-412-3 (paperback: ACM)",
LCCN = "QA 76.88 S87 1990",
bibdate = "Wed Aug 28 06:48:31 MDT 1996",
bibsource = "University of California MELVYL catalog.",
note = "ACM order number 415903. IEEE Computer Society Press
order number 2056. IEEE catalog number 90CH2916-5.",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5470
(Performance evaluation and testing); C6110 (Systems
analysis and programming); C7000 (Computer
keywords = "biological applications; computer applications;
computer chess; innovative architectures; linear
algebra algorithms; memory; networking computing;
parallel languages; parallel processing; particle
transport; partitioning; performance evaluation;
performance visualizations; pipeline processing;
program analysis; program restructuring; scheduling;
supercomputers --- congresses; vector algorithms",