From ucs_kas@SHSU.EDU Sat Jul 25 15:39:06 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <ucs_kas@SHSU.EDU> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA19708; Sat, 25 Jul 92 15:39:03 MDT Message-Id: <> Received: by (MX V3.1B) id 6970; Sat, 25 Jul 1992 16:39:54 CDT Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1992 16:39:54 CDT From: MX mailing list processor <> To: Subject: Subscription to mailing list LITPROG You have been added to mailing list: LITPROG@SHSU.BITNET ( LITPROG is a network list dealing with topics related to Literate Programming. This includes general issues of style and philosophy, such as "what is literate programming?" or "is literate programming compatible with writing portable programs?", as well as specific issues relating to particular literate programming systems, such as "is it possible to use CWEB with ANSI C?" Novices are welcome; it is intended that this group should be a place where newcomers can be welcomed into the fold as well as a place where seasoned literate programmers can discuss fine points of technique. Further administrative requests regarding this list should be sent in the body of a mail message to LISTSERV@SHSU.BITNET ( -- or to -- The following commands can be handled automatically by the list processor: SIGNOFF LITPROG - to remove yourself from the list SET LITPROG NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mail SET LITPROG MAIL - to resume receiving mail from the list SET LITPROG CONCEAL - to conceal your address from REVIEW commands SET LITPROG NOCONCEAL - to reveal your address in REVIEW commands SET LITPROG REPRO - to receive from the list posts you made to it SET LITPROG NOREPRO - to not receive from the list posts you made to it REVIEW LITPROG - to get a list of subscribers QUERY LITPROG - to get the status of your entry on the list LIST - to get a list of mailing lists served by this host HELP - to receive a help file Please do NOT send administrative messages to the list address (LITPROG@SHSU.BITNET or as posts to this address are distributed to all subscribers of the list. By default, new subscribers are set to MAIL, NOCONCEAL, REPRO. Please note that all posts to LITPROG should have the list address in the Reply-To: field. This default Reply-To design is intended to better foster the discussions which arise on the list. If you would like to privately reply to a post, you will need to physically address it, unless your mailer has selective capabilities from among the fields created. -------------------- About LITPROG Archives -------------------- LITPROG archives are maintained at Sam Houston State University and are available via SHSU's file server, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( for mail retrieval, as well as via anonymous ftp from []. Please note that the archives and files are supported by FILEserv, while list-related commands are supported by LISTserv. For FILESERV, the filename structure is LITPROG.yyyy-mm, where "yyyy" represents the year and "mm" represents the numeric equivalent of the month. For example, the archives of LITPROG for July, 1992, would be LITPROG.1992-07. To retrieve LITPROG archives (via mail) for July, 1992, include the command: SENDME LITPROG.1992-07 in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( You may send FILESERV multiple commands so long as each resides on a unique line of the MAIL message. If you are interested in available FILESERV commands, include the command HELP in the body of a mail message to it. For anonymous ftp retrieval from Niord, the archives for LITPROG are retained in the directory [FILESERV.LITPROG] using the same filename syntax as above. If you have any questions or comments about this list, or are in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the list owner directly at any of the addresses provided below. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Bitnet: BED_GDG@SHSU Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266 P. O. Box 2118 FAX: (409) 294-3612 Sam Houston State University Internet: Huntsville, TX 77341 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (This message was generated automatically.) From Sun Jul 26 22:45:30 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA12001; Sun, 26 Jul 92 22:45:24 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Sun, 26 Jul 1992 23:02:12 CDT Received: from aix3.UUCP by with UUCP (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA15154; Sun, 26 Jul 92 21:00:13 PDT Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03) id AA21054; Sun, 26 Jul 1992 22:41:15 -0400 Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1992 22:40:15 +22313801 (EDT From: Joey Gibson <aix3!> Reply-To: Subject: Epsilon Web file? To: LitProg Mail-List <netcomsv!> Message-Id: <Pine.3.02.9207262215.B28717-9100000@aix3> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Is there a customization file for Epsilon (Emacs clone for the PC) similar to the CWeb.el file? If so, any info appreciated. Joey Gibson ===> Please address all E-mail to <> ===> The views expressed here are not necessarily those of EMA. From Sun Jul 26 22:53:49 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA12135; Sun, 26 Jul 92 22:53:47 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Sun, 26 Jul 1992 23:02:06 CDT Received: from aix3.UUCP by with UUCP (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA15148; Sun, 26 Jul 92 21:00:10 PDT Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03) id AA21048; Sun, 26 Jul 1992 22:40:11 -0400 Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1992 22:37:38 +22313801 (EDT From: Joey Gibson <aix3!> Reply-To: Subject: Web for Macintosh To: LitProg Mail-List <netcomsv!> Message-Id: <Pine.3.02.9207262238.A28717-9100000@aix3> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Someone may have already asked this, but I don't remember. Is there a Web for the Macintosh (68000 chip)? I have just gotten the pre-compiled FWeb for the PC, and I really like it. Is there a pre-compiled Mac version? If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Joey Gibson ===> Please address all E-mail to <> ===> The views expressed here are not necessarily those of EMA. From Mon Jul 27 08:02:12 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA19650; Mon, 27 Jul 92 08:02:09 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Mon, 27 Jul 1992 07:31:42 CDT From: Timothy Murphy <> Reply-To: Subject: Re: Web for Macintosh To: In-Reply-To: Joey Gibson's message of Sun, 26 Jul 1992 22:37:38 +22313801 (EDT Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 13:29:56 BST Sender: Message-Id: <> > Someone may have already asked this, but I don't remember. Is there a Web > for the Macintosh (68000 chip)? I have just gotten the pre-compiled FWeb > for the PC, and I really like it. Is there a pre-compiled Mac version? If > anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. There are pre-compiled Mac versions of ctangle and cweave -- I take it that is what is meant here by Web? -- available from in pub/TeX/CWEB/16-bit (ctangle.hqx and cweave.hqx). The (very small) change files used to create these are also there. Change files for the standard web2c distribution (from Karl Berry) are also available in pub/TeX/src-5.851c/16-bit . The port is described in MacTeX.tex in that directory. Timothy Murphy e-mail: tel: +353-1-2842366 (home/office) +353-1-7021507 (university) fax: +353-1-2842295 s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland From Mon Jul 27 13:35:02 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA04382; Mon, 27 Jul 92 13:34:55 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: by (MX V3.1B) id 10549; Mon, 27 Jul 1992 12:23:48 CDT Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1992 12:23:35 CDT From: "George D. Greenwade" <> Reply-To: To: Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: Web for Macintosh Had a little break from a few meetings, and..... On Mon, 27 Jul 92 13:29:56 BST, Timothy Murphy <> posted: > There are pre-compiled Mac versions of ctangle and cweave -- > I take it that is what is meant here by Web? -- > available from in pub/TeX/CWEB/16-bit > (ctangle.hqx and cweave.hqx). > The (very small) change files used to create these are also there. The files are available from FILESERV and Niord. Attached is the description file. Time to return to meetings, George %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Bitnet: BED_GDG@SHSU Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266 P. O. Box 2118 FAX: (409) 294-3612 Sam Houston State University Internet: Huntsville, TX 77341 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CWEB-16BIT ---------- The CWEB-16BIT package includes version 1.0 (12 July 1992) of Timothy Murphy's <> change files for THINK C and BinHex'ed executables for CWEB on the Macintosh. If you want to re-compile ctangle and/or cweave, you will need the actual *.w CWEB files -- common.w and ctangle.w for ctangle, common.w, prod.w and cweave.w for cweave (these are included in the CWEB distribution on FILESERV and Niord). To retrieve the set of 9 files distributed in 11 parts, include: SENDME CWEB-16BIT in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( To retrieve a specific file, such as SENDME CWEB-16BIT.WC_CH, include: SENDME SENDME CWEB-16BIT.WC_CH in your mail request to FILESERV. The individual files, along with a compressed tar archive and a ZIP archive, are available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ( in the [FILESERV.CWEB-16BIT] directory. Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes) File Blocks Save file as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CWEB-16BIT.COMMON_CH 6 CWEB-16BIT.CTANGLE_CH 7 CWEB-16BIT.CTANGLE_HQX_1OF2 77 ctangle.hqx (part 1 of 2) CWEB-16BIT.CTANGLE_HQX_2OF2 7 (part 2 of 2) CWEB-16BIT.CWEAVE_CH 11 CWEB-16BIT.CWEAVE_HQX_1OF2 77 cweave.hqx (part 1 of 2) CWEB-16BIT.CWEAVE_HQX_2OF2 38 (part 2 of 2) CWEB-16BIT.README_TCD 2 README.TCD CWEB-16BIT.TREEPRINT_CH 3 CWEB-16BIT.WC_CH 3 CWEB-16BIT.WMERGE_CH 3 Approximate total blocks in full CWEB-16BIT package = 234 From Tue Jul 28 22:57:56 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA16334; Tue, 28 Jul 92 22:57:51 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Tue, 28 Jul 1992 23:01:55 CDT Received: from aix3.UUCP by with UUCP (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA03367; Tue, 28 Jul 92 20:59:59 PDT Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03) id AA26193; Tue, 28 Jul 1992 23:55:41 -0400 Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1992 23:53:39 +22313801 (EDT From: Joey Gibson <aix3!> Reply-To: Subject: CWeb on the Mac: Problems? To: LitProg Mail-List <netcomsv!> Message-Id: <Pine.3.02.9207282339.A27724-a100000@aix3> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Is anyone using the CWeave and CTangle which have been ported to the Mac? I got them today, but when I run them and enter a Web file to process, all I ever get in return is (That was a fatal error, my friend). I thought it was because of the path I specified, so I tried several variations of the path, and finally moved the file into the same directory as CWeave, but I still get this error. Any ideas? Joey Gibson ===> Please address all E-mail to <> ===> The views expressed here are not necessarily those of EMA. From Tue Jul 28 23:59:31 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA16929; Tue, 28 Jul 92 23:59:28 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 00:12:29 CDT From: Reply-To: Date: Wed, 29 Jul 92 06:07:45 To: Message-Id: <> Subject: smtp mail failed Your mail to!dan is undeliverable. ---------- diagnosis ---------- SoftEng: Connection timed out ---------- unsent mail ---------- >From!LITPROG Tue Jul 28 23:53:39 +22313801 1992 remote from inet Errors-To: X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Tue, 28 Jul 1992 23:01:55 CDT Received: from aix3.UUCP by with UUCP (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA03367; Tue, 28 Jul 92 20:59:59 PDT Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03) id AA26193; Tue, 28 Jul 1992 23:55:41 -0400 Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1992 23:53:39 +22313801 (EDT From: Joey Gibson <aix3!> Reply-To: Subject: CWeb on the Mac: Problems? To: LitProg Mail-List <netcomsv!> Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9207282339.A27724-a100000@aix3> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Is anyone using the CWeave and CTangle which have been ported to the Mac? I got them today, but when I run them and enter a Web file to process, all I ever get in return is (That was a fatal error, my friend). I thought it was because of the path I specified, so I tried several variations of the path, and finally moved the file into the same directory as CWeave, but I still get this error. Any ideas? Joey Gibson ===> Please address all E-mail to <> ===> The views expressed here are not necessarily those of EMA. From Wed Jul 29 00:53:17 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA17504; Wed, 29 Jul 92 00:53:14 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 00:52:49 CDT Received: by id AA00485 (5.65d/IDA-1.4.3 for; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 00:51:09 -0500 Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1992 00:51:09 -0500 From: Cameron Smith <> Reply-To: Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: CWeb on the Mac: Problems? Cc: > Is anyone using the CWeave and CTangle which have been ported to the Mac? > I got them today, but when I run them and enter a Web file to process, all > I ever get in return is (That was a fatal error, my friend). I thought it > was because of the path I specified, so I tried several variations of the > path, and finally moved the file into the same directory as CWeave, but I > still get this error. Any ideas? > Joey Gibson I tried them and had this experience. As far as I can tell, the programs expect to be given a change file and bomb if none is specified. I made an empty file named "" and I always give that as the change file when I want to process a web file without changes. Kludgy, but it works. --Cameron Smith From Wed Jul 29 07:55:19 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA23858; Wed, 29 Jul 92 07:55:17 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: by (MX V3.1B) id 16324; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 07:57:50 CDT Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1992 07:57:48 CDT From: "George D. Greenwade" <> Reply-To: To: Message-Id: <> Subject: RE: smtp mail failed The moral of this story is never go home or logout if you own a list, I guess. I have notified the postmaster at the site which is merrily bouncing mail back to the list that it has a configuration problem. Under the various SMTP-related RFCs, the LAST address a mailer daemon should return bounces to is the Reply-To: field, which this site was doing. The proper specification of bouncing is: Return-Path: *+ Errors-To: *+ From: Sender: * Reply-To: *+ To: (those marked by * are optional fields, those marked by + are generated by our mailer, those without marks are required and created). The Return-Path: and Errors-To: field both point to an alias, <>, which comes to me -- I routinely handle quite a few bounces each day from among my 11 lists; I should have been the only one to have seen these. The list address, <LITPROG@SHSU>, is included and first seen in Reply-To:, the site has a problem. Nevertheless, I apologize for the junk mail you have received -- I am quite aware that it is a terrible waste of bandwidth, as well as rather annoying. Regards, George %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Bitnet: BED_GDG@SHSU Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266 P. O. Box 2118 FAX: (409) 294-3612 Sam Houston State University Internet: Huntsville, TX 77341 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From Wed Jul 29 10:25:38 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA28819; Wed, 29 Jul 92 10:25:35 MDT Message-Id: <> Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from DOSUNI1.BITNET (MAILER) by SHSU (MX V3.1B) with BSMTP; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 09:57:30 CDT Received: from DOSUNI1 (HHBODE) by DOSUNI1.BITNET (Mailer R2.08) with BSMTP id 1913; Wed, 29 Jul 92 16:53:39 MEZ Date: Wed, 29 Jul 92 16:52:59 MEZ From: Hans-Hermann Bode <> Reply-To: Subject: Re: CWeb on the Mac: Problems? To: Cameron Smith wrote: >I tried them and had this experience. As far as I can tell, the >programs expect to be given a change file and bomb if none is specified. >I made an empty file named "" and I always give that as the >change file when I want to process a web file without changes. >Kludgy, but it works. I happen to know approximately nothing about Macs, but it seems to me that the following statement in common.w has to be changed appropriately: if (!found_change) strcpy(change_file_name,"/dev/null"); (This is line 1007 in Version 2.4.) Hans-Hermann Bode Arbeitsgruppe Systemforschung, Universit\"at Osnabr\"uck Tel.: (49)-541-9692545 e-mail: HHBODE@DOSUNI1.BITNET From Wed Jul 29 11:36:53 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA29933; Wed, 29 Jul 92 11:36:51 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 11:27:00 CDT From: Timothy Murphy <> Reply-To: Subject: Re: CWeb on the Mac: Problems? To: In-Reply-To: Cameron Smith's message of Wed, 29 Jul 1992 00:51:09 -0500 Date: Wed, 29 Jul 92 17:24:52 BST Sender: Message-Id: <> > I tried them and had this experience. As far as I can tell, the > programs expect to be given a change file and bomb if none is specified. > I made an empty file named "" and I always give that as the > change file when I want to process a web file without changes. > Kludgy, but it works. Sorry, I guess this is my fault ... The 'standard' version 'reads' from /dev/null if no change file is given. Unfortunately the Mac doesn't have such an animal, so expects a change file to be given. This should have been stated more explicitly. Timothy Murphy e-mail: tel: +353-1-2842366 (home/office) +353-1-7021507 (university) fax: +353-1-2842295 s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland From Wed Jul 29 13:13:44 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA01213; Wed, 29 Jul 92 13:13:41 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 13:02:03 CDT Received: from aix3.UUCP by with UUCP (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA14030; Wed, 29 Jul 92 10:59:59 PDT Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03) id AA30947; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 13:39:35 -0400 Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1992 13:38:08 +22313801 (EDT From: Joey Gibson <aix3!> Reply-To: Subject: No double sidedness? To: LitProg Mail-List <netcomsv!> Message-Id: <Pine.3.02.9207291308.A28380-9100000@aix3> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Is there any way in FWeb or CWeb to turn of double sided pagination? IOW, I have no plans to print out my .dvi files double-sided, so can I turn this off, so that all page numbers are in the upper right hand corner and all section numbers are in the upper left hand corner? Joey Gibson ===> Please address all E-mail to <> ===> The views expressed here are not necessarily those of EMA. From Wed Jul 29 18:03:20 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA05416; Wed, 29 Jul 92 18:03:17 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 18:07:43 CDT Received: by id AA04803 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for; Wed, 29 Jul 1992 18:01:03 -0500 Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1992 18:01:03 -0500 From: "Donald N. Petcher" <> Reply-To: Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: No double sidedness? > > Is there any way in FWeb or CWeb to turn of double sided pagination? IOW, I have > no plans to print out my .dvi files double-sided, so can I turn this off, so > that all page numbers are in the upper right hand corner and all section numbers > are in the upper left hand corner? > > > Joey Gibson > > ===> Please address all E-mail to <> > ===> The views expressed here are not necessarily those of EMA. In fweb, the command \identicalpageheadstrue (put in TeX part at beginning of document) makes all page headers identical, but it puts the page numbers in the upper LEFT corner and the section numbers in the upper RIGHT corner. To do it the other way around you can either change the macro normaloutput in fwebmac.sty as indicated: \def\normaloutput#1#2#3{\shipout\vbox{ \ifodd\pageno\hoffset=\pageshift\fi \vbox to\fullpageheight { \iftitle\global\titlefalse \else\hbox to\pagewidth {\vbox to10pt{}% \ifidenticalpageheads#3\else % THIS WAS ORIGINALLY #2 <--------- \ifodd\pageno #3% Makes page numbers alternate left \& right. \else#2\fi \fi }% \fi \vfill#1 }}% Parameter |#1| is the page itself \global\advance\pageno by1} or you can include the above version in your TeX file as a redefinition of the macro. This is from version 1.22. If you have version 1.23 make sure it hasn't changed. I don't know if there is an 'official' way of doing this. Cheers, Don Petcher Department of Physics Washington University Saint Louis, Missouri From Fri Jul 31 17:48:24 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA29059; Fri, 31 Jul 92 17:48:22 MDT Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Fri, 31 Jul 1992 18:03:35 CDT Received: by id AA11940 (5.65d/IDA-1.4.3 for; Fri, 31 Jul 1992 18:01:55 -0500 Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1992 18:01:55 -0500 From: Cameron Smith <> Reply-To: Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Sorry! Sorry about that; I was *sure* I typed "listserv" but just after I sent the preceding I realized that I had sent it to the list instead. Curse me for a novice! BTW, is the sudden silence on this group just a result of the TUG meeting being held now, or was the storm of interest in literate programming merely a tempest in a teapot? I am new to CWEB and to literate programming generally, and I would be *very* interested to hear from people who've used literate methods to develop substantial software, especially if several people were cooperating on a project. Did LP make your programs better, easier to write, easier to debug, easier to maintain, and/or more efficient? Did it introduce any problems that you wouldn't have had if you had used traditional methods? A full-blown case study isn't necessary; anecdotes would be of interest. Equally of interest would be stories from people who tried LP and didn't like it (although maybe such people aren't on this list!). Anybody who tried WEB or CWEB or c-no-web or some such and then abandoned it, would you care to say why? Anyone want to vouchsafe a few paragraphs for the enlightenment of others? --Cameron Smith From Fri Jul 31 18:21:48 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA29406; Fri, 31 Jul 92 18:21:45 MDT Message-Id: <> Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from ( by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Fri, 31 Jul 1992 18:24:40 CDT Received: by (16.7/16.2) id AA18657; Sat, 1 Aug 92 01:31:25 +0200 Date: Sat, 1 Aug 92 01:31:25 +0200 From: Marcus Speh <> Reply-To: To: Subject: Sorry! In-Reply-To: <> References: <> >>>>> On Fri, 31 Jul 1992 18:01:55 -0500, Cameron Smith said: Cam'l> Sorry about that; I was *sure* I typed "listserv" but just after Cam'l> I sent the preceding I realized that I had sent it to the list Cam'l> instead. Curse me for a novice! I'm not sure whether it is an old and outworn trick or not...for me it's a new way of getting *all* the attraction...(sorry the "Cam'l": I will write a subsequent message to excuse it as a typing error 8-)) --Marcus Speh [another novice] INTERnet <> P.S. BTW, what is the result of REVIEW LITPROG, Cameron... From Fri Jul 31 20:06:22 1992 Flags: 000000000001 Return-Path: <> Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA00525; Fri, 31 Jul 92 20:06:19 MDT Message-Id: <> Errors-To: Errors-To: X-Listname: Literate Programming Discussion List <> Received: from ( by (MX V3.1B) with SMTP; Fri, 31 Jul 1992 20:03:10 CDT Received: by (16.7/16.2) id AA18848; Sat, 1 Aug 92 03:09:53 +0200 Date: Sat, 1 Aug 92 03:09:53 +0200 From: Marcus Speh <> Reply-To: To: Subject: LitProg: A "Tempest in a Teapot"? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Cameron, you said first: Cameron> BTW, is the sudden silence on this group just a result of the Cameron> TUG meeting being held now, or was the storm of interest in Cameron> literate programming merely a tempest in a teapot? I guess it hard in general to keep both novices and veterans together on the same mailing list. For some reason, my "anecdotes" take the form of propositions [that is so because in my recent work, it is hard to be really exact...]: PROPOSITION-1: In Literate Programming, novices either drop out before they have really started, or they become veterans quickly. PROPOSITION-2: Veteran Literate Programmers are a special brand: used to be made fun of, not appreciated as the perfectionists who many of them are, they learnt to live alone and without a mailing list for years. Now, it is hard for them to learn to live as friends... PROPOSITION-3: Programmers come in two different brands: Literate Programmers and Non-Literate Programmers [some mouth flamed the latter as "illiterates" earlier on this list - but to justify the propositional, and therefore 'neutral' character of this note, let's be nice]. Many do not know, to which side they belong - the bright or the dark one. PROPOSITION-4: Many programming people do not know that they actually perform Literal Programming. Definitely you can be a Literal Programmer without knowing of applying any of the kinds of just may become harder for you. PROPOSITION-5: Non-Literal Programmers cannot be easily convinced that they might gain something changing side. LitProgs are often considered perfectionists, and for them Literal Programming is L'art-pour-L'art, luxury, in other words. PROPOSITION-6: Literal Programming *is* a luxury. But writing programs in an 'i-just-let-it-grow'-style is a luxury, too. Anything which stimulates me, wakes up my intellectual curiosity, is a luxury - but a necessary one. I'll rather drop the line now...I am definitely to be put into the "novice" slot of literal programming - but I have thought about it a bit - probably too much compared to the work which has come out of it yet - and probably too little to satisfy *your* needs, Big Brother. Later you said, Cameron> I'm interested to hear whether this literate Cameron> programming really is a useful tool or just something for Cameron> academics [...] who have the luxury of taking all the Cameron> time they want on any project they want to play around with. It is a useful tool for me. It definitely increased my level of reflection upon what I was doing. It saves me time because the programs mostly *do* run in the first place - it costs me time because I now like to treat many otherwise neglectable pieces of code like little diamonds - and cannot be sure that this will pay beyond the fun. It definitely costs time because I am trying to convince my colleagues that they should try *WEB, too. But I am a born missionary anyway and so this meets my needs as well. I find it important to note though, that nobody would carry out "research" knowing in advance what will be useful...I even made the experience that scientific creativity [sorry for using otherwise obscenely maltreated words in this context] directly depended on me doing the useless. But this is not a mailing list for Hegelian dialectics, I understand. I am just trying to say that the fast way is not always the best. Being a semi-novice, that is the situation I am in [sort of] - and NOW: rise, you veterans! --Marcus Speh INTERnet <>