%%% -*-BibTeX-*- %%% ==================================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", %%% version = "1.00", %%% date = "24 February 2000", %%% time = "09:52:31 MST", %%% filename = "supercomputing99.bib", %%% address = "Center for Scientific Computing %%% University of Utah %%% Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC %%% 155 S 1400 E RM 233 %%% Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 %%% USA", %%% telephone = "+1 801 581 5254", %%% FAX = "+1 801 581 4148", %%% URL = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe", %%% checksum = "05921 1008 3870 36948", %%% email = "beebe at math.utah.edu, beebe at acm.org, %%% beebe at ieee.org (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "BibTeX, bibliography, SC'99, Supercomputing %%% '99", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "This is a complete bibliography of papers %%% published in the proceedings of %%% Supercomputing '99. The complete papers are %%% available on the World-Wide Web at the URLs %%% given in their BibTeX entries. The conference %%% World-Wide Web site is %%% %%% http://www.sc99.org/ %%% %%% The organizers of this conference series %%% maintain a World-Wide Web site at %%% %%% http://www.supercomp.org/ %%% %%% where pointers to Web pages for the %%% conferences from 1994 to date may be found. %%% %%% At version 1.00, the year coverage looked %%% like this: %%% %%% 1999 ( 72) %%% %%% InProceedings: 71 %%% Proceedings: 1 %%% %%% Total entries: 72 %%% %%% In this bibliography, entries are sorted in %%% publication order, using ``bibsort %%% -byvolume''. %%% %%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== %======================================================================= % Acknowledgement abbreviations: @String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe, Center for Scientific Computing, University of Utah, Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|[email protected]|, \path|[email protected]|, \path|[email protected]| (Internet), URL: \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|"} %======================================================================= % Publishers and their addresses: @String{pub-ACM = "ACM Press"} @String{pub-ACM:adr = "New York, NY 10036, USA"} @String{pub-IEEE = "IEEE Computer Society Press"} @String{pub-IEEE:adr = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"} %======================================================================= % Bibliography entries. @InProceedings{Ottusch:1999:SES, author = "John J. Ottusch and Mark A. Stalzer and John L. Visher and Stephen M. Wandzura", title = "Scalable Electromagnetic Scattering Calculations on the {SGI Origin 2000}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Wang:1999:LSM, author = "Zhiqiang Wang and James Lupo and Alan McKenney and Ruth Pachter", title = "Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations With Fast Multipole Implementations", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Qiang:1999:OOP, author = "Ji Qiang and Robert Ryne and Salman Habib and Viktor Decyk", title = "An Object-Oriented Parallel Particle-in-Cell Code for Beam Dynamics Simulation in Linear Accelerators", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Franke:1999:EPJ, author = "Hubertus Franke and Joefon Jann and Jose Moreira and Pratap Pattnaik and Morris Jette", title = "An Evaluation of Parallel Job Scheduling for {ASCI Blue-Pacific}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Shen:1999:ATL, author = "Kai Shen and Hong Tang and Tao Yang", title = "Adaptive Two-level Thread Management for Fast {MPI} Execution on Shared Memory Machines", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Leinberger:1999:JSP, author = "William Leinberger and George Karypis and Vipin Kumar", title = "Job Scheduling in the Presence of Multiple Resource Requirements", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Rosing:1999:PPP, author = "Matthew Rosing and Steve B. Yabusaki", title = "A Programmable Preprocessor for Parallelizing {Fortran90}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Rivera:1999:LOM, author = "Gabriel Rivera and Chau-Wen Tseng", title = "Locality Optimizations for Multi-Level Caches", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Adve:1999:CSS, author = "Vikram Adve and Rajive Bagrodia and Ewa Deelman and Thomas Phan and Rizos Sakellariou", title = "Compiler-Supported Simulation of Very Large Parallel Applications", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Ding:1999:DOP, author = "Chris H. Q. Ding and Yun He", title = "Data Organization and {I/O} in a Parallel Ocean Circulation Model", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Masumoto:1999:SCI, author = "Masumoto and Takashi Kagimoto and Masahiro Yoshida and Masahiro Fukuda and Naoki Hirose and Toshio Yamagata", title = "Simulated Circulation in the {Indonesian Archipelago} from a High-resolution Global Ocean General Circulation Model on the Numerical Wind Tunnel", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Hammond:1999:PTE, author = "Steve Hammond and Rodney James and John B. Drake and Patrick H. Worley", title = "Performance Tuning and Evaluation of a Parallel Community Climate Model", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Aluru:1999:UDS, author = "Fatih {Sevilgen, Sr.}inivas Aluru", title = "A Unifying Data Structure for Hierarchical Methods", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Gatlin:1999:ACD, author = "Kang Su Gatlin and Larry Carter", title = "Architecture-cognizant Divide and Conquer Algorithms", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Zhang:1999:FBR, author = "Zhao Zhang and Xiaodong Zhang", title = "Fast Bit-reversals on High Performance Systems", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Shan:1999:HPS, author = "Hongzhang Shan and Jaswinder P. Singh", title = "High Performance Sorting on Hardware Cache-coherent {DSM} Multiprocessors", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Wong:1999:ARS, author = "Frederick C. Wong and Richard P. Martin and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and David E. Culler", title = "Architectural Requirements and Scalability of the {NAS Parallel Benchmarks}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Oliker:1999:EPD, author = "Leonid Oliker and Rupak Biswas", title = "Efficient Parallelization of a Dynamic Unstructured Application on the {Tera MTA}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Parvin:1999:DCD, author = "Bahram Parvin and John Taylor and Ge Cong and Michael O'Keefe and Mary-Helen Barcellos-Hoff", title = "{DeepView}: {A} Channel for Distributed Microscopy and Informatics", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Pancerella:1999:DCC, author = "Carmen M. Pancerella and Larry Rahn and Christine Yang", title = "The {Diesel Combustion Collaboratory}: Combustion Researchers Collaborating over the {Internet}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Grossman:1999:PSD, author = "Robert L. Grossman and Stuart M. Bailey and Harinath Sivakumar and Andrei L. Turinsky", title = "{Papyrus}: {A} System for Data Mining over Local and Wide-area Clusters and Super-clusters", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Weiss:1999:MCI, author = "Christian Weiss and Wolfgang Karl and Markus Kowarschik and Ulrich R{\"u}de", title = "Memory Characteristics of Iterative Methods", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Yang:1999:BEC, author = "Dow-Yung Yang and Ananth Y. Grama and Vivek Sarin", title = "Bounded-error Compression of Particle Data from Hierarchical Approximate Methods", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Pinar:1999:IPS, author = "Ali Pinar and Michael T. Heath", title = "Improving Performance of Sparse Matrix-vector Multiplication", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Getov:1999:MJM, author = "Vladimir Getov and Paul Gray and Vaidy Sunderam", title = "{MPI} and {Java-MPI}: Contrasts and Comparisons of Low-level Communication Performance", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Sistare:1999:MSP, author = "Steve Sistare and Erica Dorenkamp and Nick Nevin", title = "{MPI} Support in the {Prism} Programming Environment", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Sistare:1999:OMC, author = "Steve Sistare and Rolf vandeVaart and Eugene Loh", title = "Optimization of {MPI} Collectives on Clusters of Large-scale {SMPs}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Wolski:1999:REC, author = "Rich Wolski and John Brevik and Chandra Krintz and Graziano Obertelli and Neil Spring and Alan Su", title = "Running {EveryWare} on the Computational Grid", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Lee:1999:NPT, author = "Craig A. Lee and Rich Wolski and Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman and James Stepanek", title = "A Network Performance Tool for Grid Environments", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Mahinthakumar:1999:MGC, author = "G. (Kumar) Mahinthakumar and Forrest M. Hoffman and William W. Hargrove and Nicholas T. Karonis", title = "Multivariate Geographic Clustering in a Metacomputing Environment Using {Globus}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Biros:1999:PSA, author = "George Biros and Omar Ghattas", title = "Parallel {SQP} Algorithms for {PDE}-constrained Optimization", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Hysom:1999:EPC, author = "David Hysom and Alex Pothen", title = "Efficient Parallel Computation of {ILU} Preconditioners", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Adams:1999:PMS, author = "Mark Adams and Jim Demmel", title = "Parallel Multigrid Solver for {$3$-D} Unstructured Finite Element Problems", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Corbal:1999:MMS, author = "Jesus Corbal and Roger Espasa and Mateo Valero", title = "{MOM}: a Matrix {SIMD} Instruction Set Architecture for Multimedia Applications", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Stunkel:1999:NSC, author = "Craig B. Stunkel and Jay Herring and Bulent Abali and Rajeev Sivaram", title = "A New Switch Chip for {IBM RS/6000 SP} Systems", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Solihin:1999:STP, author = "Yan Solihin and Vinh Lam and Josep Torrellas", title = "{Scal-Tool}: Pinpointing and Quantifying Scalability Bottlenecks in {DSM} Multiprocessors", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Karamanos:1999:DNS, author = "George-Sosei Karamanos and Constantinos Evangelinos and Richard C. Boes and Robert M. Kirby and George E. Karniadakis", title = "Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence with a {PC\slash Linux} Cluster: Fact or Fiction?", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Elmroth:1999:PIT, author = "Erik Elmroth and Chris Ding and Yu-Shu Wu", title = "A Parallel Implementation of the {TOUGH2} Software Package for Large-scale Multiphase Fluid and Heat Flow Simulations", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Cull:1999:IPS, author = "Paul Cull and Tai-Ching Hsu", title = "Improved Parallel and Sequential Walking Tree Algorithms for Biological String Alignments", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Madhyastha:1999:IPC, author = "Tara M. Madhyastha and Garth A. Gibson and Christos Faloutsos", title = "Informed Prefetching of Collective Input\slash Output Requests", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Kurc:1999:QVL, author = "Tahsin Kurc and Chialin Chang and Alan Sussman and Joel Saltz and Renato Ferreira", title = "Querying Very Large Multi-dimensional Datasets in {ADR}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Wisniewski:1999:SME, author = "Len Wisniewski and Brad Smisloff and Nils Nieuwejaar", title = "{Sun MPI I/O}: Efficient {I/O} for Parallel Applications", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Karavanic:1999:IOP, author = "Karen Karavanic and Barton Miller", title = "Improving Online Performance Diagnosis by the Use of Historical Performance Data", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Vetter:1999:MPA, author = "Jeffrey Vetter and Daniel Reed", title = "Managing Performance Analysis with Dynamic Statistical Projection Pursuit", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Miyamoto:1999:ETS, author = "Carleton Miyamoto and Chang Lin", title = "Evaluating {Titanium SPMD} Programs on the {Tera MTA}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{McKinley:1999:HRH, author = "Philip K. McKinley and Ravi T. Rao and Robin F. Wright", title = "{H-RMC}: {A} Hybrid Reliable Multicast Protocol for the {Linux} Kernel", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Johnson:1999:UNT, author = "Marjory J. Johnson", title = "Using the {NREN Testbed} to Prototype a High-Performance Multicast Application", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Vellanki:1999:CBS, author = "Vivekanand Vellanki and Ann Chervenak", title = "A Cost-benefit Scheme for High Performance Predictive Prefetching", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Schopf:1999:SS, author = "Jennifer M. Schopf and Francine Berman", title = "Stochastic Scheduling", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Knobe:1999:SCD, author = "Kathleen Knobe and James M. Rehg and Arun Chauhan and Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Umakishore Ramachandran", title = "Scheduling Constrained Dynamic Applications on Clusters", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Hoe:1999:PSC, author = "James C. Hoe and Chris Hill and Alistar Adcroft", title = "A Personal Supercomputer for Climate Research", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Hall:1999:MIA, author = "Mary Hall and Peter Kogge and Jeff Koller and Pedro Diniz and Jacqueline Chame and Jeff Draper and Jeff LaCoss and John Granacki and Apoorv Srivastava and William Athas and Jay Brockman and Vincent Freeh and Joonseok Park and Jaewook Shin", title = "Mapping Irregular Applications to {DIVA}, {A} {PIM}-based Data-intensive Architecture", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Hashimoto:1999:MSP, author = "Koji Hashimoto and Kazuaki Murakami and Nobuaki Miyakawa and Umpei Nagashima Hiroto Tomita and Koji Inoue and Katsuhiko Metsugi and Shinjiro Inabata and So Yamada and Hajime Takashima and Kunihiro Kitamura and Shigeru Obara and Takashi Amisaki and Kazutoshi Tanabe", title = "{MOE}: {A} Special-purpose Parallel Computer for High-speed, Large-scale Molecular Orbital Calculation", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Brauss:1999:ECA, author = "Stephan Brauss and Martin Lienhard and Josef Nemecek and Anton Gunzinger and Martin Frey and Andreas Huber and Patrick Mueller and Martin Naef and Roland Paul", title = "An Efficient Communication Architecture for Commodity Supercomputers", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Asai:1999:MIF, author = "Noboru Asai and Thomas Kentemich and Pierre Lagier", title = "{MPI-2} Implementation on a {Fujitsu Generic Message Passing Kernel}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Geoffray:1999:BSH, author = "Patrick Geoffray and Loic Prylli and Bernard Tourancheau", title = "{BIP-SMP}: High Performance Message Passing over a Cluster of Commodity {SMPs}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Faerman:1999:APP, author = "Marcio Faerman and Alan Su and Richard Wolski and Francine Berman", title = "Adaptive Performance Prediction for Distributed Data-intensive Applications", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Mitchell:1999:ILP, author = "Nicholas Mitchell and Larry Carter and Jeanne Ferrante and Dean Tullsen", title = "Instruction-level Parallelism vs. Thread-level Parallelism on Simultaneous Multi-threading Processors", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Noordergraaf:1999:PES, author = "Lisa Noordergraaf and Ruud van der Pas", title = "Performance Experiences on {Sun}'s {WildFire} Prototype", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Fuchs:1999:ART, author = "Henry Fuchs", title = "Augmented Reality and Tele-collaboration with Seas of Cameras and Projectors: Computational Nightmare or Nirvana?", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", note = "Invited talk.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Robertson:1999:PRR, author = "David Robertson and Kevin Campbell and Stephen Lau and Terry Ligocki", title = "Parallelization of Radiance For Real-time Interactive Lighting Visualization Walkthroughs", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Freitag:1999:AMV, author = "Lori A. Freitag and Raymond M. Loy", title = "Adaptive, Multiresolution Visualization of Large Data Sets Using Parallel Octrees", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Tufo:1999:NSI, author = "Henry Tufo and Paul Fischer and Mike Papka", title = "Numerical Simulation and Immersive Visualization of Hairpin Vortex Generation", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Moran:1999:IMD, author = "David Moran and Gary Ditlow and Daria Dooling and Ralph Williams and Paul Smith and Tom Wilkins and Richard Moore and Anshul Gupta", title = "Integrated Manufacturing and Design", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Moreira:1999:PDM, author = "Jose Moreira and Sam Midkiff and Manish Gupta and Rick Lawrence", title = "Parallel Data Mining using the Array Package for {Java}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Morton:1999:ISI, author = "Scott A. Morton and Jeffrey R. Davis and Harry L. Duffey and Gary L. Donathan and Vic Forsyth and Steven N. Checkles", title = "Industrial Seismic Imaging on Commodity Supercomputers", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Norman:1999:SFA, author = "Michael Norman", title = "{Sidney Fernbach} Award Recipient", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Anderson:1999:AHS, author = "Kyle Anderson and William Gropp and Dinesh Kaushik and David Keyes and Barry Smith", title = "Achieving High Sustained Performance in an Unstructured Mesh {CFD} Application", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Kawai:1999:MAB, author = "Atsushi Kawai and Toshiyuki Fukushige and Junichiro Makino", title = "\$7.3/Mflops Astrophysical {N}-Body Simulation with Treecode on {GRAPE-5}", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Mirin:1999:VHR, author = "A. A. Mirin and R. H. Cohen and B. C. Curtis and W. P. Dannevik and A. M. Dimits and M. A. Duchaineau and D. E. Eliason and D. R. Schikore and S. E. Anderson and D. H. Porter and P. R. Woodward and L. J. Shieh and S. W. White", title = "Very high Resolution Simulation of Compressible Turbulence on the {IBM-SP} System", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Tufo:1999:TSE, author = "H. M. Tufo and P. F. Fischer", title = "Terascale Spectral Element Algorithms and Implementations", crossref = "ACM:1999:SPO", pages = "??--??", year = "1999", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:02:57 2000", bibsource = "http://www.sc99.org/techpapers/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } %======================================================================= % Cross-referenced entries must come last: @Proceedings{ACM:1999:SPO, editor = "{ACM}", booktitle = "SC'99: Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Oregon, November 11--18, 1999", title = "{SC}'99: Oregon Convention Center 777 {NE} Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Oregon, November 11--18, 1999", publisher = pub-ACM # " and " # pub-IEEE, address = pub-ACM:adr # " and " # pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "????", year = "1999", ISBN = "", LCCN = "", bibdate = "Thu Feb 24 09:35:00 2000", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, }