1-Jul-1998 10:53:14-GMT,2308;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 05:46:37 EST
From: Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@samson.kean.edu
Subject: Re: The `habitability' of source code
Date: 29 Jun 1998 13:30:16 GMT
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 28 Jun 1998, Paolo Amoroso wrote:

> Richard Gabriel, in his book "Patterns of Software - Tales from the
> Software Community" (Oxford University Press, 1996), provides the following
> definition of "habitability" (page 11; of course, his discussion is more
> complex than what this definition may suggest):
> "Habitability is the characteristic of source code that enables
> programmers, coders, bug-fixers, and people coming to the code later in its
> life to understand its construction and intentions and to change it
> comfortably and confidently. Either there is more to habitability than
> clarity or the two characteristics are different."
> Although Gabriel knows Knuth's work very well, literate programming is
> never mentioned in the book. Can literate programming be seen as a way of
> improving - or even enabling - the habitability of source code? I'm
> particularly interested in the opinions of those who have read the book.

It certainly seems to me that habitability (by Gabriel's definition)
is *precisely* what LP is all about.

		-- Lee

Lee Wittenberg              | "Begin at the middle...then you're not so
Computer Science Department | far from either the beginning or the
Kean University             | ending."
Union, NJ   07083           | 
                            | -- Erle Stanley Gardner
leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" (1954)

 1-Jul-1998 23:55:49-GMT,1051;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 18:46:13 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: New noweb alpha version 980701
Date: 1 Jul 1998 23:17:40 GMT
Message-ID: <6neg2k$s8m$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Thanks to a timely bug report from Barry Gaunt, I have repaired a
memory-allocation bug in the lua-2.5+nw code used by noweb, version 3.
This error could cause assertion failures or core dumps.
Alpha testers should avoid versions before 980701, which is available
now from http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~nr/noweb.

Norman Ramsey

 2-Jul-1998  6:41:37-GMT,1028;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 01:37:49 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: Re: prettyprinting question
Date: 30 Jun 1998 18:39:15 GMT
Message-ID: <6nbbcj$5rf$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

 > >  >> Has anybody come up with a good TeX hack for prettyprinting the box
 > >  >> used in Dijkstra's calculus to mark arms of an if statement?

 > Can't you use LaTeX's \framebox with nothing inside?  

Yes.  The dumb questions of the morning are:

  (a) what size should the nothing be?
  (b) how thick should the lines around the nothing be?

 2-Jul-1998  6:56:36-GMT,1240;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 01:54:04 EST
From: amoroso@mclink.it (Paolo Amoroso)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, amoroso@mclink.it
Subject: Re: Alpha version of Noweb 3 available for your amusement
Date: 30 Jun 1998 16:31:27 GMT
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On 22 Jun 1998 21:44:11 GMT, Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu> wrote:

> The means to all these good ends is to replace the shell scripts and
> the Icon code with the embedded language Lua-2.5+nw.  (This is Lua

Do you mean that noweb 3 will have an `extension language' - in the Tcl
sense - based on Lua? I'm not familiar with that language. Could you please
provide a few basic references?

Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it>

 2-Jul-1998  7:29:24-GMT,989;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 02:26:44 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: Re: Pre-Announce and  RFC for LP tool
Date: 30 Jun 1998 20:07:25 GMT
Message-ID: <6nbght$8p4$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

In article <6nau9r$ah6$1@elna.ethz.ch>,
John Skaller  <skaller@maxtal.com.au> wrote:
>BTW: is there an online reference to 'NoWeb'? It would be useful to write
>a noweb filter for the system.

http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~nr/noweb contains pointers to the man
pages and the hacker's guide.  


 2-Jul-1998 10:30:02-GMT,1763;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 05:24:56 EST
From: Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@samson.kean.edu
Subject: Re: prettyprinting question
Date: 30 Jun 1998 18:39:21 GMT
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 28 Jun 1998, Norman Ramsey wrote:

> In article <6n36i6$io4$1@news.interlog.com>,
> Michael Norrish  <mn200@cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>  >> Has anybody come up with a good TeX hack for prettyprinting the box
>  >> used in Dijkstra's calculus to mark arms of an if statement?
>  >  \newcommand\dbox{\mbox{\large$[\:\!\!]$}}
> This isn't bad, although it's a little skinnier than what I had in
> mind.

Can't you use LaTeX's \framebox with nothing inside?  Or do you want
something that will work in plain TeX, as well?

		-- Lee

Lee Wittenberg              | "Begin at the middle...then you're not so
Computer Science Department | far from either the beginning or the
Kean University             | ending."
Union, NJ   07083           | 
                            | -- Erle Stanley Gardner
leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" (1954)

 2-Jul-1998 17:50:32-GMT,1264;000000000001
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subscribe "J�rgen Defurne"

 2-Jul-1998 22:28:03-GMT,1675;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 17:22:41 EST
From: Felix Gaertner <felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Subject: Re: prettyprinting question
Date: 1 Jul 1998 17:03:56 GMT
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Norman Ramsey wrote:
> In article <6n36i6$io4$1@news.interlog.com>,
> Michael Norrish  <mn200@cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>  >> Has anybody come up with a good TeX hack for prettyprinting the box
>  >> used in Dijkstra's calculus to mark arms of an if statement?
>  >  \newcommand\dbox{\mbox{\large$[\:\!\!]$}}
> This isn't bad, although it's a little skinnier than what I had in
> mind.
> Thanks!

I have used the slight variation


in all my documents containing guarded commands. In fact if you
look at Dijkstra's original work (CACM 18 (8), pp. 453-457, 1975)
on guarded commands, this is exactly how I think they typeset it.

Felix C. Gartner              felix@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Computer Science Department              TU Darmstadt, Germany

 3-Jul-1998 21:48:36-GMT,9242;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 16:41:54 EST
From: bfox@netscape.com (Barbara-Ann Fox)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, bfox@netscape.com
Subject: Re: Opportunity to spread the word about literate programming?
Date: 2 Jul 1998 16:54:03 GMT
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I absolutely agree with Norman on this one.

Having students write code for something they can hold in their hand will
get these folks so excited about programming.

Unfortunately, the program I went through (at the University of Albany) was
sooo boring.  We started off with a Pascal class (which repeated everything
I learned in sophmore year of high school), then moved on to two semesters
of COBOL.  All of this was streamlined with courses like "Discrete
Mathematics".    I'm still in therapy!

This is a very exciting time for software engineers.  Part of what makes
engineers thrive in the "corporate" world is the amount of freedom they are
given.  At Netscape, we have no set hours, no dress code, you can bring your
pets to work, play sports mid-day, etc...  Basically, put folks into a
creative environment.  Make them love what they do.  Trust me, it works.

Is there anyway I can help here?


Lee Wittenberg wrote:

> On 25 Jun 1998, Norman Ramsey wrote:
> > Some of you may have encountered the USRobotics/3Com `Palm Pilot' or
> > `Palm III' handheld computer.  This is a fun toy to have, and the
> > specs are open, so lots of third parties write programs for it.
> > The Unix crowd is way behind Windows here, so a lot of utilities and
> > examples are still being cooked up.  *Lots* of people are curious
> > about how to write code for this thing, and I think this would be a
> > great for literate programming if we as a community could get some
> > example programs into the Pilot world.
> >
> > I was also thinking that turning the source code for somebody's
> > existing program (e.g., HandyShopper) into a literate program would
> > make a good class project, perhaps for a course like the one Lee
> > Wittenberg is offering.
> Good idea.  Steve Furlong and Aharon Robbins had already suggested
> that I have students do some "maintenance" programming by retrofitting
> LP onto an existing program.  I've already planned on having them
> tackle some of the smaller GNU/Linux utilities.  The Palm Pilot stuff
> would also be a good idea (if any of the students actually have one to
> work with -- I don't).
> Where is the source for these programs available?
> > I really feel we as a community missed a chance to get our ideas into
> > Linux when that took off.  Well, maybe the Pilot is a second chance!
> A lovely thought, but I wish I could be optimistic.  Structured
> programming has never really taken hold (except as "a custom more
> honour'd in the breach than the observance"), and it's been around
> more than 35 years.  The unfortunate fact is that anything requiring
> the least self-discipline tends to fly out the window in the face of
> deadlines, to the detriment of program maintenance (which, after all,
> is LP's greatest strength).
>                 -- Lee
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lee Wittenberg              | "Begin at the middle...then you're not so
> Computer Science Department | far from either the beginning or the
> Kean University             | ending."
> Union, NJ   07083           |
>                             | -- Erle Stanley Gardner
> leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" (1954)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 6-Jul-1998  1:48:59-GMT,3089;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 20:46:29 EST
From: lippmann@cdc9.cdc.informatik.th-darmstadt.de (Jens Lippmann )
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, lippmann@cdc9.cdc.informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Subject: Re: Pre-Announce and  RFC for LP tool
Date: 5 Jul 1998 19:37:45 GMT
Message-ID: <6nokm9$nv6$1@news.interlog.com>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Hi there!

John wrote:
> I am developing a new literate programming tool
> (currently called Interscript) that will blow the
> socks of everything else. It's currently
> programming itself. I need comments. What do YOU
> want from a LP system?

- must allow code chunking (as Lee said)
- should be able to generate PS, PDF or HTML
- based on TeX would be nice, but not a must (but: TeX's the best!)
- an option to the weaver to enable/suppress pretty printing
- allow cross references that are clickable:
  a) list of identifiers for this file, with crossrefs between def/use pairs
  b) list of refinements (chunks)
  c) ability to cite a chunk of this file (i.e. "Look at |@<Chunk@>|...")
  d) ability to import chunk labels of different files and to cite them,
     i.e. the ability to link stand-alone files
  e) a 'global' list of identifiers, where the user may select from which
     files the list is to be generated, and what type of variables it
     should include (this can be achieved via a user-defined filter applied
     to the variable names/types)
  f) a mechanism to cite a web file or single chunks of a web file within
     a TeX, PDF or HTML document.
  g) a list of functions, for a single file and for a user-selected list of
  h) a list of cited files, suited for a table of contents
- the tangler should have an option to enable/suppress indentation
- the tangler should have an option to enable/suppress insertion of #line,
  #file, or similar directives.
  The idea is to support Java, and to be able to deliver a tangled file as
  source code, i.e. the compiler should generate errors/warnings for the
  tangled file and not for the (non-available) web source.

- What the hell is Python??? What about working with C ?
- InterScript is perhaps not so well-chosen.
  It is difficult to put the name in association with Literate Programming.
  What about WebScript or InterWeb?


I thought of something more, maybe I'll recall it next time.
In deed I got embarassed about insufficient LP capabilities so often that
I could write a book about it.

Good Luck...



# Jens Lippmann                     lippmann@cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
#                                  http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/TI
# Technische Hochschule Darmstadt                http://www.tu-darmstadt.de

 6-Jul-1998 14:59:54-GMT,3054;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 09:55:20 EST
From: Felix Gaertner <felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Subject: enabling #line for Java (and other languages) and noweb
Date: 6 Jul 1998 13:57:01 GMT
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Hi folks,

there have been a few postings recently concering the `#line problem' 
when working with Java and noweb. The problem is that the compiler
references warnings and errors within the tangled code and not within
the original noweb file.  This is not a problem when working with C,
because the -L option of notangle inserts special `#line' directives
which the C compiler can use to calculate the correct references in the
noweb file.

I have a student here who is willing to work on a small tool to solve
this problem for languages that don't support #line directives. Here's
a first outline of the ``interface'' which an end user sees. I'd like 
to hear some comments or suggestions on this interface before actual
coding takes place, because I want the tool to be useable not only by

Main Idea

The main idea of the tool (let's call it `noerr') is to pipe compiler
output through a program which silently replaces line numbers and file
references by the ``correct values'' (with respect to the noweb file).
We assume that people use `make' on a Unix-ish system. Here's an 
example on how to write the Makefile for Java:

LINESPEC = -L"// in line %L %F %N"

	notangle $(LINESPEC) $*.nw > $*.java

	javac $*.java | noerr $(LINESPEC)

Prerequisites for an environment in which the tool should work:

 - `make' is used
 - `piping' is possible
 - the programming language supports comments
 - the tool will probably be written in Perl, so we assume Perl is
 - the user is willing to make small changes to the Makefiles

So, I'd like to start a discussion on the feasibility of this 
interface before going into the intrinsics of the implementation.
Comments are welcome (especially suggestions for an expressive name 
for the tool are very much appreciated).


Felix C. Gartner              felix@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Computer Science Department              TU Darmstadt, Germany

 6-Jul-1998 15:13:00-GMT,3051;000000000001
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From: Felix Gaertner <felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Subject: enabling #line for Java (and other languages) and noweb
Date: 6 Jul 1998 13:52:38 GMT
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Hi folks,

there have been a few postings recently concering the ``#line problem''  
when working with Java and noweb. The problem is that the compiler
references warnings and errors within the tangled code and not within
the original noweb file.  This is not a problem when working with C,
because the -L option of notangle inserts special #line directives
which the C compiler can use to calculate the correct references in the
noweb file.

I have a student here who is willing to work on a small tool to solve
this problem for languages that don't support #line directives. Here's a
first outline of the ``interface'' which an end user sees. I'd like to
hear some comments or suggestions on this interface before actual coding
takes place, because I want the tool to be useable not only by myself.

Main Idea

The main idea of the tool (let's call it `noerr') is to pipe compiler
output through a program which silently replaces line numbers and file
references by the ``correct values'' (with respect to the noweb file).
We assume that people use `make' on a Unix-ish system. Here's an example
on how to write the Makefile for Java:

LINESPEC = -L"// in line %L %F %N"

	notangle $(LINESPEC) $*.nw > $*.java

	javac $*.java | noerr $(LINESPEC)

Prerequisites for an environment in which the tool should work:

 - `make' is used
 - `piping' is possible
 - the programming language supports comments
 - the tool will probably be written in Perl, so we assume Perl is
 - the user is willing to make small changes to the Makefiles

So, I'd like to start a discussion on the feasibility of this interface
before going into the intrinsics of the implementation. Comments are
welcome (especially suggestions for an expressive name for the tool are
very much appreciated).


Felix C. Gartner              felix@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Computer Science Department              TU Darmstadt, Germany

 6-Jul-1998 23:33:21-GMT,1266;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id RAA08621
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:33:20 -0600 (MDT)
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Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Mon, 06
          Jul 1998 18:31:06 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: Re: enabling #line for Java (and other languages) and noweb
Date: 6 Jul 1998 18:38:54 GMT
Message-ID: <6nr5ju$4sd$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

In article <6nqkr6$phc$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>,
Felix Gaertner  <felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de> wrote:
 >The main idea of the tool (let's call it `noerr') is to pipe compiler
 >output through a program which silently replaces line numbers and file
 >references by the ``correct values'' (with respect to the noweb file).
 >      notangle $(LINESPEC) $*.nw > $*.java
 >	javac $*.java | noerr $(LINESPEC)

I (predictably) think this is a great idea.  Where do you specify the
format of javac's error messages?


 7-Jul-1998  7:33:34-GMT,1868;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id BAA17639
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 7 Jul 1998 01:33:33 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
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Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 07
          Jul 1998 02:28:12 EST
From: Felix Gaertner <felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Subject: Re: enabling #line for Java (and other languages) and noweb
Date: 7 Jul 1998 07:00:41 GMT
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Norman Ramsey wrote:
> In article <6nqkr6$phc$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>,
> Felix Gaertner  <felix@informatik.th-darmstadt.de> wrote:
>  >The main idea of the tool (let's call it `noerr') is to pipe compiler
>  >output through a program which silently replaces line numbers and file
>  >references by the ``correct values'' (with respect to the noweb file).
>  >.nw.java:
>  >      notangle $(LINESPEC) $*.nw > $*.java
>  >
>  >.java.class:
>  >      javac $*.java | noerr $(LINESPEC)
> I (predictably) think this is a great idea.  Where do you specify the
> format of javac's error messages?
> Norman

We are thinking of taking the regular expressions from the compile
mode of emacs to match compiler error messages. They seem to do a
good job with most (C) compilers and we are giving it a try with
others (java, etc.).

Felix C. Gartner              felix@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Computer Science Department              TU Darmstadt, Germany

 7-Jul-1998 12:13:15-GMT,64886;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id GAA22474
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 7 Jul 1998 06:13:13 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
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          Jul 1998 06:46:14 EST
From: thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
Subject: comp.programming.literate FAQ
Date: 6 Jul 1998 23:43:56 GMT
Message-ID: <literate-programming-faq_899768623@rtfm.mit.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Archive-name: literate-programming-faq
Last-modified: 1997/08/15
Version: 1.1.18
  The Literate Programming FAQ
  David B. Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>
  15 August 1997

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  Table of Contents:

  1.      Welcome

  1.1.    Disclaimer

  1.2.    Copyright

  1.3.    What's New?

  2.      Introduction or

  3.      How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.    Literate Programming FAQ

  3.2.    FWEB FAQ

  4.      Is there a newsgroup?

  5.      What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  6.      What is Literate Programming?

  7.      How do I begin literate programming?

  8.      What literate programming tools are available?

  8.1.    APLWEB

  8.2.    AWEB

  8.3.    CLiP

  8.4.    CWEB

  8.5.    CWEBx3.0

  8.6.    mCWEB

  8.7.    FunnelWeb

  8.8.    FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  8.9.    FWEB

  8.10.   IMPACT

  8.11.   lit2x

  8.12.   Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  8.13.   MapleWEB

  8.14.   MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  8.15.   MWEB (Sewell)

  8.16.   noweb

  8.17.   nuweb

  8.18.   ProTeX

  8.19.   RWEB

  8.20.   SchemeWEB

  8.21.   SpideryWEB

  8.22.   WEB

  8.23.   WinWordWEB

  9.      Are there other tools I should know about?

  9.1.    C2LaTeX

  9.2.    c2cweb

  9.3.    c2man

  9.4.    cnoweb

  9.5.    Fold2Web

  9.6.    Funnelweb Mode

  9.7.    noweb.el

  9.8.    nuweb.el

  9.9.    TIE

  9.10.   Web mode

  10.     What other resources are available?

  10.1.   World Wide Web

  10.2.   TeX Resources

  11.     Are there any code examples?

  12.     Bibliographies

  13.     How to anonymously ftp

  14.     Acknowledgements

  15.     End notes

  1.  Welcome

  Information contained in this document is the best available at
  preparation.  The original file was dated October 15, 1993 (just for
  historical purposes).

  1.1.  Disclaimer

  Disclaimer: ``This FAQ is presented with no warranties or guarantees
  of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular
  purpose.  The author of this document has attempted to verify
  correctness of the data contained herein; however, slip-ups can and do
  happen.  If you use this data, you do so at your own risk.''

  1.2.  Copyright

  Copyright 1993-1997 by David B. Thompson.  All rights reserved
  worldwide. Permission is granted to copy this document for free
  distribution so long as it remains intact and unmodified.  For other
  arrangements, contact the author/maintainer via email:

  1.3.  What's New?

  o  My email address has changed (once again).

  o  Newsgroup is moderated.

  o  Updated fweb entry.

  o  Updated noweb entry.

  o  Added mCWEB entry.

  o  Updated c2cweb entry.

  o  Updated nuweb.el entry.

  o  Updated cLiP entry.

  o  Updated Lee W's examples (from bart).

  o  Last, but not least, new formatting of the FAQ.  Many thanks go to
     Andrew Johnson <ajohnson@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> for helping make this

  2.  Introduction or ``What's this all about?''

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  The Literate Programming (LitProg) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  list is maintained by Dave Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>

  Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.  Direct flames to
  /dev/null (or nul if you're a msdos user! ;-) If you find an error,
  please report it.  I'm particularly interested in establishing the
  locations of generally available literate programming tools.  If you
  are the author of such a tool and wish to have it included in this
  list, please send email.

  Please note this is a work-in-progress.  It is not complete, and
  probably will never be complete.  Nevertheless, the information
  contained herein may be useful to some.  Use it as it is intended.

  3.  How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.  Literate Programming FAQ

  You have many ways to get a current copy of this FAQ.  One is to use
  anonymous ftp (if you don't know how, see a later section in this FAQ)
  to connect to one of the Comprehensive TeX Arvchive Network (CTAN)
  sites or the Literate Programming Archive and retrieve a copy of the
  file.  Open an ftp connection to one of the CTAN sites and retrieve
  the file:


  (For more information on CTAN and the literate programming archive,
  see the section below entitled ``Internet Nodes of Interest to
  Literate Programmers''.)

  3.2.  FWEB FAQ

  David Coker <coker@astro.sunyit.edu> maintains the FWEB FAQ.  The
  current version number is 1.30a.  It can be retrieved in the same way
  as this FAQ.

  The FWEB FAQ exists in various formats, including HyperText (see other
  resources below). In Europe, the complete distribution can also be
  obtained from ftp.desy.de in directory
  /pub/faq/web/fweb/.  It is also available from the literate
  programming archive in the directory LPA/Documentation/faq/fweb (see
  the references to LPA below for more information).

  4.  Is there a newsgroup?

  One of the most important resources is the literate programming
  newsgroup, comp.programming.literate.  Because of the amount of
  spamming and unrelated the posts, the newsgroup is now moderated.
  Posts to the newsgroup are now routed through litprog-
  mod@cs.virginia.edu.  If your news reader does not post through this
  address, then you will be unable to post messages to the newgroup.
  You can read this newsgroup using your standard reader.

  5.  What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  The principal nodes of interest to literate programmers are the
  Literate Programming Archive (LPA hereafter) and the CTAN
  (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).

  The Literate Programming Archive (LPA) is:

    Node:       ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
    Directory:  programming/literate-programming
    Notes:      Fastest response during off-U.S. [yep] business hours.

  Participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:

    ftp.dante.de  (Deutschland)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node sun.dante.de
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@dante.de
         -- Administrator: <ftpmaint@dante.de>
    ftp.tex.ac.uk (England)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node gopher.tex.ac.uk
         -- NFS mountable from nfs.tex.ac.uk:/public/ctan/tex-archive
         -- World Wide Web access on www.tex.ac.uk
         -- Administrator: <ctan-uk@tex.ac.uk>

  The site ftp.shsu.edu used to be the American CTAN site.  Apparently,
  that site has fallen into disrepair and should not be considered a
  primary source for either TeX related or literate programming related
  material.  For the record, the address is:

    ftp.shsu.edu  (Texas, USA)
         -- anonymous ftp and gopher      /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- NFS mountable from ftp.SHSU.edu:/pub/ftp/tex-archive
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@ftp.SHSU.edu
         -- World Wide Web access on www.SHSU.edu
         -- Administrator: <CTAN-Mgr@SHSU.edu>

  A list of CTAN archive sites and their mirrors can be found on:


  I presume that the other CTAN sites mirror this file, but have not
  checked.  As of my last check (September 1994), it contains:

         "In order to reduce network load, it is recommended that you use the
         Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) host which is located in the
         closest network proximity to your site."

  Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw (Taiwan)       /tex-archive
    ftp.adfa.oz.au (Australia)            /pub/tex/ctan
    ftp.muni.cz (The Czech Republic)      /pub/tex/CTAN
    ftp.cs.ruu.nl (The Netherlands)       /pub/tex-archive
    ftp.uu.net (Virginia, USA)            /pub/text-processing/TeX
    nic.switch.ch (Switzerland)           /mirror/tex

  Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp (Japan)      /CTAN
    ftp.ccu.edu.tw (Taiwan)               /pub/tex
    ftp.cs.rmit.edu.au  (Australia)       /tex-archive
    ftp.duke.edu (North Carolina, USA)    /tex-archive
    ftp.germany.eu.net (Deutschland)      /pub/packages/TeX
    ftp.gwdg.de (Deutschland)             /pub/dante
    ftp.jussieu.fr (France)               /pub4/TeX/CTAN
    ftp.loria.fr (France)                 /pub/unix/tex/ctan
    ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de (Deutschland)       /pub4/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de
    ftp.uni-bielefeld.de (Deutschland)    /pub/tex
    ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Deutschland)    /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
    ftpserver.nus.sg (Singapore)          /pub/zi/TeX
    src.doc.ic.ac.uk (England)            /packages/tex/uk-tex
    sunsite.unc.edu (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
    wuarchive.wustl.edu (Missouri, USA)   /packages/TeX

  Other nodes and directories of interest include:

    Node:       ftp.desy.de []
    Directory:  pub/web. Various documents, samples, and the FWEB FAQ.
    Notes:      Has a www server, http://info.desy.de:80/

  6.  What is Literate Programming?

  Literate programming is the combination of documentation and source
  together in a fashion suited for reading by human beings.  In fact,
  literate programs should be enjoyable reading, even inviting!  (Sorry
  Bob, I couldn't resist!)  In general, literate programs combine source
  and documentation in a single file.  Literate programming tools then
  parse the file to produce either readable documentation or compilable
  source.  The WEB style of literate programming was created by D.E.
  Knuth during the development of his TeX typsetting software.

  All the original work revolves around a particular literate
  programming tool called WEB.  Knuth says:

       The philosophy behind WEB is that an experienced system pro-
       grammer, who wants to provide the best possible documenta-
       tion of his or her software products, needs two things
       simultaneously: a language like TeX for formatting, and a
       language like C for programming.  Neither type of language
       can provide the best documentation by itself; but when both
       are appropriately combined, we obtain a system that is much
       more useful than either language separately.

       The structure of a software program may be thought of as a
       web that is made up of many interconnected pieces.  To docu-
       ment such a program we want to explain each individual part
       of the web and how it relates to its neighbours. The typo-
       graphic tools provided by TeX give us an opportunity to
       explain the local structure of each part by making that
       structure visible, and the programming tools provided by
       languages such as C or Fortran make it possible for us to
       specify the algorithms formally and unambigously. By combin-
       ing the two, we can develop a style of programming that max-
       imizes our ability to perceive the structure of a complex
       piece of software, and at the same time the documented pro-
       grams can be mechanically translated into a working software
       system that matches the documentation.

  Another author (Eric W. van Ammers) wrote me a short article treating
  his opinions on literate programming.  The text follows:

       First observation on LP

       About 90% of the disussion on this list is about problems
       with applying some WEB-family member to a particular
       programming language or a special documentation situation.
       This is ridiculous, I think. Let me explain shortly why.

       Lemma 1:

       I have proposed for many years that programming has nothing
       to do with programming langauges, i.e. a good programmer
       makes good programs in any language (given some time to
       learn the syntax) and a bad programmer will never make a
       good program, no matter the language he uses (today many
       people share this view, fortunately).

       Lemma 2:

       Literate Programming has (in a certain way not yet
       completely understood) to do with essential aspects of

       Conclusion 1:

       A LP-tool should be independent of programming language.

       Lemma 3:

       It seems likely that the so called BOOK FORMAT PARADIGM ref.
       1 plays an important role in making literate programs work.

       Lemma 4:

       There are very many documentation systems currently being
       used to produce documents in the BOOK FORMAT.

       Conclusion 2:

       A LP-tool should be independent of the documentation system
       that the program author whishes to use.

       My remark some time ago that we should discuss the generic
       properties of an LP-tool was based on the above observation.


       1 Paul W. Oman and Curtus Cook. ``Typographical style is
       more than cosmetic.''  CACM 33, 5, 506-520 (May 1990)

       Second observation on LP

       The idea of a literate program as a text book should be
       extendend even further. I would like to see a literate
       program as an (in)formal argument of the correctness of the

       Thus a literate program should be like a textbook on
       mathematicics.  A mathematical textbook explains a theory in
       terms of lemma and theorems. But the proofs are never formal
       in the sense that they are obtaind by symbol manipulation of
       a proof checker. Rather the proofs are by so called
       ``informal rigour'', i.e. by very precise and unambiguous
       sentences in a natural language.
  Eric W. van Ammers Department of Computer Science Wageningen
  Agricultural University Dreijenplein 2
  E-mail:      ammers@rcl.wau.nl 6703 HB  Wageningen
  voice:       +31 (0)8370 83356/84154 The Netherlands
  fax:   +31 (0)8370 84731

  Another author (Norman Ramsey) wrote me and asked that his opinions be
  included in the FAQ.  What follows are Norman's comments verbatim.

       I see it's time for the ``how is literate programming dif-
       ferent from verbose commenting'' question.  Perhaps David
       Thompson will get this into the FAQ.  Alert! What follows
       are my opinions.  In no way do I claim to speak for the
       (fractious) literate-programming community.

       How is literate programming different from verbose

       There are three distinguishing characteristics.  In order of
       importance, they are:

       o  flexible order of elaboration

       o  automatic support for browsing

       o  typeset documentation, especially diagrams and

       Flexible order of elaboration means being able to divide
       your source program into chunks and write the chunks in any
       order, independent of the order required by the compiler.
       In principle, you can choose the order best suited to
       explaining what you are doing.  More subtly, this discipline
       encourages the author of a literate program to take the time
       to consider each fragment of the program in its proper
       sphere, e.g., not to rush past the error checking to get to
       the ``good parts.'' In its time and season, each part of the
       program is a good part. (This is the party line; your
       mileage may vary.)

       I find the reordering most useful for encapsulating tasks
       like input validation, error checking, and printing output
       fit for humans --- all tasks that tend to obscure ``real
       work'' when left inline.  Reordering is less important when
       using languages like Modula-3, which has exceptions and
       permits declarations in any order, than when using languages
       like C, which has no exceptions and requires declaration
       before use.

       Automatic support for browsing means getting a table of
       contents, index, and cross-reference of your program.
       Cross-reference might be printed, so that you could consult
       an index to look up the definition of an identifier `foo'.
       With good tools, you might get a printed mini-index on every
       page if you wanted.  Or if you can use a hypertext
       technology, cross-reference might be as simple as clicking
       on an identifier to reach its definition.

       Indexing is typically done automatically or `semi-
       automatically', the latter meaning that identifier
       definitions are marked by hand.  Diligently done semi-
       automatic indexes seem to be best, because the author can
       mark only the identifiers he or she considers important, but
       automatic indexing can be almost as good and requires no
       work.  Some tools allow a mix of the two strategies.
  Some people have applied literate-programming tools to large
  batches of legacy code just to get the table of contents,
  index, and cross-reference.

  I don't use diagrams and mathematics very often, but I
  wouldn't want to have to live without them.  I have worked
  on one or two projects where the ability to use mathematical
  formulae to document the program was indispensible.  I also
  wouldn't like to explain some of my concurrent programs
  without diagrams.  Actually I write almost all of my
  literate programs using only sections headers, lists, and
  the occasional table.

        >Wouldn't it be easier to do one's literate programming using
        >a wysiwyg word processor (e.g. Word for Windows) and
        >indicate what is source code by putting it in a different

  The data formats used in wysiwyg products are proprietary,
  and they tend to be documented badly if at all.  They are
  subject to change at the whim of the manufacturer. (I'll go
  out on a limb and say there are no significant wysiwyg tools
  in the public domain.  I hope the Andrew people will forgive
  me.) These conditions make it nearly impossible to write
  tools, especially tools that provide automatic indexing and
  cross-reference support.  The CLiP people have a partial
  solution that works for tools that can export text --- they
  plant tags and delimiters throughout the document that
  enable the reordering transformation (``tangling'').

  People use TeX, roff, and HTML because free implementations
  of these tools are widely available on a variety of
  platforms.  TeX and HTML are well documented, and TeX and
  roff are stable.  TeX is the most portable.  I think I have
  just answered the FAQ ``how come all these tools use TeX,
  anyway?'' :-)

  Norman Ramsey

  7.  How do I begin literate programming?

  A recommended book is D.E. Knuth's collection of articles (1992)
  Literate Programming. Center for the Study of Language and
  Information, Stanford University, ISBN 0-937073-80-6 (pbk).  This book
  gives insight into Knuth's thoughts as he developed the web system of
  literate programming (and TeX for typesetting).  It does not document
  methods for literate programming.

  A recommended book is Wayne Sewell's (1989) Weaving a Program:
  Literate Programming in WEB. Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN 0-442-31946-0
  (pbk).  This book focuses on using Knuth's web system.

  Some talk exists in the newsgroup/mailing list for a Usenet University
  course in literate programming.  I'm sure discussion of this topic
  will be welcomed.  If you are interested, please participate.

  8.  What literate programming tools are available?

  A significant number of tools for literate programming are available.
  Most have been ported from their original systems, so support multiple
  computer platforms.  If you are the developer of such a tool, and
  would like to make the software freely available, please send me email
  and I'll reply with a form (like those below) for you to fill in.  (Or
  short-circuit the process and kludge a form from below. :-)

  8.1.  APLWEB

  Developer:      Christoph von Basum <CvB@erasmus.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      IBM APL2 and STSC APL
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available.

  Support:        Unknown

  Note: The status of this particular package is unknown.

  8.2.  AWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Ada
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available

  Support:        Not supported.

  8.3.  CLiP

  Developer:      E.W. van Ammers and M.R. Kramer
  Versions:       2.0 and 2.4b (DOS only)
  Platform:       Vax/VMS, Unix, DOS
  Languages:      Any programming language
  Formatter:      Any formatter (TeX, LaTeX, Troff, Runoff, HTML, etc)
                  or any wordprocessor including WYSIWYG systems
                  (Word Perfect, WinWord, Ami Pro, Word Pro, etc.)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos        DOS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos_24b    DOS (v. 2.4b)
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/vax_vms       VAX/VMS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/unix          Unix
  Readme:         With bundle above


    CLiP does not use explicit commands to perform the extraction
    process. Rather it recognizes pseudostatements written as comments in
    the programming language in question. CLiP distinguishes
    pseudostatements from ordinary comments because the former comply with
    a particular style. This style can be adjusted to suit virtually any
    programming language. The CLiP approach to LP makes the system
    extremely versatile. It is independent of programming language and
    text processing environment. We designed CLiP to be compatible with
    hypertext systems as well. Some hypertext examples are at

    + CLiP imposes virtually no limitations on the text-processing system
      used to produce the documentation. If the text-processor supports
      these items you can
      + structure the documentation according to your own taste.
      + include drawings, pictures, tables etc.
      + disclose your documentation my means of X-ref tables, Indexes,
        Table of contents, Table of tables, Table of figures, etc.
      + typeset the documented code.
    + Extracts any number of modules from a maximum of 64 source files.
    + No pretty-printing. Code from the source files is copied "as is" to
      the module.
    + Appearance of code segments in the documentation matches those of
      the modules to ease the identification of code segments.
    + Supports partially specified data types.
    + Comprehensive user manual (preliminary version) and technical
    - No automatic generation of a X-ref table for program identifiers.

  Support:  Bugs, problems and assistance by e-mail to

  8.4.  CWEB

  Developer:      Silvio Levy and D.E. Knuth
  Version:        3.0
  Hardware:       Unix systems (dos and amiga ports available)
  Languages:      C and C++
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and LaTeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in CTAN:/web/c_cpp/cwb30p8c
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
                    Amiga version CTAN:/web/c_cpp/AmigaCWEB
                    Mac port of CTANGLE in LPA:/machines/mac
                    LaTeX support in LPA:/c.c++
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Description:    No description provided.
  Support:        Bugs to levy@math.berkeley.edu

  8.5.  CWEBx3.0

  Developer:      Marc van Leeuwen
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Any system using ASCII code
  Languages:      ANSI C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Brief description:
              A modified implementation of CWEB, with some extensions.
              Provides a mode for full compatibility with Levy/Knuth CWEB.
              The most significant extras are:
              - Typedef declarations affect formatting througout source file
              - Include files are scanned for typedef definitions
              - Flexible selection of layout style
              - Possibility to refer to sections using symbolic labels
              - CTANGLE detects unbalanced braces and parentheses
              - CWEAVE can be made to report syntax errors more easily
              - Some additional mechanisms to avoid formatting problems
              - New and modular set of grammar rules, based on ANSI C syntax
              - Possibility to suppress #line directives
              - A new manual

              bugs and remarks to M.van.Leeuwen@cwi.nl

  8.6.  mCWEB

  Developer:              Markus Oellinger
  Version:                        1.0
  Hardware:               Unix
  Languages:              C/C++
  Formatter:              plainTeX
  Availability: anonymous ftp from
  Readme:                         at same location

                                  This is mCWEB 1.0, a descendant of the CWEB system of structured
                                  documentation by Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy.  It adds some
                                  features that are indispensable when working in a team. mCWEB
                                  regards a project of a book consisting of several chapter files.
                                  By means of import and export commands, it automatically manages
                                  all relationships between the chapters of a book and to other

                                  Interface documentation is now also part of mCWEB. It is
                                  extracted into a second TeX file. This makes it possible to
                                  define well known interfaces between the individual parts of a
                                  project that will be implemented by different persons.

                                  In addition, mCWEB parses C header files to find out about all
                                  the datatypes defined there.

                                  mCWEB comes with a full completely rewritten user manual and is
                                  compatible with CWEB.

  Support:        Institute of Software Technology

  8.7.  FunnelWeb

  Developer:      Ross N. Williams: ross@guest.adelaide.edu.au
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun.  Other ports reported.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX for printing.  Otherwise, no restrictions.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.


    FunnelWeb is a production-quality literate-programming tool that
    emphasises simplicity and reliability. Everything about FunnelWeb,
    from the simplicity of its language to the comprehensive tutorial in
    the user's manual, has been designed to make this as simple, as
    practical, and as usable a tool as possible.

       + Provides a simple macro preprocessor facility.
       + Can produce typeset documentation.
       + Runs on Sun, VMS VAX, Macintosh, PC, and others.
       + Portable C source code distributed under GNU licence.
       + Comprehensive user's manual including tutorial.
       + Programming-language independent.
       + Can generate multiple output files.
       + Allows complete control over the output text.
       + Regression test suite with over 200 tests.
       + Fully worked example (in /pub/funnelweb/examples).
       - Requires TeX to produce typeset documentation.
       - Typesets program code using TT font only.

  Support:  No formal support available.  Mailing list maintained with
            about 50 subscribers.  Informal assistance available from
            mailing list.

  8.8.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Developer:      Enhanced by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au)
                  from FunnelWeb v3.0 by Ross N. Williams
  Version:        3.0AC
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun, OSF/1, Linux, Sys.V, OS/2.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Tex, LaTeX, or HTML.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         With bundle above; for FunnelWeb manual see WWW page

    FunnelWeb 3.0AC is an enhanced version of FunnelWeb (see the entry
    for FunnelWeb).  FunnelWeb is designed to be typesetter independent,
    though FunnelWeb v3.0 only supports (La)TeX as the typesetter.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports HTML, and creates appropriate
    hypertext links within the document among the code sections.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports automatic and manual insertion of line
    directives, so that compiler errors can be flagged back to the
    original FunnelWeb source file.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC is completely
    compatible with FunnelWeb v3.0 sources (with one minor exception;
    see the file README.ABC which comes with the FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Support:  Supported by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au), subject
            to the time constraints imposed by his thesis.

  8.9.  FWEB

  Developer:      John A. Krommes <krommes@princeton.edu>
  Version:        1.53 (1.60-beta for the experienced, patient, and brave)
  Hardware:       Unix, VMS, and DOS platforms (anything with ANSI C)
  Languages:      C, C++, Fortran-77, Fortran-90, Ratfor, TeX; also, a
                            language-independent mode.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.  Plain TeX may work, but is no longer supported.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    It also has a well-developed user's manual and its own FAQ (see
    above).  Beginning with 1.40, documentation is maintained in gnu
    texinfo format.  It runs on most platforms: VMS, PC, UNIX, and pretty
    much anything that the GNU C compiler (GCC) is supported for.


     + Processes multiple languages during a single run (so one can mix C
       and Fortran, for example).
     + Language-independent mode (v1.40).
     + Ability to turn off pretty-printing (v1.40).
     + Built-in Ratfor translator.
     + Built-in macro preprocessor (closely follows ANSI C, with
     + A style file that allows the user to adjust many parameters and
       behavior patterns of FWEB.
     + Various operator-overloading features that provide additional
       pretty-printing capabilities to languages such as C++ and
     + Numerous miscellaneous features and command-line options.

  Support:        Bug reports and suggestions to krommes@princeton.edu

  8.10.  IMPACT

  Developer:      Timothy Larkin, from Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1
  Version:        1.0
  Hardware:       Macintosh; requires AppleEvents.
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   CTAN archives
  Readme:         A short readme file is included in the SEA archive.


    IMPACT implements CTangle from the Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1. It operates as
    a foreground program, tangling files selected from the Mac File
    Picker. Or it can operate in the background, tangling files in
    response to odoc events sent by other applications, such as editors.


    I welcome any reports of bugs. The product will be updated as new
    versions of the CWEB appear. Other features may be added as users
    suggest them.

  8.11.  lit2x

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None available
  Support:        Unknown

  8.12.  Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  Developer:      Norbert Lindenberg
  Version:        1.1
  Hardware:       Apple Macintosh
  Languages:      C++, Object Pascal & others
  Formatter:      self-contained WYSIWYG system
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.  Also comes with 38-page manual.


    The Literate Programming Workshop is an environment for the integrated
    development of program source text and documentation in combined
    documents. It consists of a WYSIWYG word processor based on a style
    sheet approach, a mechanism to extract parts of the text in a
    document, and a project management system that handles multi-document
    projects. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with the
    Macintosh Programmer's Workshop: it prepares raw source text for the
    MPW compilers, accepts MPW error messages, and shows them in the
    context of the original documents. Automatic indexing and hypertext
    features allow for easy access to both source text and documentation.

    LPW is shareware.

  Support:        Bugs, problems, and questions to lpw@aol.com.

  8.13.  MapleWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Maple
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Unknown

  8.14.  MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  Developer:      Joachim Schrod
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.15.  MWEB (Sewell)

  Developer:      Sewell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.16.  noweb

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
  Version:        2.8
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms (DOS binaries available for v2.7).
  Languages:      All programming languages, singly or in combination.
                  Automatic indexing for C, Icon, Pascal, Standard ML, TeX, Yacc
  Formatter:      Plain TeX, LaTeX, and HTML formatters.
                  Will convert LaTeX to HTML automatically.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Last recourse, use ftp.cs.virginia.edu:pub/nr

  Readme:         With bundle above, or see the noweb home page:
                  Those without ftp access can consult ``Literate Programming
                  Simplified,'' IEEE Software, September 1994, pp97-105.


    noweb is designed to meet the needs of literate programmers while
    retaining the simplest possible input format.  Its primary
    advantages are simplicity, extensibility, and language-independence.
    noweb uses 5 control sequences to WEB's 27.  The noweb manual is
    only 3 pages; an additional page explains how to customize its LaTeX
    output.  noweb works ``out of the box'' with any programming
    language, and supports TeX, latex, and HTML back ends.  A back end
    to support full hypertext or indexing takes about 250 lines; a
    simpler one can be written in 40 lines of awk.  The primary
    sacrifice relative to WEB is that code is not prettyprinted.

    noweb supports indexing and identifier cross-reference, including
    hypertext ``hot links.'' noweb includes a simple, efficient
    LaTeX-to-HTML converter, so you can use hypertext browsers on your
    legacy documents.  noweb can also process nuweb programs, so you can
    use noweb to convert a standard nuweb program to HTML with one

  Support:        email to the author

  8.17.  nuweb

  Developer:      Preston Briggs: preston@cs.rice.edu
  Version:        0.87
  Hardware:       Unix systems: Sparcs, RS/6000s, HPs; (!) MSDOS and Amiga.
  Languages:      Any programming language or combination of programming
  Formatter:      Latex
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Unix: CTAN:/web/nuweb
                    DOS:  CTAN:/web/nuweb-pc
                    Amiga: CTAN:/web/nuweb/nuweb_ami
                    Amiga: wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet
  Readme:         Send mail to preston@cs.rice.edu


    A single program that takes a web file written in a combination of
    latex and any programming language(s) and produces a latex file that
    can be pretty printed and a set of files containing code for
    compilation/interpretation by the appropriate language processors.

    Strengths include speed, simplicity, multiple languages, nice indices
    and cross-references, latex.  Doesn't require any special macros or
    macro files.

    Drawbacks: latex-dependent, no code pretty printing, harder to make
    indices than cweb.

    More good stuff: nice support for make, doesn't reformat source files,
    so they're easy to debug.  Lots of control without too much effort.
    That is, it doesn't do too much!

    Future directions... Very little change planned, except perhaps
    refinements in the indexing software.

  Support:        Hack it yourself or send e-mail to preston@cs.rice.edu

  8.18.  ProTeX

  Developer:      Eitan Gurari <gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu>
  Version:        ProTeX 1.1,  AlProTeX 1.4
  Hardware:       Any platform with (La)TeX
  Languages:      Any language
  Formatter:      TeX or LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    ftp.cis.ohio-state.edu : pub/tex/osu/gurari/
  Readme:         With bundle above

    + Easy to use
    + Extensible
    + Language independent
    + Multiple output files
    + Fast (single compilation provides output and dvi files)
    + No installation is needed besides copying the files (written in TeX)
    Introduction of main features and examples in pub/tex/osu/gurari/LitProg
    Complete manual in Eitan M. Gurari, "TeX and LaTeX: Drawing and
    Literate Programming", McGraw-Hill, 1994

  Support:        gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu

  8.19.  RWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    Web generator in AWK.
  Support:        Unknown

  8.20.  SchemeWEB

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        2.1
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Any dialect of Lisp.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.
  Availability:   The Unix version is in the Scheme Repository and it is
                  available via anonymous ftp from:
                  The DOS version is part of the PCS/Geneva Scheme system
                  which is available via anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    SchemeWEB is a Unix filter that allows you to generate both Lisp and
    LaTeX code from one source file.  The generated LaTeX code formats
    Lisp programs in typewriter font obeying the spacing in the source
    file. Comments can include arbitrary LaTeX commands.  SchemeWEB was
    originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp, but it can easily
    be used with most other dialects.

  Support:        Bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  8.21.  SpideryWEB

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <norman@bellcore.com>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Most Algol-like languages, including C, Ada, Pascal,
                  Awk, and many others.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and latex for text formatters.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In distribution.


    A system for building language-dependent WEBs. Spider is frozen; no
    further development is planned.

  Support:        Bug reports to spider-bugs@oracorp.com.

  8.22.  WEB

  Developer:      Donald Knuth
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Pascal
  Formatter:      TeX (of course! ;-)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This is the original software that started it all.  The original TeX
  processor was written in WEB.

  Support:        None known.

  8.23.  WinWordWEB

  Developer:      Lee Wittenberg <leew@pilot.njin.net>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Needs Microsoft Word for Windows, v.2.x, and, of course,
                  MS-Windows 3.x.
  Languages:      Any programming language.
  Formatter:      Word for Windows 2.x for text formatting and file
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                  World-Wide Web (WWW)
  Readme:         WORDWEB.DOC in the downloadable package describes the


    WinWordWEB is a set of a Word for Windows macros (plus a paragraph
    style) that provide a crude literate programming environment.  The
    ``look and feel'' of the system is based on Norman Ramsey's noweb, but
    can easily be modified to suit individual tastes.


    None.  WinWordWEB was written as a prototype to see if a WYSIWYG
    literate programming system was possible.  It is intended as a jumping
    off point for future work by others. However, the system is
    surprisingly usable as it stands, and the author is interested in
    hearing from users (satisfied and dissatisfied).

    Anyone interested in actively supporting (and improving) the product
    should contact the author via email.

  9.  Are there other tools I should know about?

  First of all, I'll list some not-quite-literate-programming tools.
  Some may consider these to be pretty-printers.  Others may call them
  literate programming tools.  In any event, they don't seem to be quite
  in the same category as the tools listed above, so I'll include them

  9.1.  C2LaTeX

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      LaTeX but it's easy to change the formatter.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         Absent.  Documentation is in the C source for c2latex.


    C2latex provides simple support for literate programming in C.  Given
    a C source file in which the comments have been written in LaTeX,
    c2latex converts the C source file into a LaTeX source file.  It can
    be used to produce typeset listings of C programs and/or documentation
    associated with the program.

    C2latex produces LaTeX source by implementing a small number of rules.
    A C comment that starts at the beginning of a line is copied
    unmodified into the LaTeX source file.  Otherwise, non-blank lines are
    surrounded by a pair of formatting commands (\begin{flushleft} and
    \end{flushleft}), and the lines are separated by \\*. Each non-blank
    line is formatted using LaTeX's \verb command, except comments within
    the line are formatted in an \mbox.

  Support:        Send bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  9.2.  c2cweb

  Developer:      Werner Lemberg
  Version:        1.5
  Hardware:       DOS, OS/2, Unix (gcc) - CWEB source included
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         In distribution.


    c2cweb will transform plain C or C++ code into a CWEB file to get a
    pretty formatted output. A modified CWEAVE (which transforms the CWEB
    file into a TeX file, see below) is included also.

  Support:        Werner Lemberg <a7971428@unet.univie.ac.at>

  9.3.  c2man

  language:       C, nroff, texinfo, latex, html
  package:        c2man
  version:        2.0 patchlevel 33
  parts:          documentation generator (C -> nroff -man, -> texinfo, ->latex,
                  -> html)
  author:         Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
  location:       ftp from any comp.sources.misc archive, in volume42
                  (the version in the comp.sources.reviewed archive is obsolete)
                  ftp /pub/Unix/Util/c2man-2.0.*.tar.gz from dnpap.et.tudelft.nl
      Australia:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from archie.au
      N.America:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.wustl.edu
      Europe:     ftp /News/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.irisa.fr
      Japan:      ftp /pub/NetNews/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.iij.ad.jp
      Patches:    ftp pub/netnews/sources.bugs/volume93/sep/c2man* from lth.se
  description:    c2man is an automatic documentation tool that extracts comments
                  from C source code to generate functional interface
                  documentation in the same format as sections 2 & 3 of the Unix
                  Programmer's Manual. It requires minimal effort from the
                  programmer by looking for comments in the usual places near the
                  objects they document, rather than imposing a rigid
                  function-comment syntax or requiring that the programmer learn
                  and use a typesetting language. Acceptable documentation can
                  often be generated from existing code with no modifications.
  conformance:    supports both K&R and ISO/ANSI C coding styles
  features:       + generates output in nroff -man, TeXinfo, LaTeX or HTML
                  + handles comments as part of the language grammar
                  + automagically documents enum parameter & return values
                  + handles C (/* */) and C++ (//) style comments
                  - doesn't handle C++ grammar (yet)
  requires:       yacc/byacc/bison, lex/flex, and nroff/groff/texinfo/LaTeX.
  ports:          Unix, OS/2, MSDOS, VMS.
  portability:    very high for unix, via Configure
  status:         actively developed; contributions by users are encouraged.
  discussion:     via a mailing list: send "subscribe c2man <Your Name>" (in the
                  message body) to listserv@research.canon.oz.au
  help:           from the author and other users on the mailing list:
  announcements:  patches appear first in comp.sources.bugs, and then in
  updated:        1994/10/07

  9.4.  cnoweb

  Developer:      Jim Fox
  Version:        1.4 (January 4, 1991)
  Hardware:       Anything with C and TeX.
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown, cnoweb.tex contains documentation.


    cnoweb is as it's name describes: write C, not web.  No tangling or
    weaving is implemented.  Documentation (between standard /* */
    delimiteres) is written in TeX.  cnoweb provides typesetting of
    documentation, an table of contents of routines, and pretty-printing
    of C source.

  Support:        None known.

  9.5.  Fold2Web

  Developer:      Bernhard Lang <lang@tu-harburg.d400.de>
  Version:        V0.8
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      All (must allow comment lines)
  Formatter:      LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    kirk.ti1.tu-harburg.de (
  Readme:         In distribution


    The idea behind the Fold2Web tool is the following: A programmer can
    write his program source with a folding editor and later map the
    folded source files automatically to WEB-files. The generated WEB-files
    can then be modified by inserting required documentations.

    The advantage by starting program developement with original sources is
    to get short design cycles during the compile/debug steps. By using a
    folding editor the global structuring information can be already
    captured in folds during this developement phase. Fold information is
    typically stored in comment lines and thus will not affect the
    efficiency of the compile/debug design cycle.

    Some folding editors and a folding mode for the emacs are available
    (e.g. see our FUE folding editor for MSDOS machines which is a modified
    micro emacs. Pick it at kirk in directory /pub/fold2web).

    After reaching a stable version of a program source its time to convert
    the source file to a WEB-file and do the program documentation.
    Fold2Web is written to convert folded source text of any programming
    language to nuweb files. The folded structure is kept by mapping folds
    to scraps. Fold markers which differ between languages due to different
    ways of specifying comments can be configured for each language.

    Good results can also achived when given but poor documented program
    sources have to be modified. Such sources can be folded using a folding
    editor to extract the global structures. This offers a global view to
    the program structures and help to understand its functionality.
    Furthermore the program code is not affected, only comment lines are
    inserted. Once folded the program source can be automatically
    translated to a WEB document using the above tool.

  Support:   email to lang@tu-harburg.d400.de

  9.6.  Funnelweb Mode

  Developer:      Daniel Simmons <simmdan@kenya.isu.edu>
  Version:        Unknown
  Availability:   http://www.miscrit.be/~ddw


  The other day I did a quick hack to nuweb.el as included with the nuweb
  distribution so as to make a funnelweb-mode.el.  I've only used it
  briefly, and I'm sure that it can be improved quite a bit.  I've been
  thinking about adding support for folding on sections, a pull-down menu
  to select macro definitions (like the recent functions posted to
  gnu.emacs.sources for a C function definition pull-down menu) and some
  kind of tags support for funnelweb.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.7.  noweb.el

  Developer:      Bruce Stephens <bruce@liverpool.ac.uk>
  Version:        Unknown.
  Availability:   LitProg archives (in an email message).


  This is a very simple mode I just hacked up.  There's a lot wrong with
  it, but I thought others may be interested, even as it stands.  It
  *requires* text properties, and assumes those used in GNU Emacs 19.22;
  it'll quite likely work with Lucid Emacs, but I haven't tried it.

  I use it with auctex8.1 and cc-mode 3.229, both of which are loaded
  separately (I think my emacs is dumped with them, in fact).

  The idea is to have one mode (which calls itself c-mode, but actually
  has LaTeX-mode keybindings) generally (this means that the code is
  hilighted nicely), and have the code chunks use a different keymap.

  Support:        Email to bruce@liverpool.ac.uk

  9.8.  nuweb.el

  Developer:      Dominique de Waleffe <ddw@acm.org>
  Version:        1.99
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:


    Provides a major mode extending Auctex for editing nuweb files. Main
    features (in 2.0):
          - Edit scrap bodies in a separate buffer in a different mode
        (selected using emacs defaults for files, specific indication
        -*-mode-*-, or a buffer-local variable)
            - Extends Auctex commands so that nuweb is called before LaTeX,
            - Easy navigation on scrap definition and use points.
            - Now creates an imenu (C-M-mouse1) with user index entries, macro
        definition positions and file definition positions.

  Support:        Email to ddw@acm.org

  9.9.  TIE

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This software merges change files.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.10.  Web mode

  Developer:        Bart Childs <bart@cs.tamu.edu>
  Version:          Unknown
  Tools supported:  web, fweb, cweb, funnelweb
  Availability:     Anonymous ftp from


  This version works with versions 18 and 19 of Emacs to be best of my
  knowledge.  I have cleaned up a number of documentation items ...
  In the same directory is wm_refcard.tex which is an edited version of
  the famous one to include some web-mode commands.

  The files limbo* are related to its use and notice that half them
  have an uppercase L in them for LaTeX.  The setup is based upon the
  fact that we (I am not alone here) primarily use FWEB for C and Fortran

  We are using version 1.40 of FWEB although John Krommes warns that it
  is not mature and the manual is not yet updated.  The info files are!
  We are using LaTeX almost exclusively.  That will likely change and we
  will revert to version 1.30 if the final form of 1.40 cannot return
  to the simple section numbers and avoid the HORRIBLE LATEX
  type section numbers.

  Support:        Unknown

  10.  What other resources are available?

  10.1.  World Wide Web

  An untapped resource (by me anyway ;-) is the World Wide Web.  Marcus
  Speh has expended considerable effort in this regard.  If you're
  connected to WWW, then access:


  If you aren't connected to WWW, telnet to info.cern.ch and explore.
  You can reach Marcus' literate programming pages by typing:

    go http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  or use a WWW browser and access the URL


  Help for people who have only Email and neither WWW nor telnet, can be
  obtained by Email from TEST-LIST@INFO.CERN.CH by sending a message,

    SEND <http_address>,

  for example,

    SEND http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  to retrieve the LitProg library page.   A help file can be retrieved
  by sending a message to the list server above with the text


  in the body of the message.  Instructions will be returned by email.
  For literate programming documents, you can try anonymous ftp to
  rtfm.mit.edu and retrieve the official Usenet resource file


  10.2.  TeX Resources

  Another resource of interest to literate programmers is the
  comp.text.tex newsgroup.   If you're using (La)TeX as your typsetting
  system and have access to internet, then you should investigate this

  Another reason the TeX resources should be important is that so many
  of the literate programming tools rely on either plain TeX or LaTeX as
  their text formatter.  (La)TeX software systems exist for most
  computing platforms.  These systems can be found on CTAN and other
  major archive sites.  Use archie to find them or simply ftp to one of
  the CTAN sites and browse.

  11.  Are there any code examples?

  Examples of web programs are included with the FWEB, CWEB, and noweb
  distributions.  nuweb is written in itself.

  Cameron Smith converted the K&R calculator program into a literate
  program.   It can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from:

    niord.shsu.edu [] directory kr-cweb-sample as
    or from

  Ross Williams has released a funnelweb example.  You can retrieve this
  file from node ftp.adelaide.edu.au as


  This file should be on CTAN as well.

  Lee Wittenberg has posted a few litprog examples.  They are available
  via anonymous ftp from:


  The Stanford GraphBase is a large collection of programs by Don Knuth
  for doing all kinds of computations and games with graphs; it is writ-
  ten in (Levy/Knuth) CWEB. More details in the distribution.  It is
  available via anonymous ftp from:


  12.  Bibliographies

  Nelson Beebe has collected an extensive bibliography treating literate
  programming.  His work is available for anonymous ftp from
  ftp.math.utah.edu in directory /pub/tex/bib as files:


  Although I have not verified this, LPA is an alternate source for
  these files.  Note that they are updated frequently (Nelson says sev-
  eral times each week), so be sure to get a fresh copy before extensive
  use.  Joachim Schrod indicates that these files may be updated daily
  and can be retrieved via anonymous ftp at LPA/documentation.

  13.  How to anonymously ftp

  Pretty much everything mentioned here is available by anonymous FTP.
  FAQ lists cross-posted to news.answers and rec.answers can be gotten
  from rtfm.mit.edu, under /pub/usenet/news.answers or under

  "anonymous FTP" is just a way for files to be stored where anyone can
  retrieve them over the Net.    For example, to retrieve the latest
  version of the literate programming FAQ, do the following:

  > ftp rtfm.mit.edu              /* connect to the site; message follows */
  > anonymous                     /* type this when it asks for your name */
  > <your email address>          /* type your address as the password    */
  > cd /pub/usenet                /* go to the directory you want to be   */
  > cd comp.programming.literate  /* one level down (no slash).           */
  > dir                           /* look at what's there                 */
  > get literate-progamming-faq   /* get the file; case-sensitive         */
  > quit                          /* stop this mysterious thing           */

  If your FTP program complains that it doesn't know where the site you
  want to use is, type the numerical address instead of the sitename:

  > ftp               /* connect with numerical address */

  If you don't have ftp access, send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
  with the single word "help" in the body of the message.

  Getting binary files (executables, or any compressed files) is only
  slightly more difficult.   You need to set binary mode inside FTP
  before you transfer the file.

  > binary            /* set binary transfer mode  */
  > ascii             /* set back to text transfer mode */

  FAQs and spoiler lists are generally ascii files; everything else is
  generally binary files.

  Some common extensions on binary files in archive sites are:

    .Z           Compressed; extract with uncompress
    .tar.Z       Compressed 'tape archive'; uncompress then untar or tar -xvf
    .gz or .z    Gnu gzip; use gunzip (available from prep.gnu.ai.mit.edu)
    .sit         (Mac) StufIt archive
    .zip         Extract with Zip or Unzip
    .zoo         Yet another archive/compress program
    .lhe         (Amiga) ?
    .lzh         Lha archive program.
    .arj         (PC) Arj archive program.
    .exe         (PC) Sometimes self-extracting archives-just execute them.
    .uue or .UUE Transfer as text file; use uudecode to convert to binary
    .hqx         (Mac) BinHex format; transfer in text mode

  Generic help can be found in the FAQs of comp.binaries.  <your_sys-
  tem_type> for how to transfer, extract, and virus-check binary files.
  (At rtfm.mit.edu)

  If you can't FTP from your site, use one of the following ftp-by-mail


  For complete instructions, send a message reading "help" to the

  If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, or exactly where it
  is, there are programs and servers that can help you.  For more info,
  send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.with with the body of the message
  reading send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources

  Thanks to Aliza R. Panitz (the "buglady") for this text.  I copied it
  verbatim from her post on faq-maintainers with only minor

  14.  Acknowledgements

  This document would not have happened without the help of many people.
  Among them are Marcus Speh, George Greenwade, Rob Beezer, Joachim
  Schrod, Piet van Oostrum, and Ross N. Williams.  A special thanks to
  Aliza R. Panitz for the text describing how to execute an anonymous
  ftp for files of interest.

  Any omissions from these acknowledgements should be considered an act
  of stupidity on my part.  Of course, the authors of literate
  programming tools mentioned above all play a vital role in the
  vitality of literate programming. Furthermore, participants in the
  comp.programming.literate newsgroup (and associated mailing list) all
  contributed in various fashions.  Thank all of you.

  15.  End notes

  This document will continue to evolve.  I'm planning on adding entries
  for additional literate programming tools and will expand the sections
  on examples as more examples become available. Tools I will include
  are WEB (the original pascal version) for starters. Others will be
  added as I find and document them.  Omission of a particular tool
  should not be considered a snub in any sense--simply an error or
  oversight on my part.

 8-Jul-1998  3:37:29-GMT,7206;000000000001
Received: from relay.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (relay.urz.uni-heidelberg.de [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id VAA13353
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 7 Jul 1998 21:37:27 -0600 (MDT)
Received: from relay (relay.urz.uni-heidelberg.de [])
	by relay.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id FAA29185;
	Wed, 8 Jul 1998 05:19:41 +0200 (MET DST)
          (LISTSERV-TCP/IP release 1.8b) with spool id 381976 for
          LATEX-L@RELAY.URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE; Wed, 8 Jul 1998 05:19:20 +0200
Received: from ricetub.anu.edu.au (richard@ricetub.anu.edu.au [])
          by relay.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id FAA29168
          for <LATEX-L@RELAY.URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE>; Wed, 8 Jul 1998 05:19:15
          +0200 (MET DST)
Received: (from richard@localhost) by ricetub.anu.edu.au (8.8.2/8.8.8) id
          NAA27504; Wed, 8 Jul 1998 13:19:07 +1000 (EST)
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Message-ID:  <199807080319.NAA27504@ricetub.anu.edu.au>
Date:         Wed, 8 Jul 1998 13:19:07 +1000
Reply-To: Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project
Sender: Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project
From: Richard Walker <Richard.Walker@CS.ANU.EDU.AU>
Subject:      Re: First experience with xr under L3PL
To: Multiple recipients of list LATEX-L
In-Reply-To:  <199807072051.WAA04726@frank.zdv.uni-mainz.de>

Frank Mittelbach writes:
 >  >  I'd like to suggest that the `check' option used in
 >  > the dtx files be changed into a package option, say `checkdef' (you
 >  > can think of a better name).
 > good idea, anybody willing to do this?

Hooray - you like one of my ideas :-)  OK, unless someone else is
realy keen on getting some experience, I'll have a go.

 > . . . actually i could have also produced
 > essentially the same algorithm by not using the stack commands but
 > instead using those other sequence commands.

True enough, I just wasn't sure whether you chose to implement it
differently or whether it just turned out that way.

 >  > . . . it might well serve as a deterrent to those who
 >  > come to LaTeX3 as beginners.
 > i think i disagree here. what i meant is that you do need to learn
 > some layer whether it'll be current latex internal commands (by looking
 > at the latex source or other packages) or be something like the L3PL
 > language is not much different (except for those who already mastered
 > most of the mess of the current latex)

The difference will be that it's `official' and documented.  Let's
hope the difference counts!

 >  > If you are happy to release out-of-date and inconsistent documentation
 >  > for incomplete packages then in fairness to us - your guinea pigs -
 >  > _everything_ must be up for grabs.
 > i already said that this was a remark concerning latex2e --- and if
 > people are willing to help updating the documentation of the .dtx
 > files for 2e we are too willing to accept such help!!! just drop us a
 > note and we provide you with the file of your choice (latest version
 > -- sometimes fixes for the next release are already in) lock it in rcs
 > and put the updated documentation with your name on back in. certainly
 > we can make these sources better and it is still worth doing even
 > though we are talking about a sort of paradigm change here.

A part of me really wants to do this.  Another part of me says `why
bother?', when, for example, my energy would be better spent adding
the functionality of \@for and \@tfor to l3seq than to documenting
ltcntrl.  I think from what you have said so far that this is your
perspective too!

 > we don't have the intention of closing doors at this stage. but at the
 > other hand we believe that there is not much gained if X suggests to
 > change the syntax slightly in this direction, then we have a long
 > discussion on whether or not this is how other people see this, then Y
 > suggest some other twist, ... and all of this gets implemented
 > straight away (by us) and changed over and over again instead of
 > providing new functionality within the framework as is and change it
 > completely on the surface later.

I accept this completely.  I agree that the onus is on me (and others)
to `prove' me (us) `right', and that any change in the syntax has to
be done by me (us).

 > i also have nothing whatsoever against the idea that somebody sits
 > down and takes apart all the packages we have put together and does
 > some global replace and produces a version more to his or her liking.
 > we can certainly put such a version on CTAN as well.

That is a very positive statement - thank you.  As I said, I don't
want to change things on a whim, but I appreciate your openness in
allowing me (and others) to put forward other ideas for

 > but what i'm not going to do (me personally) is to do that type of
 > work just because some people think that _ are bad or the colon should
 > be a . or Modula2 type of syntax is better. that would drag on forever
 > without anything gained because there are probably as many opinions on
 > this subject as we had emails on it. if somebody wants to, please do
 > so, but don't ask us to do it for you now.

Well, I wasn't asking you to do that.  I will indeed do it myself.
I can use Emacs's regular expression search and replace as well as the
next person . . . .

 > let me also say that i *DON'T* like the language as it is on many
 > special points (not the last are the many _) but just like here on the
 > list with perhaps 4-6 people commenting on the look of it we had
 > internally also very different opinions what looks best or works
 > best. and at one point we decided to stop and just pick one to
 > actually get functionality provided.

If you have records of the internal discussions I'd like to see them
(if you don't mind).  I'm sure some of your frustrations are because
you have to repeat arguments that have already been settled.

 > you also need a higher-level interface (or set of interfaces) which
 > are also official to avoid all the situations that people because of
 > nothing being put into such a status hooked into any layer with
 > disastrous effects when something was reprogrammed (or just fixed or
 > optimized :-)

I think we all know this from experience!  The hard problem will be
deciding what is important enough to become `official'.  An
interesting comparison is with MacOS X and `Carbon'.  The plan is to
cut the Mac's programming interface from about 8000 calls down to
a core of about 2000 calls.  `Less is more', so they say.

 8-Jul-1998  6:49:31-GMT,1318;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id AAA16866
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Wed, 8 Jul 1998 00:49:30 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Wed, 08
          Jul 1998 01:35:47 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: Literate Programming web ring?
Date: 8 Jul 1998 02:17:29 GMT
Message-ID: <6nukrp$oqc$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

I did a search today and discovered that there is no `web ring'
devoted to literate programming.  This is in omission that would be
worth correcting---there are lots of web pages out there, and we could
get some good visibility, especially by linking the FAQ and some
popular tools.

Anybody can start a new web ring, but the catch is that there is an
administrative burden that is not trivial.  Anyway, if somebody feels
like serving the community in this way, that would be super!  You can
find instructions at www.webring.org, or I'll be happy to help anyone
get started...

Norman Ramsey

14-Jul-1998  1:31:27-GMT,2731;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id TAA05442
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Mon, 13 Jul 1998 19:31:26 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Mon, 13
          Jul 1998 20:27:39 EST
From: Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@samson.kean.edu
Subject: Re: Description of LP for a legal case
Date: 12 Jul 1998 23:21:53 GMT
Message-ID: <6obgeh$i44$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 9 Jul 1998, Steve Furlong wrote:

> Fair warning to international readers: this post applies mainly to
> an American audience. Though in a worst-case scenario I suppose it
> may work its way into international law.
> And another fair warning: this post will work up the 'fire in the
> belly' mainly to supporters of strong encryption. But it does have
> the potential to increase LP's visibility.
> Some of you may have heard about the result of Junger v. Daley, a
> legal case involving the treatment of source code for cryptographic
> software as a munition subject to export restriction. In ruling that
> source code is not protected by the First Amendment, Judge Gwin of the
> US District Court of the Northern District of Ohio found that source
> code is ``inherently functional'' and therefore isn't speech. He seems
> to be confusing source and object code, but this is what he wrote. At
> least I think that's an accurate summary; wading through his tortured
> reasoning is more than my poor little engineer's brain can handle.

I've heard about this case, but I was under the impression that it had
been reversed on appeal (or is this the next level appeal?).  I've been
mistaken before (and will be again), but I agree with Steve about the
uninformed court opinions, particularly where encryption is involved.
I also agree that LP, where the source is unquestionably in a form
protected by the First Amendment, is an interesting way to finesse the

		-- Lee

Lee Wittenberg              | "Begin at the middle...then you're not so
Computer Science Department | far from either the beginning or the
Kean University             | ending."
Union, NJ   07083           | 
                            | -- Erle Stanley Gardner
leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" (1954)

14-Jul-1998 14:49:33-GMT,3312;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA20276
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 14 Jul 1998 08:49:31 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from mailgate2.boeing.com by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP;
          Tue, 14 Jul 1998 09:40:24 EST
Received: from mercury.boeing.com ([]) by mailgate2.boeing.com
          (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id HAA19295 for <LitProg@SHSU.edu>; Tue, 14
          Jul 1998 07:40:19 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from hsvaic.hv.boeing.com by mercury.boeing.com; Tue, 14 Jul 98
          07:40:19 -0700
Received: by hsvaic.hv.boeing.com (5.x/SMI-SVR4.hsvaic95.2) id AA02323; Tue, 14
          Jul 1998 09:40:11 -0500
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 09:40:10 -0500 (CDT)
From: Sarah Green <greens@hsvaic.hv.boeing.com>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, greens@hsvaic.hv.boeing.com
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@SAMSON.KEAN.EDU
Subject: Re: Description of LP for a legal case
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.980714083556.2046A-100000@hsvaic.hv.boeing.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On 12 Jul 1998, Lee Wittenberg wrote:

> On 9 Jul 1998, Steve Furlong wrote:
> > Fair warning to international readers: this post applies mainly to
> > an American audience. Though in a worst-case scenario I suppose it
> > may work its way into international law.
> > 
> > And another fair warning: this post will work up the 'fire in the
> > belly' mainly to supporters of strong encryption. But it does have
> > the potential to increase LP's visibility.
> > 
> > 
> > Some of you may have heard about the result of Junger v. Daley, a
> > legal case involving the treatment of source code for cryptographic
> > software as a munition subject to export restriction. In ruling that
> > source code is not protected by the First Amendment, Judge Gwin of the
> > US District Court of the Northern District of Ohio found that source
> > code is ``inherently functional'' and therefore isn't speech. He seems
> > to be confusing source and object code, but this is what he wrote. At
> > least I think that's an accurate summary; wading through his tortured
> > reasoning is more than my poor little engineer's brain can handle.
> I've heard about this case, but I was under the impression that it had
> been reversed on appeal (or is this the next level appeal?).  I've been
> mistaken before (and will be again), but I agree with Steve about the
> uninformed court opinions, particularly where encryption is involved.
> I also agree that LP, where the source is unquestionably in a form
> protected by the First Amendment, is an interesting way to finesse the
> problem.

	There are a total of three cases challenging this issue- crypto. One in 
favor, this one against & I haven't heard the results of the third.  
There is a website that discusses/tracks all three:
http://www.eff.org/goldkey.html about 2/3 thru file.


                 +----------Sarah L. Green----------+
                 |  Boeing Space Transportation Div | 
                 |   Information Systems - Hsv, AL  | 

15-Jul-1998  2:46:03-GMT,998;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id UAA07696
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 14 Jul 1998 20:46:01 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 14
          Jul 1998 21:42:34 EST
From: ptjm@interlog.com (Patrick TJ McPhee)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, ptjm@interlog.com
Subject: Re: Web for Perl?
Date: 15 Jul 1998 02:22:53 GMT
Message-ID: <6oh3pt$mvf$1@news.interlog.com>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

In article <Pine.OSF.3.91.980712194400.29256A-100000@seralph15>,
Baxter C  <colinb@essex.ac.uk> wrote:

% Is there a Web implimentation for Perl?

Look at noweb or nuweb. You could also check for other answers from
comp.programming.literate, where I've sent follow-ups.


Patrick TJ McPhee
East York  Canada

16-Jul-1998 15:10:38-GMT,6327;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id JAA24232
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Thu, 16 Jul 1998 09:10:31 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Thu, 16
          Jul 1998 10:01:32 EST
From: my_public_email@yahoo.com
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, my_public_email@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Description of LP for a legal case
Date: 14 Jul 1998 18:50:28 GMT
Message-ID: <6og99k$q4g$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu> wrote:
> On 9 Jul 1998, Steve Furlong wrote:
> > Fair warning to international readers: this post applies mainly to
> > an American audience. Though in a worst-case scenario I suppose it
> > may work its way into international law.
> >
> > And another fair warning: this post will work up the 'fire in the
> > belly' mainly to supporters of strong encryption. But it does have
> > the potential to increase LP's visibility.
> >
> >
> > Some of you may have heard about the result of Junger v. Daley, a
> > legal case involving the treatment of source code for cryptographic
> > software as a munition subject to export restriction. In ruling that
> > source code is not protected by the First Amendment, Judge Gwin of the
> > US District Court of the Northern District of Ohio found that source
> > code is ``inherently functional'' and therefore isn't speech. He seems
> > to be confusing source and object code, but this is what he wrote. At
> > least I think that's an accurate summary; wading through his tortured
> > reasoning is more than my poor little engineer's brain can handle.
> I've heard about this case, but I was under the impression that it had
> been reversed on appeal (or is this the next level appeal?).  I've been
> mistaken before (and will be again), but I agree with Steve about the
> uninformed court opinions, particularly where encryption is involved.
> I also agree that LP, where the source is unquestionably in a form
> protected by the First Amendment, is an interesting way to finesse the
> problem.

Caveats:  I am neither a legal expert or a LP expert.

However, I did read the judgement, because I was curious.  What I
found was that the distinction between object and source code is,
indeed, addressed.  However, it is not considered important.
Therefore, I'm not sure that the LP spin would have any legal import.

All the indented stuff are direct quotes from the document
(whose URL I've lost, unfortunately).

Basically, this judgement makes the following arguable assertions
about the distinction between object and source code:

      Source code is a series of instructions to a computer in
      programming languages such as BASIC, PERL, or FORTRAN.
      Object code is the same set of instructions translated into
      binary digits (1's and 0's). Thus, source code and object
      code are essentially interchangeable.

      Encryption software posted on the Internet or on computer
      diskette can be converted from source code into workable
      object code with a single keystroke.

      When in electronic form, encryption source code is a
      functional device that directs a computer to perform
      specified tasks.

Given this stand, does the concept of LP add anything new?  They've
already collapsed the distinction between the two.

*** (That was the extent of the LP-related content of this post.) ***

Although these statements are literally false, they aren't the
complete basis for why publishing source code on the internet does not
carry first amendment protection.  For instance, you can publish the
source code on paper without the restrictions.  The restrictions only
apply to internet publication, because they consider internet
publication of encryption source code to be identical with exporting
an encryption machine.

Literally, of course, this is ridiculous, but isn't it also ridiculous
to assert that there isn't any difference between internet publication
and regular publication?  To make an analogy with controlled
substances, the government schedules precursors for controlled
substances, just becuase there are so few steps to take in order to
convert the precursors to the actual substances.

Anyway, here are the key arguments about why the distribution of souce
code does not carry first amendment weight.

      Certain software is inherently expressive. Such expressive
      software contains an "exposition of ideas,"
      Chaplinsky v. State of New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 572 (1942).

      Nevertheless, merely because conduct is occasionally
      expressive, does not necessarily extend First Amendment
      protection to it. As the Supreme Court has observed,
      "[i]t is possible to find some kernel of expression in almost
      every activity--for example, walking down the street or
      meeting one's friends at the shopping mall--but such a kernel
      is not sufficient to bring the activity within the
      protection of the First Amendment."
      City of Dallas v. Stanglin, 490 U.S. 19, 25 (1989).

      Applying this standard, it is evident that exporting
      encryption source code is not sufficiently communicative. ...
      Because the expressive elements of encryption source code are
      neither "unmistakable" nor "overwhelmingly apparent," its
      export is not protected conduct under the First Amendment.

There are other facets to the case, such as whether the restrictions
are content based.

    The Export Regulations are not content based, however, because
    the regulations burden encryption software without reference to
    any views it may express.

    The regulatory distinction between encryption software and other
    types of software does not turn on the content of ideas. Instead,
    it turns on the ability of encryption software to actually do the
    function of encrypting data.

David Alt

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----
http://www.dejanews.com/rg_mkgrp.xp   Create Your Own Free Member Forum

19-Jul-1998  1:39:41-GMT,748;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id TAA02931
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Sat, 18 Jul 1998 19:39:40 -0600 (MDT)
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          Jul 1998 20:25:48 EST
From: "Howie" <howie@4howiev.com>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, howie@4howiev.com
Subject: Codenaked Programming Resources
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 19:19:53 -0600
Message-ID: <#EO4NOrs9GA.113@upnetnews05>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu


has links to lots of programming resources...

20-Jul-1998  8:14:34-GMT,6645;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id CAA02825
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Mon, 20 Jul 1998 02:14:33 -0600 (MDT)
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          Jul 1998 03:11:26 EST
From: skaller@maxtal.com.au (John (Max) Skaller)
Subject: ANN: pre-release Interscript 1.0a1
Date: 20 Jul 1998 07:54:14 GMT
Message-ID: <6out36$8ae$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, skaller@maxtal.com.au
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

1. Maxtal Software Resource

I'm pleased to announce my 'birthday present' to the
programming community, the first release of Maxtal
Interscript, test version 1.0a1, and some other related

Maxtal Interscript is a programming environment with a
strong emphasis on documentation and scripting.

Whereas traditional literate programming tools embed
code in documentation, and provide a limited, static,
command language, Maxtal Interscript supports a third
kind of text: it uses executable script as a command

2. Maxtal Interscript [iscr.pak]

2.1. Command Languages

The current release supports two command languages,
python, and tcl. Python support is complete,
Interscript 1.0a1 itself is written in Python. Support
for Tcl is not complete, but is enough to provide basic
documentation constructions. Support for Perl as a
command language is under consideration.

2.2. Weavers

Interscript 1.0a1 has four built in weavers: plain
text, latex2e, single page html, and stacked html. A
Postscript weaver is planned. Weavers for other
typesetting systems are under consideration. Users can
'plug in' third party weavers, write their own, or
derive new weavers from the standard ones.

2.3. Tanglers

Interscript 1.0a1 comes with several built in tanglers.
There is a tangler for plain data, and specialised
tanglers for python, C, C++, perl and interscript. The
perl tangler supports perl's POD.

2.4. Requirements

You will require Python 1.5 or better.

To support the Tcl command option, you will need PyTcl
(see below) To support the GUI interface, you will
require the tcl command option and Tk 8.0.

3. Compiler package [compiler.pak]

Interscript has a standard interface to C and C++ which
permits run-time generation, compilation, dynamic
loading, and execution of C or C++ code configured
either as a Python module or stand-alone application.

The current sources contain a sample compiler package
which should operate correctly on a RedHat Linux 5 box.
Adaption to local site requirements on other Unix sites
should be trivial.

I'm trying to build a Windows compiler module, but help
is required (where's Python.lib??)

4. Diff/Patch module [diff.pak]

An experimental diff/patch module is available which
should work out of the box under Unix or other systems
supporting diff and patch commands. This module will be
used to support version control and differential file
updates. (Help required for Windows version)

5. Protocol module [protocol.pak]

An attempt to standardise the notion of python

6. PyTcl [_pytcl.pak]

A low level dynamically loadable Python compatible C
API _pytcl allows access to the Tcl 8.0 C API. Designed
to replace _tkinter. Includes fully object oriented
object system supporting dynamic multi-methods and
delegation. Compatibility module _tkinter.py to allow
Tkinter use with _pytcl.

You will require Tcl 8.0 and a C++ compiler, or a
prebuilt binary of the _pytcl dynamic load library.

You will also require the Tcl/Tk manual pages in HTML
format prepared by Entropy Liberation Front,
www.elf.org. You need tcl8.0-tk8.0-man-html.tar.gz
installed as the directory tcl8.0-tk8.0-man-html to
generate the reference manual and to allow hypertext
links to it to point to the right place.

7. More Information

More information, demos, documentation, plans, and
download instructions can be found at

The 'I dont read instructions' download instructions
are: create an image of:
ftp://ftp.triode.net.au/skaller/interscript on your
system. (Use ascii ftp under Windows). Run
../boot1/iscr.py against iscr.pak in the boot2
directory. Run (the generated) iscr.py against

  cd boot2
  python ../boot1/iscr.py iscr.pak
  python iscr.py iscr.pak
Run iscr.py --help for help with options. Read the
generated documentation! (All four weavers are invoked
automatically) For other packages, such as 'dm.pak':

  python iscr.py --weaver=web dm.pak
The subdirectory boot1 contains the bootstrap version
of interscript, iscr.py. It will (currently) run off
the shelf without support. The subdirectory boot2
contains all the Maxtal Interscript sources for all the
other packages. [There is no 'documentation': you have
to generate it.]

PyTcl also needs the tcl/tk manual (see above).

Email me at mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au for futher
information, help, comments, or contributions.

WARNING: the web site is under contstruction. The
software is under construction. Experimental! (But
isn't all software :-)

WARNING: the sources come to about 650K at present. The
FTP site has a 5 user limit and is probably slow. If
things go well, ftp.python.org will mirror selected

7.1. Licence

All Maxtal software is copyright and released for any
use. Some third party software is included and subject
to the original licence of that software. Consult the
sources for precise details on each such package. I
have tried to ensure original authors are credit in all

Daniel Robbins dm module is free for any non-spam use.

The Grammar module was adapted from PyLR by

The list of the whole Perl module library was taken
from the sources on my RedHat Linux 5 box, and is free
for any non-commercial use. See www.perl.com for more

Modified versions of Python library components are free
for any use provided the copyright notices are

  John Skaller
  Maxtal P/L, Australia
  19th July, 1998.

John Max Skaller                ph:61-2-96600850              
mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au       10/1 Toxteth Rd 
http://www.maxtal.com.au/~skaller  Glebe 2037 NSW AUSTRALIA

21-Jul-1998  7:21:12-GMT,1444;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id BAA02949
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 21 Jul 1998 01:21:11 -0600 (MDT)
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Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 21
          Jul 1998 02:17:12 EST
From: Matti Picus <matti@techunix.technion.ac.il>
Subject: Why NOT docxx?
Date: 21 Jul 1998 02:51:07 GMT
Message-ID: <6p0vmr$ovc$1@news.interlog.com>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, matti@techunix.technion.ac.il
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

OK, it isn't strictly literate programming as such, but I am looking for
a tool to document Matlab code. I would like to still be able to run my
m-files quickly, with no extra "tangle" step, but would like to document
them with LaTeX.

noweb looks good, but I can't get it to run under win95 or NT. Yes, I
read all the info I could. Unfortunately, Linux at work is not an option

So here are my questions:
1. Has anyone got noweb running under windows with perl5 build 317?

2. Has anyone changed docxx to other syntaxes, like Matlab?

3. Does anyone use clip? I could not get it working either.

thanks, Matti Picus
I don't THINK I am stupid, therefore I am.

21-Jul-1998 11:21:20-GMT,1672;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id FAA07103
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 21 Jul 1998 05:21:19 -0600 (MDT)
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Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 21
          Jul 1998 06:08:22 EST
From: "Andrew Hogue" <syberspaz@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, syberspaz@yahoo.com
Subject: !!!!!!!!!!! BINARY TREE PROBLEM......PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 05:13:25 -0500
Message-ID: <6p1mfs$mvm$1@sunburst.ccs.yorku.ca>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Hi there,

I have this problem with binary trees, if anyone here can help me, please
email me your solution at:

Here it is:

Suppose you were given a bunch of numbers in a given order .... for
example.... 2 4 3 8 10 9 6

I have to figure out whether this is a legal POST-ORDER TRAVERSAL of a

therefore, by just looking at this the tree looks like

          3          9
       2   4      8  10

But, my problem lies in how do I create a function to have as input a series
of numbers as above....in an array lets say.... and this function must
output whether the given series is a valid post-order traversal of a binary
tree....  so the function should return true or false.... basically, the
coding should be simple....it's the algorithm that I have a problem with....
p.s. I know C/C++, Pascal,

Thank you very much for answering this problem.....


21-Jul-1998 13:43:52-GMT,2750;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id HAA09563
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 21 Jul 1998 07:43:51 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
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Received: from turbo.kean.edu by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue,
          21 Jul 1998 08:36:58 EST
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          turbo.kean.edu (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id JAA10970; Tue, 21 Jul 1998
          09:35:08 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from localhost by samson.kean.edu (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA04786; Tue, 21
          Jul 1998 09:35:47 -0400
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:35:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@samson.kean.edu
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, matti@techunix.technion.ac.il
Subject: Re: Why NOT docxx?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980721091615.4766B-100000@samson>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On 21 Jul 1998, Matti Picus wrote:

> noweb looks good, but I can't get it to run under win95 or NT. Yes, I
> read all the info I could. Unfortunately, Linux at work is not an option
> (yet).
> So here are my questions:
> 1. Has anyone got noweb running under windows with perl5 build 317?

I have a (somewhat) experimental binary port of noweb 2.7d for Win95 
that does not require Perl (it *should* also run under NT).  You can
find it at


(there is also a NT-NOWEB28A.ZIP file in the same directory, but I
can't remember where I got it from, so I don't know whether it works
or not).

I say the port is experimental, because I never really tested it too
thoroughly, but Carl Gregory has been using it for more than 2 years
now, and hasn't complained yet (although he may just be being polite
-- I'll cc him a copy of this message, just in case).

The port uses the Cygnus port of the GNU utilities, and is a
straightforward compilation of the original noweb source (and includes
Icon binaries).  It uses a 2 year old version of the Cygnus stuff, and
I really need to update it, but it seems to work.

		-- Lee

Lee Wittenberg              | "Begin at the middle...then you're not so
Computer Science Department | far from either the beginning or the
Kean University             | ending."
Union, NJ   07083           | 
                            | -- Erle Stanley Gardner
leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" (1954)

21-Jul-1998 23:37:15-GMT,1405;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id RAA29039
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 21 Jul 1998 17:37:14 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
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Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 21
          Jul 1998 18:34:51 EST
From: skaller@maxtal.com.au (John (Max) Skaller)
Subject: Re: ANN: pre-release Interscript 1.0a1
Date: 20 Jul 1998 19:36:34 GMT
Message-ID: <6p0682$qtc$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, skaller@maxtal.com.au
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 20 Jul 1998 07:54:14 GMT, skaller@maxtal.com.au (John (Max) Skaller) wrote:

>7. More Information
>More information, demos, documentation, plans, and
>download instructions can be found at

	Should be:



>John Max Skaller                ph:61-2-96600850              
>mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au       10/1 Toxteth Rd 
>http://www.maxtal.com.au/~skaller  Glebe 2037 NSW AUSTRALIA

John Max Skaller                ph:61-2-96600850              
mailto:skaller@maxtal.com.au       10/1 Toxteth Rd 
http://www.maxtal.com.au/~skaller  Glebe 2037 NSW AUSTRALIA

22-Jul-1998  5:36:31-GMT,2404;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id XAA04532
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 21 Jul 1998 23:36:30 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Wed, 22
          Jul 1998 00:34:06 EST
From: Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@samson.kean.edu
Subject: Re: Why NOT docxx?
Date: 21 Jul 1998 14:26:02 GMT
Message-ID: <6p28dq$ogh$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 21 Jul 1998, Matti Picus wrote:

> noweb looks good, but I can't get it to run under win95 or NT. Yes, I
> read all the info I could. Unfortunately, Linux at work is not an option
> (yet).
> So here are my questions:
> 1. Has anyone got noweb running under windows with perl5 build 317?

I have a (somewhat) experimental binary port of noweb 2.7d for Win95 
that does not require Perl (it *should* also run under NT).  You can
find it at


(there is also a NT-NOWEB28A.ZIP file in the same directory, but I
can't remember where I got it from, so I don't know whether it works
or not).

I say the port is experimental, because I never really tested it too
thoroughly, but Carl Gregory has been using it for more than 2 years
now, and hasn't complained yet (although he may just be being polite
-- I'll cc him a copy of this message, just in case).

The port uses the Cygnus port of the GNU utilities, and is a
straightforward compilation of the original noweb source (and includes
Icon binaries).  It uses a 2 year old version of the Cygnus stuff, and
I really need to update it, but it seems to work.

		-- Lee

Lee Wittenberg              | "Begin at the middle...then you're not so
Computer Science Department | far from either the beginning or the
Kean University             | ending."
Union, NJ   07083           | 
                            | -- Erle Stanley Gardner
leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Case of the Fugitive Nurse" (1954)

22-Jul-1998 14:05:10-GMT,64888;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA11814
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:05:07 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Wed, 22
          Jul 1998 08:49:46 EST
From: thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
Subject: comp.programming.literate FAQ
Date: 22 Jul 1998 11:26:20 GMT
Message-ID: <literate-programming-faq_901106764@rtfm.mit.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Archive-name: literate-programming-faq
Last-modified: 1997/08/15
Version: 1.1.18
  The Literate Programming FAQ
  David B. Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>
  15 August 1997

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  Table of Contents:

  1.      Welcome

  1.1.    Disclaimer

  1.2.    Copyright

  1.3.    What's New?

  2.      Introduction or

  3.      How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.    Literate Programming FAQ

  3.2.    FWEB FAQ

  4.      Is there a newsgroup?

  5.      What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  6.      What is Literate Programming?

  7.      How do I begin literate programming?

  8.      What literate programming tools are available?

  8.1.    APLWEB

  8.2.    AWEB

  8.3.    CLiP

  8.4.    CWEB

  8.5.    CWEBx3.0

  8.6.    mCWEB

  8.7.    FunnelWeb

  8.8.    FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  8.9.    FWEB

  8.10.   IMPACT

  8.11.   lit2x

  8.12.   Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  8.13.   MapleWEB

  8.14.   MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  8.15.   MWEB (Sewell)

  8.16.   noweb

  8.17.   nuweb

  8.18.   ProTeX

  8.19.   RWEB

  8.20.   SchemeWEB

  8.21.   SpideryWEB

  8.22.   WEB

  8.23.   WinWordWEB

  9.      Are there other tools I should know about?

  9.1.    C2LaTeX

  9.2.    c2cweb

  9.3.    c2man

  9.4.    cnoweb

  9.5.    Fold2Web

  9.6.    Funnelweb Mode

  9.7.    noweb.el

  9.8.    nuweb.el

  9.9.    TIE

  9.10.   Web mode

  10.     What other resources are available?

  10.1.   World Wide Web

  10.2.   TeX Resources

  11.     Are there any code examples?

  12.     Bibliographies

  13.     How to anonymously ftp

  14.     Acknowledgements

  15.     End notes

  1.  Welcome

  Information contained in this document is the best available at
  preparation.  The original file was dated October 15, 1993 (just for
  historical purposes).

  1.1.  Disclaimer

  Disclaimer: ``This FAQ is presented with no warranties or guarantees
  of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular
  purpose.  The author of this document has attempted to verify
  correctness of the data contained herein; however, slip-ups can and do
  happen.  If you use this data, you do so at your own risk.''

  1.2.  Copyright

  Copyright 1993-1997 by David B. Thompson.  All rights reserved
  worldwide. Permission is granted to copy this document for free
  distribution so long as it remains intact and unmodified.  For other
  arrangements, contact the author/maintainer via email:

  1.3.  What's New?

  o  My email address has changed (once again).

  o  Newsgroup is moderated.

  o  Updated fweb entry.

  o  Updated noweb entry.

  o  Added mCWEB entry.

  o  Updated c2cweb entry.

  o  Updated nuweb.el entry.

  o  Updated cLiP entry.

  o  Updated Lee W's examples (from bart).

  o  Last, but not least, new formatting of the FAQ.  Many thanks go to
     Andrew Johnson <ajohnson@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> for helping make this

  2.  Introduction or ``What's this all about?''

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  The Literate Programming (LitProg) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  list is maintained by Dave Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>

  Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.  Direct flames to
  /dev/null (or nul if you're a msdos user! ;-) If you find an error,
  please report it.  I'm particularly interested in establishing the
  locations of generally available literate programming tools.  If you
  are the author of such a tool and wish to have it included in this
  list, please send email.

  Please note this is a work-in-progress.  It is not complete, and
  probably will never be complete.  Nevertheless, the information
  contained herein may be useful to some.  Use it as it is intended.

  3.  How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.  Literate Programming FAQ

  You have many ways to get a current copy of this FAQ.  One is to use
  anonymous ftp (if you don't know how, see a later section in this FAQ)
  to connect to one of the Comprehensive TeX Arvchive Network (CTAN)
  sites or the Literate Programming Archive and retrieve a copy of the
  file.  Open an ftp connection to one of the CTAN sites and retrieve
  the file:


  (For more information on CTAN and the literate programming archive,
  see the section below entitled ``Internet Nodes of Interest to
  Literate Programmers''.)

  3.2.  FWEB FAQ

  David Coker <coker@astro.sunyit.edu> maintains the FWEB FAQ.  The
  current version number is 1.30a.  It can be retrieved in the same way
  as this FAQ.

  The FWEB FAQ exists in various formats, including HyperText (see other
  resources below). In Europe, the complete distribution can also be
  obtained from ftp.desy.de in directory
  /pub/faq/web/fweb/.  It is also available from the literate
  programming archive in the directory LPA/Documentation/faq/fweb (see
  the references to LPA below for more information).

  4.  Is there a newsgroup?

  One of the most important resources is the literate programming
  newsgroup, comp.programming.literate.  Because of the amount of
  spamming and unrelated the posts, the newsgroup is now moderated.
  Posts to the newsgroup are now routed through litprog-
  mod@cs.virginia.edu.  If your news reader does not post through this
  address, then you will be unable to post messages to the newgroup.
  You can read this newsgroup using your standard reader.

  5.  What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  The principal nodes of interest to literate programmers are the
  Literate Programming Archive (LPA hereafter) and the CTAN
  (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).

  The Literate Programming Archive (LPA) is:

    Node:       ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
    Directory:  programming/literate-programming
    Notes:      Fastest response during off-U.S. [yep] business hours.

  Participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:

    ftp.dante.de  (Deutschland)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node sun.dante.de
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@dante.de
         -- Administrator: <ftpmaint@dante.de>
    ftp.tex.ac.uk (England)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node gopher.tex.ac.uk
         -- NFS mountable from nfs.tex.ac.uk:/public/ctan/tex-archive
         -- World Wide Web access on www.tex.ac.uk
         -- Administrator: <ctan-uk@tex.ac.uk>

  The site ftp.shsu.edu used to be the American CTAN site.  Apparently,
  that site has fallen into disrepair and should not be considered a
  primary source for either TeX related or literate programming related
  material.  For the record, the address is:

    ftp.shsu.edu  (Texas, USA)
         -- anonymous ftp and gopher      /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- NFS mountable from ftp.SHSU.edu:/pub/ftp/tex-archive
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@ftp.SHSU.edu
         -- World Wide Web access on www.SHSU.edu
         -- Administrator: <CTAN-Mgr@SHSU.edu>

  A list of CTAN archive sites and their mirrors can be found on:


  I presume that the other CTAN sites mirror this file, but have not
  checked.  As of my last check (September 1994), it contains:

         "In order to reduce network load, it is recommended that you use the
         Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) host which is located in the
         closest network proximity to your site."

  Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw (Taiwan)       /tex-archive
    ftp.adfa.oz.au (Australia)            /pub/tex/ctan
    ftp.muni.cz (The Czech Republic)      /pub/tex/CTAN
    ftp.cs.ruu.nl (The Netherlands)       /pub/tex-archive
    ftp.uu.net (Virginia, USA)            /pub/text-processing/TeX
    nic.switch.ch (Switzerland)           /mirror/tex

  Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp (Japan)      /CTAN
    ftp.ccu.edu.tw (Taiwan)               /pub/tex
    ftp.cs.rmit.edu.au  (Australia)       /tex-archive
    ftp.duke.edu (North Carolina, USA)    /tex-archive
    ftp.germany.eu.net (Deutschland)      /pub/packages/TeX
    ftp.gwdg.de (Deutschland)             /pub/dante
    ftp.jussieu.fr (France)               /pub4/TeX/CTAN
    ftp.loria.fr (France)                 /pub/unix/tex/ctan
    ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de (Deutschland)       /pub4/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de
    ftp.uni-bielefeld.de (Deutschland)    /pub/tex
    ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Deutschland)    /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
    ftpserver.nus.sg (Singapore)          /pub/zi/TeX
    src.doc.ic.ac.uk (England)            /packages/tex/uk-tex
    sunsite.unc.edu (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
    wuarchive.wustl.edu (Missouri, USA)   /packages/TeX

  Other nodes and directories of interest include:

    Node:       ftp.desy.de []
    Directory:  pub/web. Various documents, samples, and the FWEB FAQ.
    Notes:      Has a www server, http://info.desy.de:80/

  6.  What is Literate Programming?

  Literate programming is the combination of documentation and source
  together in a fashion suited for reading by human beings.  In fact,
  literate programs should be enjoyable reading, even inviting!  (Sorry
  Bob, I couldn't resist!)  In general, literate programs combine source
  and documentation in a single file.  Literate programming tools then
  parse the file to produce either readable documentation or compilable
  source.  The WEB style of literate programming was created by D.E.
  Knuth during the development of his TeX typsetting software.

  All the original work revolves around a particular literate
  programming tool called WEB.  Knuth says:

       The philosophy behind WEB is that an experienced system pro-
       grammer, who wants to provide the best possible documenta-
       tion of his or her software products, needs two things
       simultaneously: a language like TeX for formatting, and a
       language like C for programming.  Neither type of language
       can provide the best documentation by itself; but when both
       are appropriately combined, we obtain a system that is much
       more useful than either language separately.

       The structure of a software program may be thought of as a
       web that is made up of many interconnected pieces.  To docu-
       ment such a program we want to explain each individual part
       of the web and how it relates to its neighbours. The typo-
       graphic tools provided by TeX give us an opportunity to
       explain the local structure of each part by making that
       structure visible, and the programming tools provided by
       languages such as C or Fortran make it possible for us to
       specify the algorithms formally and unambigously. By combin-
       ing the two, we can develop a style of programming that max-
       imizes our ability to perceive the structure of a complex
       piece of software, and at the same time the documented pro-
       grams can be mechanically translated into a working software
       system that matches the documentation.

  Another author (Eric W. van Ammers) wrote me a short article treating
  his opinions on literate programming.  The text follows:

       First observation on LP

       About 90% of the disussion on this list is about problems
       with applying some WEB-family member to a particular
       programming language or a special documentation situation.
       This is ridiculous, I think. Let me explain shortly why.

       Lemma 1:

       I have proposed for many years that programming has nothing
       to do with programming langauges, i.e. a good programmer
       makes good programs in any language (given some time to
       learn the syntax) and a bad programmer will never make a
       good program, no matter the language he uses (today many
       people share this view, fortunately).

       Lemma 2:

       Literate Programming has (in a certain way not yet
       completely understood) to do with essential aspects of

       Conclusion 1:

       A LP-tool should be independent of programming language.

       Lemma 3:

       It seems likely that the so called BOOK FORMAT PARADIGM ref.
       1 plays an important role in making literate programs work.

       Lemma 4:

       There are very many documentation systems currently being
       used to produce documents in the BOOK FORMAT.

       Conclusion 2:

       A LP-tool should be independent of the documentation system
       that the program author whishes to use.

       My remark some time ago that we should discuss the generic
       properties of an LP-tool was based on the above observation.


       1 Paul W. Oman and Curtus Cook. ``Typographical style is
       more than cosmetic.''  CACM 33, 5, 506-520 (May 1990)

       Second observation on LP

       The idea of a literate program as a text book should be
       extendend even further. I would like to see a literate
       program as an (in)formal argument of the correctness of the

       Thus a literate program should be like a textbook on
       mathematicics.  A mathematical textbook explains a theory in
       terms of lemma and theorems. But the proofs are never formal
       in the sense that they are obtaind by symbol manipulation of
       a proof checker. Rather the proofs are by so called
       ``informal rigour'', i.e. by very precise and unambiguous
       sentences in a natural language.
  Eric W. van Ammers Department of Computer Science Wageningen
  Agricultural University Dreijenplein 2
  E-mail:      ammers@rcl.wau.nl 6703 HB  Wageningen
  voice:       +31 (0)8370 83356/84154 The Netherlands
  fax:   +31 (0)8370 84731

  Another author (Norman Ramsey) wrote me and asked that his opinions be
  included in the FAQ.  What follows are Norman's comments verbatim.

       I see it's time for the ``how is literate programming dif-
       ferent from verbose commenting'' question.  Perhaps David
       Thompson will get this into the FAQ.  Alert! What follows
       are my opinions.  In no way do I claim to speak for the
       (fractious) literate-programming community.

       How is literate programming different from verbose

       There are three distinguishing characteristics.  In order of
       importance, they are:

       o  flexible order of elaboration

       o  automatic support for browsing

       o  typeset documentation, especially diagrams and

       Flexible order of elaboration means being able to divide
       your source program into chunks and write the chunks in any
       order, independent of the order required by the compiler.
       In principle, you can choose the order best suited to
       explaining what you are doing.  More subtly, this discipline
       encourages the author of a literate program to take the time
       to consider each fragment of the program in its proper
       sphere, e.g., not to rush past the error checking to get to
       the ``good parts.'' In its time and season, each part of the
       program is a good part. (This is the party line; your
       mileage may vary.)

       I find the reordering most useful for encapsulating tasks
       like input validation, error checking, and printing output
       fit for humans --- all tasks that tend to obscure ``real
       work'' when left inline.  Reordering is less important when
       using languages like Modula-3, which has exceptions and
       permits declarations in any order, than when using languages
       like C, which has no exceptions and requires declaration
       before use.

       Automatic support for browsing means getting a table of
       contents, index, and cross-reference of your program.
       Cross-reference might be printed, so that you could consult
       an index to look up the definition of an identifier `foo'.
       With good tools, you might get a printed mini-index on every
       page if you wanted.  Or if you can use a hypertext
       technology, cross-reference might be as simple as clicking
       on an identifier to reach its definition.

       Indexing is typically done automatically or `semi-
       automatically', the latter meaning that identifier
       definitions are marked by hand.  Diligently done semi-
       automatic indexes seem to be best, because the author can
       mark only the identifiers he or she considers important, but
       automatic indexing can be almost as good and requires no
       work.  Some tools allow a mix of the two strategies.
  Some people have applied literate-programming tools to large
  batches of legacy code just to get the table of contents,
  index, and cross-reference.

  I don't use diagrams and mathematics very often, but I
  wouldn't want to have to live without them.  I have worked
  on one or two projects where the ability to use mathematical
  formulae to document the program was indispensible.  I also
  wouldn't like to explain some of my concurrent programs
  without diagrams.  Actually I write almost all of my
  literate programs using only sections headers, lists, and
  the occasional table.

        >Wouldn't it be easier to do one's literate programming using
        >a wysiwyg word processor (e.g. Word for Windows) and
        >indicate what is source code by putting it in a different

  The data formats used in wysiwyg products are proprietary,
  and they tend to be documented badly if at all.  They are
  subject to change at the whim of the manufacturer. (I'll go
  out on a limb and say there are no significant wysiwyg tools
  in the public domain.  I hope the Andrew people will forgive
  me.) These conditions make it nearly impossible to write
  tools, especially tools that provide automatic indexing and
  cross-reference support.  The CLiP people have a partial
  solution that works for tools that can export text --- they
  plant tags and delimiters throughout the document that
  enable the reordering transformation (``tangling'').

  People use TeX, roff, and HTML because free implementations
  of these tools are widely available on a variety of
  platforms.  TeX and HTML are well documented, and TeX and
  roff are stable.  TeX is the most portable.  I think I have
  just answered the FAQ ``how come all these tools use TeX,
  anyway?'' :-)

  Norman Ramsey

  7.  How do I begin literate programming?

  A recommended book is D.E. Knuth's collection of articles (1992)
  Literate Programming. Center for the Study of Language and
  Information, Stanford University, ISBN 0-937073-80-6 (pbk).  This book
  gives insight into Knuth's thoughts as he developed the web system of
  literate programming (and TeX for typesetting).  It does not document
  methods for literate programming.

  A recommended book is Wayne Sewell's (1989) Weaving a Program:
  Literate Programming in WEB. Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN 0-442-31946-0
  (pbk).  This book focuses on using Knuth's web system.

  Some talk exists in the newsgroup/mailing list for a Usenet University
  course in literate programming.  I'm sure discussion of this topic
  will be welcomed.  If you are interested, please participate.

  8.  What literate programming tools are available?

  A significant number of tools for literate programming are available.
  Most have been ported from their original systems, so support multiple
  computer platforms.  If you are the developer of such a tool, and
  would like to make the software freely available, please send me email
  and I'll reply with a form (like those below) for you to fill in.  (Or
  short-circuit the process and kludge a form from below. :-)

  8.1.  APLWEB

  Developer:      Christoph von Basum <CvB@erasmus.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      IBM APL2 and STSC APL
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available.

  Support:        Unknown

  Note: The status of this particular package is unknown.

  8.2.  AWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Ada
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available

  Support:        Not supported.

  8.3.  CLiP

  Developer:      E.W. van Ammers and M.R. Kramer
  Versions:       2.0 and 2.4b (DOS only)
  Platform:       Vax/VMS, Unix, DOS
  Languages:      Any programming language
  Formatter:      Any formatter (TeX, LaTeX, Troff, Runoff, HTML, etc)
                  or any wordprocessor including WYSIWYG systems
                  (Word Perfect, WinWord, Ami Pro, Word Pro, etc.)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos        DOS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos_24b    DOS (v. 2.4b)
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/vax_vms       VAX/VMS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/unix          Unix
  Readme:         With bundle above


    CLiP does not use explicit commands to perform the extraction
    process. Rather it recognizes pseudostatements written as comments in
    the programming language in question. CLiP distinguishes
    pseudostatements from ordinary comments because the former comply with
    a particular style. This style can be adjusted to suit virtually any
    programming language. The CLiP approach to LP makes the system
    extremely versatile. It is independent of programming language and
    text processing environment. We designed CLiP to be compatible with
    hypertext systems as well. Some hypertext examples are at

    + CLiP imposes virtually no limitations on the text-processing system
      used to produce the documentation. If the text-processor supports
      these items you can
      + structure the documentation according to your own taste.
      + include drawings, pictures, tables etc.
      + disclose your documentation my means of X-ref tables, Indexes,
        Table of contents, Table of tables, Table of figures, etc.
      + typeset the documented code.
    + Extracts any number of modules from a maximum of 64 source files.
    + No pretty-printing. Code from the source files is copied "as is" to
      the module.
    + Appearance of code segments in the documentation matches those of
      the modules to ease the identification of code segments.
    + Supports partially specified data types.
    + Comprehensive user manual (preliminary version) and technical
    - No automatic generation of a X-ref table for program identifiers.

  Support:  Bugs, problems and assistance by e-mail to

  8.4.  CWEB

  Developer:      Silvio Levy and D.E. Knuth
  Version:        3.0
  Hardware:       Unix systems (dos and amiga ports available)
  Languages:      C and C++
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and LaTeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in CTAN:/web/c_cpp/cwb30p8c
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
                    Amiga version CTAN:/web/c_cpp/AmigaCWEB
                    Mac port of CTANGLE in LPA:/machines/mac
                    LaTeX support in LPA:/c.c++
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Description:    No description provided.
  Support:        Bugs to levy@math.berkeley.edu

  8.5.  CWEBx3.0

  Developer:      Marc van Leeuwen
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Any system using ASCII code
  Languages:      ANSI C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Brief description:
              A modified implementation of CWEB, with some extensions.
              Provides a mode for full compatibility with Levy/Knuth CWEB.
              The most significant extras are:
              - Typedef declarations affect formatting througout source file
              - Include files are scanned for typedef definitions
              - Flexible selection of layout style
              - Possibility to refer to sections using symbolic labels
              - CTANGLE detects unbalanced braces and parentheses
              - CWEAVE can be made to report syntax errors more easily
              - Some additional mechanisms to avoid formatting problems
              - New and modular set of grammar rules, based on ANSI C syntax
              - Possibility to suppress #line directives
              - A new manual

              bugs and remarks to M.van.Leeuwen@cwi.nl

  8.6.  mCWEB

  Developer:              Markus Oellinger
  Version:                        1.0
  Hardware:               Unix
  Languages:              C/C++
  Formatter:              plainTeX
  Availability: anonymous ftp from
  Readme:                         at same location

                                  This is mCWEB 1.0, a descendant of the CWEB system of structured
                                  documentation by Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy.  It adds some
                                  features that are indispensable when working in a team. mCWEB
                                  regards a project of a book consisting of several chapter files.
                                  By means of import and export commands, it automatically manages
                                  all relationships between the chapters of a book and to other

                                  Interface documentation is now also part of mCWEB. It is
                                  extracted into a second TeX file. This makes it possible to
                                  define well known interfaces between the individual parts of a
                                  project that will be implemented by different persons.

                                  In addition, mCWEB parses C header files to find out about all
                                  the datatypes defined there.

                                  mCWEB comes with a full completely rewritten user manual and is
                                  compatible with CWEB.

  Support:        Institute of Software Technology

  8.7.  FunnelWeb

  Developer:      Ross N. Williams: ross@guest.adelaide.edu.au
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun.  Other ports reported.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX for printing.  Otherwise, no restrictions.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.


    FunnelWeb is a production-quality literate-programming tool that
    emphasises simplicity and reliability. Everything about FunnelWeb,
    from the simplicity of its language to the comprehensive tutorial in
    the user's manual, has been designed to make this as simple, as
    practical, and as usable a tool as possible.

       + Provides a simple macro preprocessor facility.
       + Can produce typeset documentation.
       + Runs on Sun, VMS VAX, Macintosh, PC, and others.
       + Portable C source code distributed under GNU licence.
       + Comprehensive user's manual including tutorial.
       + Programming-language independent.
       + Can generate multiple output files.
       + Allows complete control over the output text.
       + Regression test suite with over 200 tests.
       + Fully worked example (in /pub/funnelweb/examples).
       - Requires TeX to produce typeset documentation.
       - Typesets program code using TT font only.

  Support:  No formal support available.  Mailing list maintained with
            about 50 subscribers.  Informal assistance available from
            mailing list.

  8.8.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Developer:      Enhanced by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au)
                  from FunnelWeb v3.0 by Ross N. Williams
  Version:        3.0AC
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun, OSF/1, Linux, Sys.V, OS/2.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Tex, LaTeX, or HTML.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         With bundle above; for FunnelWeb manual see WWW page

    FunnelWeb 3.0AC is an enhanced version of FunnelWeb (see the entry
    for FunnelWeb).  FunnelWeb is designed to be typesetter independent,
    though FunnelWeb v3.0 only supports (La)TeX as the typesetter.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports HTML, and creates appropriate
    hypertext links within the document among the code sections.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports automatic and manual insertion of line
    directives, so that compiler errors can be flagged back to the
    original FunnelWeb source file.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC is completely
    compatible with FunnelWeb v3.0 sources (with one minor exception;
    see the file README.ABC which comes with the FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Support:  Supported by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au), subject
            to the time constraints imposed by his thesis.

  8.9.  FWEB

  Developer:      John A. Krommes <krommes@princeton.edu>
  Version:        1.53 (1.60-beta for the experienced, patient, and brave)
  Hardware:       Unix, VMS, and DOS platforms (anything with ANSI C)
  Languages:      C, C++, Fortran-77, Fortran-90, Ratfor, TeX; also, a
                            language-independent mode.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.  Plain TeX may work, but is no longer supported.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    It also has a well-developed user's manual and its own FAQ (see
    above).  Beginning with 1.40, documentation is maintained in gnu
    texinfo format.  It runs on most platforms: VMS, PC, UNIX, and pretty
    much anything that the GNU C compiler (GCC) is supported for.


     + Processes multiple languages during a single run (so one can mix C
       and Fortran, for example).
     + Language-independent mode (v1.40).
     + Ability to turn off pretty-printing (v1.40).
     + Built-in Ratfor translator.
     + Built-in macro preprocessor (closely follows ANSI C, with
     + A style file that allows the user to adjust many parameters and
       behavior patterns of FWEB.
     + Various operator-overloading features that provide additional
       pretty-printing capabilities to languages such as C++ and
     + Numerous miscellaneous features and command-line options.

  Support:        Bug reports and suggestions to krommes@princeton.edu

  8.10.  IMPACT

  Developer:      Timothy Larkin, from Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1
  Version:        1.0
  Hardware:       Macintosh; requires AppleEvents.
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   CTAN archives
  Readme:         A short readme file is included in the SEA archive.


    IMPACT implements CTangle from the Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1. It operates as
    a foreground program, tangling files selected from the Mac File
    Picker. Or it can operate in the background, tangling files in
    response to odoc events sent by other applications, such as editors.


    I welcome any reports of bugs. The product will be updated as new
    versions of the CWEB appear. Other features may be added as users
    suggest them.

  8.11.  lit2x

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None available
  Support:        Unknown

  8.12.  Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  Developer:      Norbert Lindenberg
  Version:        1.1
  Hardware:       Apple Macintosh
  Languages:      C++, Object Pascal & others
  Formatter:      self-contained WYSIWYG system
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.  Also comes with 38-page manual.


    The Literate Programming Workshop is an environment for the integrated
    development of program source text and documentation in combined
    documents. It consists of a WYSIWYG word processor based on a style
    sheet approach, a mechanism to extract parts of the text in a
    document, and a project management system that handles multi-document
    projects. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with the
    Macintosh Programmer's Workshop: it prepares raw source text for the
    MPW compilers, accepts MPW error messages, and shows them in the
    context of the original documents. Automatic indexing and hypertext
    features allow for easy access to both source text and documentation.

    LPW is shareware.

  Support:        Bugs, problems, and questions to lpw@aol.com.

  8.13.  MapleWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Maple
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Unknown

  8.14.  MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  Developer:      Joachim Schrod
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.15.  MWEB (Sewell)

  Developer:      Sewell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.16.  noweb

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
  Version:        2.8
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms (DOS binaries available for v2.7).
  Languages:      All programming languages, singly or in combination.
                  Automatic indexing for C, Icon, Pascal, Standard ML, TeX, Yacc
  Formatter:      Plain TeX, LaTeX, and HTML formatters.
                  Will convert LaTeX to HTML automatically.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Last recourse, use ftp.cs.virginia.edu:pub/nr

  Readme:         With bundle above, or see the noweb home page:
                  Those without ftp access can consult ``Literate Programming
                  Simplified,'' IEEE Software, September 1994, pp97-105.


    noweb is designed to meet the needs of literate programmers while
    retaining the simplest possible input format.  Its primary
    advantages are simplicity, extensibility, and language-independence.
    noweb uses 5 control sequences to WEB's 27.  The noweb manual is
    only 3 pages; an additional page explains how to customize its LaTeX
    output.  noweb works ``out of the box'' with any programming
    language, and supports TeX, latex, and HTML back ends.  A back end
    to support full hypertext or indexing takes about 250 lines; a
    simpler one can be written in 40 lines of awk.  The primary
    sacrifice relative to WEB is that code is not prettyprinted.

    noweb supports indexing and identifier cross-reference, including
    hypertext ``hot links.'' noweb includes a simple, efficient
    LaTeX-to-HTML converter, so you can use hypertext browsers on your
    legacy documents.  noweb can also process nuweb programs, so you can
    use noweb to convert a standard nuweb program to HTML with one

  Support:        email to the author

  8.17.  nuweb

  Developer:      Preston Briggs: preston@cs.rice.edu
  Version:        0.87
  Hardware:       Unix systems: Sparcs, RS/6000s, HPs; (!) MSDOS and Amiga.
  Languages:      Any programming language or combination of programming
  Formatter:      Latex
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Unix: CTAN:/web/nuweb
                    DOS:  CTAN:/web/nuweb-pc
                    Amiga: CTAN:/web/nuweb/nuweb_ami
                    Amiga: wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet
  Readme:         Send mail to preston@cs.rice.edu


    A single program that takes a web file written in a combination of
    latex and any programming language(s) and produces a latex file that
    can be pretty printed and a set of files containing code for
    compilation/interpretation by the appropriate language processors.

    Strengths include speed, simplicity, multiple languages, nice indices
    and cross-references, latex.  Doesn't require any special macros or
    macro files.

    Drawbacks: latex-dependent, no code pretty printing, harder to make
    indices than cweb.

    More good stuff: nice support for make, doesn't reformat source files,
    so they're easy to debug.  Lots of control without too much effort.
    That is, it doesn't do too much!

    Future directions... Very little change planned, except perhaps
    refinements in the indexing software.

  Support:        Hack it yourself or send e-mail to preston@cs.rice.edu

  8.18.  ProTeX

  Developer:      Eitan Gurari <gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu>
  Version:        ProTeX 1.1,  AlProTeX 1.4
  Hardware:       Any platform with (La)TeX
  Languages:      Any language
  Formatter:      TeX or LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    ftp.cis.ohio-state.edu : pub/tex/osu/gurari/
  Readme:         With bundle above

    + Easy to use
    + Extensible
    + Language independent
    + Multiple output files
    + Fast (single compilation provides output and dvi files)
    + No installation is needed besides copying the files (written in TeX)
    Introduction of main features and examples in pub/tex/osu/gurari/LitProg
    Complete manual in Eitan M. Gurari, "TeX and LaTeX: Drawing and
    Literate Programming", McGraw-Hill, 1994

  Support:        gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu

  8.19.  RWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    Web generator in AWK.
  Support:        Unknown

  8.20.  SchemeWEB

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        2.1
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Any dialect of Lisp.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.
  Availability:   The Unix version is in the Scheme Repository and it is
                  available via anonymous ftp from:
                  The DOS version is part of the PCS/Geneva Scheme system
                  which is available via anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    SchemeWEB is a Unix filter that allows you to generate both Lisp and
    LaTeX code from one source file.  The generated LaTeX code formats
    Lisp programs in typewriter font obeying the spacing in the source
    file. Comments can include arbitrary LaTeX commands.  SchemeWEB was
    originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp, but it can easily
    be used with most other dialects.

  Support:        Bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  8.21.  SpideryWEB

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <norman@bellcore.com>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Most Algol-like languages, including C, Ada, Pascal,
                  Awk, and many others.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and latex for text formatters.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In distribution.


    A system for building language-dependent WEBs. Spider is frozen; no
    further development is planned.

  Support:        Bug reports to spider-bugs@oracorp.com.

  8.22.  WEB

  Developer:      Donald Knuth
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Pascal
  Formatter:      TeX (of course! ;-)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This is the original software that started it all.  The original TeX
  processor was written in WEB.

  Support:        None known.

  8.23.  WinWordWEB

  Developer:      Lee Wittenberg <leew@pilot.njin.net>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Needs Microsoft Word for Windows, v.2.x, and, of course,
                  MS-Windows 3.x.
  Languages:      Any programming language.
  Formatter:      Word for Windows 2.x for text formatting and file
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                  World-Wide Web (WWW)
  Readme:         WORDWEB.DOC in the downloadable package describes the


    WinWordWEB is a set of a Word for Windows macros (plus a paragraph
    style) that provide a crude literate programming environment.  The
    ``look and feel'' of the system is based on Norman Ramsey's noweb, but
    can easily be modified to suit individual tastes.


    None.  WinWordWEB was written as a prototype to see if a WYSIWYG
    literate programming system was possible.  It is intended as a jumping
    off point for future work by others. However, the system is
    surprisingly usable as it stands, and the author is interested in
    hearing from users (satisfied and dissatisfied).

    Anyone interested in actively supporting (and improving) the product
    should contact the author via email.

  9.  Are there other tools I should know about?

  First of all, I'll list some not-quite-literate-programming tools.
  Some may consider these to be pretty-printers.  Others may call them
  literate programming tools.  In any event, they don't seem to be quite
  in the same category as the tools listed above, so I'll include them

  9.1.  C2LaTeX

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      LaTeX but it's easy to change the formatter.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         Absent.  Documentation is in the C source for c2latex.


    C2latex provides simple support for literate programming in C.  Given
    a C source file in which the comments have been written in LaTeX,
    c2latex converts the C source file into a LaTeX source file.  It can
    be used to produce typeset listings of C programs and/or documentation
    associated with the program.

    C2latex produces LaTeX source by implementing a small number of rules.
    A C comment that starts at the beginning of a line is copied
    unmodified into the LaTeX source file.  Otherwise, non-blank lines are
    surrounded by a pair of formatting commands (\begin{flushleft} and
    \end{flushleft}), and the lines are separated by \\*. Each non-blank
    line is formatted using LaTeX's \verb command, except comments within
    the line are formatted in an \mbox.

  Support:        Send bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  9.2.  c2cweb

  Developer:      Werner Lemberg
  Version:        1.5
  Hardware:       DOS, OS/2, Unix (gcc) - CWEB source included
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         In distribution.


    c2cweb will transform plain C or C++ code into a CWEB file to get a
    pretty formatted output. A modified CWEAVE (which transforms the CWEB
    file into a TeX file, see below) is included also.

  Support:        Werner Lemberg <a7971428@unet.univie.ac.at>

  9.3.  c2man

  language:       C, nroff, texinfo, latex, html
  package:        c2man
  version:        2.0 patchlevel 33
  parts:          documentation generator (C -> nroff -man, -> texinfo, ->latex,
                  -> html)
  author:         Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
  location:       ftp from any comp.sources.misc archive, in volume42
                  (the version in the comp.sources.reviewed archive is obsolete)
                  ftp /pub/Unix/Util/c2man-2.0.*.tar.gz from dnpap.et.tudelft.nl
      Australia:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from archie.au
      N.America:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.wustl.edu
      Europe:     ftp /News/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.irisa.fr
      Japan:      ftp /pub/NetNews/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.iij.ad.jp
      Patches:    ftp pub/netnews/sources.bugs/volume93/sep/c2man* from lth.se
  description:    c2man is an automatic documentation tool that extracts comments
                  from C source code to generate functional interface
                  documentation in the same format as sections 2 & 3 of the Unix
                  Programmer's Manual. It requires minimal effort from the
                  programmer by looking for comments in the usual places near the
                  objects they document, rather than imposing a rigid
                  function-comment syntax or requiring that the programmer learn
                  and use a typesetting language. Acceptable documentation can
                  often be generated from existing code with no modifications.
  conformance:    supports both K&R and ISO/ANSI C coding styles
  features:       + generates output in nroff -man, TeXinfo, LaTeX or HTML
                  + handles comments as part of the language grammar
                  + automagically documents enum parameter & return values
                  + handles C (/* */) and C++ (//) style comments
                  - doesn't handle C++ grammar (yet)
  requires:       yacc/byacc/bison, lex/flex, and nroff/groff/texinfo/LaTeX.
  ports:          Unix, OS/2, MSDOS, VMS.
  portability:    very high for unix, via Configure
  status:         actively developed; contributions by users are encouraged.
  discussion:     via a mailing list: send "subscribe c2man <Your Name>" (in the
                  message body) to listserv@research.canon.oz.au
  help:           from the author and other users on the mailing list:
  announcements:  patches appear first in comp.sources.bugs, and then in
  updated:        1994/10/07

  9.4.  cnoweb

  Developer:      Jim Fox
  Version:        1.4 (January 4, 1991)
  Hardware:       Anything with C and TeX.
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown, cnoweb.tex contains documentation.


    cnoweb is as it's name describes: write C, not web.  No tangling or
    weaving is implemented.  Documentation (between standard /* */
    delimiteres) is written in TeX.  cnoweb provides typesetting of
    documentation, an table of contents of routines, and pretty-printing
    of C source.

  Support:        None known.

  9.5.  Fold2Web

  Developer:      Bernhard Lang <lang@tu-harburg.d400.de>
  Version:        V0.8
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      All (must allow comment lines)
  Formatter:      LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    kirk.ti1.tu-harburg.de (
  Readme:         In distribution


    The idea behind the Fold2Web tool is the following: A programmer can
    write his program source with a folding editor and later map the
    folded source files automatically to WEB-files. The generated WEB-files
    can then be modified by inserting required documentations.

    The advantage by starting program developement with original sources is
    to get short design cycles during the compile/debug steps. By using a
    folding editor the global structuring information can be already
    captured in folds during this developement phase. Fold information is
    typically stored in comment lines and thus will not affect the
    efficiency of the compile/debug design cycle.

    Some folding editors and a folding mode for the emacs are available
    (e.g. see our FUE folding editor for MSDOS machines which is a modified
    micro emacs. Pick it at kirk in directory /pub/fold2web).

    After reaching a stable version of a program source its time to convert
    the source file to a WEB-file and do the program documentation.
    Fold2Web is written to convert folded source text of any programming
    language to nuweb files. The folded structure is kept by mapping folds
    to scraps. Fold markers which differ between languages due to different
    ways of specifying comments can be configured for each language.

    Good results can also achived when given but poor documented program
    sources have to be modified. Such sources can be folded using a folding
    editor to extract the global structures. This offers a global view to
    the program structures and help to understand its functionality.
    Furthermore the program code is not affected, only comment lines are
    inserted. Once folded the program source can be automatically
    translated to a WEB document using the above tool.

  Support:   email to lang@tu-harburg.d400.de

  9.6.  Funnelweb Mode

  Developer:      Daniel Simmons <simmdan@kenya.isu.edu>
  Version:        Unknown
  Availability:   http://www.miscrit.be/~ddw


  The other day I did a quick hack to nuweb.el as included with the nuweb
  distribution so as to make a funnelweb-mode.el.  I've only used it
  briefly, and I'm sure that it can be improved quite a bit.  I've been
  thinking about adding support for folding on sections, a pull-down menu
  to select macro definitions (like the recent functions posted to
  gnu.emacs.sources for a C function definition pull-down menu) and some
  kind of tags support for funnelweb.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.7.  noweb.el

  Developer:      Bruce Stephens <bruce@liverpool.ac.uk>
  Version:        Unknown.
  Availability:   LitProg archives (in an email message).


  This is a very simple mode I just hacked up.  There's a lot wrong with
  it, but I thought others may be interested, even as it stands.  It
  *requires* text properties, and assumes those used in GNU Emacs 19.22;
  it'll quite likely work with Lucid Emacs, but I haven't tried it.

  I use it with auctex8.1 and cc-mode 3.229, both of which are loaded
  separately (I think my emacs is dumped with them, in fact).

  The idea is to have one mode (which calls itself c-mode, but actually
  has LaTeX-mode keybindings) generally (this means that the code is
  hilighted nicely), and have the code chunks use a different keymap.

  Support:        Email to bruce@liverpool.ac.uk

  9.8.  nuweb.el

  Developer:      Dominique de Waleffe <ddw@acm.org>
  Version:        1.99
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:


    Provides a major mode extending Auctex for editing nuweb files. Main
    features (in 2.0):
          - Edit scrap bodies in a separate buffer in a different mode
        (selected using emacs defaults for files, specific indication
        -*-mode-*-, or a buffer-local variable)
            - Extends Auctex commands so that nuweb is called before LaTeX,
            - Easy navigation on scrap definition and use points.
            - Now creates an imenu (C-M-mouse1) with user index entries, macro
        definition positions and file definition positions.

  Support:        Email to ddw@acm.org

  9.9.  TIE

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This software merges change files.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.10.  Web mode

  Developer:        Bart Childs <bart@cs.tamu.edu>
  Version:          Unknown
  Tools supported:  web, fweb, cweb, funnelweb
  Availability:     Anonymous ftp from


  This version works with versions 18 and 19 of Emacs to be best of my
  knowledge.  I have cleaned up a number of documentation items ...
  In the same directory is wm_refcard.tex which is an edited version of
  the famous one to include some web-mode commands.

  The files limbo* are related to its use and notice that half them
  have an uppercase L in them for LaTeX.  The setup is based upon the
  fact that we (I am not alone here) primarily use FWEB for C and Fortran

  We are using version 1.40 of FWEB although John Krommes warns that it
  is not mature and the manual is not yet updated.  The info files are!
  We are using LaTeX almost exclusively.  That will likely change and we
  will revert to version 1.30 if the final form of 1.40 cannot return
  to the simple section numbers and avoid the HORRIBLE LATEX
  type section numbers.

  Support:        Unknown

  10.  What other resources are available?

  10.1.  World Wide Web

  An untapped resource (by me anyway ;-) is the World Wide Web.  Marcus
  Speh has expended considerable effort in this regard.  If you're
  connected to WWW, then access:


  If you aren't connected to WWW, telnet to info.cern.ch and explore.
  You can reach Marcus' literate programming pages by typing:

    go http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  or use a WWW browser and access the URL


  Help for people who have only Email and neither WWW nor telnet, can be
  obtained by Email from TEST-LIST@INFO.CERN.CH by sending a message,

    SEND <http_address>,

  for example,

    SEND http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  to retrieve the LitProg library page.   A help file can be retrieved
  by sending a message to the list server above with the text


  in the body of the message.  Instructions will be returned by email.
  For literate programming documents, you can try anonymous ftp to
  rtfm.mit.edu and retrieve the official Usenet resource file


  10.2.  TeX Resources

  Another resource of interest to literate programmers is the
  comp.text.tex newsgroup.   If you're using (La)TeX as your typsetting
  system and have access to internet, then you should investigate this

  Another reason the TeX resources should be important is that so many
  of the literate programming tools rely on either plain TeX or LaTeX as
  their text formatter.  (La)TeX software systems exist for most
  computing platforms.  These systems can be found on CTAN and other
  major archive sites.  Use archie to find them or simply ftp to one of
  the CTAN sites and browse.

  11.  Are there any code examples?

  Examples of web programs are included with the FWEB, CWEB, and noweb
  distributions.  nuweb is written in itself.

  Cameron Smith converted the K&R calculator program into a literate
  program.   It can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from:

    niord.shsu.edu [] directory kr-cweb-sample as
    or from

  Ross Williams has released a funnelweb example.  You can retrieve this
  file from node ftp.adelaide.edu.au as


  This file should be on CTAN as well.

  Lee Wittenberg has posted a few litprog examples.  They are available
  via anonymous ftp from:


  The Stanford GraphBase is a large collection of programs by Don Knuth
  for doing all kinds of computations and games with graphs; it is writ-
  ten in (Levy/Knuth) CWEB. More details in the distribution.  It is
  available via anonymous ftp from:


  12.  Bibliographies

  Nelson Beebe has collected an extensive bibliography treating literate
  programming.  His work is available for anonymous ftp from
  ftp.math.utah.edu in directory /pub/tex/bib as files:


  Although I have not verified this, LPA is an alternate source for
  these files.  Note that they are updated frequently (Nelson says sev-
  eral times each week), so be sure to get a fresh copy before extensive
  use.  Joachim Schrod indicates that these files may be updated daily
  and can be retrieved via anonymous ftp at LPA/documentation.

  13.  How to anonymously ftp

  Pretty much everything mentioned here is available by anonymous FTP.
  FAQ lists cross-posted to news.answers and rec.answers can be gotten
  from rtfm.mit.edu, under /pub/usenet/news.answers or under

  "anonymous FTP" is just a way for files to be stored where anyone can
  retrieve them over the Net.    For example, to retrieve the latest
  version of the literate programming FAQ, do the following:

  > ftp rtfm.mit.edu              /* connect to the site; message follows */
  > anonymous                     /* type this when it asks for your name */
  > <your email address>          /* type your address as the password    */
  > cd /pub/usenet                /* go to the directory you want to be   */
  > cd comp.programming.literate  /* one level down (no slash).           */
  > dir                           /* look at what's there                 */
  > get literate-progamming-faq   /* get the file; case-sensitive         */
  > quit                          /* stop this mysterious thing           */

  If your FTP program complains that it doesn't know where the site you
  want to use is, type the numerical address instead of the sitename:

  > ftp               /* connect with numerical address */

  If you don't have ftp access, send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
  with the single word "help" in the body of the message.

  Getting binary files (executables, or any compressed files) is only
  slightly more difficult.   You need to set binary mode inside FTP
  before you transfer the file.

  > binary            /* set binary transfer mode  */
  > ascii             /* set back to text transfer mode */

  FAQs and spoiler lists are generally ascii files; everything else is
  generally binary files.

  Some common extensions on binary files in archive sites are:

    .Z           Compressed; extract with uncompress
    .tar.Z       Compressed 'tape archive'; uncompress then untar or tar -xvf
    .gz or .z    Gnu gzip; use gunzip (available from prep.gnu.ai.mit.edu)
    .sit         (Mac) StufIt archive
    .zip         Extract with Zip or Unzip
    .zoo         Yet another archive/compress program
    .lhe         (Amiga) ?
    .lzh         Lha archive program.
    .arj         (PC) Arj archive program.
    .exe         (PC) Sometimes self-extracting archives-just execute them.
    .uue or .UUE Transfer as text file; use uudecode to convert to binary
    .hqx         (Mac) BinHex format; transfer in text mode

  Generic help can be found in the FAQs of comp.binaries.  <your_sys-
  tem_type> for how to transfer, extract, and virus-check binary files.
  (At rtfm.mit.edu)

  If you can't FTP from your site, use one of the following ftp-by-mail


  For complete instructions, send a message reading "help" to the

  If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, or exactly where it
  is, there are programs and servers that can help you.  For more info,
  send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.with with the body of the message
  reading send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources

  Thanks to Aliza R. Panitz (the "buglady") for this text.  I copied it
  verbatim from her post on faq-maintainers with only minor

  14.  Acknowledgements

  This document would not have happened without the help of many people.
  Among them are Marcus Speh, George Greenwade, Rob Beezer, Joachim
  Schrod, Piet van Oostrum, and Ross N. Williams.  A special thanks to
  Aliza R. Panitz for the text describing how to execute an anonymous
  ftp for files of interest.

  Any omissions from these acknowledgements should be considered an act
  of stupidity on my part.  Of course, the authors of literate
  programming tools mentioned above all play a vital role in the
  vitality of literate programming. Furthermore, participants in the
  comp.programming.literate newsgroup (and associated mailing list) all
  contributed in various fashions.  Thank all of you.

  15.  End notes

  This document will continue to evolve.  I'm planning on adding entries
  for additional literate programming tools and will expand the sections
  on examples as more examples become available. Tools I will include
  are WEB (the original pascal version) for starters. Others will be
  added as I find and document them.  Omission of a particular tool
  should not be considered a snub in any sense--simply an error or
  oversight on my part.

22-Jul-1998 19:46:42-GMT,1155;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id NAA19120
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:46:35 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Wed, 22
          Jul 1998 14:33:32 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: Re: Why NOT docxx?
Date: 22 Jul 1998 19:00:52 GMT
Message-ID: <6p5ct4$d1n$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

In article <6p0vmr$ovc$1@news.interlog.com>,
Matti Picus  <matti@techunix.technion.ac.il> wrote:
>noweb looks good, but I can't get it to run under win95 or NT. 

The alpha version of noweb 3 is designed to be easily ported to Win95
or WNT.  If I had documentation I would do it myself.  As it is, I
will be happy to work with anyone who wants to try the port.

I have just posted a new version of noweb 3.  This one fixes a number
of show-stopping bugs in no weave -index.


24-Jul-1998  7:33:41-GMT,1370;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id BAA02898
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Fri, 24 Jul 1998 01:33:40 -0600 (MDT)
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          Jul 1998 02:30:00 EST
From: Martin Harvey <mch24@harvey27.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, mch24@harvey27.demon.co.uk
Subject: XML for literate programming?
Date: 24 Jul 1998 07:06:21 GMT
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Hi folks,

Okay, I'm new to the group, but I've at least browsed the FAQ :-)

In my last programming project (University final year thingy, which you
can see on my web pages), I didn't have access to any LP tools, and thus
slaved away with Borland (oops Inprise) Delphi on one half of the
screen, and M$ word on the other... and I found this NG as a result of
the pain experienced in the process.

Has anyone thought about using XML (and a suitably defined set of tags)
for use in LP. Would this have any advantages over current LP systems
(about which I confess I know very little)?


30-Jul-1998 19:42:34-GMT,1173;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 14:27:20 EST
From: ptjm@interlog.com (Patrick TJ McPhee)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, ptjm@interlog.com
Subject: interesting quotation
Date: 30 Jul 1998 03:21:58 GMT
Message-ID: <6poosm$amc$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

I just wanted to pass along a quotation from an obituary in today's Globe
and Mail. The deceased is talking about writing in English, but I think
it goes to the heart of Literate Programming.

 I sometimes think that if I didn't write I'd be dummb as a post,
 because I nearly always discover what I think in the course of writing
 about it. This leaves me wondering if I'd be capable of thought if I
 didn't write.

 -- Lawrence Jackson

Patrick TJ McPhee
East York  Canada

31-Jul-1998 17:12:06-GMT,1050;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 12:01:55 EST
From: jamz@my-dejanews.com
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, jamz@my-dejanews.com
Subject: folding documentation into source in noweb?
Date: 31 Jul 1998 16:34:35 GMT
Message-ID: <6psrmr$8be$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

I've been using noweb on a project that I'm going to deliver as regular
source.  I was wondering if anybody has a filter that incorporates the
documentation chunks into the source inside a /* */ comment?



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31-Jul-1998 17:24:30-GMT,981;000000000001
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          Jul 1998 12:18:53 EST
From: Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, nr@cs.virginia.edu
Subject: Re: folding documentation into source in noweb?
Date: 31 Jul 1998 16:53:57 GMT
Message-ID: <6pssr5$8s3$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

>I've been using noweb on a project that I'm going to deliver as regular
>source.  I was wondering if anybody has a filter that incorporates the
>documentation chunks into the source inside a /* */ comment?

Such a program is distributed with noweb and is called `nountangle'.


 2-Aug-1998 10:55:40-GMT,1022;000000000001
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	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Sun, 2 Aug 1998 04:55:39 -0600 (MDT)
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          Aug 1998 05:52:01 EST
From: ptjm@interlog.com (Patrick TJ McPhee)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, ptjm@interlog.com
Subject: Another web page
Date: 1 Aug 1998 15:11:49 GMT
Message-ID: <6pvb7l$9h2$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

I just unexpectedly came across an introduction to noweb in a Sun Developer
support newsletter (from 1995). In case anyone's interested in looking at
it, or adding a link to it to a home page, or whatever, it's at



Patrick TJ McPhee
East York  Canada

 4-Aug-1998 20:38:09-GMT,942;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 15:27:07 EST
From: "Stephen Johnston" <stephenj@javanet.com>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, stephenj@javanet.com
Subject: Adding right Click Functionality to Windows
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 16:14:49 -0400
Message-ID: <6q7q4m$b0q$1@as4100c.javanet.com>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Hello All-

    I would like to have my program started from a right click in windows,
probably contextually. Does anyone know of a resource that discusses how to
add right click functionality to Windows?

Stephen Johnston

 6-Aug-1998 13:37:04-GMT,64886;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 08:24:21 EST
From: thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
Subject: comp.programming.literate FAQ
Date: 6 Aug 1998 11:33:25 GMT
Message-ID: <literate-programming-faq_902403198@rtfm.mit.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Archive-name: literate-programming-faq
Last-modified: 1997/08/15
Version: 1.1.18
  The Literate Programming FAQ
  David B. Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>
  15 August 1997

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  Table of Contents:

  1.      Welcome

  1.1.    Disclaimer

  1.2.    Copyright

  1.3.    What's New?

  2.      Introduction or

  3.      How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.    Literate Programming FAQ

  3.2.    FWEB FAQ

  4.      Is there a newsgroup?

  5.      What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  6.      What is Literate Programming?

  7.      How do I begin literate programming?

  8.      What literate programming tools are available?

  8.1.    APLWEB

  8.2.    AWEB

  8.3.    CLiP

  8.4.    CWEB

  8.5.    CWEBx3.0

  8.6.    mCWEB

  8.7.    FunnelWeb

  8.8.    FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  8.9.    FWEB

  8.10.   IMPACT

  8.11.   lit2x

  8.12.   Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  8.13.   MapleWEB

  8.14.   MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  8.15.   MWEB (Sewell)

  8.16.   noweb

  8.17.   nuweb

  8.18.   ProTeX

  8.19.   RWEB

  8.20.   SchemeWEB

  8.21.   SpideryWEB

  8.22.   WEB

  8.23.   WinWordWEB

  9.      Are there other tools I should know about?

  9.1.    C2LaTeX

  9.2.    c2cweb

  9.3.    c2man

  9.4.    cnoweb

  9.5.    Fold2Web

  9.6.    Funnelweb Mode

  9.7.    noweb.el

  9.8.    nuweb.el

  9.9.    TIE

  9.10.   Web mode

  10.     What other resources are available?

  10.1.   World Wide Web

  10.2.   TeX Resources

  11.     Are there any code examples?

  12.     Bibliographies

  13.     How to anonymously ftp

  14.     Acknowledgements

  15.     End notes

  1.  Welcome

  Information contained in this document is the best available at
  preparation.  The original file was dated October 15, 1993 (just for
  historical purposes).

  1.1.  Disclaimer

  Disclaimer: ``This FAQ is presented with no warranties or guarantees
  of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular
  purpose.  The author of this document has attempted to verify
  correctness of the data contained herein; however, slip-ups can and do
  happen.  If you use this data, you do so at your own risk.''

  1.2.  Copyright

  Copyright 1993-1997 by David B. Thompson.  All rights reserved
  worldwide. Permission is granted to copy this document for free
  distribution so long as it remains intact and unmodified.  For other
  arrangements, contact the author/maintainer via email:

  1.3.  What's New?

  o  My email address has changed (once again).

  o  Newsgroup is moderated.

  o  Updated fweb entry.

  o  Updated noweb entry.

  o  Added mCWEB entry.

  o  Updated c2cweb entry.

  o  Updated nuweb.el entry.

  o  Updated cLiP entry.

  o  Updated Lee W's examples (from bart).

  o  Last, but not least, new formatting of the FAQ.  Many thanks go to
     Andrew Johnson <ajohnson@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> for helping make this

  2.  Introduction or ``What's this all about?''

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  The Literate Programming (LitProg) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  list is maintained by Dave Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>

  Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.  Direct flames to
  /dev/null (or nul if you're a msdos user! ;-) If you find an error,
  please report it.  I'm particularly interested in establishing the
  locations of generally available literate programming tools.  If you
  are the author of such a tool and wish to have it included in this
  list, please send email.

  Please note this is a work-in-progress.  It is not complete, and
  probably will never be complete.  Nevertheless, the information
  contained herein may be useful to some.  Use it as it is intended.

  3.  How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.  Literate Programming FAQ

  You have many ways to get a current copy of this FAQ.  One is to use
  anonymous ftp (if you don't know how, see a later section in this FAQ)
  to connect to one of the Comprehensive TeX Arvchive Network (CTAN)
  sites or the Literate Programming Archive and retrieve a copy of the
  file.  Open an ftp connection to one of the CTAN sites and retrieve
  the file:


  (For more information on CTAN and the literate programming archive,
  see the section below entitled ``Internet Nodes of Interest to
  Literate Programmers''.)

  3.2.  FWEB FAQ

  David Coker <coker@astro.sunyit.edu> maintains the FWEB FAQ.  The
  current version number is 1.30a.  It can be retrieved in the same way
  as this FAQ.

  The FWEB FAQ exists in various formats, including HyperText (see other
  resources below). In Europe, the complete distribution can also be
  obtained from ftp.desy.de in directory
  /pub/faq/web/fweb/.  It is also available from the literate
  programming archive in the directory LPA/Documentation/faq/fweb (see
  the references to LPA below for more information).

  4.  Is there a newsgroup?

  One of the most important resources is the literate programming
  newsgroup, comp.programming.literate.  Because of the amount of
  spamming and unrelated the posts, the newsgroup is now moderated.
  Posts to the newsgroup are now routed through litprog-
  mod@cs.virginia.edu.  If your news reader does not post through this
  address, then you will be unable to post messages to the newgroup.
  You can read this newsgroup using your standard reader.

  5.  What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  The principal nodes of interest to literate programmers are the
  Literate Programming Archive (LPA hereafter) and the CTAN
  (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).

  The Literate Programming Archive (LPA) is:

    Node:       ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
    Directory:  programming/literate-programming
    Notes:      Fastest response during off-U.S. [yep] business hours.

  Participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:

    ftp.dante.de  (Deutschland)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node sun.dante.de
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@dante.de
         -- Administrator: <ftpmaint@dante.de>
    ftp.tex.ac.uk (England)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node gopher.tex.ac.uk
         -- NFS mountable from nfs.tex.ac.uk:/public/ctan/tex-archive
         -- World Wide Web access on www.tex.ac.uk
         -- Administrator: <ctan-uk@tex.ac.uk>

  The site ftp.shsu.edu used to be the American CTAN site.  Apparently,
  that site has fallen into disrepair and should not be considered a
  primary source for either TeX related or literate programming related
  material.  For the record, the address is:

    ftp.shsu.edu  (Texas, USA)
         -- anonymous ftp and gopher      /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- NFS mountable from ftp.SHSU.edu:/pub/ftp/tex-archive
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@ftp.SHSU.edu
         -- World Wide Web access on www.SHSU.edu
         -- Administrator: <CTAN-Mgr@SHSU.edu>

  A list of CTAN archive sites and their mirrors can be found on:


  I presume that the other CTAN sites mirror this file, but have not
  checked.  As of my last check (September 1994), it contains:

         "In order to reduce network load, it is recommended that you use the
         Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) host which is located in the
         closest network proximity to your site."

  Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw (Taiwan)       /tex-archive
    ftp.adfa.oz.au (Australia)            /pub/tex/ctan
    ftp.muni.cz (The Czech Republic)      /pub/tex/CTAN
    ftp.cs.ruu.nl (The Netherlands)       /pub/tex-archive
    ftp.uu.net (Virginia, USA)            /pub/text-processing/TeX
    nic.switch.ch (Switzerland)           /mirror/tex

  Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp (Japan)      /CTAN
    ftp.ccu.edu.tw (Taiwan)               /pub/tex
    ftp.cs.rmit.edu.au  (Australia)       /tex-archive
    ftp.duke.edu (North Carolina, USA)    /tex-archive
    ftp.germany.eu.net (Deutschland)      /pub/packages/TeX
    ftp.gwdg.de (Deutschland)             /pub/dante
    ftp.jussieu.fr (France)               /pub4/TeX/CTAN
    ftp.loria.fr (France)                 /pub/unix/tex/ctan
    ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de (Deutschland)       /pub4/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de
    ftp.uni-bielefeld.de (Deutschland)    /pub/tex
    ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Deutschland)    /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
    ftpserver.nus.sg (Singapore)          /pub/zi/TeX
    src.doc.ic.ac.uk (England)            /packages/tex/uk-tex
    sunsite.unc.edu (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
    wuarchive.wustl.edu (Missouri, USA)   /packages/TeX

  Other nodes and directories of interest include:

    Node:       ftp.desy.de []
    Directory:  pub/web. Various documents, samples, and the FWEB FAQ.
    Notes:      Has a www server, http://info.desy.de:80/

  6.  What is Literate Programming?

  Literate programming is the combination of documentation and source
  together in a fashion suited for reading by human beings.  In fact,
  literate programs should be enjoyable reading, even inviting!  (Sorry
  Bob, I couldn't resist!)  In general, literate programs combine source
  and documentation in a single file.  Literate programming tools then
  parse the file to produce either readable documentation or compilable
  source.  The WEB style of literate programming was created by D.E.
  Knuth during the development of his TeX typsetting software.

  All the original work revolves around a particular literate
  programming tool called WEB.  Knuth says:

       The philosophy behind WEB is that an experienced system pro-
       grammer, who wants to provide the best possible documenta-
       tion of his or her software products, needs two things
       simultaneously: a language like TeX for formatting, and a
       language like C for programming.  Neither type of language
       can provide the best documentation by itself; but when both
       are appropriately combined, we obtain a system that is much
       more useful than either language separately.

       The structure of a software program may be thought of as a
       web that is made up of many interconnected pieces.  To docu-
       ment such a program we want to explain each individual part
       of the web and how it relates to its neighbours. The typo-
       graphic tools provided by TeX give us an opportunity to
       explain the local structure of each part by making that
       structure visible, and the programming tools provided by
       languages such as C or Fortran make it possible for us to
       specify the algorithms formally and unambigously. By combin-
       ing the two, we can develop a style of programming that max-
       imizes our ability to perceive the structure of a complex
       piece of software, and at the same time the documented pro-
       grams can be mechanically translated into a working software
       system that matches the documentation.

  Another author (Eric W. van Ammers) wrote me a short article treating
  his opinions on literate programming.  The text follows:

       First observation on LP

       About 90% of the disussion on this list is about problems
       with applying some WEB-family member to a particular
       programming language or a special documentation situation.
       This is ridiculous, I think. Let me explain shortly why.

       Lemma 1:

       I have proposed for many years that programming has nothing
       to do with programming langauges, i.e. a good programmer
       makes good programs in any language (given some time to
       learn the syntax) and a bad programmer will never make a
       good program, no matter the language he uses (today many
       people share this view, fortunately).

       Lemma 2:

       Literate Programming has (in a certain way not yet
       completely understood) to do with essential aspects of

       Conclusion 1:

       A LP-tool should be independent of programming language.

       Lemma 3:

       It seems likely that the so called BOOK FORMAT PARADIGM ref.
       1 plays an important role in making literate programs work.

       Lemma 4:

       There are very many documentation systems currently being
       used to produce documents in the BOOK FORMAT.

       Conclusion 2:

       A LP-tool should be independent of the documentation system
       that the program author whishes to use.

       My remark some time ago that we should discuss the generic
       properties of an LP-tool was based on the above observation.


       1 Paul W. Oman and Curtus Cook. ``Typographical style is
       more than cosmetic.''  CACM 33, 5, 506-520 (May 1990)

       Second observation on LP

       The idea of a literate program as a text book should be
       extendend even further. I would like to see a literate
       program as an (in)formal argument of the correctness of the

       Thus a literate program should be like a textbook on
       mathematicics.  A mathematical textbook explains a theory in
       terms of lemma and theorems. But the proofs are never formal
       in the sense that they are obtaind by symbol manipulation of
       a proof checker. Rather the proofs are by so called
       ``informal rigour'', i.e. by very precise and unambiguous
       sentences in a natural language.
  Eric W. van Ammers Department of Computer Science Wageningen
  Agricultural University Dreijenplein 2
  E-mail:      ammers@rcl.wau.nl 6703 HB  Wageningen
  voice:       +31 (0)8370 83356/84154 The Netherlands
  fax:   +31 (0)8370 84731

  Another author (Norman Ramsey) wrote me and asked that his opinions be
  included in the FAQ.  What follows are Norman's comments verbatim.

       I see it's time for the ``how is literate programming dif-
       ferent from verbose commenting'' question.  Perhaps David
       Thompson will get this into the FAQ.  Alert! What follows
       are my opinions.  In no way do I claim to speak for the
       (fractious) literate-programming community.

       How is literate programming different from verbose

       There are three distinguishing characteristics.  In order of
       importance, they are:

       o  flexible order of elaboration

       o  automatic support for browsing

       o  typeset documentation, especially diagrams and

       Flexible order of elaboration means being able to divide
       your source program into chunks and write the chunks in any
       order, independent of the order required by the compiler.
       In principle, you can choose the order best suited to
       explaining what you are doing.  More subtly, this discipline
       encourages the author of a literate program to take the time
       to consider each fragment of the program in its proper
       sphere, e.g., not to rush past the error checking to get to
       the ``good parts.'' In its time and season, each part of the
       program is a good part. (This is the party line; your
       mileage may vary.)

       I find the reordering most useful for encapsulating tasks
       like input validation, error checking, and printing output
       fit for humans --- all tasks that tend to obscure ``real
       work'' when left inline.  Reordering is less important when
       using languages like Modula-3, which has exceptions and
       permits declarations in any order, than when using languages
       like C, which has no exceptions and requires declaration
       before use.

       Automatic support for browsing means getting a table of
       contents, index, and cross-reference of your program.
       Cross-reference might be printed, so that you could consult
       an index to look up the definition of an identifier `foo'.
       With good tools, you might get a printed mini-index on every
       page if you wanted.  Or if you can use a hypertext
       technology, cross-reference might be as simple as clicking
       on an identifier to reach its definition.

       Indexing is typically done automatically or `semi-
       automatically', the latter meaning that identifier
       definitions are marked by hand.  Diligently done semi-
       automatic indexes seem to be best, because the author can
       mark only the identifiers he or she considers important, but
       automatic indexing can be almost as good and requires no
       work.  Some tools allow a mix of the two strategies.
  Some people have applied literate-programming tools to large
  batches of legacy code just to get the table of contents,
  index, and cross-reference.

  I don't use diagrams and mathematics very often, but I
  wouldn't want to have to live without them.  I have worked
  on one or two projects where the ability to use mathematical
  formulae to document the program was indispensible.  I also
  wouldn't like to explain some of my concurrent programs
  without diagrams.  Actually I write almost all of my
  literate programs using only sections headers, lists, and
  the occasional table.

        >Wouldn't it be easier to do one's literate programming using
        >a wysiwyg word processor (e.g. Word for Windows) and
        >indicate what is source code by putting it in a different

  The data formats used in wysiwyg products are proprietary,
  and they tend to be documented badly if at all.  They are
  subject to change at the whim of the manufacturer. (I'll go
  out on a limb and say there are no significant wysiwyg tools
  in the public domain.  I hope the Andrew people will forgive
  me.) These conditions make it nearly impossible to write
  tools, especially tools that provide automatic indexing and
  cross-reference support.  The CLiP people have a partial
  solution that works for tools that can export text --- they
  plant tags and delimiters throughout the document that
  enable the reordering transformation (``tangling'').

  People use TeX, roff, and HTML because free implementations
  of these tools are widely available on a variety of
  platforms.  TeX and HTML are well documented, and TeX and
  roff are stable.  TeX is the most portable.  I think I have
  just answered the FAQ ``how come all these tools use TeX,
  anyway?'' :-)

  Norman Ramsey

  7.  How do I begin literate programming?

  A recommended book is D.E. Knuth's collection of articles (1992)
  Literate Programming. Center for the Study of Language and
  Information, Stanford University, ISBN 0-937073-80-6 (pbk).  This book
  gives insight into Knuth's thoughts as he developed the web system of
  literate programming (and TeX for typesetting).  It does not document
  methods for literate programming.

  A recommended book is Wayne Sewell's (1989) Weaving a Program:
  Literate Programming in WEB. Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN 0-442-31946-0
  (pbk).  This book focuses on using Knuth's web system.

  Some talk exists in the newsgroup/mailing list for a Usenet University
  course in literate programming.  I'm sure discussion of this topic
  will be welcomed.  If you are interested, please participate.

  8.  What literate programming tools are available?

  A significant number of tools for literate programming are available.
  Most have been ported from their original systems, so support multiple
  computer platforms.  If you are the developer of such a tool, and
  would like to make the software freely available, please send me email
  and I'll reply with a form (like those below) for you to fill in.  (Or
  short-circuit the process and kludge a form from below. :-)

  8.1.  APLWEB

  Developer:      Christoph von Basum <CvB@erasmus.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      IBM APL2 and STSC APL
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available.

  Support:        Unknown

  Note: The status of this particular package is unknown.

  8.2.  AWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Ada
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available

  Support:        Not supported.

  8.3.  CLiP

  Developer:      E.W. van Ammers and M.R. Kramer
  Versions:       2.0 and 2.4b (DOS only)
  Platform:       Vax/VMS, Unix, DOS
  Languages:      Any programming language
  Formatter:      Any formatter (TeX, LaTeX, Troff, Runoff, HTML, etc)
                  or any wordprocessor including WYSIWYG systems
                  (Word Perfect, WinWord, Ami Pro, Word Pro, etc.)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos        DOS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos_24b    DOS (v. 2.4b)
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/vax_vms       VAX/VMS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/unix          Unix
  Readme:         With bundle above


    CLiP does not use explicit commands to perform the extraction
    process. Rather it recognizes pseudostatements written as comments in
    the programming language in question. CLiP distinguishes
    pseudostatements from ordinary comments because the former comply with
    a particular style. This style can be adjusted to suit virtually any
    programming language. The CLiP approach to LP makes the system
    extremely versatile. It is independent of programming language and
    text processing environment. We designed CLiP to be compatible with
    hypertext systems as well. Some hypertext examples are at

    + CLiP imposes virtually no limitations on the text-processing system
      used to produce the documentation. If the text-processor supports
      these items you can
      + structure the documentation according to your own taste.
      + include drawings, pictures, tables etc.
      + disclose your documentation my means of X-ref tables, Indexes,
        Table of contents, Table of tables, Table of figures, etc.
      + typeset the documented code.
    + Extracts any number of modules from a maximum of 64 source files.
    + No pretty-printing. Code from the source files is copied "as is" to
      the module.
    + Appearance of code segments in the documentation matches those of
      the modules to ease the identification of code segments.
    + Supports partially specified data types.
    + Comprehensive user manual (preliminary version) and technical
    - No automatic generation of a X-ref table for program identifiers.

  Support:  Bugs, problems and assistance by e-mail to

  8.4.  CWEB

  Developer:      Silvio Levy and D.E. Knuth
  Version:        3.0
  Hardware:       Unix systems (dos and amiga ports available)
  Languages:      C and C++
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and LaTeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in CTAN:/web/c_cpp/cwb30p8c
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
                    Amiga version CTAN:/web/c_cpp/AmigaCWEB
                    Mac port of CTANGLE in LPA:/machines/mac
                    LaTeX support in LPA:/c.c++
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Description:    No description provided.
  Support:        Bugs to levy@math.berkeley.edu

  8.5.  CWEBx3.0

  Developer:      Marc van Leeuwen
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Any system using ASCII code
  Languages:      ANSI C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Brief description:
              A modified implementation of CWEB, with some extensions.
              Provides a mode for full compatibility with Levy/Knuth CWEB.
              The most significant extras are:
              - Typedef declarations affect formatting througout source file
              - Include files are scanned for typedef definitions
              - Flexible selection of layout style
              - Possibility to refer to sections using symbolic labels
              - CTANGLE detects unbalanced braces and parentheses
              - CWEAVE can be made to report syntax errors more easily
              - Some additional mechanisms to avoid formatting problems
              - New and modular set of grammar rules, based on ANSI C syntax
              - Possibility to suppress #line directives
              - A new manual

              bugs and remarks to M.van.Leeuwen@cwi.nl

  8.6.  mCWEB

  Developer:              Markus Oellinger
  Version:                        1.0
  Hardware:               Unix
  Languages:              C/C++
  Formatter:              plainTeX
  Availability: anonymous ftp from
  Readme:                         at same location

                                  This is mCWEB 1.0, a descendant of the CWEB system of structured
                                  documentation by Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy.  It adds some
                                  features that are indispensable when working in a team. mCWEB
                                  regards a project of a book consisting of several chapter files.
                                  By means of import and export commands, it automatically manages
                                  all relationships between the chapters of a book and to other

                                  Interface documentation is now also part of mCWEB. It is
                                  extracted into a second TeX file. This makes it possible to
                                  define well known interfaces between the individual parts of a
                                  project that will be implemented by different persons.

                                  In addition, mCWEB parses C header files to find out about all
                                  the datatypes defined there.

                                  mCWEB comes with a full completely rewritten user manual and is
                                  compatible with CWEB.

  Support:        Institute of Software Technology

  8.7.  FunnelWeb

  Developer:      Ross N. Williams: ross@guest.adelaide.edu.au
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun.  Other ports reported.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX for printing.  Otherwise, no restrictions.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.


    FunnelWeb is a production-quality literate-programming tool that
    emphasises simplicity and reliability. Everything about FunnelWeb,
    from the simplicity of its language to the comprehensive tutorial in
    the user's manual, has been designed to make this as simple, as
    practical, and as usable a tool as possible.

       + Provides a simple macro preprocessor facility.
       + Can produce typeset documentation.
       + Runs on Sun, VMS VAX, Macintosh, PC, and others.
       + Portable C source code distributed under GNU licence.
       + Comprehensive user's manual including tutorial.
       + Programming-language independent.
       + Can generate multiple output files.
       + Allows complete control over the output text.
       + Regression test suite with over 200 tests.
       + Fully worked example (in /pub/funnelweb/examples).
       - Requires TeX to produce typeset documentation.
       - Typesets program code using TT font only.

  Support:  No formal support available.  Mailing list maintained with
            about 50 subscribers.  Informal assistance available from
            mailing list.

  8.8.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Developer:      Enhanced by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au)
                  from FunnelWeb v3.0 by Ross N. Williams
  Version:        3.0AC
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun, OSF/1, Linux, Sys.V, OS/2.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Tex, LaTeX, or HTML.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         With bundle above; for FunnelWeb manual see WWW page

    FunnelWeb 3.0AC is an enhanced version of FunnelWeb (see the entry
    for FunnelWeb).  FunnelWeb is designed to be typesetter independent,
    though FunnelWeb v3.0 only supports (La)TeX as the typesetter.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports HTML, and creates appropriate
    hypertext links within the document among the code sections.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports automatic and manual insertion of line
    directives, so that compiler errors can be flagged back to the
    original FunnelWeb source file.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC is completely
    compatible with FunnelWeb v3.0 sources (with one minor exception;
    see the file README.ABC which comes with the FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Support:  Supported by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au), subject
            to the time constraints imposed by his thesis.

  8.9.  FWEB

  Developer:      John A. Krommes <krommes@princeton.edu>
  Version:        1.53 (1.60-beta for the experienced, patient, and brave)
  Hardware:       Unix, VMS, and DOS platforms (anything with ANSI C)
  Languages:      C, C++, Fortran-77, Fortran-90, Ratfor, TeX; also, a
                            language-independent mode.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.  Plain TeX may work, but is no longer supported.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    It also has a well-developed user's manual and its own FAQ (see
    above).  Beginning with 1.40, documentation is maintained in gnu
    texinfo format.  It runs on most platforms: VMS, PC, UNIX, and pretty
    much anything that the GNU C compiler (GCC) is supported for.


     + Processes multiple languages during a single run (so one can mix C
       and Fortran, for example).
     + Language-independent mode (v1.40).
     + Ability to turn off pretty-printing (v1.40).
     + Built-in Ratfor translator.
     + Built-in macro preprocessor (closely follows ANSI C, with
     + A style file that allows the user to adjust many parameters and
       behavior patterns of FWEB.
     + Various operator-overloading features that provide additional
       pretty-printing capabilities to languages such as C++ and
     + Numerous miscellaneous features and command-line options.

  Support:        Bug reports and suggestions to krommes@princeton.edu

  8.10.  IMPACT

  Developer:      Timothy Larkin, from Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1
  Version:        1.0
  Hardware:       Macintosh; requires AppleEvents.
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   CTAN archives
  Readme:         A short readme file is included in the SEA archive.


    IMPACT implements CTangle from the Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1. It operates as
    a foreground program, tangling files selected from the Mac File
    Picker. Or it can operate in the background, tangling files in
    response to odoc events sent by other applications, such as editors.


    I welcome any reports of bugs. The product will be updated as new
    versions of the CWEB appear. Other features may be added as users
    suggest them.

  8.11.  lit2x

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None available
  Support:        Unknown

  8.12.  Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  Developer:      Norbert Lindenberg
  Version:        1.1
  Hardware:       Apple Macintosh
  Languages:      C++, Object Pascal & others
  Formatter:      self-contained WYSIWYG system
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.  Also comes with 38-page manual.


    The Literate Programming Workshop is an environment for the integrated
    development of program source text and documentation in combined
    documents. It consists of a WYSIWYG word processor based on a style
    sheet approach, a mechanism to extract parts of the text in a
    document, and a project management system that handles multi-document
    projects. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with the
    Macintosh Programmer's Workshop: it prepares raw source text for the
    MPW compilers, accepts MPW error messages, and shows them in the
    context of the original documents. Automatic indexing and hypertext
    features allow for easy access to both source text and documentation.

    LPW is shareware.

  Support:        Bugs, problems, and questions to lpw@aol.com.

  8.13.  MapleWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Maple
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Unknown

  8.14.  MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  Developer:      Joachim Schrod
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.15.  MWEB (Sewell)

  Developer:      Sewell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.16.  noweb

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
  Version:        2.8
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms (DOS binaries available for v2.7).
  Languages:      All programming languages, singly or in combination.
                  Automatic indexing for C, Icon, Pascal, Standard ML, TeX, Yacc
  Formatter:      Plain TeX, LaTeX, and HTML formatters.
                  Will convert LaTeX to HTML automatically.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Last recourse, use ftp.cs.virginia.edu:pub/nr

  Readme:         With bundle above, or see the noweb home page:
                  Those without ftp access can consult ``Literate Programming
                  Simplified,'' IEEE Software, September 1994, pp97-105.


    noweb is designed to meet the needs of literate programmers while
    retaining the simplest possible input format.  Its primary
    advantages are simplicity, extensibility, and language-independence.
    noweb uses 5 control sequences to WEB's 27.  The noweb manual is
    only 3 pages; an additional page explains how to customize its LaTeX
    output.  noweb works ``out of the box'' with any programming
    language, and supports TeX, latex, and HTML back ends.  A back end
    to support full hypertext or indexing takes about 250 lines; a
    simpler one can be written in 40 lines of awk.  The primary
    sacrifice relative to WEB is that code is not prettyprinted.

    noweb supports indexing and identifier cross-reference, including
    hypertext ``hot links.'' noweb includes a simple, efficient
    LaTeX-to-HTML converter, so you can use hypertext browsers on your
    legacy documents.  noweb can also process nuweb programs, so you can
    use noweb to convert a standard nuweb program to HTML with one

  Support:        email to the author

  8.17.  nuweb

  Developer:      Preston Briggs: preston@cs.rice.edu
  Version:        0.87
  Hardware:       Unix systems: Sparcs, RS/6000s, HPs; (!) MSDOS and Amiga.
  Languages:      Any programming language or combination of programming
  Formatter:      Latex
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Unix: CTAN:/web/nuweb
                    DOS:  CTAN:/web/nuweb-pc
                    Amiga: CTAN:/web/nuweb/nuweb_ami
                    Amiga: wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet
  Readme:         Send mail to preston@cs.rice.edu


    A single program that takes a web file written in a combination of
    latex and any programming language(s) and produces a latex file that
    can be pretty printed and a set of files containing code for
    compilation/interpretation by the appropriate language processors.

    Strengths include speed, simplicity, multiple languages, nice indices
    and cross-references, latex.  Doesn't require any special macros or
    macro files.

    Drawbacks: latex-dependent, no code pretty printing, harder to make
    indices than cweb.

    More good stuff: nice support for make, doesn't reformat source files,
    so they're easy to debug.  Lots of control without too much effort.
    That is, it doesn't do too much!

    Future directions... Very little change planned, except perhaps
    refinements in the indexing software.

  Support:        Hack it yourself or send e-mail to preston@cs.rice.edu

  8.18.  ProTeX

  Developer:      Eitan Gurari <gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu>
  Version:        ProTeX 1.1,  AlProTeX 1.4
  Hardware:       Any platform with (La)TeX
  Languages:      Any language
  Formatter:      TeX or LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    ftp.cis.ohio-state.edu : pub/tex/osu/gurari/
  Readme:         With bundle above

    + Easy to use
    + Extensible
    + Language independent
    + Multiple output files
    + Fast (single compilation provides output and dvi files)
    + No installation is needed besides copying the files (written in TeX)
    Introduction of main features and examples in pub/tex/osu/gurari/LitProg
    Complete manual in Eitan M. Gurari, "TeX and LaTeX: Drawing and
    Literate Programming", McGraw-Hill, 1994

  Support:        gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu

  8.19.  RWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    Web generator in AWK.
  Support:        Unknown

  8.20.  SchemeWEB

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        2.1
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Any dialect of Lisp.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.
  Availability:   The Unix version is in the Scheme Repository and it is
                  available via anonymous ftp from:
                  The DOS version is part of the PCS/Geneva Scheme system
                  which is available via anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    SchemeWEB is a Unix filter that allows you to generate both Lisp and
    LaTeX code from one source file.  The generated LaTeX code formats
    Lisp programs in typewriter font obeying the spacing in the source
    file. Comments can include arbitrary LaTeX commands.  SchemeWEB was
    originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp, but it can easily
    be used with most other dialects.

  Support:        Bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  8.21.  SpideryWEB

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <norman@bellcore.com>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Most Algol-like languages, including C, Ada, Pascal,
                  Awk, and many others.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and latex for text formatters.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In distribution.


    A system for building language-dependent WEBs. Spider is frozen; no
    further development is planned.

  Support:        Bug reports to spider-bugs@oracorp.com.

  8.22.  WEB

  Developer:      Donald Knuth
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Pascal
  Formatter:      TeX (of course! ;-)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This is the original software that started it all.  The original TeX
  processor was written in WEB.

  Support:        None known.

  8.23.  WinWordWEB

  Developer:      Lee Wittenberg <leew@pilot.njin.net>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Needs Microsoft Word for Windows, v.2.x, and, of course,
                  MS-Windows 3.x.
  Languages:      Any programming language.
  Formatter:      Word for Windows 2.x for text formatting and file
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                  World-Wide Web (WWW)
  Readme:         WORDWEB.DOC in the downloadable package describes the


    WinWordWEB is a set of a Word for Windows macros (plus a paragraph
    style) that provide a crude literate programming environment.  The
    ``look and feel'' of the system is based on Norman Ramsey's noweb, but
    can easily be modified to suit individual tastes.


    None.  WinWordWEB was written as a prototype to see if a WYSIWYG
    literate programming system was possible.  It is intended as a jumping
    off point for future work by others. However, the system is
    surprisingly usable as it stands, and the author is interested in
    hearing from users (satisfied and dissatisfied).

    Anyone interested in actively supporting (and improving) the product
    should contact the author via email.

  9.  Are there other tools I should know about?

  First of all, I'll list some not-quite-literate-programming tools.
  Some may consider these to be pretty-printers.  Others may call them
  literate programming tools.  In any event, they don't seem to be quite
  in the same category as the tools listed above, so I'll include them

  9.1.  C2LaTeX

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      LaTeX but it's easy to change the formatter.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         Absent.  Documentation is in the C source for c2latex.


    C2latex provides simple support for literate programming in C.  Given
    a C source file in which the comments have been written in LaTeX,
    c2latex converts the C source file into a LaTeX source file.  It can
    be used to produce typeset listings of C programs and/or documentation
    associated with the program.

    C2latex produces LaTeX source by implementing a small number of rules.
    A C comment that starts at the beginning of a line is copied
    unmodified into the LaTeX source file.  Otherwise, non-blank lines are
    surrounded by a pair of formatting commands (\begin{flushleft} and
    \end{flushleft}), and the lines are separated by \\*. Each non-blank
    line is formatted using LaTeX's \verb command, except comments within
    the line are formatted in an \mbox.

  Support:        Send bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  9.2.  c2cweb

  Developer:      Werner Lemberg
  Version:        1.5
  Hardware:       DOS, OS/2, Unix (gcc) - CWEB source included
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         In distribution.


    c2cweb will transform plain C or C++ code into a CWEB file to get a
    pretty formatted output. A modified CWEAVE (which transforms the CWEB
    file into a TeX file, see below) is included also.

  Support:        Werner Lemberg <a7971428@unet.univie.ac.at>

  9.3.  c2man

  language:       C, nroff, texinfo, latex, html
  package:        c2man
  version:        2.0 patchlevel 33
  parts:          documentation generator (C -> nroff -man, -> texinfo, ->latex,
                  -> html)
  author:         Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
  location:       ftp from any comp.sources.misc archive, in volume42
                  (the version in the comp.sources.reviewed archive is obsolete)
                  ftp /pub/Unix/Util/c2man-2.0.*.tar.gz from dnpap.et.tudelft.nl
      Australia:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from archie.au
      N.America:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.wustl.edu
      Europe:     ftp /News/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.irisa.fr
      Japan:      ftp /pub/NetNews/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.iij.ad.jp
      Patches:    ftp pub/netnews/sources.bugs/volume93/sep/c2man* from lth.se
  description:    c2man is an automatic documentation tool that extracts comments
                  from C source code to generate functional interface
                  documentation in the same format as sections 2 & 3 of the Unix
                  Programmer's Manual. It requires minimal effort from the
                  programmer by looking for comments in the usual places near the
                  objects they document, rather than imposing a rigid
                  function-comment syntax or requiring that the programmer learn
                  and use a typesetting language. Acceptable documentation can
                  often be generated from existing code with no modifications.
  conformance:    supports both K&R and ISO/ANSI C coding styles
  features:       + generates output in nroff -man, TeXinfo, LaTeX or HTML
                  + handles comments as part of the language grammar
                  + automagically documents enum parameter & return values
                  + handles C (/* */) and C++ (//) style comments
                  - doesn't handle C++ grammar (yet)
  requires:       yacc/byacc/bison, lex/flex, and nroff/groff/texinfo/LaTeX.
  ports:          Unix, OS/2, MSDOS, VMS.
  portability:    very high for unix, via Configure
  status:         actively developed; contributions by users are encouraged.
  discussion:     via a mailing list: send "subscribe c2man <Your Name>" (in the
                  message body) to listserv@research.canon.oz.au
  help:           from the author and other users on the mailing list:
  announcements:  patches appear first in comp.sources.bugs, and then in
  updated:        1994/10/07

  9.4.  cnoweb

  Developer:      Jim Fox
  Version:        1.4 (January 4, 1991)
  Hardware:       Anything with C and TeX.
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown, cnoweb.tex contains documentation.


    cnoweb is as it's name describes: write C, not web.  No tangling or
    weaving is implemented.  Documentation (between standard /* */
    delimiteres) is written in TeX.  cnoweb provides typesetting of
    documentation, an table of contents of routines, and pretty-printing
    of C source.

  Support:        None known.

  9.5.  Fold2Web

  Developer:      Bernhard Lang <lang@tu-harburg.d400.de>
  Version:        V0.8
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      All (must allow comment lines)
  Formatter:      LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    kirk.ti1.tu-harburg.de (
  Readme:         In distribution


    The idea behind the Fold2Web tool is the following: A programmer can
    write his program source with a folding editor and later map the
    folded source files automatically to WEB-files. The generated WEB-files
    can then be modified by inserting required documentations.

    The advantage by starting program developement with original sources is
    to get short design cycles during the compile/debug steps. By using a
    folding editor the global structuring information can be already
    captured in folds during this developement phase. Fold information is
    typically stored in comment lines and thus will not affect the
    efficiency of the compile/debug design cycle.

    Some folding editors and a folding mode for the emacs are available
    (e.g. see our FUE folding editor for MSDOS machines which is a modified
    micro emacs. Pick it at kirk in directory /pub/fold2web).

    After reaching a stable version of a program source its time to convert
    the source file to a WEB-file and do the program documentation.
    Fold2Web is written to convert folded source text of any programming
    language to nuweb files. The folded structure is kept by mapping folds
    to scraps. Fold markers which differ between languages due to different
    ways of specifying comments can be configured for each language.

    Good results can also achived when given but poor documented program
    sources have to be modified. Such sources can be folded using a folding
    editor to extract the global structures. This offers a global view to
    the program structures and help to understand its functionality.
    Furthermore the program code is not affected, only comment lines are
    inserted. Once folded the program source can be automatically
    translated to a WEB document using the above tool.

  Support:   email to lang@tu-harburg.d400.de

  9.6.  Funnelweb Mode

  Developer:      Daniel Simmons <simmdan@kenya.isu.edu>
  Version:        Unknown
  Availability:   http://www.miscrit.be/~ddw


  The other day I did a quick hack to nuweb.el as included with the nuweb
  distribution so as to make a funnelweb-mode.el.  I've only used it
  briefly, and I'm sure that it can be improved quite a bit.  I've been
  thinking about adding support for folding on sections, a pull-down menu
  to select macro definitions (like the recent functions posted to
  gnu.emacs.sources for a C function definition pull-down menu) and some
  kind of tags support for funnelweb.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.7.  noweb.el

  Developer:      Bruce Stephens <bruce@liverpool.ac.uk>
  Version:        Unknown.
  Availability:   LitProg archives (in an email message).


  This is a very simple mode I just hacked up.  There's a lot wrong with
  it, but I thought others may be interested, even as it stands.  It
  *requires* text properties, and assumes those used in GNU Emacs 19.22;
  it'll quite likely work with Lucid Emacs, but I haven't tried it.

  I use it with auctex8.1 and cc-mode 3.229, both of which are loaded
  separately (I think my emacs is dumped with them, in fact).

  The idea is to have one mode (which calls itself c-mode, but actually
  has LaTeX-mode keybindings) generally (this means that the code is
  hilighted nicely), and have the code chunks use a different keymap.

  Support:        Email to bruce@liverpool.ac.uk

  9.8.  nuweb.el

  Developer:      Dominique de Waleffe <ddw@acm.org>
  Version:        1.99
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:


    Provides a major mode extending Auctex for editing nuweb files. Main
    features (in 2.0):
          - Edit scrap bodies in a separate buffer in a different mode
        (selected using emacs defaults for files, specific indication
        -*-mode-*-, or a buffer-local variable)
            - Extends Auctex commands so that nuweb is called before LaTeX,
            - Easy navigation on scrap definition and use points.
            - Now creates an imenu (C-M-mouse1) with user index entries, macro
        definition positions and file definition positions.

  Support:        Email to ddw@acm.org

  9.9.  TIE

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This software merges change files.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.10.  Web mode

  Developer:        Bart Childs <bart@cs.tamu.edu>
  Version:          Unknown
  Tools supported:  web, fweb, cweb, funnelweb
  Availability:     Anonymous ftp from


  This version works with versions 18 and 19 of Emacs to be best of my
  knowledge.  I have cleaned up a number of documentation items ...
  In the same directory is wm_refcard.tex which is an edited version of
  the famous one to include some web-mode commands.

  The files limbo* are related to its use and notice that half them
  have an uppercase L in them for LaTeX.  The setup is based upon the
  fact that we (I am not alone here) primarily use FWEB for C and Fortran

  We are using version 1.40 of FWEB although John Krommes warns that it
  is not mature and the manual is not yet updated.  The info files are!
  We are using LaTeX almost exclusively.  That will likely change and we
  will revert to version 1.30 if the final form of 1.40 cannot return
  to the simple section numbers and avoid the HORRIBLE LATEX
  type section numbers.

  Support:        Unknown

  10.  What other resources are available?

  10.1.  World Wide Web

  An untapped resource (by me anyway ;-) is the World Wide Web.  Marcus
  Speh has expended considerable effort in this regard.  If you're
  connected to WWW, then access:


  If you aren't connected to WWW, telnet to info.cern.ch and explore.
  You can reach Marcus' literate programming pages by typing:

    go http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  or use a WWW browser and access the URL


  Help for people who have only Email and neither WWW nor telnet, can be
  obtained by Email from TEST-LIST@INFO.CERN.CH by sending a message,

    SEND <http_address>,

  for example,

    SEND http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  to retrieve the LitProg library page.   A help file can be retrieved
  by sending a message to the list server above with the text


  in the body of the message.  Instructions will be returned by email.
  For literate programming documents, you can try anonymous ftp to
  rtfm.mit.edu and retrieve the official Usenet resource file


  10.2.  TeX Resources

  Another resource of interest to literate programmers is the
  comp.text.tex newsgroup.   If you're using (La)TeX as your typsetting
  system and have access to internet, then you should investigate this

  Another reason the TeX resources should be important is that so many
  of the literate programming tools rely on either plain TeX or LaTeX as
  their text formatter.  (La)TeX software systems exist for most
  computing platforms.  These systems can be found on CTAN and other
  major archive sites.  Use archie to find them or simply ftp to one of
  the CTAN sites and browse.

  11.  Are there any code examples?

  Examples of web programs are included with the FWEB, CWEB, and noweb
  distributions.  nuweb is written in itself.

  Cameron Smith converted the K&R calculator program into a literate
  program.   It can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from:

    niord.shsu.edu [] directory kr-cweb-sample as
    or from

  Ross Williams has released a funnelweb example.  You can retrieve this
  file from node ftp.adelaide.edu.au as


  This file should be on CTAN as well.

  Lee Wittenberg has posted a few litprog examples.  They are available
  via anonymous ftp from:


  The Stanford GraphBase is a large collection of programs by Don Knuth
  for doing all kinds of computations and games with graphs; it is writ-
  ten in (Levy/Knuth) CWEB. More details in the distribution.  It is
  available via anonymous ftp from:


  12.  Bibliographies

  Nelson Beebe has collected an extensive bibliography treating literate
  programming.  His work is available for anonymous ftp from
  ftp.math.utah.edu in directory /pub/tex/bib as files:


  Although I have not verified this, LPA is an alternate source for
  these files.  Note that they are updated frequently (Nelson says sev-
  eral times each week), so be sure to get a fresh copy before extensive
  use.  Joachim Schrod indicates that these files may be updated daily
  and can be retrieved via anonymous ftp at LPA/documentation.

  13.  How to anonymously ftp

  Pretty much everything mentioned here is available by anonymous FTP.
  FAQ lists cross-posted to news.answers and rec.answers can be gotten
  from rtfm.mit.edu, under /pub/usenet/news.answers or under

  "anonymous FTP" is just a way for files to be stored where anyone can
  retrieve them over the Net.    For example, to retrieve the latest
  version of the literate programming FAQ, do the following:

  > ftp rtfm.mit.edu              /* connect to the site; message follows */
  > anonymous                     /* type this when it asks for your name */
  > <your email address>          /* type your address as the password    */
  > cd /pub/usenet                /* go to the directory you want to be   */
  > cd comp.programming.literate  /* one level down (no slash).           */
  > dir                           /* look at what's there                 */
  > get literate-progamming-faq   /* get the file; case-sensitive         */
  > quit                          /* stop this mysterious thing           */

  If your FTP program complains that it doesn't know where the site you
  want to use is, type the numerical address instead of the sitename:

  > ftp               /* connect with numerical address */

  If you don't have ftp access, send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
  with the single word "help" in the body of the message.

  Getting binary files (executables, or any compressed files) is only
  slightly more difficult.   You need to set binary mode inside FTP
  before you transfer the file.

  > binary            /* set binary transfer mode  */
  > ascii             /* set back to text transfer mode */

  FAQs and spoiler lists are generally ascii files; everything else is
  generally binary files.

  Some common extensions on binary files in archive sites are:

    .Z           Compressed; extract with uncompress
    .tar.Z       Compressed 'tape archive'; uncompress then untar or tar -xvf
    .gz or .z    Gnu gzip; use gunzip (available from prep.gnu.ai.mit.edu)
    .sit         (Mac) StufIt archive
    .zip         Extract with Zip or Unzip
    .zoo         Yet another archive/compress program
    .lhe         (Amiga) ?
    .lzh         Lha archive program.
    .arj         (PC) Arj archive program.
    .exe         (PC) Sometimes self-extracting archives-just execute them.
    .uue or .UUE Transfer as text file; use uudecode to convert to binary
    .hqx         (Mac) BinHex format; transfer in text mode

  Generic help can be found in the FAQs of comp.binaries.  <your_sys-
  tem_type> for how to transfer, extract, and virus-check binary files.
  (At rtfm.mit.edu)

  If you can't FTP from your site, use one of the following ftp-by-mail


  For complete instructions, send a message reading "help" to the

  If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, or exactly where it
  is, there are programs and servers that can help you.  For more info,
  send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.with with the body of the message
  reading send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources

  Thanks to Aliza R. Panitz (the "buglady") for this text.  I copied it
  verbatim from her post on faq-maintainers with only minor

  14.  Acknowledgements

  This document would not have happened without the help of many people.
  Among them are Marcus Speh, George Greenwade, Rob Beezer, Joachim
  Schrod, Piet van Oostrum, and Ross N. Williams.  A special thanks to
  Aliza R. Panitz for the text describing how to execute an anonymous
  ftp for files of interest.

  Any omissions from these acknowledgements should be considered an act
  of stupidity on my part.  Of course, the authors of literate
  programming tools mentioned above all play a vital role in the
  vitality of literate programming. Furthermore, participants in the
  comp.programming.literate newsgroup (and associated mailing list) all
  contributed in various fashions.  Thank all of you.

  15.  End notes

  This document will continue to evolve.  I'm planning on adding entries
  for additional literate programming tools and will expand the sections
  on examples as more examples become available. Tools I will include
  are WEB (the original pascal version) for starters. Others will be
  added as I find and document them.  Omission of a particular tool
  should not be considered a snub in any sense--simply an error or
  oversight on my part.

 7-Aug-1998  2:32:03-GMT,2501;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id UAA21798
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Thu, 6 Aug 1998 20:32:03 -0600 (MDT)
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          Aug 1998 21:24:02 EST
From: C M Sperberg-McQueen <cmsmcq@uic.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, cmsmcq@uic.edu
Subject: Re: XML for literate programming?
Date: 7 Aug 1998 02:09:17 GMT
Message-ID: <6qdnkd$bq8$1@news.interlog.com>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

ghauber@cch.com.au writes:

> In article <6p9bpd$aao$1@elna.ethz.ch>,
>   Martin Harvey <mch24@harvey27.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> > Has anyone thought about using XML (and a suitably defined set of tags)
> > for use in LP. Would this have any advantages over current LP systems
> > (about which I confess I know very little)?
> I, too, am interested in this (and have read the FAQ).  Our documentation 
> here at work is woefully inadequate, and after thinking about it for a while
> I decided that using XML and a related set of tools would be quite worthwile,
> however I have not found anything yet out there that does this.
> Being very new to the area, I'm reluctant to just jump into implementing my
> own system, so any discussion and/or information on this would be muchly
> appreciated.

Well, yes and no.  There have a been a number of proposals for
SGML-based literate programming, and I have been using one such system
for several years; the short summary of the experience is yes,
structured markup and literate programming are an obvious match, and
the combination works very well.  There is no reason it would not work
equally well in an XML environment.

Robin Cover's SGML/XML Web Page has an article on the topic at


which has references.  To see the definitions of the tag set and
the processor I have been using, follow the links for Sweb.

On the other hand, I don't think there are any existing SGML-based
systems that are as fully implemented, provide as many convenience
features, or have as many cooperating helper tools as some of the
other more mature LP systems.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
 Senior Research Programmer, University of Illinois at Chicago
 Editor, ACH/ACL/ALLC Text Encoding Initiative
 Co-coordinator, Model Editions Partnership

 8-Aug-1998  6:26:52-GMT,2822;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id AAA28885
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Sat, 8 Aug 1998 00:26:51 -0600 (MDT)
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          Aug 1998 01:18:46 EST
From: "Anthony B. Coates" <tony@ems.uq.edu.au>
Subject: Re: XML for literate programming?
Date: 7 Aug 1998 02:07:09 GMT
Message-ID: <6qdngd$npq$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, "Anthony B. Coates" <tony@ems.uq.edu.au>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

> > Has anyone thought about using XML (and a suitably defined set of tags)
> > for use in LP. Would this have any advantages over current LP systems
> > (about which I confess I know very little)?
> >
> > MH.
> >
> I, too, am interested in this (and have read the FAQ).  Our documentation here
> at work is woefully inadequate, and after thinking about it for a while I
> decided that using XML and a related set of tools would be quite worthwile,
> however I have not found anything yet out there that does this.

I am working (albeit rather slowly) on developing a framework that will allow
you use an existing XML parser (there are so many now that you would be crazy to
write your own without a very specific reason).  Shortly, I hope to release some
code with parsing and output, but waiting for a LitProg engine core to be
plugged in.  It is being done using a JavaBeans approach that allows each
component to be replaced.  In the meantime, have a look at


which documents my thoughts to date.  There is also a mailing list, albeit an
enormously low traffic one (makes "comp.literate.programming" look busy ...).

While I'm at it, note that the Web site hosting these pages may have to change
in a month or two, but I provide details of that later as I know more myself.


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Another 100% Pure Java e-mail.  Is yours?
Anthony B. Coates.
Multimedia Developer (Software Design)
Educational Multimedia Services
TEDI, The University of Queensland.
AJUG-QLD Steering Committee Member
(Australian Java Users' Group <http://www.ajug.org.au/>).
QMUG Committee Member
(Queensland Macromedia Users' Group <http://www.outlook.com.au/qmug/>).
E-mail: tony@ems.uq.edu.au
WWW: http://www.ems.uq.edu.au/People/Tony/
UIN: 5191015
All opinions are mine, and may not represent
those of The University of Queensland.

Posted Using: J Street Mailer (build 98.6.3)

 8-Aug-1998 20:00:07-GMT,1577;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id OAA11632
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          Aug 1998 14:44:14 EST
From: ghauber@cch.com.au
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, ghauber@cch.com.au
Subject: Re: XML for literate programming?
Date: 6 Aug 1998 15:50:12 GMT
Message-ID: <6qcjbk$6sp$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

In article <6p9bpd$aao$1@elna.ethz.ch>,
  Martin Harvey <mch24@harvey27.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> Has anyone thought about using XML (and a suitably defined set of tags)
> for use in LP. Would this have any advantages over current LP systems
> (about which I confess I know very little)?
> MH.

I, too, am interested in this (and have read the FAQ).  Our documentation here
at work is woefully inadequate, and after thinking about it for a while I
decided that using XML and a related set of tools would be quite worthwile,
however I have not found anything yet out there that does this.

Being very new to the area, I'm reluctant to just jump into implementing my
own system, so any discussion and/or information on this would be muchly


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http://www.dejanews.com/rg_mkgrp.xp   Create Your Own Free Member Forum

 8-Aug-1998 23:39:12-GMT,1215;000000000001
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	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Sat, 8 Aug 1998 17:39:11 -0600 (MDT)
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          Aug 1998 18:36:00 EST
From: stuart1@inyokohama.com (Stuart Woodward)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, stuart1@inyokohama.com
Subject: [Win32] Visual C++ IDE
Date: 8 Aug 1998 01:20:57 GMT
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Like many others, I find that I spend most of my days sitting in front
of the Visual C++ Development Studio. 

What I'd really love is a Visual Literate Programming Tool that would
integrate with the Development Studio and let me write and see my code
in a literate way and then also be able to debug the raw C++.

I guess the literate view would be like an outliner. 

I wonder if my dream programming environment will ever come true...

10-Aug-1998  0:42:22-GMT,8276;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id SAA10644
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Sun, 9 Aug 1998 18:42:21 -0600 (MDT)
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          Aug 1998 19:36:59 EST
From: Greg McFarlane <gregm@nms.otc.com.au>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, gregm@nms.otc.com.au
Subject: Interscript: a first look
Date: 10 Aug 1998 00:32:14 GMT
Message-ID: <6qlf2f$nnb$1@news.interlog.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

I have just had a first look at John Skaller's interscript   
system and I would like to pass on my impressions.  In
summary, it is definitely worth having a look at if you are  
interested in the production of quality software.

First, check out the Interscript tutorial:

and the Interscript design and source documentation:

Then download the tar file
and build interscript.

You can also have a look at a proposal for a new way of
downloading, building, installing and updating software:

All the documentation on the www site is also generated when
you build interscript from the tar file, so it may be easier 
to download first then read the generated copy of the

The Interscript home page is:

Interscript tries to be many things, but mainly it is Literate
Programming system.

What is Literate Programming?

To put it in a nutshell, Literate Programming is a method of
creating and maintaining source (C, C++, python, data, etc)
and documentation.  It is much more than putting in comments
and doc strings in your modules and functions.  It enables the
programmer/author to write code as if she is explaining the
code to someone else.  The logic of the explanation determines
the ordering of the code and documentation, not the rules of
the language.

I first met Literate Programming several years ago when I was
given the job of adding Japanese language capability to the
Metafont program, written by Donald Knuth.  The Metafont
"source" comes like a book, with chapters and sections, etc.
All I had to do was find the bit in the book that dealt with 
character representation, modify the code that was contained
in that section, then run the source through a "tangler" to  
produce the compilable source code (Pascal if I remember
correctly).  I was very impressed with it.  The first part of
the book gave an overview of the program and then, using the
index, it was relatively easy to jump to relevant parts of the
book.  Whenever the explanation introduced a new idea, the
concept was described and then the relevant code fragments
were presented.  The code fragments may have been taken from
different parts of the finished program.  For example, the
declaration of a variable may be given along with the code
where it is used.

So the question now might be, "Why haven't I seen Literate
Programming used much in the 10 years since then?" Why hasn't
it taken off and become more popular?
One reason perhaps might be that Literate Programming was
originally written for Pascal.  Two of the problems with early
versions of Pascal were that programs had to be written as one
file and you had to define everything before you used it.
These resulted in huge programs where the variable declaration
and low level functions were at the top of the file and the
main program and other high level functions were at the
bottom.  If you wanted to explain to someone how the program
worked, you would generally scroll to the bottom of the file
and begin by discussing the high level parts of the program.  
As necessary you would look at other, more detailed, parts of
the program as they became relevant to the discussion.  What
Literate Programming did was to allow you to write the source
in the same order that you would use to explain the program
and also include the discussion with it.

However, programming languages are now quite different to  
Pascal - the ordering within a file is more flexible and often
the program is divided into self-contained modules, in
separate files.  Here, two kinds of documentation become   
important - documenting the interface to, and behaviour of, a 
module, and documenting the implementation of the module.   
Literate Programming is really only relevant to the
documentation of the implementation.

A second reason may be the initial effort involved in writing
literate programs.  Without Literate Programming, you can "get
away with" writing minimal implementation documentation (as
most of us do).  The initial construction of a literate
program will probably take longer.

One of the main points of Literate Programming is that
literate programs are written to be read by a human, not by a
machine.  But in much of my experience, the great majority of
code is only ever read by the (human) writer and the compiler.
Often, if a program works, it is left "as is" for years.  So
you have to weigh up whether the investment in time now to
properly document the code will be returned in the future when
the documentation is read.

One strength of Literate Programming is that, since the
documentation is right next to the code, the documentation
"should" be always up to date.  However, it does not force
programmers to keep the documentation up to date and in this
sense, the more documentation you have the more likely it is
to be out of date.

For more information about Literate Programming, see the
comp.programming.literate newsgroup.

Interscript as a Literate Programming tool

One of the interesting points about Interscript as a Literate
Programming tool is that its control language is python.  This
means that an Interscript source script can not only produce
(say) HTML documentation of (say) a C program, but the source
can contain python code which "writes" the C code.  This is
useful when the C output code needs to contain repetitive text
- the Interscript source only needs to contain one copy of the
text and the scripting capabilities of python can be used to
generate the duplicated output.  Also, code can be
conditionally generated in a more powerful way than by using
C's #ifdef control structures.

One criticism I have of the Interscript documentation is that
it mixes up user documentation with the source code
documentation.  In most cases, the target audiences for these
two types of document are very different - the user is not
interested in the inner workings of the program.  This lack of
distinction makes being able to use Interscript more
difficult.  There is a lot of documentation, but it is
sometimes hard for end users to find the bits they need.  For
example, the full list of Interscript commands available to
the user is not described until section 4.9.1 of the
Interscript source code document and even there they are not
described in full.

The system also needs some regression tests which are applied
before a release.  The version I had did not work on the
supplied examples until I had made a few fixes.

The source code description could also do with a simple high
level diagram describing the relationship between the input
files, input sources, the parser, the weavers (including
multiplex weavers and markup filtering weavers), the stack of
tanglers and the sinks.  The high level relationships are
fairly straightforward, but a diagram would make the
descriptions clearer.

Interscript will be good for authors who want to publish their
code not just to be compiled and executed, but also to be

Interscript is worth looking at.  The design is clean and easy
to understand after reading the documented version of the

For more information about the Python language, see the
comp.lang.python newsgroup.

10-Aug-1998  9:21:05-GMT,2687;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id DAA20148
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Mon, 10 Aug 1998 03:21:05 -0600 (MDT)
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Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Mon, 10
          Aug 1998 04:11:59 EST
From: Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, leew@samson.kean.edu
Subject: Re: [Win32] Visual C++ IDE
Date: 9 Aug 1998 13:33:00 GMT
Message-ID: <6qk8ec$dcu$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 8 Aug 1998, Stuart Woodward wrote:

> Like many others, I find that I spend most of my days sitting in front
> of the Visual C++ Development Studio. 
> What I'd really love is a Visual Literate Programming Tool that would
> integrate with the Development Studio and let me write and see my code
> in a literate way and then also be able to debug the raw C++.

This would be at least somewhat possible if the Development Studio
allowed one to add preprocessor rules for the project file.  I
understand that it is *supposed* to be possible, but I was never able
to figure out how in the Microsoft environment.

On the other hand, I *was* able to do the same thing with the Borland
C++ IDE.  I created rules that transformed .w and .nw files into .c
(and .cpp) files, and was able to (pretty much) integrate CWEB and
noweb into the environment.  The #lines generated by the LP tools
meant that all error messages and debugging was in the .w and .nw
files.  If you wanted to be able to view the woven source, you could
run LaTeX as well, and keep a dvi viewer running (or, in the case of
noweb, generate html instead and use your web browser).

> I guess the literate view would be like an outliner. 
> I wonder if my dream programming environment will ever come true...

I believe we discussed the issue of "belling the cat" some time ago in
this forum.  The one who has the idea should be willing to (at least
try to) make it reality.

		-- Lee

Lee Wittenberg              | "There's plenty of stories that need
Computer Science Department | telling what never get told, just because
Kean University             | people can't bear the listening."
Union, NJ   07083           | 
                            | -- Caleb Carr
leew@samson.kean.edu        |    "The Angel of Darkness" (1997)

10-Aug-1998 23:32:38-GMT,4777;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id RAA08737
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Mon, 10 Aug 1998 17:32:37 -0600 (MDT)
X-ListName: Literate Programming Discussion List <LitProg@SHSU.edu>
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          Aug 1998 18:12:11 EST
From: postmaster@ (Benoit Goudreault-Emond)
Subject: Re: [Win32] Visual C++ IDE
Date: 10 Aug 1998 01:58:16 GMT
Message-ID: <6qlk3o$t3h$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, postmaster@
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

In article <6qldee$qor$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>, Anthony B. Coates wrote:
> ** Reply to note from Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu> on 1998/08/09
> > On the other hand, I *was* able to do the same thing with the Borland
> > C++ IDE.  I created rules that transformed .w and .nw files into .c
> > (and .cpp) files, and was able to (pretty much) integrate CWEB and
> > noweb into the environment.  The #lines generated by the LP tools
> > meant that all error messages and debugging was in the .w and .nw
> > files.  If you wanted to be able to view the woven source, you could
> > run LaTeX as well, and keep a dvi viewer running (or, in the case of
> > noweb, generate html instead and use your web browser).
> Note though that there may still be the problem that if you use a debugger, you
> may find that it chokes on the out-of-order #line directives in the tangled
> sources.  At least, that was my previous experience with gdb.  I'm not sure if
> debuggers have improved their #line support since then, since I'm not sure that
> anything else besides LitProg tools pushes #line usage to such limits.

Never had a problem with gdb, nor with the VC++ debugger.  Don't
know about the BC++ debugger.  I don't know if gdb got better since
you tried it, but I've used it under Linux and Win32 (using the
Mingw32 compiler/tools, within emacs for NT).

In addition, LP makes the debugger relatively unused (well, not
completely, but I don't really rely on it anymore when I use LP).

To answer a question from Lee Wittenberg, regarding how to use the
literate programming tools in the VC++ environment, I've sort of
managed it with a copy of noweb.  Basically, the idea is to include
the .nw (or .w, or whatever) file in your project.  Then, in the
FileView tab, right-click on the file and choose Settings.  Here,
you can select a "custom build step" which will call your LP tools.
Unfortunately, you must also list *all* the files that are being
generated from the web file so dependencies work properly (you must
specify at least one file in the dialog box, anyhow, or it doesn't
let you do anything).

Unfortunately, the thing recompiles *all* the .c files, even if I
use noweb's cpif to make sure some things are not refreshed.  You
can get it not to do this by selecting an incremental link, but
sometimes, that's not an option.  I personally don't understand how
they figure dependencies out, or how they "know" they need a
recompile in that compiler, and I'd really like to know that.  The
program I'm using this with uses C++ templates heavily and that hits
compile time quite dramatically, I'm afraid. :{(

As for the HTML docs, you can just add a new tool to the Tools menu
that calls you weaver.  That works OK.  You could also include that
in the custom build step, but the current system is slow enough as
is due to the fact that my noweb build is quite a bit bastardized
(parts are Win32 executables, and the icon parts are DOS 386
executables because I can't get the native executables to read
pipes.  Groan.)

The moral of this story: stick with makefiles if you can.  If you
can't, it can work, but it'll be merely satisfactory.  That, plus
the fact that the VC++ editor isn't suited for LP editing at all
(it's possible to rebind keys, but I miss the context sensitive
highlighting of emacs's noweb mode which switches between the major
mode for docs and the one for code as you move around), plus the
fact that my co-workers are not necessarily too happy to have to
wade through the documentation as well as the code, does not
encourage me to use this process for future projects, except when
clarity and correctness of design is critical.

I hope this helps someone out there.

Benoit Goudreault-Emond
CoFounder, KMS Group ; Student, B. Comp. Eng, Concordia University
``Being too close to a fireball can worry a man --- to death.''
        -- Zeb Carter in "The Number of the Beast" by Robert A. Heinlein

Note:   the "From:" address is not correct to protect myself against spam.
        My actual e-mail address is: ``bgoudem AT axess DOT com''

11-Aug-1998  3:45:08-GMT,1968;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id VAA13675
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Mon, 10 Aug 1998 21:45:07 -0600 (MDT)
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Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Mon, 10
          Aug 1998 22:40:27 EST
From: Devon Prichard <d.s.prichard@larc.nasa.gov>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, d.s.prichard@larc.nasa.gov
Subject: Re: Interscript: a first look
Date: 11 Aug 1998 01:33:55 GMT
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MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Greg McFarlane wrote:

> One criticism I have of the Interscript documentation is that
> it mixes up user documentation with the source code
> documentation.  In most cases, the target audiences for these
> two types of document are very different - the user is not
> interested in the inner workings of the program.  This lack of
> distinction makes being able to use Interscript more
> difficult.  There is a lot of documentation, but it is
> sometimes hard for end users to find the bits they need.  For
> example, the full list of Interscript commands available to
> the user is not described until section 4.9.1 of the
> Interscript source code document and even there they are not
> described in full.

is it possible to create some sort of automatic index generator
that would find all user-doc sections and create some sort of
hyperlinked TOC or index?

Dr. Devon Prichard,  Lockheed Martin  d.s.prichard@larc.nasa.gov  
Applying computer technology is simply finding the 
right wrench to pound in the correct screw.

11-Aug-1998 14:50:02-GMT,2489;000000000001
Received: from Niord.shsu.edu (niord.shsu.edu [])
	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA17490
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Tue, 11 Aug 1998 08:50:01 -0600 (MDT)
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Sender: owner-litprog@SHSU.edu
Received: from MVB.SAIC.COM by Niord.shsu.edu (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 11
          Aug 1998 09:43:02 EST
From: "Anthony B. Coates" <tony@ems.uq.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [Win32] Visual C++ IDE
Date: 10 Aug 1998 00:04:30 GMT
Message-ID: <6qldee$qor$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, "Anthony B. Coates" <tony@ems.uq.edu.au>
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

** Reply to note from Lee Wittenberg <leew@samson.kean.edu> on 1998/08/09

> On the other hand, I *was* able to do the same thing with the Borland
> C++ IDE.  I created rules that transformed .w and .nw files into .c
> (and .cpp) files, and was able to (pretty much) integrate CWEB and
> noweb into the environment.  The #lines generated by the LP tools
> meant that all error messages and debugging was in the .w and .nw
> files.  If you wanted to be able to view the woven source, you could
> run LaTeX as well, and keep a dvi viewer running (or, in the case of
> noweb, generate html instead and use your web browser).

Note though that there may still be the problem that if you use a debugger, you
may find that it chokes on the out-of-order #line directives in the tangled
sources.  At least, that was my previous experience with gdb.  I'm not sure if
debuggers have improved their #line support since then, since I'm not sure that
anything else besides LitProg tools pushes #line usage to such limits.


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Another 100% Pure Java e-mail.  Is yours?
Anthony B. Coates.
Multimedia Developer (Software Design)
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TEDI, The University of Queensland.
AJUG-QLD Steering Committee Member
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QMUG Committee Member
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E-mail: tony@ems.uq.edu.au
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UIN: 5191015
All opinions are mine, and may not represent
those of The University of Queensland.

Posted Using: J Street Mailer (build 98.6.3)

13-Aug-1998 18:01:26-GMT,1997;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id MAA16423
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Thu, 13 Aug 1998 12:01:25 -0600 (MDT)
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From: "=?iso-8859-0?q?J=81rgen_Defurne?=" <jurgen.defurne@scc.be>
To: "Anthony B. Coates" <tony@ems.uq.edu.au>,
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 98 19:32:59
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu,
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Subject: Re: [Win32] Visual C++ IDE
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On 10 Aug 1998 00:04:30 GMT, Anthony B. Coates wrote:

>Note though that there may still be the problem that if you use a debugger, you
>may find that it chokes on the out-of-order #line directives in the tangled
>sources.  At least, that was my previous experience with gdb.  I'm not sure if
>debuggers have improved their #line support since then, since I'm not sure that
>anything else besides LitProg tools pushes #line usage to such limits.
I must depend on the debugger. I use fweb under OS/2 for WATCOM C++. Their 
debugger doesn't have any problems using literate listings. One thing that may be 
taken in account : do not optimize code when debugging. All manuals that I've 
come across on debuggers emphasize this.

Jurgen Defurne

14-Aug-1998 14:43:26-GMT,1056;000000000001
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	by csc-sun.math.utah.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA02310
	for <beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU>; Fri, 14 Aug 1998 08:43:25 -0600 (MDT)
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          Aug 1998 09:37:08 EST
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          Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:37:05 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:37:59 -0400
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Did you find any info on this subject ?  I am looking for exactly the
same information.

Thank you!

16-Aug-1998  8:39:49-GMT,7265;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 03:34:39 EST
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          Aug 1998 04:33:22 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 04:33:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: learnwhere@hotmail.com
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, learnwhere@hotmail.com
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Subject: They Can Even Steal Your Identity!


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17-Aug-1998  7:31:21-GMT,7264;000000000001
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Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 03:25:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: learnfast@hotmail.com
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, learnfast@hotmail.com
Message-ID: <QQfcuf29845.199808170725@relay3.UU.NET>
Subject: Are They Investigating You?


Has your personal and credit information been stolen?  Has someone
assumed your identity?

Would you like to locate an old friend, relative, military buddy or sweetheart?

Do you want to find a person's assets to collect a debt or judgement?

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Would you like to fix up your credit bureau report, create a new
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Are you going to have surgery?  Would you like to know how many malpractice 
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We will also give you sources to find missing children and parents,
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brides or grooms, employees, renters, vendors, new clients and competitors!

You will also learn about and where to get surveillance and spy devices,
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for copyrights, patents and court cases and how to make your
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Can you find this information by using the Internet Search Engines?
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hours going through 25,000 plus hits per subject!  We and our staff
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You frequently hear over the media, television, radio, the newspapers, 
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Our report will show you HOW IT IS DONE!!!

Would you like to find that old romantic flame...find telephone, 
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extensive Vietnamese war records, MIA info, much more!

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Looking for a new love interest or spouse or even sex partner? 
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19-Aug-1998  4:45:04-GMT,969;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 23:41:27 EST
From: axel@omp.de (Axel Bodemer)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, axel@omp.de
Subject: S: folding.el
Date: 19 Aug 1998 03:15:40 GMT
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I search a folding mode for noweb. 
The file folding.el crash the text.
Exist a noweb version ?


Axel Bodemer                    omp computer GmbH, Paderborn    +49 5251
axel@omp-paderborn.de           XLink-PoP Ostwestfalen/Lippe    15098-110

20-Aug-1998 17:29:41-GMT,1113;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 01:38:43 EST
From: John Doe <doe#m#_john@mmac.is.lmsc.lockheed.com>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, doe#m#_john@MMAC.IS.LMSC.LOCKHEED.COM
Subject: LP and design patterns
Date: 19 Aug 1998 16:01:05 GMT
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Some of the literature on Design Patterns claims to have had it's 
origin in Literate Programming, but I can not find anything to support 
this claim. Does anyone know if this is true?


20-Aug-1998 17:48:29-GMT,1632;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 12:29:54 EST
From: amoroso@mclink.it (Paolo Amoroso)
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, amoroso@mclink.it
Subject: Re: LP and design patterns
Date: 20 Aug 1998 16:21:59 GMT
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To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

On 19 Aug 1998 16:01:05 GMT, John Doe
<doe#m#_john@mmac.is.lmsc.lockheed.com> wrote:

> Some of the literature on Design Patterns claims to have had it's 
> origin in Literate Programming, but I can not find anything to support 
> this claim. Does anyone know if this is true?

In Richard Gabriel's book "Patterns of Software - Tales from the Software
Community" (Oxford University Press, 1996) I found a sentence that reminds
in some way the goals of literate programming (page 11):

"Habitability is the characteristic of source code that enables
programmers, coders, bug-fixers, and people coming to the code later in its
life to understand its construction and intentions and to change it
comfortably and confidently. Either there is more to habitability than
clarity or the two characteristics are different."

Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it>

21-Aug-1998 18:26:07-GMT,64888;000000000001
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          Aug 1998 12:59:56 EST
From: thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
Subject: comp.programming.literate FAQ
Date: 21 Aug 1998 11:38:29 GMT
Message-ID: <literate-programming-faq_903699507@rtfm.mit.edu>
Reply-To: LitProg@SHSU.edu, thompson@sun1.coe.ttu.edu
To: LitProg@SHSU.edu

Archive-name: literate-programming-faq
Last-modified: 1997/08/15
Version: 1.1.18
  The Literate Programming FAQ
  David B. Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>
  15 August 1997

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  Table of Contents:

  1.      Welcome

  1.1.    Disclaimer

  1.2.    Copyright

  1.3.    What's New?

  2.      Introduction or

  3.      How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.    Literate Programming FAQ

  3.2.    FWEB FAQ

  4.      Is there a newsgroup?

  5.      What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  6.      What is Literate Programming?

  7.      How do I begin literate programming?

  8.      What literate programming tools are available?

  8.1.    APLWEB

  8.2.    AWEB

  8.3.    CLiP

  8.4.    CWEB

  8.5.    CWEBx3.0

  8.6.    mCWEB

  8.7.    FunnelWeb

  8.8.    FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  8.9.    FWEB

  8.10.   IMPACT

  8.11.   lit2x

  8.12.   Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  8.13.   MapleWEB

  8.14.   MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  8.15.   MWEB (Sewell)

  8.16.   noweb

  8.17.   nuweb

  8.18.   ProTeX

  8.19.   RWEB

  8.20.   SchemeWEB

  8.21.   SpideryWEB

  8.22.   WEB

  8.23.   WinWordWEB

  9.      Are there other tools I should know about?

  9.1.    C2LaTeX

  9.2.    c2cweb

  9.3.    c2man

  9.4.    cnoweb

  9.5.    Fold2Web

  9.6.    Funnelweb Mode

  9.7.    noweb.el

  9.8.    nuweb.el

  9.9.    TIE

  9.10.   Web mode

  10.     What other resources are available?

  10.1.   World Wide Web

  10.2.   TeX Resources

  11.     Are there any code examples?

  12.     Bibliographies

  13.     How to anonymously ftp

  14.     Acknowledgements

  15.     End notes

  1.  Welcome

  Information contained in this document is the best available at
  preparation.  The original file was dated October 15, 1993 (just for
  historical purposes).

  1.1.  Disclaimer

  Disclaimer: ``This FAQ is presented with no warranties or guarantees
  of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular
  purpose.  The author of this document has attempted to verify
  correctness of the data contained herein; however, slip-ups can and do
  happen.  If you use this data, you do so at your own risk.''

  1.2.  Copyright

  Copyright 1993-1997 by David B. Thompson.  All rights reserved
  worldwide. Permission is granted to copy this document for free
  distribution so long as it remains intact and unmodified.  For other
  arrangements, contact the author/maintainer via email:

  1.3.  What's New?

  o  My email address has changed (once again).

  o  Newsgroup is moderated.

  o  Updated fweb entry.

  o  Updated noweb entry.

  o  Added mCWEB entry.

  o  Updated c2cweb entry.

  o  Updated nuweb.el entry.

  o  Updated cLiP entry.

  o  Updated Lee W's examples (from bart).

  o  Last, but not least, new formatting of the FAQ.  Many thanks go to
     Andrew Johnson <ajohnson@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> for helping make this

  2.  Introduction or ``What's this all about?''

  This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming
  tools.  The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming
  and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate
  programmers and those interested in literate programming.

  The Literate Programming (LitProg) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  list is maintained by Dave Thompson <thompson@shelob.ce.ttu.edu>

  Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.  Direct flames to
  /dev/null (or nul if you're a msdos user! ;-) If you find an error,
  please report it.  I'm particularly interested in establishing the
  locations of generally available literate programming tools.  If you
  are the author of such a tool and wish to have it included in this
  list, please send email.

  Please note this is a work-in-progress.  It is not complete, and
  probably will never be complete.  Nevertheless, the information
  contained herein may be useful to some.  Use it as it is intended.

  3.  How do I get the FAQ?

  3.1.  Literate Programming FAQ

  You have many ways to get a current copy of this FAQ.  One is to use
  anonymous ftp (if you don't know how, see a later section in this FAQ)
  to connect to one of the Comprehensive TeX Arvchive Network (CTAN)
  sites or the Literate Programming Archive and retrieve a copy of the
  file.  Open an ftp connection to one of the CTAN sites and retrieve
  the file:


  (For more information on CTAN and the literate programming archive,
  see the section below entitled ``Internet Nodes of Interest to
  Literate Programmers''.)

  3.2.  FWEB FAQ

  David Coker <coker@astro.sunyit.edu> maintains the FWEB FAQ.  The
  current version number is 1.30a.  It can be retrieved in the same way
  as this FAQ.

  The FWEB FAQ exists in various formats, including HyperText (see other
  resources below). In Europe, the complete distribution can also be
  obtained from ftp.desy.de in directory
  /pub/faq/web/fweb/.  It is also available from the literate
  programming archive in the directory LPA/Documentation/faq/fweb (see
  the references to LPA below for more information).

  4.  Is there a newsgroup?

  One of the most important resources is the literate programming
  newsgroup, comp.programming.literate.  Because of the amount of
  spamming and unrelated the posts, the newsgroup is now moderated.
  Posts to the newsgroup are now routed through litprog-
  mod@cs.virginia.edu.  If your news reader does not post through this
  address, then you will be unable to post messages to the newgroup.
  You can read this newsgroup using your standard reader.

  5.  What internet nodes are of interest to literate programmers?

  The principal nodes of interest to literate programmers are the
  Literate Programming Archive (LPA hereafter) and the CTAN
  (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).

  The Literate Programming Archive (LPA) is:

    Node:       ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
    Directory:  programming/literate-programming
    Notes:      Fastest response during off-U.S. [yep] business hours.

  Participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:

    ftp.dante.de  (Deutschland)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node sun.dante.de
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@dante.de
         -- Administrator: <ftpmaint@dante.de>
    ftp.tex.ac.uk (England)
         -- anonymous ftp                 /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- gopher on node gopher.tex.ac.uk
         -- NFS mountable from nfs.tex.ac.uk:/public/ctan/tex-archive
         -- World Wide Web access on www.tex.ac.uk
         -- Administrator: <ctan-uk@tex.ac.uk>

  The site ftp.shsu.edu used to be the American CTAN site.  Apparently,
  that site has fallen into disrepair and should not be considered a
  primary source for either TeX related or literate programming related
  material.  For the record, the address is:

    ftp.shsu.edu  (Texas, USA)
         -- anonymous ftp and gopher      /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
         -- NFS mountable from ftp.SHSU.edu:/pub/ftp/tex-archive
         -- e-mail via ftpmail@ftp.SHSU.edu
         -- World Wide Web access on www.SHSU.edu
         -- Administrator: <CTAN-Mgr@SHSU.edu>

  A list of CTAN archive sites and their mirrors can be found on:


  I presume that the other CTAN sites mirror this file, but have not
  checked.  As of my last check (September 1994), it contains:

         "In order to reduce network load, it is recommended that you use the
         Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) host which is located in the
         closest network proximity to your site."

  Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw (Taiwan)       /tex-archive
    ftp.adfa.oz.au (Australia)            /pub/tex/ctan
    ftp.muni.cz (The Czech Republic)      /pub/tex/CTAN
    ftp.cs.ruu.nl (The Netherlands)       /pub/tex-archive
    ftp.uu.net (Virginia, USA)            /pub/text-processing/TeX
    nic.switch.ch (Switzerland)           /mirror/tex

  Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):

    ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp (Japan)      /CTAN
    ftp.ccu.edu.tw (Taiwan)               /pub/tex
    ftp.cs.rmit.edu.au  (Australia)       /tex-archive
    ftp.duke.edu (North Carolina, USA)    /tex-archive
    ftp.germany.eu.net (Deutschland)      /pub/packages/TeX
    ftp.gwdg.de (Deutschland)             /pub/dante
    ftp.jussieu.fr (France)               /pub4/TeX/CTAN
    ftp.loria.fr (France)                 /pub/unix/tex/ctan
    ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de (Deutschland)       /pub4/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de
    ftp.uni-bielefeld.de (Deutschland)    /pub/tex
    ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Deutschland)    /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
    ftpserver.nus.sg (Singapore)          /pub/zi/TeX
    src.doc.ic.ac.uk (England)            /packages/tex/uk-tex
    sunsite.unc.edu (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
    wuarchive.wustl.edu (Missouri, USA)   /packages/TeX

  Other nodes and directories of interest include:

    Node:       ftp.desy.de []
    Directory:  pub/web. Various documents, samples, and the FWEB FAQ.
    Notes:      Has a www server, http://info.desy.de:80/

  6.  What is Literate Programming?

  Literate programming is the combination of documentation and source
  together in a fashion suited for reading by human beings.  In fact,
  literate programs should be enjoyable reading, even inviting!  (Sorry
  Bob, I couldn't resist!)  In general, literate programs combine source
  and documentation in a single file.  Literate programming tools then
  parse the file to produce either readable documentation or compilable
  source.  The WEB style of literate programming was created by D.E.
  Knuth during the development of his TeX typsetting software.

  All the original work revolves around a particular literate
  programming tool called WEB.  Knuth says:

       The philosophy behind WEB is that an experienced system pro-
       grammer, who wants to provide the best possible documenta-
       tion of his or her software products, needs two things
       simultaneously: a language like TeX for formatting, and a
       language like C for programming.  Neither type of language
       can provide the best documentation by itself; but when both
       are appropriately combined, we obtain a system that is much
       more useful than either language separately.

       The structure of a software program may be thought of as a
       web that is made up of many interconnected pieces.  To docu-
       ment such a program we want to explain each individual part
       of the web and how it relates to its neighbours. The typo-
       graphic tools provided by TeX give us an opportunity to
       explain the local structure of each part by making that
       structure visible, and the programming tools provided by
       languages such as C or Fortran make it possible for us to
       specify the algorithms formally and unambigously. By combin-
       ing the two, we can develop a style of programming that max-
       imizes our ability to perceive the structure of a complex
       piece of software, and at the same time the documented pro-
       grams can be mechanically translated into a working software
       system that matches the documentation.

  Another author (Eric W. van Ammers) wrote me a short article treating
  his opinions on literate programming.  The text follows:

       First observation on LP

       About 90% of the disussion on this list is about problems
       with applying some WEB-family member to a particular
       programming language or a special documentation situation.
       This is ridiculous, I think. Let me explain shortly why.

       Lemma 1:

       I have proposed for many years that programming has nothing
       to do with programming langauges, i.e. a good programmer
       makes good programs in any language (given some time to
       learn the syntax) and a bad programmer will never make a
       good program, no matter the language he uses (today many
       people share this view, fortunately).

       Lemma 2:

       Literate Programming has (in a certain way not yet
       completely understood) to do with essential aspects of

       Conclusion 1:

       A LP-tool should be independent of programming language.

       Lemma 3:

       It seems likely that the so called BOOK FORMAT PARADIGM ref.
       1 plays an important role in making literate programs work.

       Lemma 4:

       There are very many documentation systems currently being
       used to produce documents in the BOOK FORMAT.

       Conclusion 2:

       A LP-tool should be independent of the documentation system
       that the program author whishes to use.

       My remark some time ago that we should discuss the generic
       properties of an LP-tool was based on the above observation.


       1 Paul W. Oman and Curtus Cook. ``Typographical style is
       more than cosmetic.''  CACM 33, 5, 506-520 (May 1990)

       Second observation on LP

       The idea of a literate program as a text book should be
       extendend even further. I would like to see a literate
       program as an (in)formal argument of the correctness of the

       Thus a literate program should be like a textbook on
       mathematicics.  A mathematical textbook explains a theory in
       terms of lemma and theorems. But the proofs are never formal
       in the sense that they are obtaind by symbol manipulation of
       a proof checker. Rather the proofs are by so called
       ``informal rigour'', i.e. by very precise and unambiguous
       sentences in a natural language.
  Eric W. van Ammers Department of Computer Science Wageningen
  Agricultural University Dreijenplein 2
  E-mail:      ammers@rcl.wau.nl 6703 HB  Wageningen
  voice:       +31 (0)8370 83356/84154 The Netherlands
  fax:   +31 (0)8370 84731

  Another author (Norman Ramsey) wrote me and asked that his opinions be
  included in the FAQ.  What follows are Norman's comments verbatim.

       I see it's time for the ``how is literate programming dif-
       ferent from verbose commenting'' question.  Perhaps David
       Thompson will get this into the FAQ.  Alert! What follows
       are my opinions.  In no way do I claim to speak for the
       (fractious) literate-programming community.

       How is literate programming different from verbose

       There are three distinguishing characteristics.  In order of
       importance, they are:

       o  flexible order of elaboration

       o  automatic support for browsing

       o  typeset documentation, especially diagrams and

       Flexible order of elaboration means being able to divide
       your source program into chunks and write the chunks in any
       order, independent of the order required by the compiler.
       In principle, you can choose the order best suited to
       explaining what you are doing.  More subtly, this discipline
       encourages the author of a literate program to take the time
       to consider each fragment of the program in its proper
       sphere, e.g., not to rush past the error checking to get to
       the ``good parts.'' In its time and season, each part of the
       program is a good part. (This is the party line; your
       mileage may vary.)

       I find the reordering most useful for encapsulating tasks
       like input validation, error checking, and printing output
       fit for humans --- all tasks that tend to obscure ``real
       work'' when left inline.  Reordering is less important when
       using languages like Modula-3, which has exceptions and
       permits declarations in any order, than when using languages
       like C, which has no exceptions and requires declaration
       before use.

       Automatic support for browsing means getting a table of
       contents, index, and cross-reference of your program.
       Cross-reference might be printed, so that you could consult
       an index to look up the definition of an identifier `foo'.
       With good tools, you might get a printed mini-index on every
       page if you wanted.  Or if you can use a hypertext
       technology, cross-reference might be as simple as clicking
       on an identifier to reach its definition.

       Indexing is typically done automatically or `semi-
       automatically', the latter meaning that identifier
       definitions are marked by hand.  Diligently done semi-
       automatic indexes seem to be best, because the author can
       mark only the identifiers he or she considers important, but
       automatic indexing can be almost as good and requires no
       work.  Some tools allow a mix of the two strategies.
  Some people have applied literate-programming tools to large
  batches of legacy code just to get the table of contents,
  index, and cross-reference.

  I don't use diagrams and mathematics very often, but I
  wouldn't want to have to live without them.  I have worked
  on one or two projects where the ability to use mathematical
  formulae to document the program was indispensible.  I also
  wouldn't like to explain some of my concurrent programs
  without diagrams.  Actually I write almost all of my
  literate programs using only sections headers, lists, and
  the occasional table.

        >Wouldn't it be easier to do one's literate programming using
        >a wysiwyg word processor (e.g. Word for Windows) and
        >indicate what is source code by putting it in a different

  The data formats used in wysiwyg products are proprietary,
  and they tend to be documented badly if at all.  They are
  subject to change at the whim of the manufacturer. (I'll go
  out on a limb and say there are no significant wysiwyg tools
  in the public domain.  I hope the Andrew people will forgive
  me.) These conditions make it nearly impossible to write
  tools, especially tools that provide automatic indexing and
  cross-reference support.  The CLiP people have a partial
  solution that works for tools that can export text --- they
  plant tags and delimiters throughout the document that
  enable the reordering transformation (``tangling'').

  People use TeX, roff, and HTML because free implementations
  of these tools are widely available on a variety of
  platforms.  TeX and HTML are well documented, and TeX and
  roff are stable.  TeX is the most portable.  I think I have
  just answered the FAQ ``how come all these tools use TeX,
  anyway?'' :-)

  Norman Ramsey

  7.  How do I begin literate programming?

  A recommended book is D.E. Knuth's collection of articles (1992)
  Literate Programming. Center for the Study of Language and
  Information, Stanford University, ISBN 0-937073-80-6 (pbk).  This book
  gives insight into Knuth's thoughts as he developed the web system of
  literate programming (and TeX for typesetting).  It does not document
  methods for literate programming.

  A recommended book is Wayne Sewell's (1989) Weaving a Program:
  Literate Programming in WEB. Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN 0-442-31946-0
  (pbk).  This book focuses on using Knuth's web system.

  Some talk exists in the newsgroup/mailing list for a Usenet University
  course in literate programming.  I'm sure discussion of this topic
  will be welcomed.  If you are interested, please participate.

  8.  What literate programming tools are available?

  A significant number of tools for literate programming are available.
  Most have been ported from their original systems, so support multiple
  computer platforms.  If you are the developer of such a tool, and
  would like to make the software freely available, please send me email
  and I'll reply with a form (like those below) for you to fill in.  (Or
  short-circuit the process and kludge a form from below. :-)

  8.1.  APLWEB

  Developer:      Christoph von Basum <CvB@erasmus.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      IBM APL2 and STSC APL
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available.

  Support:        Unknown

  Note: The status of this particular package is unknown.

  8.2.  AWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Ada
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown

  Description:    None available

  Support:        Not supported.

  8.3.  CLiP

  Developer:      E.W. van Ammers and M.R. Kramer
  Versions:       2.0 and 2.4b (DOS only)
  Platform:       Vax/VMS, Unix, DOS
  Languages:      Any programming language
  Formatter:      Any formatter (TeX, LaTeX, Troff, Runoff, HTML, etc)
                  or any wordprocessor including WYSIWYG systems
                  (Word Perfect, WinWord, Ami Pro, Word Pro, etc.)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos        DOS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/ms_dos_24b    DOS (v. 2.4b)
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/vax_vms       VAX/VMS
                    sun01.info.wau.nl:/CLIP/unix          Unix
  Readme:         With bundle above


    CLiP does not use explicit commands to perform the extraction
    process. Rather it recognizes pseudostatements written as comments in
    the programming language in question. CLiP distinguishes
    pseudostatements from ordinary comments because the former comply with
    a particular style. This style can be adjusted to suit virtually any
    programming language. The CLiP approach to LP makes the system
    extremely versatile. It is independent of programming language and
    text processing environment. We designed CLiP to be compatible with
    hypertext systems as well. Some hypertext examples are at

    + CLiP imposes virtually no limitations on the text-processing system
      used to produce the documentation. If the text-processor supports
      these items you can
      + structure the documentation according to your own taste.
      + include drawings, pictures, tables etc.
      + disclose your documentation my means of X-ref tables, Indexes,
        Table of contents, Table of tables, Table of figures, etc.
      + typeset the documented code.
    + Extracts any number of modules from a maximum of 64 source files.
    + No pretty-printing. Code from the source files is copied "as is" to
      the module.
    + Appearance of code segments in the documentation matches those of
      the modules to ease the identification of code segments.
    + Supports partially specified data types.
    + Comprehensive user manual (preliminary version) and technical
    - No automatic generation of a X-ref table for program identifiers.

  Support:  Bugs, problems and assistance by e-mail to

  8.4.  CWEB

  Developer:      Silvio Levy and D.E. Knuth
  Version:        3.0
  Hardware:       Unix systems (dos and amiga ports available)
  Languages:      C and C++
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and LaTeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in CTAN:/web/c_cpp/cwb30p8c
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
                    Amiga version CTAN:/web/c_cpp/AmigaCWEB
                    Mac port of CTANGLE in LPA:/machines/mac
                    LaTeX support in LPA:/c.c++
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Description:    No description provided.
  Support:        Bugs to levy@math.berkeley.edu

  8.5.  CWEBx3.0

  Developer:      Marc van Leeuwen
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Any system using ASCII code
  Languages:      ANSI C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Bundled with above
  Brief description:
              A modified implementation of CWEB, with some extensions.
              Provides a mode for full compatibility with Levy/Knuth CWEB.
              The most significant extras are:
              - Typedef declarations affect formatting througout source file
              - Include files are scanned for typedef definitions
              - Flexible selection of layout style
              - Possibility to refer to sections using symbolic labels
              - CTANGLE detects unbalanced braces and parentheses
              - CWEAVE can be made to report syntax errors more easily
              - Some additional mechanisms to avoid formatting problems
              - New and modular set of grammar rules, based on ANSI C syntax
              - Possibility to suppress #line directives
              - A new manual

              bugs and remarks to M.van.Leeuwen@cwi.nl

  8.6.  mCWEB

  Developer:              Markus Oellinger
  Version:                        1.0
  Hardware:               Unix
  Languages:              C/C++
  Formatter:              plainTeX
  Availability: anonymous ftp from
  Readme:                         at same location

                                  This is mCWEB 1.0, a descendant of the CWEB system of structured
                                  documentation by Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy.  It adds some
                                  features that are indispensable when working in a team. mCWEB
                                  regards a project of a book consisting of several chapter files.
                                  By means of import and export commands, it automatically manages
                                  all relationships between the chapters of a book and to other

                                  Interface documentation is now also part of mCWEB. It is
                                  extracted into a second TeX file. This makes it possible to
                                  define well known interfaces between the individual parts of a
                                  project that will be implemented by different persons.

                                  In addition, mCWEB parses C header files to find out about all
                                  the datatypes defined there.

                                  mCWEB comes with a full completely rewritten user manual and is
                                  compatible with CWEB.

  Support:        Institute of Software Technology

  8.7.  FunnelWeb

  Developer:      Ross N. Williams: ross@guest.adelaide.edu.au
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun.  Other ports reported.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX for printing.  Otherwise, no restrictions.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.


    FunnelWeb is a production-quality literate-programming tool that
    emphasises simplicity and reliability. Everything about FunnelWeb,
    from the simplicity of its language to the comprehensive tutorial in
    the user's manual, has been designed to make this as simple, as
    practical, and as usable a tool as possible.

       + Provides a simple macro preprocessor facility.
       + Can produce typeset documentation.
       + Runs on Sun, VMS VAX, Macintosh, PC, and others.
       + Portable C source code distributed under GNU licence.
       + Comprehensive user's manual including tutorial.
       + Programming-language independent.
       + Can generate multiple output files.
       + Allows complete control over the output text.
       + Regression test suite with over 200 tests.
       + Fully worked example (in /pub/funnelweb/examples).
       - Requires TeX to produce typeset documentation.
       - Typesets program code using TT font only.

  Support:  No formal support available.  Mailing list maintained with
            about 50 subscribers.  Informal assistance available from
            mailing list.

  8.8.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Developer:      Enhanced by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au)
                  from FunnelWeb v3.0 by Ross N. Williams
  Version:        3.0AC
  Hardware:       MSDOS, Mac, VMS, Sun, OSF/1, Linux, Sys.V, OS/2.
  Languages:      No restrictions.
  Formatter:      Tex, LaTeX, or HTML.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         With bundle above; for FunnelWeb manual see WWW page

    FunnelWeb 3.0AC is an enhanced version of FunnelWeb (see the entry
    for FunnelWeb).  FunnelWeb is designed to be typesetter independent,
    though FunnelWeb v3.0 only supports (La)TeX as the typesetter.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports HTML, and creates appropriate
    hypertext links within the document among the code sections.
    FunnelWeb 3.0AC also supports automatic and manual insertion of line
    directives, so that compiler errors can be flagged back to the
    original FunnelWeb source file.  FunnelWeb 3.0AC is completely
    compatible with FunnelWeb v3.0 sources (with one minor exception;
    see the file README.ABC which comes with the FunnelWeb 3.0AC

  Support:  Supported by A.B.Coates (coates@physics.uq.edu.au), subject
            to the time constraints imposed by his thesis.

  8.9.  FWEB

  Developer:      John A. Krommes <krommes@princeton.edu>
  Version:        1.53 (1.60-beta for the experienced, patient, and brave)
  Hardware:       Unix, VMS, and DOS platforms (anything with ANSI C)
  Languages:      C, C++, Fortran-77, Fortran-90, Ratfor, TeX; also, a
                            language-independent mode.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.  Plain TeX may work, but is no longer supported.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    DOS version in LPA:/machines/ms-dos
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    It also has a well-developed user's manual and its own FAQ (see
    above).  Beginning with 1.40, documentation is maintained in gnu
    texinfo format.  It runs on most platforms: VMS, PC, UNIX, and pretty
    much anything that the GNU C compiler (GCC) is supported for.


     + Processes multiple languages during a single run (so one can mix C
       and Fortran, for example).
     + Language-independent mode (v1.40).
     + Ability to turn off pretty-printing (v1.40).
     + Built-in Ratfor translator.
     + Built-in macro preprocessor (closely follows ANSI C, with
     + A style file that allows the user to adjust many parameters and
       behavior patterns of FWEB.
     + Various operator-overloading features that provide additional
       pretty-printing capabilities to languages such as C++ and
     + Numerous miscellaneous features and command-line options.

  Support:        Bug reports and suggestions to krommes@princeton.edu

  8.10.  IMPACT

  Developer:      Timothy Larkin, from Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1
  Version:        1.0
  Hardware:       Macintosh; requires AppleEvents.
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   CTAN archives
  Readme:         A short readme file is included in the SEA archive.


    IMPACT implements CTangle from the Levy/Knuth CWEB 3.1. It operates as
    a foreground program, tangling files selected from the Mac File
    Picker. Or it can operate in the background, tangling files in
    response to odoc events sent by other applications, such as editors.


    I welcome any reports of bugs. The product will be updated as new
    versions of the CWEB appear. Other features may be added as users
    suggest them.

  8.11.  lit2x

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None available
  Support:        Unknown

  8.12.  Literate Programmer's Workshop (LPW)

  Developer:      Norbert Lindenberg
  Version:        1.1
  Hardware:       Apple Macintosh
  Languages:      C++, Object Pascal & others
  Formatter:      self-contained WYSIWYG system
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         With bundle above.  Also comes with 38-page manual.


    The Literate Programming Workshop is an environment for the integrated
    development of program source text and documentation in combined
    documents. It consists of a WYSIWYG word processor based on a style
    sheet approach, a mechanism to extract parts of the text in a
    document, and a project management system that handles multi-document
    projects. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with the
    Macintosh Programmer's Workshop: it prepares raw source text for the
    MPW compilers, accepts MPW error messages, and shows them in the
    context of the original documents. Automatic indexing and hypertext
    features allow for easy access to both source text and documentation.

    LPW is shareware.

  Support:        Bugs, problems, and questions to lpw@aol.com.

  8.13.  MapleWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Maple
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Unknown

  8.14.  MWEB (Schrod/Detig)

  Developer:      Joachim Schrod
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.15.  MWEB (Sewell)

  Developer:      Sewell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Modula-2
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    None
  Support:        Not supported.

  8.16.  noweb

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <nr@cs.virginia.edu>
  Version:        2.8
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms (DOS binaries available for v2.7).
  Languages:      All programming languages, singly or in combination.
                  Automatic indexing for C, Icon, Pascal, Standard ML, TeX, Yacc
  Formatter:      Plain TeX, LaTeX, and HTML formatters.
                  Will convert LaTeX to HTML automatically.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Last recourse, use ftp.cs.virginia.edu:pub/nr

  Readme:         With bundle above, or see the noweb home page:
                  Those without ftp access can consult ``Literate Programming
                  Simplified,'' IEEE Software, September 1994, pp97-105.


    noweb is designed to meet the needs of literate programmers while
    retaining the simplest possible input format.  Its primary
    advantages are simplicity, extensibility, and language-independence.
    noweb uses 5 control sequences to WEB's 27.  The noweb manual is
    only 3 pages; an additional page explains how to customize its LaTeX
    output.  noweb works ``out of the box'' with any programming
    language, and supports TeX, latex, and HTML back ends.  A back end
    to support full hypertext or indexing takes about 250 lines; a
    simpler one can be written in 40 lines of awk.  The primary
    sacrifice relative to WEB is that code is not prettyprinted.

    noweb supports indexing and identifier cross-reference, including
    hypertext ``hot links.'' noweb includes a simple, efficient
    LaTeX-to-HTML converter, so you can use hypertext browsers on your
    legacy documents.  noweb can also process nuweb programs, so you can
    use noweb to convert a standard nuweb program to HTML with one

  Support:        email to the author

  8.17.  nuweb

  Developer:      Preston Briggs: preston@cs.rice.edu
  Version:        0.87
  Hardware:       Unix systems: Sparcs, RS/6000s, HPs; (!) MSDOS and Amiga.
  Languages:      Any programming language or combination of programming
  Formatter:      Latex
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    Unix: CTAN:/web/nuweb
                    DOS:  CTAN:/web/nuweb-pc
                    Amiga: CTAN:/web/nuweb/nuweb_ami
                    Amiga: wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet
  Readme:         Send mail to preston@cs.rice.edu


    A single program that takes a web file written in a combination of
    latex and any programming language(s) and produces a latex file that
    can be pretty printed and a set of files containing code for
    compilation/interpretation by the appropriate language processors.

    Strengths include speed, simplicity, multiple languages, nice indices
    and cross-references, latex.  Doesn't require any special macros or
    macro files.

    Drawbacks: latex-dependent, no code pretty printing, harder to make
    indices than cweb.

    More good stuff: nice support for make, doesn't reformat source files,
    so they're easy to debug.  Lots of control without too much effort.
    That is, it doesn't do too much!

    Future directions... Very little change planned, except perhaps
    refinements in the indexing software.

  Support:        Hack it yourself or send e-mail to preston@cs.rice.edu

  8.18.  ProTeX

  Developer:      Eitan Gurari <gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu>
  Version:        ProTeX 1.1,  AlProTeX 1.4
  Hardware:       Any platform with (La)TeX
  Languages:      Any language
  Formatter:      TeX or LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    ftp.cis.ohio-state.edu : pub/tex/osu/gurari/
  Readme:         With bundle above

    + Easy to use
    + Extensible
    + Language independent
    + Multiple output files
    + Fast (single compilation provides output and dvi files)
    + No installation is needed besides copying the files (written in TeX)
    Introduction of main features and examples in pub/tex/osu/gurari/LitProg
    Complete manual in Eitan M. Gurari, "TeX and LaTeX: Drawing and
    Literate Programming", McGraw-Hill, 1994

  Support:        gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu

  8.19.  RWEB

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Unknown
  Formatter:      Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown
  Description:    Web generator in AWK.
  Support:        Unknown

  8.20.  SchemeWEB

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        2.1
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Any dialect of Lisp.
  Formatter:      LaTeX.
  Availability:   The Unix version is in the Scheme Repository and it is
                  available via anonymous ftp from:
                  The DOS version is part of the PCS/Geneva Scheme system
                  which is available via anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In bundle with above.


    SchemeWEB is a Unix filter that allows you to generate both Lisp and
    LaTeX code from one source file.  The generated LaTeX code formats
    Lisp programs in typewriter font obeying the spacing in the source
    file. Comments can include arbitrary LaTeX commands.  SchemeWEB was
    originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp, but it can easily
    be used with most other dialects.

  Support:        Bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  8.21.  SpideryWEB

  Developer:      Norman Ramsey <norman@bellcore.com>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix and DOS platforms
  Languages:      Most Algol-like languages, including C, Ada, Pascal,
                  Awk, and many others.
  Formatter:      Plain TeX and latex for text formatters.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         In distribution.


    A system for building language-dependent WEBs. Spider is frozen; no
    further development is planned.

  Support:        Bug reports to spider-bugs@oracorp.com.

  8.22.  WEB

  Developer:      Donald Knuth
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Languages:      Pascal
  Formatter:      TeX (of course! ;-)
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This is the original software that started it all.  The original TeX
  processor was written in WEB.

  Support:        None known.

  8.23.  WinWordWEB

  Developer:      Lee Wittenberg <leew@pilot.njin.net>
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Needs Microsoft Word for Windows, v.2.x, and, of course,
                  MS-Windows 3.x.
  Languages:      Any programming language.
  Formatter:      Word for Windows 2.x for text formatting and file
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                  World-Wide Web (WWW)
  Readme:         WORDWEB.DOC in the downloadable package describes the


    WinWordWEB is a set of a Word for Windows macros (plus a paragraph
    style) that provide a crude literate programming environment.  The
    ``look and feel'' of the system is based on Norman Ramsey's noweb, but
    can easily be modified to suit individual tastes.


    None.  WinWordWEB was written as a prototype to see if a WYSIWYG
    literate programming system was possible.  It is intended as a jumping
    off point for future work by others. However, the system is
    surprisingly usable as it stands, and the author is interested in
    hearing from users (satisfied and dissatisfied).

    Anyone interested in actively supporting (and improving) the product
    should contact the author via email.

  9.  Are there other tools I should know about?

  First of all, I'll list some not-quite-literate-programming tools.
  Some may consider these to be pretty-printers.  Others may call them
  literate programming tools.  In any event, they don't seem to be quite
  in the same category as the tools listed above, so I'll include them

  9.1.  C2LaTeX

  Developer:      John D. Ramsdell
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unix
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      LaTeX but it's easy to change the formatter.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         Absent.  Documentation is in the C source for c2latex.


    C2latex provides simple support for literate programming in C.  Given
    a C source file in which the comments have been written in LaTeX,
    c2latex converts the C source file into a LaTeX source file.  It can
    be used to produce typeset listings of C programs and/or documentation
    associated with the program.

    C2latex produces LaTeX source by implementing a small number of rules.
    A C comment that starts at the beginning of a line is copied
    unmodified into the LaTeX source file.  Otherwise, non-blank lines are
    surrounded by a pair of formatting commands (\begin{flushleft} and
    \end{flushleft}), and the lines are separated by \\*. Each non-blank
    line is formatted using LaTeX's \verb command, except comments within
    the line are formatted in an \mbox.

  Support:        Send bug reports to ramsdell@mitre.org.

  9.2.  c2cweb

  Developer:      Werner Lemberg
  Version:        1.5
  Hardware:       DOS, OS/2, Unix (gcc) - CWEB source included
  Languages:      C, C++
  Formatter:      TeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from
  Readme:         In distribution.


    c2cweb will transform plain C or C++ code into a CWEB file to get a
    pretty formatted output. A modified CWEAVE (which transforms the CWEB
    file into a TeX file, see below) is included also.

  Support:        Werner Lemberg <a7971428@unet.univie.ac.at>

  9.3.  c2man

  language:       C, nroff, texinfo, latex, html
  package:        c2man
  version:        2.0 patchlevel 33
  parts:          documentation generator (C -> nroff -man, -> texinfo, ->latex,
                  -> html)
  author:         Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
  location:       ftp from any comp.sources.misc archive, in volume42
                  (the version in the comp.sources.reviewed archive is obsolete)
                  ftp /pub/Unix/Util/c2man-2.0.*.tar.gz from dnpap.et.tudelft.nl
      Australia:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from archie.au
      N.America:  ftp /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.wustl.edu
      Europe:     ftp /News/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.irisa.fr
      Japan:      ftp /pub/NetNews/comp.sources.misc/volume42/c2man-2.0/*
                  from ftp.iij.ad.jp
      Patches:    ftp pub/netnews/sources.bugs/volume93/sep/c2man* from lth.se
  description:    c2man is an automatic documentation tool that extracts comments
                  from C source code to generate functional interface
                  documentation in the same format as sections 2 & 3 of the Unix
                  Programmer's Manual. It requires minimal effort from the
                  programmer by looking for comments in the usual places near the
                  objects they document, rather than imposing a rigid
                  function-comment syntax or requiring that the programmer learn
                  and use a typesetting language. Acceptable documentation can
                  often be generated from existing code with no modifications.
  conformance:    supports both K&R and ISO/ANSI C coding styles
  features:       + generates output in nroff -man, TeXinfo, LaTeX or HTML
                  + handles comments as part of the language grammar
                  + automagically documents enum parameter & return values
                  + handles C (/* */) and C++ (//) style comments
                  - doesn't handle C++ grammar (yet)
  requires:       yacc/byacc/bison, lex/flex, and nroff/groff/texinfo/LaTeX.
  ports:          Unix, OS/2, MSDOS, VMS.
  portability:    very high for unix, via Configure
  status:         actively developed; contributions by users are encouraged.
  discussion:     via a mailing list: send "subscribe c2man <Your Name>" (in the
                  message body) to listserv@research.canon.oz.au
  help:           from the author and other users on the mailing list:
  announcements:  patches appear first in comp.sources.bugs, and then in
  updated:        1994/10/07

  9.4.  cnoweb

  Developer:      Jim Fox
  Version:        1.4 (January 4, 1991)
  Hardware:       Anything with C and TeX.
  Languages:      C
  Formatter:      Plain TeX.
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown, cnoweb.tex contains documentation.


    cnoweb is as it's name describes: write C, not web.  No tangling or
    weaving is implemented.  Documentation (between standard /* */
    delimiteres) is written in TeX.  cnoweb provides typesetting of
    documentation, an table of contents of routines, and pretty-printing
    of C source.

  Support:        None known.

  9.5.  Fold2Web

  Developer:      Bernhard Lang <lang@tu-harburg.d400.de>
  Version:        V0.8
  Hardware:       MSDOS
  Languages:      All (must allow comment lines)
  Formatter:      LaTeX
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
                    kirk.ti1.tu-harburg.de (
  Readme:         In distribution


    The idea behind the Fold2Web tool is the following: A programmer can
    write his program source with a folding editor and later map the
    folded source files automatically to WEB-files. The generated WEB-files
    can then be modified by inserting required documentations.

    The advantage by starting program developement with original sources is
    to get short design cycles during the compile/debug steps. By using a
    folding editor the global structuring information can be already
    captured in folds during this developement phase. Fold information is
    typically stored in comment lines and thus will not affect the
    efficiency of the compile/debug design cycle.

    Some folding editors and a folding mode for the emacs are available
    (e.g. see our FUE folding editor for MSDOS machines which is a modified
    micro emacs. Pick it at kirk in directory /pub/fold2web).

    After reaching a stable version of a program source its time to convert
    the source file to a WEB-file and do the program documentation.
    Fold2Web is written to convert folded source text of any programming
    language to nuweb files. The folded structure is kept by mapping folds
    to scraps. Fold markers which differ between languages due to different
    ways of specifying comments can be configured for each language.

    Good results can also achived when given but poor documented program
    sources have to be modified. Such sources can be folded using a folding
    editor to extract the global structures. This offers a global view to
    the program structures and help to understand its functionality.
    Furthermore the program code is not affected, only comment lines are
    inserted. Once folded the program source can be automatically
    translated to a WEB document using the above tool.

  Support:   email to lang@tu-harburg.d400.de

  9.6.  Funnelweb Mode

  Developer:      Daniel Simmons <simmdan@kenya.isu.edu>
  Version:        Unknown
  Availability:   http://www.miscrit.be/~ddw


  The other day I did a quick hack to nuweb.el as included with the nuweb
  distribution so as to make a funnelweb-mode.el.  I've only used it
  briefly, and I'm sure that it can be improved quite a bit.  I've been
  thinking about adding support for folding on sections, a pull-down menu
  to select macro definitions (like the recent functions posted to
  gnu.emacs.sources for a C function definition pull-down menu) and some
  kind of tags support for funnelweb.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.7.  noweb.el

  Developer:      Bruce Stephens <bruce@liverpool.ac.uk>
  Version:        Unknown.
  Availability:   LitProg archives (in an email message).


  This is a very simple mode I just hacked up.  There's a lot wrong with
  it, but I thought others may be interested, even as it stands.  It
  *requires* text properties, and assumes those used in GNU Emacs 19.22;
  it'll quite likely work with Lucid Emacs, but I haven't tried it.

  I use it with auctex8.1 and cc-mode 3.229, both of which are loaded
  separately (I think my emacs is dumped with them, in fact).

  The idea is to have one mode (which calls itself c-mode, but actually
  has LaTeX-mode keybindings) generally (this means that the code is
  hilighted nicely), and have the code chunks use a different keymap.

  Support:        Email to bruce@liverpool.ac.uk

  9.8.  nuweb.el

  Developer:      Dominique de Waleffe <ddw@acm.org>
  Version:        1.99
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:


    Provides a major mode extending Auctex for editing nuweb files. Main
    features (in 2.0):
          - Edit scrap bodies in a separate buffer in a different mode
        (selected using emacs defaults for files, specific indication
        -*-mode-*-, or a buffer-local variable)
            - Extends Auctex commands so that nuweb is called before LaTeX,
            - Easy navigation on scrap definition and use points.
            - Now creates an imenu (C-M-mouse1) with user index entries, macro
        definition positions and file definition positions.

  Support:        Email to ddw@acm.org

  9.9.  TIE

  Developer:      Unknown
  Version:        Unknown
  Hardware:       Unknown
  Availability:   Anonymous ftp from:
  Readme:         Unknown


  This software merges change files.

  Support:        Unknown

  9.10.  Web mode

  Developer:        Bart Childs <bart@cs.tamu.edu>
  Version:          Unknown
  Tools supported:  web, fweb, cweb, funnelweb
  Availability:     Anonymous ftp from


  This version works with versions 18 and 19 of Emacs to be best of my
  knowledge.  I have cleaned up a number of documentation items ...
  In the same directory is wm_refcard.tex which is an edited version of
  the famous one to include some web-mode commands.

  The files limbo* are related to its use and notice that half them
  have an uppercase L in them for LaTeX.  The setup is based upon the
  fact that we (I am not alone here) primarily use FWEB for C and Fortran

  We are using version 1.40 of FWEB although John Krommes warns that it
  is not mature and the manual is not yet updated.  The info files are!
  We are using LaTeX almost exclusively.  That will likely change and we
  will revert to version 1.30 if the final form of 1.40 cannot return
  to the simple section numbers and avoid the HORRIBLE LATEX
  type section numbers.

  Support:        Unknown

  10.  What other resources are available?

  10.1.  World Wide Web

  An untapped resource (by me anyway ;-) is the World Wide Web.  Marcus
  Speh has expended considerable effort in this regard.  If you're
  connected to WWW, then access:


  If you aren't connected to WWW, telnet to info.cern.ch and explore.
  You can reach Marcus' literate programming pages by typing:

    go http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  or use a WWW browser and access the URL


  Help for people who have only Email and neither WWW nor telnet, can be
  obtained by Email from TEST-LIST@INFO.CERN.CH by sending a message,

    SEND <http_address>,

  for example,

    SEND http://info.desy.de:80/user/projects/LitProg.html

  to retrieve the LitProg library page.   A help file can be retrieved
  by sending a message to the list server above with the text


  in the body of the message.  Instructions will be returned by email.
  For literate programming documents, you can try anonymous ftp to
  rtfm.mit.edu and retrieve the official Usenet resource file


  10.2.  TeX Resources

  Another resource of interest to literate programmers is the
  comp.text.tex newsgroup.   If you're using (La)TeX as your typsetting
  system and have access to internet, then you should investigate this

  Another reason the TeX resources should be important is that so many
  of the literate programming tools rely on either plain TeX or LaTeX as
  their text formatter.  (La)TeX software systems exist for most
  computing platforms.  These systems can be found on CTAN and other
  major archive sites.  Use archie to find them or simply ftp to one of
  the CTAN sites and browse.

  11.  Are there any code examples?

  Examples of web programs are included with the FWEB, CWEB, and noweb
  distributions.  nuweb is written in itself.

  Cameron Smith converted the K&R calculator program into a literate
  program.   It can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from:

    niord.shsu.edu [] directory kr-cweb-sample as
    or from

  Ross Williams has released a funnelweb example.  You can retrieve this
  file from node ftp.adelaide.edu.au as


  This file should be on CTAN as well.

  Lee Wittenberg has posted a few litprog examples.  They are available
  via anonymous ftp from:


  The Stanford GraphBase is a large collection of programs by Don Knuth
  for doing all kinds of computations and games with graphs; it is writ-
  ten in (Levy/Knuth) CWEB. More details in the distribution.  It is
  available via anonymous ftp from:


  12.  Bibliographies

  Nelson Beebe has collected an extensive bibliography treating literate
  programming.  His work is available for anonymous ftp from
  ftp.math.utah.edu in directory /pub/tex/bib as files:


  Although I have not verified this, LPA is an alternate source for
  these files.  Note that they are updated frequently (Nelson says sev-
  eral times each week), so be sure to get a fresh copy before extensive
  use.  Joachim Schrod indicates that these files may be updated daily
  and can be retrieved via anonymous ftp at LPA/documentation.

  13.  How to anonymously ftp

  Pretty much everything mentioned here is available by anonymous FTP.
  FAQ lists cross-posted to news.answers and rec.answers can be gotten
  from rtfm.mit.edu, under /pub/usenet/news.answers or under

  "anonymous FTP" is just a way for files to be stored where anyone can
  retrieve them over the Net.    For example, to retrieve the latest
  version of the literate programming FAQ, do the following:

  > ftp rtfm.mit.edu              /* connect to the site; message follows */
  > anonymous                     /* type this when it asks for your name */
  > <your email address>          /* type your address as the password    */
  > cd /pub/usenet                /* go to the directory you want to be   */
  > cd comp.programming.literate  /* one level down (no slash).           */
  > dir                           /* look at what's there                 */
  > get literate-progamming-faq   /* get the file; case-sensitive         */
  > quit                          /* stop this mysterious thing           */

  If your FTP program complains that it doesn't know where the site you
  want to use is, type the numerical address instead of the sitename:

  > ftp               /* connect with numerical address */

  If you don't have ftp access, send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
  with the single word "help" in the body of the message.

  Getting binary files (executables, or any compressed files) is only
  slightly more difficult.   You need to set binary mode inside FTP
  before you transfer the file.

  > binary            /* set binary transfer mode  */
  > ascii             /* set back to text transfer mode */

  FAQs and spoiler lists are generally ascii files; everything else is
  generally binary files.

  Some common extensions on binary files in archive sites are:

    .Z           Compressed; extract with uncompress
    .tar.Z       Compressed 'tape archive'; uncompress then untar or tar -xvf
    .gz or .z    Gnu gzip; use gunzip (available from prep.gnu.ai.mit.edu)
    .sit         (Mac) StufIt archive
    .zip         Extract with Zip or Unzip
    .zoo         Yet another archive/compress program
    .lhe         (Amiga) ?
    .lzh         Lha archive program.
    .arj         (PC) Arj archive program.
    .exe         (PC) Sometimes self-extracting archives-just execute them.
    .uue or .UUE Transfer as text file; use uudecode to convert to binary
    .hqx         (Mac) BinHex format; transfer in text mode

  Generic help can be found in the FAQs of comp.binaries.  <your_sys-
  tem_type> for how to transfer, extract, and virus-check binary files.
  (At rtfm.mit.edu)

  If you can't FTP from your site, use one of the following ftp-by-mail


  For complete instructions, send a message reading "help" to the

  If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, or exactly where it
  is, there are programs and servers that can help you.  For more info,
  send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.with with the body of the message
  reading send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources

  Thanks to Aliza R. Panitz (the "buglady") for this text.  I copied it
  verbatim from her post on faq-maintainers with only minor

  14.  Acknowledgements

  This document would not have happened without the help of many people.
  Among them are Marcus Speh, George Greenwade, Rob Beezer, Joachim
  Schrod, Piet van Oostrum, and Ross N. Williams.  A special thanks to
  Aliza R. Panitz for the text describing how to execute an anonymous
  ftp for files of interest.

  Any omissions from these acknowledgements should be considered an act
  of stupidity on my part.  Of course, the authors of literate
  programming tools mentioned above all play a vital role in the
  vitality of literate programming. Furthermore, participants in the
  comp.programming.literate newsgroup (and associated mailing list) all
  contributed in various fashions.  Thank all of you.

  15.  End notes

  This document will continue to evolve.  I'm planning on adding entries
  for additional literate programming tools and will expand the sections
  on examples as more examples become available. Tools I will include
  are WEB (the original pascal version) for starters. Others will be
  added as I find and document them.  Omission of a particular tool
  should not be considered a snub in any sense--simply an error or
  oversight on my part.