%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "1.03",
%%%     date            = "25 October 2010",
%%%     time            = "17:28:08 MDT",
%%%     filename        = "supercomputing94.bib",
%%%                        University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
%%%     URL             = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe",
%%%     checksum        = "17937 1720 7325 72814",
%%%     email           = "beebe at math.utah.edu, beebe at acm.org,
%%%                        beebe at ieee.org (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "bibliography, BibTeX, Supercomputing '94",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a complete bibliography of papers
%%%                        published in the proceedings of
%%%                        Supercomputing '94.
%%%                        The organizers of this conference series
%%%                        maintain a World-Wide Web site at
%%%                            http://www.supercomp.org/
%%%                        where pointers to Web pages for the
%%%                        conferences from 1994 to date may be found.
%%%                        At version 1.03, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1994 (  95)
%%%                             InProceedings:   94
%%%                             Proceedings:      1
%%%                             Total entries:   95
%%%                        This bibliography was prepared from data
%%%                        collected from major library catalogs, and
%%%                        from the TeX User Group bibliography
%%%                        archive.
%%%                        In this bibliography, entries are sorted in
%%%                        publication order, using ``bibsort
%%%                        -byvolume''.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:

@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
                    University of Utah,
                    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
                    155 S 1400 E RM 233,
                    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
                    e-mail: \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]| (Internet),
                    URL: \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publishers and their addresses:

@String{pub-IEEE                = "IEEE Computer Society Press"}

@String{pub-IEEE:adr            = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300,
                                  Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries.

  author =       "M. Benincasa",
  title =        "Issues in Applying High Performance Computing to
                 Real-Time Systems",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "1--2",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "T. Marchioro and D. Martin",
  title =        "Issues in Undergraduate Education in Computational
                 Science and High Performance Computing",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "3--3",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Ginsberg",
  title =        "Selecting the ``Best'' {MPP}: Do Benchmarks Really
                 Tell the Whole Story?",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "4--4",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W. Feurzeig and N. Roberts",
  title =        "Computer Modeling in Science Education: Toward a
                 Research and Planning Agenda",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "5--6",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "F. R. Bailey and M. George and D. Koga and P. Buning",
  title =        "{Integration of Numerical and Experimental Wind
                 Tunnels} ({IofNEWT})",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "7--7",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. Banerjee and T. Tysinger and W. Smith",
  title =        "A Scalable High-Performance Environment for Fluid Flow
                 Analysis on Unstructured Grids",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "8--17",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. M. Baker and S. X. Ying",
  title =        "A Fixed Time Performance Evaluation of Parallel {CFD}
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "18--23",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "E. Tomacruz and J. Sanghavi and Sangiovanni- and A.
  title =        "A Parallel Iterative Linear Solver for Solving
                 Irregular Grid Semiconductor Device Matrices",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "24--33",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "R. C. Agarwal and F. G. Gustavson and M. Zubair",
  title =        "A High Performance Parallel Algorithm for {1-D FFT}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "34--40",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Eckstein",
  title =        "Control Strategies for Parallel Mixed Integer Branch
                 and Bound",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "41--48",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. L. Dai and S. K. S. Gupta and S. D. Kaushik and J.
                 H. Lu",
  title =        "{EXTENT}: {A} Portable Programming Environment for
                 Designing and Implementing High-Performance
                 Block-Recursive Algorithms",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "49--58",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W.-M. Ching and A. Katz",
  title =        "An Experimental {APL} Compiler for a Distributed
                 Memory Parallel Machine",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "59--68",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Parkes and J. A. Chandy and P. Banerjee",
  title =        "A Library-Based Approach to Portable, Parallel,
                 Object-Oriented Programming: Interface, Implementation,
                 and Application",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "69--78",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "T. Kamada and S. Matsuoka and A. Yonezawa",
  title =        "Efficient Parallel Global Garbage Collection on
                 Massively Parallel Computers",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "79--88",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. D. Knies and F. R. Barriuso and W. J. Harrod and G.
                 B. Adams",
  title =        "{SLICC}: {A} Low Latency Interface for Collective
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "89--96",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. D. Sharma and R. Ponnusamy and B. Moon and Y.-S.
  title =        "Run-time and Compile-time Support for Adaptive
                 Irregular Problems",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "97--106",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Barnett and S. Gupta and D. G. Payne and L.
  title =        "Building a High-Performance Collective Communication
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "107--116",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. V. Iyer and A. Beck and U. Ravaioli and J.
  title =        "Distributed Exploratorium for High Performance
                 Computational Techniques",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "117--125",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C. R. Cook and C. M. Pancake and R. Walpole",
  title =        "Are Expectations for Parallelism Too High? {A} Survey
                 of Potential Parallel Users",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "126--133",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. V. Wilson and N. B. MacDonald and C. Thornborrow
                 and C. M. Brough",
  title =        "The Development and Operation of {Edinburgh Parallel
                 Computing Centre}'s Summer Scholarship Programme",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "134--143",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Beddhu and M.-Y. Jiang and L. Taylor and D.
  title =        "Towards Computations of Ocean Flows Using
                 {Navier--Stokes} Equations",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "144--153",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Lin and J. Hsieh and D. H. C. Du and J. P. Thomas",
  title =        "Distributed Network Computing over Local {ATM}
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "154--163",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C. Huang and E. P. Kasten and P. K. McKinley",
  title =        "Design and Implementation of Multicast Operations for
                 {ATM-Based} High Performance Computing",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "164--173",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Lin and J. Hsieh and D. H. C. Du and J. A.
  title =        "Performance of High-Speed Network {I/O} Subsystems
                 for: Case Study of a Fibre Channel Network",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "174--183",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check last author name??",

  author =       "D. P. Koester and S. Ranka and G. C. Fox",
  title =        "A Parallel {Gauss--Seidel} Algorithm for Sparse Power
                 System Matrices",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "184--193",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "O. Tatebe and Y. Oyanagi",
  title =        "Efficient Implementation of the Multigrid
                 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method on Distributed
                 Memory Machines",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "194--203",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. Karypis and A. Gupta and V. Kumar",
  title =        "A Parallel Formulation of Interior Point Algorithms",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "204--213",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Subramaniam and D. Eager",
  title =        "Affinity Scheduling of Unbalanced Workloads",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "214--226",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W. Liu and V. Lo and K. Windisch and B. Nitzberg",
  title =        "Non-contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithms for
                 Distributed Memory Multicomputers",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "227--236",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. N. Srinivasa Prasanna and B. R. Musicus",
  title =        "Generalized Multiprocessor Scheduling for Directed
                 Acyclic Graphs",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "237--246",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. W. Turner and A. V. Viedenbaum",
  title =        "Scalability of the {Cedar} System",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "247--254",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "L. Kontothanassis and R. A. Sugumar and G. Faanes and
                 J. and J. E. Smith",
  title =        "Cache Performance in Vector Supercomputers",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "255--264",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Torrellas and Z. Zhang",
  title =        "The Performance of the {Cedar Multistage Switching
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "265--274",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Christon and J. Compton and D. Hardin and M.
  title =        "Meshes: The Next Generation",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "275--276",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. Rover",
  title =        "Performance Evaluation: Integrating Techniques and
                 Tools into Environments and Frameworks",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "277--278",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. Lindberg",
  title =        "The {High Performance Computing and Communications}
                 ({HPCC}) Program: Technologies for the {National
                 Information Infrastructure}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "279--279",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. J. McRae",
  title =        "Realizing the Benefits of High Performance Computing
                 for Solving Environmental and Other Problems: What Do
                 We Need Beyond Faster Hardware?",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "280--280",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C. J. Turner and J. G. Turner",
  title =        "Adaptive Data Parallel Methods for Ecosystem
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "281--290",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. Cameron and B. J. N. Wylie and D. McArthur",
  title =        "{PARAMICS}: Moving Vehicles on the {Connection
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "291--300",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Sato and A. Sohn and S. Sakai and Y. Kodawa",
  title =        "Nonnumeric Search Results on the {EM-4}
                 Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "301--310",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. V. Pryor and S. A. Cuccaro and M. Mascagni and M.
                 L. Robinson",
  title =        "Implementation of a Portable and Reproducible Parallel
                 Pseudorandom Number Generator",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "311--319",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. V. Kozlov and Jaswinder Pal Singh",
  title =        "A Parallel {Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter} Algorithm for
                 Probabilistic Inference",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "320--329",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Subhlok and D. R. O'Hallaron and T. Gross and P. A.
  title =        "Communication and Memory Requirements as the Basis for
                 Mapping Task and Data Parallel Programs",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "330--339",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Nieplocha and R. J. Harrison and R. J.
  title =        "Global Arrays: {A} Portable ``Shared-Memory''
                 Programming Model for Distributed Memory Computers",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "340--349",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check last author name??",

  author =       "M. Haines and D. Cronk and P. Mehrotra",
  title =        "On the Design of {Chant}: {A} Talking Threads
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "350--359",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J.-C. Wang and S. Ranka",
  title =        "Scheduling of Unstructured Communication on the {Intel
                 iPSC\slash 860}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "360--369",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Gefflaut and C. Morin and M. Banatre",
  title =        "Tolerating Node Failures in Cache Only Memory
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "370--379",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "B. Falsafi and A. R. Lebeck and S. K. Reinhardt and I.
  title =        "Application-Specific Protocols for User-Level Shared
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "380--389",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Casas and R. Konuru and S. W. Otto and R. Prouty
                 and J. Walpole",
  title =        "Adaptive load migration systems for {PVM}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "390--399",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 16 06:39:19 MDT 1997",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Eng., Oregon Graduate Inst.
                 of Sci. and Technol., Portland, OR, USA",
  classification = "C6150N (Distributed systems software)",
  conflocation = "Washington, DC, USA; 14-18 Nov. 1994",
  conftitle =    "Proceedings of Supercomputing '94",
  corpsource =   "Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Eng., Oregon Graduate Inst.
                 of Sci. and Technol., Portland, OR, USA",
  keywords =     "adaptive data movement; Adaptive data movement;
                 adaptive load distribution; Adaptive load distribution;
                 adaptive load migration systems; Adaptive load
                 migration systems; ADM; allocation; effectiveness;
                 Effectiveness; heterogeneous workstation network;
                 message passing; message passing system; Message
                 passing system; migratable PVM; Migratable PVM; MPVM;
                 parallel algorithms; parallel applications; Parallel
                 applications; performance; Performance; programming;
                 programming methodology; Programming methodology;
                 resource; shared; Shared heterogeneous workstation
                 network; transparent migration; Transparent migration;
                 Unix; Unix process; UPVM; usability; Usability;
                 user-level PVM; User-level PVM; virtual machines;
                 virtual processors; Virtual processors; workstation
                 environment changes; Workstation environment changes",
  sponsororg =   "IEEE Comput. Soc.; ACM; SIAM",
  thesaurus =    "Message passing; Parallel algorithms; Programming;
                 Resource allocation; Unix; Virtual machines",
  treatment =    "P Practical",

  author =       "R. Fatoohi and S. Weeratunga",
  title =        "Performance Evaluation of Three Distributed Computing
                 Environments for Scientific Applications",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "400--409",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "K. Castagnera and D. Cheng and R. Fatoohi and E.
  title =        "{NAS} Experiences with a. Prototype Cluster of
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "410--419",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Aluru and G. M. Prabhu and J. Gustafson",
  title =        "Truly Distribution-Independent Algorithms for the
                 {$N$}-body Problem",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "420--428",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Makino and M. Taiji and T. Ebisuzaki and D.
  title =        "{GRAPE-4}: {A} One-Tflops Special-Purpose Computer for
                 Astrophysical {$N$}-body Problem",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "429--438",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Y. Grama and V. Kumar and A. Sameh",
  title =        "Scalable Parallel Formulations of the {Barnes--Hut}
                 Method for $n$-Body Simulations",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "439--448",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "H. S. Maini and K. G. Mehrotra and C. K. Mohan and S.
  title =        "Genetic Algorithms for Graph Partitioning and
                 Incremental Graph Partitioning",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "449--457",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C.-W. Ou and S. Ranka",
  title =        "Parallel Incremental Graph Partitioning Using Linear
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "458--467",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "K. K. Kee and S. Hariri",
  title =        "Efficient Communication Algorithms for Pipeline
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "468--477",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "T. Utsumi and M. Ikeda and M. Takamura",
  title =        "Architecture of the {VPP500} Parallel Supercomputer",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "478--487",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "T.-C. Chiueh",
  title =        "{Sunder}: {A} Programmable Hardware Prefetch
                 Architecture for Numerical Loops",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "488--497",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Kumar and P. K. Mannava and L. N. Bhuyan",
  title =        "Efficient and Scalable Cache Coherence Schemes for
                 Shared Memory Hypercube Multiprocessors",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "498--507",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Zaafrani and M. R. Ito",
  title =        "Expressing Cross-Loop Dependencies through Hyperplane
                 Data Dependence Analysis",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "508--517",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ding-Kai Chen and Josep Torrellas and Pen-Chung Yew",
  title =        "An Efficient Algorithm for the Run-time
                 Parallelization of {DOACROSS} Loops",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "518--527",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
  affiliationaddress = "IL, USA",
  classification = "722.4; 723.1; 723.2",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Codes (symbols); Data dependences; Data
                 processing; Data reduction; Loops; Multiprocessing
                 systems; Parallel processing systems; Program
                 compilers; Program processors; Run time
                 parallelization; Shared memory multiprocessor",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "William Blume and Rudolf Eigenmann",
  title =        "The Range test: a dependence test for symbolic,
                 non-linear expressions",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "528--537",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
  affiliationaddress = "Urbana, IL, USA",
  classification = "722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 921.5",
  keywords =     "Codes (symbols); Data dependence analysis; Data
                 handling; Data reduction; Nonlinear programming;
                 Optimization; Parallel processing systems;
                 Parallelizing compiler; Program compilers; Range test;
                 Symbolic inequalities; Symbolic nonlinear expressions",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "S. Fahlman",
  title =        "Supercomputing Support for Advanced Biomedical
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "538--539",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Christopher R. Johnson and Steven G. Parker",
  title =        "A Computational Steering Model Applied to Problems in
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "540--549",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Utah",
  affiliationaddress = "Salt Lake City, UT, USA",
  classification = "461.6; 721.1; 722.2; 723.1; 723.5; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Computational methods; Computational phases;
                 Computational steering model; Computer science;
                 Computer simulation; Computer software; Computer
                 vision; Geometric design; Geometry; Graphical user
                 interfaces; Mathematical models; Medical computing;
                 Medical problems",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "C. A. Johnson and N. I. Weisenfeld and B. L. Trus and
                 J. F. Conway and R. L. Martino and A. C. Steven",
  title =        "Orientation Determination in the {3D} Reconstruction
                 of Icosahedral Viruses Using a Parallel Computer",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "550--559",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Div of Computer Research and Technology",
  classification = "461.1; 722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 921.6; 942.1",
  keywords =     "Capsid structures; Computational methods; Cryoelectron
                 micrographs; Diseases; Electron microscopes; Finer
                 sampling; Fourier slice theorem; Fourier transforms;
                 Herpes simplex virus; Icosahedral viruses; Image
                 reconstruction; Inverse problems; Orientation
                 determination; Parallel algorithms; Parallel computer;
                 Parallel processing systems; Phase contrast transfer
                 function; Three dimensional; Three dimensional
                 reconstruction; Transfer functions",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Raimond L. Winslow and Dongming Cai and Ying-Cheng
  title =        "Factors Controlling Generation and Propagation of
                 Pacemaker Potentials in Network Models of Mammalian
                 {SA} Node",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "560--569",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Johns Hopkins Univ",
  affiliationaddress = "Baltimore, MD, USA",
  classification = "462.1; 701.1; 711.1; 721.3; 722.4; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Bifurcation (mathematics); Bioelectric potentials;
                 Cell distance; Computer networks; Computer simulation;
                 Current density; Electromagnetic wave propagation;
                 Frequencies; Gap junction coupling; Interdigitation;
                 Ion channels; Large scale network; Mathematical models;
                 Oscillation frequency; Pacemaker potential; Pacemakers;
                 Parallel processing systems; Parallel supercomputer;
                 Semiconductor junctions; Sino atrial node; Spatial
                 variation; Supercomputers; Variational techniques",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Cheng Che Chen and Jaswinder Pal Singh and William B.
                 Poland and Russ B. Altman",
  title =        "Parallel Protein Structure Determination from
                 Uncertain Data",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "570--579",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Stanford Univ",
  classification = "722.1; 722.4; 723.1; 801.4; 921.6; 922.1",
  keywords =     "Biological molecules; Computational methods; Computer
                 graphics; Constraint theory; Data locality; Data
                 storage equipment; Distributed computer systems;
                 Distributed main memory; Estimation; Molecular
                 structure; Multiprocessing systems; Nuclear magnetic
                 resonance; Parallel algorithms; Parallel protein
                 structure; Parallelization; Per processor coherent
                 caches; Probabilistic algorithm; Probability;
                 Semiconducting silicon; Shared address space
                 multiprocessor; Silicon graphics challenge; Three
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Subhash Saini and Horst D. Simon",
  title =        "Applications Performance Under {OSF/1 AD} and {SUNMOS}
                 on {Intel Paragon XP\slash S-15}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "580--589",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "NASA Ames Research Cent",
  affiliationaddress = "Moffett Field, CA, USA",
  classification = "714.2; 716.1; 722.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.5",
  keywords =     "Advertized rate; Bandwidth; Communication bandwidth;
                 Computer operating systems; Computer simulation;
                 Computer software; Data communication systems; Data
                 storage equipment; Dynamic allocation; Measurements;
                 Microcomputers; Microprocessor; Numerical aerodynamical
                 simulation; Paragon system; Parallel benchmarks;
                 Performance; Storage allocation (computer);
                 Transistors; User interfaces",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Douglas C. Burger and Rahmat S. Hyder and Barton P.
                 Miller and David A. Wood",
  title =        "Paging Tradeoffs in Distributed Shared-Memory
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "590--599",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Wisconsin-Madison",
  affiliationaddress = "Madison, WI, USA",
  classification = "722.1; 722.2; 722.4; 723.5",
  keywords =     "Central processing unit; Computer operating systems;
                 Computer simulation; Computer workstations; Data
                 storage equipment; Distributed computer systems;
                 Distributed shared memory multiprocessor; Massively
                 parallel processor; Measurements; Page faulting
                 processor; Page reference patterns; Paging trade offs;
                 Parallel context switch; Parallel machines; Parallel
                 processing systems; Parallel programs; Performance;
                 Scheduling; Supercomputers; Switching; Synchronization;
                 Virtual memory; Virtual storage",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Mark E. Crovella and Thomas J. LeBlanc",
  title =        "Parallel Performance Prediction Using Lost Cycles
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "600--609",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Rochester",
  affiliationaddress = "Rochester, NY, USA",
  classification = "722.4; 723; 723.1; 723.5; 921.4; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Computer aided software engineering; Computer
                 software; Fast Fourier transforms; Fortran (programming
                 language); Kendall square; Lost cycle analysis;
                 Mathematical models; Measure modify approach;
                 Measurements; Parallel algorithms; Parallel processing
                 systems; Parallel programs; Parallelization; Program
                 debugging; Real world programs; Scalability analysis;
                 Variational techniques",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Brian L. Tierney and William E. Johnston and Hanan
                 Herzog and Gary Hoo and Guojun Jin and Jason Lee and
                 Ling Tony Chen and Doron Rotem",
  title =        "Using High Speed Networks to Enable Distributed
                 Parallel Image Server Systems",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "610--619",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Lawrence Berkeley Lab",
  affiliationaddress = "Berkeley, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 723.5",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Associated name server; Asynchronous
                 transfer mode; Computer architecture; Computer
                 software; Computer vision; Data storage equipment; Disk
                 block server; Distributed computer systems; Distributed
                 parallel image server systems; High speed data storage
                 system; High speed networks; Image data; Imaging
                 systems; Online systems; Parallel processing systems;
                 Terrain visualization; unix; unix workstations; User
                 interfaces; User level software; Video sequences",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Ronald Mraz",
  title =        "Reducing the Variance of Point to Point Transfers in
                 the {IBM 9076} Parallel Computer",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "620--629",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM T.J. Watson Research Cent",
  affiliationaddress = "Yorktown Heights, NY, USA",
  classification = "722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 921.5",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Codes (symbols); Commodity workstations;
                 Computer operating systems; Computer software; Computer
                 workstations; Context switch; Data communication
                 systems; Fortran (programming language); Measurements;
                 Message passing variance; Optimization; Parallel
                 computer; Parallel processing systems; Parallel
                 programs; Point to point variance benchmark; Space
                 communication; Uni processor utilization; unix; User
                 interfaces; Virtual ring configuration",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Stephen W. Turner and Lionel M. Ni and Betty H. C.
  title =        "Time and\slash or Space Sharing in a Workstation
                 Cluster Environment",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "630--639",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Michigan State Univ",
  affiliationaddress = "East Lansing, MI, USA",
  classification = "721.3; 722.2; 722.3; 722.4; 723.1",
  keywords =     "Central processing unit; Clustered parallel computer;
                 Communication protocols; Computer networks; Computer
                 operating systems; Computer programming; Computer
                 workstations; Data communication systems; Measurements;
                 Message passing latency; Network protocols; Parallel
                 processing systems; Parallel programming; Scheduling;
                 Space sharing; System utilization; Time shared access;
                 User interfaces; User level software; Workstation
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar",
  title =        "Dynamic File-Access Characteristics of a Production
                 Parallel Scientific Workload",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "640--649",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dartmouth Coll",
  affiliationaddress = "Hanover, NH, USA",
  classification = "716.1; 722.4; 723.1; 723.5; 921.5; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Bandwidth; Bottlenecking multiprocessor; Computational
                 methods; Computer programming; Computer simulation;
                 Computer systems; Distributed computer systems; Dynamic
                 file access; Input output bottleneck; Input output
                 programs; Massively parallel computer; Multiprocessing
                 systems; Multiprocessor file system; Optimization;
                 Parallel file system; Parallel processing systems;
                 Parallel scientific workload; Supercomputers; Trace
                 driven caching simulation; User interfaces; Vecto
                 supercomputers; Vectors",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Kent E. Seamons and Marianne Winslett",
  title =        "An Efficient Abstract Interface for Multidimensional
                 Array {I/O}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "650--659",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Illinois",
  affiliationaddress = "Urbana, IL, USA",
  classification = "722.1; 722.2; 722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 723.5",
  keywords =     "Abstract interface; Computer vision; Computer
                 workstations; Data storage equipment; Data structures;
                 Database management systems; Database systems;
                 Distributed memory multiprocessor machine; Fortran
                 (programming language); Hard coded persistence; Input
                 output programs; Interfaces (computer); Magnetic disk
                 storage; Massively parallel architecture;
                 Multidimensional array; Multiprocessing systems;
                 Parallel processing systems; Scientific array data;
                 Scientific computing; Traditional array ordering",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Barbara K. Pasquale and George C. Polyzos",
  title =        "Dynamic {I/O} characterization of {I/O} intensive
                 scientific applications",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "660--669",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of California",
  affiliationaddress = "La Jolla, CA, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2",
  keywords =     "Computation periods; Computation theory; Computer
                 architecture; Computer systems; Cray C90 workload; Data
                 communication systems; Data transfer; Dynamic
                 characteristics; Empirical input output behavior; High
                 level functional composition; High level languages;
                 Input output intensive population; Input output
                 programs; Interconnection networks; Magnetic disk
                 storage; Natural sciences computing; Parallel data
                 access; Parallel processing systems; Recurring
                 sequences; Scientific applications; Supercomputer
                 applications; Supercomputers; User interfaces",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "S. Goedecker and L. Colombo",
  title =        "Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "670--672",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Cornell Univ",
  affiliationaddress = "Ithaca, NY, USA",
  classification = "722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 723.5; 801.4; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Approximation theory; Calculations; Car Parinello
                 molecular dynamics; Codes (symbols); Computational
                 workload; Computer simulation; Computer workstations;
                 Data communication systems; Function evaluation;
                 Hewlett Packard workstations; Interprocessor
                 communication; Lagrangian techniques; Molecular
                 dynamics; Molecular dynamics algorithm; Optimization;
                 Parallel algorithms; Phase transitions; Silicon atoms;
                 Supercomputers; Tight binding molecular dynamics;
                 Vector supercomputers; Vectors",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "John N. Shadid and Scott A. Hutchinson and Harry K.
                 Moffat and Gary L. Hennigan and Bruce Hendrickson and
                 Robert W. Leland",
  title =        "A {65+ Gflop/s} Unstructured Finite Element Simulation
                 of Chemically Reacting Flows on the {Intel Paragon}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "673--679 (or 673--678??)",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sandia Natl Lab",
  classification = "722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 723.5; 802.2; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Chemical reactions; Chemically reacting
                 flow; Complex flows; Computational methods;
                 Computational rate; Computer aided analysis; Computer
                 simulation; Data communication systems; Distributed
                 memory computers; Finite element method; Finite element
                 simulation; Geometry; Integration; Intel paragon; Large
                 scale parallel machine; Large scale systems;
                 Mathematical models; Non equilibrium chemical kinetics;
                 Parallel iterative savers; Parallel processing systems;
                 Three dimensional; Time integration",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "David E. Womble and David S. Greenberg and Stephen R.
                 Wheat and Robert E. Benner and Marc S. Ingber and Greg
                 Henry and Satya Gutpa",
  title =        "Applications of Boundary Element Methods on the {Intel
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "680--684",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sandia Natl Lab",
  affiliationaddress = "Albuquerque, NM, USA",
  classification = "722.4; 921.1; 921.2; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Approximation theory; Arbitrary geometry;
                 Boundary element method; Calculations; Cholesky
                 decomposition; Dense equation solver; Dense matrix
                 algorithms; Differential equations; Finite element
                 method; Geometry; High order approximation; Intel
                 paragon; Iterative methods; lu factorization; Massively
                 parallel computers; Mathematical operators; Matrix
                 algebra; Nonblocking collective communication;
                 Numerical analysis; Sparse linear system;
                 Supercomputers; Three dimensional",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "H. Miyoshi and M. Fukuda and T. Iwamiya and T.
                 Nakamura and M. Tuchiya and M. Yoshida and K. Yamamoto
                 and Y. Yamamoto and S. Ogawa and Y. Matsuo and T.
                 Yamane and M. Takamura and M. Ikeda and S. Okada and Y.
                 Sakamoto and others",
  title =        "Development and Achievement of {NAL Numerical Wind
                 Tunnel} ({NWT}) for {CFD} Computations",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "685--692",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Foundation for Promotion of Material Science and
                 Technology of Japan",
  affiliationaddress = "Tokyo, Jpn",
  classification = "651.2; 722.1; 722.4; 723.1; 723.5; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Calculations; Codes (symbols); Complex flow
                 simulation; Computational fluid dynamics; Computer
                 simulation; Data storage equipment; Distributed
                 computer systems; Distributed memory parallel computer;
                 Fortran (programming language); Numerical analysis;
                 Numerical wind tunnel; Parallel processing systems;
                 Performance; Specifications; Three dimensional; Three
                 dimensional viscous flow; Wind tunnels",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Rajendra V. Boppana and Suresh Chalasani",
  title =        "Fault-Tolerant Routing with Non-Adaptive Wormhole
                 Algorithms in Mesh Networks",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "693--702",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Texas at San Antonio",
  affiliationaddress = "San Antonio, TX, USA",
  classification = "716.1; 722.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Block faults; Communication channels
                 (information theory); Computer networks; Computer
                 simulation; Computer system recovery; Constraint
                 theory; Data communication systems; Data storage
                 equipment; Deadlock free delivery; E cube algorithm;
                 Fault free nodes; Fault rings; Fault tolerant computer
                 systems; Fault tolerant routing; Mesh networks;
                 Multiprocessing systems; Non adaptive wormhole
                 algorithms; Pairwise disjoint; Switching networks;
                 Telecommunication links; Virtual channels; Virtual
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Hong Xu and Ya-Dong Gui and Lionel M. Ni",
  title =        "Optimal Software Multicast in Wormhole-Routed
                 Multistage Networks",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "703--712",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Southern California",
  affiliationaddress = "Marina del Rey, CA, USA",
  classification = "716.1; 722.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 903.4.1",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Bandwidth; Barrier synchronization;
                 Broadcasting; Collective communication; Communication
                 bandwidth; Communication libraries; Computer software;
                 Data communication systems; Data storage equipment;
                 Electric network synthesis; Interconnection
                 architecture; Interconnection networks; Local memory;
                 Optimal software multicast; Parallel processing
                 systems; Scalable parallel computers; Switching
                 networks; Synchronization; System level multicast
                 service; Wormhole routed multistage networks",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "J. Park and B. W. O'Krafka and S. Vassiliadis and J.
  title =        "Design and Evaluation of a {DAMQ} Multiprocessor
                 Network with Self-Compacting Buffers",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "713--722",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Corp",
  affiliationaddress = "Endicott, NY, USA",
  classification = "722.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.5; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Approximation theory; Buffer space; Buffer storage;
                 Computer hardware; Computer networks; Computer
                 simulation; Delta networks; Dynamically allocated
                 multiqueue; Electric network synthesis; First in first
                 out switch; Interconnection networks; Multiported
                 buffer; Multiprocessing systems; Multiprocessor
                 network; Packet switching; Self compacting buffers;
                 Statically allocated fully connected switch; Storage
                 allocation (computer); Switch architecture; Switching
                 element; Switching networks; Virtual storage",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Doreen Cheng and Robert Hood",
  title =        "A Portable Debugger for Parallel and Distributed
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "723--732",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Computer Sciences Corp",
  affiliationaddress = "Moffett Field, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.1; 722.3; 722.4; 723.1; 723.5; 903.4.1",
  keywords =     "Client server interaction; Codes (symbols);
                 Computational platforms; Computer aided software
                 engineering; Computer programming; Computer simulation;
                 Computer software; Conventional state based debuggers;
                 Distributed computations; Distributed computer systems;
                 Fortran (programming language); High performance
                 Fortran; Interaction protocol; Message passing library;
                 Network protocols; Parallel processing systems;
                 Parallel programs; Portable debugger; Program
                 debugging; Storage allocation (computer); Tool
                 generated code; User interfaces",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Seema Hiranandani and Ken Kennedy and Chau-Wen Tseng
                 and Scott Warren",
  title =        "The {D} Editor: {A} New Interactive Parallel
                 Programming Tool",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "733--742",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Silicon Graphics Computer Systems",
  affiliationaddress = "Mountain View, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.2; 722.4; 723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2; 723.5",
  keywords =     "Codes (symbols); Color coding; Computer aided software
                 engineering; Computer architecture; Computer graphics;
                 Computer programming; D editor; Data storage equipment;
                 File editors; Fortran (programming language);
                 Optimization; Parallel processing systems; Parallel
                 programming tool; Performance; Program compilers;
                 Shared memory computers",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Manish Parashar and Salim Hariri and Tomasz Haupt and
                 Geoffrey C. Fox",
  title =        "Interpreting the Performance of {HPF\slash Fortran
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "743--752",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Syracuse Univ",
  affiliationaddress = "Syracuse, NY, USA",
  classification = "723.1; 723.1.1; 723.5; 912.3; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Accuracy; Application characterization; Benchmarking
                 kernels; Computer software; Forecasting; Fortran
                 (programming language); Performance; Performance
                 prediction; Program compilers; Program debugging;
                 Program interpreters; Software engineering; System
                 characterization; Systems analysis; Usability",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Ron Sass and Matt Mutka",
  title =        "Enabling Unimodular Transformations",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "753--762",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Michigan State Univ",
  affiliationaddress = "East Lansing, MI, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2; 921.3; 922.2",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Benchmarks; Codes (symbols); Computer
                 programming; Fortran (programming language); Kernels;
                 Mathematical transformations; Nested loops; Program
                 compilers; Programming theory; Statistics; Unimodular
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Ravi Mirchandaney and Seema Hiranandani and Ajay
  title =        "Improving the Performance of {DSM} Systems via
                 Compiler Involvement",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "763--772",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Oracle Corp",
  affiliationaddress = "Redwood Shores, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.1; 722.4; 723.1; 723.5; 921.5",
  keywords =     "Compiler optimization; Computer hardware; Computer
                 simulation; Computer software; Data storage equipment;
                 Distributed computer systems; Distributed shared memory
                 systems; Input output programs; Optimization;
                 Performance; Program compilers; Programming model;
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Lynn Choi and Pen-Chung Yew",
  title =        "A Compiler-Directed Cache Coherence Scheme with
                 Improved Intertask Locality",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "773--782",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Illinois",
  affiliationaddress = "Urbana, IL, USA",
  classification = "714.2; 721.3; 722; 722.1; 723.1",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Buffer storage; Compiler directed cache
                 coherence scheme; Computer hardware; Computer software;
                 Counting circuits; Data flow analysis; Intertask
                 locality; Memory access instructions; Microprocessor
                 chips; Parallel program execution; Performance; Program
                 compilers; Source program",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Edward Rothberg and Robert Schreiber",
  title =        "Improved Load Distribution in Parallel Sparse
                 {Cholesky} Factorization",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "783--792",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Intel Supercomputer Systems Div",
  affiliationaddress = "Beaverton, OR, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 721.3; 722; 722.3; 722.4",
  keywords =     "Block mapping heuristics; Computational load;
                 Computational methods; Computer hardware; Concurrency
                 control; Data communication systems; Electric network
                 topology; Interconnection networks; Interprocessor
                 communication; Parallel processing systems; Parallel
                 sparse Cholesky factorization; Performance;
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Anshul Gupta and Vipin Kumar",
  title =        "A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Sparse {Cholesky}
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "793--802",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Minnesota",
  affiliationaddress = "Minneapolis, MN, USA",
  classification = "722.4; 723.1; 912.3; 921.1; 921.4; 921.6",
  keywords =     "Asymptotic scalability; Communication overhead;
                 Computer architecture; Finite element method; Graph
                 theory; Hypercube architecture; Matrix algebra; Mesh
                 architecture; Parallel algorithms; Parallel processing
                 systems; Performance; Processors; Sparse Cholesky
                 factorization; Sparse linear systems; Systems
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "Makoto Nakanishi and Hiroshi Ina and Kenichi Miura",
  title =        "A High Performance Linear Equation Solver on the
                 {VPP500} Parallel Supercomputer",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "803--810",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 10:15:37 MDT 1998",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Fujitsu ltd",
  affiliationaddress = "Shizuoka, Jpn",
  classification = "721.1; 721.3; 722.4; 723.1; 723.2",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Computational methods; Computer
                 architecture; Computer software; Data transfer;
                 Interconnection networks; Linear equation solver;
                 Parallel processing systems; Parallel supercomputers;
                 Performance; Processors; Scalability; Supercomputers;
                 Vector processing capability",
  sponsor =      "IEEE; ACM; SIAM",

  author =       "S. Hotovy and W. Pfeiffer and T. Sterling",
  title =        "Joint {NSF-NASA} Initiative in Evaluation",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:PSW",
  pages =        "811--813",
  year =         "1994",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 15 09:36:13 MDT 1998",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

%%% ====================================================================
%%% These entries must occur last because they are cross-referenced by
%%% entries above.

  editor =       "{IEEE}",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings, {Supercomputing '94: Washington, DC,
                 November 14--18, 1994}}",
  title =        "{Proceedings, {Supercomputing '94: Washington, DC,
                 November 14--18, 1994}}",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "xvii + 823",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "0-8186-6605-6 (paper), 0-8186-6606-4 (microfiche),
                 0-8186-6607-2 (case)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8186-6605-6 (paper), 978-0-8186-6606-3
                 (microfiche), 978-0-8186-6607-0 (case)",
  ISSN =         "1063-9535",
  LCCN =         "QA76.5 .S894 1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 30 08:01:51 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "University of California MELVYL catalog.",
  note =         "IEEE catalog number 94CH34819.",
  series =       "Supercomputing",
  URL =          "http://sc94.ameslab.gov/AP/contents.html",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Supercomputers --- Congresses",
  sponsor =      "IEEE.",