3-Jul-1991 17:04:23-GMT,5409;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu ([]) by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA19511; Wed, 3 Jul 91 11:04:20 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 3 Jul 1991 11:03 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 0767; Wed, 03 Jul 91 10:02:29 PDT Date: Wed, 3 Jul 91 17:07:56 CET From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.COM> Subject: new versions of AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, and AMSFonts Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <AE0A073746006264@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I'm forwarding this message on behalf of Ralph Youngen. -- bb -------------------- I am pleased to announce the release of new versions of the three major AMS-supported TeX products. AMS-TeX 2.1, AMSFonts 2.1, and AMS-LaTeX 1.1 have all been posted to our TeX archive on the Internet node e-MATH.ams.com (, and are now available for immediate retrieval by anonymous FTP. Also available is information (both guidelines and documentstyle files) for authors who may wish to submit something to the AMS in electronic form for publication. This is the first major upgrade to the files on the AMS's e-MATH archive since its inception over a year ago. Announcements of future incremental or major upgrades to any of these products will be posted to the normal TeX discussion lists. The files in this release have also been changed to incorporate a file identification block in the form of a BibTeX-like entry at the start of each TeX or Metafont file. This was a suggestion Nelson Beebe posted to the tex-archive list about a year ago. The AMS staff worked with Nelson over the past several months and settled on the scheme found in these files. We do not necessarily feel that the structure we've chosen is final, and would like to hear comments and/or suggestions for improvements. As in the past, we are suggesting that those of you responsible for maintaining a TeX archive copy the entire /ams tree from e-MATH and set up a corresponding /ams tree on your own archive. Some of the READ.ME files refer to files in other directories using the notation "/ams/...". (We realize that you may not want to copy all of the resolutions of the AMSFonts PK files to your area because of space considerations.) We wish for these files to replace all previous releases of AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, and AMSFonts for as many users as possible. We are especially concerned about the dissemination of AMSFonts 2.1, but strongly encourage users to upgrade AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX as well. Details follow. AMSFonts 2.1 (/ams/amsfonts/... and /ams/tfm-files): ==================================================== Sometime after AMSFonts 2.0 was released, it was brought to our attention that there was a bug in the Metafont code for the AMS extra symbol fonts (MSAM and MSBM) that caused different TFM files to be produced when these fonts were run at different resolutions. This has been fixed in 2.1. Another significant enhancement in the MSBM font is much improved character rendering for the Blackboard Bold characters at low resolutions. (Thanks to Stefan Lindner for the Metafont help with the Blackboard Bold characters.) Additionally, through several communications with Knuth we are pleased to release improved versions of the Euler and extra CM fonts. All of the Euler bold fonts have been made more bold and extended. In previous versions of Euler, it was very difficult to distinguish the bold from the non-bold versions of these fonts. Knuth also reviewed the parameter listings for the additional point sizes of the CM fonts that we created and we have incorporated his suggestions into this release. Another change with AMSFonts 2.1 is that we are now distributing more resolutions of PK files. Previously, e-MATH contained only 118 and 300 dpi fonts. We have now posted 118, 180, 240, 300, and 400 dpi fonts to the /ams/amsfonts/pk-files/... area of e-MATH. As before, Metafont sources for all of the AMSFonts are also available. AMS-TeX 2.1 (/ams/amstex): ========================== This is mainly a bug-fix version, with some minor enhancements. A new file, amsppt1.tex, has been added to provide backward compatibility with documents written under amsppt.sty version 1 but run with AMS-TeX 2.0 or later. AMS-LaTeX 1.1 (/ams/amslatex): ============================== Again, this is mainly a bug-fix version with some enhancements. In an effort to keep this area current we are now distributing the complete Mittelbach/Schoepf font selection scheme in the /ams/amslatex/fontsel area. When new versions of these files become available, we will attempt to quickly verify their compatibility with AMS-LaTeX and post them to e-MATH. Please direct any problems or questions concerning the TeX archive on e-MATH to: Technical Support Group American Mathematical Society 201 Charles Street P.O. Box 6248 Providence, RI 02940 USA (800) 321-4AMS (321-4267) ext. 4080 (401) 455-4080 Internet: tech-support@math.ams.com Thank you. Ralph Youngen Supervisor, Technical Support American Mathematical Society Internet: REY@MATH.AMS.COM ------- 3-Jul-1991 18:43:55-GMT,1530;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu ([]) by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA22003; Wed, 3 Jul 91 12:43:52 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 3 Jul 1991 12:43 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6761; Wed, 03 Jul 91 11:42:59 PDT Date: Tue, 2 Jul 91 09:52:20 met From: Piet van Oostrum <piet@CS.RUU.NL> Subject: MuTeX (MTEX) Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <BC0CB69776006716@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I suppose I should write this in German, but my writing is not so fluent. However you can answer in German if you like. I obtained the original MTEX documentation from rusvm1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de. However, I cannot TeX it bcause there is a file german.tex missing. I can't find it anywhere. German.sty doesn't seem appropriate. Does anybody know where to find this file? Secondly, there is a description of the preprocessor program in the doc. But the sources are not included. Where can these be obtained. Vielen Dank. Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: piet@cs.ruu.nl (*`Pete') 3-Jul-1991 19:17:08-GMT,1802;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu ([]) by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA22189; Wed, 3 Jul 91 13:17:06 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 3 Jul 1991 13:16 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 9246; Wed, 03 Jul 91 12:15:50 PDT Date: Tue, 2 Jul 91 17:36:31 MEZ From: Rainer Kleinrensing <UNM10B@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET> Subject: re: MusicTeX problems Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <C0A86A8746006869@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Hello all, some time ago we here at Bonn University, Inst. of applied Math., made the documentation for MusicTeX available, together with the macros. Piet van Oostrum had some questions about this: 1) the file german.tex should be the file german.sty. On our machine this is a symbolic link, so we didn't notice the mistake. However, mdoc is TeXed smoothly with german.tex=german.sty(version 2.3d) 2) The source code for the preprocessor is contained in the file mdoctrns.tex (in WEAVEd form, however). The WEB-File itself will not be made available as this program is only a rough outline of what should be done, i.e. the pascal program would not be as functional as you might expect when reading the documentation. At last, my apologies for posting an article in a foreign language to tex-D-l, but it is very hot around here today and I can't convince myself to write this twice, in English and in German. Viele Gruesse an die TeX-Gemeinde, Rainer Kleinrensing Inst. fuer angew. Mathematik Uni Bonn 3-Jul-1991 19:40:31-GMT,2389;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu ([]) by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA22338; Wed, 3 Jul 91 13:40:29 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 3 Jul 1991 13:40 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 0897; Wed, 03 Jul 91 12:38:35 PDT Date: Tue, 2 Jul 91 21:13:44 CET From: Rainer Schoepf <JL2@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Subject: Some updates Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <C3F2A3F6E6006568@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: German Tex Users Communication List <tex-d-l@dearn>, European TeX Users Communication List <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1> Sebastian Rahtz from Southampton was so kind to provide us with some extra goodies for the DANTE server: A new set of files for using PostScript fonts with the New Font Selection Scheme (soft/tex/latex-style/supported/nfss-soton). A set of TeX font metrics for the Lucida Math Fonts. (soft/tex/fonts/lucida). The latter is "of no use to you unless a) you have the fonts themselves in PostScript form ready to download; and b) you have a driver which understands virtual fonts (such as dvips)" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr. Rainer Schoepf DANTE-Koordinator for Archive Servers Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum ,,Ich mag es nicht, wenn fuer Informationstechnik Berlin sich die Dinge so frueh Heilbronner Str. 10 am Morgen schon so D-1000 Berlin 31 dynamisch entwickeln!'' Federal Republic of Germany Email: <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.de> or <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To access the List Server at Heidelberg send mail to <LISTSERV@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Useful commands for beginners are HELP GET README FIRST TEX To access the DANTE server at Stuttgart, use either FTP to rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] or send mail to <mail-server@rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de> Useful commands for beginners are HELP INDEX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4-Jul-1991 23:55:32-GMT,2116;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA00631; Thu, 4 Jul 91 17:55:31 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Thu, 4 Jul 1991 17:55 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 0914; Thu, 04 Jul 91 16:54:38 PDT Date: Fri, 5 Jul 91 00:56:00 MET From: "Johannes L. Braams" <J.L.Braams@PTTRNL.NL> Subject: Update to the babel system of style files Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <B0C0C4A330000658@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: TeX-NL@HEARN, TeX-Euro@DHDURZ1, TeX-D-L@DEARN, UkTeX@TeX.Ac.Uk, TeXhax@cs.washington.edu, BRAAMS@pttrnl.nl Comments: This mail was sent by PMDF V3.1 Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was JL_Braams@PTTRNL.NL Hi, A couple of minutes ago I've put a new version of the babel system of style files on LISTSERV@HEARN. The differences with the previous release are: - cured behaviour with respect to groups - various small fixes - many more language specific files. Available now are files for the following languages: - Esperanto, - Dutch, English, German, - French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish (with Catalan), - Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, - Finnish, Hungarian, - Croatian, Czech, Romanian, Slovene, - Russian (beware, the transliteration is not yet completely fixed as far as I'm concerned). Regards, Johannes Braams PTT Research Neher Laboratorium, P.O. box 421, 2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands. Phone : +31 70 3325051 E-mail : JL_Braams@pttrnl.nl Fax : +31 70 3326477 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-Jul-1991 14:40:20-GMT,2870;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA02464; Fri, 5 Jul 91 08:40:19 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 5 Jul 1991 08:40 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6166; Fri, 05 Jul 91 07:39:20 PDT Date: Fri, 5 Jul 91 16:31:47 CET From: WONNEBERGER REINHAR <QZDMGN@RUIPC1E.BITNET> Subject: SGML and TeX Memorandum Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: WONNEBERGER REINHAR <QZDMGN@RUIPC1E.BITNET> Message-Id: <2C5A717F50000D4B@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Approaching SGML from TeX Reinhard Wonneberger July 5, 1991 Abstract The present memorandum intends to encourage discussion on a pragmatic TeX approach to SGML. The present edition is a first draft. Comments are welcome. Topic 1 (Active Approach) In this memorandum, I suggest an active approach to SGML to the TeX Implementors Community, i.e. those colleages who actively participate in TeX implementation, adaptation, and development. Topic 2 (Concern) It is my concern that usage of TeX be rooted in the general document processing area, by combining it with an universally accepted standard for source markup. Topic 3 (TeX-based Implementation) Rather than using the official approach of using a parser, or first concern should be to implement a TeX format which is capable to interprete one of the general SGML DTDs. Topic 4 (Backing) This suggestion is based on the assumtion that TeX might be a suited implementation language. It would be one of the objectives of a fist implementation effort to find out how far this assumpion holds. Topic 5 (Benefits) The following benefits are anticipated: 1. Elimination of unneccessary parsing software if not required. 2. Elimination of unneccessary parse processing if not required. 3. Inheritance of TeX portability for SGML documents. 4. Avoiding a split of user worlds between SGML and TeX. Topic 6 (Possible Steps) The project step ahead as follows: 1. Implement interpretation of general DTD. 2. Implement document structure validation. 3. Implement definition syntax of SGMl. Topic 7 (LaTeX) If the first step could be completed successfully, the SGML general DTD might be offered either as the future LaTeX user interface or as an additional one. Copyright R.W. PD Dr. Reinhard Wonneberger ... | qzdmgn @ ruipc1e . BITNET EDS +49-6142-80-3115. Fax -3030 | Home +49-6131-57 27 85 .. . Eisenstr.56 <N15> ......... | . D 6090 Ruesselsheim ....... | 8-Jul-1991 7:47:24-GMT,1778;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA15251; Mon, 8 Jul 91 01:47:23 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 8 Jul 1991 01:47 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 1358; Mon, 08 Jul 91 00:46:22 PDT Date: Sun, 7 Jul 91 22:16:53 CET From: Robert Weissenfels <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> Subject: texcad or similar thing for sun? Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <4E290CF1A000205B@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU As I'm quite new to the TeX-system, maybe this is a very old question: Is there anything like texcad, texdraw or those programs for use on a sun (sparc)? If there is: Where can I get it from? c.u. Robert Wei"senfels +--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ weissenfels%bauelemente.e-technik. | | | | | | | | uni-dortmund.dbp.de --+- . __ ___ ___-+-- @relay.cs.net (CSNET, ARPANET) | | / /_ /__/ /_ | | @dfngate.bitnet (BITNET, EARN) +--+ /__ __/ /__/ /__ +--+ @unido.uucp (UUCP) | | __ __ . . __ | | +--+ /_/ /_ /|// /_ +--+ | | / / /_/ / / /_ | | The *A*C*I*D* House --+- -+-- | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ if it's got any meaning, it's mine... |__|__|__|__|__| ########### my capital? B... is OK: Bordeaux! (11.5 vol.% and dry!) ########### 8-Jul-1991 10:27:58-GMT,3022;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA15473; Mon, 8 Jul 91 04:27:55 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 8 Jul 1991 04:27 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 2047; Mon, 08 Jul 91 03:27:01 PDT Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 12:03:43 MES From: Jens Pirnay <HRU003@DJUKFA11.BITNET> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Message of Sun, 7 Jul 91 22:16:53 CET from <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <6497F39770002161@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Date: Mon, 08 Jul 91 11:53:48 MES From: Jens Pirnay <HRU003@DJUKFA11> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1> In-Reply-To: Message of Sun, 7 Jul 91 22:16:53 CET from <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> ======================================================================== The question: "Is there anything like TEXCAD, TEXDRAW for Suns?" The answer: Yes, indeed, it is called FIG (Facility for Interactive Gene- ration if figures) an d runs under Sunview (fig) or X11 (xfig). The source code is available via ftp on nearly any better unix-server, e.g. Passau (forwiss.uni-passau.de) or Stuttgart (rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de). A short note about the features of the three most popular TeX-drawing aids (= this means, the three I know :-) ) Name Machine Features -------------------------------------------------------------- TeXCAD IBM-PC 45 % (most of LaTeX's abilities, no beziers; translates to LaTeX) TeXDraw 1.79 Atari-ST 80 % (LaTeX's abilities plus epics, beziers: translates to LaTeX, PiCTeX, Metafont; plus conversion of bitmap- graphics to LaTeX or Metafont; imports LaTeX, HPGL) TeXDraw 2.00 Atari-ST(+) 100% (like 1.79 plus splines, ellipses, IBM-PC (++) arcs; plus import of FIG, GEM, CSG; plus translates FIG; plus support of \special-packages (em, cs, tpic)) fig / xfig sun / X11 100 % (most of LaTeX's abilities plus arcs, ellipses, splines; translates to PostScript, LaTeX, tpic, HPGL, PicTeX) (+) betatest-stadium (++) just started, to convert This rating ist *VERY* subjective (remember I wrote TeXDraw ;-) ) Jens Pirnay, Institut f. Physik III, Uni Regensburg, Germany X400 : pirnay@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.dbp.de BITNET: hru003@djukfa11 9-Jul-1991 15:44:02-GMT,1660;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA25900; Tue, 9 Jul 91 09:44:01 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Tue, 9 Jul 1991 09:43 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 0927; Tue, 09 Jul 91 08:42:38 PDT Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 17:34:23 MEZ From: Walter Muellner <A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Message of Mon, 8 Jul 91 12:03:43 MES from <HRU003@DJUKFA11> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <59E6FD6A6C001724@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I am willing to test the TeXDraw program (PC version) as soon as it is available... I was looking for such a program for a long time... (btw. I am also willing to buy it if it is worth its price...) Walter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Muellner ! Institut of Statistics and ! Computer Science ! ... imagine University of Vienna, Austria ! there's no e-mail .... Lenaugasse 2/8 ! A-1080 Wien ! BITNET: A4424DAA@awiuni11 ! INTERNET: A4424DAA@helios.edvz.univie.ac.at OR: A4424DAA@vm.univie.ac.at Tel. +43 222 4863667, FAX: +43 222 4863666 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9-Jul-1991 19:33:12-GMT,1946;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA26973; Tue, 9 Jul 91 13:33:11 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Tue, 9 Jul 1991 13:33 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 5412; Tue, 09 Jul 91 12:32:07 PDT Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 21:25:36 CET From: Robert Weissenfels <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: <DFNGATE:NaJovvaF*> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <79ED6364CC001F5F@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU A few minutes ago I tested fig. The version I have is 1.4. Let me be wrong, but: It seems to me as if I cannot get fig output into a (La)TeX-document _without_ using postscript (which is too slow on our printer). Btw: Jens, could you perhaps mail me the sources for the `special' parts of the dvi drivers, so that I can put them onto the Sun. +--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ weissenfels%bauelemente.e-technik. | | | | | | | | uni-dortmund.dbp.de --+- . __ ___ ___-+-- @relay.cs.net (CSNET, ARPANET) | | / /_ /__/ /_ | | @dfngate.bitnet (BITNET, EARN) +--+ /__ __/ /__/ /__ +--+ @unido.uucp (UUCP) | | __ __ . . __ | | +--+ /_/ /_ /|// /_ +--+ | | / / /_/ / / /_ | | The *A*C*I*D* House --+- -+-- | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ if it's got any meaning, it's mine... |__|__|__|__|__| ###### I want a Sparc Schlepptop to be able to lay in the sun with a sun ###### 10-Jul-1991 12:41:37-GMT,1277;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA02904; Wed, 10 Jul 91 06:41:35 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 10 Jul 1991 06:41 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 5382; Wed, 10 Jul 91 05:40:36 PDT Date: Wed, 10 Jul 91 11:15:35 MES From: Jens Pirnay <HRU003@DJUKFA11.BITNET> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Message of Tue, 9 Jul 91 21:25:36 CET from <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <09999C8BBC002D66@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Hi, you have to use 'fig2dev'. It's the program that does all the necessary translations. It's included in the so called transfig- package (also available via ftp). Sorry, I didn't catch the meaning of the '\special'-part of your message. Could you please rephrase it? Jens Pirnay, Institut f. Physik III, Uni regensburg, Germany X400 : pirnay@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.dbp.de BITNET: hru003@djukfa11 10-Jul-1991 12:56:06-GMT,1375;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA02930; Wed, 10 Jul 91 06:56:05 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 10 Jul 1991 06:55 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 5795; Wed, 10 Jul 91 05:55:19 PDT Date: Wed, 10 Jul 91 09:46:26 CET From: "Konrad Blum,Dept.Phys.,Univ.Oldenburg,FRG" <013352@DOLUNI1.BITNET> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Message of Tue, 9 Jul 91 17:34:23 MEZ from <A4424DAA@AWIUNI11> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <0B9FFBA3EC00297B@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU On the Atari ST TeXDraw (1.79) is working very nicely. So to say: it is worth its price ... Regards Konrad Blum <013352$DOLUNI1.BITNET> Renewable Energy Group phone: +49/441/798-3212, -3544 Depart. Phys./ Univ. Oldenburg fax: +49/441/798-3201 P.O.Box 2503 telex: 25655 unol d D-2900 Oldenburg, F.R.G. -International Association for Solar Energy Education - I A S E E IASEE-Newsletter --> Internet: <IASEE$VMXA.HRZ.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE> 11-Jul-1991 9:24:59-GMT,1738;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA08558; Thu, 11 Jul 91 03:24:58 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Thu, 11 Jul 1991 03:24 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 3507; Thu, 11 Jul 91 02:24:10 PDT Date: Thu, 11 Jul 91 11:19:58 CET From: Robert Weissenfels <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> Subject: Re: \special in dvijep etc. In-Reply-To: <DFNGATE:NaTCbW@v*> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <B74C37EE6C003663@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Hi, what I meant about \special is: I'm looking for the sources to get the sun print out `csg' grahics, `gem' bitmaps, metafiles and all that stuff. +--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ weissenfels%bauelemente.e-technik. | | | | | | | | uni-dortmund.dbp.de --+- . __ ___ ___-+-- @relay.cs.net (CSNET, ARPANET) | | / /_ /__/ /_ | | @dfngate.bitnet (BITNET, EARN) +--+ /__ __/ /__/ /__ +--+ @unido.uucp (UUCP) | | __ __ . . __ | | +--+ /_/ /_ /|// /_ +--+ | | / / /_/ / / /_ | | The *A*C*I*D* House --+- -+-- | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ if it's got any meaning, it's mine... |__|__|__|__|__| ###### I want a Sparc Schlepptop to be able to lay in the sun with a sun ###### 11-Jul-1991 13:49:39-GMT,1342;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA10313; Thu, 11 Jul 91 07:49:37 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Thu, 11 Jul 1991 07:49 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6024; Thu, 11 Jul 91 06:48:50 PDT Date: Thu, 11 Jul 91 14:42:10 BST From: Timothy Murphy <tim@MATHS.TCD.IE> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Konrad Blum,Dept.Phys.,Univ.Oldenburg,FRG's message of Wed, 10 Jul 91 09:46:26 CET Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <DC451E752C004D31@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU "Konrad Blum,Dept.Phys.,Univ.Oldenburg,FRG" <013352@DOLUNI1> writes: > On the Atari ST TeXDraw (1.79) is working very nicely. So to say: it is worth > its price ... What exactly *are* TeXCAD and TeXDraw? How much do they cost? Where are they available? How do they compare with Xfig? Timothy Murphy e-mail: tim@maths.tcd.ie tel: +353-1-2842366 (home/office) +353-1-7021507 (university) fax: +353-1-2842295 s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland 11-Jul-1991 14:43:28-GMT,2463;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA10863; Thu, 11 Jul 91 08:43:27 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Thu, 11 Jul 1991 08:43 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6858; Thu, 11 Jul 91 07:42:35 PDT Date: Thu, 11 Jul 91 16:21:44 CET From: Robert Weissenfels <weissenfels@BAUELEMENTE.E-TECHNIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DBP.DE> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: <DFNGATE:NaZa818O*> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <E3C965342C004B47@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU TeXdraw (for Atari ST or better: TT) and (as I've heard) TeXCAD (for PCs) are object oriented screen graphic tools which are able to produce LaTeX (PicTeX, EPiC) compatible output that you can simply include into your documents. A little bit of critic on TeXdraw: On a normal ST, TeXdraw is running fast as a _@_; JENS, DO STH ABOUT THIS!!! On a TT with a TTM 195 it's really worth it's price. Oh, I forgot: It's freeware ;-). +--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ weissenfels%bauelemente.e-technik. | | | | | | | | uni-dortmund.dbp.de --+- . __ ___ ___-+-- @relay.cs.net (CSNET, ARPANET) | | / /_ /__/ /_ | | @dfngate.bitnet (BITNET, EARN) +--+ /__ __/ /__/ /__ +--+ @unido.uucp (UUCP) | | __ __ . . __ | | +--+ /_/ /_ /|// /_ +--+ | | / / /_/ / / /_ | | The *A*C*I*D* House --+- -+-- | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ if it's got any meaning, it's mine... |__|__|__|__|__| ############## It's so hot, even a di sclaimer is meltin g a wa y # # # 11-Jul-1991 14:52:36-GMT,840;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA10961; Thu, 11 Jul 91 08:52:34 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Thu, 11 Jul 1991 08:52 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6976; Thu, 11 Jul 91 07:51:37 PDT Date: Thu, 11 Jul 91 16:34:26 CET From: WONNEBERGER REINHAR <QZDMGN@RUIPC1E.BITNET> Subject: SGML-L Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: WONNEBERGER REINHAR <QZDMGN@RUIPC1E.BITNET> Message-Id: <E50D254CDC004E6C@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I have made several efforts to subscribe to SGML-L at DHDURZ1, without any response so far. Do I miss anything? Reinhard Wonneberger 12-Jul-1991 7:04:35-GMT,1325;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA17188; Fri, 12 Jul 91 01:04:33 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 12 Jul 1991 01:04 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 1286; Fri, 12 Jul 91 00:03:43 PDT Date: Fri, 12 Jul 91 08:59:35 +0200 From: Eberhard Mattes <mattes@AZU.INFORMATIK.UNI-STUTTGART.DE> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <6CD85CD85C006568@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: TEX-EURO%DHDURZ1.bitnet@rusvm1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de Jens Pirnay writes: > Name Machine Features > -------------------------------------------------------------- > TeXCAD IBM-PC 45 % (most of LaTeX's abilities, > no beziers; translates to LaTeX) You have to increase the rating, as TeXcad supports beziers and can use \special commands (interfaced by a macro) for drawing lines of arbitrary slopes. Eberhard Mattes (mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) 12-Jul-1991 12:48:45-GMT,1453;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA18956; Fri, 12 Jul 91 06:48:44 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 12 Jul 1991 06:48 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 2970; Fri, 12 Jul 91 05:47:51 PDT Date: Fri, 12 Jul 91 12:29:14 MES From: Jens Pirnay <HRU003@DJUKFA11.BITNET> Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 12 Jul 91 08:59:35 +0200 from <mattes@AZU.INFORMATIK.UNI-STUTTGART.DE> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <9CEDF1977C006B51@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de Hi, did I miss there something? Where are beziers? Maybe you use a more recent version (mine is numbering 2.7 and I did just check the manual: not even the faintest trace of beziers...). But honestly, the rating isn't that important: personally I am very fond of TeXcad for historical reasons: it was the very first program of its kind I encountered (I was unaware of fig then). OK, if I have you just reading this: do you plan to implement more \specials or even implement tpic? I would be glad to here about your plans. Bye, Jens 12-Jul-1991 15:12:47-GMT,1358;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA19356; Fri, 12 Jul 91 09:12:46 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 12 Jul 1991 09:12 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 5658; Fri, 12 Jul 91 08:11:59 PDT Date: Fri, 12 Jul 91 17:06:39 CET From: ZWEIG@FRSIM51.BITNET Subject: Re: texcad or similar thing for sun? Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <B10BF6701C006D7C@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I use xfig (on an IBM RS/6000), which is probably very close to fig. It can either output PostScript (via the Print menu) or the fig format. The latter must then be translated by transfig (actually, fig2dev) in order to get LaTeX source, which can be used with epic, eepic,... and other macro packages. Pierre Zweigenbaum Bitnet: zweig@frsim51 DIAM (Departement Intelligence Tel: (+33) 1 Artificielle et Medecine) Fax: (+33) 1 45 86 56 85 INSERM U.194 & Service d'Informatique Medicale 91, bd de l'Hopital F-75635 Paris Cedex 13 30-Jul-1991 21:48:03-GMT,3757;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA08251; Tue, 30 Jul 91 15:48:02 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Tue, 30 Jul 1991 15:47 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 8292; Tue, 30 Jul 91 14:47:14 PDT Date: Tue, 30 Jul 91 23:37:00 +0200 From: "Johannes L. Braams" <J.L.Braams@PTTRNL.NL> Subject: Babel files at LISTSERV@HEARN.BITnet refreshed Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <0D3F8C72C201AB44@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: TeX-NL@HEARN, TeX-D-L@DEARN, TeX-Euro@DHDURZ1, UKTEX-SUBMIT@pttrnl.nl, TEXHAX-SUBMIT@pttrnl.nl, BRAAMS@pttrnl.nl Comments: This mail was sent by PMDF V3.1 Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was JL_Braams@PTTRNL.NL Hi, The files that compose the babel system have been refreshed on LISTSERV@HEARN recently. The difference with the previous refreshment is mainly a number of bug-fixes. Below a list can be found of all files currently available in the system. Besides the files mentioned in the list there is also babel.readme and babel.bug (which lists problems and comments since july 8th). Babel.tex can be used to print the whole lot if you have the doc option available. Kind regards, Johannes Braams PTT Research Neher Laboratorium, P.O. box 421, 2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands. Phone : +31 70 3325051 E-mail : JL_Braams@pttrnl.nl Fax : +31 70 3326477 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\filename{babel.doc} \def\fileversion{babel-3.0c} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{croatian.doc} \def\fileversion{croatian-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\fileversion{cyrillic-3.0} \def\filedate{27 may 1991} \def\filename{cyrillic.doc} \def\filename{czech.doc} \def\fileversion{czech-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{danish.doc} \def\fileversion{danish-1.0a} \def\filedate{2 july 1991} \def\filename{dutch.doc} \def\fileversion{dutch-3.2b} \def\filedate{16 july 1991} \def\filename{english.doc} \def\fileversion{english-3.0c} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{esperanto.doc} \def\fileversion{esperanto-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{finnish.doc} \def\fileversion{finnish-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{francais.doc} \def\fileversion{french-4.2a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{germanb.doc} \def\fileversion{germanb-2.2c} \def\filedate{26 july 1991} \def\filename{hyphen.doc} \def\fileversion{hyphen-1.0d} \def\filedate{21 july 91} \def\filename{italian.doc} \def\fileversion{italian-1.0e} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} %\def\filename{latexhax.doc} %\def\fileversion{lhax-1.0c} %\def\filedate{6 june 91} \def\filename{magyar.doc} \def\fileversion{magyar-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{norsk.doc} \def\fileversion{norsk-1.0b} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{portuges.doc} \def\fileversion{portuges-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{romanian.doc} \def\fileversion{romanian-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{russian.doc} \def\fileversion{russian-3.1b} \def\filedate{22 july 1991} \def\filename{slovene.doc} \def\fileversion{slovene-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{spanish.doc} \def\fileversion{spanish-2.1a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} \def\filename{swedish.doc} \def\fileversion{swedish-1.0a} \def\filedate{15 july 1991} 2-Aug-1991 10:48:12-GMT,1304;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA02028; Fri, 2 Aug 91 04:48:11 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 2 Aug 1991 04:48 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 0773; Fri, 02 Aug 91 03:47:25 PDT Date: Fri, 2 Aug 91 12:43:19 +0200 From: Eberhard Mattes <mattes@AZU.INFORMATIK.UNI-STUTTGART.DE> Subject: texcad or similar thing for sun? In-Reply-To: Jens Pirnay's message of Fri, 12 Jul 91 12:29:14 MES <9107121046.AA29994@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <0C9151179201FA2A@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: TEX-EURO%DHDURZ1.bitnet@ibmvm.rus.uni-stuttgart.de Jens Prinay writes: > Hi, did I miss there something? Where are beziers? Maybe you use a more > recent version (mine is numbering 2.7 and I did just check the manual: > not even the faintest trace of beziers...). TeXcad 2.8 is in the emTeX distribution since March (I think). Eberhard Mattes (mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) 2-Aug-1991 14:49:57-GMT,2877;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA02644; Fri, 2 Aug 91 08:49:55 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 2 Aug 1991 08:49 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 3103; Fri, 02 Aug 91 07:49:04 PDT Date: Fri, 2 Aug 91 16:22:44 CET From: Rainer Schoepf <JL2@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Subject: Serious flaw in TUGboat supplement Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <2E55D527C201DB23@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: GUT@FRULM11, INFO-TeX Communication List <info-tex@shsu>, German Tex Users Communication List <TEX-D-L@DEARN>, European TeX Users Communication List <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1>, texhax@cs.washington.edu, uktex@tex.ac.uk X-Cc: "DANTE e.V." <DANTE@DHDURZ1>, Joachim Lammarsch <x92@DHDURZ1>, infoadm@rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de In the TUG resource directory 1991, circulated together with TUGboat issue 12#2, there is a serious error regarding the DANTE ftp server in Stuttgart. The DANTE ftp server is rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] or rusMV1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] BUT NOT rusVM1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] The error appears at several places: - Sources for TeX software - entry for emTeX - TeX archives - entry for Stuttgart =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr. Rainer Schoepf DANTE-Koordinator for Archive Servers Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum ,,Ich mag es nicht, wenn fuer Informationstechnik Berlin sich die Dinge so frueh Heilbronner Str. 10 am Morgen schon so D-1000 Berlin 31 dynamisch entwickeln!'' Federal Republic of Germany Email: <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.de> or <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To access the List Server at Heidelberg send mail to <LISTSERV@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Useful commands for beginners are HELP GET README FIRST TEX To access the DANTE server at Stuttgart, use either FTP to rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] Please do not confuse this with rusvm1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de! An alternate name is rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] or send mail to <mail-server@rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de> Useful commands for beginners are HELP INDEX Submissions should either be put into directory soft/tex/incoming on rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de or mailed to LIST-SUB@DHDURZ1.BITNET. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5-Aug-1991 10:19:39-GMT,942;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA16309; Mon, 5 Aug 91 04:19:36 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 5 Aug 1991 04:19 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 3931; Mon, 05 Aug 91 03:18:48 PDT Date: Mon, 5 Aug 91 11:46:22 MESZ From: R02SCH@DHHDESY3.BITNET Subject: XTex previewer under HP DOMAIN_OS 10.3 (UNIX V) Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <6412245DB2020B24@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU hi, has anyone got the previewer XTEX (not xdvi!) running under HP-Domain_OS SR10.3 (Unix V)? Main problem seems to be the missing Xext-library. any hints? regards, peter k. schilling 19-Aug-1991 16:05:56-GMT,1102;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA13778; Mon, 19 Aug 91 10:05:55 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 19 Aug 1991 10:05 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 7747; Mon, 19 Aug 91 09:04:41 PDT Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 12:03:00 MEZ From: Michael Burschik <UPP201@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET> Subject: Atari TeX dvi drivers & HP emulation Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <94C2DE4862032D02@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I vaguely remember having read (in one of last week's Atari Info digests) that the Atari TeX version will not cooperate with the HP LJ IIP and IIIP. Is this information correct? Are there ways around this problem or do I have to get another printer? Virtually, Mike. 19-Aug-1991 17:32:45-GMT,1758;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA15791; Mon, 19 Aug 91 11:32:44 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 19 Aug 1991 11:32 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 9145; Mon, 19 Aug 91 10:31:42 PDT Date: Fri, 16 Aug 91 12:15:57 CET From: Rainer Schoepf <Schoepf@SC.ZIB-BERLIN.DBP.DE> Subject: Atari TeX dvi drivers & HP emulation Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <A0E53E8582033002@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU "Michael Burschik" <UPP201@DBNRHRZ1.bitnet> asks: I vaguely remember having read (in one of last week's Atari Info digests) that the Atari TeX version will not cooperate with the HP LJ IIP and IIIP. Is this information correct? Are there ways around this problem or do I have to get another printer? I don't believe a word of this. Of which Atari TeX are you talking? There are at least three or four good ones ( and a number of other ones I don't know how good they are). I've never heard about a problem like the one you mention that hasn't be fixed within a short time. Rainer Schoepf Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum ,,Ich mag es nicht, wenn fuer Informationstechnik Berlin sich die Dinge so frueh Heilbronner Strasse 10 am Morgen schon so D-1000 Berlin 31 dynamisch entwickeln!'' Federal Republic of Germany <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de> or <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.de> 19-Aug-1991 23:33:00-GMT,1343;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA17662; Mon, 19 Aug 91 17:32:59 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 19 Aug 1991 17:32 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 5699; Mon, 19 Aug 91 16:31:57 PDT Date: Mon, 19 Aug 91 15:00:29 EDT From: jkl@OSC.EDU Subject: Hyphenation patters for Polish Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <D3392E8AB6000806@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Now, with the availability of dc-fonts for european languages I wish, I had the hyphenation patterns for Polish. Anybody did that? If not, how one does this? Assuming that I typed in (what a dreading prospect...) a Polish dictionary with hyphenation marked as, let say, dzie-le-nie, dzie-le-nia, dzie-le-niu, dzie-l\e{}, dzie-li, etc., then what I do with it? Is there a program which will extract the patterns? Is there a doc which says how to do that? The TeXbook does not say much about it. Thanks in advance for your help (Dzi\e{}kuj\e{}) \def\e{\char"A6} Jan Labanowski jkl@osc.edu JKL@OHSTPY.BITNET 20-Aug-1991 23:20:37-GMT,1266;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA24072; Tue, 20 Aug 91 17:20:35 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Tue, 20 Aug 1991 17:20 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6791; Tue, 20 Aug 91 16:19:30 PDT Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 17:20:30 CET From: YANNIS@FRCITL81.BITNET Subject: Reply to Hyphenation patters for Polish Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <9AA7418766001F78@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Yes they have been done, and if my memory is good (it was written in a TeXline paper) the author was Hanna Kotodziejska (phone 48-22-237681). Here are some people you can ask: Marek Ry\'cko (phone 48-22-237681) Janusz Bie\'n (bitnet jsbien@plearn) Andrzej Odyniec (phone 48-22-237681) Hope this is of any assistance to you, by the way the worldwide coordinator of TeX hyphenation patterns is Mike Fergu- son (mike@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca) Yannis 21-Aug-1991 7:31:24-GMT,2098;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA25986; Wed, 21 Aug 91 01:31:22 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Wed, 21 Aug 1991 01:31 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 9933; Wed, 21 Aug 91 00:30:12 PDT Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 09:01:39 CDT From: Erik-Jan Vens <erikjan@ICCE.RUG.NL> Subject: Re: Atari TeX dvi drivers & HP emulation In-Reply-To: <8AB52E04E0200F56@RUGR86.RUG.NL>; from "Rainer Schoepf" at Aug 16, 91 12:15 pm Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <DF35B6DB5600272D@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Rainer Schoepf dixit: > "Michael Burschik" <UPP201@DBNRHRZ1.bitnet> asks: > I vaguely remember having read (in one of last week's Atari Info digests) > that the Atari TeX version will not cooperate with the HP LJ IIP and IIIP. > Is this information correct? Are there ways around this problem or do I > have to get another printer? > I don't believe a word of this. Of which Atari TeX are you talking? > There are at least three or four good ones ( and a number of other > ones I don't know how good they are). I've never heard about a problem > like the one you mention that hasn't be fixed within a short time. Michael & Rainer, yes, I know of a problem with the ST and the LJ. But as Rainer said, this has nothing to do with TeX. (Surprise? No, of course not. Yesterday I spent a day hacking at WorstPervert, because WP5.0 and WP5.1 are *not very* compatible. A TeX document of 10 years old (almost, after Sept 82) can still be TeX-ed with a 100\% expected similar output). But, the bank with resistors before the printer connector can cause you trouble. If didn't have to do this myself, but I know people who had to saw it out before they could drive the LaserJet. EJee. -- Erik-Jan Vens. erikjan@icce.rug.nl 26-Aug-1991 7:27:32-GMT,2667;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA27187; Mon, 26 Aug 91 01:27:30 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 26 Aug 1991 01:27 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 7421; Mon, 26 Aug 91 00:26:10 PDT Date: Mon, 26 Aug 91 09:22:50 CET From: "Janusz S. Bie/n" <JSBIEN@PLEARN.BITNET> Subject: Polish hyphenation patterns Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <CC7F006A66008338@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU This is a partial answer to the questions of Jan Labanowski. The Polish hyphenation patterns were prepared in the Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University by Hanna Ko{\l}odziejska in 1977; they were described and quoted in extenso in the IInfUW report no 165: @techreport{Kol87, author = "Hanna Ko{\l}odziejska", title = "Dzielenie wyraz\'ow polskich w systemie {\TeX}", institution = "Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego", year = 1987, type = "Sprawozdania", number = "nr.~165" } The patterns are freely available. I send them to everybody requesting them; the archive managers may include them in their archives if they wish to. Polish letters are represented by preceding an appropriate latin letter by commercial at @: @c means \'c, @l means \l and @z means \'z while \.z is represented as @r. I you do not have a non-standard font with Polish letters, you do not need to change anything; of course, only the breaks preceding the first accented letters will be found, but you can live with it. If you have special fonts, you have to edit the file or - better - make the commercial at an active character and define it appropriately. The patterns were designed with the old TeX limitations in mind. For TeX 3.x one has to set \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3 % disallow x- or -xx breaks despite the fact that in principle the correct setting for Polish is \lefthyphenmin=1 \righthyphenmin=2 % allow x- or -xx breaks Using the default TeX 3.x setting is disastrous for the present patterns. By the way, Ko{\l}odziejska is now with MacroSoft, a Polish software house. In Resource Directory 1991 (supplement to TUGboat Vol. 12 No. 2 - not 12 as printed on the cover!) TUG Membership List misspelled her name as Kotodziejska. Janusz S. Bie\'n Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University 13-Sep-1991 10:52:24-GMT,944;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA23250; Fri, 13 Sep 91 04:52:23 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 13 Sep 1991 04:52 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 1904; Fri, 13 Sep 91 03:51:04 PDT Date: Thu, 12 Sep 91 23:00:00 SET From: Alessio Guglielmi <GUGLIELM@IPISNSIB.BITNET> Subject: DVIPS for VM/CMS --- TEXdraw Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <0E19812216024D35@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Can anybody point me to a VM/CMS implementation of Tom Rokicki's DVIPS? Does anyone have made a port of TEXdraw for GMD's VM/CMS DVIPS? Thank you, Alessio 16-Sep-1991 21:28:07-GMT,4076;000000000001 Return-Path: <REY@MATH.AMS.COM> Received: from MATH.AMS.COM by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA16347; Mon, 16 Sep 91 15:26:39 MDT Date: Mon 16 Sep 91 17:28:29-EST From: Ralph Youngen <REY@MATH.AMS.COM> Subject: incremental posting to e-MATH.ams.com To: tex-archive@math.utah.edu, info-tex@shsu.bitnet, texhax@cs.washington.edu, UKTeX%uk.ac.tex@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk, tex-euro@dhdurz1.bitnet Cc: dlr@MATH.AMS.COM, rmg@MATH.AMS.COM, ttk@MATH.AMS.COM, esw@MATH.AMS.COM, mjd@MATH.AMS.COM, ngb@MATH.AMS.COM, jul@MATH.AMS.COM, bnb@MATH.AMS.COM, REY@MATH.AMS.COM Message-Id: <685056509.0.REY@MATH.AMS.COM> Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(229)+TOPSLIB(132)+PONY(256)@MATH.AMS.COM> I wish to thank everyone who has used the recent versions of the AMS products and reported bugs or suggestions to the AMS Technical Support group. The purpose of this mail is to announce an incremental posting of new versions of several files in our TeX distribution on e-MATH.ams.com, subsequent to our major upgrades which were posted on July 2. The version numbers for the products themselves will remain unchanged: AMSFonts and AMS-TeX are version 2.1, and AMS-LaTeX is version 1.1. However, the version numbers embedded into any updated files (listed below) have been incremented by adding a letter to the version number. For example, ams/amsfonts/doc/userdoc.tex is at version 2.1a, but ams/amslatex/doc/amslatex.tex is at version 1.1b because it has been updated twice since version 1.1 of AMS-LaTeX was released. Changes to AMSFonts 2.1 are in the documentation only. Changes to AMS-LaTeX 1.1 are in the documentation, as well as a some bug fixes. See the amslatex.bug file for details. Changes to AMS-TeX 2.1 are in the documentation, as well as a few bug fixes. See the amstex.bug file for details. Changed to files in the author-info area are bug fixes which caused TeX errors to occur in previous versions. Additionally, at the request of several people, we have made tar archives of the AMSFonts pk files available for retrieval by FTP. These tar archives are broken down by resolution and can be found in the main /ams area where the other tar archives live. See the ams/READ.ME file for more details. Below is a list of all files that have changed on e-MATH since the major posting on July 2, 1991 (excluding tar archives). We ask that archive maintainers please consult this list and retrieve these files from e-MATH to update the ams area on your own archive. Archive maintainers should feel free to report any problems or questions concerning this update directly to me at rey@math.ams.com. Bug reports, general questions, or suggestions should continue to be sent to tech-support@math.ams.com. Thank you. Ralph Youngen Supervisor, Technical Support American Mathematical Society Internet: REY@MATH.AMS.COM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ams/amsfonts: 6495 Sep 13 15:18 READ.ME ams/amsfonts/doc: 20351 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.def 29498 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.ins 53989 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.tex ams/amslatex: 19887 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.bug ams/amslatex/doc: 62362 Aug 7 09:45 amsart.doc 15660 Aug 7 09:45 amsbook.doc 16643 Sep 13 15:19 amslatex.aux 158726 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.tex 8853 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.toc 88056 Aug 7 09:48 testart.tex ams/amslatex/inputs: 25709 Aug 7 10:03 amsart.sty 9575 Aug 7 10:03 amsbook.sty 9431 Sep 13 15:19 amsfonts.sty 11304 Sep 13 15:21 fontdef.ams ams/amstex: 5112 Aug 7 10:31 amsppt1.tex 7115 Sep 13 15:23 amstex.bug ams/amstex/doc: 73452 Sep 13 15:22 amsguide.tex 21688 Sep 13 15:22 amstinst.tex ams/author-info/guidelines: 19695 Aug 7 10:14 amsl-art.tex 17716 Aug 7 10:14 amst-art.tex 63170 Aug 7 10:14 amst-gid.tex 12113 Aug 7 10:14 amst-mon.tex ams/author-info/sty-files: 28478 Sep 13 15:23 memo.pkg-amstex ------- 16-Sep-1991 22:18:01-GMT,4387;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA16662; Mon, 16 Sep 91 16:17:59 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 16 Sep 1991 16:17 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6698; Mon, 16 Sep 91 15:16:09 PDT Date: Tue, 17 Sep 91 00:11:07 CET From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.COM> Subject: incremental posting to e-MATH.ams.com Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <C96077F19602603A@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU [ I am forwarding this message at the request of Ralph Youngen (rey@math.ams.com) as he does not have access to this list. -- bb ] Date: Mon 16 Sep 91 17:28:29-EST From: Ralph Youngen <REY@MATH.AMS.COM> Subject: incremental posting to e-MATH.ams.com I wish to thank everyone who has used the recent versions of the AMS products and reported bugs or suggestions to the AMS Technical Support group. The purpose of this mail is to announce an incremental posting of new versions of several files in our TeX distribution on e-MATH.ams.com, subsequent to our major upgrades which were posted on July 2. The version numbers for the products themselves will remain unchanged: AMSFonts and AMS-TeX are version 2.1, and AMS-LaTeX is version 1.1. However, the version numbers embedded into any updated files (listed below) have been incremented by adding a letter to the version number. For example, ams/amsfonts/doc/userdoc.tex is at version 2.1a, but ams/amslatex/doc/amslatex.tex is at version 1.1b because it has been updated twice since version 1.1 of AMS-LaTeX was released. Changes to AMSFonts 2.1 are in the documentation only. Changes to AMS-LaTeX 1.1 are in the documentation, as well as a some bug fixes. See the amslatex.bug file for details. Changes to AMS-TeX 2.1 are in the documentation, as well as a few bug fixes. See the amstex.bug file for details. Changed to files in the author-info area are bug fixes which caused TeX errors to occur in previous versions. Additionally, at the request of several people, we have made tar archives of the AMSFonts pk files available for retrieval by FTP. These tar archives are broken down by resolution and can be found in the main /ams area where the other tar archives live. See the ams/READ.ME file for more details. Below is a list of all files that have changed on e-MATH since the major posting on July 2, 1991 (excluding tar archives). We ask that archive maintainers please consult this list and retrieve these files from e-MATH to update the ams area on your own archive. Archive maintainers should feel free to report any problems or questions concerning this update directly to me at rey@math.ams.com. Bug reports, general questions, or suggestions should continue to be sent to tech-support@math.ams.com. Thank you. Ralph Youngen Supervisor, Technical Support American Mathematical Society Internet: REY@MATH.AMS.COM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ams/amsfonts: 6495 Sep 13 15:18 READ.ME ams/amsfonts/doc: 20351 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.def 29498 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.ins 53989 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.tex ams/amslatex: 19887 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.bug ams/amslatex/doc: 62362 Aug 7 09:45 amsart.doc 15660 Aug 7 09:45 amsbook.doc 16643 Sep 13 15:19 amslatex.aux 158726 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.tex 8853 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.toc 88056 Aug 7 09:48 testart.tex ams/amslatex/inputs: 25709 Aug 7 10:03 amsart.sty 9575 Aug 7 10:03 amsbook.sty 9431 Sep 13 15:19 amsfonts.sty 11304 Sep 13 15:21 fontdef.ams ams/amstex: 5112 Aug 7 10:31 amsppt1.tex 7115 Sep 13 15:23 amstex.bug ams/amstex/doc: 73452 Sep 13 15:22 amsguide.tex 21688 Sep 13 15:22 amstinst.tex ams/author-info/guidelines: 19695 Aug 7 10:14 amsl-art.tex 17716 Aug 7 10:14 amst-art.tex 63170 Aug 7 10:14 amst-gid.tex 12113 Aug 7 10:14 amst-mon.tex ams/author-info/sty-files: 28478 Sep 13 15:23 memo.pkg-amstex ------- 17-Sep-1991 10:29:04-GMT,1253;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA20811; Tue, 17 Sep 91 04:29:02 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Tue, 17 Sep 1991 04:28 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6980; Tue, 17 Sep 91 03:27:52 PDT Date: Tue, 17 Sep 91 11:11:17 CET From: "Janusz S. Bie/n" <JSBIEN@PLEARN.BITNET> Subject: The Joy of TeX Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <2F83B49216027567@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU X-To: plearn-l@ubvm, tex-euro@dhdurz1 In last weeks I received from American Mathematical Society 3 boxes containing together 58 copies of the 2nd edition of "The Joy of TeX" (the handbook of AMS-TeX); however, I got no accompanying letter. I guess this is a gift to Polish TeX users, but I got no answer to my inquiries. As soon as I learn what I am entitled to do with the books, I will post an appropriate note on TeX-Euro@DHDURZ1. Janusz S. Bie\'n Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University 24-Sep-1991 8:33:07-GMT,1385;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA07293; Tue, 24 Sep 91 02:33:06 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Tue, 24 Sep 1991 02:32 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 4735; Tue, 24 Sep 91 01:31:55 PDT Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 10:17:40 CET From: WONNEBERGER REINHAR <QZDMGN@RUIPC1E.BITNET> Subject: End of EARN connection Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: WONNEBERGER REINHAR <QZDMGN@RUIPC1E.BITNET> Message-Id: <9F7A06B0D0004C68@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU To whom it may concern |--------------------| EARN node RUIPC1E (formerly DRUEDS2) will be removed one of these days. Please note that, for the time being, we can no longer be reached network-wise. Please forward this mail to whoever might be affected or interested. Schoene Gruesse Reinhard Wonneberger, Frank Mittelbach |PD Dr. Reinhard Wonneberger ... | qzdmgn @ ruipc1e . BITNET| |EDS +49-6142-80-3115. Fax -3030 | |-------------------------------- |Frank Mittelbach .............. | pzf5hz @ ruipc1e . BITNET| |EDS +49-6142-80-3267. Fax -3030 | |-------------------------------- |... Eisenstr.56 <N15> ......... | |... D 6090 Ruesselsheim ....... | 28-Sep-1991 13:18:45-GMT,10685;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA15145; Sat, 28 Sep 91 07:18:44 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Sat, 28 Sep 1991 07:18 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 4021; Sat, 28 Sep 91 06:17:31 PDT Date: Sat, 28 Sep 91 15:15:14 CET From: UCIR001@FRORS31.BITNET Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <EC0AA790B000D95E@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU HELO FRORS31.BITNET TICK 0001 VERB ON MAIL FROM? <UCIR001@FRORS31.BITNET> RCPT TO? <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1> DATA Date? 91/09/28 at 15H13M59 (French time) To? TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1 From? UCIR001@FRORS31.BITNET (Bernard GAULLE of CIRCE CNRS) Return-Receipt-To? UCIR001@FRORS31.BITNET INMR901I Dataset ** MESSAGE ** from MAILER on FRORS12 Received: from FRORS12.BITNET (UCIR001) by FRORS12.BITNET (Mailer R2.08 R208004) with BSMTP id 0538; Sat, 28 Sep 91 15:09:21 EDT Resent-Date: Sat, 28 Sep 91 15:08:19 EDT Resent-From: Gaulle Bernard <UCIR001@FRORS12.BITNET> Resent-To: BG MVS <UCIR001@FRORS31> X-Resent-Date: Sat, 28 Sep 91 14:57:15 EDT X-Resent-From: Gaulle Bernard <UCIR001@FRORS12.BITNET> X-Resent-To: LSV TEXEURO <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1> From: Ron Whitney <RFW@VAX01.AMS.COM> Subject: TUG92 Message-ID: <685987295.0.RFW@VAX01.AMS.COM> Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(229)+TOPSLIB(132)+PONY(256)@VAX01.AMS.COM> %% Following is the 1992 TeX Users Group Call for Papers %% This is a plain.tex file. Please print up and/or distribute %% as widely as possible. %% Main points: 1992 TUG Meeting in Portland, Oregon %% July 27--30, 1992 %% Theme: `TeX in Context' %% Deadline for Proposals: December 15, 1991 for %% papers, workshops, poster talks, etc. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \long\def\programannouncement{% to put the information at the top % of this file and macros below \title{TUG'92} \conftitle{\TeX\ in Context} \confsubtitle{Resources, Support Tools, and Comparative Studies} \dates{July 27--30, 1992} \programcoordinator{Mimi Lafrenz} \programaddress{ETP Services Co.\\ 2906 Northeast Glisan Street\\ Portland, Oregon 97232-3295\\ \phone{(503) 234-5522}\\ \fax{(503) 234-5604}\\ \email{Mimi@ETP.com}} \programcommittee{Helen Gibson\\Wellcome Institute} \programcommittee{Doug Henderson\\Blue Sky Research} \programcommittee{Ron Whitney\\\TeX\ Users Group} \introduction The 1992 \TeX{} Users Group Annual Meeting will be held in Portland, Oregon. While \TeX{} itself is a powerful formatting and communication tool, \TeX{} alone is not the full story. \TeX{} is supported and enhanced by front-ends, font packages, graphics tools, device drivers, and post-processors. The human \TeX{} working environment requires documentation, instruction, and resource materials. And, as with all programs, \TeX{} needs to be viewed in a wider universe of publishing and document management tools in order for those who use and develop \TeX{} to understand its strengths and weaknesses and the directions in which changes are appropriate. The 1992 \TeX{} User Group Conference will focus on the \TeX{} resource environment, on tools used to support \TeX{}, and on comparative understanding of elements of the \TeX{} world among themselves as well as with products outside that world. In addition to the regular paper presentations, there will also be topical workshops, poster sessions, several extended courses, a networking lunch, and ``Birds of a Feather'' sessions. \callforpapers Contributions are now being sought by the Program Committee for inclusion in the 1992 Meeting. Submissions for papers, workshops, and poster sessions may include material on a wide range of topics related to---but not limited to---the areas suggested below. Selection will be based on originality, applicability, utility and interest to the \TeX-using community. As well, a balance of beginner and advanced levels will be sought. \topiclist \topicarea Supporting Tools \topic Front-ends to \TeX{} \topic Incorporation of graphics in \TeX{} documents \topic Fonts for \TeX{} \topic \TeX{} with PostScript \topicarea Resources \topic \TeX{}ware on the networks \topic Universal access to networks and archives \topic Survey of \LaTeX{} style files \topic Local \TeX{} User Group support \topic Education \topicarea \TeX{} within Larger Environments \topic Exporting \TeX{} output to other applications \topic Document exchange and markup \topic Translation between \TeX{} and word-processors \topic \TeX{} as a database publishing tool \topic Document management systems \topic Uses of \TeX{} within the publishing, academic, research, and commercial typography communities \topicarea Comparative Studies \topic \TeX{} implementations on microcomputers \topic Device driver standards \topic Survey of screen previewers \topic The capabilities of desktop publishing software \endtopiclist \deadlines \deadln December 15, 1991: One page proposals submitted via mail, email, or facsimile to the Program Coordinator. Proposals may be received after this date, but are then subject to considerations of available space in the program. \deadln January 15, 1992: Notification of acceptance. \deadln March 15, 1992: Preliminary paper submitted. \deadln July 1, 1992: Preprint ready. \deadln July 27--30, 1992: Presentation at 1992~\rlap{Meeting.} \deadln August 28, 1992: Final paper. \miscinfo % contact the TUG office at: \phone (401) 751-7760 \fax (401) 751-1071 \email {TUG@Math.AMS.com} } % end of information for Call %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % fonts, macros, etc. \font\tugXCI=cmb10 scaled \magstep2 \font\conftitlefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep4 \font\confsubtitlefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep2 \font\confsubsubtitlefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep2 \font\datefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep0 \font\callfont=cmb10 scaled\magstep1 \font\subheaderfont=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep0 \font\topicareafont=cmsl10 \font\headerfont=cmssbx10 scaled 1095 \font\pcfont=cmr10 \font\pcsfont=cmr9 \font\twelvepoint=cmr12 \font\smallcaps=cmcsc10 at 12pt \font\ninepoint=cmr9 \font\logo=logo9 \def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}} \def\WEB{{\tt WEB}} \catcode`@=11 \def\title#1{\def\@title{#1}} \def\conftitle#1{\def\@conftitle{#1}} \def\confsubtitle#1{\def\@confsubtitle{#1}} \def\dates#1{\def\@dates{#1}} \newcount\c@programcommittee \c@programcommittee=0 \def\programcommittee#1{\advance\c@programcommittee 1 \expandafter\def\csname @programcommittee\the\c@programcommittee \endcsname{#1}} \def\programcoordinator#1{\def\@programcoordinator{#1}} \def\programaddress#1{\def\@programaddress{#1}} \def\phone#1{\quad{\tensl Phone\/}: #1} \def\fax#1{\quad{\tensl FAX\/}: #1} \def\email#1{\quad{\tensl E-mail\/}: $\langle\hbox{\tt#1}\rangle$} % \introduction prints the top-of-page header and sets up the % environment % for the introduction section: \def\introduction{\@topofpageheader\@beginintro} \def\@topofpageheader{% \setbox0\vbox{\leftskip0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt \parfillskip0pt \parindent0pt \hsize0.3\hsize \def\\{\unskip\break} \confsubsubtitlefont \baselineskip16pt 13th Annual \\ \TeX\ Users Group \\ Meeting \\ {\datefont\@dates}\endgraf} \setbox2\vbox{\raggedright \rightskip0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt \def\\{\break} \hsize0.7\hsize \setbox4\hbox{\conftitlefont\spaceskip\z@\@conftitle:} \setbox5\hbox{\tugXCI\@title\hskip2em\callfont Call for Papers} \noindent\copy5\endgraf \vskip3pt \hrule width \wd5 \vskip9pt \noindent\box4\vadjust{\vskip4pt}\\ \confsubtitlefont{\def\\{\unskip\vadjust{\vskip4pt}\hfil\break}% \@confsubtitle}\endgraf} \line{\valign{##\cr \box2\cr \noalign{\hfill} \box0\cr}}\bigskip} \def\@beginintro#1 {\begingroup \twelvepoint\baselineskip15pt \parskip3pt \noindent#1 % {\smallcaps #1 }% } \def\callforpapers{\endgroup\smallskip % \noindent } \def\topiclist{\bgroup \hyphenpenalty=5000 \bigskip \noindent{\headerfont Suggested Topics}\endgraf\ninepoint} \def\topicarea{\let\topic=\@firsttopic\vskip4pt\bgroup%\topicareafont \tensl\noindent} \def\@firsttopic{\unskip\egroup\quad\let\topic=\@othertopics \setbox0=\hbox{$\diamond$ }\copy0\ignorespaces} \def\@othertopics{\ \copy0\ignorespaces} \def\endtopiclist{\endgraf\egroup} \def\deadlines{\let\deadln=\@firstdeadln \let\par=\enddeadlnlist} \def\@firstdeadln{\def\deadln##1:{\endgraf\smallskip\hangindent0pc \leavevmode{\bf##1}:} \setbox8=\vbox\bgroup \setbox0\hbox{} \hsize=.47\hsize \advance\baselineskip 0pt plus 2pt \raggedright \advance\rightskip 0pt plus 1000pt \hyphenpenalty10000 \everypar{{\setbox0=\lastbox}\copy0 } \leftline{\headerfont Deadlines}\deadln} \def\enddeadlnlist{\egroup\let\par=\@@par } \let\@@par=\par % Save definition of \par \def\miscinfo{\setbox9=\vbox{% \hsize=.47\hsize \leftline{\headerfont Program Coordinator} \smallskip \let\\=\cr \pcfont \halign{##\hfil\cr \@programcoordinator\cr \pcsfont \@programaddress\crcr}} \setbox1=\vbox{\hsize=.47\hsize \hbox{\headerfont Program Committee} \smallskip % \let\\=\cr % \def\\{\enspace$\diamond$\enspace}% \def\\{&\enspace$\diamond$\enspace}% \pcsfont \baselineskip=10.5pt % I'll be cheating to get this done a little more quickly \halign{##\hfil&##\hfil\cr \csname @programcommittee1\endcsname\cr \noalign{\smallskip} \csname @programcommittee2\endcsname\cr \noalign{\smallskip} \csname @programcommittee3\endcsname\cr \noalign{\smallskip} \csname @programcommittee4\endcsname\cr}} \bigskip%\bigskip \dimen0=\ht9\advance\dimen0\bigskipamount\advance\dimen0\ht1 \line{\valign{##\cr\box8\cr\noalign{\hfil}\vbox{\box9\bigskip\box1}\cr}} \bigskip \bigskip % \leftline{\headerfont \TeX\ Users Group} % \smallskip\noindent\rm} \noindent{\headerfont \TeX\ Users Group}\quad\rm} \def\OKitsdone{\eject\end} \newcount\TestCount \def\La{\TestCount=\the\fam \leavevmode L\raise.42ex \hbox{$\fam\TestCount\scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$}} \def\LaTeX{\La\kern-.15em\TeX} \catcode`\@=12 \vsize 60pc \nopagenumbers \overfullrule=0pt \programannouncement \OKitsdone ------- INMR900I ------------------------------------------------------------------ QUIT 28-Sep-1991 16:28:36-GMT,6057;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA15558; Sat, 28 Sep 91 10:28:35 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Sat, 28 Sep 1991 10:28 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 5420; Sat, 28 Sep 91 09:27:22 PDT Date: Sat, 28 Sep 91 18:22:00 +0100 From: KNAPPEN@VKPMZD.KPH.UNI-MAINZ.DE Subject: Forwarded: Project Gutenberg Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <0690036E9000D527@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Since the Project Gutenberg was mentioned at the TeXeuro conference, I forward this piece of information: Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1991 13:01:51 EDT From: Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear <@UNIDO.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE:EDITORS@BROWNVM.bitnet> Subject: 5.0336 Project Gutenberg Update (1/90) Sender: "HUMANIST: Humanities Computing" <@UNIDO.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE:HUMANIST@BROWNVM.bitnet> To: BSMTP <knappen@VKPMZD.KPH.Uni-Mainz.de> Reply-to: Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear <@UNIDO.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE:EDITORS@BROWNVM.bitnet> Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0336. Sunday, 22 Sep 1991. Reposting: Project Gutenberg Update Date: Sun, 22 Sep 91 09:30:32 CDT From: "Michael S. Hart" <HART@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu> Subject: Riding the Growth Curve As most of you are aware, Project Gutenberg has been doubling its output every year for twenty years since we first produced a small file with an electronic copy of the Declaration of Independence back in 1971. This year we are releasing much larger files each month, planning on two files a month in 1992, four a month in 1993, etc, until we have produced and released 10,000 titles in our target year of 2001. So far hardware, software and volunteers have all kept pace with our plans, and we are on the right place in our growth curve as planned for the thirty year space between 1971 and 2001. So far our plans for hardware advances meshing with our needs have been right on target. What we didn't plan for was the need for so much administrivia, accounting, legal, etc. Anyone you could send our way in any of these areas would be greatly appreciated. Those of you who have watched the development of Project Gutenberg over the years have been aware that it has basically been paid for out of pocket and operated in a very unofficial manner, without an official relationship with the University of Illinois, or even one with Illinois Benedictine College until a little over a year ago. This year we have already distribed more etexts, and to more users than in our entire previous history. Thus you may also be aware I am not going to be able to continue to keep things running in this manner for much longer. Many of our categories are running as smoothly as possible, a true reflection of the support and planning which has gone into Project Gutenberg over the two previous decades. Etexts are coming in and the present time is undoubtedly the last in which I could ever say I have been directly involved in the creation of half the etext we have posted. From now on, until we can find someone else who will shoulder admistrative responsbilities, I will be more adminstrator than etext producer, a situation I would love to see remedied. In the current batch of etexts we are sending out this year, I have a direct role in only half of them, though of course I have to edit, proofread and send each etext to other editors and proofreaders. I enjoy the creation and distribution of etext much more than this admistrative position, in which I fear sinking without much trace, into the quagmire of legalese and accounting. If anyone adopted a portion of all of Project Gutenberg into an organization that is a present doer of all the legal and accounting stuff, then perhaps I could return to concentrating on the creation and the distribution of etext, as oppposed to. . . . Surely there must be a library, college or corporation out there-- one who could put us under their wing, protect us from the heebie- jeebies, and just let us continue distributing what we hope should be a total of ten thousand titles to one hundred million users for a total of one trillion dollars' worth if we value each at $1. All suggestions are welcome. As some of you are aware the project is taking all my time and energy these days, and I am invited to a conference to speak about Project Gutenberg about every six weeks, which has been fun and worthwhile, and perhaps helped me keep this small grasp on sanity, but nevertheless is a little exhausting and of course the email and work piles up when I am gone. I hope you realize the doubling the output of Project Gutenberg is a growth curve no individual could ride for more than just another year or so, without massive support to stay in the saddle; that is really all I have to do, as support in the creation of etexts, our hardware and software, and all other areas, is doing quite well. For those of you who for whom I have not yet made this clear, both my apologies for not doing so, and also not to worry, as it should become clear in the next few months before our 21st anniversary on March 21, 1992. ----------------------------------------------------- | The trend of library policy is clearly toward | the ideal of making all information available | without delay to all people. | |The Software Toolworks Illustrated Encyclopedia (TM) |(c) 1990 Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. Thank you for your interest, Michael S. Hart, Director, Project Gutenberg National Clearinghouse for Machine Readable Texts The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of any person or institution. Neither Prof Hart nor Project Gutenberg have any official contacts with the University of Illinois. 28-Sep-1991 17:51:39-GMT,1380;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA15779; Sat, 28 Sep 91 11:51:37 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Sat, 28 Sep 1991 11:51 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6123; Sat, 28 Sep 91 10:50:18 PDT Date: Sat, 28 Sep 91 12:47:40 -0500 From: Stephan Bechtolsheim <svb@CS.PURDUE.EDU> Subject: Forwarded: Project Gutenberg In-Reply-To: KNAPPEN@VKPMZD.KPH.UNI-MAINZ.DE's message of Sat, 28 Sep 91 18:22:00 +0100 <199109281628.AA18599@arthur.cs.purdue.edu> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <122728D16000DD3F@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I just looked through that posting and I have one question: you printed that text left and right flush and there are always simple spaces between words (except for after periods where there is a double space): HOW MUCH TIME did it take to edit the text so it would come out like that? Greetings. Stephan v. Bechtolsheim Computer Sciences Department svb@cs.purdue.edu Computer Science Building (317) 494 7802 Purdue University FAX: (317) 494 0739 West Lafayette, IN 47907 29-Sep-1991 16:22:28-GMT,995;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA03914; Sun, 29 Sep 91 10:22:26 MDT Received: from UCBCMSA.BITNET (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Sun, 29 Sep 1991 10:22 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.04) id 6117; Sun, 29 Sep 91 09:21:08 PDT Date: Sun, 29 Sep 91 17:35:00 +0100 From: KNAPPEN@VKPMZD.KPH.UNI-MAINZ.DE Subject: Re: Forwarded: Project Gutenberg Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <CEDE4355C000E474@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Dear Stefan, I didn't edit the text myself, so I cannot tell how long it took the author to prepare it. But I've seen this kind of texts quite often, so I think there exist some editors which do this automatically. Yours, J"org Knappen. 2-Dec-1991 13:40:46-GMT,841;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA08854; Mon, 2 Dec 91 06:40:45 MST Received: from cmsa.Berkeley.EDU (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Mon, 2 Dec 1991 06:40 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.08 R208004) id 9573; Mon, 02 Dec 91 05:40:22 PST Date: Fri, 29 Nov 91 18:41:27 +0100 From: YANNIS@FRCITL81.BITNET Subject: Reply to Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <FA8121A1E0032E21@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU I received a 258 lines file talking about theories and logic, may I know what this has to do with TeX?? Yannis 27-Dec-1991 0:55:31-GMT,1316;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA00723; Thu, 26 Dec 91 17:55:30 MST Received: from cmsa.Berkeley.EDU (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Thu, 26 Dec 1991 17:55 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.08 R208004) id 4295; Thu, 26 Dec 91 16:54:54 PST Date: Fri, 27 Dec 91 01:46:03 MDT From: Petr Novotny <KOZUSKO@CSEARN.BITNET> Subject: Searching for fonts Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <34BDED8FE202545E@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU Hello everybody! I'm trying to get MetaFont sources for elf fonts as they were defined by J.R.R.Tolkien (esp. Feanorian characters and Daeron runes). Does anybody have them? Have they been created? Should I try to create them myself? +--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--+ Petr Novotny BITNET: KOZUSKO@CSEARN Prague Tel (voice): (42-2) 8550778 Czechoslovakia "Naur an edraith ammen! Naur dan i ngaurhoth!" +--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--+ 27-Dec-1991 8:34:00-GMT,1678;000000000001 Return-Path: <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.Berkeley.EDU> Received: from cc.utah.edu by math.utah.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1-utah-csc-server) id AA01837; Fri, 27 Dec 91 01:33:57 MST Received: from cmsa.Berkeley.EDU (MAILER@UCBCMSA) by CC.UTAH.EDU with PMDF#10043; Fri, 27 Dec 1991 01:33 MST Received: by UCBCMSA (Mailer R2.08 R208004) id 5970; Fri, 27 Dec 91 00:33:11 PST Date: Fri, 27 Dec 91 09:29:25 SET From: Alessio Guglielmi <GUGLIELM@IPISNSIB.BITNET> Subject: Re: Searching for fonts In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 27 Dec 91 01:46:03 MDT from <KOZUSKO@CSEARN> Sender: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> To: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu> Reply-To: TeX-Euro Distribution List for European TeX Users <TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1.BITNET> Message-Id: <74C4E07A7202072F@CC.UTAH.EDU> X-Envelope-To: beebe@MATH.UTAH.EDU On Fri, 27 Dec 91 01:46:03 MDT Petr Novotny said: >I'm trying to get MetaFont sources for elf fonts as they were defined >by J.R.R.Tolkien (esp. Feanorian characters and Daeron runes). Does anybody >have them? Have they been created? Should I try to create them myself? There is a font named Tengwar in ymir.claremont.edu archive, in anonymous.tex.mf.tengwar directory. I think it could be what you are searching for. Alessio ___ / / ____/ ____/ ____/ / ___ / guglielm@ipisnsib.bitnet / / / / / / / / / alessio@ipisnsib.bitnet ___ / / __/ ____ / ____ / / / / guglielmi@ipisnsva.bitnet / / / / / / / / / guglielmi@vaxsns.infn.it _/ / _____/ _____/ _____/ _____/ _/ _____/ guglielm@di.unipi.it