%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "1.05",
%%%     date            = "12 August 2014",
%%%     time            = "07:07:01 MDT",
%%%     filename        = "supercomputing95.bib",
%%%                        University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
%%%     URL             = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe",
%%%     checksum        = "12270 1474 5481 60425",
%%%     email           = "beebe at math.utah.edu, beebe at acm.org,
%%%                        beebe at ieee.org (Internet)",
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%%%     keywords        = "BibTeX, bibliography, Supercomputing '95",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a complete bibliography of papers
%%%                        published in the proceedings of
%%%                        Supercomputing '95.  They are not published
%%%                        on paper, but are available electronically.
%%%                        The organizers of this conference series
%%%                        maintain a World-Wide Web site at
%%%                            http://www.supercomp.org/
%%%                        where pointers to Web pages for the
%%%                        conferences from 1994 to date may be found.
%%%                        At version 1.05, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1995 (103)
%%%                             InProceedings:  102
%%%                             Proceedings:      1
%%%                             Total entries:  103
%%%                        In this bibliography, entries are sorted in
%%%                        publication order, using ``bibsort
%%%                        -byvolume''.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:

@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
                    University of Utah,
                    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
                    155 S 1400 E RM 233,
                    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
                    e-mail: \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]|,
                            \path|[email protected]| (Internet),
                    URL: \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publishers and their addresses:

@String{pub-ACM                 = "ACM Press"}
@String{pub-ACM:adr             = "New York, NY 10036, USA"}

@String{pub-IEEE                = "IEEE Computer Society Press"}
@String{pub-IEEE:adr            = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300,
                                  Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries.

  author =       "David Abramson and Ian Foster and John Michalakes and
                 Rok Sosi{\v{c}}",
  title =        "Relative Debugging and its Application to the
                 Development of Large Numerical Models",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/599_IFOS/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Vikram S. Adve and John Mellor-Crummey and Mark
                 Anderson and Ken Kennedy and Jhy-Chun Wang and Daniel
                 A. Reed",
  title =        "An Integrated Compilation and Performance Analysis
                 Environment for Data Parallel Programs",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/528_VADV/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Gagan Agrawal and Joel Saltz",
  title =        "Interprocedural Compilation of Irregular Applications
                 for Distributed Memory Machines",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/405_AGR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bowen Alpern and Larry Carter and Kang Su Gatlin",
  title =        "Microparallelism and High-Performance Protein
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/549_LCAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Workshop: {Careers} for Women in Computer Science and
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/WORKSHOP.HTM#Women",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Eduard Ayguade",
  title =        "A Novel Approach Towards Automatic Data Distribution",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/437_JGAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Becky {Bace (moderator)} and Gary {Christoph
                 (panelist)} and Tsutomu {Shimomura (panelist)} and Gene
                 {Spafford (panelist)}",
  title =        "Information Superhighway or Road to Ruin?",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#Bace",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "Becky Bace",
  panelist =     "Gary Christoph and Tsutomu Shimomura and Gene

  author =       "Clive F. Baillie and James C. McWilliams and Jeffrey
                 B. Weiss and Irad Yavneh",
  title =        "Implementation and Performance of a Grand Challenge
                 {3D} Quasi-Geostrophic Multi-Grid code on the {Cray
                 T3D} and {IBM SP2}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/424_CLIV/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Henri Bal and Victor Allis",
  title =        "Parallel Retrograde Analysis on a Distributed System",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/463_HBAL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ioana Banicescu and Susan Flynn Hummel",
  title =        "Balancing Processor Loads and Exploiting Data Locality
                 in ${N}$-Body Simulations",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/594_BHUM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stephen T. Barnard",
  title =        "{PMRSB}: Parallel Multilevel Recursive Spectral
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/458_SBAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C. Bernard and C. DeTar and S. Gottlieb and U. M.
                 Heller and J. Hetrick and N. Ishizuka and L. Karkkainen
                 and S. R. Lantz and K. Rummukainen and R. Sugar and D.
                 Toussaint and M. Wingate",
  title =        "Lattice {QCD} on the {IBM Scalable POWERParallel
                 Systems SP2}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/411_CDT/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Michael W. Berry and Susan T. Dumais and Todd A.
  title =        "Computational Methods for Intelligent Information
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/473_MBER/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Robert J. Block and Sekhar Sarukkai and Pankaj Mehra",
  title =        "Automated Performance Prediction of Message-Passing
                 Parallel Programs",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/450_SSAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Paul Bode and Edmund Bertschinger",
  title =        "Parallel Linear General Relativity and {CMB}
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/423_BODE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Robert {Borchers (moderator)} and Tom {Anderson
                 (panellist)} and Burton {Smith (panellist)} and Steven
                 {Wallach (panellist)}",
  title =        "{Goldilocks and the Three Bears} Confront the Future
                 of Supercomputing",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#Goldi",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "Robert Borchers",
  panelist =     "Tom Anderson and Burton Smith and Steven Wallach",

  author =       "Shirley Browne and Jack Dongarra and Geoffrey C. Fox
                 and Ken Hawick and Ken Kennedy and Rick Stevens and
                 Robert Olson and Tom Rowan",
  title =        "Distributed Information Management in the {National
                 HPCC Software Exchange}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/588_BROW/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Monika ten Bruggencate and Suresh Chalasani",
  title =        "Parallel Implementations of the Power System Transient
                 Stability Problem on Clusters of Workstations",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/600_MBRU/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Trishul M. Chilimbi and Thomas Ball and Stephen G.
                 Eick and James R. Larus",
  title =        "{Storm Watch}: a Tool for Visualizing Memory System
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/505_TCHI/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Gary G. Christoph and Kathleen A. Jackson and Michael
                 C. Neuman and Christine L. B. Siciliano and Dennis D.
                 Simmonds and Cathy A. Stallings and Joseph L.
  title =        "{UNICORN}: Misuse Detection for {UNICOS}({TM})",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/714_GGC/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Terry W. Clark and L. Ridgway Scott and Stanislaw
                 Wloked and J. Andrew McCammon",
  title =        "{I/O} Limitations in Parallel Molecular Dynamics",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/524_TCLA/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Robert L. Clay and Peter A. Steenkiste",
  title =        "Distributing a Chemical Process Optimization
                 Application Over a Gigabit Network",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/592_RLCL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ralph K. Coppola and Eva Erdosne Toth",
  title =        "Developing Computational Science Curricula: {The
                 EarthVision} Experience",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/595_ETOT/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Phyllis E. Crandall and Ruth A. Aydt and Andrew A.
                 Chien and Daniel A. Reed",
  title =        "Input/Output Characteristics of Scalable Parallel
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/613_DREE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Pavel Curtis",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {Network} Places: {Concepts},
                 Experiences, and Plans",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Curtis",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Raja Das and Paul Havlak and Joel Saltz and Ken
  title =        "Index Array Flattening Through Program
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/546_HAVL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "James Demmel and Sharon Smith",
  title =        "Performance of a Parallel Global Atmospheric Chemical
                 Tracer Model",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/608_SHSM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jack Donegan",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {How} Many Miles per Gallon Does Your
                 Computer Get?",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Donegan",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jack {Donegan (moderator)}",
  title =        "{Mayors}' Panel",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#Mayors",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "Jack Donegan",

  author =       "Andrew Erlichson and Basem A. Nayfeh and Jaswinder P.
                 Singh and Kunle Olukotun",
  title =        "The Benefits of Clustering in Shared Address Space
                 Multiprocessors: An Applications-Driven Investigation",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/532_AERL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Lynn F. {Ten Eyck} and Jeffrey Mandell and Victoria A.
                 Roberts and Michael E. Pique",
  title =        "Surveying Molecular Interactions with {DOT}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/636_LTEN/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Hassan Fallah-Adl and Joseph JaJa and Shunlin Liang
                 and Yoram J. Kauman and John Townshend",
  title =        "Efficient Algorithms for Atmospheric Correction of
                 Remotely Sensed Data",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/511_HFAD/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jose Roberto Fernandez and Matt W. Mutka",
  title =        "Model and Call Admission Control for Distributed
                 Applications with Correlated Bursty Traffic",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/502_JRFE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Dennis Gannon",
  title =        "Object Oriented Parallel Programming",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/902_DG/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Dennis {Gannon (Moderator)} and Larry {Smarr
                 (panellist)} and Vince {Schuster (panellist)}",
  title =        "Where is the Supercomputer Software Revolution?",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#Gannon",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "Dennis Gannon",
  panellist =    "Larry Smarr and Vince Schuster",

  author =       "Dennis Gannon",
  title =        "Workshop: {Object} Oriented Parallel Programming",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/902_DG/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jordi Garcia",
  title =        "A Novel Approach Towards Automatic Data Distribution",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/437_JGAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Seymour Goodman",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {An} Examination of High-Performance
                 Computing Export Control Policy in the 1990s",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Goodman",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ananth Grama and Vipin Kumar and Ahmed Sameh",
  title =        "Parallel Matrix-Vector Product Using Approximate
                 Hierarchical Methods",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/032_AGRA/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Junjie Gu and Zhiyuan Li and Gyungho Lee",
  title =        "Symbolic Array Dataflow Analysis for Array
                 Privatization and Program Parallelization",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/436_JGU/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Manish Gupta and Sam Midkiff and Edith Schonberg and
                 Ven Seshadri and David Shields and Ko-Yang Wang and
                 Wai-Mee Ching and Ton Ngo",
  title =        "An {HPF} Compiler for the {IBM SP2}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/417_SAMM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Anshul Gupta and Vipin Kumar",
  title =        "Parallel Algorithms for Forward and Back Substitution
                 in Direct Solution of Sparse Linear Systems",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/030_AGUP/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Mary W. Hall and Saman P. Amarasinghe and Brian R.
                 Murphy and Shih-Wei Liao and Monica S. Lam",
  title =        "Detecting Coarse-Grain Parallelism Using an
                 Interprocedural Parallelizing Compiler",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/622_MHAL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ming-Hong Hao and Harold A. Scheraga",
  title =        "Computational Approach to the Statistical Mechanics of
                 Protein Folding",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/004_SHER/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Karim Harzallah and Kenneth C. Sevcik",
  title =        "Predicting Application Behavior in Large Scale
                 Shared-memory Multiprocessors",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/601_KHAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Michael Hemy and Peter Steenkiste",
  title =        "Gigabit {I/O} for Distributed-Memory Machines:
                 {Architecture} and Applications",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/570_MHEM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland",
  title =        "A Multi-Level Algorithm For Partitioning Graphs",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/509_BHEN/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Richard M. Hodur",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {Numerical} Weather Prediction and
                 the {America's Cup}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Hodur",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Y. Huang and C. C. Huang and P. K. McKinley",
  title =        "Multicast Virtual Topologies for Collective
                 Communication in {MPCs} and {ATM} Clusters",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/435_HUAN/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Shuichi Iwata",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {Virtual} Engineering: {Challenges}
                 into Handy Engineering from Advanced and Super
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Iwata",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. N. Jayasimha and M. E. Hayder and S. K. Pillay",
  title =        "Parallelizing {Navier--Stokes} Computations on a
                 Variety of Architectural Platforms",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/713_DNJA/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Wallace B. {St. John} and David H. DuBois",
  title =        "Wide-Area Gigabit Networking: {Los Alamos HIPPI-SONET}
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/710_WSTJ/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jeff A. Jones and Katherine A. Yelick",
  title =        "Parallelizing the Phylogeny Problem",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/562_JJON/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "George Karypis and Vipin Kumar",
  title =        "Analysis of Multilevel Graph Partitioning",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/031_GKAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ken Kennedy and Ulrich Kremer",
  title =        "Automatic Data Layout for {High Performance Fortran}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/580_UKRE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "WooYoung Kim and Gul Agha",
  title =        "Efficient Support of Location Transparency in
                 Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/425_WYK/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Scott R. Kohn and Scott B. Baden",
  title =        "A Parallel Software Infrastructure for Structured
                 Adaptive Mesh Methods",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/507_SKOH/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Leonidas I. Kontothanassis and Michael L. Scott and
                 Ricardo Bianchini",
  title =        "Lazy Release Consistency for Hardware-Coherent
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/554_KTHA/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Masayuki Kuba and Constantine D. Polychronopoulos and
                 Kyle Gallivan",
  title =        "The Synergetic Effect of Compiler, Architecture, and
                 Manual Optimizations on the Performance of {CFD} On
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/025_KUBA/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Santhosh Kumaran and Robert N. Miller and Michael J.
  title =        "Architecture-Adaptable Finite Element Modelling: {A}
                 Case Study using an Ocean Circulation Simulation",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/559_SKUM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Jesus Labarta",
  title =        "A Novel Approach Towards Automatic Data Distribution",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/437_JGAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "H. Albert Lilly",
  title =        "The Use of Cellular Automata in the Classroom",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/482_ALIL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "John Z. Lou and Robert D. Ferraro",
  title =        "A Parallel Incompressible Flow Solver Package with a
                 Parallel Multigrid Elliptic Kernel",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/018_LOU/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Honghui Lu and Sandhya Dwarkadas and Alan L. Cox and
                 Willy Zwaenepoel",
  title =        "Message Passing Versus Distributed Shared Memory on
                 Networks of Workstations",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/586_HLU/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Steven S. Lumetta and Arvind Krishnamurthy and David
                 E. Culler",
  title =        "Towards Modeling the Performance of a Fast Connected
                 Components Algorithm on Parallel Machines",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/465_SLUM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Craig {Lund (moderator)} and Jos{\'e} {Mu{\~n}oz
                 (panelist)} and others",
  title =        "Embedded Applications for High Performance Computing",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/804_CL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "Craig Lund",
  panelist =     "Jos{\'e} Mu{\~n}oz and others",

  author =       "Junichiro Makino and Makoto Taiji",
  title =        "Astrophysical {N}-body Simulations on the {GRAPE}-4
                 Special-Purpose Computer",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/721_JMAK/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Paul Messina and James C. T. Pool and Thomas
  title =        "Workshop: System Software and Tools for
                 High-Performance Computing Environments",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/WORKSHOP.HTM#Tools",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Craig Miller and David G. Payne and Thanh N. Phung and
                 Herb Siegel and Roy Williams",
  title =        "Parallel Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar Data",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/012_PAYN/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Kim Mills and Geoffrey Fox and Paul Coddington and
                 Barbara Mihalas and Marek Podgorny and Barbara Shelly
                 and Steven Bossert",
  title =        "The Living Textbook and the {K--12} Classroom of the
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/620_KMIL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Sam Milosevich",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: Thriving on Information Anxiety: {A}
                 Survival Guide to the Knowledge-Value Revolution",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Milos",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bahram Nassersharif and Richard Marciano and Sui-ky
                 Ling and Eugene Ho and Curt Edmonds",
  title =        "High-Performance Computing Approaches for Using the
                 {WWW} to Access a Large-Scale Environmental Dataset
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/545_RMAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Ramesh Natarajan and Dilip Krishnaswamy",
  title =        "A Case Study in Parallel Scientific Computing: The
                 Boundary Element Method on a Distributed-Memory
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/438_KRIS/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Scott Pakin and Mario Lauria and Andrew Chien",
  title =        "High Performance Messaging on Workstations: {Illinois
                 Fast Messages (FM) for Myrinet}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/567_SPAK/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Cherri Pancake",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {The Emperor} Has No Clothes: What
                 {HPC} Users Need to Say and {HPC} Vendors Need to
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Pancake",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Steven G. Parker and Christopher R. Johnson",
  title =        "{SCIRun}: {A} Scientific Programming Environment for
                 Computational Steering",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/499_SPAR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "John Plevyak and Vijay Karamcheti and Xingbin Zhang
                 and Andrew A. Chien",
  title =        "A Hybrid Execution Model for Fine-Grained Languages on
                 Distributed Memory Multicomputers",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/590_JPLE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "James C. T. Pool",
  title =        "Workshop: Research Issues in Scalable {I/O}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/WORKSHOP.HTM#Scalable",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Casey Porto",
  title =        "{Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center High School
                 Initiative in Computational Science Report on Findings
                 School Years: 1991--92, 1992--93, 1993--94}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/568_CPOR/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Umakishore Ramachandran and Gautam Shah and Anand
                 Sivasubramaniam and Aman Singla and Ivan Yanasak",
  title =        "Architectural Mechanisms for Explicit Communication in
                 Shared Memory Multiprocessors",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/561_GSHA/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Martin C. Rinard",
  title =        "Communication Optimizations for Parallel Computing
                 Using Data Access Information",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/539_MRIN/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "John Schill",
  title =        "Invited Speaker: {Joint Task Force Advanced Technology
                 Demonstration (JTF ATD)}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/INVSPEAK.HTM#Schill",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "K. E. Seamons and Y. Chen and P. Jones and J. Jozwiak
                 and M. Winslet",
  title =        "Server-Directed Collective {I/O} in {Panda}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/520_SEAM/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Bruce S. Siegell and Peter A. Steenkiste",
  title =        "Controlling Application Grain Size on a Network of
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/591_BSIE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Panayotis Skordos",
  title =        "Price and Performance of Simulating Wind Instruments",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/722_PSKO/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Norris Parker {Smith (moderator)} and Forest {Baskett
                 (panelist)} and Irving {Wladawski (panelist)}",
  title =        "Are Tereflops Commercial Flops?",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#Smith",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "Norris Parker Smith",
  panelist =     "Forest Baskett and Irving Wladawski",

  author =       "Brian T. Smith",
  title =        "Workshop: {HPF}: {A} User's Perspective",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/WORKSHOP.HTM#HPF",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Nigel Snoad and Terry Bossomaier",
  title =        "{MONSTER} --- the Ghost in the {Connection Machine}:
                 Modularity of Neural Systems in Theoretical
                 Evolutionary Research",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/531_NSNO/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Thomas Sterling and Daniel Savarese and Peter MacNeice
                 and Kevin Olson and Clark Mobarry and Bruce Fryxell and
                 Phillip Merkey",
  title =        "A Performance Evaluation of the {Convex SPP-1000}
                 Scalable Shared Memory Parallel Computer",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/709_PMER/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Kris Stewart",
  title =        "{HPC} Undergraduate Curriculum Development at {SDSU}
                 using {SDSC} Resources",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/704_KSTE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Patricia J. Teller and Ted Dunning",
  title =        "Mobile Robots Teach Machine-Level Programming",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/433_TELL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Nigel Topham and Alasdair Rawsthorne and Callum McLean
                 and Muriel Mewissen and Peter Bird",
  title =        "Compiling and Optimizing for Decoupled Architectures",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/471_TOPH/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Juan Villacis and Dennis Gannon",
  title =        "A {Web} Interface to Parallel Program Source Code
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/564_JVIL/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Abdul Waheed and Diane T. Rover",
  title =        "A Structured Approach to Instrumentation System
                 Development and Evaluation",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/609_WAHE/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Alan Williams and Kevin Burrage",
  title =        "Surface Fitting Using {GCV} Smoothing Splines on
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/494_ABW/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Francis Wray",
  title =        "Workshop: {EUROPORT} Activities",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/WORKSHOP.HTM#EUROPORT",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Min-You Wu and Wei Shu",
  title =        "High-Performance Incremental Scheduling on Massively
                 Parallel Computers --- {A} Global Approach",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/477_WSHU/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Xiaohua Wu and Kyle D. Squires and Thomas S. Lund",
  title =        "Large Eddy Simulation of a Spatially-Developing
                 Boundary Layer",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/428_SQUI/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "William A. Wulf",
  title =        "And Now for Some *Really* Super Computing",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/KEYNOTE.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Yoshida and A. Nakamura and M. Fukuda and T.
                 Nakamura and S. Hioki",
  title =        "Quantum Chromodynamics Simulation on {NWT}",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/720_MF/SC95.HTM",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "John {Ziebarth (moderator)}",
  title =        "Community Networking {I} --- Applications",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#CNetI",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "John Ziebarth",

  author =       "John {Ziebarth (moderator)}",
  title =        "Community Networking {II} --- Technology",
  crossref =     "Karin:1995:PAI",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1995",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 7 06:34:19 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/MISC/PANELS.HTM#CNetII",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  moderator =    "John Ziebarth",

  editor =       "Sidney Karin",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 1995 {ACM\slash IEEE}
                 Supercomputing Conference, December 3--8, 1995, San
                 Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA",
  title =        "Proceedings of the 1995 {ACM\slash IEEE}
                 Supercomputing Conference, December 3--8, 1995, San
                 Diego Convention Center, San Diego, {CA}, {USA}",
  publisher =    pub-ACM # " and " # pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr # " and " # pub-IEEE:adr,
  year =         "1995",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-816-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-816-9",
  LCCN =         "",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 08 12:09:53 1996",
  bibsource =    "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/supercomputing95.bib",
  note =         "These proceedings are not available in printed form.
                 However, they are available on the World Wide Web, and
                 on CD-ROM, available from ACM (ACM Press order number
                 415952) and IEEE (IEEE Computer Society Press order
                 number FW07435).",
  URL =          "http://www.supercomp.org/sc95/proceedings/",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,